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All Ears English, 103- Improve Your English by Acting Like a Salesman

103- Improve Your English by Acting Like a Salesman

Gabby: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 103: “Improve Your English by Acting Like a Salesman.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn four ways to chase your English goal like a salesman chases his commission.


Lindsay: Hey, Gabby. What's up?

Gabby: Buon giorno (Good day), Lindsay.

Lindsay: Okay, hello.

Gabby: Okay, we're getting a little crazy.

Lindsay: Yes.

No, you're a little crazy.

Gabby: We, we – okay, we've been recording all day because we love you guys and we love making episodes, but…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …I am a little…

Both: Crazy.

Lindsay: That's good. It's good to be crazy. So, let's talk about the four things that our listeners can learn from a salesman.

Gabby: Yeah, I think this is an interesting strategy and a way to keep motivated…

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: …for learning English. There are four qualities of a good salesman or woman, which you can apply to improve your English skills. So, take it away, Lindsay.

Lindsay: All right. So the first one is confidence. But actually it's something a little bit more than confidence. It's ‘arrogance.'

Gabby: Just a little bit. A little bit of arrogance could be healthy.

Lindsay: Arrogance (kind of) has a negative connotation…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …but in this context it's a good thing.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So to be arrogant is to be what?

Gabby: To be arrogant is overly confident.

Lindsay: Overly confident.

Gabby: It means you may not have the skills but it doesn't matter. You are confident, as confident, or more confident than someone who has the skills. So, let's say you're still learning English and you may not know every single word in the English language – nobody does.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).


Gabby: But, it's okay. You have to be arrogant about your skills and, and say, “You know what? I can do this.”

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: “I got this.”

Lindsay: Exactly. So you would just jump into a situation and start that conversation and not really care if you make…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: … a mistake. So be arrogant.

Gabby: Yeah.

Know that you are good enough, if not the best.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Repeat to yourself, “I am the best English speaker.” And believe it.

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: Nice. The next quality that a great salesman have, has that you also want to have is ‘empathy.' Why is empathy important when you're speaking to other people?

Lindsay: So, I think empathy is really key to any kind of communication, right?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Anytime that we're talking to anyone in any language it's really about feeling what the other person's feeling in that moment.

Gabby: Right.

And considering their viewpoint, their background, what they might want to get out of a situation, what is that person looking for – when you're a salesman, you have to think from the point of view of your customer.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: What do they want? What do they need? So when you're speaking English it would be to your benefit to think about what your conversation partner or your audience wants to get out of your interaction. Do they wanna (want to) be friends? Do they, (you know), what, what else? Are they…?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: It depends who they are.

Lindsay: Just for example, thinking about what your boss wants. If you're working…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …here in the US, what does your boss want? What do, what do…?

Gabby: What does your…?

Lindsay: …your colleagues want?

Gabby: What does your English teacher want?

Lindsay: What does your client want?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Right? That's really important.

Gabby: So that determines how you speak to the person.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

And it's a good way to just get back to the whole taking the spotlight off of, off of yourself and on to someone else.

Gabby: Yeah.

How can you help that person?

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Great.

Lindsay: ‘Resilience' is the next one.

Gabby: Yeah.

Resilience is key because you're going to make mistakes, you're going to fall down, you're going to experience setbacks. But resilience means that you pick yourself back up, you stand up again.

Lindsay: Yes, awesome.

Gabby: You keep going.

Lindsay: Love it.

Gabby: Yeah.

So obviously learning a language, you're going to make mistakes.

That's good, that's normal, but keep going.

Both: Don't give up.

Gabby: Oh. That wasn't planned.

Lindsay: The last one is the ‘hunter's mentality.' What does a hunter do?

Gabby: Well, a hunter is always going out, taking action, going after something. A, a hunter is usually, (you know), maybe someone who hunts for deer. (Um) there's (there are) some people who go out with their rifles and they shoot deer or, or perhaps an animal like a lion is a hunter and they run after gazelles or something. So…

Lindsay: Oh, nice.

Gabby: …you're going after…

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: …something.

Lindsay: And you're willing to (kind of) – as we said, (like) go through the details, right, to get that thing. You're always keeping your eye on the ball…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …or keeping your eye on the goal.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: I think we have an expression, “Keep your eyes on the prize.”

Gabby: Yes.

Yes, the prize.

Lindsay: All right. So, you're willing –so the details would be for example – I don't know – learning those conjugations that you have to…

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: …learn or, (you know), getting into it.

Gabby: Doing whatever it takes to get that goal, right. The lion wants its next meal and you want to be fluent in English.

Lindsay: (Uh-huh).

Gabby: So what is it going to take to get there?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Figure it out and do it.

Lindsay: So there you have it. Those are the four qualities of a salesman. Let's go back through them one more time. Gabby, what was the first one?

Gabby: Confidence and even arrogance.

Lindsay: Empathy.

Gabby: Resilience.

Lindsay: And the hunter's mentality. Woo-hoo!

Gabby: Yes.


Gabby: If you love All Ears English and you want to seriously improve to the advanced native-like level of English, we made a premium subscription package for you with more support. What do you get? You get audio and text transcripts of each new episode when they're released. You get practical learning tips every week. You get an exclusive subscriber's version of our e-book, “How to Improve Your English with a Podcast” and you get all the previous text transcripts, Episodes 1-88 and you guys can ask direct questions – you can communicate directly with Lindsay and myself, Gabby, to ask any question about English. So it's a huge value. You can find that subscription package on our website at allearsenglish.com/conversations. That's c-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n-s. See you there.


Lindsay: If you wanna (want to) put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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103- Improve Your English by Acting Like a Salesman 103- Verbessern Sie Ihr Englisch, indem Sie sich wie ein Verkäufer verhalten 103- Mejora tu inglés actuando como un vendedor 103- 営業マンのように振る舞って英語を上達させよう 103- Popraw swój angielski, zachowując się jak sprzedawca 103- Improve Your English by Acting Like a Salesman (Melhorar o seu inglês agindo como um vendedor) 103- Улучшите свой английский, действуя как продавец 103 - 透過表現得像推銷員來提升英語水平

Gabby: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 103: “Improve Your English by Acting Like a Salesman.” ||||||podcast|Episode title||Enhance||language||||| Gabby:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 103 集:“通過表現得像推銷員來提高英語水平。”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA. |Greetings|||||All Ears English|Episode 1|in which||at last|||||dialogue|with|your|your hosts|Lindsay McMahon|Lindsay McMahon|the|language|English Explorer||Gabby Wallace|Gabby Wallace||Language Learning|Language Angel|originating in|Boston Massachusetts|United States


Lindsay: In this episode, you'll learn four ways to chase your English goal like a salesman chases his commission. |||||||||追求|||||||追求||佣金 Lindsay's episode||this|this segment||discover||||pursue||language||||salesperson||| ||||||||||||||||追い求める|| |||||||||достигать||||||||| Lindsay:在本集中,您將學習四種方法來追求您的英語目標,就像推銷員追求他的佣金一樣。


Lindsay: Hey, Gabby. What's up?

Gabby: Buon giorno (Good day), Lindsay. |Good|day||| |ボン|日||| 蓋比:Buon giorno(美好的一天),林賽。

Lindsay: Okay, hello.

Gabby: Okay, we're getting a little crazy.

Lindsay: Yes.

No, you're a little crazy.

Gabby: We, we – okay, we've been recording all day because we love you guys and we love making episodes, but… 加比:我們,我們--好吧,我們一整天都在錄音,因為我們愛你們,我們喜歡製作劇集,但…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …I am a little…

Both: Crazy.

Lindsay: That's good. It's good to be crazy. So, let's talk about the four things that our listeners can learn from a salesman. 那麼,讓我們來談談聽眾可以從推銷員那裡學到的四件事。

Gabby: Yeah, I think this is an interesting strategy and a way to keep motivated… 蓋比:是的,我認為這是一個有趣的策略,也是一種保持動力的方法…

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: …for learning English. There are four qualities of a good salesman or woman, which you can apply to improve your English skills. |||特质||||||||||||||| 優秀的推銷員或女性有四種特質,您可以運用它們來提升您的英語技能。 So, take it away, Lindsay.

Lindsay: All right. So the first one is confidence. 所以第一個就是信心。 But actually it's something a little bit more than confidence. 但實際上,這不僅僅是信心。 It's ‘arrogance.' |傲慢 |это высокомерие

Gabby: Just a little bit. A little bit of arrogance could be healthy. ||||少しの傲慢||| 一點點傲慢可能是健康的。

Lindsay: Arrogance (kind of) has a negative connotation… |||||||含意 Lindsay:傲慢(有點)有負面意義…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …but in this context it's a good thing. Lindsay:……但在這種情況下這是一件好事。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: So to be arrogant is to be what? ||||傲慢的|||| Lindsay:那麼傲慢是什麼?

Gabby: To be arrogant is overly confident. |||||excessively| |||||過剰に| 蓋比:傲慢就是過於自信。

Lindsay: Overly confident.

Gabby: It means you may not have the skills but it doesn't matter. 蓋比:這意味著你可能沒有技能,但沒關係。 You are confident, as confident, or more confident than someone who has the skills. 你有信心,和有技能的人一樣有信心,或更有信心。 So, let's say you're still learning English and you may not know every single word in the English language – nobody does. 所以,假設你還在學習英語,你可能不知道英語中的每一個單字——沒有人知道。

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).


Gabby: But, it's okay. You have to be arrogant about your skills and, and say, “You know what? 你必須對自己的技能感到傲慢,然後說:「你知道嗎? I can do this.”

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: “I got this.”

Lindsay: Exactly. So you would just jump into a situation and start that conversation and not really care if you make… So you would just jump into a situation and start that conversation and not really care if you make… 所以你會直接進入一個情況並開始對話,而不是真正關心你是否做了...

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: … a mistake. So be arrogant.

Gabby: Yeah.

Know that you are good enough, if not the best. 知道你夠好,即使不是最好的。

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Repeat to yourself, “I am the best English speaker.” And believe it. 蓋比:對自己重複一遍,“我是英語說得最好的。”並且相信它。

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: Nice. The next quality that a great salesman have, has that you also want to have is ‘empathy.' ||||||セールスマン||||||||||共感 優秀推銷員所具備的下一個特質也是你想要擁有的,那就是「同理心」。 Why is empathy important when you're speaking to other people? 為什麼當你與他人交談時,同理心很重要?

Lindsay: So, I think empathy is really key to any kind of communication, right? Lindsay:所以,我認為同理心對於任何形式的溝通都是至關重要的,對嗎?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Anytime that we're talking to anyone in any language it's really about feeling what the other person's feeling in that moment. Lindsay:任何時候我們用任何語言與任何人交談,其實都是為了感受對方當時的感受。

Gabby: Right.

And considering their viewpoint, their background, what they might want to get out of a situation, what is that person looking for – when you're a salesman, you have to think from the point of view of your customer. Et compte tenu de leur point de vue, de leurs antécédents, de ce qu'ils pourraient vouloir retirer d'une situation, de ce que recherche cette personne - lorsque vous êtes vendeur, vous devez penser du point de vue de votre client. 考慮他們的觀點、他們的背景、他們可能想從某種情況中得到什麼、那個人在尋找什麼——當你是一名推銷員時,你必須從客戶的角度思考。

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: What do they want? 蓋比:他們想要什麼? What do they need? So when you're speaking English it would be to your benefit to think about what your conversation partner or your audience wants to get out of your interaction. 因此,當您說英語時,請考慮您的對話夥伴或聽眾希望從您的互動中獲得什麼對您有利。 Do they wanna (want to) be friends? Do they, (you know), what, what else? Are they…?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: It depends who they are.

Lindsay: Just for example, thinking about what your boss wants. Lindsay:舉個例子,想想你的老闆想要什麼。 If you're working…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …here in the US, what does your boss want? Lindsay:……在美國,你的老闆想要什麼? What do, what do…?

Gabby: What does your…?

Lindsay: …your colleagues want? Lindsay:……你的同事想要什麼?

Gabby: What does your English teacher want? 蓋比:你的英文老師想要什麼?

Lindsay: What does your client want? Lindsay:你的客戶想要什麼?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Right? That's really important.

Gabby: So that determines how you speak to the person. |||决定|||||| |||определяет|||||| 蓋比:這決定了你如何與對方交談。

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

And it's a good way to just get back to the whole taking the spotlight off of, off of yourself and on to someone else. ||||||||||||||attention|||||||||| Et c'est un bon moyen de revenir à l'ensemble en prenant l'accent sur vous-même et sur quelqu'un d'autre. И это хороший способ просто вернуться к тому, чтобы переключить внимание с себя на кого-то другого. 這是一個很好的方式,可以讓我們回到整體,把聚光燈從自己身上移開,轉移到別人身上。

Gabby: Yeah.

How can you help that person? 你可以怎樣幫助那個人?

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Great.

Lindsay: ‘Resilience' is the next one. |Устойчивость(|||| |回復力|||| Lindsay:「韌性」是下一個。

Gabby: Yeah.

Resilience is key because you're going to make mistakes, you're going to fall down, you're going to experience setbacks. ||||||||||||||||||неудачи 韌性是關鍵,因為你會犯錯,你會跌倒,你會經歷挫折。 But resilience means that you pick yourself back up, you stand up again. |韧性||||||||||| 但韌性意味著你重新振作起來,重新站起來。

Lindsay: Yes, awesome.

Gabby: You keep going.

Lindsay: Love it.

Gabby: Yeah.

So obviously learning a language, you're going to make mistakes. 顯然,學習一門語言,你會犯錯。

That's good, that's normal, but keep going.

Both: Don't give up.

Gabby: Oh. That wasn't planned.

Lindsay: The last one is the ‘hunter's mentality.' Lindsay:最後一個是「獵人心態」。 What does a hunter do? |||猎人|

Gabby: Well, a hunter is always going out, taking action, going after something. 蓋比:嗯,獵人總是出去,採取行動,追尋某些東西。 A, a hunter is usually, (you know), maybe someone who hunts for deer. ||||||||||猎鹿|| ||||||||||狩りをする|| 答,獵人通常是(你知道的),也許是獵鹿的人。 (Um) there's (there are) some people who go out with their rifles and they shoot deer or, or perhaps an animal like a lion is a hunter and they run after gazelles or something. |||||||||||步枪||||||||||||狮子||||||||瞪羚|| |||||||||||ライフル銃||||||||||||||||||||ガゼル|| |||||||||||винтовками|||||||||||||||||||||| (嗯)有(有)一些人帶著步槍出去射鹿,或者像獅子這樣的動物是獵人,他們追趕瞪羚或其他東西。 So…

Lindsay: Oh, nice.

Gabby: …you're going after…

Lindsay: Yes.

Gabby: …something.

Lindsay: And you're willing to (kind of) – as we said, (like) go through the details, right, to get that thing. |||готова|||||||||||||||| Lindsay:而且你願意(有點)——正如我們所說,(喜歡)仔細檢查細節,對吧,得到那東西。 You're always keeping your eye on the ball… 你總是注視著球.....

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …or keeping your eye on the goal.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: I think we have an expression, “Keep your eyes on the prize.” Lindsay:我想我們有一句話,“把目光放在獎品上。”

Gabby: Yes.

Yes, the prize.

Lindsay: All right. So, you're willing –so the details would be for example – I don't know – learning those conjugations that you have to… |||||||||||||||动词变位|||| |||||||||||||||活用|||| |||||||||||||||сопряжения|||| Итак, вы готовы... Так что детали могут быть, например, - я не знаю - выучить те спряжения, которые вы должны... 所以,你願意 - 所以細節是例如 - 我不知道 - 學習那些你必須...

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: …learn or, (you know), getting into it.

Gabby: Doing whatever it takes to get that goal, right. 蓋比:盡一切努力實現這個目標,對吧。 The lion wants its next meal and you want to be fluent in English. 獅子想要它的下一頓飯,而你想要說流利的英語。

Lindsay: (Uh-huh).

Gabby: So what is it going to take to get there? 加比:那麼要怎樣才能到達那裡呢?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: Figure it out and do it. 蓋比:弄清楚並去做。

Lindsay: So there you have it. 林賽:所以你明白了。 Those are the four qualities of a salesman. 這是推銷員的四種品質。 Let's go back through them one more time. 讓我們再回顧一下。 Gabby, what was the first one?

Gabby: Confidence and even arrogance. ||||арогантность 蓋比:自信甚至傲慢。

Lindsay: Empathy.

Gabby: Resilience. |Устойчивость(

Lindsay: And the hunter's mentality. |||狩人の| Lindsay:還有獵人的心態。 Woo-hoo!

Gabby: Yes.


Gabby: If you love All Ears English and you want to seriously improve to the advanced native-like level of English, we made a premium subscription package for you with more support. What do you get? You get audio and text transcripts of each new episode when they're released. You get practical learning tips every week. You get an exclusive subscriber's version of our e-book, “How to Improve Your English with a Podcast” and you get all the previous text transcripts, Episodes 1-88 and you guys can ask direct questions – you can communicate directly with Lindsay and myself, Gabby, to ask any question about English. ||||購読者の|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| So it's a huge value. You can find that subscription package on our website at allearsenglish.com/conversations. That's c-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n-s. See you there.


Lindsay: If you wanna (want to) put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.