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All Ears English, 15- How to Bring Native English Speakers to You

15- How to Bring Native English Speakers to You

Lindsay: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast. This is Episode 15: Wisdom Wednesday.

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll find out how to stop wishing that you had an opportunity to practice with native English speakers and how to actually bring them to you.

Gabby: In this episode, we have a great tip. I think it's pretty great. (Car outside beeps). The car outside thinks it's pretty great too. So uh, the tip is, you know, to get more interaction with people on the street or, you know, just you're walking around and you wanna (want to) interact with strangers, talk to new people, try wearing something totally different.

Lindsay: Something totally off the wall.

Gabby: Could be like a bright color.

Lindsay: Could be a pair of goggles.

Gabby: So I ride my bicycle a lot and when I run errands like to the grocery store or to the drug store, I often just keep my helmet on when I go inside because I'm just too lazy to lock it up with my bike or carry it. So it's, it's more convenient to keep it on my head, but I'll often get comments from strangers, you know, just in jest, like trying to be funny, like “Hey! Great hat!” and so it works. I mean it really is an easy way to bring more interaction, uh, into your life.

Lindsay: Right and this… that would be a great way to start up a conversation. Um, this is a tip that I think I read on Benny Lewis' blog and his blog is called fluentinthreemonths.com. So he goes around the world and learns a new language every three months. Um, and how does he learn? Well he speaks with native speakers.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: And how does he do that? He has to stand out a bit on the street. So sometimes he puts on a weird costume or wears a t-shirt that says something funny, so people stop him and guess what? That's a perfect opportunity to engage in the, in, in just practicing English.


Yeah, so something visual. Um, oh, I know another example is uh, uh, my friend went to uh – he's from Texas, right? I think he went to a UT school – yeah, University of Texas. So he always wears this Longhorn's t-shirt, which is the, I guess it's the symbol of Texas. So people stop him all the time, saying “Hey are you from Texas?” or “Did you go to uh, to University of Texas?” So you know if you wear something like a university name on your t-shirt or um, you know, a popular symbol or something like Boston Red Sox, you know, people might ask, “Hey, uh, do you like the Red Sox?” Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: It's a great conversation starter.

Lindsay: For sure. So give it a try. See what happens and get going with the conversations.

Gabby: Great tip! Okay.

Gabby: You listeners know that we've created this awesome podcast for you. But that's not all. We've also created an e-book to help you get the most out of listening to every episode. And the best thing is it's free. It's free for you guys, our listeners. So to get the e-book for free, just come visit us at www.allearsenglish.com/free.

Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.

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15- How to Bring Native English Speakers to You |||Fluent English speakers|||| 15- Wie Sie englische Muttersprachler zu sich holen 15- Cómo atraer a hablantes nativos de inglés 15- ネイティブ・スピーカーを呼び込む方法 15- Como atrair falantes nativos de inglês para si 15- Как привлечь к себе носителей английского языка 15- Anadili İngilizce Olan Konuşmacıları Size Nasıl Getirebilirim? 15-如何为您带来以英语为母语的人 15-如何為您帶來以英語為母語的人 15-如何為您帶來以英語為母語的人

Lindsay: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast. Lindsay:歡迎來到全耳英語播客。 This is Episode 15: Wisdom Wednesday. |||Saggezza del Mercoledì| |||Sabedoria|

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Lindsay: In this episode, you'll find out how to stop wishing that you had an opportunity to practice with native English speakers and how to actually bring them to you. ||||||||||希望||||||||||||||||||| |this|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||troverai||||||desiderare||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||desejando||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||願うこと||||||||||||||||||| Lindsay:このエピソードでは、英語を母国語とする人と練習する機会があったことを願うのをやめる方法と、実際に英語を話す人を連れてくる方法を学びます。 Lindsay: Neste episódio, vai descobrir como deixar de desejar ter a oportunidade de praticar com falantes nativos de inglês e como trazê-los até si. Lindsay:在這一集中,您將了解如何不再希望有機會與英語為母語的人練習,以及如何真正將它們帶給您。

Gabby: In this episode, we have a great tip. 蓋比:在這一集中,我們有一個很棒的建議。 I think it's pretty great. أعتقد أنه أمر رائع. Acho que é muito bom. 我認為這非常棒。 (Car outside beeps). ||車のクラクション (車外發出嘟嘟聲)。 The car outside thinks it's pretty great too. O carro lá fora também acha que é muito bom. 外面的車也覺得很不錯。 So uh, the tip is, you know, to get more interaction with people on the street or, you know, just you're walking around and you wanna (want to) interact with strangers, talk to new people, try wearing something totally different. ||||||||||互动||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||indossare||| Quindi, il consiglio è, sai, avere più interazione con le persone per strada o, sai, semplicemente stai camminando e vuoi (vuoi) interagire con estranei, parlare con nuove persone, provare a indossare qualcosa di totalmente diverso. だから、ヒントは、あなたが知っている、通りの人々とのより多くの相互作用を得るために、またはあなたが知っている、あなたはただ歩き回っていて、見知らぬ人と相互作用したい(したい)、新しい人々と話し、完全に何かを着てみることです違います。 所以呃,建議是,你知道,與街上的人進行更多互動,或者,你知道,只是你在四處走動,你想與陌生人互動,與新朋友交談,嘗試穿一些完全不同的衣服不同的。

Lindsay: Something totally off the wall. |||||fora do comum Lindsay: Qualcosa di totalmente fuori dal comune. Lindsay:壁から完全に外れた何か。 Lindsay: Algo totalmente fora do comum. Lindsay:完全不合常理的東西。

Gabby: Could be like a bright color. ||||||颜色 Gabby: Potrebbe essere come un colore brillante. 蓋比:可能是明亮的顏色。

Lindsay: Could be a pair of goggles. ||||||护目镜 ||||||protective eyewear ||||||occhiali protettivi ||||||óculos de proteção ||||||ゴーグルかも Lindsay: Potrebbe essere un paio di occhiali. Lindsay:可能是一副護目鏡。

Gabby: So I ride my bicycle a lot and when I run errands like to the grocery store or to the drug store, I often just keep my helmet on when I go inside because I'm just too lazy to lock it up with my bike or carry it. ||||||||||||跑腿||||||||||||||||头盔|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||running tasks|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||commissioni|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||tarefas diárias||||||||||||||||capacete|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||用事|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Gabby: Quindi vado molto in bicicletta e quando faccio commissioni come al supermercato o in farmacia, spesso tengo semplicemente il casco addosso quando entro in casa perché sono troppo pigro per chiuderlo con la bici o portalo. ギャビー:自転車によく乗るし、食料品店やドラッグストアなどの用事をするときは、自転車でロックするのが面倒なので、中に入るときはヘルメットをかぶったままにすることがよくあります。またはそれを運ぶ。 加比:所以我經常騎自行車,當我去雜貨店或藥局等辦事時,我進去時經常戴上頭盔,因為我懶得把頭盔和自行車鎖在一起或攜帶它。 So it's, it's more convenient to keep it on my head, but I'll often get comments from strangers, you know, just in jest, like trying to be funny, like “Hey! ||||方便的|||||||||||评论|||||||开玩笑||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||in humor||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||per scherzo||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||冗談で||||||| 所以,把它放在我的頭上更方便,但我經常會收到陌生人的評論,你知道,只是開玩笑,就像試圖搞笑,比如“嘿! Great hat!” and so it works. 很棒的帽子!”所以它有效。 I mean it really is an easy way to bring more interaction, uh, into your life. Voglio dire, è davvero un modo semplice per portare più interazione, uh, nella tua vita. 我的意思是,這確實是一種將更多互動帶入您的生活的簡單方法。

Lindsay: Right and this… that would be a great way to start up a conversation. Lindsay:是的,這……這將是開始對話的好方法。 Um, this is a tip that I think I read on Benny Lewis' blog and his blog is called fluentinthreemonths.com. |||||||||||||||||||三个月流利| |||||||||||ベニー・ルイス||||||||フルーエントインスリーモンス| 嗯,我想我在 Benny Lewis 的部落格上讀到了這個提示,他的部落格名為 FluentinThreemonths.com。 So he goes around the world and learns a new language every three months. |||travels across|||||||||| 所以他環遊世界,每三個月學習一門新語言。 Um, and how does he learn? 嗯,他是怎麼學習的? Well he speaks with native speakers. 嗯,他和母語人士交談。

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: And how does he do that? He has to stand out a bit on the street. 他必須在街上脫穎而出。 So sometimes he puts on a weird costume or wears a t-shirt that says something funny, so people stop him and guess what? |||||||outfit|||||||||||||||| ||||||strano||||||||||||||||| |||||||||着る|||||||||||||| 所以有時他會穿上奇怪的服裝或穿著一件寫著有趣內容的 T 卹,所以人們會阻止他並猜猜怎麼著? That's a perfect opportunity to engage in the, in, in just practicing English. |||||参与||||||| Questa è un'opportunità perfetta per impegnarsi nella, nella, solo nella pratica dell'inglese. 這是練習英語的絕佳機會。

Gabby: Gabby:

Yeah, so something visual. |||视觉的东西 Sì, quindi qualcosa di visivo. 是的,所以有一些視覺上的東西。 Um, oh, I know another example is uh, uh, my friend went to uh – he's from Texas, right? ||||||||||||||||Texas| Uhm, oh, so che un altro esempio è uh, uh, il mio amico è andato da uh – è del Texas, giusto? 嗯,哦,我知道另一個例子是呃,呃,我的朋友去了呃——他來自德克薩斯州,對吧? I think he went to a UT school – yeah, University of Texas. ||||||德州大学||||| 我認為他去了德克薩斯大學的一所學校——是的,德克薩斯大學。 So he always wears this Longhorn's t-shirt, which is the, I guess it's the symbol of Texas. |||||||||||||||象征|| |||||ロングホーンの|||||||||||| 所以他總是穿著這件長角牛的T卹,我猜這是德州的象徵。 So people stop him all the time, saying “Hey are you from Texas?” or “Did you go to uh, to University of Texas?” So you know if you wear something like a university name on your t-shirt or um, you know, a popular symbol or something like Boston Red Sox, you know, people might ask, “Hey, uh, do you like the Red Sox?” Lindsay: Yeah. ||||||||||||||||||||||德克萨斯州||||||||||||||||||||||符号||||||红袜队||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Red Sox||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||レッドソックス||||||||||||||| Così la gente lo ferma sempre, chiedendogli: "Ehi, sei del Texas?" o "Hai frequentato l'Università del Texas?" Quindi, se indossi qualcosa come il nome di un'università sulla tua maglietta o un simbolo popolare o qualcosa come i Boston Red Sox, la gente potrebbe chiederti: "Ehi, ti piacciono i Red Sox?" Lindsay: Sì. 所以人們總是攔住他,說:“嘿,你是德克薩斯州人嗎?”或“你去了呃,德克薩斯大學嗎?”所以你知道,如果你在T 恤上穿大學名稱之類的東西,或者嗯,你知道,流行的標誌或波士頓紅襪隊之類的東西,你知道,人們可能會問,“嘿,呃,你喜歡紅襪隊嗎? ”?”林賽:是的。

Gabby: It's a great conversation starter. |||||开场白 蓋比:這是一個很好的談話開場白。

Lindsay: For sure. So give it a try. 所以試試吧。 See what happens and get going with the conversations. Veja o que acontece e comece a conversar. 看看會發生什麼並繼續對話。

Gabby: Great tip! 蓋比:很棒的提示! Okay.

Gabby: You listeners know that we've created this awesome podcast for you. 加比||||||||||| 加比:你們聽眾知道我們為你們製作了這個很棒的播客。 But that's not all. 但這還不是全部。 We've also created an e-book to help you get the most out of listening to every episode. Abbiamo anche creato un e-book per aiutarti a ottenere il massimo dall'ascolto di ogni episodio. And the best thing is it's free. It's free for you guys, our listeners. So to get the e-book for free, just come visit us at www.allearsenglish.com/free.

Lindsay: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.