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All Ears English, 24- Study Languages Smarter and Faster

24- Study Languages Smarter and Faster

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 24: Wisdom Wednesday.


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

In today's episode, find out how you can use your own native language to help you learn English.


Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. How are you today?

Gabby: Good. So I heard you have a good idea for practicing and improving a new language.

Lindsay: Yes.

I have a great idea. This is something I've used for Japanese and for Spanish and it's turned out to be really useful. So the trick is find a language exchange.

Gabby: What's a language exchange?

Lindsay: A language exchange is (um) an opportunity to find someone who speaks the language that you're learning as a native speaker and you sit down with that person and you exchange languages. So you speak in your native language for half of the time and in their native language for half of the time and the person corrects you. Okay.

Gabby: That's so cool.

Lindsay: Yeah, it's very cool. So…

Gabby; So, it's usually free right?

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: Definitely free. Yeah.

Gabby: So I've heard of at least one website where you can do this online (um) using Skype or using (um) (you know) G-chat or whatever. There's one called Livemocha. Do you know that one?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Livemocha is one.

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: Is one way you can do it and another thing, place you can go is (uh) languageexchange.com.

Gabby: I've heard of that one too.

Lindsay: Yep.

Gabby: Mixxer.com.

Lindsay: Mixxer, I don't know.

Gabby: M-i-x-x-e-r.

Lindsay: Okay.

Gabby: It might be the same as Languageexchange.

Lindsay: It might be. It might be the same.

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: And another place you can go is Craigslist. I mean, (you know), obviously with Craigslist, you have to be careful, but that's for a local connection, right?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Um), just meet the person in a public place. Um… yeah.

Gabby: Well, I was gonna (going to) say locally speaking for you guys living in the US, (I mean), you can go to a meet-up. There's (there are) often meet-ups for specific language groups. (Like) I know in Boston there's a Spanish meet-up for people who wanna (want to) speak Spanish and learn English and (um) or rather people who speak Spanish and wanna (want to) learn English, and English speakers…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …who wanna (want to) learn Spanish. (Um) there's one for Arabic, for French, for Portuguese. I mean there's (there are) so many different meetups.

(Um) so that's a great way to do it. Also, if you live near a university, check out if the university has any language exchange set up (like) in their international department.

Lindsay: Awesome.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So there's (there are) some great tips. So go for a language exchange. The point is you need to be practicing speaking as much as you can and a language exchange is a great way to do that.

Gabby: Yeah.


It sounds like a, a great way to practice.

Lindsay: Absolutely.

Gabby: All right. So I'll see you tomorrow for our (uh) Deep Thoughts Thursday.

Lindsay: Absolutely.

I'll be there.

Gabby: Cool.

Lindsay: Will you be there?

Gabby: Yeah.

I will.

Lindsay: See you then.

Gabby: See you then.


Gabby: Hey. So I've heard that a lot of students get stuck at the intermediate level and they're looking for a way to push through, break through to that advanced, fluent level of English. One of the best ways that you can do this is to listen to the podcast we have here but then also check your listening by reading our transcripts. (Um) it's the best way to get the most out of your All Ears English experience. So you can find all of our transcripts, everything we say, word for word, on our website. It's www.allearsenglish.com/conversations.


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time!

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24- Study Languages Smarter and Faster 24- Sprachen klüger und schneller lernen 24- Estudia idiomas de forma más inteligente y rápida 24- Étudier les langues plus intelligemment et plus rapidement 24- Studiare le lingue in modo più intelligente e veloce 24- より賢く、より速く語学を学ぶ 24- Ucz się języków mądrzej i szybciej 24- Estudar línguas de forma mais inteligente e mais rápida 24- Изучайте языки умнее и быстрее 24- Dilleri Daha Akıllıca ve Daha Hızlı Öğrenin 24-更智能、更快地学习语言 24-更聰明、更快學習語言

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 24: Wisdom Wednesday. |||||Listening attentively|||Show installment|Insightful knowledge|Midweek day |||||||||Saggezza|

[Instrumental] 器乐演奏 Music without lyrics

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. |||||Listening attentively||||||||fluent speaker's||real-life dialogue Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. |||||||||English Explorer||Gabby Wallace|||||||||Boston, MA||

In today's episode, find out how you can use your own native language to help you learn English. ||||||||||||native tongue||||| 今日のエピソードでは、あなたが英語を学ぶのを助けるためにあなた自身の母国語をどのように使うことができるかを見つけてください。 在今天的節目中,了解如何使用自己的母語來幫助您學習英語。

[Instrumental] บรรเลง [器樂]

Gabby: Hey Lindsay. How's it going? How is|| 怎麼樣了?

Lindsay: Hey Gabby. How are you today?

Gabby: Good. So I heard you have a good idea for practicing and improving a new language. |||||||||||提高||| ||was told||||||||||||

Lindsay: Yes.

I have a great idea. This is something I've used for Japanese and for Spanish and it's turned out to be really useful. |||||||||||||||||very helpful これは私が日本語とスペイン語で使ったもので、とても便利であることがわかりました。 É algo que utilizei para o japonês e para o espanhol e que se revelou muito útil. 這是我在日語和西班牙語中使用過的東西,事實證明它非常有用。 So the trick is find a language exchange. ||诀窍||||| |||||||language swap Así que el truco es encontrar un intercambio de idiomas. したがって、秘訣は言語交換を見つけることです。 Por isso, o truque é encontrar um intercâmbio linguístico. 所以訣竅是找到語言交換。

Gabby: What's a language exchange? Gabby speaking||||language practice session ギャビー:言語交換とは何ですか? Gabby: O que é um intercâmbio linguístico?

Lindsay: A language exchange is (um) an opportunity to find someone who speaks the language that you're learning as a native speaker and you sit down with that person and you exchange languages. |||||||chance||||||||||||||native speaker|||||||native speaker|||| Lindsay:言語交換は、あなたがネイティブスピーカーとして学んでいる言語を話す人を見つける機会であり、あなたはその人と一緒に座って言語を交換します。 Lindsay: Um intercâmbio linguístico é (hum) uma oportunidade de encontrar alguém que fale a língua que estamos a aprender como falante nativo e de nos sentarmos com essa pessoa e trocarmos línguas. Lindsay:語言交換是(嗯)一個機會,你可以找到一個以你正在學習的母語為母語的人,然後你和那個人坐下來交換語言。 So you speak in your native language for half of the time and in their native language for half of the time and the person corrects you. |||||||||||||||||||||||||纠正你| |||||||||||||||||||||||||provides corrections| Assim, falamos na nossa língua materna durante metade do tempo e na língua materna da pessoa em causa durante metade do tempo e esta corrige-nos. 因此,你有一半的時間用你的母語說話,一半的時間用他們的母語說話,而這個人會糾正你。 Okay.

Gabby: That's so cool. |||really awesome Gabby: Isso é tão fixe.

Lindsay: Yeah, it's very cool. ||||very interesting Lindsay: Sim, é muito fixe. So…

Gabby; So, it's usually free right? |||typically|| Hablador; Entonces, generalmente es gratis, ¿verdad? Gabby; Então, normalmente é grátis, certo? 愛嘉比;那麼,它通常是免費的,對嗎?

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: Definitely free. Yeah.

Gabby: So I've heard of at least one website where you can do this online (um) using Skype or using (um) (you know) G-chat or whatever. ||||||||online platform|||||||||||||||||| Gabby: He oído hablar de al menos un sitio web donde puedes hacer esto en línea (um) usando Skype o usando (um) (ya sabes) G-chat o lo que sea. Gabby: Ouvi falar de, pelo menos, um sítio web onde se pode fazer isto online (hum) usando o Skype ou (hum) (sabes) o G-chat ou outra coisa qualquer. Gabby:所以我聽說過至少有一個網站,您可以使用 Skype 或使用(嗯)(你知道)G-chat 或其他方式在線(嗯)執行此操作。 There's one called Livemocha. 有一個叫Livemocha。 Do you know that one? Conheces este?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Livemocha is one.

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: Is one way you can do it and another thing, place you can go is (uh) languageexchange.com. |||||||||||||||||语言交流| |||||||||another option||||||||| |||||||||||||||||言語交換| Lindsay: Das ist eine Möglichkeit, und eine andere, wo man hingehen kann, ist (äh) languageexchange.com. Lindsay: É uma forma de o fazer e outro sítio que pode visitar é (uh) languageexchange.com. Lindsay:這是你可以做到的一種方式,另一件事是,你可以去的地方是(呃) languageexchange.com。

Gabby: I've heard of that one too. ||||||also Gabby: Também já ouvi falar desse.

Lindsay: Yep. |Yes, indeed.

Gabby: Mixxer.com. |Language exchange platform| |ミキサー|

Lindsay: Mixxer, I don't know. |social event|||

Gabby: M-i-x-x-e-r. ||||||Repeat letter

Lindsay: Okay.

Gabby: It might be the same as Languageexchange.

Lindsay: It might be. It might be the same. Pode ser a mesma coisa.

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: And another place you can go is Craigslist. ||||||||分类信息网 ||||||||ครายส์ลิสต์ Lindsay:另一個你可以去的地方是 Craigslist。 I mean, (you know), obviously with Craigslist, you have to be careful, but that's for a local connection, right? |I intend||||||||||||||||local interaction| Quiero decir, (ya sabes), obviamente con Craigslist, tienes que tener cuidado, pero eso es para una conexión local, ¿no? Quer dizer, é óbvio que com a Craigslist é preciso ter cuidado, mas isso é para uma ligação local, certo? 我的意思是,(你知道),顯然對於 Craigslist,你必須小心,但那是本地連接,對吧?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Um), just meet the person in a public place. Um… yeah.

Gabby: Well, I was gonna (going to) say locally speaking for you guys living in the US, (I mean), you can go to a meet-up. ||||||||就你们而言||||||||||||||||| ||||||||in your area||||||||||||||||| ギャビー:ええと、私はアメリカに住んでいる皆さんのために地元で話すつもりでした(つまり)、あなたは交流会に行くことができます。 Gabby: Bem, eu ia (ia) dizer que, localmente, falando para vocês que vivem nos EUA, (quero dizer), podem ir a um encontro. 加比:嗯,我本來想對住在美國的你們說,(我的意思是)你們可以去參加一個聚會。 There's (there are) often meet-ups for specific language groups. |||||||||小组 |||||gatherings|||| 常有針對特定語言群的聚會。 (Like) I know in Boston there's a Spanish meet-up for people who wanna (want to) speak Spanish and learn English and (um) or rather people who speak Spanish and wanna (want to) learn English, and English speakers… |||||||||||||want to|||||||||||||||||||||||| (例如)我知道在波士頓有一個西班牙語聚會,適合那些想要(想要)說西班牙語並學習英語的人,以及(嗯)或者更確切地說,那些說西班牙語並且想要(想要)學習英語的人,以及說英語的人…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …who wanna (want to) learn Spanish. ||want to|||| (Um) there's one for Arabic, for French, for Portuguese. ||||阿拉伯语|||| ||||||||Portuguese language I mean there's (there are) so many different meetups. ||||||||social gatherings ||||||||集まり

(Um) so that's a great way to do it. Also, if you live near a university, check out if the university has any language exchange set up (like) in their international department. |||||||||||||||||||||foreign student office| 另外,如果您住在大學附近,請檢查該大學的國際部門是否設有語言交換中心(例如)。

Lindsay: Awesome. |That's great.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So there's (there are) some great tips. Lindsay: Então há (há) algumas dicas óptimas. So go for a language exchange. だから、言語交換に行きなさい。 Por isso, opte por um intercâmbio linguístico. The point is you need to be practicing speaking as much as you can and a language exchange is a great way to do that. A questão é que precisa de praticar a fala o mais possível e um intercâmbio linguístico é uma excelente forma de o fazer. 關鍵是你需要盡可能多練習口語,而語言交換是一個很好的方法。

Gabby: Yeah.


It sounds like a, a great way to practice. |seems||||||| Parece-me uma óptima forma de praticar.

Lindsay: Absolutely. |Of course.

Gabby: All right. So I'll see you tomorrow for our (uh) Deep Thoughts Thursday. |||||||||Reflections| 明日は木曜日の(ええと)深い考えでお会いしましょう。 Por isso, vemo-nos amanhã para os nossos (uh) Pensamentos profundos de quinta-feira.

Lindsay: Absolutely.

I'll be there. Eu estarei lá.

Gabby: Cool. Gabby: Great.|

Lindsay: Will you be there? Lindsay: Vais lá estar?

Gabby: Yeah.

I will.

Lindsay: See you then.

Gabby: See you then. 蓋比:到時候見。


Gabby: Hey. So I've heard that a lot of students get stuck at the intermediate level and they're looking for a way to push through, break through to that advanced, fluent level of English. |||||||||||||||||||||advance|||||||||| |||||||||bloccati|||||||||||||||||||||| ですから、多くの学生が中級レベルで立ち往生していると聞きました。彼らは、その高度で流暢なレベルの英語を突破し、突破する方法を探しています。 One of the best ways that you can do this is to listen to the podcast we have here but then also check your listening by reading our transcripts. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||written records これを行うための最良の方法の1つは、ここにあるポッドキャストを聞くだけでなく、トランスクリプトを読んで聞いていることを確認することです。 Uma das melhores formas de o fazer é ouvir o podcast que temos aqui, mas também verificar a sua audição lendo as nossas transcrições. (Um) it's the best way to get the most out of your All Ears English experience. |||||||||||||||learning journey (Um) é a melhor maneira de tirar o máximo partido da sua experiência All Ears English. So you can find all of our transcripts, everything we say, word for word, on our website. |||||||written records||||||||| It's www.allearsenglish.com/conversations. |World Wide Web|||


Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. |||||||||||||||||||Apple's music platform

See you next time! Uvidíme se příště!