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All Ears English, 35- English Tip: How to Answer a Question about Your Performance at Work

35- English Tip: How to Answer a Question about Your Performance at Work

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 35: Teaching Tuesdays, “English Tip: How to Answer a Question about Your Performance at Work.” [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In today's episode, we'll show you how to answer a key question about your performance at work, plus three other very common native expressions in the English language.


Gabby: All right. Welcome everybody to the ‘Teaching Tuesday.' Hey Lindsay!

How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. What's up?

Gabby: Oh, not much.

Lindsay: Cool.

Gabby: So we wanna (want to) talk about some phrases from the last episode where we talked about our New Year's English reverse resolutions. And the key question here was “How did it go?” So we wanna (want to) talk about what this question means and also how to answer it. So what does it mean if we say “How did it go?”

Lindsay: Yeah.

So this question's pretty broad, right? So it's, you could answer this in a number of ways, but basically, it just means (kind of) ‘what happened?' right?

Gabby: Exactly.

Lindsay: And we want to know whether things went well or didn't go so well.

Gabby: Yeah, exactly.

Lindsay: So how did it go? So what's one way – so if things went well, what are some ways that you might answer this?

Gabby: “Great!”

Lindsay: “Awesome!”

Gabby: “Was amazing.”

Lindsay: “Went so well.”

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: “It was all right.” We could say “All right.” We could say “Okay.” Lindsay: Or “Not bad.”

Gabby: Yeah.

“It was more or less.” Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah.

And if it didn't go so well, if it's a thumbs down situation…?

Gabby: Well, (you know), we tend to put a positive spin on things anyway.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: So even if it was horrible, you might not want to say it was terrible, you could say, “Well, I'm sure next time will be better.” Lindsay: Yeah. And just to note that that's also a very (kind of) American point of view, right? This is something that we do in the US. We like to look on the bright side as they say. It's actually an idiom in our, in our language.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Um) to look on the bright side to kind of see the positive side of things, and (uh), so just to, to take note of that, it's kind of interesting.

Gabby: Yeah.

‘It could have been better' or ‘it will be better next time.' Great.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: And – (I mean) those are several options that you could use to answer this question quickly, but if you want to go more in depth with your own answer and try this out related to something you've done like a meeting or presentation or talking about your year, (um) Lindsay has a special program to help you out with this.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So when you guys are actually gonna (going to) try to really own your English skills and take your English to the next level, listening is a really key piece, but the other piece is practicing. And I know that a big problem that a lot of you guys have is a lack of opportunities to practice your English with native speakers. Is it true?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: I think it's true.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So I'm working on a project called “Speakative” and this is a new online platform that I'm creating to help you connect with native speakers and to practice your English after learning very specific vocabulary words. So if you wanna (want to) check that out, I'll give you a session for free if you come over to www.speakative.com. That's s-p-e-a-k-a-t-i-v-e.com. So come on over there and I'll see you there!

Gabby: That sounds awesome.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Thank you.

I'm very excited about it.

Gabby: Very cool. So we covered that important question, “How did it go?” But we have three bonus phrases for you that we're going to quickly explain.

(Um), so what's the next one Lindsay?

Lindsay: Okay. So the next phrase is ‘to give yourself credit.' Gabby: (Um) ‘to give credit.' So like to recognize your efforts.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Credit is a positive thing. It's (um) recognition, right? So give yourself credit. Sometimes, it's hard to, as we said it's hard to (you know) (uh) recognize what you've done that's good (um) ‘to give yourself credit.' Gabby: Yeah.


It's important. (Um) the next phrase we have is ‘to put a spin on something.'

Lindsay: This is kind of a cool phrase.

Gabby: Yeah.

If you ‘put a spin on something,' you're giving it your own unique (uh) perspective or your unique thought. (Um) ‘putting a spin' is just making something a little bit different.

Lindsay: Mm-hm. Yeah, kind of turning it – sometimes it could be – yeah a slight change or it could also be (sort of) turning it upside down and taking a reverse point of view on it.

Gabby; Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So ‘put a spin on it.'

Gabby: Cool. And our last phrase today is a phrasal verb ‘taking off.' So this can mean a few different things. We were talking about our podcast here. You guys are listening so much that the podcast and the downloads of the podcast is (are) really ‘taking off.'

Lindsay: Yeah.

That means it's succeeding. In this case we're talking about, we're having a lot of success with the podcast…

Gabby: Very quickly.

Lindsay: …thanks to you guys. Yeah.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Absolutely. So to take off. And it also could mean, so an airplane takes off.

Gabby: Yeah.

Or like “Hey, I'm taking off. I need to leave now.” Lindsay: Yeah or ‘taking off' your hat.

Gabby: There you go.

Lindsay: ‘Taking off' your shoes.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: This phrasal verb has a lot of meanings.

Gabby: Or ‘can you take 50% off?'

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: …and give me a good deal?

Lindsay: Right.

Oh my gosh. How many meanings are there?

Gabby: There are a lot. Yeah.

Lindsay: So the one we want you to focus on today is as we just said, succeeding… Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …and surging.

Gabby: My career is ‘taking off.' Great.


So we want to give you guys a chance just to repeat really quick (quickly). So repeat the phrases after us please.

First: “How did it go?”

Lindsay: And ‘to give credit.'

Gabby: ‘To put a spin on something.'

Lindsay: ‘To take off.'

Gabby: All right. Thanks you guys.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. So I've heard some of your students have been using the premium transcripts for this podcast. Tell me about that.



(You know) this podcast is just, is fantastic if you wanna (want to) have some fun and you wanna (want to) learn a little bit, you wanna (want to) get a little bit of motivation for your English. But (you know) my students are actually really, really serious about improving and I'm, I'm excited about that. That's why I'm working with them. And so, so for them, the way for them to actually really improve is to use the premium transcripts. So we've been using those in class together (um) and they've been able to learn a ton.



Actually my students, too, (uh) they read the transcripts. You can read them out loud. You can do (um) some shadowing with the transcripts as well. You can look up vocabulary. You can do a lot of things. I don't want to go on and on, but the premium transcripts are super helpful and we want to encourage those of you who are serious about improving your English this New Year to try them out. You can find them at allearsenglish.com/conversations.

Lindsay: All right. So please check it out. Thanks guys.

Gabby: Thank you.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.

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35- English Tip: How to Answer a Question about Your Performance at Work 35- Englisch-Tipp: Wie Sie eine Frage zu Ihrer Leistung am Arbeitsplatz beantworten 35- Consejo de inglés: Cómo responder a una pregunta sobre tu rendimiento en el trabajo 35- イングリッシュ・ヒント:職場でのパフォーマンスに関する質問にどう答えるか 35- Wskazówka w języku angielskim: Jak odpowiedzieć na pytanie dotyczące wyników w pracy? 35- Dica de inglês: Como responder a uma pergunta sobre o seu desempenho no trabalho 35- İngilizce İpucu: İşteki Performansınızla İlgili Bir Soruya Nasıl Cevap Verirsiniz? 35 - 英语提示:如何回答有关您工作表现的问题 35 - 英語提示:如何回答有關您工作表現的問題 35 - 英語提示:如何回答有關您工作表現的問題

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 35: Teaching Tuesdays, “English Tip: How to Answer a Question about Your Performance at Work.” [Instrumental] ||||||||||星期二||||||||||||| ||||||||||火曜日||||||||||||| Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 35 集:週二教學,“英語提示:如何回答有關您工作表現的問題。” [器樂]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. ||||||||||finalmente||||| Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In today's episode, we'll show you how to answer a key question about your performance at work, plus three other very common native expressions in the English language. Lindsay:在今天的節目中,我們將向您展示如何回答有關您工作表現的關鍵問題,以及其他三種非常常見的英語母語表達方式。


Gabby: All right. Welcome everybody to the ‘Teaching Tuesday.' Hey Lindsay!

How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. What's up?

Gabby: Oh, not much. ギャビー:ああ、あんまり。 蓋比:噢,不多。

Lindsay: Cool. リンゼイ:クールだね。

Gabby: So we wanna (want to) talk about some phrases from the last episode where we talked about our New Year's English reverse resolutions. 蓋比:所以我們想(想)談談上一集中我們談論新年英語反向決心的一些短語。 And the key question here was “How did it go?” So we wanna (want to) talk about what this question means and also how to answer it. 這裡的關鍵問題是“進展如何?”所以我們想(想)談談這個問題的含義以及如何回答它。 So what does it mean if we say “How did it go?” 那麼,如果我們說“進展如何?”,這意味著什麼?

Lindsay: Yeah.

So this question's pretty broad, right? ||问题的||| ||質問の||| 所以這個問題很廣泛,對吧? So it's, you could answer this in a number of ways, but basically, it just means (kind of) ‘what happened?' 所以,你可以用多種方式回答這個問題,但基本上,它只是意味著(有點)“發生了什麼?” right?

Gabby: Exactly.

Lindsay: And we want to know whether things went well or didn't go so well. Lindsay speaking|||||||||||||| Lindsay : Et nous voulons savoir si les choses se sont bien passées ou non. Lindsay:我們想知道事情進展順利還是不太順利。

Gabby: Yeah, exactly.

Lindsay: So how did it go? 林賽:那麼進展如何? So what's one way – so if things went well, what are some ways that you might answer this? 那麼,有什麼辦法呢?如果一切順利,您可以透過哪些方式來回答這個問題?

Gabby: “Great!”

Lindsay: “Awesome!” 林賽:“太棒了!”

Gabby: “Was amazing.” 蓋比:“太棒了。”

Lindsay: “Went so well.” 林賽:“進展順利。”

Gabby: Yeah. 加比:是的。

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: “It was all right.” We could say “All right.” We could say “Okay.” Lindsay: Or “Not bad.” 蓋比:“沒關係。”我們可以說「好吧」。我們可以說「好吧」。 Lindsay:或者“還不錯。”

Gabby: Yeah.

“It was more or less.” Yeah. “或多或少是這樣。”是的。

Lindsay: Yeah.

And if it didn't go so well, if it's a thumbs down situation…? ||||||||||拇指|| 如果進展不太順利,如果情況不樂觀…?

Gabby: Well, (you know), we tend to put a positive spin on things anyway. Gabby: Bem, (sabes), temos tendência para dar um toque positivo às coisas. Габби: Ну, (вы знаете), мы в любом случае склонны придавать вещам позитивный смысл. 蓋比:嗯,(你知道),無論如何我們都傾向於正面看待事情。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: So even if it was horrible, you might not want to say it was terrible, you could say, “Well, I'm sure next time will be better.” Lindsay: Yeah. 蓋比:所以即使它很糟糕,你可能也不想說它很糟糕,你可以說,“好吧,我相信下次會更好。”林賽:是的。 And just to note that that's also a very (kind of) American point of view, right? 請注意,這也是一種非常(某種)美國的觀點,對嗎? This is something that we do in the US. 這是我們在美國所做的事情。 We like to look on the bright side as they say. 正如他們所說,我們喜歡看到光明的一面。 It's actually an idiom in our, in our language. 這其實是我們語言中的一個慣用語。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Um) to look on the bright side to kind of see the positive side of things, and (uh), so just to, to take note of that, it's kind of interesting. Lindsay:(嗯)看到事情光明的一面,看到事情積極的一面,並且(呃),所以只是注意到這一點,這很有趣。

Gabby: Yeah.

‘It could have been better' or ‘it will be better next time.' “本來可以更好”或“下次會更好”。 Great.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: And – (I mean) those are several options that you could use to answer this question quickly, but if you want to go more in depth with your own answer and try this out related to something you've done like a meeting or presentation or talking about your year, (um) Lindsay has a special program to help you out with this. Gabby : Et - (je veux dire) ce sont plusieurs options que vous pourriez utiliser pour répondre rapidement à cette question, mais si vous voulez approfondir votre propre réponse et essayer ceci en rapport avec quelque chose que vous avez fait comme une réunion ou présentation ou parler de votre année, (um) Lindsay a un programme spécial pour vous aider avec cela. 加比:(我的意思是)這些是你可以用來快速回答這個問題的幾個選項,但如果你想更深入地了解你自己的答案,並嘗試與你做過的事情相關,例如會議或示範或談論你的一年,(嗯)林賽有一個特殊的計劃可以幫助你解決這個問題。

Lindsay: Yeah.

So when you guys are actually gonna (going to) try to really own your English skills and take your English to the next level, listening is a really key piece, but the other piece is practicing. 因此,當你們真的要嘗試真正擁有自己的英語技能並將英語提升到一個新的水平時,聽力是一個非常關鍵的部分,但另一部分是練習。 And I know that a big problem that a lot of you guys have is a lack of opportunities to practice your English with native speakers. 我知道你們很多人面臨的一個大問題是缺乏與母語人士練習英語的機會。 Is it true? 這是真的嗎?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: I think it's true.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So I'm working on a project called “Speakative” and this is a new online platform that I'm creating to help you connect with native speakers and to practice your English after learning very specific vocabulary words. ||||||||Speakative|||||||平台||||||||||||||||||||| Lindsay:所以我正在進行一個名為「Speakative」的項目,這是我創建的一個新的線上平台,旨在幫助您與母語人士建立聯繫,並在學習非常具體的詞彙後練習英語。 So if you wanna (want to) check that out, I'll give you a session for free if you come over to www.speakative.com. |||||||||||||课程|||||||||说话的| 因此,如果您想了解一下,請訪問 www.speakative.com,我將免費為您提供一次課程。 That's s-p-e-a-k-a-t-i-v-e.com. 那是speakative.com。 So come on over there and I'll see you there! 所以到那邊來吧,我們在那裡見!

Gabby: That sounds awesome. 蓋比:聽起來棒極了。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Thank you.

I'm very excited about it. 我對此感到非常興奮。

Gabby: Very cool. So we covered that important question, “How did it go?” But we have three bonus phrases for you that we're going to quickly explain. ||||||||||||||额外||||||||| 所以我們討論了這個重要的問題:“進展如何?”但我們為您準備了三個獎勵短語,我們將快速解釋它們。

(Um), so what's the next one Lindsay?

Lindsay: Okay. Lindsay speaking| So the next phrase is ‘to give yourself credit.' 所以下一句話是「給自己信心」。 Gabby: (Um) ‘to give credit.' 蓋比:(嗯)“給予信任。” So like to recognize your efforts. 所以喜歡認可你的努力。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Credit is a positive thing. 信用是一件正面的事情。 It's (um) recognition, right? ||认可| 這是(嗯)認可,對吧? So give yourself credit. Sometimes, it's hard to, as we said it's hard to (you know) (uh) recognize what you've done that's good (um) ‘to give yourself credit.' 有時,這很難,正如我們所說,很難(你知道)(呃)認識到你所做的事情是好的(嗯)「給自己信用」。 Gabby: Yeah.


It's important. (Um) the next phrase we have is ‘to put a spin on something.' (Euh) la phrase suivante que nous avons est "pour mettre un spin sur quelque chose". (Следующая фраза, которую мы имеем, - 'to put a spin on something'. (嗯)我們的下一個短語是「對某事進行旋轉」。

Lindsay: This is kind of a cool phrase. Lindsay:這是一個很酷的短語。

Gabby: Yeah.

If you ‘put a spin on something,' you're giving it your own unique (uh) perspective or your unique thought. Si vous « donnez une tournure à quelque chose », vous lui donnez votre propre perspective unique (euh) ou votre pensée unique. 如果你“對某事進行旋轉”,你就是在賦予它你自己獨特的(呃)觀點或你獨特的想法。 (Um) ‘putting a spin' is just making something a little bit different. (嗯)「旋轉」只是讓事情變得有點不同。

Lindsay: Mm-hm. Yeah, kind of turning it – sometimes it could be – yeah a slight change or it could also be (sort of) turning it upside down and taking a reverse point of view on it. |||转变||||||||轻微的|||||||||||颠倒|||||||||| |||||||||||leggero|||||||||||sottosopra|||||||||| 是的,有點扭轉它——有時可能是——是的,一個輕微的改變,或者也可能(有點)把它顛倒過來,並採取相反的觀點。

Gabby; Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah.

So ‘put a spin on it.' 所以“旋轉一下它”。

Gabby: Cool. And our last phrase today is a phrasal verb ‘taking off.' 今天我們的最後一個短語是短語動詞“起飛”。 So this can mean a few different things. We were talking about our podcast here. 我們在這裡談論我們的播客。 You guys are listening so much that the podcast and the downloads of the podcast is (are) really ‘taking off.' ||||||||||||||||||decollando| 你們聽得太多了,以至於播客和播客的下載量真的「起飛」了。

Lindsay: Yeah.

That means it's succeeding. |||成功 |||succeedendo Ça veut dire que ça réussit. 這意味著它成功了。 In this case we're talking about, we're having a lot of success with the podcast… 在這種情況下,我們正在談論,我們在播客方面取得了巨大的成功...

Gabby: Very quickly. 蓋比:很快。

Lindsay: …thanks to you guys. Lindsay:……謝謝你們。 Yeah.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Absolutely. 林賽:當然。 So to take off. And it also could mean, so an airplane takes off. 這也可能意味著,飛機起飛了。

Gabby: Yeah.

Or like “Hey, I'm taking off. Ou comme "Hé, je pars. 或像「嘿,我要走了。 I need to leave now.” Lindsay: Yeah or ‘taking off' your hat. 我現在需要離開。” Lindsay:是的,或是「脫掉」你的帽子。

Gabby: There you go. 蓋比:給你。

Lindsay: ‘Taking off' your shoes. Lindsay:「脫掉」你的鞋子。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: This phrasal verb has a lot of meanings. ||||||||意思 Lindsay:這個片語動詞有很多意思。

Gabby: Or ‘can you take 50% off?' Габби: Или "Вы можете сделать скидку 50%?". 蓋比:或“你能享受 50% 的折扣嗎?”

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: …and give me a good deal? 蓋比:……給我一個好價錢?

Lindsay: Right.

Oh my gosh. How many meanings are there? 有多少種意義?

Gabby: There are a lot. Yeah.

Lindsay: So the one we want you to focus on today is as we just said, succeeding… Gabby: Yeah. ||||||||||||||||avere successo|| Lindsay:所以我們今天希望你專注的就是我們剛才所說的,成功… Gabby:是的。

Lindsay: …and surging. ||激增 ||in aumento Lindsay:……並且洶湧澎湃。

Gabby: My career is ‘taking off.' 蓋比:我的事業正在「起飛」。 Great.


So we want to give you guys a chance just to repeat really quick (quickly). Therefore|||||||||||||| 所以我們想給你們一個機會快速重複。 So repeat the phrases after us please. 請重複我們後面的片語。

First: “How did it go?”

Lindsay: And ‘to give credit.'

Gabby: ‘To put a spin on something.'

Lindsay: ‘To take off.'

Gabby: All right. Thanks you guys.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. So I've heard some of your students have been using the premium transcripts for this podcast. 我聽說你們的一些學生一直在使用這個播客的高級成績單。 Tell me about that. 告訴我這件事。



(You know) this podcast is just, is fantastic if you wanna (want to) have some fun and you wanna (want to) learn a little bit, you wanna (want to) get a little bit of motivation for your English. (你知道)如果你想(想)玩得開心,想(想)學一點,想(想)為你的英語獲得一點動力,那麼這個播客就太棒了。 But (you know) my students are actually really, really serious about improving and I'm, I'm excited about that. 但是(你知道)我的學生實際上非常非常認真地想要進步,我對此感到很興奮。 That's why I'm working with them. 這就是我與他們合作的原因。 And so, so for them, the way for them to actually really improve is to use the premium transcripts. 所以,對他們來說,真正進步的方法就是使用優質成績單。 So we've been using those in class together (um) and they've been able to learn a ton. 所以我們一直在課堂上一起使用這些(嗯),他們已經能夠學到很多東西。



Actually my students, too, (uh) they read the transcripts. 其實我的學生也讀了筆錄。 You can read them out loud. 您可以大聲朗讀它們。 You can do (um) some shadowing with the transcripts as well. 您也可以(嗯)對成績單進行一些追蹤。 You can look up vocabulary. 你可以查一下詞彙。 You can do a lot of things. 你可以做很多事。 I don't want to go on and on, but the premium transcripts are super helpful and we want to encourage those of you who are serious about improving your English this New Year to try them out. 我不想繼續說下去,但是高級成績單非常有幫助,我們希望鼓勵那些認真想在新年提高英語水平的人嘗試一下。 You can find them at allearsenglish.com/conversations. 您可以在 allearsenglish.com/conversations 上找到它們。

Lindsay: All right. So please check it out. 所以請檢查一下。 Thanks guys.

Gabby: Thank you.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.