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Oxford Online English, Talking About Your Home - How to Describe Your Home in English - Spoken English Lesson

Talking About Your Home - How to Describe Your Home in English - Spoken English Lesson

Hello, I'm Oli.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn about how to talk about your home in English.

Where do you live?

What's your home like?

What about your neighbourhood?

Talking about where you live is a common conversation topic in English.

So it's good to have some things to say.

Part one: introducing where you live and talking about types of home.

Let's start with a simple sentence.

"I live in a..." what could you put there?

You could say, "I live in a house," "I live in an apartment."

In Britain, people sometimes say, "Flat."

'Flat' and 'apartment' have the same meaning.

Next, let's add a bit more detail.

What kind of house or apartment is it?

For example, "I live in a small, two-storey house in the suburbs."

When we say how many floors a building has, we usually use the word storey, so you can

say a two-storey house, a four-storey apartment building and so on.

"I live in an apartment on the third floor of a four-storey building."

There are many different kinds of house and apartment.

For example, do you live in a terraced house, a semi-detached house, or a detached house?

Terraced houses have other houses on both sides, a semi-detached house has another house

just on one side, and a detached house stands by itself.

Detached houses are usually larger and more expensive.

Terraced houses are usually smaller and cheaper.

What kinds of houses are more common in your country?

What about apartments?

Many apartments are in apartment buildings.

Easy enough, right?

If you live in a very tall apartment building with many floors, you can say you live in

a high-rise in American English or a tower block in British English.

Sometimes a house is divided into apartments, these are called converted apartments.

Apartments come in many different sizes, if an apartment just has one room which is a

bedroom and living room together, it's called a studio.

Of course, you can also have bigger apartments, a two-bedroom apartment, a three-bedroom apartment

and so on.

Large apartments might be duplex apartments, this means the apartment has more than one


What about you?

Where do you live?

Do you live in a house or an apartment?

Could you make a sentence using the vocabulary from this section?

For example, "I live in a two-story terraced house."

"I live in an apartment on the 28th floor of a high-rise building."

"I live in a converted studio apartment."

Next, let's see how you can describe the inside of your home in more detail.

If you want to describe your home, what can you talk about?

Well, you could start by saying what rooms it has.

For example, "My house has two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a garden."

It's always better to add adjectives or details to make your speaking more interesting.

Let's try: "My house has two small bedrooms, a kitchen with a dining table, a living room

with big windows, and a small garden."

What other rooms might you have in your home?

You could have a dining room for people to eat together.

Maybe you have an office or a study where you can work, if you live in a warmer country,

you might have a balcony or a terrace where you can sit outside in warmer weather.

What about your home?

What does it have?

Does your home have a garden, a balcony, or another outdoor area?

Try to make a sentence describing your home.

For example, "I live in a two-bedroom apartment.

The bedrooms are quite small, but there's a big living room with a dining area, a modern

kitchen, and also a small balcony where we can sit outside in the summer."

What can you say about your home?

Okay, next, saying what you like or dislike.

So now you can hopefully describe your home a little bit, but what about your opinion?

What do you like about your home, and what would you change if you could?

Positive words you could use to describe your home include 'spacious', meaning large with

lots of room; 'cosy' which means comfortable in a warm welcoming way; 'light' describes

a home which gets lot of natural light.

You can say your home is 'warm' or 'cool', meaning that it's comfortable in winter or

in summer.

Finally, you can describe your home as 'convenient', meaning it's close to your job, it's close

to the shops, it's close to your children's school and so on.

You can use 'convenient' plus 'for.'

For example, "it's convenient for the subway," or "it's convenient for my office."

Could you use any of these words to describe your home?

Okay, but what if you don't like your home?

Well, here are some words you could use: 'cramped' means your home is too small, so you don't

have enough space.

'Dark' means your home doesn't get enough light, so that even when it's sunny outside,

it's still dark inside.

'Drafty' means cold air comes inside through the windows or through the doors in the winter.

'Stuffy' means there's not enough air so it's very uncomfortable in hot weather.

You could say your home is 'noisy', for example if you live near a main road, your home might

be noisy even at night.

Can you make a sentence about your home using some of these words?

For example, "My home is light and spacious, but it can get very drafty in the winter."

"I like my apartment because it's cosy, although it can be noisy because there's a restaurant

just downstairs."

Okay, so now you can talk about your home and what you think of it.

What else can you say on this topic?

Let's look, part four: saying who you live with.

Who do you live with?

Do live with your parents, your husband or wife, with your family?

Do you live by yourself or do you live with flatmates (people who you share a rented flat


Maybe you live with friends.

Let's look at examples of what you could say here.

"I live with my parents."

"I live in a shared house; I have four flatmates."

"I live by myself."

What about you?

Okay, that was easy.

Let's look at one more topic you can talk about.

Part five: talking about your neighbourhood.

First, be careful with the word 'neighbourhood'.

A neighbourhood is not a person; it's the area near your home.

So where is your home?

Is it in the city centre, the suburbs, or outside the city?

If you live outside the city, do you live on the outskirts of the city, in a village,

or in the middle of nowhere?

How could you describe your neighbourhood?

Is it quiet or lively?

Trendy or boring?

Are there many shops, cafes, bars, restaurants?

Are there parks or sports facilities?

For example, you could say, "I live in a very lively area just south of the city center.

There are many cafes, shops, and places to go."

Or, "I live in a quiet area in the suburbs, in the north of the city.

It's a nice area and it's quiet, but it's a bit boring.

There isn't really anything to do."

What about you?

Can you say something about your neighborhood?

Okay, finally let's put everything together.

If you can use everything we've looked at in this lesson, you should be able to speak

very clearly and with lots of details about your home and where you live.

For example, "I live in a two-story terraced house.

It has two bedrooms, a living room, a small kitchen, and a garden.

It's cosy and convenient for getting to work, but it's a bit cramped, especially when we

have guests.

I live with my wife and daughter.

Our house is near the city centre in a quiet neighborhood.

There isn't much to do, but there are some small shops and a park where we go if the

weather's nice."

Here's one more sample answer: "I live by myself in a studio apartment.

It just has one main room with a tiny kitchen.

It's very warm in winter, but it can get a bit stuffy in summer.

I live in the city center, very close to everything.

It's very lively, with lots of bars and restaurants.

It's a good place for young people to live, but not many families choose to live here."

What about you?

Can you make an answer like this talking about where you live?

Try to use as much language from the lesson as you can.

Okay, that's the end of the lesson.

Thanks very much for watching.

You can see more of our free English lessons on our website, oxfordonlineenglish.com, but

that's all.

Thanks again.

I'll see you next time.


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Talking About Your Home - How to Describe Your Home in English - Spoken English Lesson ||||||tanımlamak||||||| Sprechen Sie über Ihr Zuhause - Wie Sie Ihr Zuhause auf Englisch beschreiben - Gesprochene Englisch Lektion Talking About Your Home - How to Describe Your Home in English - Spoken English Lesson Hablar de su casa - Cómo describir su casa en inglés - Lección de inglés hablado Parler de sa maison - Comment décrire sa maison en anglais - Leçon d'anglais parlé Parlare della propria casa - Come descrivere la propria casa in inglese - Lezione di inglese parlato 自分の家について話す - 英語で自分の家を説明する方法 - スピーキングレッスン 집에 대해 말하기 - 영어로 집을 설명하는 방법 - 영어 회화 수업 Praten over je huis - Hoe je je huis beschrijft in het Engels - Gesproken Engelse les Rozmowa o domu - Jak opisać swój dom po angielsku - Lekcja mówionego angielskiego Parlare della propria casa - Come descrivere la propria casa in inglese - Lezione di inglese parlato Говоря о своем доме - Как описать свой дом на английском языке - Урок разговорного английского Att prata om sitt hem - hur man beskriver sitt hem på engelska - lektion i talad engelska Sprechen Sie über Ihr Zuhause - Wie Sie Ihr Zuhause auf Englisch beschreiben - Gesprochene Englisch Lektion Talking about your home - Як описати свій дім англійською мовою - урок розмовної англійської 谈论您的家 - 如何用英语描述您的家 - 英语口语课程 談論你的家 - 如何用英語描述你的家 - 英語口語課程

Hello, I'm Oli.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn about how to talk about your home in English. ||||are able to|||||||||| |||||öğrenmek|||||hakkında|||bu derste|

Where do you live? |||yaşamak Wo wohnen Sie? Where do you live?

What's your home like? Wie ist es bei dir zu Hause? Каков твой дом?

What about your neighbourhood? |||mahalle Was ist mit deiner Nachbarschaft? E a sua vizinhança? А как насчет вашего района?

Talking about where you live is a common conversation topic in English. Разговоры||||||||||| |||||||yaygın|sohbet|yer|| Über Ihren Wohnort zu sprechen, ist ein häufiges Gesprächsthema auf Englisch. 住んでいる場所について話すことは、英語ではよくある会話のトピックだ。 Falar sobre onde se vive é um tema de conversa comum em inglês. Разговор о том, где вы живете, является распространенной темой для разговоров на английском языке. Nerede yaşadığınız hakkında konuşmak İngilizcede yaygın bir sohbet konusudur.

So it's good to have some things to say. Es ist also gut, etwas zu sagen zu haben. Por isso, é bom ter algumas coisas a dizer. Так что хорошо, что есть что сказать.

Part one: introducing where you live and talking about types of home. ||introducing||||||||| Erster Teil: Ihren Wohnort vorstellen und über Wohnformen sprechen. Primeira parte: introduzir onde se vive e falar sobre tipos de casas. Часть первая: рассказ о том, где вы живете, и о типах домов.

Let's start with a simple sentence. Beginnen wir mit einem einfachen Satz. Vamos começar com uma frase simples.

"I live in a..." what could you put there? "Ich wohne in einem..." was könnte man da schreiben? "Eu vivo num..." o que é que se poderia pôr lá? "Я живу в..." что бы вы могли туда написать?

You could say, "I live in a house," "I live in an apartment." 私は一軒家に住んでいます」「私はアパートに住んでいます」。 Poder-se-ia dizer: "Vivo numa casa", "Vivo num apartamento".

In Britain, people sometimes say, "Flat." イギリスでは "フラット "と言うことがある。 Na Grã-Bretanha, as pessoas dizem por vezes: "Flat".

'Flat' and 'apartment' have the same meaning. 'Plano' e 'apartamento' têm o mesmo significado.

Next, let's add a bit more detail. A seguir, vamos acrescentar um pouco mais de detalhe.

What kind of house or apartment is it? Что это за дом или квартира?

For example, "I live in a small, two-storey house in the suburbs." ||||||||этажный||||пригороде ||||||||étage|||| ||||||||floor||||residential areas ||||||||storey||||suburbs ||||||||层|||| ||||||||階建て|||| على سبيل المثال، "أعيش في منزل صغير مكون من طابقين في الضواحي". Zum Beispiel: „Ich wohne in einem kleinen, zweistöckigen Haus am Stadtrand.“ 例えば、"私は郊外の小さな2階建ての家に住んでいます"。 Por exemplo, "Vivo numa pequena casa de dois andares nos subúrbios". 例如,“我住在郊區的一棟兩層小房子裡。”

When we say how many floors a building has, we usually use the word storey, so you can Wenn wir sagen, wie viele Stockwerke ein Gebäude hat, verwenden wir in der Regel das Wort Stockwerk, damit Sie 建物が何階建てかを言う場合、通常は階数という言葉を使う。 Quando dizemos quantos andares tem um edifício, normalmente usamos a palavra storey, para que possa Когда мы говорим, сколько этажей в здании, мы обычно используем слово «этаж», поэтому вы можете

say a two-storey house, a four-storey apartment building and so on. |||piso||||||||| sagen wir ein zweistöckiges Haus, ein vierstöckiges Mehrfamilienhaus und so weiter. digamos uma casa de dois andares, um edifício de apartamentos de quatro andares e assim por diante. 比如说一栋两层楼的房子,一栋四层的公寓楼等等。

"I live in an apartment on the third floor of a four-storey building." "Ich wohne in einer Wohnung im dritten Stock eines vierstöckigen Gebäudes." "Vivo num apartamento no terceiro andar de um edifício de quatro andares". "Dört katlı bir binanın üçüncü katındaki bir dairede yaşıyorum." “我住在一栋四层楼的三楼的公寓里。”

There are many different kinds of house and apartment. Es gibt viele verschiedene Arten von Häusern und Wohnungen. Есть много разных домов и квартир.

For example, do you live in a terraced house, a semi-detached house, or a detached house? |||||||рядный дом||||||||отдельный дом| |||||||||||individuelle||||| |||||||rowhouse||||||||| |||||||||||detached||||| |||||||排屋||||独立的||||独立的| |||||||||||一戸建て||||一戸建て| Wohnen Sie zum Beispiel in einem Reihenhaus, einer Doppelhaushälfte oder einem Einfamilienhaus? 例えば、テラスハウス、セミデタッチドハウス、デタッチドハウスのどれにお住まいですか? Na przykład, czy mieszkasz w domu szeregowym, w zabudowie bliźniaczej lub w domu jednorodzinnym? Por exemplo, vive numa casa geminada, numa casa semi-destacada, ou numa casa isolada? 例如,您住在联排别墅、半独立式别墅还是独立式别墅? 例如,您住在聯排別墅、半獨立式別墅還是獨立式別墅?

Terraced houses have other houses on both sides, a semi-detached house has another house |منازل متلاصقة||||||||||||| Adosadas|||||||||||||| Reihenhäuser haben auf beiden Seiten andere Häuser, ein Doppelhaus hat ein weiteres Haus テラスハウスは両側に他の家があり、セミデタッチドハウスには他の家がある。 As casas geminadas têm outras casas de ambos os lados, uma casa geminada tem outra casa Таунхаусы имеют другие дома с обеих сторон, двухквартирный дом имеет еще один дом Teraslı evlerin her iki yanında başka evler vardır, yarı müstakil bir evin başka bir evi vardır 联排别墅两侧都有其他房屋,半独立式住宅两侧还有另一栋房屋

just on one side, and a detached house stands by itself. ||||||abgeschieden|||| ||||||independiente|||| nur auf einer Seite, und ein freistehendes Haus steht für sich allein. 片側には一戸建ての家が建っている。 только с одной стороны, а особняк стоит отдельно. 仅在一侧,就有一栋独立式住宅矗立在那里。

Detached houses are usually larger and more expensive. not connected||||||| Einfamilienhäuser sind in der Regel größer und teurer. 戸建て住宅は通常、より大きく、より高価である。

Terraced houses are usually smaller and cheaper. 排屋|房屋||||| Maisons mitoyennes|||||| ||||||más baratas Reihenhäuser sind in der Regel kleiner und günstiger. テラスハウスは通常、小さくて安い。 As casas geminadas são normalmente mais pequenas e mais baratas.

What kinds of houses are more common in your country? Welche Arten von Häusern sind in Ihrem Land häufiger? あなたの国ではどのような住宅が一般的ですか? Que tipos de casas são mais comuns no seu país? Какие типы домов более распространены в вашей стране?

What about apartments? Was ist mit Wohnungen? Mi a helyzet a lakásokkal? アパートはどうですか?

Many apartments are in apartment buildings. Sok lakás apartmanházakban található. 多くのアパートは集合住宅の中にある。 Многие квартиры находятся в многоквартирных домах.

Easy enough, right? Einfach genug, oder? 簡単だろう? Достаточно легко, верно?

If you live in a very tall apartment building with many floors, you can say you live in 階建ての高層マンションに住んでいる場合、あなたは次のように言うことができる。

a high-rise in American English or a tower block in British English. |高层建筑||||||||高层建筑||| ||Gratte-ciel|||||||||| ||||||||high-rise|||| ||||||||タワー|||| ein Hochhaus in amerikanischem Englisch oder ein Hochhaus in britischem Englisch. 在美式英语中为 a high rise ,在英式英语中为 tower block 。 美式英語中的高層建築或英式英語中的塔樓。

Sometimes a house is divided into apartments, these are called converted apartments. ||房屋||分割成||||||改建的| ||||||||||convertiti| ||||||||||改装された| Manchmal ist ein Haus in Wohnungen aufgeteilt, diese werden umgebaute Wohnungen genannt. 一軒家をアパートメントに分割することもあるが、これはコンバート・アパートメントと呼ばれる。 Иногда дом делится на квартиры, их называют переоборудованными квартирами. 有时,一栋房子会被分成几套公寓,这些公寓被称为改建公寓。 有時,房子被分成公寓,這些被稱為改建公寓。

Apartments come in many different sizes, if an apartment just has one room which is a アパートメントには様々な大きさがあり、もしアパートメントに1部屋しかない場合、その部屋は、1階と2階に分かれている。 Квартиры бывают разных размеров, если в квартире всего одна комната, 公寓有多种不同的大小,如果一个公寓只有一个房间,

bedroom and living room together, it's called a studio. 卧室|||||||| 卧室和客厅连在一起,叫做工作室。

Of course, you can also have bigger apartments, a two-bedroom apartment, a three-bedroom apartment |||||拥有|||||||||| Конечно, у вас могут быть и большие квартиры, двухкомнатная квартира, трехкомнатная квартира. Elbette, daha büyük dairelere, iki yatak odalı bir daireye, üç yatak odalı bir daireye de sahip olabilirsiniz 当然,你也可以有更大的公寓,两居室公寓,三居室公寓

and so on.

Large apartments might be duplex apartments, this means the apartment has more than one ||||复式公寓||||||||| ||||two levels||||||||| ||||二重の||||||||| Большие квартиры могут быть двухуровневыми, это означает, что в квартире больше одного 大型公寓可能是复式公寓,这意味着公寓有多个


What about you? Was ist mit Ihnen? А вы?

Where do you live?

Do you live in a house or an apartment?

Could you make a sentence using the vocabulary from this section?

For example, "I live in a two-story terraced house." ||||||两层|两层楼|| |||||||piso|adosada| Zum Beispiel: „Ich wohne in einem zweistöckigen Reihenhaus.“ Ad esempio, "Abito in una casa a due piani a schiera". 例えば、"私は2階建てのテラスハウスに住んでいます"。 Например, «Я живу в двухэтажном таунхаусе». 例如,“我住在一栋两层的联排别墅里。”

"I live in an apartment on the 28th floor of a high-rise building." "Ich wohne in einer Wohnung im 28. Stock eines Hochhauses." «Я живу в квартире на 28 этаже многоэтажного дома». “我住在一栋高层建筑的28层公寓里。”

"I live in a converted studio apartment." ||||aménagé|| ||||convertido|| "Ich wohne in einem umgebauten Studio-Apartment." “我住在一个改建的单间公寓里。”

Next, let's see how you can describe the inside of your home in more detail.

If you want to describe your home, what can you talk about?

Well, you could start by saying what rooms it has. Ну, вы могли бы начать с того, что в нем есть комнаты.

For example, "My house has two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a garden." ||||||bedrooms||||||||

It's always better to add adjectives or details to make your speaking more interesting. |总是|||||||||||| Es ist immer besser, Adjektive oder Details hinzuzufügen, um Ihre Rede interessanter zu machen. Всегда лучше добавить прилагательные или детали, чтобы сделать вашу речь более интересной.

Let's try: "My house has two small bedrooms, a kitchen with a dining table, a living room

with big windows, and a small garden."

What other rooms might you have in your home? What other rooms might you have in your home? あなたの家には他にどんな部屋がありますか?

You could have a dining room for people to eat together. Sie könnten einen Speisesaal haben, in dem die Leute zusammen essen können.

Maybe you have an office or a study where you can work, if you live in a warmer country, |||||||书房||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||暖かい| Vielleicht haben Sie ein Büro oder ein Arbeitszimmer, in dem Sie arbeiten können, wenn Sie in einem wärmeren Land leben, 暖かい国に住んでいるなら、仕事ができるオフィスや書斎があるかもしれない、 也许你有一个办公室或书房可以工作,如果你住在一个气候更温暖的国家,

you might have a balcony or a terrace where you can sit outside in warmer weather. |||||||露台|||||||| ||||balcony|||outdoor platform|||||||| |||||||テラス|||||||| Sie haben vielleicht einen Balkon oder eine Terrasse, wo Sie bei wärmerem Wetter draußen sitzen können. バルコニーやテラスがあり、暖かい季節には外で座ることができる。 您可能有一个阳台或露台,天气温暖时您可以在外面坐着。

What about your home? Was ist mit deinem Zuhause?

What does it have? Was hat es?

Does your home have a garden, a balcony, or another outdoor area? Verfügt Ihr Haus über einen Garten, einen Balkon oder einen anderen Außenbereich?

Try to make a sentence describing your home.

For example, "I live in a two-bedroom apartment. Zum Beispiel: „Ich wohne in einer 2-Zimmer-Wohnung.

The bedrooms are quite small, but there's a big living room with a dining area, a modern |||かなり|||||||||||||

kitchen, and also a small balcony where we can sit outside in the summer."

What can you say about your home?

Okay, next, saying what you like or dislike. |||||||dislike

So now you can hopefully describe your home a little bit, but what about your opinion? Jetzt können Sie Ihr Zuhause hoffentlich ein wenig beschreiben, aber wie sieht es mit Ihrer Meinung aus? Итак, теперь вы, надеюсь, можете немного описать свой дом, но как насчет вашего мнения?

What do you like about your home, and what would you change if you could?

Positive words you could use to describe your home include 'spacious', meaning large with ||||||||||宽敞的||| ||||||||||room to move||| ||||||||||広々とした||| Positive Wörter, die Sie verwenden könnten, um Ihr Zuhause zu beschreiben, sind „geräumig“, was bedeutet, dass es groß ist Положительные слова, которые вы могли бы использовать для описания своего дома, включают «просторный», что означает «большой с

lots of room; 'cosy' which means comfortable in a warm welcoming way; 'light' describes |||||||||温馨舒适|温馨舒适||| |||comfortable warm|||||||||| viel Platz; „gemütlich“, was auf eine herzlich einladende Weise gemütlich bedeutet; 'Licht' beschreibt 房间宽敞;“舒适”意味着温暖舒适;“明亮”描述

a home which gets lot of natural light. |||获得||||

You can say your home is 'warm' or 'cool', meaning that it's comfortable in winter or Вы можете сказать, что ваш дом «теплый» или «прохладный», имея в виду, что в нем комфортно зимой или

in summer.

Finally, you can describe your home as 'convenient', meaning it's close to your job, it's close |||||||方便的|||||||| |||||||convenient = vicino|||||||| |||||||accessible nearby handy|||||||| 最後に、あなたの家を「便利」と表現することができる。 Наконец, вы можете описать свой дом как «удобный», что означает, что он находится недалеко от вашей работы, близко 最后,你可以用“方便”来形容你的家,意思是它离你的工作地点很近,很近

to the shops, it's close to your children's school and so on. 買い物に行くにも、子供の学校にも近い。

You can use 'convenient' plus 'for.' Sie können „bequem“ plus „für“ verwenden.

For example, "it's convenient for the subway," or "it's convenient for my office." |||||||||pratique||| ||||||地下鉄|||||| Zum Beispiel „es ist praktisch für die U-Bahn“ oder „es ist praktisch für mein Büro“. 例えば、"地下鉄に便利 "とか、"オフィスに便利 "とか。 Например, «удобно в метро» или «удобно в моем офисе».

Could you use any of these words to describe your home? |||いずれかの|||||||

Okay, but what if you don't like your home? Okay, aber was, wenn dir dein Zuhause nicht gefällt?

Well, here are some words you could use: 'cramped' means your home is too small, so you don't ||||||||狭小的||||||||| ||||||||too small||||||||| ||||||||too small||||||||| Nun, hier sind einige Wörter, die Sie verwenden könnten: "eng" bedeutet, dass Ihr Zuhause zu klein ist, also nicht

have enough space.

'Dark' means your home doesn't get enough light, so that even when it's sunny outside, „Dunkel“ bedeutet, dass Ihr Zuhause nicht genug Licht bekommt, sodass selbst wenn es draußen sonnig ist, «Темно» означает, что ваш дом не получает достаточно света, так что даже когда на улице солнечно,

it's still dark inside.

'Drafty' means cold air comes inside through the windows or through the doors in the winter. 漏风的||||||||||||||| Mal isolé||||||||||||||| cold air||||||||||||||| cold air||||||||||||||| 隙間風の||||||||||||||| „Zug“ bedeutet, dass kalte Luft durch die Fenster oder im Winter durch die Türen hereinströmt.

'Stuffy' means there's not enough air so it's very uncomfortable in hot weather. 闷热|||||||||||| Mal aéré|||||||||||| suffocating|||||||||||| 息苦しい|||||||||||| "Stuffig" bedeutet, dass es nicht genug Luft gibt, also ist es bei heißem Wetter sehr unangenehm.

You could say your home is 'noisy', for example if you live near a main road, your home might ||||||loud and disruptive||||||||||||

be noisy even at night. быть шумным даже ночью.

Can you make a sentence about your home using some of these words?

For example, "My home is light and spacious, but it can get very drafty in the winter." Zum Beispiel: „Mein Zuhause ist hell und geräumig, aber im Winter kann es sehr zugig werden.“ 例如,“我的家宽敞明亮,但冬天通风很差。”

"I like my apartment because it's cosy, although it can be noisy because there's a restaurant „Ich mag meine Wohnung, weil sie gemütlich ist, obwohl es laut sein kann, weil es ein Restaurant gibt “我喜欢我的公寓,因为它很舒适,尽管那里有餐厅,可能会有点吵

just downstairs." einfach unten." 就在楼下。”

Okay, so now you can talk about your home and what you think of it.

What else can you say on this topic? Was können Sie zu diesem Thema noch sagen?

Let's look, part four: saying who you live with. Schauen wir, Teil vier: Sagen, mit wem Sie leben.

Who do you live with? Mit wem lebst du zusammen?

Do live with your parents, your husband or wife, with your family?

Do you live by yourself or do you live with flatmates (people who you share a rented flat ||||||||||室友||||||| ||||||||||roommates||||||rented| ||||||||||ルームメイト||||||| Lebst du alleine oder lebst du mit Mitbewohnern (Menschen, mit denen du eine Mietwohnung teilst 你是独自生活还是与室友一起生活(与你合租公寓的人)


Maybe you live with friends. Vielleicht wohnst du bei Freunden.

Let's look at examples of what you could say here.

"I live with my parents."

"I live in a shared house; I have four flatmates." "Ich wohne in einer WG, ich habe vier Mitbewohner."

"I live by myself." "Ich lebe allein."

What about you? А вы?

Okay, that was easy.

Let's look at one more topic you can talk about. Schauen wir uns ein weiteres Thema an, über das Sie sprechen können.

Part five: talking about your neighbourhood. Teil 5: Sprechen Sie über Ihre Nachbarschaft. Часть пятая: рассказ о своем районе.

First, be careful with the word 'neighbourhood'. Во-первых, будьте осторожны со словом «соседство».

A neighbourhood is not a person; it's the area near your home. 邻居不是一个人,而是你家附近的区域。

So where is your home?

Is it in the city centre, the suburbs, or outside the city? Liegt es im Stadtzentrum, in den Vororten oder außerhalb der Stadt? 是在市中心、郊区、还是城外?

If you live outside the city, do you live on the outskirts of the city, in a village, |||||城市||||||郊区||||||村庄 |||||||||||outskirts|||||| |||||||||||suburbs|||||| Wenn Sie außerhalb der Stadt wohnen, leben Sie am Stadtrand, in einem Dorf, 如果你住在城外,你是住在城郊的村庄里,

or in the middle of nowhere? oder mitten im Nirgendwo? それとも人里離れた場所? 还是在荒无人烟的地方? 還是在偏僻的地方?

How could you describe your neighbourhood? |||||社区环境

Is it quiet or lively? ||安静||热闹的 ||||lively Ist es ruhig oder lebhaft? Он тихий или оживленный?

Trendy or boring? fashionable|| 流行の|| Trendig oder langweilig?

Are there many shops, cafes, bars, restaurants? |||stores|coffee shops|| Gibt es viele Geschäfte, Cafés, Bars, Restaurants?

Are there parks or sports facilities? ||||体育设施| |||||facilities ||公園||| Gibt es Parks oder Sportanlagen?

For example, you could say, "I live in a very lively area just south of the city center. Du könntest zum Beispiel sagen: „Ich wohne in einer sehr lebhaften Gegend südlich des Stadtzentrums. Например, можно сказать: «Я живу в очень оживленном районе к югу от центра города.

There are many cafes, shops, and places to go." Es gibt viele Cafés, Geschäfte und Ausflugsziele." Здесь много кафе, магазинов и мест, где можно погулять».

Or, "I live in a quiet area in the suburbs, in the north of the city. Oder: „Ich wohne in einer ruhigen Gegend am Stadtrand, im Norden der Stadt.

It's a nice area and it's quiet, but it's a bit boring. إنها منطقة جميلة وهادئة، ولكنها مملة بعض الشيء. Es ist eine schöne Gegend und es ist ruhig, aber es ist ein bisschen langweilig. Это хороший район, здесь тихо, но немного скучно.

There isn't really anything to do." "لا يوجد شيء يمكن فعله حقًا." Es gibt eigentlich nichts zu tun." Делать особо нечего».

What about you? Was ist mit Ihnen?

Can you say something about your neighborhood? ||||||近所 هل يمكنك أن تقول شيئا عن حيّك؟ Kannst du etwas über deine Nachbarschaft sagen?

Okay, finally let's put everything together. Okay, lass uns endlich alles zusammenfügen. Ладно, наконец, соберем все воедино.

If you can use everything we've looked at in this lesson, you should be able to speak Wenn Sie alles anwenden können, was wir uns in dieser Lektion angesehen haben, sollten Sie sprechen können

very clearly and with lots of details about your home and where you live.

For example, "I live in a two-story terraced house. على سبيل المثال، "أنا أعيش في منزل متدرج مكون من طابقين. Zum Beispiel: „Ich wohne in einem zweistöckigen Reihenhaus. 例如,“我住在一栋两层的联排别墅里。

It has two bedrooms, a living room, a small kitchen, and a garden. تحتوي على غرفتي نوم وصالة ومطبخ صغير وحديقة. 有两间卧室、一间客厅、一间小厨房和一个花园。

It's cosy and convenient for getting to work, but it's a bit cramped, especially when we ||||||||||||à l'étroit||| ||||||||||||apretado||| إنه مريح ومريح للوصول إلى العمل، لكنه ضيق بعض الشيء، خاصة عندما نصل إلى هناك. Es ist gemütlich und bequem, um zur Arbeit zu kommen, aber es ist etwas eng, besonders wenn wir 居心地がよく、通勤には便利なのだが、少し窮屈だ。 Уютно и удобно добираться до работы, но немного тесновато, особенно когда мы 它很舒适,上班很方便,但有点拥挤,尤其是当我们

have guests. لدي ضيوف. есть гости.

I live with my wife and daughter.

Our house is near the city centre in a quiet neighborhood. Unser Haus liegt in der Nähe des Stadtzentrums in einer ruhigen Gegend. 私たちの家は市の中心部に近く、静かな地区にある。

There isn't much to do, but there are some small shops and a park where we go if the あまり何もすることはないけれど、小さなお店や公園があるので、週末になるとそこに行くんだ。 Делать особо нечего, но есть несколько небольших магазинчиков и парк, куда мы ходим, если

weather's nice." weather is| 天気は|

Here's one more sample answer: "I live by myself in a studio apartment. Hier ist noch eine Beispielantwort: „Ich lebe alleine in einer Einzimmerwohnung. 这里还有一个示例答案:“我独自住在一间单间公寓里。

It just has one main room with a tiny kitchen. Es hat nur einen Hauptraum mit einer winzigen Küche.

It's very warm in winter, but it can get a bit stuffy in summer. |||||||||||sofocante|| Im Winter ist es sehr warm, aber im Sommer kann es etwas stickig werden.

I live in the city center, very close to everything. Ich lebe im Stadtzentrum, ganz in der Nähe von allem. Я живу в центре города, очень близко ко всему.

It's very lively, with lots of bars and restaurants. Es ist sehr lebhaft, mit vielen Bars und Restaurants.

It's a good place for young people to live, but not many families choose to live here." Es ist ein guter Ort für junge Leute zum Leben, aber nicht viele Familien entscheiden sich dafür, hier zu leben." Это хорошее место для жизни молодежи, но немногие семьи предпочитают здесь жить».

What about you?

Can you make an answer like this talking about where you live? Можете ли вы сделать такой ответ, говоря о том, где вы живете?

Try to use as much language from the lesson as you can. できるだけレッスンで習った言葉を使うようにしましょう。

Okay, that's the end of the lesson.

Thanks very much for watching.

You can see more of our free English lessons on our website, oxfordonlineenglish.com, but

that's all.

Thanks again.

I'll see you next time. Te veré||||
