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All Ears English, 101- How to Make Friends Using 3 English Phrases

101- How to Make Friends Using 3 English Phrases

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 101: “How to Make Friends Using 3 English Phrases.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Gabby: Hey listeners. In this episode, you're going to learn three specific phrases that you can plug in to your conversations to make American friends.


Gabby: Hey, Lindsay.

Lindsay: Hey, Gab-…

Gabby: How's it going?

Lindsay: All right. And you?

Gabby: Doing great. Thanks for asking.

Lindsay: Doing great?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Glad to hear it. Very happy.

Gabby: So (uh) we picked out three of the most awesome phrases from…

Lindsay: They're so awesome.

Gabby: …from yesterday's most common, 100 most common phrases. (Uh), today being a ‘Teaching Tuesday' we wanted to go deeper with three specific phrases because these phrases are going to do what you all have been asking us to do, which is to make friends…

Lindsay: And that's what…

Gabby: …pretty much.

Lindsay: …everyone wants to do. We all want friends.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: But if you're in a new country like the US and you don't have any friends, you need to know how to do it.

Gabby: Yeah.

So these three phrases will help you do that, to build those relationships

Lindsay: Definitely.

Gabby: The first phrase is, “to get a hand.” “Can I get a hand with my suitcase?” “Can I get a hand with this box?”

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: “Can I get a hand with my work?”

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: What else might you get a hand with?

Lindsay: Well, I was just gonna (going to) say those are great examples and…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …I was also gonna (going to) say how to actually offer a hand, right.

Gabby: Oh.

Lindsay: You could say, “Would you like a hand with that?”

Gabby: I like that.

Lindsay: (Mmm).

Gabby: So what's behind this? Why is this going to help you make friends? When you ask for help people will respond. You're soliciting interaction. You're asking for someone to interact with you and most of the time, unless someone is in a big hurry or they just don't have time, (you know), they will help you.

Lindsay: Definitely.


And it opens up that opportunity for interaction. I think that's great.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: So ask for help. Okay. The next phrase (uh), “Would you be interested in…?”

Lindsay: Wait. So this is when you wanna (want to) invite someone somewhere. For example…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …yesterday, we talked about (uh) we were inviting someone to Yoyogi Park…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …to, to go to the cherry blossom viewing. That's so cool. Have you been there before?

Gabby: I have, yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah, that's so cool for cherry blossoms. Anyway, side point. So, “Would you be interested in going to a cherry blossom viewing party this weekend?”

Gabby: “Would you be interested in getting coffee with me?”

Lindsay: Yeah. “Would you be interested in grabbing a beer?”

Gabby: “Would you be interested in studying together?”

Lindsay: Yeah. “Would you be interested in going to the movies?”

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: Any of those would work.

Gabby: Right.

So once you meet someone (uh), (you know), then you could extend an invitation. So you, you want to have some, some, some interaction. (I mean), how can I say this another way? Just extend your time, extend your, your invitation to someone. (Um)…

Lindsay: And one other thing about that…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …before we move on is, “would,” right?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: We've talked about this other episodes. Why do we use “would” instead of – why do we say, “Would you be interested in…?” instead of “Are you interested in…?” That would be….

Gabby: Well, it's a softener.

Lindsay: Exactly.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: It's a softener.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Uh-hm).

Gabby: So this is the best phrase to use. I've heard a lot of different versions and I won't say them because I don't wanna (want to) be confusing but they're not correct. This is the best way to give an invitation or one of the best ways. “Would you be interested in joining me for coffee?” or “…getting coffee?” So notice the -ing, gett-ing…

Lindsay: (Mm.)

Gabby: …coffee.

Lindsay: Important.

Gabby: Great. And the last phrase.

Lindsay: Yeah. So, “What do you think?” Right. So asking someone for their opinion.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: It's always a great way to build a relationship, (um), to actually ask someone else to chime in and tell you what they think.

Gabby: Show you care about what they think.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Yeah.

Excellent. So, just to quickly recap. The three phrases were: “to get a hand” or “to give a hand.”

Lindsay: “Would you be interested in ‘doing something'?”

Gabby: (Mm-hm). And, “What do you think?” Okay. So this is to ask for help or give help, to invite, and to ask, (uh), for opinion.

Lindsay: All right. And that's how you make friends.

Gabby: That's right.


Gabby: We made a special quiz for you for today's episode to test your understanding. You can find it on our website at allearsenglish.com on today's episode. See you there.


Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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101- How to Make Friends Using 3 English Phrases Cómo|||Amigos|usando|Inglés|Frases en inglés 101- Wie man mit 3 englischen Redewendungen Freunde gewinnt 101- Cómo hacer amigos con 3 frases en inglés 101- 3つの英語フレーズを使った友達の作り方 101- Jak zdobyć przyjaciół za pomocą 3 angielskich zwrotów 101- Como fazer amigos usando 3 frases em inglês 101 - Как завести друзей с помощью 3 английских фраз 101-如何用 3 个英语短语交朋友 101-如何用3個英語短語交朋友 101-如何用3個英語短語交朋友

Lindsay: This is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 101: “How to Make Friends Using 3 English Phrases.” ||||||||||||||phrases|Phrases Lindsay||||||||||||||| <Lindsay>|||un|todo oídos|Oídos||Podcast|Episodio||||||| Lindsay:這是一個全耳英語播客,第 101 集:“如何使用 3 個英語短語交朋友。”

[Instrumental] instrumental [Instrumental]

Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA. Gabby Wallace||||||||||||||||||||||||||Wallace|||Sprachengel||Boston, USA| |||||Ears Podcast|All Ears English|Episode 1|in which||at last|||authentic||dialogue|with|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||Lindsay McMahon|||Aventureira do inglês|||Gabby Wallace|||Anja da Língua||Boston EUA| Gabby|Bienvenidos al|||||||donde|obtendrás|por fin||auténtico|nativo/a||conversación en inglés|con|tus|anfitrionas||McMahon|||Aventurera del inglés|||Gabby Wallace||Idioma|Ángel del idioma||Boston, EE. UU.|EE.UU.


Gabby: Hey listeners. ||ouvintes |Hola|oyentes In this episode, you're going to learn three specific phrases that you can plug in to your conversations to make American friends. |||||||||||||插入|||||||| |||vas a aprender|vas a aprender||aprenderás||específicas||que|||insertar||||conversaciones|||estadounidense| |||||||||||||вставить|||||||| このエピソードでは、アメリカ人の友達を作るために会話に使える3つの具体的なフレーズを学びます。 在本集中,您將學習三個特定的短語,您可以將它們插入到您的對話中以結交美國朋友。


Gabby: Hey, Lindsay.

Lindsay: Hey, Gab-… ||Gab ||ガブ ||Gabriela 林賽:嘿,加布——…

Gabby: How's it going? |¿Cómo está?||

Lindsay: All right. ||Lindsay: Está bien. And you?

Gabby: Doing great. |Haciendo|Genial Thanks for asking. Gracias por preguntar.||preguntar

Lindsay: Doing great?

Gabby: Yeah. |Sí.

Lindsay: Glad to hear it. |Me alegra||escuchar| 林賽:很高興聽到這個消息。 Very happy. Muy|

Gabby: So (uh) we picked out three of the most awesome phrases from… |Entonces|eh|nosotros|elegimos|escogimos||de||más|impresionantes|| 蓋比:所以(呃)我們從…中挑選了三個最棒的短語。

Lindsay: They're so awesome. |Ellos son||

Gabby: …from yesterday's most common, 100 most common phrases. ||gestern||||| ||昨日の||||| ||de ayer||comunes||| (Uh), today being a ‘Teaching Tuesday' we wanted to go deeper with three specific phrases because these phrases are going to do what you all have been asking us to do, which is to make friends… |||||Dienstag|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |hoy|siendo||Enseñanza|martes de enseñanza||queríamos||ir más allá|más a fondo|||||porque|estas frases|||||hacer|lo que|||han|estado||nosotros|||que|||| (呃),今天是“教學星期二”,我們想更深入地討論三個特定短語,因為這些短語將實現你們所有人一直要求我們做的事情,那就是交朋友…

Lindsay: And that's what… ||eso es|

Gabby: …pretty much. |bastante|bastante

Lindsay: …everyone wants to do. |todos|quiere|| Lindsay:……每個人都想做。 We all want friends. 我們都想要朋友。

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: But if you're in a new country like the US and you don't have any friends, you need to know how to do it. ||si||||nuevo||como|||||no tienes||ningún|||necesitas||saber|||| Lindsay:但是如果你在美國這樣的新國家並且沒有朋友,你需要知道該怎麼做。

Gabby: Yeah.

So these three phrases will help you do that, to build those relationships ||||ayudarán a|ayudarán a|||||construir|esas|relaciones personales 所以這三個短語將幫助你做到這一點,建立這些關係

Lindsay: Definitely. |Definitivamente.

Gabby: The first phrase is, “to get a hand.” “Can I get a hand with my suitcase?” “Can I get a hand with this box?” ||||||||||||||||行李箱|||||||| ||||||||||||||||Koffer|||||||| ||primera|Recibir ayuda|||||ayuda||||||con||maleta||||||||caja Gabby : La première phrase est "pour obtenir un coup de main". "Puis-je aider avec ma valise?" "Puis-je avoir un coup de main avec cette boîte?" 蓋比:第一句話是「伸出援手」。 “可以幫我提一下行李箱嗎?” “這個盒子可以幫我拿一下嗎?”

Lindsay: (Mm-hm). |Ajá.|(Mm-hm).

Gabby: “Can I get a hand with my work?”

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: What else might you get a hand with? ||más|podrías||||| 蓋比:你還能幫什麼忙?

Lindsay: Well, I was just gonna (going to) say those are great examples and… |Bueno||estaba|solo|iba a|||decir||||ejemplos excelentes| Lindsay:嗯,我只是想說這些都是很好的例子,而且…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …I was also gonna (going to) say how to actually offer a hand, right. |||también|||||||realmente|ofrecer||| Lindsay:……我還想說如何實際伸出援手,對吧。

Gabby: Oh. |Oh.

Lindsay: You could say, “Would you like a hand with that?” ||podrías||¿Te gustaría|||||| Lindsay:你可以說,“你願意幫忙嗎?”

Gabby: I like that.

Lindsay: (Mmm). |(Mmm).

Gabby: So what's behind this? ||qué hay|detrás de esto| 加比:那麼這背後是什麼? Why is this going to help you make friends? ¿Por qué?|||||||| 為什麼這會幫助你交朋友? When you ask for help people will respond. ||pedir|||||responderán 當您尋求幫助時,人們會做出回應。 You're soliciting interaction. |请求| |anfordern| |交流を求めている| |Estás solicitando interacción.|Interacción solicitada. |призываете к| 您正在徵求互動。 You're asking for someone to interact with you and most of the time, unless someone is in a big hurry or they just don't have time, (you know), they will help you. |||||||||||||если только|||||||||||||||||| |||alguien||interactuar contigo||||||||a menos que|||||gran prisa|mucha prisa|o||||||||||| 你要求有人與你互動,大多數時候,除非有人很著急或他們只是沒有時間,(你知道),他們會幫助你。

Lindsay: Definitely.


And it opens up that opportunity for interaction. ||abre|||oportunidad|| 它打開了互動的機會。 I think that's great. |Creo||

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: So ask for help. Okay. Vale. The next phrase (uh), “Would you be interested in…?” |siguiente|||||estarías|interesado| 下一個短語(呃),“你對…有興趣嗎?”

Lindsay: Wait. |Espera. So this is when you wanna (want to) invite someone somewhere. |||||quieres|||invitar a alguien||algún lugar 所以這是當你想邀請某人去某個地方的時候。 For example… |Por ejemplo

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …yesterday, we talked about (uh) we were inviting someone to Yoyogi Park… ||||||||приглашали|||| ||||||||einladen|||Yoyogi| |||||||||||代々木公園| |ayer||hablamos|sobre|||estábamos|invitando a|||Parque Yoyogi|Parque Yoyogi Lindsay:…昨天,我們談到(呃)我們邀請某人去代代木公園…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …to, to go to the cherry blossom viewing. |||||||цветение вишни| ||||||Kirschblüten|Kirschblüten| ||||||flor de cerezo|flor de cerezo|ver los cerezos ||||||||观赏 Lindsay:……去,去看櫻花。 That's so cool. ||Eso es genial. Have you been there before? |||allí|antes

Gabby: I have, yeah.

Lindsay: Yeah, that's so cool for cherry blossoms. |||||||樱花 |||||||桜の花 |||||||flores de cerezo |||||||цветы Lindsay:是的,這對櫻花來說太酷了。 Anyway, side point. |побочный| De todos modos|punto aparte|punto aparte 無論如何,側面。 So, “Would you be interested in going to a cherry blossom viewing party this weekend?” ||||||||||||fiesta||fin de semana 那麼,“這個週末你有興趣去賞花聚會嗎?”

Gabby: “Would you be interested in getting coffee with me?” |||estarías|||tomar|||conmigo 蓋比:“你有興趣和我一起喝杯咖啡嗎?”

Lindsay: Yeah. “Would you be interested in grabbing a beer?” |||||喝|| |||||tomar|| |||||выпить|| “你有興趣喝杯啤酒嗎?”

Gabby: “Would you be interested in studying together?” Gabby:“你有興趣一起學習嗎?”

Lindsay: Yeah. “Would you be interested in going to the movies?” “你有興趣去看電影嗎?”

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: Any of those would work.

Gabby: Right.

So once you meet someone (uh), (you know), then you could extend an invitation. |||||||||||продлить|| |||||||||||erweitern|| 所以一旦你遇到某人(呃),(你知道),那麼你就可以發出邀請。 So you, you want to have some, some, some interaction. 所以你,你想要有一些,一些,一些互動。 (I mean), how can I say this another way? (我的意思是)我該如何用另一種方式表達呢? Just extend your time, extend your, your invitation to someone. 只要延長你的時間,向某人發出你的邀請即可。 (Um)…

Lindsay: And one other thing about that…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …before we move on is, “would,” right? Lindsay:…在我們繼續之前是“願意”,對嗎?

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: We've talked about this other episodes. Why do we use “would” instead of – why do we say, “Would you be interested in…?” instead of “Are you interested in…?” That would be…. 為什麼我們用“would”而不是——為什麼我們說“你對……感興趣嗎?”而不是“你對…有興趣嗎?”那將是…

Gabby: Well, it's a softener. ||||柔软剂 ||||Weichmacher ||||柔らげるもの 蓋比:嗯,它是軟化劑。

Lindsay: Exactly.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: It's a softener.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Uh-hm).

Gabby: So this is the best phrase to use. I've heard a lot of different versions and I won't say them because I don't wanna (want to) be confusing but they're not correct. 我聽過很多不同的版本,我不會說出來,因為我不想造成混亂,但它們並不正確。 This is the best way to give an invitation or one of the best ways. 這是發出邀請的最好方式或最好的方式之一。 “Would you be interested in joining me for coffee?” or “…getting coffee?” So notice the -ing, gett-ing… ||||||||||||||||喝| ||||||||||||||||bekommen| ||||||||||||||||Having coffee together| ||||||||||||||||コーヒーを飲む| “你有興趣和我一起喝咖啡嗎?”或“…喝咖啡嗎?”所以請注意-ing、get-ing…

Lindsay: (Mm.)

Gabby: …coffee.

Lindsay: Important.

Gabby: Great. And the last phrase.

Lindsay: Yeah. So, “What do you think?” Right. 所以你怎麼看?”正確的。 So asking someone for their opinion.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: It's always a great way to build a relationship, (um), to actually ask someone else to chime in and tell you what they think. |||||||||||||||||发表意见||||||| |||||||||||||||||join the conversation||||||| |||||||||||||||||口を挟む||||||| |||||||||||||||||высказать мнение||||||| Lindsay:(嗯),實際上請別人插話告訴你他們的想法,這總是建立關係的好方法。

Gabby: Show you care about what they think. 蓋比:表現出你關心他們的想法。

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: Yeah.

Excellent. So, just to quickly recap. ||||подвести итоги The three phrases were: “to get a hand” or “to give a hand.”

Lindsay: “Would you be interested in ‘doing something'?”

Gabby: (Mm-hm). And, “What do you think?” Okay. So this is to ask for help or give help, to invite, and to ask, (uh), for opinion.

Lindsay: All right. And that's how you make friends.

Gabby: That's right.


Gabby: We made a special quiz for you for today's episode to test your understanding. You can find it on our website at allearsenglish.com on today's episode. See you there.

[Instrumental] instrumental [연주곡]

Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.