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Oxford Online English, Talking About Your Hometown - Spoken English Lesson

Talking About Your Hometown - Spoken English Lesson

Hi, I'm Gina. Welcome to Oxford Online English!

Where do you live? Do you live in a small town, a big city, or a remote village? What's it like?

In this lesson, you can learn how to describe your hometown in English.

Let's start with some basic English vocabulary You can use to talk about your hometown. Part one: introducing your hometown.

Let's start with a simple sentence.

"I live in a ."

What could you say? You could say something like:

"I live in a city"; "I live in a town"; "I live in a village."

That's a good start, but it's very basic. Let's add a bit more detail.

What's it called? How big is it?

"I live in Paris. It's the capital city"; "I live in Shanghai. It's a huge city";

"I live in a small town. It's called Banbury"; "I live in Manarola, which is a tiny village by the sea."

Better! You should always try to add more details when you speak. What about you? Where do you live? Can you make one or two sentences like this? Pause the video and practice!

Okay, let's move on. We need to make ouranswers more detailed and interesting. Part two: adding background and details.

Think about these questions:

What's your hometown famous for? Can you think of some words you could use to describe your hometown?

How long have you lived there?

Add these ideas to your answer to make it longer and more detailed. For example:

"I live in Paris, the capital city. It's famous for its landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral or the Louvre. It's also well-known for its food, of course!"

"I live in Shanghai. It's a huge, bustling, international city.

People from all over the world live and work there."

"I live in a small town called Banbury. I've been living there for about five years, since I finished university.

It's a pretty sleepy place, to be honest."

Let's look at some useful vocabulary from these examples: Which you can use when you speak.

We said:

Paris is famous for its landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower.

Landmarks are famous places or buildings, like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Sydney

Opera House or Christ the Redeemer in Rio.

Does your hometown have any famous landmarks? What are they called in English?

Next, we said:

"Shanghai is a bustling city."

Do you know what this means?

It means there's a lot of activity.

There are lots of people, lots of traffic, lots of life and energy.

Is your city bustling or sleepy? If a town is sleepy there's not much activity and things are quiet. What about your hometown. Look at our questions again: What's your hometown famous for? Can you think of some words you could use to describe your hometown?

How long have you lived there?

What could you say about your hometown? Pause the video and try to make 2-3 sentences. Okay? Let's look at our next point.

Part three: Saying what you like about your hometown.

What's good about your hometown? What do you like most about it? Different people like different things in a city or town.

Let's look at some example sentences which express positive feelings: "I love living in Paris. It's got such a rich culture and there's always something interesting going on."

"Shanghai's a great place to live. It's a real 24-hour city and you can meet people from all over the world." "Living in Banbury suits me. It's a quiet place and it's small enough that you can get to know your neighbours and have a sense of community."

What's important for you?

Do you want to live somewhere with a rich culture and a sense of history,

or do you prefer more modern, international cities?

Would you rather live somewhere larger and more energetic,

or somewhere smaller and more peaceful?

Think about these ideas. You'll need them in a minute!

Let's look at some useful language from our examples:

"I love living in _"; "_'s a great place to live"; "Living in _ suits me."

Of course, you can change these to say what you want to:

"I quite like living in _"; "I really like living in ";

"I suppose I don't mind living in ."

We also saw some useful phrases in our examples:

"It's got such a rich culture"; "There's always something interesting going on";

"It's a real 24-hour city"; "You can meet people from all over the world"; "It's small enough that you can get to know your neighbours"

and have a sense of community

What does that last phrase mean?

If you have a sense of community,

it means people know their neighbours and feel like they belong to a wider community. Smaller towns and villages often have a better sense of community,

perhaps because people have more time to talk to each other and do things together.

What about your hometown? Could you use any of these phrases to describe where you live? Next, what if you don't like something about your hometown?

Part four: saying what you dislike.

Let's look at some examples which express negative feelings:

"Paris is great, but the cost of living is really high. That can be quite stressful because you're always thinking about money and how to make ends meet." "Shanghai's an exciting place, but it's really crowded

and it can be exhausting to live there.

Air quality can be an issue, particularly in the summer."

"Banbury's nice, but sometimes I find it a bit boring.

There's not much nightlife

and sometimes it feels a bit cut off from the wider world."

When talking about things you don't like about your hometown.

You can use adjectives like, 'stressful', 'crowded', 'boring'.

You can make your answer more interesting by using phrases.

We saw some useful ones in our examples:

"The cost of living is really high"; "

You're always thinking about how to make ends meet."

Meaning: you're always thinking about how to pay for your basic living costs. "It can be exhausting to live there";

"Air quality can be an issue"; "

There's not much nightlife"; "

It feels a bit cut off from the wider world."

Meaning: you feel like you're far away from people, culture and activity.

Could you use any of these phrases to describe your hometown?

Remember that you can also change the phrases to fit your ideas. For example:

"Traffic can be an issue";

"There's not much for young people to do";

"It can be very stressful to live here."

Okay, what about you? Try to make 3-4 sentences. Say what you like and dislike about your hometown.

Use the key words and phrases from parts 3 and 4.

Go on, pause the video and practice!

Okay? We have one more thing to do:

Part five: describing how it's changed over time.

What was your hometown like ten, twenty or fifty years ago?

How has it changed?

How has it changed over time?

Some places change very fast; other places never seem to change at all!

Talking about changes can add interesting and useful information to your description.

Let's look:

"Paris has changed a lot in the last twenty years.

It's much more international and much more expensive than it used to be.

However, the soul of the city is still there.

Paris will always be Paris!"

"Shanghai is almost unrecognisable compared to twenty or thirty years ago.

The city has expanded so much, both physically and economically.

It's amazing when you see old photos of the city;

things are so different now!"

"Banbury hasn't changed much as a place in the last twenty years,

but the mix of people is a bit different nowadays.

The population used to be older and mostly English,

whereas now there are more young people living here, including many people from other parts of Europe."

Again, these examples contain a lot of useful language you can use to talk about your hometown.

For example:

" has changed a lot in the last twenty years";

" is almost unrecognisable compared to twenty years ago"

; hasn't changed much as a place in the last twenty years."

Which of these sentences is true for your hometown? Can you add details to explain why?

For example:

"It's much more than it used to be"; "The city has so much"; "

The is a bit different nowadays."

Now, you've seen a lot of useful language you can use to talk about your hometown.

Let's put everything together and practice making a longer answer.

Part six: review.

Do you remember all the points we talked about? We covered:

Introducing your hometown, adding background and details, talking about what you like or dislike about it,

talking about how it's changed over time.

Follow these points and you can make a long, detailed answer to describe your hometown.

For example:

"I live in St Petersburg.

It's the second largest city in Russia,

and it's a beautiful place to live.

I've lived here all my life and I can't imagine living anywhere else!

It has such a rich culture,

I think partly because the city's history is a mix of European and Russian influences.

I think that's why I like it here—it's a unique place.

Traffic can be an issue in the city centre, but public transport is very good.

The city hasn't changed much in the last twenty years,

although there are certainly more and more tourists these days!"

Could you make an answer like this?

Let's do one more example first.

I'll tell you about my hometown:

"I'm from Denver, the capital of Colorado.

It's near the Rocky Mountains, so the surrounding area is quite beautiful.

I've been living here for about three years.

I really like Denver because it's a young city with lots of energy,

but if you need a break it's easy to drive to the mountains and find a quiet place to relax.

The only real disadvantage is that winter can be seriously cold!

Denver's changed quite a lot in the last twenty years

Many people are moving here to work.

Unfortunately, the cost of living has also gone up quite a lot."

Okay, now it's definitely your turn! Talk about your hometown. Make a longer answer

like these ones.

If you want, you can post your answer in the video comments. We'll give you feedback

on your English.

That's the end of the lesson. I hope you learned something useful!

If you want to see more of our free English lessons, check out our website: Oxford Online

English dot com.

Thanks for watching, and see you next time!

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Talking About Your Hometown - Spoken English Lesson |||Ville natale||| ||||Oral communication|| Über Ihre Heimatstadt sprechen - Gesprochene Englisch-Lektion Talking About Your Hometown - Spoken English Lesson Hablar de su ciudad natal - Lección de inglés hablado Parler de sa ville natale - Leçon d'anglais parlé Berbicara Tentang Kampung Halaman Anda - Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Lisan Parlare della propria città natale - Lezione di inglese parlato 自分の故郷について話す-英会話レッスン 고향 이야기하기 - 구어체 영어 레슨 Kalbėjimas apie gimtąjį miestą - šnekamosios anglų kalbos pamoka Praten over je thuisstad - Gesproken Engelse les Mówienie o swoim rodzinnym mieście - lekcja mówionego angielskiego Falar sobre a sua terra natal - Lição de Inglês falado Разговор о родном городе - Урок разговорного английского языка Memleketiniz Hakkında Konuşmak - İngilizce Konuşma Dersi Говоримо про рідне місто - урок розмовної англійської мови 谈论你的家乡 - 英语口语课 談論你的家鄉 - 英語口語課

Hi, I'm Gina. Welcome to Oxford Online English! ||||||在线| ||Gina|||Oxford Online School|on the internet| ||ジーナ||||| Merhaba, ben Gina. Oxford Online English'e hoş geldiniz!

Where do you live? Do you live in a small town, a big city, or a remote village? ||||||||||||||||偏远| ||||||||||||||||abgelegenen| ||||||||||||||||isolated or distant|rural community ||||||||||||||||遠い| Wo wohnen Sie? Lebst du in einer Kleinstadt, einer Großstadt oder einem abgelegenen Dorf? Di mana Anda tinggal? Apakah Anda tinggal di kota kecil, kota besar, atau desa terpencil? Nerede yaşıyorsun Küçük bir kasabada mı, büyük bir şehirde mi yoksa uzak bir köyde mi yaşıyorsunuz? What's it like? Wie ist es? Seperti apa rasanya? На что это похоже? Nasıl bir şey?

In this lesson, you can learn how to describe your hometown in English. ||||||||talk about|||| Dalam pelajaran ini, Anda dapat belajar bagaimana mendeskripsikan kota asal Anda dalam bahasa Inggris. Bu derste, memleketinizi İngilizce olarak nasıl anlatacağınızı öğrenebilirsiniz.

Let's start with some basic English vocabulary You can use to talk about your hometown. ||||simple and essential|||||||||| Memleketiniz hakkında konuşmak için kullanabileceğiniz bazı temel İngilizce kelimelerle başlayalım. Part one: introducing your hometown. Section||Presenting|| Erster Teil: Vorstellung Ihrer Heimatstadt. Bagian pertama: memperkenalkan kota asal Anda. Birinci bölüm: memleketinizi tanıtmak.

Let's start with a simple sentence. |||||Begin simply. Basit bir cümle ile başlayalım.

"I live in a ________."

What could you say? You could say something like:

"I live in a city"; "I live in a town"; "I live in a village." "Ich lebe in einer Stadt"; "Ich lebe in einer Stadt"; "Ich lebe in einem Dorf."

That's a good start, but it's very basic. Let's add a bit more detail. |||||||||include more information||||more specific information Itu adalah awal yang baik, tetapi sangat mendasar. Mari kita tambahkan sedikit lebih banyak detail.

What's it called? How big is it? Как это называется? Насколько это велико?

"I live in Paris. It's the capital city"; "I live in Shanghai. It's a huge city"; |||the capital city|||main city|||||a major metropolis|||| "Ich lebe in Paris. Es ist die Hauptstadt"; "Ich lebe in Shanghai. Es ist eine riesige Stadt"; "Saya tinggal di Paris. Ini adalah ibu kota"; "Saya tinggal di Shanghai. Itu adalah kota yang sangat besar";

"I live in a small town. It's called Banbury"; "I live in Manarola, which is a tiny village by the sea." |||||||叫|班伯里|||||||||||| ||||||||small town||||tiny seaside village||||||||coastline ||||||||||||マナローラ|||||||| "Ich lebe in einer kleinen Stadt. Sie heißt Banbury"; „Ich lebe in Manarola, einem winzigen Dorf am Meer.“ "Saya tinggal di sebuah kota kecil. Namanya Banbury"; "Saya tinggal di Manarola, sebuah desa kecil di tepi laut." «Я живу в маленьком городке. Он называется Банбери»; «Я живу в Манароле, крошечной деревушке у моря».

Better! You should always try to add more details when you speak. ||||||||specifics||| Lebih baik! Anda harus selalu mencoba menambahkan lebih banyak detail saat berbicara. Daha iyi! Konuşurken her zaman daha fazla ayrıntı eklemeye çalışmalısın. What about you? Where do you live? Can you make one or two sentences like this? |||||||||||||Where are you?|| Bagaimana denganmu? Di mana Anda tinggal? Dapatkah Anda membuat satu atau dua kalimat seperti ini? А вы? Где вы живете? Можете ли вы составить одно или два предложения, как это? Senden ne haber? Nerede yaşıyorsun Bunun gibi bir iki cümle kurabilir misin? Pause the video and practice! ||||try it Jeda video dan berlatihlah! Videoyu durdurun ve pratik yapın!

Okay, let's move on. We need to make ouranswers more detailed and interesting. ||||||||unsere Antworten|||| ||||||||our responses||more thorough|| ||||||||私たちの回答|||| ||||||||nuestras respuestas|||| Okay, machen wir weiter. Wir müssen unsere Antworten detaillierter und interessanter gestalten. Oke, mari kita lanjutkan. Kita harus membuat jawaban kita lebih rinci dan menarik. よし、次に進もう。答えをもっと詳しく、面白くする必要がある。 Tamam, devam edelim. Cevaplarımızı daha ayrıntılı ve ilgi çekici hale getirmemiz gerekiyor. Part two: adding background and details. |||context or setting|| |||fondo|| Teil zwei: Hintergrund und Details hinzufügen. Часть вторая: добавление фона и деталей. İkinci bölüm: arka plan ve ayrıntıların eklenmesi.

Think about these questions: Bu sorular hakkında düşünün:

What's your hometown famous for? Can you think of some words you could use to describe your hometown? |||||||||||你家乡|||||| Wofür ist Ihre Heimatstadt berühmt? Fallen Ihnen ein paar Worte ein, mit denen Sie Ihre Heimatstadt beschreiben könnten? Apa yang terkenal dari kota asal Anda? Dapatkah Anda memikirkan beberapa kata yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menggambarkan kota asal Anda? Чем знаменит ваш родной город? Можете ли вы придумать несколько слов, которыми вы могли бы описать свой родной город? Memleketiniz neyle ünlü? Memleketinizi tarif etmek için kullanabileceğiniz bazı kelimeler düşünebilir misiniz?

How long have you lived there? Sudah berapa lama Anda tinggal di sana? いつからそこに住んでいるのですか? Orada ne kadar yaşadın?

Add these ideas to your answer to make it longer and more detailed. For example: ||concepts|||||||||||| Tambahkan ide-ide ini pada jawaban Anda untuk membuatnya lebih panjang dan lebih rinci. Sebagai contoh: Cevabınızı daha uzun ve ayrıntılı hale getirmek için bu fikirleri yanıtınıza ekleyin. Örneğin:

"I live in Paris, the capital city. It's famous for its landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, |||||||||为了||地标||||埃菲尔| |||||||||||famous sites||||Eiffel Tower|Eiffel Tower |||||||||||名所||||エッフェル塔| "Saya tinggal di Paris, ibu kota Prancis. Kota ini terkenal dengan landmarknya seperti Menara Eiffel, "Başkent Paris'te yaşıyorum. Eyfel Kulesi gibi simge yapılarıyla ünlü, Notre Dame Cathedral or the Louvre. It's also well-known for its food, of course!" 我们的|圣母|大教堂|||卢浮宫||||||||| Our Lady|Our Lady|Notre Dame|||art museum||||||||| ノートル|ダム|大聖堂|||ルーヴル||||||||| Notre-Dame-Kathedrale oder Louvre. Es ist natürlich auch für sein Essen bekannt!" ノートルダム大聖堂やルーブル美術館。もちろん食べ物でも有名です!" Собор Парижской Богоматери или Лувр. Конечно, он также известен своей едой!» Notre Dame Katedrali veya Louvre. Yemekleriyle de ünlüdür elbette!"

"I live in Shanghai. It's a huge, bustling, international city. ||||||巨大的|繁忙|| |||||||full of activity|globally connected| |||||||賑やかな|| „Ich lebe in Shanghai. Es ist eine riesige, geschäftige, internationale Stadt. "Şangay'da yaşıyorum. Çok büyük, hareketli, uluslararası bir şehir. 「我住在上海。這是一座巨大、繁華的國際城市。

People from all over the world live and work there." Dünyanın her yerinden insanlar orada yaşıyor ve çalışıyor."

"I live in a small town called Banbury. I've been living there for about five years, ||||||named||||||||| 「バンバリーという小さな町に5年ほど住んでいる、 "Banbury adında küçük bir kasabada yaşıyorum. Yaklaşık beş yıldır orada yaşıyorum. since I finished university. ||completed my degree| üniversiteyi bitirdiğimden beri

It's a pretty sleepy place, to be honest." |||昏昏欲睡|||| |||quiet and dull|||| Es ist ein ziemlich verschlafener Ort, um ehrlich zu sein." Честно говоря, это довольно сонное место». Dürüst olmak gerekirse oldukça uykulu bir yer." 老實說,這是一個非常昏昏欲睡的地方。”

Let's look at some useful vocabulary from these examples: Which you can use when you speak. Mari kita lihat beberapa kosakata yang berguna dari contoh-contoh berikut: Yang dapat Anda gunakan saat berbicara. Bu örneklerden bazı yararlı kelimelere bakalım: Konuşurken kullanabileceğiniz kelimeler.

We said: Wir sagten: Dedik:

Paris is famous for its landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower. Paris terkenal dengan landmarknya seperti Menara Eiffel. Paris, Eyfel Kulesi gibi simge yapılarıyla ünlüdür.

Landmarks are famous places or buildings, like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Sydney |||||||||||||悉尼 |||||structures||||||||Sydney Opera House |||||||||||||シドニー Puntos de referencia||||||||||||| Landmark adalah tempat atau bangunan yang terkenal, seperti Menara Eiffel di Paris, Sydney Достопримечательности — это известные места или здания, такие как Эйфелева башня в Париже, Сиднейский Simgesel yapılar, Paris'teki Eyfel Kulesi, Sidney gibi ünlü yerler veya binalardır.

Opera House or Christ the Redeemer in Rio. 歌剧|||基督||救世主||里约 Opera House|Famous landmark structure||Christ the Redeemer||Savior, Liberator, Rescuer||Rio de Janeiro オペラ|||||救い主||リオ Opernhaus oder Christus der Erlöser in Rio. Opera House atau Christ the Redeemer di Rio. Opera Binası veya Rio'daki Kurtarıcı İsa.

Does your hometown have any famous landmarks? What are they called in English? Apakah kota asal Anda memiliki landmark yang terkenal? Apa sebutannya dalam bahasa Inggris? Memleketinizin ünlü simge yapıları var mı? İngilizcede ne denir?

Next, we said: Sonra dedik ki:

"Shanghai is a bustling city." |||bulliciosa| "Shanghai adalah kota yang ramai." "Şanghay hareketli bir şehir."

Do you know what this means? Apakah Anda tahu apa artinya ini? Bunun ne anlama geldiğini biliyor musun?

It means there's a lot of activity. Ini berarti ada banyak aktivitas. Это означает, что там много активности. Bu, çok fazla aktivite olduğu anlamına gelir.

There are lots of people, lots of traffic, lots of life and energy. ||||||||很多|||| ||many|||||vehicle movement|||||vitality Es gibt viele Menschen, viel Verkehr, viel Leben und Energie. Ada banyak orang, banyak lalu lintas, banyak kehidupan dan energi. Çok fazla insan, çok fazla trafik, çok fazla yaşam ve enerji var.

Is your city bustling or sleepy? If a town is sleepy there's not much activity and things are quiet. ||||||||||||||||||calm and peaceful Apakah kota Anda ramai atau sepi? Jika sebuah kota sepi, maka tidak ada banyak aktivitas dan keadaan menjadi tenang. Ваш город шумный или сонный? Если город сонный, там мало активности и все спокойно. Şehriniz hareketli mi yoksa uykulu mu? Bir kasaba uykuluysa, fazla aktivite yoktur ve her şey sessizdir. What about your hometown. Look at our questions again: Was ist mit deiner Heimatstadt? Schauen Sie sich unsere Fragen noch einmal an: Bagaimana dengan kampung halaman Anda. Lihat kembali pertanyaan kami: А как же твой родной город. Посмотрите еще раз на наши вопросы: Memleketiniz ne olacak? Sorularımıza tekrar bakın: What's your hometown famous for? Can you think of some words you could use to describe your hometown? Apa yang terkenal dari kota asal Anda? Dapatkah Anda memikirkan beberapa kata yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menggambarkan kota asal Anda? あなたの故郷は何で有名ですか?あなたの故郷を説明するのに使える言葉をいくつか思いつきますか? Memleketiniz neyle ünlü? Memleketinizi tarif etmek için kullanabileceğiniz bazı kelimeler düşünebilir misiniz?

How long have you lived there? Wie lange hast du dort gelebt? Orada ne kadar yaşadın?

What could you say about your hometown? Pause the video and try to make 2-3 sentences. Memleketiniz hakkında neler söyleyebilirsiniz? Videoyu durdurun ve 2-3 cümle kurmaya çalışın. Okay? Let's look at our next point. Tamam aşkım? Bir sonraki noktamıza bakalım.

Part three: Saying what you like about your hometown. Часть третья: Расскажите, что вам нравится в вашем родном городе. Üçüncü bölüm: Memleketiniz hakkında sevdiğiniz şeyleri söylemek.

What's good about your hometown? What do you like most about it? Чем хорош твой родной город? Что вам больше всего в нем нравится? Memleketinizin nesi iyi? En cok neyini begendin? Different people like different things in a city or town. Setiap orang menyukai hal-hal yang berbeda di sebuah kota. Farklı insanlar bir şehirde veya kasabada farklı şeyleri sever.

Let's look at some example sentences which express positive feelings: ||||||||optimistic|emotions Mari kita lihat beberapa contoh kalimat yang mengekspresikan perasaan positif: Olumlu duyguları ifade eden bazı örnek cümlelere bakalım: "I love living in Paris. It's got such a rich culture and there's always something interesting going on." |||||||||丰富的|||||||| |||||||||Vibrant and diverse|||||||| „Ich liebe es, in Paris zu leben. Es hat so eine reiche Kultur und es ist immer etwas Interessantes los.“ «Мне нравится жить в Париже. Здесь такая богатая культура, и всегда происходит что-то интересное». "Paris'te yaşamayı seviyorum. Çok zengin bir kültürü var ve her zaman ilginç bir şeyler oluyor."

"Shanghai's a great place to live. It's a real 24-hour city and you can meet people from all over the world." ||||||||真正|24小时|城市|||||||||| Shanghai is|||||||||||||||||||| 上海は|||||||||||||||||||| «Шанхай — прекрасное место для жизни. Это настоящий круглосуточный город, и вы можете встретить людей со всего мира». "Şanghay yaşamak için harika bir yer. Gerçek bir 24 saat açık şehir ve dünyanın her yerinden insanlarla tanışabilirsiniz." "Living in Banbury suits me. It's a quiet place |||is suitable for||||| |||me viene bien||||| „Das Leben in Banbury passt zu mir. Es ist ein ruhiger Ort "Banbury'de yaşamak bana uyar. Sakin bir yer. and it's small enough that you can get to know your neighbours and have a sense of community." |||||||认识||||||有|||| |||sufficiently small||||||||people living nearby||||feeling of belonging|| und es ist klein genug, dass man seine Nachbarn kennenlernen und ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl entwickeln kann." dan cukup kecil sehingga Anda dapat mengenal tetangga Anda dan memiliki rasa kebersamaan." 小さいから、隣人とも親しくなれるし、共同体意識も持てる」。 ve komşularınızı tanımanıza ve bir topluluk duygusuna sahip olmanıza yetecek kadar küçük." 而且它足夠小,你可以認識你的鄰居並有一種社區意識。”

What's important for you? |||你 Apa yang penting bagi Anda? Senin için önemli olan ne?

Do you want to live somewhere with a rich culture and a sense of history, ||||||有丰富文化的|||||||| |||||a place|||||||||past events Möchten Sie an einem Ort mit einer reichen Kultur und einem Sinn für Geschichte leben, Apakah Anda ingin tinggal di suatu tempat yang kaya akan budaya dan sejarah, 豊かな文化と歴史を感じる場所に住みたいですか? Вы хотите жить где-то с богатой культурой и чувством истории, Zengin bir kültüre ve tarih duygusuna sahip bir yerde yaşamak ister misiniz?

or do you prefer more modern, international cities? |||favor||contemporary|| oder bevorzugen Sie modernere, internationale Städte? atau Anda lebih suka kota yang lebih modern dan internasional? или вы предпочитаете более современные, интернациональные города? yoksa daha modern, uluslararası şehirleri mi tercih edersiniz?

Would you rather live somewhere larger and more energetic, ||prefer to|||more spacious|||lively and active ||||||||活気のある Würdest du lieber an einem größeren und energiegeladeneren Ort leben, Apakah Anda lebih suka tinggal di tempat yang lebih besar dan lebih energik, もっと広くてエネルギッシュなところに住みたい? Вы бы предпочли жить где-нибудь больше и энергичнее, Daha büyük ve daha enerjik bir yerde yaşamayı mı tercih edersiniz?

or somewhere smaller and more peaceful? |||||和平的 ||less busy place|||calm and quiet oder irgendwo kleiner und friedlicher? atau di tempat yang lebih kecil dan lebih damai? それとももっと小さくて平和なところ? или где-нибудь поменьше и потише? yoksa daha küçük ve daha huzurlu bir yer mi?

Think about these ideas. You'll need them in a minute! Denken Sie über diese Ideen nach. Sie werden sie in einer Minute brauchen! Pikirkan tentang ide-ide ini. Anda akan membutuhkannya sebentar lagi! Bu fikirleri düşünün. Bir dakika içinde onlara ihtiyacın olacak!

Let's look at some useful language from our examples: Schauen wir uns einige nützliche Sprachen aus unseren Beispielen an: Mari kita lihat beberapa bahasa yang berguna dari contoh-contoh kita: Давайте посмотрим на некоторые полезные языки из наших примеров: Örneklerimizden bazı yararlı dillere bakalım:

"I love living in _______"; "_______'s a great place to live"; "Living in _______ suits me." "Ich liebe es, in _ zu leben"; "_ ist ein großartiger Ort zum Leben"; "Das Leben in _ passt zu mir." "Saya senang tinggal di _"; "_ adalah tempat yang tepat untuk tinggal"; "Tinggal di _ cocok untuk saya." 「に住むのが好きだ」、「_は住むのに最高の場所だ」、「_に住むのが私に合っている」。 "_'da yaşamayı seviyorum"; "_ yaşamak için harika bir yer"; "_'da yaşamak bana yakışıyor."

Of course, you can change these to say what you want to: Natürlich können Sie diese ändern, um zu sagen, was Sie wollen: Tentu saja, Anda dapat mengubahnya untuk mengatakan apa yang Anda inginkan: Tabii ki, ne söylemek istediğinizi söylemek için bunları değiştirebilirsiniz:

"I quite like living in _______"; "I really like living in ________"; "Ich lebe sehr gerne in _"; "Ich wohne sehr gerne in "; "Saya cukup suka tinggal di _"; "Saya sangat suka tinggal di "; 「に住むのがとても好きです; "Мне очень нравится жить в _"; «Мне очень нравится жить в»; "_'da yaşamayı çok seviyorum"; "Yaşamayı gerçekten seviyorum";

"I suppose I don't mind living in ________." |I guess||||| "Ich nehme an, es macht mir nichts aus, in zu wohnen." "Saya kira saya tidak keberatan tinggal di ." "私は...... "に住んでいてもかまわないと思う。 «Полагаю, я не против жить в ». "Sanırım içinde yaşamayı umursamıyorum."

We also saw some useful phrases in our examples: Wir haben in unseren Beispielen auch einige nützliche Sätze gesehen: Kami juga melihat beberapa frasa yang berguna dalam contoh-contoh kami: Мы также видели несколько полезных фраз в наших примерах: Örneklerimizde bazı yararlı ifadeler de gördük:

"It's got such a rich culture"; "There's always something interesting going on"; "Es hat so eine reiche Kultur"; "Es passiert immer etwas Interessantes"; "Memiliki budaya yang kaya"; "Selalu ada sesuatu yang menarik"; 「豊かな文化がある」、「いつも面白いことが起きている」; «У него такая богатая культура»; «Всегда происходит что-то интересное»; "Çok zengin bir kültürü var"; "Her zaman ilginç bir şeyler oluyor";

"It's a real 24-hour city"; "You can meet people from all over the world"; "Es ist eine echte 24-Stunden-Stadt"; "Man kann Leute aus der ganzen Welt treffen"; "Gerçekten 24 saat açık bir şehir"; "Dünyanın her yerinden insanlarla tanışabilirsiniz"; "It's small enough that you can get to know your neighbours" "Es ist klein genug, dass Sie Ihre Nachbarn kennenlernen können" 「近所づきあいができるほどこじんまりしている "Komşularınızı tanıyabileceğiniz kadar küçük"

and have a sense of community ve bir topluluk duygusuna sahip olmak

What does that last phrase mean? ||||Sure, please provide the specific phrase you would like translated in context.| Was bedeutet dieser letzte Satz? Что означает эта последняя фраза? Bu son cümle ne anlama geliyor?

If you have a sense of community, Wenn Sie ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl haben, Bir topluluk anlayışınız varsa,

it means people know their neighbours and feel like they belong to a wider community. |||||||感到||||||更广泛的社区| ||||||||||feel connected to|||larger or broader| eso|||||||||||||| es bedeutet, dass die Menschen ihre Nachbarn kennen und sich einer größeren Gemeinschaft zugehörig fühlen. это означает, что люди знают своих соседей и чувствуют, что они принадлежат к более широкому сообществу. insanların komşularını tanıdıkları ve kendilerini daha geniş bir topluluğa ait hissettikleri anlamına gelir. Smaller towns and villages often have a better sense of community, |||small communities||||||| |||村||||||| 小さな町や村の方が、コミュニティ意識が高いことが多い、 Daha küçük kasabalar ve köyler genellikle daha iyi bir topluluk duygusuna sahiptir.

perhaps because people have more time to talk to each other and do things together. ||||||||||||||as a group おそらく、人々がお互いに話したり、一緒に何かをしたりする時間が増えたからだろう。 belki de insanların birbirleriyle konuşmak ve birlikte bir şeyler yapmak için daha fazla zamanları olduğu içindir.

What about your hometown? Could you use any of these phrases to describe where you live? Peki ya memleketin? Yaşadığınız yeri tarif etmek için bu ifadelerden herhangi birini kullanabilir misiniz? Next, what if you don't like something about your hometown? Als nächstes, was ist, wenn Ihnen etwas an Ihrer Heimatstadt nicht gefällt? Sonra, ya memleketinle ilgili bir şeyi beğenmezsen?

Part four: saying what you dislike. |||||do not like Dördüncü bölüm: Neyi sevmediğinizi söylemek.

Let's look at some examples which express negative feelings: |||||||unpleasant| Olumsuz duyguları ifade eden bazı örneklere bakalım:

"Paris is great, but the cost of living is really high. That can be quite stressful |||||expense|||||||||| „Paris ist toll, aber die Lebenshaltungskosten sind wirklich hoch. Das kann ganz schön stressig sein 「パリは素晴らしいが、物価が高い。 それがストレスになることもある。 «Париж прекрасен, но стоимость жизни действительно высока. Это может быть довольно напряжно. "Paris harika ama yaşam maliyeti gerçekten çok yüksek. Bu oldukça stresli olabiliyor. because you're always thinking about money and how to make ends meet." |||||||||赚钱||凑合 |||||financial concerns|||||cover expenses| ||||||||||llegar a fin de mes| weil du immer an Geld denkst und wie du über die Runden kommst." いつもお金のことばかり考えて、どうやって生活していくかを考えているから」。 потому что ты всегда думаешь о деньгах и о том, как свести концы с концами». çünkü hep parayı ve geçimini nasıl sağlayacağını düşünüyorsun." тому що ти завжди думаєш про гроші та як звести кінці з кінцями». 因為你總是想著錢以及如何維持收支平衡。” "Shanghai's an exciting place, but it's really crowded |||||||拥挤的 |||||||densely populated |||||||abarrotado „Shanghai ist ein aufregender Ort, aber es ist sehr voll "Şanghay heyecan verici bir yer ama gerçekten kalabalık

and it can be exhausting to live there. ||||draining||| und es kann anstrengend sein, dort zu leben. ve orada yaşamak yorucu olabilir.

Air quality can be an issue, particularly in the summer." 空气||||||||| Atmospheric conditions|Condition of air||||||||warmer months Die Luftqualität kann besonders im Sommer ein Problem sein." 特に夏場は空気の質が問題になる。 Hava kalitesi, özellikle yaz aylarında bir sorun olabilir."

"Banbury's nice, but sometimes I find it a bit boring. |||有时|||||| the town|||||discover|||| バンバリーの||||||||| „Banbury ist nett, aber manchmal finde ich es ein bisschen langweilig. «Бэнбери хорош, но иногда мне он кажется немного скучным. "Banbury iyi ama bazen biraz sıkıcı buluyorum.

There's not much nightlife |||夜生活 |||evening entertainment options fazla gece hayatı yok

and sometimes it feels a bit cut off from the wider world." ||||||隔绝||||| |||seems|||isolated||||| ||||||||||más amplio| und manchmal fühlt es sich ein bisschen abgeschnitten von der weiten Welt an." 広い世界から少し切り離されているように感じることもある」。 и иногда он чувствует себя немного отрезанным от большого мира». ve bazen daha geniş dünyadan biraz kopmuş gibi geliyor."

When talking about things you don't like about your hometown. Wenn du über Dinge sprichst, die dir an deiner Heimatstadt nicht gefallen. Saat membicarakan hal-hal yang tidak Anda sukai dari kota asal Anda. Memleketiniz hakkında sevmediğiniz şeylerden bahsederken.

You can use adjectives like, 'stressful', 'crowded', 'boring'. |||Descriptive words|||packed with people| Anda dapat menggunakan kata sifat seperti, 'menegangkan', 'ramai', 'membosankan'. "Stresli", "kalabalık", "sıkıcı" gibi sıfatlar kullanabilirsiniz.

You can make your answer more interesting by using phrases. Anda dapat membuat jawaban Anda lebih menarik dengan menggunakan frasa. Cümleler kullanarak yanıtınızı daha ilginç hale getirebilirsiniz.

We saw some useful ones in our examples: Kita sudah melihat beberapa yang berguna dalam contoh-contoh kami: 私たちは、例の中でいくつかの有用なものを見た: В наших примерах мы увидели несколько полезных: Örneklerimizde bazı yararlı olanları gördük:

"The cost of living is really high"; " "Die Lebenshaltungskosten sind wirklich hoch"; " "Hayat pahalılığı gerçekten çok yüksek"; "

You're always thinking about how to make ends meet." Du denkst immer darüber nach, wie du über die Runden kommst." Ты всегда думаешь о том, как свести концы с концами». Hep nasıl geçineceğini düşünüyorsun."

Meaning: you're always thinking about how to pay for your basic living costs. |||||||cover expenses|||||living expenses Das heißt: Du denkst ständig darüber nach, wie du deine grundlegenden Lebenshaltungskosten bezahlen kannst. Значение: вы всегда думаете о том, как оплатить свои основные расходы на проживание. Anlamı: Her zaman temel yaşam masraflarınızı nasıl ödeyeceğinizi düşünüyorsunuz. "It can be exhausting to live there"; "Es kann anstrengend sein, dort zu leben"; "Orada yaşamak yorucu olabilir";

"Air quality can be an issue"; " „Luftqualität kann ein Problem sein“; " "Hava kalitesi sorun olabilir"; "

There's not much nightlife"; " Es gibt nicht viel Nachtleben"; " Gece hayatı pek yok"; "

It feels a bit cut off from the wider world." |||un poco|aislado|aislado|||más amplio| Es fühlt sich ein bisschen abgeschnitten von der weiten Welt an." Daha geniş dünyadan biraz kopmuş hissettiriyor."

Meaning: you feel like you're far away from people, culture and activity. Das heißt: Sie fühlen sich weit weg von Menschen, Kultur und Aktivität. Значение: вы чувствуете, что находитесь далеко от людей, культуры и деятельности. Anlamı: Kendinizi insanlardan, kültürden ve aktiviteden uzakta hissediyorsunuz.

Could you use any of these phrases to describe your hometown? Memleketinizi tanımlamak için bu ifadelerden herhangi birini kullanabilir misiniz?

Remember that you can also change the phrases to fit your ideas. For example: |||||||||suit|||| Ingatlah bahwa Anda juga dapat mengubah frasa agar sesuai dengan ide Anda. Sebagai contoh: 自分の考えに合わせてフレーズを変えることもできることを忘れないでください。 たとえば、次のように: Помните, что вы также можете изменить фразы, чтобы они соответствовали вашим идеям. Например: İfadeleri fikirlerinize uyacak şekilde değiştirebileceğinizi de unutmayın. Örneğin:

"Traffic can be an issue"; "Lalu lintas bisa menjadi masalah"; "Trafik bir sorun olabilir";

"There's not much for young people to do"; ||||youthful individuals||| "Es gibt nicht viel für junge Leute zu tun"; "Tidak banyak yang bisa dilakukan oleh kaum muda"; 「若者のやることがあまりない」; «Молодежи особо нечего делать»; "Gençlerin yapacak pek bir şeyi yok";

"It can be very stressful to live here." "Burada yaşamak çok stresli olabilir."

Okay, what about you? Try to make 3-4 sentences. Say what you like and dislike about your hometown. Peki ya sen? 3-4 cümle kurmaya çalışın. Memleketiniz hakkında sevdiğiniz ve sevmediğiniz şeyleri söyleyin.

Use the key words and phrases from parts 3 and 4. |||||||sections| 3\. ve 4. bölümdeki anahtar sözcükleri ve deyimleri kullanın.

Go on, pause the video and practice! ||stop briefly|||| Haydi, videoyu durdurun ve pratik yapın!

Okay? We have one more thing to do: Oke? Ada satu hal lagi yang harus kita lakukan: Tamam aşkım? Yapacak bir şeyimiz daha var:

Part five: describing how it's changed over time. ||depicting|||Evolved|| Teil fünf: Beschreibung, wie es sich im Laufe der Zeit verändert hat. パート5:経年変化を説明する。 Часть пятая: описание того, как это изменилось с течением времени. Beşinci bölüm: zaman içinde nasıl değiştiğini açıklamak.

What was your hometown like ten, twenty or fifty years ago? ||||||two decades||five decades ago|| Wie war Ihre Heimatstadt vor zehn, zwanzig oder fünfzig Jahren? Seperti apakah kampung halaman Anda sepuluh, dua puluh atau lima puluh tahun yang lalu? 10年前、20年前、50年前の故郷はどうでしたか? Memleketiniz on, yirmi veya elli yıl önce nasıldı?

How has it changed? Nasıl değişti?

How has it changed over time? Wie hat es sich im Laufe der Zeit verändert?

Some places change very fast; other places never seem to change at all! ||||rapidly||||appear to|||| Manche Orte ändern sich sehr schnell; andere Orte scheinen sich nie zu ändern! Beberapa tempat berubah dengan sangat cepat; beberapa tempat lain sepertinya tidak pernah berubah sama sekali! 変化の早い場所もあれば、まったく変わらない場所もある! Некоторые места меняются очень быстро; другие места, кажется, никогда не меняются вообще! Bazı yerler çok hızlı değişir; diğer yerler hiç değişmiyor gibi görünüyor!

Talking about changes can add interesting and useful information to your description. ||||||||valuable details|||detailed account Wenn Sie über Änderungen sprechen, können Sie Ihrer Beschreibung interessante und nützliche Informationen hinzufügen. Berbicara tentang perubahan dapat menambah informasi yang menarik dan berguna untuk deskripsi Anda. 変化について話すことで、あなたの説明に興味深く有益な情報を加えることができる。 Değişiklikler hakkında konuşmak, açıklamanıza ilginç ve faydalı bilgiler ekleyebilir.

Let's look: Mari kita lihat: Haydi bakalım:

"Paris has changed a lot in the last twenty years. „Paris hat sich in den letzten zwanzig Jahren stark verändert. "Paris telah banyak berubah dalam dua puluh tahun terakhir. "Paris son yirmi yılda çok değişti.

It's much more international and much more expensive than it used to be. Es ist viel internationaler und viel teurer als früher. 以前よりずっと国際的で、ずっと高価になった。 Это гораздо более интернационально и намного дороже, чем раньше. Eskiden olduğundan çok daha uluslararası ve çok daha pahalı.

However, the soul of the city is still there. ||essence|||||| Die Seele der Stadt ist jedoch immer noch da. Тем не менее, душа города все еще там. Ancak şehrin ruhu hala orada.

Paris will always be Paris!" Paris wird immer Paris bleiben!" パリはいつだってパリだ!」。 Париж всегда будет Парижем!»

"Shanghai is almost unrecognisable compared to twenty or thirty years ago. |||无法识别||||||| |||drastically changed||||||| |||認識できない|に比べて|||||| „Shanghai ist fast nicht wiederzuerkennen im Vergleich zu vor zwanzig oder dreißig Jahren. 「上海は20年前、30年前と比べると、ほとんど見分けがつかない。 "Şangay, yirmi ya da otuz yıl öncesine kıyasla neredeyse tanınmaz durumda.

The city has expanded so much, both physically and economically. |||扩展||||||经济上 |||grown significantly||||in physical size||financially |||拡大した|||||| Die Stadt hat sich so stark erweitert, sowohl physisch als auch wirtschaftlich. 街は物理的にも経済的にも大きく発展した。 Miasto tak bardzo się rozwinęło, zarówno fizycznie, jak i ekonomicznie. Şehir hem fiziksel hem de ekonomik olarak çok genişledi.

It's amazing when you see old photos of the city; |||你|||||| ||||||old city pictures||| Es ist erstaunlich, wenn man alte Fotos der Stadt sieht; Удивительно, когда видишь старые фотографии города; Şehrin eski fotoğraflarını gördüğünüzde inanılmaz;

things are so different now!" die Dinge sind jetzt so anders!" теперь все по-другому!» şimdi işler çok farklı!"

"Banbury hasn't changed much as a place in the last twenty years, |has not|||||||||| „Banbury hat sich als Ort in den letzten zwanzig Jahren nicht sehr verändert, «Банбери не сильно изменился как место за последние двадцать лет, "Banbury, son yirmi yılda bir yer olarak pek değişmedi,

but the mix of people is a bit different nowadays. |||||||||现在 ||variety|||||||these days |||||||||hoy en día aber die Mischung der Leute ist heutzutage ein bisschen anders. но сейчас состав людей немного другой. ama günümüzde insanların karışımı biraz farklı.

The population used to be older and mostly English, |||||||主要| |group of residents||||more elderly||primarily| Die Bevölkerung war früher älter und überwiegend englisch, 以前は高齢者が多く、ほとんどがイギリス人だった、 Ludność była kiedyś starsza i w większości angielska, Раньше население было старше и в основном англичанами. Nüfus eskiden daha yaşlıydı ve çoğunlukla İngilizdi.

whereas now there are more young people living here, including many people from other parts of Europe." while now|||||||||such as||||||| mientras que|||||||||||||||| während hier jetzt mehr junge Menschen leben, darunter viele Menschen aus anderen Teilen Europas.“ oysa şimdi burada yaşayan daha çok genç var, buna Avrupa'nın başka yerlerinden birçok insan da dahil."

Again, these examples contain a lot of useful language you can use to talk about your hometown. |||include||||||||||||| Auch diese Beispiele enthalten eine Menge nützlicher Sprache, die Sie verwenden können, um über Ihre Heimatstadt zu sprechen. Sekali lagi, contoh-contoh ini mengandung banyak bahasa yang berguna yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membicarakan kampung halaman Anda. 繰り返しになるが、これらの例文には、自分の故郷について話すときに使える言葉がたくさん含まれている。 Yine, bu örnekler memleketiniz hakkında konuşmak için kullanabileceğiniz pek çok faydalı dil içermektedir.

For example: Por ejemplo:| Örneğin:

"________ has changed a lot in the last twenty years"; " son yirmi yılda çok değişti";

"________ is almost unrecognisable compared to twenty years ago" ||barely recognizable||||| "Yirmi yıl öncesine göre neredeyse tanınmaz durumda"

; ________ hasn't changed much as a place in the last twenty years." ; hat sich als Ort in den letzten zwanzig Jahren nicht viel verändert."

Which of these sentences is true for your hometown? Can you add details to explain why? ||||||||||||||解释| Manakah dari kalimat-kalimat berikut ini yang benar untuk kota asal Anda? Dapatkah Anda menambahkan detail untuk menjelaskan alasannya? あなたの出身地について当てはまる文章はどれですか? その理由を詳しく説明してください。 Какое из этих предложений верно для вашего родного города? Можете ли вы добавить детали, чтобы объяснить, почему? Memleketiniz için bu cümlelerden hangisi doğrudur? Nedenini açıklamak için ayrıntı ekleyebilir misiniz?

For example: Örneğin:

"It's much more ________ than it used to be"; "The city has ________ so much"; " "Es ist viel mehr als früher"; "Die Stadt hat so viel"; " 昔よりずっと良くなった」、「街には多くのものがある」、「」。 «Это гораздо больше, чем было раньше»; "В городе так много"; " "Eskiden olduğundan çok daha fazlası"; "Şehirde çok şey var"; "

The________ is a bit different nowadays." Das ist heutzutage etwas anders." 今はちょっと違う。 В наши дни все немного по-другому». Bugünlerde durum biraz farklı."

Now, you've seen a lot of useful language you can use to talk about your hometown. ||observed||||||||||||| さて、故郷について語る際に使える便利な言葉をたくさん見てきただろう。 Memleketiniz hakkında konuşmak için kullanabileceğiniz pek çok faydalı dil gördünüz.

Let's put everything together and practice making a longer answer. Давайте соберем все вместе и потренируемся в составлении более длинного ответа. Her şeyi bir araya getirelim ve daha uzun bir cevap verme alıştırması yapalım.

Part six: review. Sechster Teil: Rückblick. Altıncı bölüm: inceleme.

Do you remember all the points we talked about? We covered: |||||key topics||discussed|||discussed ||||||||||abordamos Erinnern Sie sich an alle Punkte, über die wir gesprochen haben? Wir deckten ab: Konuştuğumuz tüm noktaları hatırlıyor musun? Şunları ele aldık:

Introducing your hometown, adding background and details, talking about what you like or dislike about it, Stellen Sie Ihre Heimatstadt vor, fügen Sie Hintergrund und Details hinzu, sprechen Sie darüber, was Sie daran mögen oder nicht mögen, Memleketinizi tanıtmak, özgeçmiş ve detayları eklemek, sevdiğiniz ve sevmediğiniz şeylerden bahsetmek,

talking about how it's changed over time. zaman içinde nasıl değiştiğinden bahsediyor.

Follow these points and you can make a long, detailed answer to describe your hometown. Bu noktaları takip edin ve memleketinizi tanımlamak için uzun ve ayrıntılı bir cevap verebilirsiniz.

For example: Örneğin:

"I live in St Petersburg. |||圣| ||within the boundaries of|Saint|St. Petersburg ||||サンクトペテルブルク "St.Petersburg'da yaşıyorum.

It's the second largest city in Russia, |||second biggest|||the country Russia Rusya'nın ikinci büyük şehri,

and it's a beautiful place to live. ve yaşamak için güzel bir yer.

I've lived here all my life and I can't imagine living anywhere else! |||||||||||another place|another place Ich habe mein ganzes Leben hier gelebt und kann mir nicht vorstellen, woanders zu leben! 私はずっとここに住んでいるし、他の場所に住むなんて考えられない! Я прожил здесь всю свою жизнь и не могу представить себя где-либо еще! Hayatım boyunca burada yaşadım ve başka bir yerde yaşamayı hayal edemiyorum!

It has such a rich culture, ||so very||| とても豊かな文化を持っている、 Там такая богатая культура, O kadar zengin bir kültüre sahip ki,

I think partly because the city's history is a mix of European and Russian influences. ||||||||||||||影响 ||in part|||the city's||||||from Europe||Russian influences|cultural impacts ||||||||||||||影響 Ich denke teilweise, weil die Geschichte der Stadt eine Mischung aus europäischen und russischen Einflüssen ist. Думаю, отчасти потому, что история города представляет собой смесь европейских и русских влияний. Bence kısmen şehrin tarihi Avrupa ve Rus etkilerinin bir karışımı olduğu için.

I think that's why I like it here—it's a unique place. Ich glaube, deshalb gefällt es mir hier – es ist ein einzigartiger Ort. ユニークな場所だから、私はここが好きなんだと思う。 Думаю, именно поэтому мне здесь нравится — это уникальное место. Sanırım bu yüzden burayı seviyorum - eşsiz bir yer.

Traffic can be an issue in the city centre, but public transport is very good. 交通|||||||||||||| ||||||||downtown area||for everyone|public transit||| Der Verkehr kann im Stadtzentrum ein Problem sein, aber die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel sind sehr gut. Şehir merkezinde trafik bir sorun olabilir, ancak toplu taşıma çok iyidir.

The city hasn't changed much in the last twenty years, Die Stadt hat sich in den letzten zwanzig Jahren nicht viel verändert, この20年間、街はあまり変わっていない、 Şehir son yirmi yılda pek değişmedi,

although there are certainly more and more tourists these days!" |||||||visitors or travelers||at present 最近は確かに観光客が増えているけどね хотя в последнее время туристов, безусловно, становится все больше!»

Could you make an answer like this? Böyle bir cevap verebilir misiniz?

Let's do one more example first.

I'll tell you about my hometown: Size memleketimi anlatacağım:

"I'm from Denver, the capital of Colorado. ||Denver, Colorado|||| 「私はコロラド州の州都デンバー出身だ。 "Colorado'nun başkenti Denver'danım.

It's near the Rocky Mountains, so the surrounding area is quite beautiful. |||落基山脉|||||||| |||Rocky Mountain||||nearby region|vicinity||| |||ロッキー|||||||| Es liegt in der Nähe der Rocky Mountains, daher ist die Umgebung sehr schön. Он находится недалеко от Скалистых гор, поэтому окрестности довольно красивы.

I've been living here for about three years. ここに住んで3年になる。 Yaklaşık üç yıldır burada yaşıyorum.

I really like Denver because it's a young city with lots of energy, ||||||||||||活気 Denver'ı gerçekten seviyorum çünkü çok fazla enerjisi olan genç bir şehir.

but if you need a break it's easy to drive to the mountains and find a quiet place to relax. ||||||||||||||||安静||| |||||rest period||||travel by car||||||||||unwind しかし、休息が必要なら、車で山に行き、リラックスできる静かな場所を見つけるのは簡単だ。 но если вам нужен перерыв, легко съездить в горы и найти тихое место для отдыха. ama bir molaya ihtiyacınız varsa, dağlara gitmek ve dinlenmek için sakin bir yer bulmak kolaydır.

The only real disadvantage is that winter can be seriously cold! |||drawback|||cold season|||extremely|chilly or freezing 唯一の欠点は、冬がひどく寒いことだ! Единственный реальный недостаток в том, что зимой может быть очень холодно! Tek gerçek dezavantaj, kışın çok soğuk olabilmesidir!

Denver's changed quite a lot in the last twenty years Denver has||||||||| デンバー||||||||| Denver son yirmi yılda oldukça değişti

Many people are moving here to work. Многие переезжают сюда работать. Birçok insan çalışmak için buraya taşınıyor.

Unfortunately, the cost of living has also gone up quite a lot." Regrettably||||||||||| |||||||||bastante|| 残念ながら、生活費もかなり上がっている。 К сожалению, стоимость жизни также значительно выросла». Maalesef hayat pahalılığı da oldukça arttı."

Okay, now it's definitely your turn! Talk about your hometown. Make a longer answer |现在|||||||||||| さあ、次はあなたの番です! あなたの故郷について話してください。 もっと長い答えを作ってください。 Ладно, теперь точно твоя очередь! Расскажите о своем родном городе. Сделайте более длинный ответ Tamam, şimdi kesinlikle sıra sende! Memleketiniz hakkında konuşun. daha uzun cevap ver

like these ones. bunlar gibi

If you want, you can post your answer in the video comments. We'll give you feedback |||||||||||评论|||| |||||submit||||||video feedback section|||| Si quieres||||||||||||||| Если хотите, можете оставить свой ответ в комментариях к видео. Мы дадим вам обратную связь İsterseniz cevabınızı video yorumlarına yazabilirsiniz. Size geri bildirimde bulunacağız

on your English. İngilizceniz üzerinde.

That's the end of the lesson. I hope you learned something useful! |||||||wish|||| Bu dersin sonu. Umarım faydalı bir şeyler öğrenmişsindir!

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English dot com. |period or point|

Thanks for watching, and see you next time! İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler, bir dahaki sefere görüşürüz!