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All Ears English, 33- When Is the Best Time to Start Studying English?

33- When Is the Best Time to Start Studying English?

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 33: Deep Thoughts Thursday.


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll find out when the perfect time is to start studying English.



Hey Gabby. How's it going today?


Good. How are you doing Lindsay?



I'm doing great. So today we have a quote to share and what is that quote? Do you wanna (want to) read it?

Gabby: “Don't wait. The time will never be just right.”

Lindsay: Oh my gosh. So deep.

It is. You know what? This is actually one of my favorite quotes. It's (um) kind of my philosophy. I mean, if you always wait for that point in the future when things are just right like, like when all the stars align and all the chips fall into place. You know it's just not gonna (going to) happen.

Lindsay: It's just never gonna (going to) happen because the stars really don't align. (I mean), you have to make them align, right?

Gabby: Exactly. So if we think about language learning, it's like well I will what? Study when I have more time?


You'll never have more time.


Exactly. I know. You never get more time, right? (Uh), I'll enroll in a class when I have more money.




(Um) I mean when you think about it, (like), if you invest in a class now, you'll probably reap the benefits and make more money in the long-term because you'll have that language skill.


Right and look at these, I don't know, famous entrepreneurs, famous people who've done amazing things. They have the same 24 hours in the day that you have.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: Right. So just think about how you're using that time and just go after the thing that you wanna (want to) do. Don't wait. Don't put it off because putting it off is just fearing it.



And this kinda (kind of) is (uh) is really directly linked to our quote from last week about, (you know), action is the foundational key to all success. It's just about taking action, right? (You know), don't delay. Of course think, right? Think a little bit, make sure you're taking the right (uh) course of action, but don't just stay in your head.



Do, do take action. (Um), as far as your studying, (you know), if (um) it's, if it's important to you, you need to take five minutes. Just, if that's all you can spare at first, take five minutes and start studying. Those five minutes will make a difference.


(Mm-hmm). There you go.


They really will. Same thing with (like) exercise. (I mean), if you can start with a five-minute jog, that's the best thing to do. (You know) you don't have to (um) pressure yourself into thinking ‘Oh, I have to run for a mile…' or for – sorry – ‘for (uh, uh) an hour.' Lindsay:



You know (like)…


You'll start to build that sense of momentum.






So just start small. Don't wait. Do it now.

Lindsay: Go for it.

Gabby: Go for it.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Just do it. Cool. All right. Well, thank you so much for listening today to our ‘Deep Thoughts Thursday.' And we can't wait to join you guys in the New Year, so…

Lindsay: Absolutely. And don't forget to subscribe to this podcast, if you haven't done it yet.

Gabby: Yeah. Absolutely.

Subscribe, share it with your friends (um) and definitely we'll see you guys in the New Year. Keep listening.


I've been getting some questions from students, from listeners, from you guys (um) about what we're saying. Sometimes (um) maybe you're listening and you're not quite sure if you caught what we said, or you heard us but you weren't sure about the word that we actually said, so what we've done is we've created transcripts where you can read every single word that we said in print. So it's super easy to understand everything and this is a great way to push your English up a level and to really feel confident with your understanding and to be able to use those words in writing and speaking in your own conversations. So in order to get those premium transcripts, just come to www.allearsenglish.com/conversations.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time.

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33- When Is the Best Time to Start Studying English? 33- Wann ist der beste Zeitpunkt, um mit dem Englischlernen zu beginnen? 33- ¿Cuándo es el mejor momento para empezar a estudiar inglés? 33- Quel est le meilleur moment pour commencer à étudier l'anglais ? 33- 英語の勉強を始めるのに最適な時期は? 33- Qual é a melhor altura para começar a estudar inglês? 33- Когда лучше всего начинать изучать английский язык? 33- İngilizce Öğrenmeye Başlamak İçin En Uygun Zaman Ne Zamandır? 33- Коли найкраще починати вивчати англійську? 33-什么时候开始学习英语的最佳时间? 33-什麼時候開始學習英文的最佳時間? 33-什麼時候開始學習英文的最佳時間?

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 33: Deep Thoughts Thursday. ||||||English language|audio program||profound|Reflections|Deep Thoughts Lindsay: This is All Ears English Podcast الحلقة 33: أفكار عميقة الخميس.

[Instrumental] musical performance [آلات موسيقية]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. |Greetings||||listening|native language|show|in which|you will|at last|experience|authentic|authentic|native language|dialogue Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. |||vos||||||||||||||||||| Presenting|in this location|are introducing|possessive pronoun||||||Explorer||Gabby Wallace|||Language Angel||arriving|||in|Boston Massachusetts|Massachusetts|United States

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll find out when the perfect time is to start studying English. |||||découvrir|découvrir||||||||| |||episode||||||ideal||||begin|learning|English language Lindsay:在這一集中,您將了解什麼時候是開始學習英語的最佳時機。



Hey Gabby. How's it going today?


Good. How are you doing Lindsay?



I'm doing great. So today we have a quote to share and what is that quote? |||||citation||||||| さて、今日はその名言を紹介しよう。 那麼今天我們有一句話要分享,那句話是什麼呢? Do you wanna (want to) read it?

Gabby: “Don't wait. 加比:「別等了。 The time will never be just right.” Le moment ne sera jamais le bon." 時機永遠不會恰到好處。”

Lindsay: Oh my gosh. So deep. 很深。

It is. You know what? This is actually one of my favorite quotes. 這其實是我最喜歡的名言之一。 It's (um) kind of my philosophy. |||||哲学 這是(嗯)我的哲學。 I mean, if you always wait for that point in the future when things are just right like, like when all the stars align and all the chips fall into place. |||||||||||||||||||||||对齐||||筹码||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||pièces du puzzle||| |||||||||||||||||||||||si allineano||||||| Je veux dire, si vous attendez toujours ce moment dans le futur où les choses vont bien, comme quand toutes les étoiles s'alignent et que tous les jetons se mettent en place. 我的意思是,如果你總是等待未來一切都恰到好處的那一刻,就像所有星星對齊並且所有晶片都就位時一樣。 You know it's just not gonna (going to) happen. 你知道這不會發生。

Lindsay: It's just never gonna (going to) happen because the stars really don't align. Lindsay:這永遠不會發生,因為星星真的不對齊。 (I mean), you have to make them align, right? (我的意思是),你必須讓它們對齊,對吧?

Gabby: Exactly. 蓋比:沒錯。 So if we think about language learning, it's like well I will what? 因此,如果我們考慮語言學習,那麼我會做什麼? Study when I have more time? 當我有更多時間時學習?


You'll never have more time. 你永遠不會有更多的時間。


Exactly. I know. You never get more time, right? 你永遠不會有更多的時間,對吧? (Uh), I'll enroll in a class when I have more money. ||报名|||||||| ||iscriversi|||||||| (呃),等我有錢了就去報名。




(Um) I mean when you think about it, (like), if you invest in a class now, you'll probably reap the benefits and make more money in the long-term because you'll have that language skill. |||||||||||投资|||||||获得好处||好处||||||||||||||语言技能 Let me think|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||raccogli|||||||||||||||| (Euh) Je veux dire, quand on y pense, (comme), si vous investissez dans un cours maintenant, vous récolterez probablement les bénéfices et gagnerez plus d'argent à long terme parce que vous aurez cette compétence linguistique. (嗯)我的意思是,當你想一想時,(例如),如果你現在投資一門課程,從長遠來看,你可能會獲得收益並賺更多的錢,因為你將擁有這種語言技能。


Right and look at these, I don't know, famous entrepreneurs, famous people who've done amazing things. |||||||||企业家|||做过惊人事||| |||||||||imprenditori|||||| 好吧,看看這些,我不知道,著名的企業家,做出了驚人事情的名人。 They have the same 24 hours in the day that you have. 他們一天中的 24 小時與你相同。

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: Right. So just think about how you're using that time and just go after the thing that you wanna (want to) do. 所以,想想你如何利用這段時間,然後去做你想做的事情。 Don't wait. 別等了。 Don't put it off because putting it off is just fearing it. |||||remettre|||||craindre| |||||rimandare|||||temere| Ne le remettez pas à plus tard, car le remettre à plus tard, c'est juste le craindre. 後回しにするのはただ恐れているだけだからだ。 Não o adiem, porque adiá-lo é apenas temê-lo. 不要推遲它,因為推遲它只是因為害怕它。



And this kinda (kind of) is (uh) is really directly linked to our quote from last week about, (you know), action is the foundational key to all success. ||||||||||相关||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||citazione|||||||||||||| 這種(某種)是(呃)確實與我們上週的引言直接相關,(你知道),行動是所有成功的基本關鍵。 It's just about taking action, right? 只要採取行動就可以了,對吧? (You know), don't delay. |||不要拖延 (你知道),不要拖延。 Of course think, right? 當然想,對吧? Think a little bit, make sure you're taking the right (uh) course of action, but don't just stay in your head. 想一想,確保你採取了正確的(呃)行動方針,但不要只停留在自己的頭腦中。



Do, do take action. 做,做,採取行動。 (Um), as far as your studying, (you know), if (um) it's, if it's important to you, you need to take five minutes. (嗯),就你的學習而言,(你知道),如果(嗯)它對你來說很重要,你需要花五分鐘。 Just, if that's all you can spare at first, take five minutes and start studying. ||||||risparmiare|||||||| Juste, si c'est tout ce que vous pouvez épargner au début, prenez cinq minutes et commencez à étudier. 只是,如果您一開始只能抽出這些時間,請花五分鐘開始學習。 Those five minutes will make a difference. 這五分鐘將會帶來改變。


(Mm-hmm). There you go. 就這樣吧。


They really will. 他們真的會的。 Same thing with (like) exercise. 運動也是如此。 (I mean), if you can start with a five-minute jog, that's the best thing to do. ||||||||||慢跑|||||| |||||||||minute||||||| ||||||||||corsa leggera|||||| (我的意思是),如果你能從五分鐘的慢跑開始,那是最好的選擇。 (You know) you don't have to (um) pressure yourself into thinking ‘Oh, I have to run for a mile…' or for – sorry – ‘for (uh, uh) an hour.' (你知道)你不必(嗯)強迫自己思考“哦,我必須跑一英里......”或者 - 抱歉 - “(呃,呃)一個小時。” Lindsay:



You know (like)…


You'll start to build that sense of momentum. |||||||势头 |||||||slancio 你將開始建立那種動力感。






So just start small. 所以從小事做起。 Don't wait. Do it now.

Lindsay: Go for it.

Gabby: Go for it. 蓋比:加油吧。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Just do it. Cool. All right. Well, thank you so much for listening today to our ‘Deep Thoughts Thursday.' 好吧,非常感謝您今天收聽我們的“週四深度思考”。 And we can't wait to join you guys in the New Year, so… |we||||||||||| 我們迫不及待地想和你們一起過新年,所以…

Lindsay: Absolutely. And don't forget to subscribe to this podcast, if you haven't done it yet. ||||订阅||||||||| 如果您還沒有訂閱此播客,請不要忘記訂閱。

Gabby: Yeah. Absolutely.

Subscribe, share it with your friends (um) and definitely we'll see you guys in the New Year. 訂閱,與您的朋友分享(嗯),我們一定會在新年見到你們。 Keep listening.


I've been getting some questions from students, from listeners, from you guys (um) about what we're saying. 我從學生、聽眾、你們(嗯)那裡收到了一些關於我們所說內容的問題。 Sometimes (um) maybe you're listening and you're not quite sure if you caught what we said, or you heard us but you weren't sure about the word that we actually said, so what we've done is we've created transcripts where you can read every single word that we said in print. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||transcriptions écrites|||||||||||| So it's super easy to understand everything and this is a great way to push your English up a level and to really feel confident with your understanding and to be able to use those words in writing and speaking in your own conversations. So in order to get those premium transcripts, just come to www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. |||||||||||www|||


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. ||||||||||||||||étoiles|avis || See you next time.