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All Ears English, 102- Secrets to a High Score on the IELTS with Expert Jack Askew

102- Secrets to a High Score on the IELTS with Expert Jack Askew

Gabby: Welcome to an All Ears English Episode 102. This is a ‘Wisdom Wednesday': “Secrets to a High Score on the IELTS with Expert Jack Askew.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Lindsay: In today's episode, you'll get three tips for the IELTS. The first one will be general, the second one will be a listening tip, and the third one will be an awesome writing tip.


Gabby: Hey, Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey, Gabby. I'm doing great today. How ‘bout (about) you?

Gabby: I am doing very well. We have a special guest, my friend, Jack Askew. Hey, Jack.

Jack: Hello. How's it going, girls?

Gabby: It's going great.

Lindsay: Great, thank you.

Gabby: Thanks for joining us today. We're so excited. (Um) Jack (uh) is an IELTS expert. He's from Manchester, in the UK, and he offers some IELTS prep courses and today he's going to share some of his knowledge with our listeners so we're really excited because we know there's a lot of people preparing for this exam out there.

Jack: Yeah.

It's, it's great to, to be here with you both. I'm really excited about sharing. I've got three tips for today, for the IELTS exam.

Lindsay: Cool.

Gabby: Excellent. Well, let's get right into it. So, what is your first tip for our listeners taking the IELTS?

Jack: Okay, so, this – the first tip might sound a little bit obvious but I always see a lot of students do the focused preparation later on when it's too late.

Both: (Mm).

Jack: But, but I think it's really important to get that focused preparation early and to also get as many sample papers as possible.

Gabby: Okay.

Jack: Because it's important to know the structure of each section, (um), and to know what you're going to see when the exam comes.

Gabby: Yeah.

So cramming doesn't work…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …as well.

Jack: Not really, no. (Um)…

Lindsay: So how far, how far in advance would you recommend that people begin studying?

Jack: Just as soon as, as soon as you can.

Lindsay: Okay.

Jack: If you know you're gonna (going to) take the IELTS exam in six months or even a year it's good to get that basic understanding of what you're going to be doing in the exam.

Lindsay: Oh, yeah.

Gabby: Okay, so as early as possible, even a year out.

Jack: Yep, even a year out. Obviously at that stage you should be focusing more on your general English.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: (Mm).

Jack: And improving all of the four skills.

Lindsay: Okay.

Jack: But it's still important to get some kind of

Gabby: Oh, okay.

Lindsay: (Mm).

Jack: And the, (uh), speaking and listening are the same but the writing, (um), is a little bit different. (Um), and so it's important to know exactly which one you're doing.

Lindsay: Right, for what purpose.

Gabby: Oh.

Jack: Because the type of writing that you'll do will be different on Part One…

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: …on the writing exam.

Gabby: Good to know.

Lindsay: Perfect. Excellent.

Gabby: Great. We'll let's move on to the second, (uh), point that you have. And I think this one is a little different than what you'd normally, (uh), hear. It's not, it's not so general. It's kind of a, a secret tip.

Jack: Yeah, the (um), the listening section does cause a lot of students problems.

Gabby: Yeah.

Jack: And, and this – one thing about the listening is you only actually hear the recording once.

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: Wow.

Jack: So, a lot of students go in and expect to hear it again but it only comes once and it goes very quickly.

Lindsay: Oh, that's tough.

Jack: And, so there's a…

Gabby: Yeah.

Jack: …couple things I recommend doing. The first one is just to listen as much as possible.

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Jack: And what, what I mean is to take your iPod, your mp3 player, your iPhone with you wherever you go and to just cram it full of English.

Gabby: Okay.

Jack: And, especially if you've got a lot, lot of time before the exam. It doesn't matter especially what you put on that…

Gabby: Okay.

Jack: …but just to listen to things like your podcast, different podcasts…

Gabby: Yeah.

Jack: …and the TED Talks are great as well.

Gabby: Absolutely.

Jack: And – but anything that you put on there is, is really important to, to listen as much as possible because there's no easy way to, to listen just a few weeks before the exam…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Jack: …and to prepare for that.

Lindsay: Wow.

That's great.

Gabby: Yeah, you have to get used to, I suppose conversation and…

Jack: Yeah.

Gabby: …academic lectures.

Lindsay: (Mm).

So just immersing yourself in the sounds of English, (kind of), and to make it really natural, I guess.

Jack: Exactly.

Lindsay: (Mm).

Jack: Exactly.

There's a little thing that you could do for Section One because in Section One it's always about spellings and numbers, addresses…

Gabby: Right.

Jack: …and things like that. So, it's good to know all the, the different vowels, for example…

Lindsay: (Mm).

Jack: …the vowel sounds and to be able to write down what, exactly what you here. And…

Gabby: Oh, yeah. That's a good tip because of course, (uh), in English we have so many different vowel sounds.

Jack: Exactly.

And the, the ones that sound quite similar, too. (Um), so practice that to get focused, practice for Part One because if you do that then you can easily get 100% in Part One of the listening.

Gabby: (Ah), good tip.

Lindsay: Whoa! That's an awesome tip.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Insider tip.

Gabby: Yeah, great. All right, how about the third and, and last tip?

Jack: So, the third tip is the, the writing exam. And, and I recommend doing something called ‘read-to-write' because a lot of learners go in, think in their own language and then try to translate this.

Gabby: Oh, gosh.

Lindsay: Oh, that's a big problem.

Both: Yeah.

Jack: And it, it just leads to incorrect sentence structure and strange-sounding English.

Gabby: Right.

Jack: And – so what I recommend doing is to read lots of model answers.

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Jack: There is so many model answers out there and you can get them for the different parts of the writing exam. And, read them, get to know them, and then also I've, I have a method, which, (uh), uses space repetition software.

Lindsay: (Mm).


Jack: And I call this the SRS writing method.

Gabby: Okay.

Jack: And what it does is it helps you internalize the correct structures of the writing exam. So internalize the correct written English so when you go into the exam these kind of structures just come out automatically instead of trying to translate word-for-word from your own language into English.

Gabby: (Ah). That's great.

Lindsay: (Mm).

Gabby: So you're talking about internalizing the structure not internalizing or memorizing a…

Lindsay: Grammar rules or…

Gabby: … specific essay.

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: Right.

Jack: Exactly cause (because) me-, memorizing is different and the examiners look out for this type of thing. And…

Both: Oh.

Jack: …because if you internalize it gives you the ability to be flexible and to use those specific structures no matter what the, the question is.

Gabby: Right, with your own ideas.

Jack: Exactly, with your own ideas.

Gabby: Oh, that's great. Yeah.

Lindsay: So this is a specific kind of software? Where can students actually use this, specifically?

Jack: Yes. The software that I recommend is called Anki.

Lindsay: Okay.

Jack: And it's free to download.

Lindsay: Okay.

Jack: And, a lot of language learners use this to learn vocabulary.

Lindsay: (Mm).

Jack: And, but what I recommend is using it so then, so that you can take the model answers, put them into the software and learn the different sentences or become more familiar with the sentences. And there are certain things that you can do so that you actually internalize the correct English.

Gabby: Oh, that's wonderful.

Lindsay: Oh, very cool.

Gabby: What a practical tool.

Jack: Yeah, it's a great tool and I really recommend it for learning languages in general, too.

Gabby: Super.

Lindsay: Excellent.

Gabby: So, if our listeners wanna (want to) find out more about your IELTS preparation and your methods, where can they find you?

Jack: So, I have all my information on my website, jdaenglish.com

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Jack: And, I've had the website for about five years now and it's really evolved through the years. And, on the website you can find information about the IELTS exam, the preparation cost, the method that I talk about and I also have a, a free book for English learners to download.

Gabby: Wonderful.

Lindsay: Cool.

Sounds great.

Gabby: All right. So that's jdaenglish.com.

Jack: Exactly.

Gabby: Cool.

Lindsay: Awesome.

Gabby: Jack, thank you so much for your tips and for joining us today.

Lindsay: Yeah, thanks for coming on.

Jack: Thank you for having me. It's been a, a great experience.

Gabby: All right, talk to you soon.

Lindsay: Thanks.

Jack: Okay, then. Buh (bye)-bye.


Lindsay: Hey, guys, if you wanna (want to) learn ten ways to learn English with a podcast come to our website and get our free e-book at www.allearsenglish.com/free.


Lindsay: If you wanna (want to) put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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102- Secrets to a High Score on the IELTS with Expert Jack Askew |||||||||||Askew |||||||||||アスキュー 102- Geheimnisse für eine hohe Punktzahl beim IELTS mit dem Experten Jack Askew 102- Secretos para una puntuación alta en el IELTS con el experto Jack Askew 102- 専門家ジャック・アスキューと学ぶIELTS高得点の秘訣 102- Sekrety wysokiego wyniku na egzaminie IELTS z ekspertem Jackiem Askewem 102- Segredos para uma pontuação elevada no IELTS com o especialista Jack Askew 102- Секреты получения высокого балла на IELTS с экспертом Джеком Эскью 102- Uzman Jack Askew ile IELTS'te Yüksek Puan Almanın Sırları 102 - 雅思高分秘诀,专家杰克·阿斯丘 (Jack Askew) 102 - 雅思高分秘訣,專家傑克‧阿斯丘 (Jack Askew)

Gabby: Welcome to an All Ears English Episode 102. Gabby:歡迎收看全耳英文第 102 集。 This is a ‘Wisdom Wednesday': “Secrets to a High Score on the IELTS with Expert Jack Askew.” 這是“智慧星期三”:“與專家 Jack Askew 一起了解雅思高分的秘密。”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Lindsay: In today's episode, you'll get three tips for the IELTS. The first one will be general, the second one will be a listening tip, and the third one will be an awesome writing tip. 第一個是一般性的,第二個是聽力技巧,第三個是很棒的寫作技巧。


Gabby: Hey, Lindsay. How's it going?

Lindsay: Hey, Gabby. I'm doing great today. 我今天表現很好。 How ‘bout (about) you? |wie sieht's mit||

Gabby: I am doing very well. We have a special guest, my friend, Jack Askew. Hey, Jack.

Jack: Hello. How's it going, girls?

Gabby: It's going great.

Lindsay: Great, thank you.

Gabby: Thanks for joining us today. We're so excited. (Um) Jack (uh) is an IELTS expert. He's from Manchester, in the UK, and he offers some IELTS prep courses and today he's going to share some of his knowledge with our listeners so we're really excited because we know there's a lot of people preparing for this exam out there. |||||||||||备考|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||Vorbereitung|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||マンチェスター||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 他來自英國曼徹斯特,他提供一些雅思考試預備課程,今天他將與我們的聽眾分享他的一些知識,所以我們真的很興奮,因為我們知道有很多人正在準備這項考試。

Jack: Yeah.

It's, it's great to, to be here with you both. 很高興能和你們兩個在一起。 I'm really excited about sharing. I've got three tips for today, for the IELTS exam. 我今天為雅思考試提供了三個建議。

Lindsay: Cool.

Gabby: Excellent. Well, let's get right into it. |let us||straight|| So, what is your first tip for our listeners taking the IELTS? 那麼,您對參加雅思考試的聽眾的第一個建議是什麼?

Jack: Okay, so, this – the first tip might sound a little bit obvious but I always see a lot of students do the focused preparation later on when it's too late. ||||||||||||очевидно|||||||||||||||||| 傑克:好的,所以,這——第一個技巧可能聽起來有點明顯,但我總是看到很多學生後來才進行集中準備,但為時已晚。

Both: (Mm).

Jack: But, but I think it's really important to get that focused preparation early and to also get as many sample papers as possible. ||||||||||||||||||||样本||| ||||||||||||||||||||Beispielprüfungen||| 傑克:但是,但是我認為儘早進行有針對性的準備並獲得盡可能多的樣本論文非常重要。

Gabby: Okay.

Jack: Because it's important to know the structure of each section, (um), and to know what you're going to see when the exam comes. 傑克:因為了解每個部分的結構(嗯)以及知道考試時你會看到什麼很重要。

Gabby: Yeah.

So cramming doesn't work… |死记硬背|| |intense last-minute studying|| |詰め込み|| 所以臨時抱佛腳是行不通的…

Lindsay: Yeah.

Gabby: …as well.

Jack: Not really, no. (Um)…

Lindsay: So how far, how far in advance would you recommend that people begin studying? ||||||заранее|заранее||||||| |||||||im Voraus||||||| Линдси: Так как далеко, как заблаговременно вы бы рекомендовали начать заниматься? Lindsay:那麼您建議人們提前多久開始學習?

Jack: Just as soon as, as soon as you can. 傑克:盡快,盡快。

Lindsay: Okay.

Jack: If you know you're gonna (going to) take the IELTS exam in six months or even a year it's good to get that basic understanding of what you're going to be doing in the exam. 傑克:如果你知道你將在六個月甚至一年內參加雅思考試,那麼對你將在考試中做什麼有一個基本的了解是很好的。

Lindsay: Oh, yeah.

Gabby: Okay, so as early as possible, even a year out. 加比:好的,所以越早越好,甚至一年後。

Jack: Yep, even a year out. 傑克:是的,甚至一年後。 Obviously at that stage you should be focusing more on your general English. |||на этом этапе||||||||| 顯然,在那個階段你應該更專注於你的通用英語。

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: (Mm).

Jack: And improving all of the four skills. 傑克:並提升所有四項技能。

Lindsay: Okay.

Jack: But it's still important to get some kind of 傑克:但是獲得某種東西仍然很重要

Gabby: Oh, okay.

Lindsay: (Mm).

Jack: And the, (uh), speaking and listening are the same but the writing, (um), is a little bit different. 傑克:(呃)口說和聽力是一樣的,但寫作(嗯)有點不同。 (Um), and so it's important to know exactly which one you're doing. (嗯),所以準確地知道你在做什麼很重要。

Lindsay: Right, for what purpose.

Gabby: Oh.

Jack: Because the type of writing that you'll do will be different on Part One…

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: …on the writing exam. |||writing|test

Gabby: Good to know.

Lindsay: Perfect. Excellent. Outstanding performance

Gabby: Great. We'll let's move on to the second, (uh), point that you have. ||||||second point||||| 我們將繼續討論第二點(呃)。 And I think this one is a little different than what you'd normally, (uh), hear. 我認為這與你通常(呃)聽到的有點不同。 It's not, it's not so general. 不是,不是那麼普遍。 It's kind of a, a secret tip. 這是一種秘密提示。

Jack: Yeah, the (um), the listening section does cause a lot of students problems. 傑克:是的,(嗯)聽力部分確實為學生帶來了很多問題。

Gabby: Yeah.

Jack: And, and this – one thing about the listening is you only actually hear the recording once. 傑克:還有,還有這個——關於聆聽的一件事是你實際上只聽到一次錄音。

Gabby: Okay.

Lindsay: Wow.

Jack: So, a lot of students go in and expect to hear it again but it only comes once and it goes very quickly. |||||студенты|||||||||||||||||| Джек: Итак, многие студенты приходят и ожидают, что услышат это снова, но это происходит только один раз и очень быстро. 傑克:所以,很多學生進去後都希望能再聽到它,但它只出現一次,而且消失得很快。

Lindsay: Oh, that's tough.

Jack: And, so there's a…

Gabby: Yeah.

Jack: …couple things I recommend doing. 傑克:……我建議做幾件事。 The first one is just to listen as much as possible. 第一個就是盡可能地傾聽。

Gabby: (Mm-hm). Gabby agrees||

Jack: And what, what I mean is to take your iPod, your mp3 player, your iPhone with you wherever you go and to just cram it full of English. ||||||||||||||||||куда бы||||||наполнить|||| ||||||||||iPod|||||iPhone|||||||||vollstopfen|||| |So||||intend|||||music device|||music device|||||no matter where|||also|||fill completely|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||詰め込む|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||塞满|||| 傑克:我的意思是,無論你走到哪裡,都帶著你的 iPod、你的 mp3 播放器、你的 iPhone,並在裡面塞滿英文。

Gabby: Okay. |Alright

Jack: And, especially if you've got a lot, lot of time before the exam. 傑克:而且,特別是如果你在考試前有很多很多的時間的話。 It doesn't matter especially what you put on that… 尤其是你穿什麼並不重要...

Gabby: Okay.

Jack: …but just to listen to things like your podcast, different podcasts… 傑克:……但只是為了聽一些東西,像是你的播客,不同的播客……

Gabby: Yeah.

Jack: …and the TED Talks are great as well. |||TED-Vorträge|||||

Gabby: Absolutely.

Jack: And – but anything that you put on there is, is really important to, to listen as much as possible because there's no easy way to, to listen just a few weeks before the exam… 傑克:而且 - 但是你放在那裡的任何東西都非常重要,要盡可能多地聽,因為沒有簡單的方法,在考試前幾週就聽......

Lindsay: Yeah.

Jack: …and to prepare for that. 傑克:……並為此做好準備。

Lindsay: Wow.

That's great.

Gabby: Yeah, you have to get used to, I suppose conversation and… 蓋比:是的,你必須習慣,我想談話和…

Jack: Yeah.

Gabby: …academic lectures. ||Vorlesungen 蓋比:……學術講座。

Lindsay: (Mm).

So just immersing yourself in the sounds of English, (kind of), and to make it really natural, I guess. ||погружение|||||||||||||||| ||eintauchen|||||||||||||||| 所以,我想,只是讓自己沉浸在英語的聲音中,(有點),讓它變得非常自然。

Jack: Exactly.

Lindsay: (Mm).

Jack: Exactly.

There's a little thing that you could do for Section One because in Section One it's always about spellings and numbers, addresses… ||||||||||||||||||拼写||| ||||||||||||||||||Rechtschreibungen|||Adressen |||||||||||||||||||||住所 您可以為第一部分做一些小事情,因為第一部分總是關於拼字、數字、地址…

Gabby: Right. |correct response

Jack: …and things like that. So, it's good to know all the, the different vowels, for example… |||||||||元音|| |||||||||||for instance |||||||||гласные|| 因此,了解所有不同的元音是件好事,例如…

Lindsay: (Mm).

Jack: …the vowel sounds and to be able to write down what, exactly what you here. ||гласный звук||||||||||||| |||vowel sounds|||||||||precisely|what you|| 傑克:……元音發音並且能夠寫下你在這裡的內容。 And… And clause

Gabby: Oh, yeah. That's a good tip because of course, (uh), in English we have so many different vowel sounds. 這是一個很好的提示,因為當然,(呃),在英語中我們有很多不同的元音。

Jack: Exactly.

And the, the ones that sound quite similar, too. 還有那些聽起來也很相似的。 (Um), so practice that to get focused, practice for Part One because if you do that then you can easily get 100% in Part One of the listening. (嗯),所以練習要集中註意力,練習第一部分,因為如果你這樣做,那麼你可以輕鬆地在第一部分的聽力中獲得 100% 的成績。

Gabby: (Ah), good tip.

Lindsay: Whoa! That's an awesome tip.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Insider tip. |内部人士| |Insider| 林賽:內幕消息。

Gabby: Yeah, great. All right, how about the third and, and last tip? 好吧,第三個也是最後一個提示呢?

Jack: So, the third tip is the, the writing exam. 傑克:所以,第三個技巧是寫作考試。 And, and I recommend doing something called ‘read-to-write' because a lot of learners go in, think in their own language and then try to translate this. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||翻译| Et, et je recommande de faire quelque chose appelé "lecture-écriture" parce que beaucoup d'apprenants entrent, pensent dans leur propre langue et essaient ensuite de traduire cela. 而且,我建議做一些叫做「讀到寫」的事情,因為很多學習者都會進去,用自己的語言思考,然後嘗試翻譯它。

Gabby: Oh, gosh.

Lindsay: Oh, that's a big problem. Lindsay:噢,這是個大問題。

Both: Yeah.

Jack: And it, it just leads to incorrect sentence structure and strange-sounding English. ||||||||||||听起来奇怪| 傑克:而且它只會導致句子結構不正確和英語聽起來很奇怪。

Gabby: Right.

Jack: And – so what I recommend doing is to read lots of model answers. 傑克:所以我建議你閱讀大量的標準答案。

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Jack: There is so many model answers out there and you can get them for the different parts of the writing exam. 傑克:有很多標準答案,你可以在寫作考試的不同部分找到它們。 And, read them, get to know them, and then also I've, I have a method, which, (uh), uses space repetition software. ||||||||||||||||||||软件 並且,閱讀它們,了解它們,然後我,我有一個方法,(呃),使用空間重複軟體。

Lindsay: (Mm).


Jack: And I call this the SRS writing method. ||||||SRSライティング方法|| 傑克:我稱之為SRS寫作方法。

Gabby: Okay.

Jack: And what it does is it helps you internalize the correct structures of the writing exam. |||||||||усвоить||||||| |||||||||内面化||||||| 傑克:它的功能是幫助你內化寫作考試的正確結構。 So internalize the correct written English so when you go into the exam these kind of structures just come out automatically instead of trying to translate word-for-word from your own language into English. ||||||||||||||||句型||||自动地|||||||||||||| 因此,將正確的書面英語內化,這樣當你參加考試時,這些結構就會自動出現,而不是試圖將你自己的語言逐字翻譯成英語。

Gabby: (Ah). That's great.

Lindsay: (Mm).

Gabby: So you're talking about internalizing the structure not internalizing or memorizing a… |||||восприятие||||||| |||||内面的に取り入れる||||||| |||||||||内化||| 蓋比:所以你說的是內化結構,而不是內化或記憶…

Lindsay: Grammar rules or… Lindsay:文法規則或…

Gabby: … specific essay. ||论文 蓋比:……具體的文章。

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: Right.

Jack: Exactly cause (because) me-, memorizing is different and the examiners look out for this type of thing. ||||||||||考官||||||| 傑克:正是因為我──記憶是不同的,考官會留意這類事情。 And…

Both: Oh.

Jack: …because if you internalize it gives you the ability to be flexible and to use those specific structures no matter what the, the question is. ||||усвоить это||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||灵活||||||||||||| Джек: ...потому что если вы усвоите это, то сможете быть гибкими и использовать эти конкретные структуры независимо от того, о чем идет речь. 傑克:……因為如果你內化它,它就會賦予你靈活性的能力,並且無論問題是什麼,都能使用這些特定的結構。

Gabby: Right, with your own ideas.

Jack: Exactly, with your own ideas. 傑克:沒錯,有你自己的想法。

Gabby: Oh, that's great. Yeah. affirmative response

Lindsay: So this is a specific kind of software? Lindsay:所以這是一種特定的軟體? Where can students actually use this, specifically? 具體來說,學生可以在哪裡實際使用它?

Jack: Yes. The software that I recommend is called Anki. ||||suggest||is named| 我推薦的軟體叫Anki。

Lindsay: Okay.

Jack: And it's free to download. |||||obtain 傑克:而且可以免費下載。

Lindsay: Okay. |Alright

Jack: And, a lot of language learners use this to learn vocabulary. 傑克:而且,很多語言學習者都用它來學習詞彙。

Lindsay: (Mm).

Jack: And, but what I recommend is using it so then, so that you can take the model answers, put them into the software and learn the different sentences or become more familiar with the sentences. |||||suggest|||||||||||||||||||||||||grow more accustomed||acquainted with|||phrases Jack : Et, mais ce que je recommande, c'est de l'utiliser pour que vous puissiez prendre les réponses modèles, les mettre dans le logiciel et apprendre les différentes phrases ou vous familiariser avec les phrases. 傑克:而且,但是我建議就是這樣使用它,這樣你就可以獲得模型答案,將它們放入軟體中並學習不同的句子或更熟悉這些句子。 And there are certain things that you can do so that you actually internalize the correct English. |||||||||||||усвоить||| |||specific|||||||||really|absorb||| Et il y a certaines choses que vous pouvez faire pour intérioriser le bon anglais. 您可以做一些事情來真正內化正確的英語。

Gabby: Oh, that's wonderful.

Lindsay: Oh, very cool.

Gabby: What a practical tool. 蓋比:多麼實用的工具。

Jack: Yeah, it's a great tool and I really recommend it for learning languages in general, too. 傑克:是的,這是一個很棒的工具,我也強烈推薦它用於學習一般語言。

Gabby: Super.

Lindsay: Excellent. |Great job

Gabby: So, if our listeners wanna (want to) find out more about your IELTS preparation and your methods, where can they find you? ||||audience|want to|||||||||study process|||approaches to studying|||you|| Gabby:那麼,如果我們的聽眾想要了解更多有關您的雅思考試準備和方法的信息,他們可以在哪裡找到您?

Jack: So, I have all my information on my website, jdaenglish.com ||||||||||jda英语| ||||||data|||website|my website jdaenglish.com| ||||||||||jdaenglish|

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Jack: And, I've had the website for about five years now and it's really evolved through the years. |||||site||approximately|||||||developed over time|over the|| 傑克:而且,我已經擁有這個網站大約五年了,這些年來它確實在不斷發展。 And, on the website you can find information about the IELTS exam, the preparation cost, the method that I talk about and I also have a, a free book for English learners to download. |||||||details|||||||||||||||||possess||||free resource||English language|English learners|for you to|obtain for free 而且,在該網站上您可以找到有關雅思考試的信息,準備費用,我談論的方法,我還有一本免費的書供英語學習者下載。

Gabby: Wonderful. |Great job

Lindsay: Cool.

Sounds great. |excellent

Gabby: All right. So that's jdaenglish.com. ||website name|

Jack: Exactly. |That's right

Gabby: Cool. |Awesome right

Lindsay: Awesome. |Great job

Gabby: Jack, thank you so much for your tips and for joining us today. ||thank|||||||||||on this day

Lindsay: Yeah, thanks for coming on. ||appreciate it||joining us|

Jack: Thank you for having me. ||||hosting| It's been a, a great experience. |||||event

Gabby: All right, talk to you soon. ||||||in a bit

Lindsay: Thanks. |Thank you

Jack: Okay, then. Buh (bye)-bye. Goodbye||farewell バイ||

[Instrumental] Instrumental section

Lindsay: Hey, guys, if you wanna (want to) learn ten ways to learn English with a podcast come to our website and get our free e-book at www.allearsenglish.com/free. |||||want to|||discover||methods||improve|English language|using||audio program||||our site|and then|||complimentary||electronic book|at||All Ears English||free download Lindsay:嘿,夥計們,如果您想透過播客學習十種學習英語的方法,請訪問我們的網站並獲取我們的免費電子書:www.allearsenglish.com/free。


Lindsay: If you wanna (want to) put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Lindsay speaking|||want to|||||listening skills||language|more frequently|more frequently||||follow us|||audio program||iTunes app|||desktop device||||mobile device Lindsay:如果您想更頻繁地聆聽英語,請務必在電腦或智慧型手機上的 iTunes 中訂閱我們的播客。 Thanks so much for listening and see you next time. ||||paying attention||||the next|next occasion