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All Ears English, 48- Are YOU the Problem? How to Learn English If You Are Shy

48- Are YOU the Problem? How to Learn English If You Are Shy

Are YOU the Problem? How to Learn English If You Are Shy

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 48: Wisdom Wednesday, “What to Do if the Problem Is YOU!” [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn how to get over your shyness if you're trying to learn English here in the US and you're not seeing the improvement that you were expecting.


Lindsay: Hey Gabby. What's happenin' (happening)?

Gabby: Hey Lindsay. Not much. How you doing?

Lindsay: I'm doing great and (uh), I wanna (want to) address (uh) – today we're

gonna (going to) talk a little bit about an interesting issue, a big problem

for a lot of students. I've had a couple of conversations recently with students who feel really strongly about this problem.





And that is (um), some, (you know), some students might be here in the US and, (you know), they've actually come here with the number one goal to learn English, but they also have taken with them their personality. Maybe they're a little bit shy, a little bit passive and there's nothing wrong with that, that's okay. But what can students do in this situation because they're stuck and they're not approaching people and they're not actually practicing Gabby:

Right. It's an interesting question because it's hard to admit that maybe you might be the problem for why your spoken English is not progressing as quickly as you want it to. And I think, Lindsay, you and I have different points of view on this.

So I would say, (you know), it's okay, be who you are. There are ways that you can practice speaking English on your own. (You know) you can be shy and still improve your spoken English, (like), (you know) immerse yourself through movies, watching TV, through podcasts, so that you're listening to a lot of English and you're absorbing all that language, the pronunciation and the vocabulary and everything. And then you could actually practice speaking on your own. (You know) you could read out loud, you could practice having conversations even on your own. Maybe it sounds a little weird, but you have to practice. And if it's on your own, that's fine. If, (you know), if you're a little shy that might work well for you. You can even record yourself and then listen to yourself. So I say if you're shy, just embrace yourself, don't get down on yourself, like ‘Oh, I should go out more, blah, blah, blah.' Don't get down on yourself, just keep practicing on your own.



I don't know. I, I would actually come at it from more of a ‘tough

love' perspective, okay. So that means that – listen guys, English is a spoken language. English is a spoken language, so you need to speak. So well, I actually agree with you, definitely with the compassion aspect you need to be who you are, you don't need to get so upset with yourself. At the same time, you need to push yourself a little bit, because learning a language is kind of an inner journey too. And so it's an opportunity to push our edges, push ourselves, learn to… Gabby:

Get out of your comfort zone.


Get out of your comfort zone.

It's, it's about developing yourself as a person.




Okay. So that means – what I would say is- speak. Push yourself to speak, but think about the context, where are you gonna (going to) go and speak. Would you rather join a, for example, the Boston Coffee Shop Meetup as opposed to the Boston English Language Meetup where you're out having a drink and there's (there are) so many people and you feel intimidated. Maybe you'd rather sit around a small table with five people and practice instead of 25 people in a bar. What's the context where you're going to speak? But in the end, go out and speak. Use these materials as supplemental materials, but speak. Practice speaking.


Yeah, I do agree, but I have to say if you are shy, I think you need a little more preparation time to work up your confidence, so if you think that you're a shy person, use some time, create some space for yourself to practice on your own in the comfort of your own room and get your confidence up so that when you do go in that social situation, you're ready to use the English that you've prepared and practiced on your own.



Definitely. And I think, again, in the end, don't use the feeling that you're shy or your shyness or whatever embarrassment you have about your own character as an excuse… Gabby:



…for not improving ‘cause (because) you're here in the US. You've come here to improve, and you've gotta (got to) improve.



Step one, you gotta (got to) admit that YOU might be the problem

and then, (you know), take action, take steps to prepare yourself to get

out there and speak to real people out in the real world, outside your room.


Absolutely. And we're here to help you guys with that.




So no worries, no worries.




And good luck.


Yeah, good luck ya'll (you all).


Ya'll (you all)?


Gabby: Hey guys. Our email list is the only way that we can send you a free e-book

on how to learn English through a podcast, exclusive information from us, and new offers and materials that we have coming out very soon. So please get on our email list at allearsenglish.com [Instrumental]

Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time!

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 49: “The Power of Thought on

Your English Skills.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, learn about what your brain is wired to focus on and find out how to override negative patterns to become a better English speaker.


Gabby: Hi Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. Feeling excellent

Gabby: Good. Good. (Um), so I know today is a ‘Deep Thoughts Thursday' and we have a quote to share with you guys. (Um) Lindsay you have that quote right?

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48- Are YOU the Problem? How to Learn English If You Are Shy 48- Sind SIE das Problem? Wie man Englisch lernt, wenn man schüchtern ist 48- ¿Eres TÚ el Problema? Cómo aprender inglés si eres tímido 48- C'est VOUS le problème ? Comment apprendre l'anglais si vous êtes timide 48- 問題はあなた?シャイな人の英語学習法 48- O problema é SEU? Como aprender inglês se fores tímido 48 - Проблема в Вас? Как учить английский, если вы стесняетесь 48 - 你是问题所在吗?如果你害羞如何学习英语 48 - 你是問題所在嗎?如果你害羞如何學習英語 48 - 你是問題所在嗎?如果你害羞如何學習英語

Are YOU the Problem? How to Learn English If You Are Shy

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 48: Wisdom Wednesday, “What to Do if the Problem Is YOU!” [Instrumental] Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 48 集:智慧星期三,“如果問題是你,該怎麼辦!” [器樂]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn how to get over your shyness if you're trying to learn English here in the US and you're not seeing the improvement that you were expecting. |||||||||||timidezza|||||||||||||||||||| Lindsay:在這一集中,如果您想在美國學習英語但沒有看到預期的進步,您將學習如何克服害羞。


Lindsay: Hey Gabby. What's happenin' (happening)? |发生什么| |何が起こってる|

Gabby: Hey Lindsay. Not much. 不多。 How you doing?

Lindsay: I'm doing great and (uh), I wanna (want to) address (uh) – today we're Lindsay:我做得很好並且(呃),我想要(想要)演講(呃)-今天我們

gonna (going to) talk a little bit about an interesting issue, a big problem 將(將)談論一個有趣的問題,一個大問題

for a lot of students. I've had a couple of conversations recently with students who feel really strongly about this problem. ||||||||learners||||very strongly||| 最近,我與一些對這個問題有強烈感受的學生進行了幾次對話。

Gabby: Gabby speaking

Yeah. agreement or affirmation

Lindsay: name of person

Yeah. affirmative response

And that is (um), some, (you know), some students might be here in the US and, (you know), they've actually come here with the number one goal to learn English, but they also have taken with them their personality. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||个性 Et c'est (um), certains, (vous savez), certains étudiants pourraient être ici aux États-Unis et, (vous savez), ils sont en fait venus ici avec l'objectif numéro un d'apprendre l'anglais, mais ils ont aussi pris avec eux leur personnalité. 那是(嗯),一些,(你知道),一些學生可能在美國,(你知道),他們實際上來到這裡的首要目標是學習英語,但他們也採取了他們的個性。 Maybe they're a little bit shy, a little bit passive and there's nothing wrong with that, that's okay. |||||||||被动|||||||| 也許他們有點害羞,有點被動,這沒有什麼問題,沒關係。 But what can students do in this situation because they're stuck and they're not approaching people and they're not actually practicing Gabby: ||||||||||動けない||||||||||| 但在這種情況下,學生們能做什麼,因為他們陷入了困境,他們沒有接近別人,也沒有真正練習愛說話:

Right. It's an interesting question because it's hard to admit that maybe you might be the problem for why your spoken English is not progressing as quickly as you want it to. |||||||||||||||||||||||进步||||||| 這是一個有趣的問題,因為很難承認也許你就是你的英語口語進步沒有你想要的那麼快的問題所在。 And I think, Lindsay, you and I have different points of view on this. 我認為,林賽,你和我對此有不同的觀點。

So I would say, (you know), it's okay, be who you are. 所以我會說,(你知道),沒關係,做你自己。 There are ways that you can practice speaking English on your own. 您可以透過多種方法自己練習說英語。 (You know) you can be shy and still improve your spoken English, (like), (you know) immerse yourself through movies, watching TV, through podcasts, so that you're listening to a lot of English and you're absorbing all that language, the pronunciation and the vocabulary and everything. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||吸收|||||||||| (你知道)你可以害羞,但仍然可以提高你的英語口語,(例如),(你知道)讓自己沉浸在電影、電視、播客中,這樣你就可以聽很多英語並且吸收所有的語言、發音、詞彙等等。 And then you could actually practice speaking on your own. 然後你就可以自己練習口說了。 (You know) you could read out loud, you could practice having conversations even on your own. (你知道)你可以大聲朗讀,你甚至可以自己練習對話。 Maybe it sounds a little weird, but you have to practice. Perhaps||seems||somewhat|strange|||||rehearse 也許聽起來有點奇怪,但你必須練習。 And if it's on your own, that's fine. ||||||that is|acceptable 如果是你自己的話,那也很好。 If, (you know), if you're a little shy that might work well for you. ||understand||you are|||||||suitably|| 如果,(你知道),如果你有點害羞,這可能適合你。 You can even record yourself and then listen to yourself. |are able to||audio yourself|your own voice|and then|after that||| 您甚至可以錄製自己的聲音,然後聽自己的聲音。 So I say if you're shy, just embrace yourself, don't get down on yourself, like ‘Oh, I should go out more, blah, blah, blah.' |||||||接纳自己|||||||||||||||| |||||||自分を受け入れて|||||||||||||||| 所以我說,如果你害羞,就擁抱自己,不要貶低自己,例如“哦,我應該多出去走走,等等,等等。” Don't get down on yourself, just keep practicing on your own. 不要貶低自己,繼續自己練習。



I don't know. I, I would actually come at it from more of a ‘tough |||||||||||dura Je, j'y arriverais en fait plus d'un 'dur Я, вообще-то, подхожу к этому с более жесткой позиции. 我,我實際上會從更“艱難的角度”來解決這個問題

love' perspective, okay. |quan điểm| point de vue de l'amour, d'accord. с точки зрения любви, хорошо. 愛的角度,好。 So that means that – listen guys, English is a spoken language. 這意味著——聽著,英語是一種口語。 English is a spoken language, so you need to speak. 英語是一種口語,所以你需要說。 So well, I actually agree with you, definitely with the compassion aspect you need to be who you are, you don't need to get so upset with yourself. ||||||||||同情心|方面|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||思いやり|||||||||||||||動揺する|| ||||||||||sự đồng cảm|||||||||||||||buồn bã|| 好吧,我實際上同意你的觀點,絕對是你需要同情心才能成為你自己,你不需要對自己感到如此不安。 At the same time, you need to push yourself a little bit, because learning a language is kind of an inner journey too. ||||||||||||||||||||内心的|| 同時,你需要給自己一點壓力,因為學習語言也是一種內在的旅程。 And so it's an opportunity to push our edges, push ourselves, learn to… Gabby: ||||||||边界||||| ||||||||限界||||| 所以這是一個突破我們的優勢、推動自己、學習…的機會 Gabby:

Get out of your comfort zone. 走出你的舒適圈。


Get out of your comfort zone. 走出你的舒適圈。

It's, it's about developing yourself as a person. |||发展|||| 這是關於發展自己作為一個人。




Okay. So that means – what I would say is- speak. 所以這意味著——我想說的是——說話。 Push yourself to speak, but think about the context, where are you gonna (going to) go and speak. 強迫自己說話,但要考慮一下上下文,你要去哪裡說話。 Would you rather join a, for example, the Boston Coffee Shop Meetup as opposed to the Boston English Language Meetup where you're out having a drink and there's (there are) so many people and you feel intimidated. |||||||||||||||||||cuộc gặp mặt||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||感到害怕 例如,您是否願意參加波士頓咖啡店聚會,而不是波士頓英語聚會,在波士頓英語聚會中,您出去喝一杯,那裡有很多人,您會感到害怕。 Maybe you'd rather sit around a small table with five people and practice instead of 25 people in a bar. 也許您更願意 5 個人圍坐在一張小桌子旁練習,而不是在酒吧裡 25 個人。 What's the context where you're going to speak? ||文脈||||| 你要講話的背景是什麼? But in the end, go out and speak. 但最終還是要出去說話。 Use these materials as supplemental materials, but speak. ||||补充材料||| ||||補足的な||| 使用這些材料作為補充材料,但要說話。 Practice speaking. 練習說話。


Yeah, I do agree, but I have to say if you are shy, I think you need a little more preparation time to work up your confidence, so if you think that you're a shy person, use some time, create some space for yourself to practice on your own in the comfort of your own room and get your confidence up so that when you do go in that social situation, you're ready to use the English that you've prepared and practiced on your own. ||||||||||||||||||||准备|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 是的,我確實同意,但我不得不說,如果你害羞,我認為你需要多一點準備時間來增強你的自信,所以如果你認為你是一個害羞的人,請花一些時間,創造一些空間讓自己在舒適的房間裡自己練習,增強信心,這樣當你真正進入那種社交場合時,你就可以使用你自己準備和練習的英語了。



Definitely. And I think, again, in the end, don't use the feeling that you're shy or your shyness or whatever embarrassment you have about your own character as an excuse… Gabby: |||||||||||||||||||恥ずかしさ|||||||||| 我想,最後,不要用你害羞的感覺或你的害羞或你對自己性格的任何尷尬作為藉口...... Gabby:



…for not improving ‘cause (because) you're here in the US. ……沒有進步,因為(因為)你在美國。 You've come here to improve, and you've gotta (got to) improve. 你來到這裡是為了進步,而且你必須(必須)進步。



Step one, you gotta (got to) admit that YOU might be the problem 第一步,你必須承認你可能是問題所在

and then, (you know), take action, take steps to prepare yourself to get 然後,(你知道),採取行動,採取措施讓自己做好準備

out there and speak to real people out in the real world, outside your room. 走出去,與現實世界中、在你房間之外的真實的人交談。


Absolutely. And we're here to help you guys with that. 我們是來幫助你們的。




So no worries, no worries. 所以不用擔心,不用擔心。




And good luck.


Yeah, good luck ya'll (you all).


Ya'll (you all)? あなたたち||


Gabby: Hey guys. Our email list is the only way that we can send you a free e-book 我們的電子郵件清單是我們向您發送免費電子書的唯一方式

on how to learn English through a podcast, exclusive information from us, and new offers and materials that we have coming out very soon. So please get on our email list at allearsenglish.com [Instrumental] 因此,請造訪我們的電子郵件清單 allearsenglish.com [Instrumental]

Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time!

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 49: “The Power of Thought on

Your English Skills.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, learn about what your brain is wired to focus on and find out how to override negative patterns to become a better English speaker. ||||||||||连接|||||||||克服||模式|||||| ||||||||||配線されている|||||||||上書きする|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||sopraffare||||||||


Gabby: Hi Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. Feeling excellent

Gabby: Good. Good. (Um), so I know today is a ‘Deep Thoughts Thursday' and we have a quote to share with you guys. (Um) Lindsay you have that quote right?