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All Ears English, 25- Learn English with Your Heart – Inspiration for Language Study

25- Learn English with Your Heart – Inspiration for Language Study

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 25: Deep Thoughts Thursday.


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In today's episode, we're going to share a quote and talk about why you may not be as successful in English yet as you want to be. [Instrumental] Gabby: Hey Lindsay!

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. What's up?

Gabby: Not much.

Lindsay: All right. So today we have a quote.


We do. We have an awesome quote. “You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having.” Nice.


Well first of all, what does ‘wholeheartedness' actually mean?


Well it comes from – we have two root words. We have ‘whole' and we have ‘heart.' So basically put your ‘whole' self, your ‘whole' effort into doing something.


Yeah. And so today we would just invite you to ask yourself a question, (like) to what extent are you ‘wholeheartedly' going into your English practice, into your English study?



Because honestly it does take incredible focus and effort to really delve into a language and see improvements.




So if you're just doing it, (you know), just a little or because you feel like you have to, or (you know), you're just maybe saying you want to improve your English, but not doing anything about it, it's not going to work out, it's not going to improve.


Exactly. Are you saying you want to improve because your friends are saying the same thing? Or do you really, really want to improve because I see that there's a difference between the students that succeed and that don't succeed. The ones who really want it from the bottom of their hearts succeed. They actually do.


Yeah. And it's – doing is very important. I, I hear a lot of people say, “Oh, I'm trying to improve.” But what are you doing?




I mean, let's take an honest look at what are you doing to improve your English. (Um), you're listening to this podcast… Lindsay:



…which is awesome.


Good choice.


Yeah. Absolutely. (Um), but yeah, just think about how you can use your, your heart, your mind, just and focus and really see improvements because that's going to be so rewarding.


Absolutely. So take a day or two to kind of go inside and think about that.






All right. So good quote Lindsay and I will see you on Monday next week. (Um), we're gonna (going to) talk about Christmas.


Christmas is coming.


And (you know) how to celebrate when you're in the US and you might be away from your family.


All right. I'm looking forward to that one.



See you then.


Have a good weekend.


You too. Bye.


Gabby: Hey. So I've heard that a lot of students get stuck at the intermediate level and they're looking for a way to push through, break through to that advanced, fluent level of English. One of the best ways that you can do this is to listen to the podcast we have here but then also check your listening by reading our transcripts. (Um) it's the best way to get the most out of your All Ears English experience. So you can find all of our transcripts, everything we say, word for word, on our website. It's www.allearsenglish.com/conversations.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time!

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25- Learn English with Your Heart – Inspiration for Language Study |||||心灵启发||| 25- Englisch lernen mit dem Herzen - Inspiration zum Sprachenlernen 25- Aprende inglés con el corazón - Inspiración para el estudio de idiomas 25- 心で英語を学ぶ - 語学学習のインスピレーション 25- Learn English with Your Heart - Inspiração para o estudo de línguas 25 - Учите английский сердцем - вдохновение для изучения языка 25- Kalbinizle İngilizce Öğrenin - Dil Eğitimi İçin İlham Kaynağı 25-用心学英语——语言学习的启示 25-用心學英語-語言學習的啟示 25-用心學英語-語言學習的啟示

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 25: Deep Thoughts Thursday. Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 25 集:星期四的深思熟慮。


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Gabby:歡迎來到 All Ears English Podcast,在這裡您終於可以得到真正的、道地的英語對話。 Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In today's episode, we're going to share a quote and talk about why you may not be as successful in English yet as you want to be. During|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||citazione|||||||||||||||||| 在今天的節目中,我們將分享一句名言,並討論為什麼您在英語方面可能還沒有像您想要的那樣成功。 [Instrumental] Gabby: Hey Lindsay! [器樂] 蓋比:嘿林賽!

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. What's up?

Gabby: Not much. 蓋比:不多。

Lindsay: All right. So today we have a quote. 所以今天我們有一個報價。


We do. We have an awesome quote. 我們有一個很棒的報價。 “You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having.” Nice. ||||全心全意|||||||||| ||||con tutto il cuore||||||||valga la pena|| ||||อย่างเต็มที่|||||||||| ||||心から|||||||||| "Чтобы добиться чего-то стоящего, нужно вложить в это всю душу". Мило. “你必須全心全意地投入任何事情,才能獲得值得擁有的東西。”好的。


Well first of all, what does ‘wholeheartedness' actually mean? ||||||全心全意|| ||||||全力投球|| 首先,「全心全意」到底意味著什麼?


Well it comes from – we have two root words. 嗯,它來自——我們有兩個字根。 We have ‘whole' and we have ‘heart.' 我們有“整體”,我們有“心”。 So basically put your ‘whole' self, your ‘whole' effort into doing something. |||||整体|||||| 所以基本上把你的「全部」自我、你的「全部」努力投入在做某事中。

Lindsay: Lindsay:

Yeah. And so today we would just invite you to ask yourself a question, (like) to what extent are you ‘wholeheartedly' going into your English practice, into your English study? |||||||||提问自己|||||||程度|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||程度|||||||||||| 因此,今天我們只想邀請您問自己一個問題,(例如)您在多大程度上「全心全意」地進行英語練習、英語學習?



Because honestly it does take incredible focus and effort to really delve into a language and see improvements. |老实说||||难以置信的||||||深入研究||||||进步 |||||||||||explore deeply|||||| |||||||||||掘り下げる|||||| |||||||||||深入探討|||||| |||||||||||approfondire||||||miglioramenti 因為老實說,真正深入研究一門語言並看到改進確實需要令人難以置信的專注和努力。




So if you're just doing it, (you know), just a little or because you feel like you have to, or (you know), you're just maybe saying you want to improve your English, but not doing anything about it, it's not going to work out, it's not going to improve. 所以,如果你只是這樣做,(你知道),只是一點點,或者因為你覺得你必須這樣做,或者(你知道),你可能只是說你想提高你的英語,但沒有做任何事情它不會成功,也不會改善。


Exactly. Precisely. Are you saying you want to improve because your friends are saying the same thing? 你是否因為你的朋友也這麼說而說你想要進步? Or do you really, really want to improve because I see that there's a difference between the students that succeed and that don't succeed. 或者你真的真的想提高,因為我看到成功的學生和不成功的學生之間是有區別的。 The ones who really want it from the bottom of their hearts succeed. ||||||||||||成功 那些發自內心真正想要它的人會成功。 They actually do. 他們確實這麼做了。


Yeah. And it's – doing is very important. 實踐是非常重要的。 I, I hear a lot of people say, “Oh, I'm trying to improve.” But what are you doing? 我,我聽到很多人說,“哦,我正在努力進步。”但你在做什麼?




I mean, let's take an honest look at what are you doing to improve your English. 我的意思是,讓我們誠實地看看你正在做什麼來改善你的英語。 (Um), you're listening to this podcast… Lindsay:



…which is awesome. ……這太棒了。


Good choice.


Yeah. Absolutely. (Um), but yeah, just think about how you can use your, your heart, your mind, just and focus and really see improvements because that's going to be so rewarding. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||有回报的 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||gratificante ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||คุ้มค่า ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||報われる (嗯),但是,是的,想想你如何運用你的心、你的頭腦、公正和專注,並真正看到進步,因為這將是非常有益的。


Absolutely. So take a day or two to kind of go inside and think about that. |||||||||进入内心||||| 因此,請花一兩天時間深入思考。





Gabby: Talkative person

All right. So good quote Lindsay and I will see you on Monday next week. 引用得很好,林賽和我下週一見。 (Um), we're gonna (going to) talk about Christmas. (嗯),我們要(要)談論聖誕節。


Christmas is coming.


And (you know) how to celebrate when you're in the US and you might be away from your family. |||||庆祝||||||||||||| 而且(你知道)當你在美國並且可能遠離家人時如何慶祝。


All right. I'm looking forward to that one. 我很期待那個。



See you then. 回頭見。


Have a good weekend.


You too. Bye.


Gabby: Hey. |嘿。 So I've heard that a lot of students get stuck at the intermediate level and they're looking for a way to push through, break through to that advanced, fluent level of English. ||||||||卡在||||||||||||||||||||||| One of the best ways that you can do this is to listen to the podcast we have here but then also check your listening by reading our transcripts. (Um) it's the best way to get the most out of your All Ears English experience. So you can find all of our transcripts, everything we say, word for word, on our website. |||||||逐字稿||||||||| It's www.allearsenglish.com/conversations.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. See you next time!