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All Ears English, 34- New Year’s English Reverse Resolutions

34- New Year's English Reverse Resolutions

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English, Episode 34: Meeting Monday, “New Year's English Reverse Resolutions.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In this episode, you'll learn how to put a unique spin on your New Year's resolution by asking three key questions.


Lindsay: All right. So hey Gabby. How are you doing today?

Gabby: Great. How are you Lindsay?

Lindsay: Oh, I'm feeling really good and the reason is that this podcast really seems to be taking off.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So since we launched around mid-November, we've actually had around 100,000 downloads!

Gabby: What?

Lindsay: Yeah.

That's 100,000 downloads. Can you believe it?

Gabby: That's amazing.

Lindsay: So we just wanna (want to) say “Thank you” to you guys, to our listeners.

(Um) we really, we're here to add value to your lives and to help you feel more confident with your English. So thanks for coming along for the ride.

Gabby: Yeah.

Thank you all.

Lindsay: And we also wanna (want to) ask you to please go ahead and help us out by leaving us a review in iTunes or Stitcher Radio. This is really gonna (going to) help us to be able to continue to give you the best podcast that we possibly can. So please go straight to iTunes if you can and leave us a review. Let us know how you feel about this podcast.

Gabby: Yeah, you can also go to allearsenglish.com/howto and we've described, actually, in a video, how to leave a review because it is a little tricky.

Lindsay: All right. Great. So let's get down to business.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So today we're talking about how you can use – (um) how you can take a look at the year that's just gone by, 2013, and think about how you accomplished your goals or whether or not you accomplished your goals.

Do you wanna (want to) say a little bit more about that Gabby?

Gabby: Yeah I do, but first, (I mean), everyone's talking about New Year's resolutions and they're looking ahead to the new year and making goals or resolutions. A lot of people talk about (like) I wanna (want to) get fit, I wanna (want to) go on a diet, I wanna (want to)… Lindsay: Stop biting your nails, for example.

…save a million dollars. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's (there are) so many, (like), typical resolutions, but I wanted to take a unique look at the idea of the New Year's resolution and I wanna (want to) talk today about what I call a ‘reverse resolution.'

Lindsay: Cool.

That sounds really cool. What does that mean?

Gabby: So the idea is to go back to ‘reverse' (um) your thinking. Actually look back at 2013 and see what you did, what you wanted to do and what you did, and what worked and what didn't work. So, specifically, for your English language learning, take a look at what you wanted to do this year and were you able to accomplish that? (You know), what worked? Did listening to this podcast work for you for example? Or were there other things?

Maybe you took a class or (um) did some other kind of language study?

There's (there are) a million different things you could've done. Did it work for you? How did it go?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: (Um), yeah.

Lindsay: As they say – I think I heard a quote somewhere. I don't know who said this, but the definition of insanity is continuing to do something that doesn't work and expecting different results.

Gabby: That is awesome.

Lindsay: So if something's not working – that's why we're going through and we're doing this ‘reverse resolution.' We wanna (want to) see what's not working so that we can make those changes for next year, right?

Gabby: Right. Absolutely. So I like to think of it as an annual review for yourself.

(You know) sometimes – well usually if you have a job in the US, we have an annual review where your supervisor will tell you what's working and what's not working for you as an employee. I just had mine a few weeks ago actually.

Lindsay: Oh, you did. How did that go?

Gabby: Oh, it was good. It was great. (Um), but, but this is like a personal annual review where you get to measure your success from the past year.

Lindsay: Okay. So we look at what didn't work, what worked, and what was the third thing?

Gabby: (Um), what worked, what didn't work, maybe (uh) what your, what your goals were and if you were able to achieve them (uh) in the past year. And, (you know), if you didn't actually set any specific goals, that's okay, but maybe that's an indicator that you want to set goals for the New Year. So I really think that this ‘reverse (uh, uh) resolution' is the first step and then you might wanna (want to) go forward and make (like) a New Year's resolution for 2014. But you really have to look back and measure how far you've come…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …in order to move forward.

Lindsay: Yeah.

And I would also say that one thing you might wanna (want to), you might wanna (want to) do this with a partner or for example, if you have an English tutor, you might wanna (want to) do this with your English tutor because it's hard to see your own improvement sometimes, right?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Sometimes it's hard to step outside and look at yourself from the outside.

Gabby: Yeah.

I agree.

Lindsay: And then we also sometimes have a hard time giving ourselves credit for things that we've done well.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Right. So maybe ask a partner to sit down with you and do parts of this together.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: You think that could work?

Absolutely. And if you have a tutor, if they don't already give you a kind of evaluation of your progress, ask them for it, especially if you're trying to work on your accent. Ask them for an evaluation of your accent and…

Lindsay: That's a good idea.

Gabby: …how far you've come.

Lindsay: Definitely. See your progress.

Gabby: Okay cool. So one tool that I've found really helpful is (uh) kind of a spreadsheet to actually document your past year, your, your (self), annual review in writing and I found a pre-made (uh) spreadsheet on Chris Guillebeau's website. This was a blog post that he wrote on December 15, 2008, but it's still really helpful. You can just (um) Google ‘Chris Guillebeau.' (Uh) I think it's called….

Lindsay: …“The Art of Non-Conformity” is the name of his blog. (Uh) he's a really successful internet entrepreneur and a world traveler and he – it's interesting to listen to his advice ‘cause (because) he really knows what he's doing.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: About how to be successful and the name of the post is… Gabby: “How to Conduct Your Own Annual Review” Lindsay: Cool.

Gabby: Yeah, so check that out and we just encourage you to specifically look at how your English has come along during this past year and how to move forward in the New Year.

Lindsay: All right. So good luck putting together your ‘reverse resolution,' guys.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: And thanks for joining us today.

Gabby: Thanks guys.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. So I've heard some of your students have been using the premium transcripts for this podcast. Tell me about that.



(You know) this podcast is just, is fantastic if you wanna (want to) have some fun and you wanna (want to) learn a little bit, you wanna (want to) get a little bit of motivation for your English. But (you know) my students are actually really, really serious about improving and I'm, I'm excited about that. That's why I'm working with them. And so, so for them, the way for them to actually really improve is to use the premium transcripts. So we've been using those in class together (um) and they've been able to learn a ton.



Actually my students, too, (uh) they read the transcripts. You can read them out loud. You can do (um) some shadowing with the transcripts as well. You can look up vocabulary. You can do a lot of things. I don't want to go on and on, but the premium transcripts are super helpful and we want to encourage those of you who are serious about improving your English this New Year to try them out. You can find them at allearsenglish.com/conversations.

Lindsay: All right. So please check it out. Thanks guys.

Gabby: Thank you.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.

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34- New Year’s English Reverse Resolutions |||Inverti| 34- Umgekehrte Neujahrsvorsätze auf Englisch 34- Propósitos inversos de Año Nuevo en inglés 34- Resoluções de Ano Novo em Inglês Invertido 34- Новогодние английские обратные резолюции 34- Yeni Yıl İngilizce Ters Kararları 34 - 新年英语逆向决议 34 - 新年英語逆向決議 34 - 新年英語逆向決議

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English, Episode 34: Meeting Monday, “New Year's English Reverse Resolutions.” |||||||||||||反向|决心 ||||||||Réunion|||||| Lindsay:這是全耳英語,第 34 集:週一會議,「新年英語反向決議」。


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. ||||All Ears||||||||||| Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In this episode, you'll learn how to put a unique spin on your New Year's resolution by asking three key questions. |||||||||||||||决心||||| ||||||||||interpretazione|||||||||| Neste episódio, aprenderá a dar um toque único à sua resolução de Ano Novo, fazendo três perguntas-chave. Bu bölümde, üç önemli soru sorarak Yeni Yıl kararınızı nasıl benzersiz bir şekilde değiştireceğinizi öğreneceksiniz. 在本集中,您將學習如何透過提出三個關鍵問題來為您的新年決心賦予獨特的色彩。


Lindsay: All right. So hey Gabby. How are you doing today?

Gabby: Great. How are you Lindsay?

Lindsay: Oh, I'm feeling really good and the reason is that this podcast really seems to be taking off. Lindsay : Oh, je me sens vraiment bien et la raison en est que ce podcast semble vraiment décoller. Lindsay: Oh, gerçekten iyi hissediyorum ve bunun nedeni, bu podcast'in gerçekten iyi gidiyor gibi görünüyor. Lindsay:哦,我感覺非常好,原因是這個播客似乎真的正在起飛。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So since we launched around mid-November, we've actually had around 100,000 downloads! ||||推出||||||||下载量 ||||推出|||||||| Lindsay:自從我們在 11 月中旬左右推出以來,我們實際上已經有了大約 100,000 次下載!

Gabby: What?

Lindsay: Yeah.

That's 100,000 downloads. Can you believe it? ||credere| 你相信嗎?

Gabby: That's amazing. 蓋比:太棒了。

Lindsay: So we just wanna (want to) say “Thank you” to you guys, to our listeners. ||||voglia di||||||||||| Lindsay:所以我們只想對你們、對我們的聽眾說「謝謝」。

(Um) we really, we're here to add value to your lives and to help you feel more confident with your English. |||||||价值||||||||||||| (嗯)我們真的,我們來這裡是為了為你的生活增加價值,並幫助你對你的英語更有信心。 So thanks for coming along for the ride. |||||||viaggio Yolculuk için geldiğiniz için teşekkürler. 感謝您的光臨。

Gabby: Yeah.

Thank you all.

Lindsay: And we also wanna (want to) ask you to please go ahead and help us out by leaving us a review in iTunes or Stitcher Radio. Lindsay:我們也想請您在 iTunes 或 Stitcher Radio 中留下評論來幫助我們。 This is really gonna (going to) help us to be able to continue to give you the best podcast that we possibly can. 這確實會幫助我們繼續為您提供最好的播客。 So please go straight to iTunes if you can and leave us a review. 因此,如果可以的話,請直接訪問 iTunes 並給我們留下評論。 Let us know how you feel about this podcast.

Gabby: Yeah, you can also go to allearsenglish.com/howto and we've described, actually, in a video, how to leave a review because it is a little tricky. |||||||||如何|||描述了||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||complicato 加比:是的,你也可以訪問 allearsenglish.com/howto,實際上,我們已經在影片中描述瞭如何留下評論,因為這有點棘手。

Lindsay: All right. Great. So let's get down to business. Öyleyse işe başlayalım. 那麼就讓我們言歸正傳吧。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So today we're talking about how you can use – (um) how you can take a look at the year that's just gone by, 2013, and think about how you accomplished your goals or whether or not you accomplished your goals. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||达成|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||realizzato|||||||||| Lindsay:所以今天我們討論的是如何利用——(嗯)如何回顧剛剛過去的2013 年,並思考您如何實現目標或是否實現了目標。

Do you wanna (want to) say a little bit more about that Gabby? 你想(想)多說一點關於那個愛說話的人嗎?

Gabby: Yeah I do, but first, (I mean), everyone's talking about New Year's resolutions and they're looking ahead to the new year and making goals or resolutions. ||||||||||||||||anticipating|||||||||| Gabby: Evet, biliyorum ama önce (yani), herkes Yeni Yıl kararlarından bahsediyor ve yeni yılı ileriye bakıyor ve hedefler veya kararlar alıyor. 加比:是的,我願意,但首先,(我的意思是),每個人都在談論新年決心,他們展望新的一年並製定目標或決心。 A lot of people talk about (like) I wanna (want to) get fit, I wanna (want to) go on a diet, I wanna (want to)… Lindsay: Stop biting your nails, for example. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||咬|||| |||||regarding|||want to||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||mordere|||| Pek çok insan formda olmak (istiyorum), diyet yapmak istiyorum (istiyorum), istiyorum (istiyorum) hakkında konuşuyor… Lindsay: Örneğin tırnaklarını yemeyi bırak. 很多人都在談論(例如)我想要(想要)健身、我想要(想要)節食、我想要(想要)… Lindsay:例如,別再咬指甲了。

…save a million dollars. ……節省一百萬美元。 Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's (there are) so many, (like), typical resolutions, but I wanted to take a unique look at the idea of the New Year's resolution and I wanna (want to) talk today about what I call a ‘reverse resolution.' 有很多(類似)典型的決心,但我想以獨特的方式看待新年決心的想法,今天我想(想)談談我所說的「反向決心」。

Lindsay: Cool.

That sounds really cool. 聽起來真的很酷。 What does that mean? 這意味著什麼?

Gabby: So the idea is to go back to ‘reverse' (um) your thinking. 蓋比:所以我們的想法是回到「逆轉」(嗯)你的想法。 Actually look back at 2013 and see what you did, what you wanted to do and what you did, and what worked and what didn't work. 實際上回顧一下2013年,看看你做了什麼,你想做什麼,你做了什麼,什麼有效,什麼無效。 So, specifically, for your English language learning, take a look at what you wanted to do this year and were you able to accomplish that? |||||||||||your goals||||||||||||| 所以,具體來說,對於你的英語學習,看看你今年想做什麼,你能實現嗎? (You know), what worked? (你知道)什麼有效? Did listening to this podcast work for you for example? ||||audio program|help|in|you|in|for instance 例如,聽這個播客對您有用嗎? Or were there other things? |past tense verb|exist|additional|matters 或是有其他的事情嗎?

Maybe you took a class or (um) did some other kind of language study? ||||course||||a|alternative|type||language study|study of language 也許您參加了課程或(嗯)進行了其他類型的語言學習?

There's (there are) a million different things you could've done. There are|there is||a single|a lot of|various|options|you||actions 你可以做一百萬種不同的事。 Did it work for you? past tense auxiliary verb||function as intended|to|you 對你有用嗎? How did it go? in what manner|auxiliary verb|the event|turn out 進展如何?

Lindsay: Yeah. |agreement or affirmation

Gabby: (Um), yeah. |thinking pause|agreement or acknowledgment

Lindsay: As they say – I think I heard a quote somewhere. |like|people|people say||believe||believed to have heard||saying|at some point Lindsay:正如他們所說-我想我在某處聽過一句話。 I don't know who said this, but the definition of insanity is continuing to do something that doesn't work and expecting different results. ||||||||||疯狂||||||||||||结果 |do not|understand||uttered||however||meaning|||||||||||||| ||||||||||follia|||||||||||| 我不知道這句話是誰說的,但瘋狂的定義是繼續做一些不起作用的事情並期待不同的結果。

Gabby: That is awesome. 蓋比:那太棒了。

Lindsay: So if something's not working – that's why we're going through and we're doing this ‘reverse resolution.' Lindsay:所以,如果有些事情不起作用——這就是我們正在經歷的原因,我們正在做這個「反向解決方案」。 We wanna (want to) see what's not working so that we can make those changes for next year, right? 我們想要(想要)看看哪些地方不起作用,以便我們可以在明年做出這些改變,對吧?

Gabby: Right. Absolutely. So I like to think of it as an annual review for yourself. |||||||||年度||| 所以我喜歡將其視為對自己的年度回顧。

(You know) sometimes – well usually if you have a job in the US, we have an annual review where your supervisor will tell you what's working and what's not working for you as an employee. ||||||||||||||||||||主管|||||||||||||| (你知道)有時 - 通常如果你在美國有工作,我們會進行年度審查,你的主管會告訴你作為員工什麼是有效的,什麼是無效的。 I just had mine a few weeks ago actually. 實際上我幾週前才拿到的。

Lindsay: Oh, you did. 林賽:哦,你做到了。 How did that go? 進展如何?

Gabby: Oh, it was good. It was great. (Um), but, but this is like a personal annual review where you get to measure your success from the past year. ||||||||||||||衡量|||||| (嗯)但是,但這就像個人年度回顧,你可以衡量你過去一年的成功。

Lindsay: Okay. So we look at what didn't work, what worked, and what was the third thing? 所以我們看看什麼不起作用,什麼起作用,第三件事是什麼?

Gabby: (Um), what worked, what didn't work, maybe (uh) what your, what your goals were and if you were able to achieve them (uh) in the past year. Gabby : (Um), qu'est-ce qui a fonctionné, qu'est-ce qui n'a pas fonctionné, peut-être (euh) quels étaient vos, quels étaient vos objectifs et si vous avez pu les atteindre (euh) au cours de l'année écoulée. Gabby:(嗯),什麼有效,什麼無效,也許(呃)你的目標是什麼,以及你在過去一年是否能夠實現這些目標(呃)。 And, (you know), if you didn't actually set any specific goals, that's okay, but maybe that's an indicator that you want to set goals for the New Year. |||||||||||||||||指标|||||||||| Et, (vous savez), si vous ne vous êtes pas fixé d'objectifs spécifiques, ce n'est pas grave, mais c'est peut-être un indicateur que vous souhaitez vous fixer des objectifs pour la nouvelle année. 而且,(你知道),如果你實際上沒有設定任何具體目標,那也沒關係,但這也許表明你想為新年設定目標。 So I really think that this ‘reverse (uh, uh) resolution' is the first step and then you might wanna (want to) go forward and make (like) a New Year's resolution for 2014. Donc je pense vraiment que cette 'résolution inversée (uh, uh)' est la première étape et ensuite vous pourriez vouloir (vouloir) aller de l'avant et faire (comme) une résolution du Nouvel An pour 2014. 所以我真的認為這個「反向(呃,呃)決議」是第一步,然後你可能想要(想要)繼續前進並為 2014 年制定(例如)新年決議。 But you really have to look back and measure how far you've come… 但你真的必須回顧並衡量你已經走了多遠...

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …in order to move forward. 蓋比:……為了前進。

Lindsay: Yeah.

And I would also say that one thing you might wanna (want to), you might wanna (want to) do this with a partner or for example, if you have an English tutor, you might wanna (want to) do this with your English tutor because it's hard to see your own improvement sometimes, right? Et je dirais aussi qu'une chose que vous voudriez (voudriez), vous voudriez (voudriez) faire ça avec un partenaire ou par exemple, si vous avez un tuteur d'anglais, vous voudriez (voudriez) faire ça avec votre Professeur d'anglais parce qu'il est parfois difficile de voir sa propre amélioration, n'est-ce pas ? 我還想說,你可能想要(想要)做一件事,你可能想要(想要)與合作夥伴一起做這件事,或者例如,如果你有一位英語導師,你可能想要(想要)與你的伴侶一起做這件事英語家教因為有時候很難看到自己的進步,對嗎?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Sometimes it's hard to step outside and look at yourself from the outside. Lindsay : Parfois, il est difficile de sortir et de se regarder de l'extérieur. Lindsay:有時候很難走出去,從外面審視自己。

Gabby: Yeah.

I agree.

Lindsay: And then we also sometimes have a hard time giving ourselves credit for things that we've done well. Lindsay : Et puis nous avons aussi parfois du mal à nous attribuer le mérite des choses que nous avons bien faites. Lindsay:有時我們也很難對自己做得好的事情給予認可。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Right. So maybe ask a partner to sit down with you and do parts of this together. Alors demandez peut-être à un partenaire de s'asseoir avec vous et de faire des parties de cela ensemble. 因此,也許可以請一位合作夥伴與您坐下來一起完成其中的部分內容。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: You think that could work? Lindsay:你認為這可行嗎?

Absolutely. And if you have a tutor, if they don't already give you a kind of evaluation of your progress, ask them for it, especially if you're trying to work on your accent. 如果你有導師,如果他們還沒有對你的進步進行某種評估,那就向他們索要,尤其是當你正在努力改善你的口音時。 Ask them for an evaluation of your accent and… ||||评估|||| ||||valutazione|||| 請他們評估你的口音和…

Lindsay: That's a good idea.

Gabby: …how far you've come. 加比:……你已經走了多遠了。

Lindsay: Definitely. See your progress. 看看你的進步。

Gabby: Okay cool. So one tool that I've found really helpful is (uh) kind of a spreadsheet to actually document your past year, your, your (self), annual review in writing and I found a pre-made (uh) spreadsheet on Chris Guillebeau's website. ||工具|||||||||||电子表格|||文档|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||foglio di calcolo||||||||||||||||||||||||| Donc, un outil que j'ai trouvé vraiment utile est (euh) une sorte de feuille de calcul pour documenter votre dernière année, votre, votre (vous-même), votre bilan annuel par écrit et j'ai trouvé une feuille de calcul pré-faite (euh) sur Chris Guillebeau site Internet. 因此,我發現真正有用的一個工具是(呃)一種電子表格,可以實際記錄您過去的一年,您的(自我)書面年度回顧,我在Chris Guillebeau 的網站上找到了一個預先製作的(呃)電子表格網站。 This was a blog post that he wrote on December 15, 2008, but it's still really helpful. 這是他於 2008 年 12 月 15 日寫的部落格文章,但仍然非常有幫助。 You can just (um) Google ‘Chris Guillebeau.' 你可以(嗯)谷歌搜尋“Chris Guillebeau”。 (Uh) I think it's called…. (呃)我想它的名字叫做…

Lindsay: …“The Art of Non-Conformity” is the name of his blog. Lindsay:…「不墨守成規的藝術」是他部落格的名稱。 (Uh) he's a really successful internet entrepreneur and a world traveler and he – it's interesting to listen to his advice ‘cause (because) he really knows what he's doing. ||||||企业家||||旅行者||||||||||||||||| ||||||imprenditore||||||||||||||||||||| (呃)他是一位非常成功的網路企業家和環遊世界的旅行者,聽他的建議很有趣,因為(因為)他真的知道自己在做什麼。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: About how to be successful and the name of the post is… Gabby: “How to Conduct Your Own Annual Review” Lindsay: Cool. ||||||||||||||||进行|||||| Success tips|||||||||||||||||||||| Lindsay:關於如何取得成功,貼文的名稱是… Gabby:「如何進行自己的年度審查」 Lindsay:酷。

Gabby: Yeah, so check that out and we just encourage you to specifically look at how your English has come along during this past year and how to move forward in the New Year. Gabby: Sim, por isso, veja isso e encorajamo-lo a analisar especificamente como o seu inglês evoluiu durante o ano passado e como avançar no Ano Novo. 蓋比:是的,所以檢查一下,我們只是鼓勵您專門看看您的英語在過去一年中的進展以及如何在新的一年中前進。

Lindsay: All right. 林賽:好的。 So good luck putting together your ‘reverse resolution,' guys. Por isso, boa sorte na elaboração da vossa "resolução inversa", pessoal. 夥計們,祝你好運,把你的“反向解決方案”組合起來。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: And thanks for joining us today. Lindsay:感謝您今天加入我們。

Gabby: Thanks guys.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. So I've heard some of your students have been using the premium transcripts for this podcast. 我聽說你們的一些學生一直在使用這個播客的高級成績單。 Tell me about that. 告訴我這件事。



(You know) this podcast is just, is fantastic if you wanna (want to) have some fun and you wanna (want to) learn a little bit, you wanna (want to) get a little bit of motivation for your English. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||动力||| (你知道)如果你想(想)玩得開心,想(想)學一點,想(想)為你的英語獲得一點動力,那麼這個播客就太棒了。 But (you know) my students are actually really, really serious about improving and I'm, I'm excited about that. 但是(你知道)我的學生實際上非常非常認真地想要進步,我對此感到很興奮。 That's why I'm working with them. 這就是我與他們合作的原因。 And so, so for them, the way for them to actually really improve is to use the premium transcripts. 所以,對他們來說,真正進步的方法就是使用優質成績單。 So we've been using those in class together (um) and they've been able to learn a ton. 所以我們在課堂上一起使用這些(嗯),他們已經能夠學到很多東西。



Actually my students, too, (uh) they read the transcripts. 其實我的學生也讀了筆錄。 You can read them out loud. 您可以大聲朗讀它們。 You can do (um) some shadowing with the transcripts as well. |||||跟读||||| |||||sovrapposizione||||| 您也可以(嗯)對成績單進行一些追蹤。 You can look up vocabulary. 你可以查一下詞彙。 You can do a lot of things. I don't want to go on and on, but the premium transcripts are super helpful and we want to encourage those of you who are serious about improving your English this New Year to try them out. 我不想繼續說下去,但是高級成績單非常有幫助,我們希望鼓勵那些認真想在新年提高英語水平的人嘗試一下。 You can find them at allearsenglish.com/conversations.

Lindsay: All right. So please check it out. 所以請檢查一下。 Thanks guys.

Gabby: Thank you.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.