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All Ears English, 23- What “Ivy League University” in America Really Means

23- What “Ivy League University” in America Really Means

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 23: Teaching Tuesday!

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this Teaching Tuesday, you'll learn what I – what the term “Ivy League” really means.

Lindsay: So yesterday, on Monday, we talked about – we gave – Gabby gave you her top three tips for getting into the university that you want here in the US and today we just wanna (want to) go through two or three (uh) phrases that you can learn from this lesson. So the first one, we said that it's really important ‘to stay on top of' deadlines. So what the (heck) does that mean?

Gabby: ‘To stay on top of' something is to manage it, to meet deadlines. I mean well we used that in an example ‘to stay on top of' deadlines, but ‘to stay on top' – it just means that you're doing what you should be doing.

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: You're not letting your work pile up.

Lindsay: (Yep).

Gabby: That's another phrasal verb, but (um) you're just, you're doing all of your work by – in time.

Lindsay: You're getting things in on time. Can say “I'm on top of that.” Right. “I'm on top of something.”

Gabby: Exactly. “I'm on top of that.” “I'm on top of my work.” “I'm on top of (uh) homework.” I don't know.

Lindsay: Perfect.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah that's it. That's a common phrase that we use and the other one was we talked about the ‘Ivy League.'

Gabby: (Hmm).

Lindsay: So the – this is an interesting one. So a lot of people know the term ‘Ivy League.' It actually is a sports league. Okay.

So it's comprised of Brown University, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, U Penn, and Yale. Okay.


Gabby: Well when people say the ‘Ivy League' there's this connotation of academic excellence. (Um) it's difficult to get in. They're very selective.

Maybe 20% of applicants – applicants get in and it's kind of a (uh) (like) a network of – how can I say just (like) (um) an elite network.

Lindsay: Elite schools. Right.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: But it's just interesting that actually what it is is a sports network. It's a group of teams that play each other in sports events.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: Sporting events.

Gabby: Right.

But most people don't think of the sports events.

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: They just think about “Oh, those are good schools.” Lindsay: Yeah. Which is really cool.

Gabby: And they're all on the East coast.

Lindsay: Right.


Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Okay and what was the next term that you had Gabby.

Gabby: Okay. So we have (uh) a couple other just English phrases, so the next one is ‘to make sure.'

Lindsay: (Hmm). So for this one, this is a way of (um) just checking on things. Right?

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Lindsay: I want to make sure – I'm not sure if I turned off the oven and I'm gonna (going to) go back and ‘make sure' that I turned off the oven when I'm leaving the house.

Gabby: Yeah.

Yeah to check. I like how you said that.

Lindsay: To check.

Gabby: To double check.

Lindsay: Double-check. Yeah.

And the last one was ‘the right fit.' You wanna (want to) find the school that's the right fit.

Gabby: Absolutely. So something that you feel comfortable in. (Um) it could be, (you know), clothing, shoes, but when we say ‘the right fit' (um) at a university, we mean you feel comfortable there, you feel like it suits your goals and your character and who you are.

Lindsay: Yeah. That's perfect. Okay.

Gabby: Great. Yeah.

So cool. So let's just (um) have a minute for you to repeat the phrases. So repeat after me. (Uh) ‘stay on top of,' ‘Ivy League,' ‘To make sure,' ‘The right fit'.

Lindsay: Great. Cool.

Gabby: All right. Thanks Lindsay. And (um) I'll see you tomorrow for Wisdom Wednesday.

Lindsay: Wisdom Wednesday. All right. See you then.

Gabby: See ya' (you) then.

Lindsay: Hey. So I've heard that a lot of students get stuck at the intermediate level and they're looking for a way to push through, break through to that advanced fluent level of English. One of the best ways that you can do this is to listen to the podcast we have here but then also check your listening by reading our transcripts. (Um) it's the best way to get the most out of your All Ears English experience. So you can find all of our transcripts, everything we say, word for word, on our website. It's www.allearsenglish.com/conversations.

Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time!

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23- What “Ivy League University” in America Really Means |Ivy League|||||| |アイビーリーグ|||||| |Ivy League|||||| 23- Was die "Ivy League University" in Amerika wirklich bedeutet 23- Lo que realmente significa "Universidad de la Ivy League" en Estados Unidos 23- Ce que signifie réellement l'expression "Ivy League University" en Amérique 23- アメリカの「アイビーリーグ大学」が意味するもの 23- O que significa realmente "Ivy League University" na América 23- Что на самом деле означает "университет Лиги плюща" в Америке 23- Amerika'da "Ivy League Üniversitesi" Gerçekte Ne Anlama Geliyor? 23- 美国“常春藤盟校”的真正含义是什么 23- 美國「常春藤盟校」的真正意義是什麼

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 23: Teaching Tuesday! Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 23 集:週二教學!

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this Teaching Tuesday, you'll learn what I – what the term “Ivy League” really means. ||||||||||||常春藤|常春藤联盟|| Lindsay:在本週二的教學中,您將了解「常春藤盟校」一詞的真正意義。

Lindsay: So yesterday, on Monday, we talked about – we gave – Gabby gave you her top three tips for getting into the university that you want here in the US and today we just wanna (want to) go through two or three (uh) phrases that you can learn from this lesson. ||||||||||||||||建议||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Lindsay: Así que ayer, el lunes, hablamos sobre, dimos, Gabby te dio sus tres mejores consejos para ingresar a la universidad que deseas aquí en los EE. UU. y hoy solo queremos (queremos) pasar por dos o tres (uh ) frases que puedes aprender de esta lección. 林賽:所以昨天,週一,我們討論了——我們給了——加比給了你她在美國進入你想要的大學的三大建議,今天我們只想(想要)了解兩三個(呃) )您可以從本課程中學到的短語。 So the first one, we said that it's really important ‘to stay on top of' deadlines. |||||||||||||||截止日期 |||||||||||||||締め切りを守る Entonces, en el primero, dijimos que es realmente importante 'estar al tanto' de los plazos. 因此,第一個問題,我們說「掌握」最後期限非常重要。 So what the (heck) does that mean? |||到底||| |||emphasis word||| Entonces, ¿qué (diablos) significa eso? 那麼這到底是什麼意思呢?

Gabby: ‘To stay on top of' something is to manage it, to meet deadlines. |||||||||管理|||| Gabby: 'Estar al tanto de' algo es administrarlo, cumplir con los plazos. Gabby:「掌控一切」就是管理它,準時完成任務。 I mean well we used that in an example ‘to stay on top of' deadlines, but ‘to stay on top' – it just means that you're doing what you should be doing. 我的意思是,我們在一個例子中使用了「保持領先」的最後期限,但「保持領先」——它只是意味著你正在做你應該做的事情。

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: You're not letting your work pile up. ||||||たまる| Gabby: No vas a dejar que tu trabajo se acumule. 蓋比:你不會讓你的工作堆積如山。

Lindsay: (Yep).

Gabby: That's another phrasal verb, but (um) you're just, you're doing all of your work by – in time. |||句動詞|||||||||||||| 蓋比:那是另一個片語動詞,但是(嗯)你只是,你正在按時完成所有工作。

Lindsay: You're getting things in on time. Lindsay: Estás entregando las cosas a tiempo. Lindsay:你按時完成任務了。 Can say “I'm on top of that.” Right. |||上に|||| 可以說「我是最重要的」。正確的。 “I'm on top of something.” “我正在做某事。”

Gabby: Exactly. “I'm on top of that.” “I'm on top of my work.” “I'm on top of (uh) homework.” I don't know. “我是最重要的。” “我的工作很順利。” “我正在做(呃)家庭作業。”我不知道。

Lindsay: Perfect.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah that's it. That's a common phrase that we use and the other one was we talked about the ‘Ivy League.' Esa es una frase común que usamos y la otra fue que hablamos de la 'Ivy League'. 這是我們使用的一個常見短語,另一個是我們談論的「常春藤盟校」。

Gabby: (Hmm).

Lindsay: So the – this is an interesting one. Lindsay:所以--這是一個有趣的事。 So a lot of people know the term ‘Ivy League.' ||||||||常春藤| 所以很多人都知道「常春藤盟校」這個字。 It actually is a sports league. ||||体育运动| 它實際上是一個體育聯盟。 Okay.

So it's comprised of Brown University, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, U Penn, and Yale. ||由...组成||||哥伦比亚大学|康奈尔大学|达特茅斯|哈佛大学|普林斯顿大学||宾夕法尼亚大学||耶鲁大学 |||||||コーネル大学|ダートマス大学|ハーバード大学|||ペンシルベニア大学|| Por lo tanto, está compuesto por la Universidad de Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, U Penn y Yale. 它由布朗大學、哥倫比亞大學、康乃爾大學、達特茅斯大學、哈佛大學、普林斯頓大學、賓州大學和耶魯大學組成。 Okay.


Gabby: Well when people say the ‘Ivy League' there's this connotation of academic excellence. ||||||||||内涵||学术|学术卓越 ||||||||||implied meaning||| ||||||||||含意||| Gabby: Bueno, cuando la gente dice la 'Ivy League' hay una connotación de excelencia académica. 蓋比:嗯,當人們說「常春藤盟校」時,就有學術卓越的涵義。 (Um) it's difficult to get in. (Um) es difícil entrar. (嗯)很難進去。 They're very selective. ||挑剔的 他們非常有選擇性。

Maybe 20% of applicants – applicants get in and it's kind of a (uh) (like) a network of – how can I say just (like) (um) an elite network. ||申请者||||||||||||||||||||||精英| ||||||||||||||||||||||||エリートネットワーク| |||申請者|||||||||||||||||||||| Tal vez el 20% de los solicitantes: los solicitantes ingresan y es una especie de (uh) (como) una red de, ¿cómo puedo decir solo (como) (um) una red de élite? 也許 20% 的申請者——申請者進入了,這是一個(呃)(就像)一個網絡——我怎麼能說只是(就像)(嗯)一個精英網絡。

Lindsay: Elite schools. |精英学校| Prestigious institutions|| Lindsay:精英學校。 Right.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: But it's just interesting that actually what it is is a sports network. Lindsay: Pero es interesante que en realidad lo que es es una cadena de deportes. Lindsay:但有趣的是,它實際上是一個體育網絡。 It's a group of teams that play each other in sports events. ||||队伍||||||| Es un grupo de equipos que juegan entre sí en eventos deportivos. 這是一群在體育賽事中互相比賽的球隊。

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: Sporting events. |体育的| |スポーツイベント| 林賽:體育賽事。

Gabby: Right.

But most people don't think of the sports events. 但大多數人不會想到體育賽事。

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: They just think about “Oh, those are good schools.” Lindsay: Yeah. |||believe|consider||those schools||high-quality|educational institutions|Lindsay|I agree 蓋比:他們只是想“哦,那些都是好學校。”林賽:是的。 Which is really cool. that||very|awesome 這真的很酷。

Gabby: And they're all on the East coast. |||||||海岸 ||they are||||eastern seaboard|coastal region Gabby: Y todos están en la costa este. 蓋比:他們都在東海岸。

Lindsay: Right. Lindsay speaking|agreement or acknowledgment

Northeast. 东北 東北。

Gabby: Yeah. Gabby speaking|agreement or affirmation

Lindsay: Okay and what was the next term that you had Gabby. |Alright||what||||word|||possessed| Lindsay:好的,Gabby 的下一個學期是什麼?

Gabby: Okay. |Alright So we have (uh) a couple other just English phrases, so the next one is ‘to make sure.' |||||a few|||phrases|expressions|||following|next||||ensure Entonces tenemos (uh) un par de otras frases en inglés, así que la siguiente es 'para asegurarse'. 所以我們還有(呃)其他幾個英語短語,所以下一個是「確保」。

Lindsay: (Hmm). So for this one, this is a way of (um) just checking on things. |||||||||||verifying|| 所以對於這個,這是一種(嗯)檢查事情的方法。 Right? correct or true

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Lindsay: I want to make sure – I'm not sure if I turned off the oven and I'm gonna (going to) go back and ‘make sure' that I turned off the oven when I'm leaving the house. ||||||||||||||烤箱||||||||||||||||烤箱||||| ||desire to|||||negation||||turned off|||cooking appliance|||going to||||return to||verify||||turned off||||||when I exit||the building 林賽:我想確定一下——我不確定我是否關掉了烤箱,我要回去“確保”我離開家時關掉了烤箱。

Gabby: Yeah. |agreement or affirmation

Yeah to check. ||confirm that 是的,要檢查。 I like how you said that. |appreciate|||expressed it|that thing 我喜歡你這樣說。

Lindsay: To check. ||to verify

Gabby: To double check. ||加倍检查| ||verify again|verify

Lindsay: Double-check. |verify|verify again 林賽:仔細檢查。 Yeah. affirmative response

And the last one was ‘the right fit.' |||item|||correct| |||||l'|| 最後一個是「合適的」。 You wanna (want to) find the school that's the right fit. |want to|||locate||educational institution|||best| Quieres (quieres) encontrar la escuela adecuada. 您想要找到最適合的學校。

Gabby: Absolutely. |Definitely So something that you feel comfortable in. |something you like|||are comfortable|at ease| 所以你覺得舒服的東西。 (Um) it could be, (you know), clothing, shoes, but when we say ‘the right fit' (um) at a university, we mean you feel comfortable there, you feel like it suits your goals and your character and who you are. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||个性|||| ||||||apparel|footwear||in that context|we||||||||college||refer to|||at ease|at that place|you|sense|as if||||aspirations|||personality||your identity|| (Um) podría ser, (ya sabes), ropa, zapatos, pero cuando decimos 'el ajuste perfecto' (um) en una universidad, queremos decir que te sientes cómodo allí, sientes que se adapta a tus objetivos y a tu carácter y quien eres. (嗯)它可能是,(你知道),衣服,鞋子,但是當我們在大學說“合適”(嗯)時,我們的意思是你在那裡感覺舒服,你覺得它適合你的目標和你的性格,你是誰。

Lindsay: Yeah. That's perfect. |ideal Okay.

Gabby: Great. Yeah. agreement or affirmation

So cool. |awesome So let's just (um) have a minute for you to repeat the phrases. ||||||brief moment||||||statements So repeat after me. |say it again|| 所以跟著我重複一次。 (Uh) ‘stay on top of,' ‘Ivy League,' ‘To make sure,' ‘The right fit'. ||||||Ivy League||ensure|||correct|

Lindsay: Great. |Awesome or excellent Cool. Alright

Gabby: All right. Thanks Lindsay. Thank you|Lindsay's name And (um) I'll see you tomorrow for Wisdom Wednesday. also|||||the next day|||Wisdom Wednesday

Lindsay: Wisdom Wednesday. |Wisdom|Wisdom Wednesday All right. |okay See you then. I'll see||

Gabby: See ya' (you) then. |Goodbye|||

Lindsay: Hey. So I've heard that a lot of students get stuck at the intermediate level and they're looking for a way to push through, break through to that advanced fluent level of English. ||||||||||||中级水平||||||||||||||||||| ||been told|||||learners||halted unable|||middle||||seeking|||||break|advance past|overcome|||||||| 所以我聽說很多學生陷入了中級水平,他們正在尋找一種方法來突破、突破到高級流利的英語水平。 One of the best ways that you can do this is to listen to the podcast we have here but then also check your listening by reading our transcripts. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||文字记录 做到這一點的最佳方法之一是收聽我們這裡的播客,然後也可以透過閱讀我們的文字記錄來檢查您的聽力。 (Um) it's the best way to get the most out of your All Ears English experience. (嗯)這是充分利用 All Ears English 體驗的最佳方式。 So you can find all of our transcripts, everything we say, word for word, on our website. |||||||文字记录||||||||| 因此,您可以在我們的網站上逐字找到我們所有的文字記錄、我們所說的一切。 It's www.allearsenglish.com/conversations.

Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time!