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All Ears English, 42- Get 18 Ways to End an English Email Like a Boss

42- Get 18 Ways to End an English Email Like a Boss

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 42: Meeting Monday, “How to End an Email like a Boss.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In today's episode, you'll learn how to stop ruining your email correspondences and you'll get 18 awesome ways to end an email in English.


Lindsay: Hey Gabby. How's it going?

Gabby: Good. Hey Lindsay.

Lindsay: How you feeling today? Everything cool?

Gabby: Great. Everything's super cool.

Good. I'm happy to be recording again here. And today we're gonna (going to) talk about how to end an email.

Gabby: Yeah.

I'm really excited for this topic ‘cause (because) I know (um) at least one –if not a few a few students have requested this topic.

Lindsay: Yeah.

We got a question from one of our students here about how to actually end an email and how the endings that you choose sound and what kind of feeling you convey through those endings.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So let's get into it.

Gabby: All right. So we're gonna (going to) go through different endings by categories and we're gonna (going to) share endings that we personally use and give you some different ideas of, (you know), how they sound to other people. So let's start off, (um), with business endings.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: So more formal.

Lindsay: So (mm-hm). So you're in the office and you're writing an email to your boss or maybe to a colleague or something, a client even, what would you – what's one idea, Gabby?

Gabby: “Best regards” That's one of my favorites.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: And, oh yeah, you can shorten it. You could say just “Best” or you could just say “Regards” Lindsay: Absolutely. Those are great ones. You can also say “Warm regards” if you wanna (want to) soften it up a little bit and make it a little bit more friendly.

Gabby: Yeah.

(Um) you could just say “Respectfully” (Um) that's another way to end a business email.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby:I think those are the most common ones that I would use. And like I said, I often, I often go with “Best regards”.

Lindsay: Definitely. Along those lines, something similar, but if we're in an academic setting and we're writing to a professor or maybe, maybe a classmate, something like that, what could we say?


Well, any of the business endings would be great. You could also say “Thank you,” or “Thanks so much”. (Um) some things not to do if you're emailing your professor, (um) don't use abbreviations like (um) (like) ‘CU' (like) the letter ‘C' and the letter ‘U'. That's really informal. It's really just for text, (uh), texting your friends.




It's not (like) for emailing your professors. So keep it formal and when in doubt, just say “Thank you” Lindsay:

And also don't forget to include your name.






Happens a lot. So – yeah remember your professors work with a lot of students, so they, they need to know your name.


And let's get down to the casual stuff, emailing with your friends, someone you're close to, family… Gabby:

(Mm-hm). Yeah.

(Um) what could you say? We could say “Take care”.


(Mm-hm). “Take care” is really good. It shows that you care about the person.




“All the Best” is kind of a general (uh) ending.


(Uh-huh) (um) with a closer friend, like your best friend, you could say Lindsay:

“Hugs”. You could say “Love” or “XO”. So just the letter ‘x' and the letter ‘o'. So ‘X' means kiss, ‘O' means hug.


That's common with people you're really close with. You could also say if it's just a friend, you could say “Talk soon”. “Speak soon”.


(Um) “See you later” or just “Later”.


Or “See ya (you) later”.


“See ya”


“See ya' later.”


Yeah, yeah.


(Um) “Cheers”.


Yeah, some people say “Cheers,” or “Ciao.”




It has kind of an international flavor to it.


If you're kind of a cosmopolitan type I guess.







So I would say, (you know), when in doubt, try to go for the more formal ending. (Um), it just, it sounds better. It's (um), it's, it's always okay to say “Thank you.” (Um) but we do have variations depending on, (you know), where you are in the US, like different regions. Also what kind of image you want to put out there about yourself. So if you want to be seen or perceived as a warmer person, you might use an ending like “Warm regards” or “All the Best” in a business situation. If you want to be more formal and (um) (you know) more reserved, you could just use an ending like “Regards.” Lindsay:

Definitely. So it all depends on the image you want to project. Your own kind of – I guess we could even say (like) your personal brand, right?




Who you are. And the one last thing that we really want to remind you guys, please don't end an email with “Bye” or “Good-bye”. Why?


It's very final. That means – really you don't want to talk to me again.


Or it's really just spoken. Right.





It's spoken.


On the telephone, right? If I end a conversation, I hang up the phone, I can say “Bye” or “Good-bye”, but not for an email.


Absolutely. So keep in mind these tips guys. And (uh) this is just how to end an email. Other episodes, we're gonna (going to) talk about how to begin an email, how to build an email, subject lines, all kinds of good stuff that we're gonna (going to) get into right?





All right guys. Good luck with your emails.


Thanks ya'll (you all).



Hey guys. I wanted to let you know that one of my video lectures is all about how to end an email. It's part of the “ESL Troubleshooting” course that I have.



It sounds really cool. So what kind of students could benefit from this, these video courses that you made?


Intermediate level English Speakers, (um), from all different areas like professionals, (uh) university students, just if you're working on your conversational ability too, there's (there are) 65 video lectures in this full course. It's a, it's a full video course and there's (there are) quizzes and other materials included in it and different topics from how to write an email to improving your pronunciation and different phrases for conversation. So the point of the course is really to fill in those gaps where you guys have a lot of challenges. So it's really worthwhile. There's probably gonna (going to) be something that you've had a challenge with and that you could improve in this course. If you're interested, check it out at my website GoNaturalEnglish.com.



I'm glad you made that ‘cause (because) email writing is a big problem for students and, (you know), specifically that issue is one of the gaps.


Yeah, yeah.

And, and in the course you'll learn how to start, how to end an email, (uh) and a lot of other topics. So come on and check it out.






So we want to encourage you guys to sign up for our email list and if you do sign up for the email list, you'll have a chance to get our e-book, “Ten Ways to Use a Podcast to Learn English.”


You get that immediately, instantly, for free as soon as you sign up.


Yep and also there's something really exciting coming up. People who are on the email list are gonna (going to) be able to get exclusive content. (Um), we're not gonna (going to) say anything about it right now because it's coming later, but get on that email list. You don't want to miss it.


Yeah, it's the only way that we'll be able to send you exclusive content coming out that's related to the podcast.



So we're excited to have you guys as a part of our email community. So come on over to www.allearsenglish.com and we will see you there.

Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

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42- Get 18 Ways to End an English Email Like a Boss 42- Erhalten Sie 18 Möglichkeiten, eine englische E-Mail wie ein Boss zu beenden 42- Consigue 18 maneras de terminar un email en inglés como un jefe 42- Obtenez 18 façons de terminer un e-mail en anglais comme un patron 42- Ottenere 18 modi per concludere un'e-mail in inglese come un boss 42- 상사처럼 영어 이메일을 끝내는 18가지 방법 알아보기 42- Uzyskaj 18 sposobów na zakończenie angielskiego e-maila jak szef 42- Obter 18 maneiras de terminar um e-mail em inglês como um chefe 42- İngilizce Bir E-postayı Patron Gibi Bitirmenin 18 Yolunu Öğrenin 42- 18 种像老板一样结束英语电子邮件的方法 42 - 像老闆一樣結束英文電子郵件的 18 種方法 42 - 像老闆一樣結束英文電子郵件的 18 種方法

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 42: Meeting Monday, “How to End an Email like a Boss.” Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 42 集:週一會議,“如何像老闆一樣結束電子郵件。”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. ||||||||||||||English| Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In today's episode, you'll learn how to stop ruining your email correspondences and you'll get 18 awesome ways to end an email in English. |||||||||毁坏|||邮件往来||||||||||| ||||||||||||correspondences||||great||||||| |||||||||台無しにする|||メールのやり取り||||||||||| |||||||||rovinando|||||||||||||| Lindsay:在今天的節目中,您將學習如何停止破壞您的電子郵件通信,並且您將獲得 18 種很棒的英語結束電子郵件的方法。


Lindsay: Hey Gabby. How's it going?

Gabby: Good. Hey Lindsay.

Lindsay: How you feeling today? 林賽:你今天感覺怎麼樣? Everything cool?

Gabby: Great. Everything's super cool. 一切都||

Good. I'm happy to be recording again here. ||||recording|| Je suis heureux d'enregistrer à nouveau ici. 很高興能再次在這裡錄音。 And today we're gonna (going to) talk about how to end an email.

Gabby: Yeah.

I'm really excited for this topic ‘cause (because) I know (um) at least one –if not a few a few students have requested this topic. Je suis vraiment excité pour ce sujet parce que (parce que) je connais (euh) au moins un - sinon quelques étudiants ont demandé ce sujet. 我對這個主題感到非常興奮,因為(因為)我知道(嗯)至少有一個——如果不是少數的話,也有幾個學生請求了這個話題。

Lindsay: Yeah.

We got a question from one of our students here about how to actually end an email and how the endings that you choose sound and what kind of feeling you convey through those endings. ||||||||||||||||||||结尾方式|||||||||||传达||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||convey||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||to convey|||chiusure Nous avons reçu une question d'un de nos étudiants ici sur la façon de terminer un e-mail et comment les terminaisons que vous choisissez sonnent et quel genre de sentiment vous transmettez à travers ces terminaisons. 我們的一位學生問我們如何真正結束一封電子郵件以及您選擇的結尾聽起來如何以及您透過這些結尾傳達什麼樣的感覺。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So let's get into it. 林賽:那麼讓我們開始吧。

Gabby: All right. So we're gonna (going to) go through different endings by categories and we're gonna (going to) share endings that we personally use and give you some different ideas of, (you know), how they sound to other people. ||||||||||类别|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 因此,我們將(將)按類別介紹不同的結局,我們將(將)分享我們個人使用的結局,並為您提供一些不同的想法,(您知道)它們對其他人的聽起來如何。 So let's start off, (um), with business endings. 那麼,讓我們從業務結局開始。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: So more formal. 蓋比:更正式一些。

Lindsay: So (mm-hm). So you're in the office and you're writing an email to your boss or maybe to a colleague or something, a client even, what would you – what's one idea, Gabby? |||||||||||||||||同事||||客户|||||||| 所以你在辦公室裡,正在給你的老闆或同事或其他人,甚至客戶寫一封電子郵件,你會怎麼寫——有什麼想法嗎,Gabby?

Gabby: “Best regards” That's one of my favorites. ||问候||||| 蓋比:「最誠摯的問候」這是我最喜歡的之一。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: And, oh yeah, you can shorten it. ||||||缩短它| 加比:哦,是的,你可以縮短它。 You could say just “Best” or you could just say “Regards” Lindsay: Absolutely. 你可以只說“最好”,也可以只說“此致” Lindsay:當然。 Those are great ones. 這些都是很棒的。 You can also say “Warm regards” if you wanna (want to) soften it up a little bit and make it a little bit more friendly. |||||||||||缓和||||||||||||| |||||||||||rendere più gentile||||||||||||| 如果你想軟化一點,讓它更友善一點,你也可以說「溫暖的問候」。

Gabby: Yeah.

(Um) you could just say “Respectfully” (Um) that's another way to end a business email. |||||尊敬地||||||||| (嗯)你可以直接說「恭敬地」(嗯)這是結束商務電子郵件的另一種方式。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby:I think those are the most common ones that I would use. Gabby:我認為這些是我最常用的。 And like I said, I often, I often go with “Best regards”. 就像我說的,我經常,我經常帶著「最誠摯的問候」。

Lindsay: Definitely. Lindsay| |Sicuramente Along those lines, something similar, but if we're in an academic setting and we're writing to a professor or maybe, maybe a classmate, something like that, what could we say? ||相关方面|||||||||学术环境|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||クラスメート||||||| 沿著這些思路,類似的東西,但如果我們在學術環境中,我們正在寫信給教授,或者可能是同學,類似的東西,我們能說什麼?


Well, any of the business endings would be great. 好吧,任何商業結局都會很棒。 You could also say “Thank you,” or “Thanks so much”. 您也可以說“謝謝”或“非常感謝”。 (Um) some things not to do if you're emailing your professor, (um) don't use abbreviations like (um) (like) ‘CU' (like) the letter ‘C' and the letter ‘U'. ||||||||||||||缩写|||||||||||| (嗯)如果你給教授發電子郵件,有些事情不要做,(嗯)不要使用縮寫,例如(嗯)(例如)「CU」(例如)字母「C」和字母「U」。 That's really informal. ||非正式的 這實在是太不正式了。 It's really just for text, (uh), texting your friends. 它實際上只是用於發短信,(呃),給你的朋友發短信。




It's not (like) for emailing your professors. ||||发邮件||教授们 ||||sending emails|| 這不是給你的教授發電子郵件。 So keep it formal and when in doubt, just say “Thank you” Lindsay: |||professional||||||||| 因此,請保持正式,如有疑問,請說“謝謝” Lindsay:

And also don't forget to include your name. |||||包括|| |||remember||||your name 並且不要忘記寫上您的名字。




Obviously. 明顯地。


Happens a lot. 發生了很多。 So – yeah remember your professors work with a lot of students, so they, they need to know your name. ||keep in mind||instructors||||||students||||||be aware of||your name 所以——是的,記住你的教授和很多學生一起工作,所以他們需要知道你的名字。


And let's get down to the casual stuff, emailing with your friends, someone you're close to, family… Gabby: ||||||informal|topics|corresponding via email|||friends|a close person||||| 讓我們開始討論一些休閒的事情,與你的朋友、親近的人、家人發送電子郵件… Gabby:

(Mm-hm). Yeah.

(Um) what could you say? (嗯)你能說什麼? We could say “Take care”.


(Mm-hm). “Take care” is really good. 「保重」真的很好。 It shows that you care about the person. 這表示你關心這個人。




“All the Best” is kind of a general (uh) ending. 「一切順利」是一種一般性的(呃)結局。


(Uh-huh) (um) with a closer friend, like your best friend, you could say Lindsay: (嗯嗯)(嗯)和一個更親密的朋友,比如你最好的朋友,你可以說 Lindsay:

“Hugs”. Hugs 「擁抱」。 You could say “Love” or “XO”. |||||hugs and kisses |||||愛してる 你可以說“愛”或“XO”。 So just the letter ‘x' and the letter ‘o'. 所以只有字母“x”和字母“o”。 So ‘X' means kiss, ‘O' means hug. ||||||abbraccio 所以「X」意味著親吻,「O」意味著擁抱。


That's common with people you're really close with. 這對於與你非常親近的人來說很常見。 You could also say if it's just a friend, you could say “Talk soon”. 你也可以說,如果只是朋友,你可以說「Talk Soon」。 “Speak soon”.


(Um) “See you later” or just “Later”. (嗯)“稍後見”或只是“稍後”。


Or “See ya (you) later”. 或「稍後見」。


“See ya”


“See ya' later.”


Yeah, yeah.


(Um) “Cheers”. |Thanks (嗯)「乾杯」。


Yeah, some people say “Cheers,” or “Ciao.” ||||||さようなら 是的,有些人會說“乾杯”或“再見”。




It has kind of an international flavor to it. 它有一種國際風味。

Lindsay: Lindsay

If you're kind of a cosmopolitan type I guess. |||||国际化的人||| |||||国際的なタイプ||| 我猜如果你是一個國際化的人。







So I would say, (you know), when in doubt, try to go for the more formal ending. 所以我想說,(你知道),當有疑問時,試著採用更正式的結局。 (Um), it just, it sounds better. (嗯),只是,聽起來更好。 It's (um), it's, it's always okay to say “Thank you.” (Um) but we do have variations depending on, (you know), where you are in the US, like different regions. |||||||||||||||变体|||||||||||||地区 是(嗯),是,說「謝謝」總是可以的。 (嗯)但是我們確實有一些差異,這取決於(你知道)你在美國的哪個地方,例如不同的地區。 Also what kind of image you want to put out there about yourself. 還有你想展示什麼樣的關於你自己的形象。 So if you want to be seen or perceived as a warmer person, you might use an ending like “Warm regards” or “All the Best” in a business situation. ||||||||被看作|||更温暖||||||||||||||||| Поэтому, если вы хотите, чтобы вас воспринимали как более теплого человека, в деловой ситуации вы можете использовать окончание вроде "С теплыми пожеланиями" или "Всего наилучшего". 因此,如果您想被視為一個更溫暖的人,您可以在商務場合使用“熱烈的問候”或“祝一切順利”之類的結尾。 If you want to be more formal and (um) (you know) more reserved, you could just use an ending like “Regards.” Lindsay: ||||||||||||保守一点||||||||| ||||||||||||控えめ||||||||| 如果你想更正式並且(嗯)(你知道)更保守,你可以使用像「問候」這樣的結尾。林賽:

Definitely. So it all depends on the image you want to project. 所以這完全取決於您想要投射的圖像。 Your own kind of – I guess we could even say (like) your personal brand, right? |||||||||||||品牌| 你自己的——我想我們甚至可以說(例如)你的個人品牌,對吧?




Who you are. 你是誰。 And the one last thing that we really want to remind you guys, please don't end an email with “Bye” or “Good-bye”. ||||||||||提醒|||||||||||| 我們真正想提醒你們的最後一件事,請不要以「再見」或「再見」結束電子郵件。 Why?


It's very final. 這是非常最終的。 That means – really you don't want to talk to me again. 這意味著──你真的不想再跟我說話了。


Or it's really just spoken. ||||spoken 或者說真的只是說說而已。 Right.





It's spoken. 是講出來的。


On the telephone, right? 在電話裡,對嗎? If I end a conversation, I hang up the phone, I can say “Bye” or “Good-bye”, but not for an email. 如果我結束談話,我會掛斷電話,我可以說“再見”或“再見”,但不能說電子郵件。


Absolutely. Totally So keep in mind these tips guys. |||||advice| 所以請記住這些提示。 And (uh) this is just how to end an email. (呃)這就是結束電子郵件的方法。 Other episodes, we're gonna (going to) talk about how to begin an email, how to build an email, subject lines, all kinds of good stuff that we're gonna (going to) get into right? 在其他劇集中,我們將討論如何開始發送電子郵件、如何建立電子郵件、主題行以及我們將要討論的各種好東西,對嗎?





All right guys. Good luck with your emails. 祝你的電子郵件好運。


Thanks ya'll (you all).



Hey guys. I wanted to let you know that one of my video lectures is all about how to end an email. 我想讓您知道我的一個視訊講座是關於如何結束電子郵件的。 It's part of the “ESL Troubleshooting” course that I have. ||||English as a Second Language|Problem-solving|||| |||||トラブルシューティング|||| |||||troubleshooting|||| 這是我的「ESL 故障排除」課程的一部分。



It sounds really cool. 聽起來真的很酷。 So what kind of students could benefit from this, these video courses that you made? 那麼什麼樣的學生可以從您製作的這些影片課程中受益呢?


Intermediate level English Speakers, (um), from all different areas like professionals, (uh) university students, just if you're working on your conversational ability too, there's (there are) 65 video lectures in this full course. ||||||||||专业人士||||||||||会话的|||||||视频讲座|||| 中級英語使用者,(嗯),來自不同領域的專業人士,(呃)大學生,如果您也在鍛鍊自己的會話能力,整個課程中有 65 個視訊講座。 It's a, it's a full video course and there's (there are) quizzes and other materials included in it and different topics from how to write an email to improving your pronunciation and different phrases for conversation. |||||||||||测验||||包含在内|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||quizzes|||||||||||||||||||||||| 這是一個完整的影片課程,其中包含測驗和其他資料,以及從如何寫電子郵件到提高發音和不同對話短語的不同主題。 So the point of the course is really to fill in those gaps where you guys have a lot of challenges. ||||||||||||空白|||||||| ||||||||||||knowledge gaps|||||||| ||||||||||||lacune|||||||| 因此,本課程的重點其實是填補你們面臨許多挑戰的空白。 So it's really worthwhile. |||值得的 |||valuable |||worthwhile 所以這真的很值得。 There's probably gonna (going to) be something that you've had a challenge with and that you could improve in this course. |||||||||||挑战||||||||| 您可能會遇到一些挑戰,並且可以在本課程中進行改進。 If you're interested, check it out at my website GoNaturalEnglish.com. |||||||||自然英語| 如果您有興趣,請訪問我的網站 GoNaturalEnglish.com。



I'm glad you made that ‘cause (because) email writing is a big problem for students and, (you know), specifically that issue is one of the gaps. ||||||||||||||||||||问题||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||lacune 我很高興你這麼做,因為(因為)電子郵件寫作對學生來說是一個大問題,(你知道),特別是這個問題是差距之一。


Yeah, yeah.

And, and in the course you'll learn how to start, how to end an email, (uh) and a lot of other topics. 而且,在課程中,您將學習如何開始、如何結束電子郵件,(呃)以及許多其他主題。 So come on and check it out.

Lindsay: Lindsay's name





So we want to encourage you guys to sign up for our email list and if you do sign up for the email list, you'll have a chance to get our e-book, “Ten Ways to Use a Podcast to Learn English.” 因此,我們希望鼓勵您們註冊我們的電子郵件列表,如果您註冊了電子郵件列表,您將有機會獲得我們的電子書“使用播客學習英語的十種方法”。


You get that immediately, instantly, for free as soon as you sign up. 一旦您註冊,您就可以立即免費獲得該服務。


Yep and also there's something really exciting coming up. 是的,而且還有一些非常令人興奮的事情即將發生。 People who are on the email list are gonna (going to) be able to get exclusive content. 電子郵件清單上的人將能夠獲得獨家內容。 (Um), we're not gonna (going to) say anything about it right now because it's coming later, but get on that email list. (嗯),我們現在不會(不會)說任何關於它的事情,因為它稍後會出現,但請加入該電子郵件列表。 You don't want to miss it. 你不想錯過它。


Yeah, it's the only way that we'll be able to send you exclusive content coming out that's related to the podcast. 是的,這是我們向您發送與播客相關的獨家內容的唯一方法。



So we're excited to have you guys as a part of our email community. 因此,我們很高興你們成為我們電子郵件社群的一員。 So come on over to www.allearsenglish.com and we will see you there.

Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.