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All Ears English, 36- Spice Up Your English with Ron from English Funcast

36- Spice Up Your English with Ron from English Funcast

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 36: Wisdom Wednesday, “Spice Up Your English with Humor and Learn a Joke.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In today's episode, we have a super special and funny guest.



Okay, so today we're here with Ron from the English Funcast and we're so happy to have you here. Thanks so much for joining us today Ron.


Thanks for having me.


All right. Great. So we're, we're really excited to have you here and we'd love to kind of ask you a couple of questions about your, about your podcast, about what you're doing over at English Funcast.

Gabby: Yeah.

Ron: All right. Sure.

Lindsay: All right. Cool. So Gabby, you wanna (want to) ask a question?

Gabby: Yeah.

So just tell us a little bit about you and about the Funcast. (Um) tell us about what you do.


All right. So I'm originally an English teacher. I taught in China for a few years and then I came back to Canada and I'm teaching here at (like) a private high school. And in my spare time, I like to do comedy. I do a lot of stand-up comedy. I go to different bars in Toronto and I tell jokes. And what I did was I created the English Funcast Podcast where it's a method where I can (like) tell jokes and at the same time teach English, because when you like learn from jokes, if you laugh at a joke in English, it means you actually understood the joke. There's (there are) a lot of puns you can learn and (like) homonyms and stuff like that.

Lindsay: Excellent.

Gabby: That's so cool.

Lindsay: I like that.

Gabby: Yeah.

I love stand-up comedy.



That's great. Do you sometimes get some of your listeners to come and listen to you in Toronto doing the comedy?


(Um) no, not really. I never got any listeners to come to Toronto. I was in Europe actually last year and I had some of my listeners come to see my show there, but they didn't really understand my jokes. I think my standup that I do in bars is much different than the ones I do on my podcast.





I could see that.



That's great. So (um) what do you think is the benefit of sort of learning English with humor? What would you say?


I guess it's exciting. (Like) it gets (like) (um) the listeners, (like) the learners focused and (like) when you start reading it, if you read it over and over again, once they understand it they'll actually start laughing and this way they know that (like) they understood what they just read.







Probably really helps people relax.



I was actually teaching a class today. Do you guys know who Rastamouse is?


No, I don't think so. Do you know who that is? No.


Have you heard of Rastamouse? - this show in Canada. I think they sold it to the US. It's like a Rastafarian Children's Show for Learning English. But all they do is they speak (like) Jamaican slang and it's hilarious.




That's different.




So (like) I made, I made my students watch it today, so it's (like) they speak (like) [in Jamaican accent] “Me want to go eat the cheese man. Who be eating the cheese?” Gabby:

That's great. You sure you're not Jamaican?



I'm definitely not. But it was – they were confused because I had the captioning on. (Uh) it's on Netflix and I made them read the captioning and they have (like) completely wrong spelling. So they spell (like) “me” (like) “m-i” or (like) instead of “this”, t-h-i-s, it be like d-i-s.


Oh, okay.


So I teach them (like) the difference how (like) this is not (like) real proper English, but it's more of a slang English.


Interesting material. I bet that was fun for your students.


[Jamaican accent] Yeah man, they had a blast.


Oh that's fantastic. That's great. So what do you see as the vision for English Funcast in the future in terms of your students? Like whaddya (what do you) want them to be able to do?


I just want them to, (you know), improve their English and have a good time while doing it, right? (Like) I think the most important thing when (like) studying a language is to be able to motivate yourself, right? Like there (there are) many different methods out there and people have to find the best method for themselves. And if they like to laugh and learn, then maybe that's a method that they'd enjoy.






Well everybody likes humor. I think like 99% of people, right, like humor.





So it seems like a great motivator to learn.


And we know that people are looking for a different way to learn English.



You know I think it can be difficult to, to learn humor and to have a sense of humor in a second language because there's (there are) so many (like) double entendres or double meanings or (like) cultural references, so how do you help English learners to get there, to understanding some of those, like the puns or the double meanings, or cultural references.


(Um), I read jokes. Here's a joke. I have a joke right now. Can we do a joke right now?





Let's hear it.


So here's the joke I have. It's not the greatest joke, but it's okay. (Um) it's: Last night I went to a 24-hour grocery. When I got there the guy was locking the front door. I said “Hey, the sign says you're open 24 hours.” He goes, “Not in a row.” That was an okay joke. But what's good about that joke is that they learn (like) I can (like) talk about (like) how there's (there are) different (like) (um) grocery stores, I guess in Canada and the US it's 7/11 and they're open 24/7, right? Some countries, I guess, you don't have that and (like) the meaning of “not in a row” right? So “in a row” it means continuous. But “not in a row” means that there's (there are) (um) breaks. Like when you go to work, you don't always work eight hours in a row, you can say, I work maybe four hours and then I'll go on break for lunch and then I'll continue, I'll work four more hours in a row.


Oh, interesting. That's really key information to understand if people are living in Canada and (you know) trying to get around.





Yeah, so you just, you break down the joke and make sure that the key parts are understood.


Great. Well this has been great. Ron, thanks so much for coming to talk with us today. And it's been really exciting to, to meet you. So can you let our listeners know where they can find you online?


So you guys can find me online at englishfuncast.com and on Facebook at Learn English Funcast. It's a fun page.


All right. Cool. Well thanks so much.



Thanks so much.


Thanks for having me.


All right. Take care.


All right. Bye-bye.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. So I've heard some of your students have been using the premium transcripts for this podcast. Tell me about that.



(You know) this podcast is just, is fantastic if you wanna (want to) have some fun and you wanna (want to) learn a little bit, you wanna (want to) get a little bit of motivation for your English. But (you know) my students are actually really, really serious about improving and I'm, I'm excited about that. That's why I'm working with them. And so, so for them, the way for them to actually really improve is to use the premium transcripts. So we've been using those in class together (um) and they've been able to learn a ton.



Actually my students, too, (uh) they read the transcripts. You can read them out loud. You can do (um) some shadowing with the transcripts as well. You can look up vocabulary. You can do a lot of things. I don't want to go on and on, but the premium transcripts are super helpful and we want to encourage those of you who are serious about improving your English this New Year to try them out. You can find them at allenglishears.com/conversations.


All right. So please check it out. Thanks guys.


Thank you.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time.

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36- Spice Up Your English with Ron from English Funcast ||||||||英语播客 36- Verbessern Sie Ihr Englisch mit Ron von English Funcast 36- Spice Up Your English con Ron de English Funcast 36- Ajoutez du piquant à votre anglais avec Ron de English Funcast 36- スパイス・アップ・ユア・イングリッシュ from English Funcast 36- Paįvairinkite savo anglų kalbą su Ronu iš "English Funcast 36- Spice Up Your English com Ron do English Funcast 36 - Приправьте свой английский с Роном из English Funcast 36- English Funcast'tan Ron ile İngilizcenizi Renklendirin 36-与 English Funcast 的 Ron 一起为你的英语增添趣味 36-與 English Funcast 的 Ron 一起為你的英語增添趣味 36-與 English Funcast 的 Ron 一起為你的英語增添趣味

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 36: Wisdom Wednesday, “Spice Up Your English with Humor and Learn a Joke.” |||||||||||调味品|||||幽默|||| |||||||||Wisdom||||||||||| |||||||||||condimento||||||||| Lindsay|||||||||||||||||||| Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 36 集:智慧星期三,“用幽默為你的英語增添趣味,學個笑話。”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. ||||||||حيث||||||| |||ao (ao Podcast All Ears English)|||||||||||| Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. |||||Lindsay|||||||||||||||||

In today's episode, we have a super special and funny guest. ||||||||||嘉宾 在今天的節目中,我們有一位超級特別且有趣的嘉賓。


Lindsay: ليندسي:

Okay, so today we're here with Ron from the English Funcast and we're so happy to have you here. ||||||||||英語ファンキャスト|||||||| 好的,今天我們和來自 English Funcast 的羅恩一起來到這裡,我們很高興您能來到這裡。 Thanks so much for joining us today Ron. 非常感謝羅恩今天加入我們。


Thanks for having me. Спасибо, что пригласили меня. 感謝您的款待。


All right. Great. So we're, we're really excited to have you here and we'd love to kind of ask you a couple of questions about your, about your podcast, about what you're doing over at English Funcast. Donc, nous sommes, nous sommes vraiment ravis de vous avoir ici et nous aimerions vous poser quelques questions sur votre, sur votre podcast, sur ce que vous faites chez English Funcast. 所以我們非常高興您能來到這裡,我們很想問您一些關於您的播客以及您在 English Funcast 所做的事情的問題。

Gabby: Yeah.

Ron: All right. Sure.

Lindsay: All right. Cool. So Gabby, you wanna (want to) ask a question? 那麼加比,你想問一個問題嗎?

Gabby: Yeah.

So just tell us a little bit about you and about the Funcast. 請告訴我們一些關於您和 Funcast 的資訊。 (Um) tell us about what you do. (嗯)告訴我們你是做什麼的。

Ron: Ron speaking

All right. So I'm originally an English teacher. 所以我本來是英文老師。 I taught in China for a few years and then I came back to Canada and I'm teaching here at (like) a private high school. 我在中國教了幾年書,然後回到加拿大,在一所私立高中教書。 And in my spare time, I like to do comedy. |||tempo libero|||||| 在空閒時間,我喜歡演喜劇。 I do a lot of stand-up comedy. 我演過很多單口喜劇。 I go to different bars in Toronto and I tell jokes. ||||||||||笑话 我去多倫多的不同酒吧講笑話。 And what I did was I created the English Funcast Podcast where it's a method where I can (like) tell jokes and at the same time teach English, because when you like learn from jokes, if you laugh at a joke in English, it means you actually understood the joke. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||significa||||| 我所做的是我創建了English Funcast 播客,這是一種我可以(喜歡)講笑話同時教英語的方法,因為當你喜歡從笑話中學習時,如果你因為一個英語笑話而笑,那就代表你其實聽懂了這個笑話。 There's (there are) a lot of puns you can learn and (like) homonyms and stuff like that. ||||||双关语||||||同音词|||| ||||||wordplay||||||similar-sounding words|||| ||||||駄洒落||||||同音異義語|||| ||||||giochi di parole|||||||||| 您可以學習很多雙關語和(例如)同音異義詞之類的東西。

Lindsay: Excellent. 林賽:太棒了。

Gabby: That's so cool.

Lindsay: I like that.

Gabby: Yeah.

I love stand-up comedy. 我喜歡單口喜劇。



That's great. Do you sometimes get some of your listeners to come and listen to you in Toronto doing the comedy? 你有時會邀請一些聽眾來多倫多聽你表演喜劇嗎?


(Um) no, not really. (嗯)不,不是真的。 I never got any listeners to come to Toronto. 我從來沒有任何聽眾來多倫多。 I was in Europe actually last year and I had some of my listeners come to see my show there, but they didn't really understand my jokes. 實際上去年我在歐洲,我有一些聽眾來看我的節目,但他們並沒有真正理解我的笑話。 I think my standup that I do in bars is much different than the ones I do on my podcast. |||脱口秀|||||||||||||||| |||スタンダップコメディ|||||||||||||||| 我認為我在酒吧裡做的脫口秀和我在播客上做的有很大不同。





I could see that. 我看得出來。



That's great. So (um) what do you think is the benefit of sort of learning English with humor? 那麼(嗯)你認為以幽默的方式學習英文有什麼好處呢? What would you say? 你打算說什麼?


I guess it's exciting. 我想這很令人興奮。 (Like) it gets (like) (um) the listeners, (like) the learners focused and (like) when you start reading it, if you read it over and over again, once they understand it they'll actually start laughing and this way they know that (like) they understood what they just read. ||||||||||专注|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||يجعل|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (喜歡)它讓(喜歡)(嗯)聽眾,(喜歡)學習者集中註意力,(喜歡)當你開始閱讀它時,如果你一遍又一遍地閱讀它,一旦他們理解了它,他們實際上就會開始笑這樣他們就知道他們已經理解了剛剛讀到的內容。







Probably really helps people relax. 也許真的可以幫助人們放鬆。



I was actually teaching a class today. 我今天實際上正在上課。 Do you guys know who Rastamouse is? |||||拉斯塔鼠| |||||ラスタマウス知ってる?| 你們知道Rastamouse是誰嗎?


No, I don't think so. 不,我不這麼認為。 Do you know who that is? No.


Have you heard of Rastamouse? ||||Jamaican mouse character 你聽過拉斯塔鼠嗎? - this show in Canada. I think they sold it to the US. 我認為他們把它賣給了美國。 It's like a Rastafarian Children's Show for Learning English. |||ラスタファリアン||||| |||Rastafariano||||| 這就像是拉斯特法裡兒童學習英語的節目。 But all they do is they speak (like) Jamaican slang and it's hilarious. |||||||||俚语|||搞笑的 ||||||||Jamaican|slang = informal language||| ||||||||ジャマイカ風|||| 但他們所做的只是說牙買加俚語,這很有趣。




That's different.




So (like) I made, I made my students watch it today, so it's (like) they speak (like) [in Jamaican accent] “Me want to go eat the cheese man. 所以(就像)我今天讓我的學生觀看了它,所以(就像)他們說(就像)[用牙買加口音]“我想去吃奶酪人。 Who be eating the cheese?” Gabby: 誰在吃起司?”蓋比:

That's great. You sure you're not Jamaican? 你確定你不是牙買加人?



I'm definitely not. |definitivamente| 我絕對不是。 But it was – they were confused because I had the captioning on. ||||||||||字幕表示| 但事實是——他們很困惑,因為我有字幕。 (Uh) it's on Netflix and I made them read the captioning and they have (like) completely wrong spelling. |||奈飞|||||||字幕||||||| (呃)這是在 Netflix 上播出的,我讓他們讀了字幕,但他們的拼字完全錯誤。 So they spell (like) “me” (like) “m-i” or (like) instead of “this”, t-h-i-s, it be like d-i-s. 所以他們拼寫“me”(例如)“mi”或(like)而不是“this”,this,it be like dis。

Gabby: Gabby speaking

Oh, okay.


So I teach them (like) the difference how (like) this is not (like) real proper English, but it's more of a slang English. ||||||||||||||标准|||||||| |||my students|||contrast|||this||||||slang English|||greater degree of|||informal language|slang English 所以我教他們(例如)區別,這不是(例如)真正的正確英語,但它更像是俚語英語。

Lindsay: name of person

Interesting material. Engaging|content 有趣的材料。 I bet that was fun for your students. |scommetto|that it|it was|enjoyable experience|to|possessive pronoun|your learners |scommetto|||||| 我敢打賭這對你的學生來說一定很有趣。

Ron: Ron speaking

[Jamaican accent] Yeah man, they had a blast. |||||||玩得很开心 |||||||a blast |||||||divertimento [Да, они отрывались по полной. [牙買加口音]是的,夥計,他們玩得很開心。


Oh that's fantastic. 哦,那太棒了。 That's great. So what do you see as the vision for English Funcast in the future in terms of your students? |||||||愿景||||||||||| 那麼對於您的學生來說,您認為 English Funcast 未來的願景是什麼? Like whaddya (what do you) want them to be able to do? |cosa vuoi|||||||||| 就像你希望他們做什麼?


I just want them to, (you know), improve their English and have a good time while doing it, right? 我只是希望他們(你知道)提高英語水平,並在過程中度過愉快的時光,對吧? (Like) I think the most important thing when (like) studying a language is to be able to motivate yourself, right? (例如)我認為學習語言時最重要的是能夠激勵自己,對吧? Like there (there are) many different methods out there and people have to find the best method for themselves. ||||||方法|||||||||||| 就像有很多不同的方法一樣,人們必須找到最適合自己的方法。 And if they like to laugh and learn, then maybe that's a method that they'd enjoy. 如果他們喜歡歡笑和學習,那麼也許這就是他們喜歡的方法。






Well everybody likes humor. 嗯,每個人都喜歡幽默。 I think like 99% of people, right, like humor. 我想99%的人都喜歡幽默。

Gabby: Gabby




So it seems like a great motivator to learn. ||||||motivator = motivator|| 所以這似乎是學習的一個巨大動力。


And we know that people are looking for a different way to learn English. 我們知道人們正在尋找一種不同的方式來學習英語。



You know I think it can be difficult to, to learn humor and to have a sense of humor in a second language because there's (there are) so many (like) double entendres or double meanings or (like) cultural references, so how do you help English learners to get there, to understanding some of those, like the puns or the double meanings, or cultural references. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||双关语|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||double|double meanings|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||二重の意味|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||doppi sensi|||||||||||||||||||||||||giochi di parole||||||| 你知道,我認為用第二語言學習幽默並具有幽默感可能很困難,因為有太多(例如)雙關語或雙重含義或(例如)文化參考,那麼如何做到這一點呢?你可以幫助英語學習者到達那裡,理解其中的一些內容,例如雙關語或雙重含義,或文化參考。


(Um), I read jokes. (嗯),我讀笑話。 Here's a joke. I have a joke right now. 我現在有一個笑話。 Can we do a joke right now? 現在我們可以開個玩笑嗎?





Let's hear it. 我們來聽聽看吧。


So here's the joke I have. 這就是我的笑話。 It's not the greatest joke, but it's okay. 這不是最大的笑話,但沒關係。 (Um) it's: Last night I went to a 24-hour grocery. (嗯)是:昨晚我去了一家 24 小時營業的雜貨店。 When I got there the guy was locking the front door. |||||||鍵をかけていた||| 當我到達那裡時,那個人正在鎖前門。 I said “Hey, the sign says you're open 24 hours.” He goes, “Not in a row.” That was an okay joke. |||||||||||||a|in a row||||| J'ai dit "Hé, le panneau indique que vous êtes ouvert 24h/24". Il dit: "Pas de suite." C'était une bonne blague. 我說:“嘿,標誌上寫著你們 24 小時營業。”他說:“不是連續的。”這是一個很好的笑話。 But what's good about that joke is that they learn (like) I can (like) talk about (like) how there's (there are) different (like) (um) grocery stores, I guess in Canada and the US it's 7/11 and they're open 24/7, right? Mais ce qui est bien avec cette blague, c'est qu'ils apprennent (comme) je peux (comme) parler de (comme) comment il y a (il y a) différentes (comme) (euh) épiceries, je suppose qu'au Canada et aux États-Unis, c'est le 7/11 et ils sont ouverts 24h/24 et 7j/7, n'est-ce pas ? でもそのジョークの良いところは、彼らが学べる(のように)、私が(のように)話すことができる(のように)、カナダやアメリカには違った(のような)食料品店があるということを(なるほど)理解するんですよ。7/11が開いていて24時間営業しているってこと、そうですよね? 但這個笑話的好處是他們學習(例如)我可以(例如)談論(例如)如何有(例如)不同的(例如)(嗯)雜貨店,我想在加拿大和美國,現在是 7/11他們24 /7 營業,對嗎? Some countries, I guess, you don't have that and (like) the meaning of “not in a row” right? ある国々では、おそらくそうでないですし、(のように)「連続ではない」という意味ですよね? 我想,有些國家沒有這個意思,(例如)「不連續」的意思,對嗎? So “in a row” it means continuous. ||||||连续的 だから、「連続して」は連続していることを意味します。 所以「連續」就是連續的意思。 But “not in a row” means that there's (there are) (um) breaks. 「ただし、連続して」とは、休憩があることを意味します。 但「不連續」意味著有(有)(嗯)中斷。 Like when you go to work, you don't always work eight hours in a row, you can say, I work maybe four hours and then I'll go on break for lunch and then I'll continue, I'll work four more hours in a row. Comme quand tu vas au travail, tu ne travailles pas toujours huit heures d'affilée, tu peux dire, je travaille peut-être quatre heures et puis je vais faire une pause pour le déjeuner et puis je continuerai, je travaillerai quatre plus d'heures d'affilée. 例えば、仕事に行くときに、必ずしも連続して8時間働くわけではなく、4時間働いてから昼休憩を取り、その後再開して、さらに4時間連続で働くと言えます。 就像你去上班時,你並不總是連續工作八小時,你可以說,我可能工作四個小時,然後我會休息吃午飯,然後我會繼續,我會工作四個小時連續幾個小時。

Lindsay: リンゼイ:

Oh, interesting. 哦,有趣。 That's really key information to understand if people are living in Canada and (you know) trying to get around. C'est vraiment une information clé pour comprendre si les gens vivent au Canada et (vous savez) essaient de se déplacer. それは本当に重要な情報です。カナダに住んでいて(わかっている)移動しようとしている人々が理解するために。 這確實是了解人們是否居住在加拿大並且(你知道)試圖出行的關鍵訊息。

Ron: Ron:

Yeah. はい。

Definitely. 間違いない。 確實。

Gabby: Gabby:

Yeah, so you just, you break down the joke and make sure that the key parts are understood. そう、だから、ジョークを分析して、キーポイントが理解されるようにするんだ。 是的,所以你只需分解這個笑話並確保關鍵部分被理解。

Lindsay: Lindsay:リンゼイ:

Great. Well this has been great. 嗯,這太棒了。 Ron, thanks so much for coming to talk with us today. 羅恩,非常感謝您今天來接受我們的訪問。 And it's been really exciting to, to meet you. 見到你真的很令人興奮。 So can you let our listeners know where they can find you online? 那麼您能讓我們的聽眾知道他們可以在網路上找到您嗎?


So you guys can find me online at englishfuncast.com and on Facebook at Learn English Funcast. ||||||||||||脸书|||| Therefore|||||||||||||||| ||||||||英語ファンキャスト|||||||| 所以你們可以在 englishfuncast.com 和 Facebook 的 Learn English Funcast 上找到我。 It's a fun page. 這是一個有趣的頁面。


All right. Cool. Well thanks so much. 非常感謝。



Thanks so much.


Thanks for having me. 招待してくれてありがとう。

Gabby: ギャビー:

All right. わかった。 Take care. 小心。

Ron: 羅恩:

All right. 好的。 Bye-bye.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. So I've heard some of your students have been using the premium transcripts for this podcast. 我聽說你們的一些學生一直在使用這個播客的高級成績單。 Tell me about that. 告訴我這件事。



(You know) this podcast is just, is fantastic if you wanna (want to) have some fun and you wanna (want to) learn a little bit, you wanna (want to) get a little bit of motivation for your English. (你知道)如果你想(想)玩得開心,想(想)學一點,想(想)為你的英語獲得一點動力,那麼這個播客就太棒了。 But (you know) my students are actually really, really serious about improving and I'm, I'm excited about that. 但是(你知道)我的學生實際上非常非常認真地想要進步,我對此感到很興奮。 That's why I'm working with them. And so, so for them, the way for them to actually really improve is to use the premium transcripts. So we've been using those in class together (um) and they've been able to learn a ton.



Actually my students, too, (uh) they read the transcripts. You can read them out loud. You can do (um) some shadowing with the transcripts as well. You can look up vocabulary. You can do a lot of things. I don't want to go on and on, but the premium transcripts are super helpful and we want to encourage those of you who are serious about improving your English this New Year to try them out. You can find them at allenglishears.com/conversations. |||||全英语听众|| |||||オールイングリッシュアーズ||


All right. So please check it out. Thanks guys.


Thank you.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time.