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All Ears English, 12- What Einstein Can Teach You About Learning English

12- What Einstein Can Teach You About Learning English

Gabby: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 12: Deep Thoughts Thursday.

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real native English conversation. Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel', coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Lindsay: In today's episode, you'll learn what Ein – Albert Einstein and Michael Jordan can teach you and us about learning English. Okay guys, so we want to share a great quote with you that we think is pretty inspiring and we hope it's inspiring for you as well. So here's the quote. It's by Albert Einstein who has some interesting quotes: “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Gabby: I love that quote. Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: It means it's necessary to make mistakes in order to achieve something. Right?

Lindsay: Definitely.

Gabby: There's a similar quote from, I think, Michael Jordan. Um, something about how he's made – I don't know, like thousands and thousands of missed shots.

Lindsay: Yeah.

That's a good one.

Gabby: Maybe he's made hundreds of, of baskets, but like, how many has he actually missed. Thousands.

Lindsay: Thousands.

Gabby: So keep that in mind when you're studying English and aim to make a mistake. I mean I think – Lindsay, you said something the other day, “Today is a perfect day, a wonderful day…”

Lindsay: Oh right.

Gabby: “…to make a mistake.”

Lindsay: It's the perfect for a mistake. And we, we have a – I have an interesting link to a video that maybe we'll share in the, in the notes… Gabby: Absolutely. Lindsay: …on the blog to watch a video about the importance of making mistakes and it just reminds me, just to give an example. When I was learning to ski as a kid, my dad would always tell me – you know, once in a while I'd say, “Oh, I'm so happy I didn't fall today,” and my dad would say, “What? You didn't fall? That's terrible.” Because if you're not falling, then you're not learning, you're not getting better.

Gabby: You're not pushing yourself…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …to try something new, harder.

Lindsay: Yeah, so…

Gabby: That's great. Yeah.

I think it's a great goal to get out there and make a mistake and good things can happen from that. So Lindsay mentioned that we'll share a video on the blog, so you can find our blog or our website at www.allearsenglish.com.

Lindsay: Okay, so good luck guys.

Lindsay: Okay. So I have a question for you guys today. Are you wondering how to maximize your time and learn English as quickly as possible and as easily as possible? I know everyone's busy these days, so you might be wondering this. So here's one way. We have a free e-book and we have your – some top – the top ten ways to learn English with a podcast. So we'd like to offer that to you as a gift, for – just for being a listener of the All Ears English Podcast and you can get that by going to www.allearsenglish.com/free.

Gabby: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes.

See you next time.

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12- What Einstein Can Teach You About Learning English |Einstein|||||| |Einstein|||||| 12- Co vás může Einstein naučit o učení angličtiny 12- Was Einstein Ihnen über das Englischlernen beibringen kann 12- Lo que Einstein puede enseñarte sobre aprender inglés 12- Ce qu'Einstein peut vous apprendre sur l'apprentissage de l'anglais 12- Cosa può insegnare Einstein sull'apprendimento dell'inglese 12- アインシュタインが英語学習について教えてくれること 12- 아인슈타인이 영어 학습에 대해 가르쳐 줄 수 있는 것들 12- O que Einstein pode ensinar-lhe sobre aprender inglês 12 - Чему Эйнштейн может научить вас в изучении английского языка 12- Einstein İngilizce Öğrenmek Hakkında Size Ne Öğretebilir? 12-爱因斯坦可以教你什么关于学习英语的知识 12-愛因斯坦可以教你什麼學習英語的知識 12-愛因斯坦可以教你什麼學習英語的知識

Gabby: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 12: Deep Thoughts Thursday. Gabby: Toto je All Ears English Podcast, díl 12: Deep Thoughts Thursday. Gabby:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 12 集:星期四的深思熟慮。

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real native English conversation. |||the|||||||||||| Gabby: Vítejte v anglickém podcastu pro všechny uši, kde se konečně dozvíte skutečnou konverzaci v rodném jazyce. Gabby:歡迎來到 All Ears English Podcast,在這裡您將最終獲得真正的母語英語對話。 Now here are your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel', coming to you from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Lindsay: In today's episode, you'll learn what Ein – Albert Einstein and Michael Jordan can teach you and us about learning English. |||||||||Explorer|||||||||||Boston Massachusetts|Massachusetts|||||||discover|how|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||アインシュタイン||||||||||||| Nyní jsou tu vaši hostitelé, Lindsay McMahon, "English Adventurer" a Gabby Wallace, "Language Angel", kteří k vám přicházejí z Bostonu, Massachusetts, USA. Lindsay: V dnešním díle se dozvíte, co vás a nás může naučit Ein - Albert Einstein a Michael Jordan o učení angličtiny. 現在,主持人「英國冒險家」林賽·麥克馬洪和「語言天使」蓋比·華萊士從美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓來到這裡。 Lindsay:在今天的節目中,您將了解艾因-阿爾伯特愛因斯坦和邁克爾喬丹可以教您和我們如何學習英語。 Okay guys, so we want to share a great quote with you that we think is pretty inspiring and we hope it's inspiring for you as well. |||||||||citát||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||鼓舞人心的||||||||| |||||||||citazione ispiratrice||||||||||||||||| Dobře, lidi, takže se s vámi chceme podělit o skvělý citát, který je podle nás docela inspirativní, a doufáme, že je inspirativní i pro vás. Bueno chicos, queremos compartir con vosotros una gran cita que creemos que es bastante inspiradora y esperamos que también lo sea para vosotros. Muito bem, pessoal, queremos partilhar convosco uma grande citação que consideramos bastante inspiradora e esperamos que seja inspiradora para vocês também. 好的,夥伴們,我們想與您分享一段非常鼓舞人心的名言,我們希望它也能對您有所啟發。 So here's the quote. 這是引用。 It's by Albert Einstein who has some interesting quotes: “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Gabby: I love that quote. |||||||||||||||||||||||||這句話 Je od Alberta Einsteina, který má několik zajímavých citátů: "Každý, kdo nikdy neudělal chybu, nikdy nezkusil nic nového." Gabby: Ten citát miluju. 阿爾伯特愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)有一些有趣的名言:“從未犯過錯誤的人從未嘗試過任何新事物。”加比:我喜歡這句話。 Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: It means it's necessary to make mistakes in order to achieve something. |||||||||||dosáhnout něčeho| Gabby: To znamená, že je nutné dělat chyby, abychom něčeho dosáhli. Gabby: Significa que é necessário cometer erros para conseguir alguma coisa. 蓋比:這意味著為了取得某些成就就必須犯錯。 Right?

Lindsay: Definitely.

Gabby: There's a similar quote from, I think, Michael Jordan. Gabby: Há uma citação semelhante de, penso eu, Michael Jordan. 加比:我認為麥可喬丹也說過類似的話。 Um, something about how he's made – I don't know, like thousands and thousands of missed shots. |||||||||||||||tiri sbagliati Něco o tom, že udělal - já nevím, tisíce a tisíce chybných střel. Hum, algo sobre como ele fez - não sei, como milhares e milhares de lançamentos falhados. 嗯,關於他是如何製造的——我不知道,例如成千上萬次投籃不中。

Lindsay: Yeah.

That's a good one. To je dobrý příklad.

Gabby: Maybe he's made hundreds of, of baskets, but like, how many has he actually missed. |||||||篮子|||||||| |||||||バスケット|||||||| Gabby: Možná dal stovky košů, ale kolik jich vlastně minul. Gabby: Talvez ele tenha feito centenas de cestos, mas quantos é que ele realmente falhou. 蓋比:也許他投進了數百個籃筐,但他實際上投丟了多少個籃框。 Thousands.

Lindsay: Thousands. 林賽:數千。

Gabby: So keep that in mind when you're studying English and aim to make a mistake. |||||||||||力求|||| |||||||||||puntare a|||| Gabby: Takže na to myslete, až se budete učit anglicky, a snažte se udělat chybu. Gabby: Así que tenlo en cuenta cuando estés estudiando inglés y trates de cometer un error. Gabby: Por isso, não se esqueça disso quando estiver a estudar inglês e tente cometer um erro. 蓋比:所以當你學習英語並試圖犯錯時,請記住這一點。 I mean I think – Lindsay, you said something the other day, “Today is a perfect day, a wonderful day…” Myslím, že - Lindsay, nedávno jsi řekla něco jako: "Dnes je perfektní den, nádherný den...". Quero dizer, acho que - Lindsay, disseste algo no outro dia, "Hoje é um dia perfeito, um dia maravilhoso..." 我的意思是,我認為——林賽,你前幾天說過的話,“今天是完美的一天,美好的一天……”

Lindsay: Oh right.

Gabby: “…to make a mistake.” ||||chybu Gabby: "...udělat chybu."

Lindsay: It's the perfect for a mistake. Lindsay:這是一個完美的錯誤。 And we, we have a – I have an interesting link to a video that maybe we'll share in the, in the notes… Gabby: Absolutely. |||||||||链接|||||||||||||| A my, my máme - mám zajímavý odkaz na video, které možná budeme sdílet v poznámkách... Gabby: Rozhodně. 我們,我們有一個 - 我有一個有趣的視頻鏈接,也許我們會在筆記中分享...... Gabby:當然。 Lindsay: …on the blog to watch a video about the importance of making mistakes and it just reminds me, just to give an example. |||博客||||视频|||重要性||||||||||||| Lindsay: ...na blogu se podívat na video o tom, jak je důležité dělat chyby, a to mi jen připomíná, abych uvedla příklad. Lindsay:…在部落格上觀看一個關於犯錯重要性的視頻,它只是提醒了我,只是舉個例子。 When I was learning to ski as a kid, my dad would always tell me – you know, once in a while I'd say, “Oh, I'm so happy I didn't fall today,” and my dad would say, “What? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||byl by|| Když jsem se jako dítě učil lyžovat, táta mi vždycky říkal - víte, jednou za čas jsem řekl: "Jsem tak šťastný, že jsem dnes nespadl," a táta řekl: "Cože? Cuando aprendía a esquiar de niño, mi padre siempre me decía: "Estoy tan contento de no haberme caído hoy", y mi padre decía: "¿Qué? 當我小時候學習滑雪時,我爸爸總是告訴我 - 你知道,有時我會說,“哦,我很高興今天沒有摔倒,”我爸爸會說, “什麼? You didn't fall? Nespadl jsi? ¿No te caíste? Não caíste? 你沒跌倒吧? That's terrible.” Because if you're not falling, then you're not learning, you're not getting better. To je hrozné." Protože když nepadáte, tak se neučíte, nezlepšujete se. Eso es terrible". Porque si no te caes, no estás aprendiendo, no estás mejorando. Isso é terrível." Porque se não estamos a cair, não estamos a aprender, não estamos a melhorar. 這太可怕了。”因為如果你沒有跌倒,那麼你就沒有學習,就沒有變得更好。

Gabby: You're not pushing yourself… |||逼自己| Gabby: Ty na sebe netlačíš... Gabby: Não estás a esforçar-te... 蓋比:你沒有逼自己…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …to try something new, harder. Gabby: ...zkusit něco nového, těžšího. Gabby: ...para tentar algo novo, mais difícil. 蓋比:……更努力嘗試新事物。

Lindsay: Yeah, so…

Gabby: That's great. Yeah.

I think it's a great goal to get out there and make a mistake and good things can happen from that. Myslím, že je to skvělý cíl, když se člověk dostane ven a udělá chybu, ze které se mohou stát dobré věci. Je pense que c'est un excellent objectif de sortir et de faire une erreur et de bonnes choses peuvent en découler. Я думаю, что это отличная цель - выйти на поле и совершить ошибку, и из этого может произойти что-то хорошее. 我認為走出去犯錯是一個偉大的目標,但好的事情可能會發生。 So Lindsay mentioned that we'll share a video on the blog, so you can find our blog or our website at www.allearsenglish.com. ||||||||||website section||||||||||||| Lindsay 提到我們將在部落格上分享視頻,這樣您就可以在 www.allearsenglish.com 上找到我們的部落格或網站。

Lindsay: Okay, so good luck guys.

Lindsay: Okay. So I have a question for you guys today. Are you wondering how to maximize your time and learn English as quickly as possible and as easily as possible? Zajímá vás, jak maximalizovat svůj čas a naučit se anglicky co nejrychleji a nejsnadněji? Está a pensar em como maximizar o seu tempo e aprender inglês o mais rápido possível e da forma mais fácil? I know everyone's busy these days, so you might be wondering this. Vím, že každý má v těchto dnech hodně práce, takže vás možná zajímá toto. Eu sei que toda a gente anda ocupada nestes dias, por isso podem estar a pensar nisto. So here's one way. Eis uma maneira de o fazer. We have a free e-book and we have your – some top – the top ten ways to learn English with a podcast. Temos um e-book gratuito e temos as suas - algumas das - dez melhores formas de aprender inglês com um podcast. So we'd like to offer that to you as a gift, for – just for being a listener of the All Ears English Podcast and you can get that by going to www.allearsenglish.com/free. Rádi bychom vám ji nabídli jako dárek, a to jen za to, že jste posluchači anglického podcastu All Ears, který můžete získat na adrese www.allearsenglish.com/free.

Gabby: Thanks for listening to the All Ears English Podcast. We're here to help you learn English and you can help us by leaving a five star review on iTunes. Jsme tu, abychom vám pomohli naučit se anglicky, a vy nám můžete pomoci tím, že nám na iTunes zanecháte pětihvězdičkové hodnocení.

See you next time.