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All Ears English, 100- Top 100 Most Used Phrases in English

100- Top 100 Most Used Phrases in English

Lindsay: This, my friends, is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 100: “The Top 100 Most Used Phrases in English Conversation.”


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Lindsay: Hey guys. In today's episode, our 100th episode, you're gonna (going to) find out about the most common phrases that are used in the English language in conversational English. And you're gonna (going to) find out about a cool e-book that you can get and we'll get all of these phrases used in real dialogues and conversations. So check it out.


Gabby: Guys, this is a really big deal. Lindsay?

Lindsay: Oh, my God! I'm super excited. How ‘bout (about) you?

Gabby: I am touched.

Lindsay: I'm like, it's – I, I don't have words for this moment. 100th episode today.

This is it.

Gabby: 100 times we've done this.

Lindsay: And you guys have been here…

Gabby: You've listened…

Lindsay: …all the way.

Gabby: …100 times…

Lindsay: Amazing.

Gabby: …or more.

Lindsay: You guys are amazing. You guys are the ones who make this possible.

We're here…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …for you.

Gabby: We do this for you guys, our listeners who, (you know), we love you guys so much. We wouldn't have made it to 100 episodes without your support.

And we just wanna (want to) give a shout out to some of the most recent reviews that we've got.

Lindsay: Yes, thank you so much for these reviews in the Chinese iTunes store. Here we go, drum roll, right. Thank you to mintgreenvc, dong fatter, lxltom (um) and best abbot, Sarah and Tracy. Thank you so much for your reviews.

We're so happy to hear from you.

Gabby: Thanks, guys. It means a lot to us so please leave a review. We do read them and we really appreciate it. It helps keep our podcast going.

Lindsay: And today we have a ton of value for you…

Gabby: Wow.

Lindsay: …for our 100th episode, something really special to mark the occasion.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: We were at a conference for English teachers last weekend and we attended an awesome talk by some ling – by a linguist…

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Lindsay: …who has actually gone through the English language, conversational English. She has run a computer system through the language to find out what the most common conversational phrases are in English. And this is what you guys want. This is what you're asking us for and we're gonna (going to) give it to you right here, right now.

Gabby: Right.

In every episode we give you natural English and that's why we also provide the, the premium transcript (uh) subscription. So if you want to read all of the phrases that we're using in every episode, which are totally natural, (you) can go to allearsenglish.com/conversations. So this episode is special because we are focusing on 100 of the most-used phrases. So you're getting a lot of (um), of value in a, in a, in one episode. We're not going to say all the phrases on this episode because as you know we like to keep it short and easy to listen to. But you can find all 100 phrases in a free e-book that we made for you which is at our website at allearsenglish.com/100. So just the number 100, 1-0-0. So if you go there you can get the full e-book with all 100 phrases including how to use them in little role plays or (uh) situations. In today's episode we're going to share three of those.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

And remember guys this, these phrases are coming straight from linguists, from professionals who have studied the English language, okay. This is not just anyone just saying these phrases are common. So a lot of the phrases that we're sharing today, the linguists have found that these phrases show up in conversational English 26% of the time.

Gabby: Wow.

Lindsay: Cool.

Gabby: So, wow, (like), (uh), over a fourth of the time.

Lindsay: It's, it's crazy. So we gotta (got to) …

Gabby: Yeah

Lindsay: …know these. Here we go. So let's check out our first scenario. This is gonna (going to) be a bit of a role play so let's get to it.

Gabby: Yeah, the first one, imagine we are at a hotel and (I) think we are checking into a hotel.

Lindsay: Yep. So this is gonna (going to) be useful for any of you guys who are business travelers and I'm gonna (going to) start. “Hi, Miss, how are you today? Are you checking in?”

Gabby: “Yes. I had a room reserved under the name, Wallace.”

Lindsay: “Oh, okay. Let me check. (Ah), great. I found your reservation. You're in room 207. So here are your keys. (You know), we have complimentary, a complimentary continental breakfast between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. in the lobby. Would you like a hand bringing those bags up to your room? (I mean), (you know), our bellhop can take those for you.”

Gabby: “Sure, that would be great.”

Lindsay: “Enjoy your stay with us.”

Gabby: “Thank you.” All right, so the phrases that are very common from that dialogue are: “How are you today?”

Lindsay: “Let me check.”

Gabby: “Would you like a hand?”

Lindsay: “Sure, that would be great.”

Gabby: And, “Enjoy your stay with us.” Great.

Lindsay: All right.

Gabby: We're gonna (going to) go right into the next dialogue which is introducing yourself to an American in your home country.

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: So, for example, imagine you are at a Couchsurfer meetup or an international travelers' meetup or international professionals' meetup.

Lindsay: Yeah. And we hope that you guys are going to those meetups ‘cause (because) we always recommend that as a way to improve your English skills. Take advantage of the travelers who are coming to your city, right?

Gabby: Absolutely.

Lindsay: So what do you say to them? How do you meet them?

Gabby: Can I be Akiko?

Lindsay: Sure.

Gabby: All right.

Lindsay: Go for it.

Gabby: (Uh) “Hi, what's your name?”

Lindsay: “I'm Jenny, you?”

Gabby: “Oh, I'm Akiko. It's great to meet you. So, where are you from?”

Lindsay: “I'm from New York. I'm in Tokyo for a ten-day work trip.”

Gabby: “How do you like Japan so far?”

Lindsay: “Oh, my gosh. I never imagined the food would be this great. I'm having a blast.”

Gabby: “Cool. Are you getting a lot of time to explore outside of work?”

Lindsay: “Yeah. I'm in the office during the day. (You know), we, we have a Tokyo office. But, (you know), I get around, (uh), I get out around 5 p.m. every evening so I've been going all around the city on my own.” Gabby: “Well, some friends and I are having a cherry blossom party this weekend at Yoyogi Park. Would you be interested in joining us?”

Lindsay: “That sounds awesome. Do you want me to–do you wanna (want to) send me a text later in the week and let me know what time we're heading out and what the address is?”

Gabby: “Will do. See you this weekend.”

Lindsay: “Sounds good.”

Gabby: Great. So the popular phrases are: “Hi, what's your name?”

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

“So where are you from?”

Gabby: “So far.”

Lindsay: “I'm having a blast,” right, That means I'm having a good time.

Gabby: Right.

“Cool. Are you getting a lot of time to explore outside of work?”

Lindsay: “Would you be interested in ‘doing something'?” In this case we said, “Would you be interested in joining us?”

Gabby: “That sounds awesome. Do you want to send me a text later in the week?”

Lindsay: And the last one is, “Will do.”

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: That means, I will do it, right. It's just a casual way of saying, “I'll do it.”

Gabby: Great. We're going to go right into our third and last conversation, which is practical in so many situations: asking for more information.

Lindsay: This one's kind of funny.

Gabby: All right, here we go. “Lindsay, what are you doing?”

Lindsay: “Oh, I'm trying to figure out how to make this microphone work better. It sounds kind of strange.”

Gabby: “What do you mean? I think it sounds fine.”

Lindsay: “Do you know what my friend said? He's an audio expert and he said that we need to improve it. I don't know, what do you think?”

Gabby: “I think it's okay.”

Lindsay: “Okay.”

Gabby: All right, real life situation.

Lindsay: Yeah, talking about our audio quality here in (at) All Ears English.

Gabby: So the phrases that you would use to ask for more information in any situation – okay, it might be (um): “What are you doing?” Okay, and be careful with your tone because if you sound very aggressive this could sound like “Oh, what are you DOING?” Like, you're trying…

Lindsay: Yeah, you don't wanna (want to) say that.

Gabby: …to start a fight. Yeah.

Lindsay: You don't wanna say that. Say, “Oh, what are you doing?” Right.

Gabby: Yeah, yeah.

Lindsay: That's more polite, upward intonation.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Another one would be, “What do you mean?”

Gabby: Yeah, and exactly the same thing, upward intonation, not, “What do you MEAN?”

Lindsay: That would sound so mean.

Gabby: I know.

Lindsay: So angry, right.

Gabby: Yeah.

(Um) “Do you know what…?”

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: “Do you know what my friend said…?”

Lindsay: Or what he did or what she ate. Okay.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: And…

Lindsay: The last one is…

Gabby: Yeah.

“What do you think?”

Lindsay: “What do you think?”

Gabby: So asking for someone's opinion and trying to talk things through.

Lindsay: All right.

Both: Great.

Lindsay: So we've given you guys three situations and these are the most common phrases in the English language.

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: So study these. Go through this episode more than once.

Gabby: Right.

And of course there are other phrases you can use in these situations. There are other ways to ask for information, other ways to introduce yourself, and other ways to check into a hotel. But we wanted to share the common phrases with you in some situations that are easy to imagine.

Lindsay: Great. Perfect. And we also just wanted to really quickly mention the authors of this study because we really appreciate that work. So, this study was done by Bilber, Johansson, Leech, Conrad, and Finnegan in 1999. (Um) and so we really appreciate that work and we'll put that citation in the blogpost as well. (Um), let us know if you guys have any questions and please come over and grab that e-book to get the rest of the phrases.

That's allearsenglish.com/100.

Gabby: Yeah.

And thank you also to Viviana Cortes (uh) from the TESOL Conference for her presentation on the most popular phrases and for helping us out with a lot of these phrases. Thank you, Viviana.


Gabby: If you love All Ears English and you want to seriously improve to the advanced native-like level of English, we made a premium subscription package for you with more support. What do you get? You get audio and text transcripts of each new episode when they're released. You get practical learning tips every week. You get an exclusive subscriber's version of our e-book, “How to Improve Your English with a Podcast” and you get all the previous text transcripts, Episodes 1-88 and you guys can ask direct questions – you can communicate directly with Lindsay and myself, Gabby, to ask any question about English. So it's a huge value. You can find that subscription package on our website at allearsenglish.com/conversations. That's c-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n-s. See you there.

Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.

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100- Top 100 Most Used Phrases in English 100- Die 100 meistverwendeten Redewendungen auf Englisch 100- Las 100 frases más utilizadas en inglés 100- 英語で最もよく使われるフレーズトップ100 100- As 100 frases mais usadas em inglês 100 - 100 наиболее употребительных фраз на английском языке 100- 100 個最常用的英語短語 100- 100 個最常用的英語短語

Lindsay: This, my friends, is an All Ears English Podcast, Episode 100: “The Top 100 Most Used Phrases in English Conversation.” Lindsay:我的朋友們,這是一個 All Ears 英語播客,第 100 集:「英語對話中最常用的 100 個短語」。


Gabby: Welcome to the All Ears English Podcast, where you'll finally get real, native English conversation with your hosts, Lindsay McMahon, the ‘English Adventurer' and Gabby Wallace, the ‘Language Angel,' from Boston, USA.


Lindsay: Hey guys. In today's episode, our 100th episode, you're gonna (going to) find out about the most common phrases that are used in the English language in conversational English. 在今天的第 100 集中,您將了解英語會話中最常用的短語。 And you're gonna (going to) find out about a cool e-book that you can get and we'll get all of these phrases used in real dialogues and conversations. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||对话|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||диалогах|| 你會找到一本很酷的電子書,我們會在真實的對話和對話中使用所有這些短語。 So check it out. Так что проверяйте.


Gabby: Guys, this is a really big deal. Lindsay?

Lindsay: Oh, my God! I'm super excited. How ‘bout (about) you?

Gabby: I am touched. 蓋比:我很感動。

Lindsay: I'm like, it's – I, I don't have words for this moment. Lindsay:我想,這就是──我,我此刻無話可說。 100th episode today. 今天第100集。

This is it.

Gabby: 100 times we've done this. 蓋比:我們已經這樣做過 100 次了。

Lindsay: And you guys have been here… Lindsay:你們也來過這裡…

Gabby: You've listened…

Lindsay: …all the way.

Gabby: …100 times…

Lindsay: Amazing.

Gabby: …or more.

Lindsay: You guys are amazing. You guys are the ones who make this possible. 你們才是讓這一切成為可能的人。

We're here…

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: …for you.

Gabby: We do this for you guys, our listeners who, (you know), we love you guys so much. 蓋比:我們這樣做是為了你們,我們的聽眾,(你們知道)我們很愛你們。 We wouldn't have made it to 100 episodes without your support. 如果沒有你們的支持,我們不可能做到 100 集。

And we just wanna (want to) give a shout out to some of the most recent reviews that we've got. И мы просто хотим рассказать о некоторых из последних рецензий, которые мы получили. 我們只是想對我們收到的一些最新評論表示讚賞。

Lindsay: Yes, thank you so much for these reviews in the Chinese iTunes store. Lindsay:是的,非常感謝中國 iTunes 商店的這些評論。 Here we go, drum roll, right. |||鼓声|| |||drum|sound effect| |||ドラム|| Вот так, барабанная дробь, точно. 來吧,鼓聲響起,對吧。 Thank you to mintgreenvc, dong fatter, lxltom (um) and best abbot, Sarah and Tracy. |||mintgreenvc||胖一点|||||最好的住持||| |||Mint Green VC|||likely Tom||||best supporter||| |||ミントグリーンVC||太った|lxltom||||住職||| |||||донг фаттер|lxltom||||аббат|Сара|| Спасибо mintgreenvc, dong fatter, lxltom (um) и лучшим аббатам, Саре и Трейси. 感謝 mintgreenvc、dong fatter、lxltom(嗯)以及最好的方丈 Sarah 和 Tracy。 Thank you so much for your reviews.

We're so happy to hear from you.

Gabby: Thanks, guys. It means a lot to us so please leave a review. 這對我們來說意義重大,所以請留下評論。 We do read them and we really appreciate it. 我們確實閱讀了它們,並且非常感激。 It helps keep our podcast going. 它有助於我們的播客繼續下去。

Lindsay: And today we have a ton of value for you… Lindsay:今天我們為您帶來了很多價值…

Gabby: Wow.

Lindsay: …for our 100th episode, something really special to mark the occasion. |||||||||||这个场合 Lindsay:…對於我們的第 100 集來說,這是一個非常特別的紀念活動。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: We were at a conference for English teachers last weekend and we attended an awesome talk by some ling – by a linguist… |||||||||||||参加了|||||||||语言学家 |||||||||||||||||||linguistics expert||| |||||||||||||||||||лингвист||| Lindsay:上週末我們參加了一個英語教師會議,我們參加了語言學家的精彩演講…

Gabby: (Mm-hm).

Lindsay: …who has actually gone through the English language, conversational English. ||||行った|||||| Lindsay:……誰真正學過英語,英語會話。 She has run a computer system through the language to find out what the most common conversational phrases are in English. 她運行了一個電腦系統,透過該語言找出最常見的英語會話短語。 And this is what you guys want. 這就是你們想要的。 This is what you're asking us for and we're gonna (going to) give it to you right here, right now. 這就是您向我們提出的要求,我們現在就在這裡給您。

Gabby: Right.

In every episode we give you natural English and that's why we also provide the, the premium transcript (uh) subscription. |||||||||||||||||文字稿|| 在每一集中,我們都會為您提供自然的英語,這就是為什麼我們還提供高級成績單(呃)訂閱。 So if you want to read all of the phrases that we're using in every episode, which are totally natural, (you) can go to allearsenglish.com/conversations. 因此,如果您想閱讀我們在每一集中使用的所有完全自然的短語,(您)可以訪問 allearsenglish.com/conversations。 So this episode is special because we are focusing on 100 of the most-used phrases. 所以這一集很特別,因為我們專注於 100 個最常用的短語。 So you're getting a lot of (um), of value in a, in a, in one episode. 所以你在一集裡得到了很多(嗯)有價值的東西。 We're not going to say all the phrases on this episode because as you know we like to keep it short and easy to listen to. 我們不會說出本集中的所有短語,因為如您所知,我們希望使其簡短易聽。 But you can find all 100 phrases in a free e-book that we made for you which is at our website at allearsenglish.com/100. 但您可以在我們為您製作的免費電子書中找到所有 100 個短語,該電子書位於我們的網站 allearsenglish.com/100。 So just the number 100, 1-0-0. 所以就是數字 100,1-0-0。 So if you go there you can get the full e-book with all 100 phrases including how to use them in little role plays or (uh) situations. 因此,如果您去那裡,您可以獲得完整的電子書,其中包含所有 100 個短語,包括如何在小角色扮演或(呃)情況下使用它們。 In today's episode we're going to share three of those.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

And remember guys this, these phrases are coming straight from linguists, from professionals who have studied the English language, okay. И запомните, ребята, эти фразы исходят прямо от лингвистов, от профессионалов, которые изучали английский язык, хорошо. 請記住,這些短語直接來自語言學家,來自研究英語的專業人士,好吧。 This is not just anyone just saying these phrases are common. Это не просто кто-то просто говорит, что эти фразы распространены. 這不僅僅是任何人都會說這些短語很常見。 So a lot of the phrases that we're sharing today, the linguists have found that these phrases show up in conversational English 26% of the time. 我們今天分享的許多短語,語言學家發現這些短語 26% 的時間出現在英語會話中。

Gabby: Wow.

Lindsay: Cool.

Gabby: So, wow, (like), (uh), over a fourth of the time. |||||||четверть||| 蓋比:所以,哇,(就像),(呃),超過四分之一的時間。

Lindsay: It's, it's crazy. So we gotta (got to) …

Gabby: Yeah

Lindsay: …know these. Here we go. So let's check out our first scenario. ||||||情境 ||||||situation one 讓我們看看第一個場景。 This is gonna (going to) be a bit of a role play so let's get to it. 這將是一個角色扮演,所以讓我們開始吧。

Gabby: Yeah, the first one, imagine we are at a hotel and (I) think we are checking into a hotel. ||||||||||||||||регистрируемся||| 加比:是的,第一個,想像我們在一家酒店,並且(我)認為我們正在入住一家酒店。

Lindsay: Yep. So this is gonna (going to) be useful for any of you guys who are business travelers and I'm gonna (going to) start. ||||||||||||||||商务旅行者|||||| ||||||||||||||||путешественники|||||| 因此,這對於商務旅行者來說將會很有用,我將開始。 “Hi, Miss, how are you today? Are you checking in?” Вы заселились?" 你要登記嗎?”

Gabby: “Yes. I had a room reserved under the name, Wallace.” 我以華萊士的名義預訂了一個房間。”

Lindsay: “Oh, okay. Let me check. (Ah), great. I found your reservation. |||预订 |||бронирование 我找到你的預訂了。 You're in room 207. So here are your keys. 這是你的鑰匙。 (You know), we have complimentary, a complimentary continental breakfast between 7:00 a.m. ||||免费|||欧式|||| ||||free|||style of breakfast|||| ||||||無料の|コンチネンタル|||| ||||бесплатный|||континентальный|||| (你知道),我們在上午 7:00 之間提供免費歐陸式早餐 and 10:00 a.m. in the lobby. ||大厅 ||entrance area ||ロビー 在大堂。 Would you like a hand bringing those bags up to your room? 您需要有人幫您把這些袋子搬到您的房間嗎? (I mean), (you know), our bellhop can take those for you.” |||||行李员||||| |||||hotel staff||||| |||||ベルボーイ||||| |||||портье||||| (我的意思是),(你知道),我們的服務生可以幫你拿走這些。”

Gabby: “Sure, that would be great.”

Lindsay: “Enjoy your stay with us.”

Gabby: “Thank you.” All right, so the phrases that are very common from that dialogue are: “How are you today?” 蓋比:“謝謝你。”好吧,對話中最常見的短語是:“你今天好嗎?”

Lindsay: “Let me check.” 林賽:“讓我檢查一下。”

Gabby: “Would you like a hand?” Габби: "Вам помочь?" 加比:“你想要一隻手嗎?”

Lindsay: “Sure, that would be great.”

Gabby: And, “Enjoy your stay with us.” Great. И "Наслаждайтесь пребыванием у нас". Отлично. 加比:還有,“祝您在我們這裡過得愉快。”偉大的。

Lindsay: All right.

Gabby: We're gonna (going to) go right into the next dialogue which is introducing yourself to an American in your home country. 蓋比:我們將直接進入下一個對話,向您祖國的美國人介紹自己。

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: So, for example, imagine you are at a Couchsurfer meetup or an international travelers' meetup or international professionals' meetup. |||||||||沙发客|||||||||| |||||||||temporary guest traveler||||||||global|| |||||||||カウチサーフィン|||||||||| |||||||||Коучсерфер||||||встреча|||| Gabby:例如,假設您正在參加 Couchsurfer 聚會、國際旅行者聚會或國際專業人士聚會。

Lindsay: Yeah. And we hope that you guys are going to those meetups ‘cause (because) we always recommend that as a way to improve your English skills. ||||||||||||||consistently|suggest|that|||||enhance||language| 我們希望你們能夠參加這些聚會,因為我們總是建議你們將其作為提高英語技能的一種方式。 Take advantage of the travelers who are coming to your city, right? |воспользуйтесь|||||||||| |benefit from|||visitors|||arriving||your|your location|question tag 利用來到您城市的旅客的優勢,對嗎?

Gabby: Absolutely.

Lindsay: So what do you say to them? 林賽:那你對他們說什麼? How do you meet them? 你是怎麼認識他們的?

Gabby: Can I be Akiko? ||||Акико ||||a character Габби: Можно я буду Акико? 蓋比:我可以是亞子嗎?

Lindsay: Sure.

Gabby: All right.

Lindsay: Go for it.

Gabby: (Uh) “Hi, what's your name?”

Lindsay: “I'm Jenny, you?” ||珍妮|

Gabby: “Oh, I'm Akiko. |||name introduction |||あきこ It's great to meet you. So, where are you from?” 所以你是哪裡來的?”

Lindsay: “I'm from New York. I'm in Tokyo for a ten-day work trip.” 我在東京進行為期十天的工作旅行。”

Gabby: “How do you like Japan so far?” Габби: "Как тебе пока нравится Япония?" 蓋比:“到目前為止你覺得日本怎麼樣?”

Lindsay: “Oh, my gosh. I never imagined the food would be this great. ||想象过|||||| 我從沒想過食物會這麼棒。 I'm having a blast.” |||весело |||Having great fun. |||楽しい Je m'éclate. 我玩得很開心。”

Gabby: “Cool. Are you getting a lot of time to explore outside of work?” 你在工作之外還有很多時間去探索嗎?”

Lindsay: “Yeah. I'm in the office during the day. 白天我在辦公室。 (You know), we, we have a Tokyo office. (你知道),我們,我們有一個東京辦公室。 But, (you know), I get around, (uh), I get out around 5 p.m. 但是,(你知道),我四處走動,(呃),我下午 5 點左右出去 every evening so I've been going all around the city on my own.” Gabby: “Well, some friends and I are having a cherry blossom party this weekend at Yoyogi Park. |||||||||||||||||||||||樱花|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Yoyogi Park| |||||||||||||||||||||||цветение вишни|||||| tous les soirs, donc j'ai fait le tour de la ville par moi-même. Gabby : « Eh bien, des amis et moi organisons une fête des fleurs de cerisier ce week-end au parc Yoyogi. 每天晚上我都會一個人在城裡轉一圈。”蓋比:「嗯,這個週末我和一些朋友要在代代木公園舉辦櫻花派對。 Would you be interested in joining us?” 你有興趣加入我們嗎?”

Lindsay: “That sounds awesome. 林賽:「聽起來棒極了。 Do you want me to–do you wanna (want to) send me a text later in the week and let me know what time we're heading out and what the address is?” ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||住所| Veux-tu que je… veux-tu (veux) m'envoyer un texto plus tard dans la semaine et me faire savoir à quelle heure nous partons et quelle est l'adresse ? » 你想要我嗎——你想在本週晚些時候給我發一條短信,讓我知道我們什麼時候出發以及地址是什麼嗎?”

Gabby: “Will do. See you this weekend.”

Lindsay: “Sounds good.” 林賽:“聽起來不錯。”

Gabby: Great. So the popular phrases are: “Hi, what's your name?” 所以流行的短語是:“嗨,你叫什麼名字?”

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

“So where are you from?”

Gabby: “So far.” 加比:“到目前為止。”

Lindsay: “I'm having a blast,” right, That means I'm having a good time. Lindsay:“I'mhaving ablast”,對,這意味著我玩得很開心。

Gabby: Right.

“Cool. Are you getting a lot of time to explore outside of work?” Avez-vous beaucoup de temps pour explorer en dehors du travail ? » 你在工作之外還有很多時間去探索嗎?”

Lindsay: “Would you be interested in ‘doing something'?” In this case we said, “Would you be interested in joining us?” Lindsay:“你有興趣‘做某事’嗎?”在這種情況下,我們說:“你有興趣加入我們嗎?”

Gabby: “That sounds awesome. 蓋比:「聽起來棒極了。 Do you want to send me a text later in the week?” 你想在本週晚些時候給我發短信嗎?”

Lindsay: And the last one is, “Will do.”

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: That means, I will do it, right. It's just a casual way of saying, “I'll do it.” 這只是一種隨意的說法,「我會做的」。

Gabby: Great. We're going to go right into our third and last conversation, which is practical in so many situations: asking for more information. 我們將直接進入第三次也是最後一次對話,這在許多情況下都很實用:詢問更多資訊。

Lindsay: This one's kind of funny.

Gabby: All right, here we go. “Lindsay, what are you doing?” “林賽,你在做什麼?”

Lindsay: “Oh, I'm trying to figure out how to make this microphone work better. Lindsay:「哦,我正在想辦法讓這個麥克風更好地工作。 It sounds kind of strange.” 聽起來有點奇怪。”

Gabby: “What do you mean? I think it sounds fine.” 我覺得聽起來不錯。”

Lindsay: “Do you know what my friend said? Lindsay:「你知道我朋友說什麼嗎? He's an audio expert and he said that we need to improve it. 他是一位音頻專家,他說我們需要改進它。 I don't know, what do you think?” 不知道,你覺得怎麼樣?”

Gabby: “I think it's okay.”

Lindsay: “Okay.”

Gabby: All right, real life situation. 蓋比:好吧,現實生活中的情況。

Lindsay: Yeah, talking about our audio quality here in (at) All Ears English. ||||||音质|||||| Lindsay:是的,在 All Ears English 中談論我們的音訊品質。

Gabby: So the phrases that you would use to ask for more information in any situation – okay, it might be (um): “What are you doing?” Okay, and be careful with your tone because if you sound very aggressive this could sound like “Oh, what are you DOING?” Like, you're trying… 蓋比:所以在任何情況下你都會用來詢問更多信息的短語 - 好吧,可能是(嗯):“你在做什麼?”好吧,請注意你的語氣,因為如果你聽起來非常咄咄逼人,這聽起來就像“哦,你在做什麼?”就像,你正在嘗試...

Lindsay: Yeah, you don't wanna (want to) say that.

Gabby: …to start a fight. Yeah.

Lindsay: You don't wanna say that. Say, “Oh, what are you doing?” Right. 說:“哦,你在做什麼?”正確的。

Gabby: Yeah, yeah.

Lindsay: That's more polite, upward intonation. ||||上扬| |||||tone of voice ||||восходящая| Lindsay:這是更有禮貌、更向上的語氣。

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: Another one would be, “What do you mean?”

Gabby: Yeah, and exactly the same thing, upward intonation, not, “What do you MEAN?” 蓋比:是的,完全一樣,語調向上,而不是“你什麼意思?”

Lindsay: That would sound so mean. Lindsay:這聽起來很卑鄙。

Gabby: I know.

Lindsay: So angry, right. Lindsay:很生氣,對吧。

Gabby: Yeah.

(Um) “Do you know what…?”

Lindsay: Right.

Gabby: “Do you know what my friend said…?” 蓋比:“你知道我朋友說什麼嗎…?”

Lindsay: Or what he did or what she ate. Lindsay:或者他做了什麼或她吃了什麼。 Okay.

Gabby: Yeah.

Lindsay: (Mm-hm).

Gabby: And…

Lindsay: The last one is…

Gabby: Yeah.

“What do you think?” “你怎麼認為?”

Lindsay: “What do you think?”

Gabby: So asking for someone's opinion and trying to talk things through. 蓋比:所以要徵求別人的意見並試著把事情說清楚。

Lindsay: All right.

Both: Great.

Lindsay: So we've given you guys three situations and these are the most common phrases in the English language. Lindsay:所以我們給了你們三種情況,這些是英語中最常見的短語。

Gabby: Right.

Lindsay: So study these. Go through this episode more than once. 不只一次地經歷這一集。

Gabby: Right.

And of course there are other phrases you can use in these situations. 當然,在這些情況下您也可以使用其他短語。 There are other ways to ask for information, other ways to introduce yourself, and other ways to check into a hotel. 還有其他方式來詢問資訊、其他方式介紹自己以及其他方式入住飯店。 But we wanted to share the common phrases with you in some situations that are easy to imagine. 但我們想與您分享一些容易想像的情況下的常用短語。

Lindsay: Great. Perfect. And we also just wanted to really quickly mention the authors of this study because we really appreciate that work. ||||||||||作者们||||||||| 我們也只是想快速提及這項研究的作者,因為我們真的很欣賞這項工作。 So, this study was done by Bilber, Johansson, Leech, Conrad, and Finnegan in 1999. ||||||Biber|a researcher|a researcher|a researcher||a researcher| ||||||ビルバー||リーチ|||フィネガン| 因此,這項研究是由 Bilber、Johansson、Leech、Conrad 和 Finnegan 於 1999 年完成的。 (Um) and so we really appreciate that work and we'll put that citation in the blogpost as well. ||||||||||||引用|||博客文章|| ||||||||||||引用|||ブログ投稿|| ||||||||||||ссылку||||| (嗯)所以我們非常感謝這項工作,我們也會在博文中引用該內容。 (Um), let us know if you guys have any questions and please come over and grab that e-book to get the rest of the phrases.

That's allearsenglish.com/100.

Gabby: Yeah.

And thank you also to Viviana Cortes (uh) from the TESOL Conference for her presentation on the most popular phrases and for helping us out with a lot of these phrases. |||||ビビアナ|ビビアナ・コルテス|||||||||||||||||||||||| 也要感謝 TESOL 會議的 Viviana Cortes(嗯),她介紹了最受歡迎的短語,並幫助我們解決了許多此類短語。 Thank you, Viviana.


Gabby: If you love All Ears English and you want to seriously improve to the advanced native-like level of English, we made a premium subscription package for you with more support. Gabby:如果您喜歡 All Ears English 並且想認真提高英語水平,達到接近母語的水平,我們為您製作了高級訂閱包,為您提供更多支持。 What do you get? You get audio and text transcripts of each new episode when they're released. |||||transcripts of||every single||episode one|as|they are| 當每個新劇集發佈時,您都會收到它們的音訊和文字記錄。 You get practical learning tips every week. ||hands-on|learning tips||| You get an exclusive subscriber's version of our e-book, “How to Improve Your English with a Podcast” and you get all the previous text transcripts, Episodes 1-88 and you guys can ask direct questions – you can communicate directly with Lindsay and myself, Gabby, to ask any question about English. ||||subscriber|edition||our||||||||||||||||earlier||text transcripts|Episodes 1-88|||||||direct questions||||||Lindsay (1)||me|||||||language 您可以獲得我們電子書的獨家訂戶版本“如何通過播客提高英語水平”,並且您可以獲得之前的所有文本記錄,第 1-88 集,您可以直接提出問題 – 您可以直接與 Lindsay 交流,我自己,Gabby,詢問有關英語的任何問題。 So it's a huge value. 所以這是一個巨大的價值。 You can find that subscription package on our website at allearsenglish.com/conversations. |||||subscription option|||our site||All Ears English||conversations page 您可以在我們的網站 allearsenglish.com/conversations 上找到該訂閱包。 That's c-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n-s. See you there. ||at that place

Lindsay: If you want to put your ears into English more often, be sure to subscribe to our podcast in iTunes on your computer or on your smartphone. |||desire||||||||frequently|||||||||||||||| Thanks so much for listening and see you next time.