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Oxford Online English, Speak English Fluently - 5 Steps to Improve Your English Fluency

Speak English Fluently - 5 Steps to Improve Your English Fluency

Hi, I'm Oli. Welcome to Oxford Online English! In this lesson, you can learn how to speak

more fluently in English.

How long have you been studying English? Do you find that sometimes that even though you

study hard, you can't speak fluently? Do you learn lots of grammar and vocabulary,

but you find it difficult to make sentences when you speak.

In this lesson, we're going to talk about fluency and what you can do to change this

situation and improve your English fluency.

Part one: what is fluency?

Sometimes, when people talk about fluency, they just mean speaking a language well. For

some people, speaking English fluently just means having a good general level of English.

However, fluency is more specific than that. Fluency means you can speak smoothly, without

stopping or hesitating.

There are two sides to fluency. One side is physical: your mouth needs to produce and

connect English sounds and words in a fast, smooth way.

The other side of fluency is mental: your brain needs to find the right words and build

English sentences quickly and smoothly.

To improve your fluency, you need to work on both sides: physical and mental.

But first…

Part two: rule number one: get out there!

There are many things you can do to improve your English fluency.

However, if you want to become more fluent, there's really one thing you have to do.

Get out there and speak English. Talk to people and have conversations regularly. Nothing

else you can do is as important as this.

Reading English will improve your reading. Practicing listening will improve your listening.

But what about speaking? Nothing will help your speaking except speaking.

Speaking English is a practical skill. It's not an academic subject; it's not something

you can learn from a book.

It's more like doing a sport or playing a musical instrument: you need to practice

regularly to make any progress.

How regularly? As often as you can!

There's no maximum, but I'd recommend you need to spend at least 2-3 hours a week

speaking English if you want to improve.

So, how can you do this?

Go to classes, talk to expats in your city, join groups or activities with English-speakers,

find a conversation partner online, do a language exchange; there are many possibilities!

By the way, what you do doesn't have to be language-focused. You can go to English

classes to practice your speaking, but anything you do which is in English and which will

make you speak English is just as good.

I'm going to take a guess here about what many of you are thinking right now: “But

I don't have people to talk to”; “But I'm shy”; “But it's too difficult.”

Let's talk about that quickly.

Part three: get used to pressure.

Speaking a foreign language is hard. Situations which would be easy in your language can feel

difficult in another language. Situations which would feel difficult in your language

can feel almost impossible when you have to do them in a foreign language.

That's how it is. It's easy to imagine when you start learning another language that

you will reach a point where everything is easy and comfortable.

But unless you live in a foreign country and live completely inside that culture, that

won't happen. Trust me—I've studied several languages at this point in my life,

and speak them quite well, but it never feels easy or comfortable.

Why are we talking about this? I'm trying to motivate you to go out and speak more,

practice more. To do that, you have to accept that it will feel difficult, uncomfortable

and intimidating a lot of the time.

That's how it is—don't let it stop you! You can still practice, you can still communicate,

and you can still improve.

I'll give you an example of this from my own experience. I hate making phone calls

in another language. I don't know why, but I find it particularly intimidating. I guess

because I can't use context or facial expressions or anything like that to help me understand

or communicate.

I lived in Russia and I studied Russian. I hated making phone calls in Russian. Then

I lived in China and I studied Chinese. I hated making phone calls in Chinese. Now I'm

studying Greek. Guess what? I hate making phone calls in Greek, too.

It still feels just as difficult and just as intimidating. I haven't learned any tricks

to make it easier. All I've done is that I accept that this is how it feels. That's

it. I still do it, because I have to sometimes.

I just accept that I'm going to feel nervous or uncomfortable, and I have to speak and

communicate anyway.

And I do! It doesn't stop you. Feeling nervous does not stop you communicating.

This will be the same for you sometimes. It might be phone calls; it might be something


The key point? You have to accept and learn to deal with that pressure. Don't think:

it feels scary, so I won't do it. It won't feel less scary in the future. The only way

to make it easier is to go out and do it.

If you do that, you'll feel more confident. It will get a little bit easier with time.

Okay, so you know the most important point about fluency, but is there anything else

you can do to practice? Yes, there is!

Part four: speed reading.

Find a text in English. It can be something from a textbook, from a newspaper, from a

blog, or anywhere.

The text should be fairly easy for you. Don't choose something with a lot of new words or

something which is way above your current English level.

Sit down with a timer. Read the text aloud. Time yourself.

Now, read it again. Try to beat your previous time!

Keep going like this. See how fast you can read the text.

What's this for?

Remember that part of fluency is physical. Your mouth needs to produce English sounds

and English words fast and smoothly.

Speed reading like this is a good way to practice that side of fluency.

This way of practicing is really useful because you can do it almost anywhere and you can

also do as much or as little as you have time for. You can do five minutes practice or fifteen

minutes, or half an hour. It's all helpful!

Let's see another good technique like this:

Part five: using songs.

Find a song in English. Choose something which you like.

Find the lyrics online. If you don't know where to look, just put the song title and

the word ‘lyrics' into Google. You'll find them.

Play the song. Read the lyrics. Sing!

Like with speed reading, this is a good technique to practice the physical side of fluency.

When you sing a song, you have to go at the speed of the song.

Start with slower songs, then choose faster ones. Try to choose something that's possible

but challenging, so you can sing the song, but it's difficult to go fast enough.

Again, this will really help with your physical fluency. It's also easy to do; you can do

one song a day, and I promise you that you will feel a difference quite quickly. I used

this technique a lot when I was learning Chinese, and it really helped.

Speed reading and singing songs are good for physical fluency, but what about the mental

side of fluency?

Let's see what you can do to improve that.

Part six: learn language in chunks.

Here's a question: how do you learn vocabulary?

When I see students learning vocabulary, often it looks like this.

People write down the English word, the translation in their own language, and then they try to

memorise it.

Okay, but what does that have to do with fluency?

Think about it: if you learn language like this, you're making your brain do things

in a very unnatural and complicated way.

First of all, you're learning each word individually. But, when you speak a language,

you don't need individual words, you need phrases and sentences.

Secondly, if you do this, you're learning English through your own language. You're

not learning to speak English, you're trying to learn to translate your language into English

in your head.

So, does this sound familiar? You have a sentence in your head in your own language. You move

through the sentence, translating each word into English.

If you don't know the translation of a word, you get stuck, you feel bad about your English,

and you stop speaking.

You need to break this habit if you want to speak fluently. First of all, this way of

thinking and speaking is always slow. It will always be slow, because you're trying to

do too many things at once.

You're trying to think and remember things in two languages—it's too difficult for


So what can you do?

We said before that you need phrases and sentences when you speak. So, learn language in phrases

and sentences.

For example, imagine that someone asks you:

"What are you doing this weekend?"

Look at three answers:

"I'm going to see some old friends." "I'm thinking of going for a bike ride."

"I might do some odd jobs around the house."

Now, make your own sentences:

"I'm going to ." "I'm thinking of ."

"I might ."

Try to make two or three sentences for each one, so that you use different endings.

Now think: if someone asks you this question:

"What are you doing this weekend?"

If you remember language in big pieces, you only have to remember two things:

"(I'm going to) + (see some old friends)." "(I'm going to) + (have dinner with my family)."

"(I'm going to) + (watch some old movies)."

That makes it easy to respond to questions like this fluently.

On the other hand, if you make a sentence in your head in err... your language in your

head, and then translate each word into English, it's much more complicated. You don't

just have to remember two things; you have to remember many things.

So, try to learn vocabulary in this way. Take a sentence like:

"I went for a walk yesterday."

Keep the basic sentence form, but change part of it:

"I yesterday."

Now, make 2-3 different sentences:

"I took an exam yesterday." "I was lazy all day yesterday."

"I cooked a spicy curry yesterday."

Now, practice and remember the sentences and phrases. This is a much more natural way to

learn vocabulary.

If you learn vocabulary like this, it will be much easier to respond fluently, because

you won't need to think in your own language and translate. You'll remember the whole

phrases and sentences that you need.

Okay, that's the end of our lesson. I hope you learned something about spoken fluency

and how you can improve your fluency in English!

You can find more free English lessons on our website: Oxford Online English dot com.

Thanks for watching, see you next time!

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Speak English Fluently - 5 Steps to Improve Your English Fluency Communicate|||||||| Sprechen Sie fließend Englisch - 5 Schritte zur Verbesserung Ihrer Englischkenntnisse Speak English Fluently - 5 Steps to Improve Your English Fluency Hablar inglés con fluidez - 5 pasos para mejorar su fluidez en inglés Parler couramment l'anglais - 5 étapes pour améliorer votre maîtrise de l'anglais Parlare inglese in modo fluente - 5 passi per migliorare la vostra fluidità in inglese 英語を流暢に話す - 英語力を向上させる5つのステップ 유창하게 영어 말하기 - 영어 유창성 향상을 위한 5단계 Sklandžiai kalbėti angliškai - 5 žingsniai, kaip pagerinti anglų kalbos sklandumą Vloeiend Engels spreken - 5 stappen om uw Engels vloeiend te verbeteren Mów płynnie po angielsku - 5 kroków do poprawy płynności mówienia po angielsku Falar inglês fluentemente - 5 passos para melhorar a sua fluência em inglês Свободно говорите по-английски: 5 шагов, чтобы улучшить ваше беглое владение английским языком İngilizceyi Akıcı Bir Şekilde Konuşun - İngilizce Akıcılığınızı Geliştirmek için 5 Adım Вільно розмовляємо англійською - 5 кроків для покращення рівня володіння англійською мовою 流利地说英语 - 提高英语流利程度的 5 个步骤 說流利英語 - 提升英語流利度的 5 個步驟

Hi, I'm Oli. Welcome to Oxford Online English! In this lesson, you can learn how to speak Hi, I'm Oli. Welcome to Oxford Online English! In this lesson, you can learn how to speak Merhaba, ben Oli. Oxford Online English'e hoş geldiniz! Bu derste nasıl konuşulacağını öğrenebilirsiniz.

more fluently in English. more fluently in English. daha akıcı bir şekilde İngilizce.

How long have you been studying English? Do you find that sometimes that even though you |||||||||||||anche|anche se| ||||||||||||||хоча| Wie lange hast du Englisch gelernt? Findest du das manchmal, obwohl du How long have you been studying English? Do you find that sometimes that even though you Как долго вы изучали английский? Считаете ли вы, что иногда, даже если вы Ne zamandır İngilizce çalışıyorsun? Bazen sen olsan bile bunu buluyor musun?

study hard, you can't speak fluently? Do you learn lots of grammar and vocabulary, усердно учишься, ты не можешь бегло говорить? Вы изучаете много грамматики и словарного запаса, çok çalış, akıcı konuşamıyor musun? Çok fazla dilbilgisi ve kelime bilgisi öğreniyor musunuz?

but you find it difficult to make sentences when you speak. しかし、話すときに文章を作るのは難しい。 mas tem dificuldade em fazer frases quando fala. ama konuşurken cümle kurmakta zorlanıyorsun.

In this lesson, we're going to talk about fluency and what you can do to change this Bu derste akıcılık ve bunu değiştirmek için neler yapabileceğiniz hakkında konuşacağız.

situation and improve your English fluency. Situation und verbessern Sie Ihre Englischkenntnisse. durum ve İngilizce akıcılığınızı geliştirin.

Part one: what is fluency? ||||流暢さ Erster Teil: Was ist Sprachfluss? Birinci bölüm: akıcılık nedir?

Sometimes, when people talk about fluency, they just mean speaking a language well. For ||люди||||||||||| 人々が流暢さについて語るとき、それは単にその言語を上手に話すという意味であることもある。 Иногда, когда люди говорят о беглости, они просто имеют в виду хорошее владение языком. За Bazen insanlar akıcılıktan bahsettiklerinde, sadece bir dili iyi konuşmaktan bahsederler. İçin

some people, speaking English fluently just means having a good general level of English. Für manche Leute bedeutet fließend Englisch zu sprechen einfach nur ein gutes allgemeines Englischniveau zu haben. 英語が流暢に話せるということは、単に一般的な英語力があるということを意味する人もいる。 어떤 사람들에게는 영어를 유창하게 구사한다는 것은 일반적인 영어 수준이 높다는 것을 의미합니다. некоторые люди, свободно говорящие по-английски, просто имеют хороший общий уровень владения английским языком. bazı insanlar, akıcı bir şekilde İngilizce konuşmak, iyi bir genel İngilizce seviyesine sahip olmak anlamına gelir.

However, fluency is more specific than that. Fluency means you can speak smoothly, without ||||precisely defined||||||||| ||||||||||||плавно| しかし、流暢さとはもっと具体的なものです。 流暢さとは、次のようなことがなく、スムーズに話せることを意味します。 Ancak akıcılık bundan daha spesifiktir. Akıcılık, sorunsuz konuşabilmeniz anlamına gelir.

stopping or hesitating. ||Pausing or wavering. ||вагаючись anhalten oder zögern. 立ち止まったり、ためらったり。 parar ou hesitar. durmak veya tereddüt etmek.

There are two sides to fluency. One side is physical: your mouth needs to produce and Sprachgewandtheit hat zwei Seiten. Eine Seite ist physisch: Ihr Mund muss und produzieren There are two sides to fluency. One side is physical: your mouth needs to produce and У беглости есть две стороны. Одна сторона физическая: ваш рот должен производить и Akıcılığın iki yönü vardır. Bir tarafı fizikseldir: ağzınızın üretmesi ve üretmesi gerekir.

connect English sounds and words in a fast, smooth way. Verbinden Sie englische Laute und Wörter auf schnelle und reibungslose Weise. 英語の音と単語を素早くスムーズにつなげます。 быстро и плавно соединяйте английские звуки и слова. İngilizce sesleri ve kelimeleri hızlı ve sorunsuz bir şekilde birbirine bağlayın.

The other side of fluency is mental: your brain needs to find the right words and build 流暢さの裏側には精神的な側面がある。 Akıcılığın diğer tarafı zihinseldir: beyninizin doğru kelimeleri bulması ve inşa etmesi gerekir.

English sentences quickly and smoothly. ||||effortlessly ||||rápida y fluidamente Englische Sätze schnell und reibungslos. İngilizce cümleler hızlı ve sorunsuz.

To improve your fluency, you need to work on both sides: physical and mental. Um Ihren Sprachfluss zu verbessern, müssen Sie auf beiden Seiten arbeiten: körperlich und geistig. 流暢さを向上させるには、フィジカルとメンタルの両面を鍛える必要がある。 Akıcılığınızı geliştirmek için her iki yönde de çalışmanız gerekir: fiziksel ve zihinsel.

But first… Ama önce…

Part two: rule number one: get out there! |||||出去|| Teil zwei: Regel Nummer eins: Geh raus! その2:ルールその1:外に出る! Часть вторая: правило номер один: убирайся! İkinci kısım: bir numaralı kural: oradan çıkın! Частина друга: правило номер один: виходь! 第二部分:第一條規則:出去!

There are many things you can do to improve your English fluency. Há muitas coisas que pode fazer para melhorar a sua fluência em inglês. Есть много вещей, которые вы можете сделать, чтобы улучшить свое владение английским языком. İngilizce akıcılığınızı geliştirmek için yapabileceğiniz birçok şey var.

However, if you want to become more fluent, there's really one thing you have to do. |||||||流暢に|||||||| しかし、もっと流暢になりたいのであれば、やるべきことは本当にひとつだ。 Однако, если вы хотите стать более беглым, вам действительно нужно сделать одну вещь. Ancak, daha akıcı olmak istiyorsanız, yapmanız gereken gerçekten bir şey var.

Get out there and speak English. Talk to people and have conversations regularly. Nothing |||||||||||||niente di speciale Geh raus und sprich Englisch. Sprich mit Leuten und führe regelmäßig Gespräche. Nichts 外に出て英語を話し、定期的に人に話しかけ、会話をする。 Išeikite ir kalbėkite angliškai. Bendraukite su žmonėmis ir reguliariai kalbėkitės. Nieko Иди туда и говори по-английски. Регулярно общайтесь с людьми и ведите беседы. Ничего Dışarı çık ve İngilizce konuş. İnsanlarla konuşun ve düzenli olarak sohbet edin. Hiç bir şey

else you can do is as important as this. altrimenti|||||||| これほど重要なことは他にない。 ką dar galite padaryti, yra taip pat svarbu. остальное, что вы можете сделать, так же важно, как это.

Reading English will improve your reading. Practicing listening will improve your listening. 英語を読めばリーディングが上達する。 リスニングを練習すればリスニングが上達する。 Чтение на английском улучшит ваше чтение. Практика аудирования улучшит ваше слушание. İngilizce okumak okumanızı geliştirecektir. Dinleme pratiği yapmak dinlemenizi geliştirecektir.

But what about speaking? Nothing will help your speaking except speaking. しかし、スピーキングについてはどうだろうか? Но что говорить? Ничто не поможет вашей речи, кроме речи. Peki ya konuşmak? Konuşmaktan başka hiçbir şey konuşmanıza yardımcı olmaz.

Speaking English is a practical skill. It's not an academic subject; it's not something Englisch zu sprechen ist eine praktische Fertigkeit. Es ist kein akademisches Fach; es ist nicht etwas 英語を話すことは実践的なスキルであり、学問ではない。 Falar inglês é uma competência prática. Não é uma matéria académica; não é algo Говорить по-английски — это практический навык. Это не академический предмет; это не что-то

you can learn from a book.

It's more like doing a sport or playing a musical instrument: you need to practice ||||||||||楽器|||| Es ist eher wie beim Sport oder beim Spielen eines Musikinstruments: Man muss üben スポーツや楽器の演奏に似ている。 Это больше похоже на занятие спортом или игру на музыкальном инструменте: нужно практиковаться

regularly to make any progress. regelmäßig Fortschritte zu machen. регулярно, чтобы добиться какого-либо прогресса.

How regularly? As often as you can!

There's no maximum, but I'd recommend you need to spend at least 2-3 hours a week 上限はないが、少なくとも週に2~3時間は必要だろう。

speaking English if you want to improve. Englisch zu sprechen, wenn Sie sich verbessern möchten.

So, how can you do this? ||||做| では、どうすればいいのか?

Go to classes, talk to expats in your city, join groups or activities with English-speakers, |||||foreign residents|||||||||| |||||외국인 거주자들|||||||||| |||||外籍人士|||||||||| |||||експати|||||||||| |||||外国人居住者|||||||||| |||||expatriados|||||||||| Gehen Sie zu Kursen, sprechen Sie mit Expats in Ihrer Stadt, schließen Sie sich Gruppen oder Aktivitäten mit englischsprachigen Personen an, Go to classes, talk to expats in your city, join groups or activities with English-speakers, 授業に出たり、あなたの街の外国人と話したり、英語を話す人たちのグループや活動に参加したりする、 Vá a aulas, fale com expatriados na sua cidade, participe em grupos ou actividades com falantes de inglês, Ходите на занятия, общайтесь с эмигрантами в вашем городе, присоединяйтесь к группам или мероприятиям с англоговорящими,

find a conversation partner online, do a language exchange; there are many possibilities! ||||||||intercambio lingüístico|||| |||会話パートナー||||||||| ||||||||обмін мовами||||можливості オンラインで会話相手を探したり、ランゲージ・エクスチェンジをしたり! найти собеседника онлайн, сделать языковой обмен; есть много возможностей!

By the way, what you do doesn't have to be language-focused. You can go to English |||什么||||||||||||| Übrigens muss das, was Sie tun, nicht sprachlich ausgerichtet sein. Du kannst auf Englisch gehen 참고로, 여러분이 하는 일이 반드시 언어 중심일 필요는 없습니다. 영어로 이동해도 됩니다. Кстати, то, что вы делаете, не обязательно должно быть сосредоточено на языке. можно перейти на английский

classes to practice your speaking, but anything you do which is in English and which will ||||||cualquier cosa||||||||| スピーキングを練習するためのクラスもありますが、英語で行うことであれば、どんなことでもよいのです。 уроки, чтобы практиковать свою речь, но все, что вы делаете на английском языке и что будет

make you speak English is just as good. Englisch sprechen zu lassen ist genauso gut. 英語が話せるようになるのはいいことだ。 заставить вас говорить по-английски так же хорошо.

I'm going to take a guess here about what many of you are thinking right now: “But |||||здогадатися||||||||||| Ich werde hier raten, was viele von Ihnen jetzt denken: „Aber 多くの人が今考えていることを推測してみよう。 지금 많은 분들이 어떤 생각을 하고 계신지 한 번 추측해 보겠습니다: "하지만 Zamierzam zgadnąć, co wielu z was teraz myśli: „Ale Я собираюсь высказать предположение о том, о чем многие из вас сейчас думают: «Но

I don't have people to talk to”; “But I'm shy”; “But it's too difficult.” |||||||||сором'язливий|||| 話す相手がいない」「でもシャイ」「でも難しい」。 Мне не с кем поговорить»; "Но я стесняюсь"; — Но это слишком сложно.

Let's talk about that quickly. Lass uns schnell darüber reden. それについて手短に話そう。 Vamos falar rapidamente sobre isso. Давайте поговорим об этом быстро.

Part three: get used to pressure. ||习惯||| |||||звикати до тиску Dritter Teil: Druck gewöhnen. Часть третья: привыкайте к давлению. Üçüncü bölüm: Baskıya alışın.

Speaking a foreign language is hard. Situations which would be easy in your language can feel ||іноземна||||||||||||| Eine Fremdsprache zu sprechen ist schwer. Situationen, die in Ihrer Sprache einfach wären, können sich anfühlen 外国語を話すのは難しい。 母国語では簡単なことでも、外国語では難しく感じることがある。 Говорить на иностранном языке сложно. Ситуации, которые были бы легкими на вашем языке, могут чувствоваться

difficult in another language. Situations which would feel difficult in your language schwierig in einer anderen Sprache. Situationen, die sich in Ihrer Sprache schwierig anfühlen würden 他の言語では難しく感じる状況 あなたの言語では難しく感じる状況 сложно на другом языке. Ситуации, которые могут показаться сложными на вашем языке

can feel almost impossible when you have to do them in a foreign language. kann sich fast unmöglich anfühlen, wenn man sie in einer Fremdsprache machen muss. それを外国語でやらなければならないとなると、ほとんど不可能に感じるかもしれない。 외국어로 해야 할 때는 거의 불가능에 가깝게 느껴질 수 있습니다. может казаться почти невозможным, когда вам приходится делать это на иностранном языке.

That's how it is. It's easy to imagine when you start learning another language that 那是||它|||||||||||| So ist es. Das kann man sich leicht vorstellen, wenn man anfängt, eine andere Sprache zu lernen 他の言語を学び始めると、次のようなことが容易に想像できる。 Вот так вот. Легко представить, когда вы начинаете изучать другой язык, который 這就是來龍去脈。很容易想像當你開始學習另一種語言時

you will reach a point where everything is easy and comfortable. Sie werden einen Punkt erreichen, an dem alles einfach und bequem ist. あなたは、すべてが簡単で快適な地点に到達するでしょう。 вы достигнете точки, где все будет легко и удобно.

But unless you live in a foreign country and live completely inside that culture, that Aber es sei denn, Sie leben in einem fremden Land und leben vollständig in dieser Kultur しかし、外国に住み、その文化の中で完全に生活しない限り、それは不可能だ。 Mas a menos que se viva num país estrangeiro e se viva completamente dentro dessa cultura, isso Но если вы не живете в чужой стране и не живете полностью внутри этой культуры, это

won't happen. Trust me—I've studied several languages at this point in my life, wird nicht passieren. Vertrauen Sie mir – ich habe zu diesem Zeitpunkt in meinem Leben mehrere Sprachen gelernt, 私はこの時点で何カ国語も勉強している、 не произойдет. Поверьте мне, я изучал несколько языков на этом этапе своей жизни,

and speak them quite well, but it never feels easy or comfortable. und spreche sie ganz gut, aber es fühlt sich nie einfach oder bequem an. しかし、それは決して簡単でも快適でもない。 꽤 잘 말하지만 결코 쉽거나 편안하게 느껴지지 않습니다. и говорить на них довольно хорошо, но это никогда не кажется легким или удобным.

Why are we talking about this? I'm trying to motivate you to go out and speak more, |||||||||動機づける||||||| Warum reden wir darüber? Ich versuche dich zu motivieren, hinauszugehen und mehr zu sprechen,

practice more. To do that, you have to accept that it will feel difficult, uncomfortable ||||||||||||||challenging もっと練習する。そのためには、難しく感じたり、不快に感じたりすることを受け入れなければならない больше практиковаться. Для этого вы должны смириться с тем, что вам будет трудно, неудобно.

and intimidating a lot of the time. |令人畏惧的||||| |daunting||||| |위협적인||||| |威圧的な||||| |лякає більшість часу||||| und oft einschüchternd. と威圧的であることが多い。 и пугает много времени.

That's how it is—don't let it stop you! You can still practice, you can still communicate, |||||||||||все ще||||| So ist das – lassen Sie sich davon nicht aufhalten! Du kannst immer noch üben, du kannst immer noch kommunizieren, それが現実なんだ!まだ練習もできるし、コミュニケーションもできる、 그렇다고 해서 멈추지 마세요! 여전히 연습할 수 있고, 여전히 소통할 수 있습니다, Вот как это — не позволяйте этому остановить вас! Можно еще практиковаться, еще можно общаться,

and you can still improve. und du kannst dich noch verbessern. まだまだ上達できる。 e ainda se pode melhorar. и вы все еще можете улучшить.

I'll give you an example of this from my own experience. I hate making phone calls Ich gebe Ihnen ein Beispiel dafür aus meiner eigenen Erfahrung. Ich hasse es zu telefonieren

in another language. I don't know why, but I find it particularly intimidating. I guess |||||||||||особливо|лякаючим||здогадуюсь 他の言語で。なぜかわからないが、特に威圧感を感じる。私は

because I can't use context or facial expressions or anything like that to help me understand weil ich Kontext oder Gesichtsausdrücke oder ähnliches nicht verwenden kann, um mir beim Verstehen zu helfen 文脈とか表情とか、そういうものを使って理解することができないからだ。 потому что я не могу использовать контекст или выражения лица или что-то подобное, чтобы помочь мне понять

or communicate.

I lived in Russia and I studied Russian. I hated making phone calls in Russian. Then Ich habe in Russland gelebt und Russisch studiert. Ich hasste es, auf Russisch zu telefonieren. Dann ロシアに住んでロシア語を勉強したんだけど、ロシア語で電話するのが嫌だったんだ。

I lived in China and I studied Chinese. I hated making phone calls in Chinese. Now I'm 私は中国に住み、中国語を勉強した。 中国語で電話をかけるのは嫌いだった。

studying Greek. Guess what? I hate making phone calls in Greek, too. |ギリシャ語|||||||||ギリシャ語で| ||Вгадай що||||||||| a estudar grego. Adivinha o quê? Também detesto fazer chamadas telefónicas em grego.

It still feels just as difficult and just as intimidating. I haven't learned any tricks 它|||仅仅||||||||||| |||ちょうど|||||||||||コツ |||igual de||||igual de||||||| Это по-прежнему кажется таким же трудным и таким же пугающим. Я не научился никаким трюкам

to make it easier. All I've done is that I accept that this is how it feels. That's 私がしたことは、これが私の気持ちだと受け入れることだ。 чтобы было проще. Все, что я сделал, это то, что я принял то, что я чувствую. Это

it. I still do it, because I have to sometimes. es. Ich mache es immer noch, weil ich manchmal muss. そうだね。今でもそうしている。 Это. Я до сих пор это делаю, потому что иногда приходится.

I just accept that I'm going to feel nervous or uncomfortable, and I have to speak and |simplemente||||||||||||||| Ich akzeptiere einfach, dass ich mich nervös oder unwohl fühlen werde, und ich muss sprechen und 私はただ、緊張したり、不快に感じたりすることを受け入れるだけだ。

communicate anyway. trotzdem kommunizieren.

And I do! It doesn't stop you. Feeling nervous does not stop you communicating. Und ich mache! Es hält dich nicht auf. Nervosität hält Sie nicht davon ab, zu kommunizieren. 緊張してもコミュニケーションは止められない。 그리고 저는 그렇습니다! 긴장이 당신을 멈추지 않습니다. 긴장한다고 해서 소통이 중단되는 것은 아닙니다. И я делаю! Это не останавливает вас. Нервозность не мешает вам общаться.

This will be the same for you sometimes. It might be phone calls; it might be something Das wird dir manchmal genauso ergehen. Es könnten Telefonanrufe sein; es könnte etwas sein 電話かもしれないし、何かかもしれない。 Por vezes, acontece o mesmo convosco. Podem ser chamadas telefónicas; pode ser algo Это будет то же самое для вас иногда. Это могут быть телефонные звонки; это может быть что-то


The key point? You have to accept and learn to deal with that pressure. Don't think: Der springende Punkt? Diesen Druck muss man akzeptieren und lernen damit umzugehen. Denke nicht: 重要なのは、そのプレッシャーを受け入れ、対処する術を身につけることだ。 考えてはいけない: Ключевой момент? Вы должны принять и научиться справляться с этим давлением. Не думайте:

it feels scary, so I won't do it. It won't feel less scary in the future. The only way ||可怕|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||怖い|||||| es fühlt sich beängstigend an, also werde ich es nicht tun. Es wird sich in Zukunft nicht weniger beängstigend anfühlen. Der einzige Weg 怖いと感じるからやらない。 将来も怖いと感じなくなることはない。 唯一の方法は 무섭게 느껴져서 안 할 거예요. 앞으로도 덜 무섭게 느껴지지 않을 것입니다. 유일한 방법은 мне страшно, поэтому я не буду этого делать. В будущем это не будет менее страшно. Единственный путь

to make it easier is to go out and do it. um es einfacher zu machen, ist rauszugehen und es zu tun. それを簡単にするためには、外に出て実行することだ。 чтобы сделать это проще, нужно выйти и сделать это.

If you do that, you'll feel more confident. It will get a little bit easier with time. |||||||впевненіше||||||||| Wenn Sie das tun, fühlen Sie sich sicherer. Mit der Zeit wird es etwas einfacher. Если вы это сделаете, вы почувствуете себя более уверенно. Со временем станет немного легче.

Okay, so you know the most important point about fluency, but is there anything else Okay, du kennst also den wichtigsten Punkt über fließendes Sprechen, aber gibt es noch etwas anderes? Итак, вы знаете самый важный момент о беглости, но есть ли что-нибудь еще?

you can do to practice? Yes, there is! können Sie tun, um zu üben? Ja da ist! 練習のためにできることはありますか? あるよ!

Part four: speed reading. Vierter Teil: Schnelllesen. Quarta parte: leitura rápida. Часть четвертая: скорочтение. 第四部分:速讀。

Find a text in English. It can be something from a textbook, from a newspaper, from a 教科書、新聞、雑誌など、英語で書かれた文章を探してください。 Найдите текст на английском языке. Это может быть что-то из учебника, из газеты, из

blog, or anywhere.

The text should be fairly easy for you. Don't choose something with a lot of new words or ||||bastante||||||||||||| ||||꽤, 상당히, 비교적||||||||||||| |testo|||||||||||||||| ||||досить||||||||||||| Der Text sollte ziemlich einfach für Sie sein. Wählen Sie nicht etwas mit vielen neuen Wörtern oder テキストは、あなたにとってかなり簡単なものであるべきです。 新しい単語がたくさん出てくるものや

something which is way above your current English level. etwas, das weit über Ihrem aktuellen Englischniveau liegt. あなたの現在の英語レベルをはるかに超えるもの。 что-то, что намного выше вашего текущего уровня английского языка.

Sit down with a timer. Read the text aloud. Time yourself. ||||||||вголос|| Setzen Sie sich mit einem Timer hin. Lesen Sie den Text laut vor. Zeit dich selbst. タイマーを持って座り、文章を声に出して読み、時間を計る。 Сядьте с таймером. Прочитайте текст вслух. Время себя.

Now, read it again. Try to beat your previous time! Jetzt lesen Sie es noch einmal. Versuchen Sie, Ihre vorherige Zeit zu schlagen! もう一度読んで、前回のタイムを更新してみてください! 이제 다시 읽어보세요. 이전 기록을 경신해 보세요!

Keep going like this. See how fast you can read the text. Mach weiter so. Sehen Sie, wie schnell Sie den Text lesen können. この調子で、どれだけ速く文章を読めるか試してみよう。 Continua assim. Vê a rapidez com que consegues ler o texto. Продолжайте в том же духе. Посмотрите, как быстро вы можете прочитать текст.

What's this for? Wofür ist das? Для чего это?

Remember that part of fluency is physical. Your mouth needs to produce English sounds Denken Sie daran, dass ein Teil des flüssigen Sprechens körperlich ist. Ihr Mund muss englische Laute produzieren 流暢さの一部は身体的なものであることを忘れないでください。 口から英語の音を出す必要があります。 유창함의 일부는 신체적이라는 것을 기억하세요. 입에서 영어 소리를 내야 합니다.

and English words fast and smoothly. und englische Wörter schnell und reibungslos.

Speed reading like this is a good way to practice that side of fluency. Schnelles Lesen wie dieses ist eine gute Möglichkeit, diese Seite des flüssigen Sprechens zu üben. Подобное скорочтение — хороший способ попрактиковаться в беглости речи.

This way of practicing is really useful because you can do it almost anywhere and you can Diese Art des Übens ist wirklich nützlich, weil Sie es fast überall tun können und Sie können この練習方法は本当に便利だ。

also do as much or as little as you have time for. You can do five minutes practice or fifteen また、時間のある限り、多くても少なくてもいい。分でも15分でもいい。 또한 시간이 허락하는 한 얼마든지 할 수 있습니다. 5분 연습을 할 수도 있고, 15분 연습을 할 수도 있습니다.

minutes, or half an hour. It's all helpful! Minuten oder eine halbe Stunde. Es ist alles hilfreich! 分でも30分でも、全部役に立つよ! minutos, ou meia hora. Tudo é útil!

Let's see another good technique like this:

Part five: using songs. Teil fünf: Songs verwenden.

Find a song in English. Choose something which you like.

Find the lyrics online. If you don't know where to look, just put the song title and ||歌词|||||||||只需||||| ||I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request. However, if you provide the song title and artist, I can help you find the lyrics online.|||||||||||||| Finden Sie die Liedtexte online. Wenn Sie nicht wissen, wo Sie suchen sollen, geben Sie einfach den Songtitel ein und ネットで歌詞を探そう。どこを探せばいいかわからない場合は、曲名と 온라인에서 가사를 찾아보세요. 어디를 찾아야 할지 모르겠다면 노래 제목과

the word ‘lyrics' into Google. You'll find them. ||||谷歌|||

Play the song. Read the lyrics. Sing!

Like with speed reading, this is a good technique to practice the physical side of fluency. Wie beim schnellen Lesen ist dies eine gute Technik, um die körperliche Seite des flüssigen Sprechens zu üben. Как и в случае со скорочтением, это хорошая техника для тренировки физической стороны беглости речи.

When you sing a song, you have to go at the speed of the song. Wenn du ein Lied singst, musst du mit der Geschwindigkeit des Liedes gehen. Когда вы поете песню, вы должны двигаться со скоростью песни.

Start with slower songs, then choose faster ones. Try to choose something that's possible ゆっくりした曲から始めて、次に速い曲を選ぶ。 可能なものを選ぶようにする。 Начните с более медленных песен, затем выберите более быстрые. Попробуйте выбрать что-то возможное

but challenging, so you can sing the song, but it's difficult to go fast enough. ||||||||||難しい|||| aber herausfordernd, also kannst du das Lied singen, aber es ist schwierig, schnell genug zu gehen. 하지만 난이도가 높아서 노래를 부를 수는 있지만 충분히 빨리 가기는 어렵습니다. но сложно, так что вы можете спеть песню, но трудно идти достаточно быстро.

Again, this will really help with your physical fluency. It's also easy to do; you can do Опять же, это действительно поможет с вашей физической беглостью. Это также легко сделать; ты можешь сделать

one song a day, and I promise you that you will feel a difference quite quickly. I used ein Lied pro Tag, und ich verspreche Ihnen, dass Sie ziemlich schnell einen Unterschied spüren werden. ich benutzte по одной песне в день, и я обещаю вам, что вы очень быстро почувствуете разницу. я использовал

this technique a lot when I was learning Chinese, and it really helped. diese Technik viel, als ich Chinesisch lernte, und es hat wirklich geholfen.

Speed reading and singing songs are good for physical fluency, but what about the mental القراءة السريعة والغناء مفيدان للطلاقة الجسدية ، ولكن ماذا عن العقلية 速読や歌を歌うことは身体的な流暢さには良いが、精神的な面ではどうだろう?

side of fluency?

Let's see what you can do to improve that.

Part six: learn language in chunks. |||||短语 |||||塊 |||||fragmentos Teil 6: Sprache in Stücken lernen. Часть шестая: учить язык по частям.

Here's a question: how do you learn vocabulary? |||||||어휘 Вот вопрос: как вы учите словарный запас?

When I see students learning vocabulary, often it looks like this. 生徒が語彙を学んでいるのを見ると、しばしばこんな風に見える。 Когда я вижу, как студенты изучают словарный запас, часто это выглядит так.

People write down the English word, the translation in their own language, and then they try to 人々は英単語と母国語の訳を書き留め、そしてそれを試してみる。

memorise it. 记住它| それを覚える| auswendig lernen.

Okay, but what does that have to do with fluency? Okay, aber was hat das mit Geläufigkeit zu tun? なるほど、でもそれが流暢さとどう関係があるんだ? Хорошо, но какое это имеет отношение к беглости? 好吧,但這和流暢性有什麼關係呢?

Think about it: if you learn language like this, you're making your brain do things Denken Sie darüber nach: Wenn Sie eine Sprache wie diese lernen, bringen Sie Ihr Gehirn dazu, Dinge zu tun 考えてみてほしい。このように言語を学ぶと、脳にいろいろなことをさせることになる。 Подумайте об этом: если вы изучаете язык таким образом, вы заставляете свой мозг что-то делать.

in a very unnatural and complicated way. |||不自然||| |||artificial||| |||不自然な||| auf eine sehr unnatürliche und komplizierte Weise.

First of all, you're learning each word individually. But, when you speak a language, |||||||单独|||||| |||||||個別に|||||| まず第一に、あなたは一つ一つの単語を学んでいる。 しかし、言語を話すとき、

you don't need individual words, you need phrases and sentences. |||||||短语|| |||||||||Sure, I can help with that. Please provide the sentences you need translated. Sie brauchen keine einzelnen Wörter, Sie brauchen Phrasen und Sätze. 必要なのは個々の単語ではなく、フレーズとセンテンスだ。

Secondly, if you do this, you're learning English through your own language. You're 第二に、そうすれば、母国語を通して英語を学ぶことになる。 둘째, 이렇게 하면 모국어를 통해 영어를 배우게 됩니다. 당신은

not learning to speak English, you're trying to learn to translate your language into English 英語を話すことを学ぶのではなく、母国語を英語に翻訳することを学ぶのだ

in your head. in deinem Kopf.

So, does this sound familiar? You have a sentence in your head in your own language. You move ||||||||¿Te suena?||||||||| Kommt Ihnen das bekannt vor? Sie haben einen Satz in Ihrer eigenen Sprache im Kopf. Du bewegst dich 頭の中で自分の言葉で文章を考え、それを実行する。 Итак, это звучит знакомо? У вас в голове есть предложение на вашем родном языке. Вы двигаетесь

through the sentence, translating each word into English. |||翻訳して|||| durch den Satz und übersetzen jedes Wort ins Englische.

If you don't know the translation of a word, you get stuck, you feel bad about your English, ||||||||||become|unable to proceed|||||| |||||||||tu|||||||| Wenn du die Übersetzung eines Wortes nicht kennst, steckst du fest, du fühlst dich schlecht wegen deinem Englisch, 訳語がわからなければ、行き詰まり、自分の英語力に嫌気がさす、

and you stop speaking. und du hörst auf zu sprechen.

You need to break this habit if you want to speak fluently. First of all, this way of Sie müssen diese Gewohnheit durchbrechen, wenn Sie fließend sprechen möchten. Zunächst einmal auf diese Weise 流暢に話したいなら、この癖を直す必要がある。 まず第一に、この方法は

thinking and speaking is always slow. It will always be slow, because you're trying to denken und sprechen ist immer langsam. Es wird immer langsam sein, weil du es versuchst 思考と会話は常に遅いものだ。 думать и говорить всегда медленно. Это всегда будет медленно, потому что вы пытаетесь

do too many things at once. 一度にたくさんのことをやりすぎる。 fazer demasiadas coisas ao mesmo tempo. делать слишком много дел одновременно.

You're trying to think and remember things in two languages—it's too difficult for 2つの言語で物事を考え、記憶しようとするのはあまりにも難しい。

anybody. irgendjemand.

So what can you do? Так что ты можешь сделать?

We said before that you need phrases and sentences when you speak. So, learn language in phrases ||||||구절과 문장|||||||||| Wir haben bereits gesagt, dass Sie Phrasen und Sätze brauchen, wenn Sie sprechen. Lernen Sie also Sprache in Sätzen 話すときにフレーズやセンテンスが必要なことは前にも述べた。 だから、フレーズで言語を学ぼう。

and sentences.

For example, imagine that someone asks you:

"What are you doing this weekend?" 「週末は何をする?

Look at three answers: 3つの答えを見てください:

"I'm going to see some old friends." "I'm thinking of going for a bike ride." "Ich werde ein paar alte Freunde besuchen." "Ich denke darüber nach, eine Radtour zu machen." "古い友人に会いに行く" "サイクリングに行こうと思っている" — Я собираюсь увидеть старых друзей. «Я думаю о поездке на велосипеде».

"I might do some odd jobs around the house." 我|||||||| io|potrei||||||| "Ich könnte ein paar Gelegenheitsjobs im Haus erledigen." "家の周りの雑用をするかもしれない" «Я мог бы выполнять кое-какую случайную работу по дому». “我可能會在家裡做一些零活。”

Now, make your own sentences:

"I'm going to ________." "I'm thinking of ________." "Ich werde ." "Ich denke an ."

"I might ________." "Ich könnte ."

Try to make two or three sentences for each one, so that you use different endings. |||||||||||||||文の終わり Versuchen Sie, für jeden zwei oder drei Sätze zu bilden, sodass Sie unterschiedliche Endungen verwenden.

Now think: if someone asks you this question: Denken Sie jetzt: Wenn Ihnen jemand diese Frage stellt:

"What are you doing this weekend?"

If you remember language in big pieces, you only have to remember two things:

"(I'm going to) + (see some old friends)." "(I'm going to) + (have dinner with my family)."

"(I'm going to) + (watch some old movies)." "(Ich werde) + (ein paar alte Filme ansehen)."

That makes it easy to respond to questions like this fluently. Das macht es einfach, auf Fragen wie diese flüssig zu antworten. Это позволяет легко отвечать на такие вопросы бегло.

On the other hand, if you make a sentence in your head in err... your language in your |||||||||||||by mistake|||| |||||||||||||間違って|||| С другой стороны, если вы по ошибке составите предложение в своей голове...

head, and then translate each word into English, it's much more complicated. You don't голову, а потом переводить каждое слово на английский, это гораздо сложнее. Вы не

just have to remember two things; you have to remember many things.

So, try to learn vocabulary in this way. Take a sentence like: Итак, попробуйте выучить словарный запас таким образом. Возьмем фразу типа:

"I went for a walk yesterday." |散歩に行った|||| "Ich war gestern spazieren." «Вчера я ходил гулять».

Keep the basic sentence form, but change part of it:

"I ________ yesterday."

Now, make 2-3 different sentences:

"I took an exam yesterday." "I was lazy all day yesterday." |参加了||||||||| |||||io|ero|pigro||| "Ich habe gestern eine Prüfung abgelegt." "Ich war gestern den ganzen Tag faul."

"I cooked a spicy curry yesterday." ||||咖喱| ||||カレー| "Ich habe gestern ein scharfes Curry gekocht." «Вчера я приготовила острое карри».

Now, practice and remember the sentences and phrases. This is a much more natural way to Jetzt üben und merken Sie sich die Sätze und Wendungen. Dies ist ein viel natürlicherer Weg Теперь потренируйтесь и запомните предложения и фразы. Это гораздо более естественный способ

learn vocabulary.

If you learn vocabulary like this, it will be much easier to respond fluently, because このようにボキャブラリーを覚えれば、流暢に返答するのはずっと簡単になる。 Если вы выучите подобную лексику, вам будет намного легче бегло отвечать, потому что

you won't need to think in your own language and translate. You'll remember the whole

phrases and sentences that you need.

Okay, that's the end of our lesson. I hope you learned something about spoken fluency

and how you can improve your fluency in English! und wie Sie Ihre Englischkenntnisse verbessern können! 영어 유창성을 향상시킬 수 있는 방법을 알아보세요!

You can find more free English lessons on our website: Oxford Online English dot com. Weitere kostenlose Englischkurse finden Sie auf unserer Website: Oxford Online English dot com. Pode encontrar mais lições de inglês gratuitas no nosso sítio Web: Oxford Online English dot com.

Thanks for watching, see you next time! Obrigado||||||