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All Ears English, 26- five ways to spend the Christmas holiday in the US

26- five ways to spend the Christmas holiday in the US

Lindsay:This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 26.


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn five ways to spend the Christmas holiday in the US.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. What's happening?

Gabby: Well, I want to talk a little bit about this holiday coming up. This holiday called…Lindsay: Christmas!

Gabby: Christmas. So yeah, we're gonna (going to) talk a little bit about being away from home in America over the Christmas holiday and a little bit about Christmas stuff like things you should know, that, (you know), might be different from back home.

Lindsay: Yeah, okay. So where should we start today?

Gabby: Oh my gosh. So… well I would say, (you know), how do you have fun and enjoy Christmas when you're not with your family? You're in a new city, you're in a new country in the US. What are some things that you could do for fun? What's one thing that comes to mind?

Lindsay: Yeah.

I mean, (you know), often you can go and do public ice skating.

Gabby: Oh cool.

Lindsay: Okay.

So that's one thing that's kinda (kind of) cool to do.

Gabby: Ice skating, (um), if you're in Boston in the Boston Common, in New York City Central Park, so much fun.

Lindsay: Rockefeller Center. They have that skating rink in Bryant Park also.

Gabby: Yeah.

It's great to do with your friends or like on a date (um) and there's (there are) a lot of Christmas parties. (Like), (you know), check the newspaper, check club listings. There might be like a Christmas-themed event. That would also be fun.

Lindsay: Right.

Cocktail parties also.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: If you get invited to a cocktail party, what's one thing you should remember?

Gabby: (Um) well two things.

Lindsay: Okay, two things.

Gabby: One thing you had mentioned (um) bringing something.

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: Like a bottle of wine.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: That would be perfect.

Lindsay: Yeah.


Gabby: A bottle of wine for your host.

Lindsay: (Mm-hmm).

Gabby: (Um) also, it's really big to wear red at holiday parties to wear like a nice red dress, (um).

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: I mean Christmas colors are red and green, but you don't have to wear all red and green. But I'm just saying for the ladies if you have a nice (like) red cocktail dress it could be a nice time to use it.

Lindsay: Yeah and cocktail parties are fancier. They're on the fancier side. So, I mean, when I go to a party, I often wear jeans, but I wouldn't wear jeans to a cocktail party.

Gabby: No. (It would) be (like) heels…

Lindsay: That's something you need to know.

Gabby: …and a cute….

Lindsay: Yes.



Gabby: Guys, maybe a suit jacket.

Lindsay: (Mm-hmm).


Gabby: Yeah.

Looking good.

Lindsay: Cool. Okay.

Gabby: Oh and if you're at a party, watch out for mistletoe. I don't know it's like agreen leaf thing with (like) red berries. People hang it in doorways and,

(you know), if you walk under it with someone else, the tradition is you have to kiss that person.

Lindsay: You see that a lot in the movies too.

Gabby: Yeah.


Lindsay: Yeah.


Gabby: You can use it to your advantage if you want.

Lindsay: Okay.

Gabby: Another good thing is a lot of big cities they have (um) huge Christmas trees, so you could go – if you catch the lighting (um) or you could just go, (you know), after the Christmas tree is up, you could go take a walk around there, take pictures. (Um) it's really, it's really cool. I know in the Boston Common they have one. They probably have one in Central Park too, right?

Lindsay: Probably. Yeah.

I don't remember, but probably. Yeah.

Gabby: Okay.


Lindsay: Yeah and I would just say to just keep in mind that even if you're feeling lonely or away from your, your family and your home culture, just think maybe you're only here for a few years, and it's a unique opportunity…Gabby: Yeah. Take advantage of that.

Lindsay: …to be in a new place for Christmas time.

Gabby: Well and another thing about the US is we often spend Christmas with family, whereas, (you know), I used to live in Japan and I know Christmas is like a big date night in Japan, so it's just, (you know), it's good to know… Of course you can go on a date on Christmas.

Lindsay: Sure. You can do whatever you want.

Gabby: You can do whatever you want.

Lindsay: Exactly.

Gabby: But yeah, just take advantage of it, and, (you know), check (um) universities too. They often have international student gatherings or (you know) international groups. There's one called InterNations. There might be different groups in your city, so just see what's going on and there's no reason why you couldn't organize your own event as well.

Lindsay: Right.

And there's one more thing that you can do. (Um) a lot of times we like to volunteer. If you're feeling bored or lonely, you could volunteer at a soup kitchen. A soup kitchen is a place where (uh) people serve food to homeless people. So go and give something. If you're feeling sad, just give.

Gabby: Yeah.

That's a great idea. It's a great way to meet people as well.

Lindsay: For sure. And to practice your English!

Gabby: Yeah.


Lindsay: Okay.

Gabby: Great ideas. So yeah, Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you enjoy the holiday away from home and that you just have a great time.

Lindsay: Yeah.


Gabby: Yeah.

All right so we'll see you tomorrow and we're going to have a ‘Teaching Tuesday' to just talk about some of the phrases that we used in this episode more in depth, so I'll see you then.

Lindsay: See you then.


Gabby: So, yeah looking back at our episode today, our ‘Meeting Monday,' we just wanted to mention that we know Christmas is a religious event. It comes from Catholicism, obviously, but we're talking about it in more of a cultural (um) way that, (you know), if you're in the US, it's celebrated. (You know) you're gonna (going to) see (um) the stores celebrating Christmas. You're gonna (going to) see a big ol' (old) Christmas tree in the park and (um) it's good to know what it is and, (you know), just to celebrate as (like) a cultural event not necessarily a religious event.


Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: Thank you.

Gabby: Cool


Lindsay: Okay.

So (you know), I've actually talked with 30 different students over the past few months and a lot of the students that I've spoken with have said that they're at an intermediate level or high intermediate level and they just can't seem to find a way to move beyond that intermediate level, to move to the advanced level. And this is what we wanna (want to) help you guys with, but if you really wanna (want to) move to that level, it's gonna (going to) require a little bit more of a commitment, okay. So go for the premium transcripts that we have available for you and in order to get those, you need to go to www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. So check it out.


Lindsay:Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time!

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26- five ways to spend the Christmas holiday in the US 26- خمس طرق لقضاء عطلة عيد الميلاد في الولايات المتحدة 26- fünf Möglichkeiten, die Weihnachtsfeiertage in den USA zu verbringen 26- cinco formas de pasar las fiestas navideñas en ee.uu. 26- cinq façons de passer les fêtes de Noël aux États-Unis 26- アメリカでクリスマス休暇を過ごす5つの方法 26- 미국에서 크리스마스 휴가를 보내는 5가지 방법 26- cinco maneiras de passar o feriado de Natal nos EUA 26 - пять способов провести рождественские каникулы в США 26- ABD'de Noel tatilini geçirmenin beş yolu 26 - п'ять способів провести різдвяні свята в США 26-在美国度过圣诞假期的五种方式 26-在美國度過聖誕假期的五種方式

Lindsay:This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 26. Lindsay: This is All Ears English Podcast الحلقة 26. Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 26 集。

[Instrumental] musical accompaniment

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. غابي: مرحبًا بك في All Ears English Podcast ، حيث ستحصل أخيرًا على محادثة حقيقية باللغة الإنجليزية. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn five ways to spend the Christmas holiday in the US.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. غابي: مرحبًا ليندسي. How's it going? كيف تجري الامور؟ 怎麼樣了?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. Lindsay: مرحبًا غابي. What's happening? ماذا يحدث؟

Gabby: Well, I want to talk a little bit about this holiday coming up. غابي: حسنًا ، أريد أن أتحدث قليلاً عن هذه العطلة القادمة. ギャビー:まあ、私はこの休日が来ることについて少し話したいと思います。 蓋比:嗯,我想談談即將到來的這個假期。 This holiday called…Lindsay: Christmas! هذه العيده تسمى ... ليندسي: عيد الميلاد! 這個節日叫做… Lindsay:聖誕節!

Gabby: Christmas. So yeah, we're gonna (going to) talk a little bit about being away from home in America over the Christmas holiday and a little bit about Christmas stuff like things you should know, that, (you know), might be different from back home. そうですね、私たちはクリスマス休暇中にアメリカで家を離れることについて少し話し、あなたが知っておくべきことのようなクリスマスのことについて少し話します、それは(あなたが知っている)とは異なるかもしれません家に帰る。 所以,是的,我們要(要)談論一些關於在聖誕節期間離開美國的家的事情,以及一些關於聖誕節的事情,比如你應該知道的事情,(你知道),可能與回家。

Lindsay: Yeah, okay. So where should we start today? 那麼今天我們該從哪裡開始呢?

Gabby: Oh my gosh. So… well I would say, (you know), how do you have fun and enjoy Christmas when you're not with your family? 所以……好吧,我會說,(你知道),當你不和家人在一起時,你如何玩得開心並享受聖誕節? You're in a new city, you're in a new country in the US. 你在一個新的城市,在美國的一個新的國家。 What are some things that you could do for fun? 您可以做哪些有趣的事? What's one thing that comes to mind? 我想到的一件事是什麼?

Lindsay: Yeah.

I mean, (you know), often you can go and do public ice skating. ||||||||||||滑冰 我的意思是,(你知道),你經常可以去公共滑冰。

Gabby: Oh cool.

Lindsay: Okay.

So that's one thing that's kinda (kind of) cool to do. |||||un po'||||| 所以這是一件有點(有點)酷的事情。

Gabby: Ice skating, (um), if you're in Boston in the Boston Common, in New York City Central Park, so much fun. 加比:溜冰,(嗯),如果你在波士頓的波士頓公園、紐約中央公園,那會非常有趣。

Lindsay: Rockefeller Center. |洛克菲勒中心| |ロックフェラーセンター| They have that skating rink in Bryant Park also. ||||滑冰场|||| ||||skating area|||| ||||||ブライアントパーク|| 他們在布萊恩特公園也有那個溜冰場。

Gabby: Yeah.

It's great to do with your friends or like on a date (um) and there's (there are) a lot of Christmas parties. 與朋友或約會(嗯)真是太棒了,而且有很多聖誕派對。 (Like), (you know), check the newspaper, check club listings. ||||||||クラブのリスト (例如),(你知道),查看報紙,查看俱樂部列表。 There might be like a Christmas-themed event. |||||圣诞节|圣诞主题| ||||||クリスマステーマの| 可能會有聖誕節主題的活動。 That would also be fun.

Lindsay: Right.

Cocktail parties also. 鸡尾酒会|| 還有雞尾酒會。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: If you get invited to a cocktail party, what's one thing you should remember? Lindsay:カクテルパーティーに招待された場合、覚えておくべきことは何ですか? Lindsay:如果你被邀請參加雞尾酒會,你該記得什麼?

Gabby: (Um) well two things. 加比:(嗯)有兩件事。

Lindsay: Okay, two things.

Gabby: One thing you had mentioned (um) bringing something. |||||||带来| |||||menzionato||| ギャビー:あなたが言ったことの1つ(ええと)何かを持ってきます。 蓋比:有一件事你提到(嗯)帶了一些東西。

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: Like a bottle of wine. 蓋比:就像一瓶酒。

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: That would be perfect.

Lindsay: Yeah.


Gabby: A bottle of wine for your host. |||||||主人 蓋比:給主人一瓶酒。

Lindsay: (Mm-hmm).

Gabby: (Um) also, it's really big to wear red at holiday parties to wear like a nice red dress, (um). ギャビー:(ええと)また、ホリデーパーティーで赤を着て素敵な赤いドレスのように着るのは本当に大きいです(ええと)。 Gabby:(嗯)還有,在節慶聚會上穿紅色衣服就像穿漂亮的紅色洋裝一樣,真的很重要,(嗯)。

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: I mean Christmas colors are red and green, but you don't have to wear all red and green. 蓋比:我的意思是聖誕節的顏色是紅色和綠色,但你不必穿全紅色和綠色。 But I'm just saying for the ladies if you have a nice (like) red cocktail dress it could be a nice time to use it. 但我只是對女士們說,如果你有一件漂亮的(例如)紅色雞尾酒禮服,那麼這可能是使用它的好時機。

Lindsay: Yeah and cocktail parties are fancier. ||||||更高档的 ||||||più eleganti ||||||หรูหรากว่า ||||||より豪華な Lindsay:是的,雞尾酒會更精彩。 They're on the fancier side. |||更高档| 他們站在更狂熱的一邊。 So, I mean, when I go to a party, I often wear jeans, but I wouldn't wear jeans to a cocktail party. 所以,我的意思是,當我去參加派對時,我經常穿牛仔褲,但我不會穿牛仔褲去參加雞尾酒會。

Gabby: No. (It would) be (like) heels… ||||高跟鞋 ||||sarebbe come tacchi (它會)是(像)高跟鞋…

Lindsay: That's something you need to know. Lindsay:這是你需要知道的事。

Gabby: …and a cute…. |||carino

Lindsay: Yes.



Gabby: Guys, maybe a suit jacket. 蓋比:夥伴們,也許是一件西裝外套。

Lindsay: (Mm-hmm).


Gabby: Yeah.

Looking good.

Lindsay: Cool. Okay.

Gabby: Oh and if you're at a party, watch out for mistletoe. 加比|||||||||||槲寄生 |||||||||||宿り木 |||||||||||槲寄生 |||||||||||Gabby: Oh e se sei a una festa, stai attento al vischio. 蓋比:哦,如果你參加聚會,請留意槲寄生。 I don't know it's like agreen leaf thing with (like) red berries. |||||绿色的||||||红色浆果 |||||緑の葉|||||| |||||綠色||||||漿果 |||||foglia verde||||||bacche rosse それが赤いベリーのある緑の葉のようなものかどうかはわかりません。 我不知道它就像一片綠葉,上面有紅色漿果。 People hang it in doorways and, |悬挂|||门口| ||||入り口| ||||門口| 人們把它掛在門口,

(you know), if you walk under it with someone else, the tradition is you have to kiss that person. |||||||||||传统||||||| (你知道),如果你和別人一起走過它,傳統是你必須親吻那個人。

Lindsay: You see that a lot in the movies too. Lindsay:你在電影中也常看到這種情況。

Gabby: Yeah.


Lindsay: Yeah.


Gabby: You can use it to your advantage if you want. 蓋比:如果你願意的話,你可以利用它來發揮你的優勢。

Lindsay: Okay.

Gabby: Another good thing is a lot of big cities they have (um) huge Christmas trees, so you could go – if you catch the lighting (um) or you could just go, (you know), after the Christmas tree is up, you could go take a walk around there, take pictures. ||||||||||||||||||||||||点灯|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||assisti a||accensione delle luci|||||||||||||||||||||||| ギャビー:もう1つの良い点は、大都市に巨大なクリスマスツリーがあるので、行くことができます。クリスマスツリーが上がった後、照明をキャッチするか、(ええと)行くことができます。 、あちこちを散歩したり、写真を撮ったりできます。 蓋比:另一件好事是很多大城市都有(嗯)巨大的聖誕樹,所以你可以去——如果你趕上了燈光(嗯)或者你可以在聖誕樹升起後就走(你知道) ,你可以去那裡散步,拍照。 (Um) it's really, it's really cool. (嗯)真的,真的很酷。 I know in the Boston Common they have one. 我知道波士頓公園有一個。 They probably have one in Central Park too, right? 他們可能在中央公園也有一個,對吧?

Lindsay: Probably. Yeah.

I don't remember, but probably. 我不記得了,但大概是吧。 Yeah.

Gabby: Okay.


Lindsay: Yeah and I would just say to just keep in mind that even if you're feeling lonely or away from your, your family and your home culture, just think maybe you're only here for a few years, and it's a unique opportunity…Gabby: Yeah. |||||||||||||||||sola||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Lindsay:ええ、私はただ、あなたが孤独を感じていたり、あなた、あなたの家族、そしてあなたの故郷の文化から離れていると感じていても、たぶんあなたはここに数年しかいないと思っていることを覚えておいてください、そしてそれはユニークです機会…ギャビー:うん。 Lindsay:是的,我想說的是,請記住,即使您感到孤獨或遠離您的家人和家鄉文化,也請想想也許您只在這裡待了幾年,這是一個獨特的經歷機會… …蓋比:是的。 Take advantage of that. それを利用してください。 利用這一點。

Lindsay: …to be in a new place for Christmas time. Lindsay:……去一個新地方過聖誕節。

Gabby: Well and another thing about the US is we often spend Christmas with family, whereas, (you know), I used to live in Japan and I know Christmas is like a big date night in Japan, so it's just, (you know), it's good to know… Of course you can go on a date on Christmas. |||||||||||||||mentre invece||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 蓋比:嗯,關於美國的另一件事是我們經常和家人一起度過聖誕節,而,(你知道),我以前住在日本,我知道聖誕節就像日本的一個重要約會之夜,所以只是,(你知道) ),很高興知道…當然你可以在聖誕節去約會。

Lindsay: Sure. You can do whatever you want. |||qualsiasi cosa|| 你想做什麼,就可以做什麼。

Gabby: You can do whatever you want. 蓋比:你可以做任何你想做的事。

Lindsay: Exactly.

Gabby: But yeah, just take advantage of it, and, (you know), check (um) universities too. |||||||||||||università| 蓋比:但是,是的,利用它,並且,(你知道),也檢查(嗯)大學。 They often have international student gatherings or (you know) international groups. |||||聚会||||| |||||raduni di studenti||||| 他們經常舉辦國際學生聚會或(你知道的)國際團體。 There's one called InterNations. 有一個叫InterNations。 There might be different groups in your city, so just see what's going on and there's no reason why you couldn't organize your own event as well. |||||||||||||||||||||组织||||| Il peut y avoir différents groupes dans votre ville, alors voyez simplement ce qui se passe et il n'y a aucune raison pour que vous ne puissiez pas organiser votre propre événement également. 您所在的城市可能有不同的團體,因此只要看看正在發生的事情,您就沒有理由不能組織自己的活動。

Lindsay: Right.

And there's one more thing that you can do. (Um) a lot of times we like to volunteer. ||||||||志愿服务 (Euh) souvent, nous aimons faire du bénévolat. (嗯)很多時候我們喜歡當志工。 If you're feeling bored or lonely, you could volunteer at a soup kitchen. 退屈や孤独を感じている場合は、炊き出しでボランティアをすることができます。 如果您感到無聊或孤獨,您可以在施食處做志工。 A soup kitchen is a place where (uh) people serve food to homeless people. ||||||||||||无家可归者| 施粥處是人們為無家可歸者提供食物的地方。 So go and give something. If you're feeling sad, just give. 如果你感到悲傷,就付出吧。

Gabby: Yeah.

That's a great idea. It's a great way to meet people as well. 這也是結識朋友的好方法。

Lindsay: For sure. And to practice your English! 並練習英語!

Gabby: Yeah.


Lindsay: Okay.

Gabby: Great ideas. So yeah, Merry Christmas everyone. 所以是的,大家聖誕快樂。 I hope you enjoy the holiday away from home and that you just have a great time. 我希望您享受遠離家鄉的假期,並度過愉快的時光。

Lindsay: Yeah.


Gabby: Yeah.

All right so we'll see you tomorrow and we're going to have a ‘Teaching Tuesday' to just talk about some of the phrases that we used in this episode more in depth, so I'll see you then. Très bien, nous vous verrons demain et nous aurons un «mardi de l'enseignement» pour parler plus en profondeur de certaines des phrases que nous avons utilisées dans cet épisode, alors je vous verrai alors. 好吧,我們明天見,我們將有一個“週二教學”,更深入地討論我們在本集中使用的一些短語,所以我們到時候見。

Lindsay: See you then.


Gabby: So, yeah looking back at our episode today, our ‘Meeting Monday,' we just wanted to mention that we know Christmas is a religious event. Gabby : Donc, oui, en repensant à notre épisode d'aujourd'hui, notre "Meeting Monday", nous voulions juste mentionner que nous savons que Noël est un événement religieux. 蓋比:所以,是的,回顧我們今天的節目,我們的“週一會議”,我們只是想提一下,我們知道聖誕節是一個宗教活動。 It comes from Catholicism, obviously, but we're talking about it in more of a cultural (um) way that, (you know), if you're in the US, it's celebrated. |||天主教教义|||||||||||||||||||||||庆祝 Cela vient du catholicisme, évidemment, mais nous en parlons plus d'une manière culturelle (euh) qui, (vous savez), si vous êtes aux États-Unis, c'est célébré. それは明らかにカトリックから来ています、しかし私達はそれについてもっと文化的な(ええと)方法で話している、(あなたが知っている)、あなたが米国にいるなら、それは祝われる。 顯然,它來自天主教,但我們更多地以文化(嗯)方式談論它,(你知道),如果你在美國,它是值得慶祝的。 (You know) you're gonna (going to) see (um) the stores celebrating Christmas. (Tu sais) tu vas (aller) voir (euh) les magasins qui fêtent Noël. (你知道)你會(去)看到(嗯)商店慶祝聖誕節。 You're gonna (going to) see a big ol' (old) Christmas tree in the park and (um) it's good to know what it is and, (you know), just to celebrate as (like) a cultural event not necessarily a religious event. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||文化的|||||| |||||||大きなクリスマスツリー||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Vous allez (allez) voir un grand vieux (vieux) sapin de Noël dans le parc et (euh) c'est bon de savoir ce que c'est et, (vous savez), juste pour célébrer comme (comme) un événement culturel pas nécessairement un événement religieux. 你會(將)在公園裡看到一棵大的(老)聖誕樹,(嗯)很高興知道它是什麼,(你知道),只是為了慶祝(像)文化活動而不是必然是宗教活動。


Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: Thank you.

Gabby: Cool


Lindsay: Okay.

So (you know), I've actually talked with 30 different students over the past few months and a lot of the students that I've spoken with have said that they're at an intermediate level or high intermediate level and they just can't seem to find a way to move beyond that intermediate level, to move to the advanced level. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||超越||||||||| 所以(你知道),在過去的幾個月裡,我實際上已經與 30 名不同的學生進行了交談,許多與我交談過的學生都表示他們處於中級或高中級水平,他們可以似乎找不到一種方法來超越中級水平,進入高級水平。 And this is what we wanna (want to) help you guys with, but if you really wanna (want to) move to that level, it's gonna (going to) require a little bit more of a commitment, okay. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||impegno maggiore| 這就是我們想要(想要)幫助你們的,但如果你們真的想要(想要)達到那個水平,就需要更多的承諾,好吧。 So go for the premium transcripts that we have available for you and in order to get those, you need to go to www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. ||||优质|||||||||||||||||||||| 因此,請取得我們為您提供的優質成績單,為了獲得這些成績單,您需要造訪 www.allearsenglish.com/conversations。 So check it out.


Lindsay:Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time!