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Oxford Online English, Present Perfect Verb Tense - English Grammar Lesson

Present Perfect Verb Tense - English Grammar Lesson

Hi, I'm Maria.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn about the present perfect verb tense in English.

Hey Daniel, how long have you been a teacher?

I've been a teacher for four years now.

Have you taught many lessons on the present perfect?

Of course!

I've taught hundreds!

How many have you taught this week?

I haven't taught any this week yet.

This is the first one!

Does your language have anything like the present perfect?

Many languages don't have a similar verb form.

This can make it more difficult to use the present perfect correctly in English.

In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the present perfect verb form in different


Let's start with two basic but important points.

Try to keep these in mind as you watch!

First, the present perfect connects the past and the present.

Secondly, think about the name, ‘present perfect'.

It's a present verb form.

It tells you something about now.

Even though you often use the present perfect to talk about things in the past, it's still

a present form; it gives you some information about the present.

Let's start by looking at how to form the present perfect tense.

The present perfect is formed with have or has plus a past participle.

Have and has are often contracted.

For example:

I've finished everything.

She's just left.

We've been here for hours.

Past participles usually look the same as the past tense.

For example:

finish – finished – finished leave – left – left

However, many common verbs are irregular.

That means you need to know irregular verbs to use the present perfect.

There's also a continuous form of the present perfect, with been plus a verb with -ing.

For example:

I've been cleaning the house all morning.

He's been acting very strangely lately.

However, in this lesson, we're going to focus on the simple verb form.

Make negatives by adding not after have or has.

Again, this form is often contracted.

For example:

I haven't seen anything like that before.

He hasn't helped at all.

They haven't given me much information.

Make questions by moving have or has before the subject:

Have you booked the tickets yet?

How long has your sister been a vet?

How many people have you told about this?

Next, let's look at how to actually use the present perfect, and what it means.

Have you ever been to Argentina?

No, I've never even been to South America, but I'd love to go!

Have you ever been skydiving?

Yeah, actually.

It was amazing!

Have you tried kangaroo before?

No, never.

What's it like?

How many times have you seen this film?

More than once.

So, twice?

Three times?

Ok, ok, I've seen it eight times.


You can use the present perfect to talk about life experiences.

You just heard different examples of this.

Do you remember the questions we asked?

This is common with questions like:

Have you ever…?

Have you … before?

How many times have you…?

For example:

Have you ever seen a ghost?

Have you met Amit before?

How many times have you bought something and never worn it?

In all these questions, you don't say when.

You don't use a time reference like ‘this year' or ‘recently'.

That's because all these questions are asking about your whole life.

You don't say it, but the meaning is there.

Try something now: pause the video and write down three questions.

Use your own ideas.

Then, write your own answers!

Pause the video and do it now.

Now, let's look at another way to use the present perfect.

Have you called about the Internet yet?

I haven't, I'm sorry.

I've been so busy all day.

You said you'd do it today!

I haven't been able to do any work since Monday!

I've tried to call several times this week, but they always say that they can only talk

to the account holder.

That's you!

I know, I'm sorry.

I just haven't had time all week.

So, what can I help you with?

Well, I haven't been feeling well recently.

What are your symptoms?

I've had a really bad cough for a couple of weeks now.

This week, I've started to feel really slow and tired, and I haven't had much appetite.

Have you had any nausea?


No, not really.

We'll do some tests and see what we can do.

You can use the present perfect to talk about a time period which is unfinished.

Remember that the present perfect connects the present and the past.

For example, take today.

Today is an unfinished time period.

It's started, but it hasn't finished yet.

You heard several other unfinished time periods in the dialogues.

Can you remember any?

Here are some examples: I've been so busy all day.

I haven't been able to do any work since Monday!

I haven't been feeling well recently.

This week, I've started to feel really slow and tired.

Other unfinished time periods include things like this week, this month, this year, and

so on.

So, if you're talking about an unfinished time period, you can use the present perfect.

To make this clearer, compare unfinished time with finished time:

I've been so busy all day.

I was so busy yesterday.

I haven't been able to do any work since Monday!

I wasn't able to do any work last week.

I haven't felt well recently.

I didn't feel well last weekend.

I've had a really bad cough for a couple of weeks now.

I had a really bad cough last year.

When you talk about a finished time period, like last year or yesterday, you need to use

the past simple.

You can't use the present perfect to talk about finished time periods.

Sometimes, you can choose to use the present perfect or the past simple with an unfinished

time period.

For example:

I've worked hard today.

I worked hard today.

These are both possible, but there's a small difference in meaning.

Do you know what?

The first sentence, with the present perfect, suggests that today is not finished yet.

Maybe you have more work to do!

The second sentence, with the past simple, suggests that today is finished.

It's the evening and you're relaxing after a long day!

Let's practice.

Look at three incomplete sentences:

I haven't … today.

I've … a lot this week.

I haven't … enough recently.

Can you complete the sentences to make them true about you?

For example, you could say something like:

I haven't eaten any fruit today.

I haven't watched TV today.

I haven't had a shower today.

Pause the video and write down three sentences.


How was that?

Let's look at one more way to use the present perfect tense.

How long have you lived here?

For about a year.

Have you two known each other long?

Yeah, since we were at primary school!

How long have they been married?

I'm not sure.

I think for a couple of years?

Maybe not even that long.

Nice jacket!

Is it new?

This? No, I've had it for years!

You can use the present perfect to talk about something which started in the past and is

still true now.

For example:

How long have you lived here?

This means that you still live here now.

Have you two known each other long?

You still know each other now.

How long have they been married?

They're still married now.

I've had this jacket for years.

I still have it now.

Be careful: there's a common mistake which English learners make here.

It looks like this:

I've bought this jacket for three years.

Can you explain why this is wrong?

It's wrong because the action of buying the jacket is finished, and in the past.

You could say:

I bought this jacket three years ago.

The action of having the jacket is not finished.

It started in the past, when you bought it, and it's still true now, because you still

have the jacket now.

Again, it's useful to compare the present perfect and the past simple:

I've lived here for about a year.

I still live here now.

I lived there for about a year.

I don't live there now.

How long have they been married?

They're still married now.

How long were they married?

They're not married now.

Okay, your turn to practice!

Look at three incomplete sentences:

I've had … for … I've lived in … since …

I've been …

Your job is to complete these sentences so that they're true for you.

Pause the video, think about what you could say, and write down three sentences.

If you aren't sure, review this section and use the examples you've seen to help


How was that?

Hopefully easy!

Let's look at one more way you can use the present perfect tense.

What's wrong with you?


I've eaten too many cakes and now I feel terrible.

How many did you have?

I had six or seven.

That was smart.

But they were so tasty…

Have you lost something?

Yeah, I've lost my phone.

I put it down somewhere and now I can't find it.

When did you last use it?

I don't know.

I had it last night, for sure.

Can you call me?

Oh no!

The cat's been sick on the couch!


That's the third time this week.

Can you clean it up?

I cleaned it last time!

You can use the present perfect to talk about things in the past if there's still a result

in the present.

For example:

I've eaten too many cakes and now I feel terrible.

I ate the cakes in the past, but the result—feeling terrible—is still true now.

I've lost my phone.

I lost my phone sometime in the past, but the result—I can't find my phone—is

still true now.

The cat's been sick on the couch!

The cat was sick on the couch in the past, but the result—the sofa needs cleaning—is

still true now.

You can also see something useful in these dialogues: often, you start a conversation

using the present perfect, and then switch to the past simple.

For example: I've eaten too many cakes.

How many did you have?

I've lost my phone.

When did you last use it?

This is a very common pattern in English conversations.

Again, let's compare the present perfect to the past simple:

I've lost my phone.

I can't find it now.

I lost my phone.

Maybe I found it again, or maybe I gave up and had to get a new phone.

This sentence only tells you about the past, so you can't be sure what happened.

The cat's been sick on the couch!

The couch needs cleaning, and maybe the cat needs to go to the vet.

The cat was sick on the couch.

It's safe to sit on the couch again.

Now, you know the most common ways to use the present perfect tense in English.

We have a question for you: can you name all the other verb tenses in English?

Which one do you find the most difficult to understand?

Let us know in the comments.

Want more practice with this topic?

Check out the quiz on our website: Oxford Online English dot com.

There's a link below the video if you're watching on YouTube.

Thanks for watching!

See you next time!

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Present Perfect Verb Tense - English Grammar Lesson Present Perfect Verb Tense - Lektion zur englischen Grammatik Present Perfect Verb Tense - English Grammar Lesson Present Perfect Verb Tense - Lección de gramática inglesa Present Perfect Verb Tense - Leçon de grammaire anglaise Il tempo del verbo al presente perfetto - Lezione di grammatica inglese 現在完了動詞の時制 - 英文法レッスン Tegenwoordige tijd werkwoord - Engelse grammaticales Present Perfect Verb Tense - Lekcja gramatyki języka angielskiego Present Perfect Verb Tense - Lição de gramática inglesa Настоящее совершенное время глагола - Урок грамматики английского языка Present Perfect Verb Tense - İngilizce Dilbilgisi Dersi Теперішній доконаний час дієслова - урок граматики англійської мови 现在完成动词时态 - 英语语法课 現在完成動詞時態 - 英語文法課

Hi, I'm Maria. Olá, eu sou a Maria.

Welcome to Oxford Online English! Bem-vindo ao Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn about the present perfect verb tense in English. In dieser Lektion lernst du das Present Perfect Verb Tense im Englischen kennen. Nesta lição, você aprenderá sobre o tempo verbal presente perfeito em inglês.

Hey Daniel, how long have you been a teacher? ||jak długo||masz|||| Hey Daniel, wie lange bist du schon Lehrer? Ei Daniel, há quanto tempo você é professor?

I've been a teacher for four years now. Jestem||||||| Ich bin jetzt seit vier Jahren Lehrerin. Sou professora há quatro anos.

Have you taught many lessons on the present perfect? Haben Sie schon viele Stunden über das Präsens im Perfekt unterrichtet? Você ensinou muitas lições sobre o presente perfeito?

Of course! Claro!

I've taught hundreds! Ich habe Hunderte unterrichtet! Eu ensinei centenas!

How many have you taught this week? Wie viele haben Sie diese Woche unterrichtet? Combien en avez-vous enseigné cette semaine ? Quantos você ensinou esta semana?

I haven't taught any this week yet. Ich habe diese Woche noch keinen Unterricht erteilt. Ainda não ensinei nenhum esta semana.

This is the first one! Das ist die erste!

Does your language have anything like the present perfect? Gibt es in Ihrer Sprache so etwas wie das Perfekt der Gegenwart?

Many languages don't have a similar verb form. In vielen Sprachen gibt es keine ähnliche Verbform.

This can make it more difficult to use the present perfect correctly in English. Dies kann es erschweren, das Present Perfect im Englischen korrekt zu verwenden.

In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the present perfect verb form in different In dieser Lektion lernst du, wie du die Verbform des Perfekts in verschiedenen Formen verwenden kannst.


Let's start with two basic but important points. Lassen Sie uns mit zwei grundlegenden, aber wichtigen Punkten beginnen.

Try to keep these in mind as you watch! Versuchen Sie, sich diese Dinge zu merken, während Sie zusehen! ¡Intenta tener esto en cuenta mientras miras!

First, the present perfect connects the past and the present. Erstens verbindet das Präsens im Perfekt die Vergangenheit mit der Gegenwart.

Secondly, think about the name, ‘present perfect'. Zweitens: Denken Sie an die Bezeichnung "Präsens im Perfekt".

It's a present verb form. Es ist eine Verbform im Präsens.

It tells you something about now. Das sagt etwas über das Jetzt aus.

Even though you often use the present perfect to talk about things in the past, it's still Auch wenn man oft das Präsens im Perfekt verwendet, um über Dinge in der Vergangenheit zu sprechen, ist es dennoch

a present form; it gives you some information about the present. eine Gegenwartsform; sie gibt Ihnen einige Informationen über die Gegenwart.

Let's start by looking at how to form the present perfect tense. Schauen wir uns zunächst an, wie das Perfekt der Gegenwart gebildet wird.

The present perfect is formed with have or has plus a past participle. ||||||||||||imiesłów przeszły Das Present Perfect wird mit have oder has und einem Partizip der Vergangenheit gebildet.

Have and has are often contracted. |||||skracane Haben und hat werden oft kontrahiert.

For example: Zum Beispiel:

I've finished everything. Ich habe alles fertiggestellt.

She's just left. Sie ist gerade gegangen.

We've been here for hours. Wir sind schon seit Stunden hier.

Past participles usually look the same as the past tense. Partizipien der Vergangenheit sehen normalerweise genauso aus wie die Vergangenheitsform.

For example: Zum Beispiel:

finish – finished – finished leave – left – left fertig - fertig - fertig verlassen - links - links

However, many common verbs are irregular. Viele gängige Verben sind jedoch unregelmäßig.

That means you need to know irregular verbs to use the present perfect. Das bedeutet, dass Sie unregelmäßige Verben kennen müssen, um das Präsens im Perfekt zu verwenden.

There's also a continuous form of the present perfect, with been plus a verb with -ing. Es gibt auch eine kontinuierliche Form des Präsens im Perfekt, mit be plus einem Verb mit -ing.

For example: Zum Beispiel:

I've been cleaning the house all morning. Ich habe den ganzen Morgen das Haus geputzt.

He's been acting very strangely lately. |||||dernièrement ||||estranhamente| Er verhält sich in letzter Zeit sehr seltsam.

However, in this lesson, we're going to focus on the simple verb form. In dieser Lektion werden wir uns jedoch auf die einfache Verbform konzentrieren.

Make negatives by adding not after have or has. Bilden Sie Negative, indem Sie nicht nach haben oder hat hinzufügen.

Again, this form is often contracted. Auch diese Form wird häufig verkürzt.

For example: Zum Beispiel:

I haven't seen anything like that before. So etwas habe ich noch nie gesehen.

He hasn't helped at all. Er hat überhaupt nicht geholfen.

They haven't given me much information. Sie haben mir nicht viele Informationen gegeben.

Make questions by moving have or has before the subject: Stellen Sie Fragen, indem Sie have oder has vor das Thema setzen:

Have you booked the tickets yet? Haben Sie die Tickets schon gebucht?

How long has your sister been a vet? |||||||veterinarian |||||||veterinária Wie lange ist Ihre Schwester schon Tierärztin?

How many people have you told about this? Wie vielen Menschen haben Sie davon erzählt?

Next, let's look at how to actually use the present perfect, and what it means. Als Nächstes wollen wir uns ansehen, wie man das Präsens im Perfekt tatsächlich verwendet und was es bedeutet.

Have you ever been to Argentina? Waren Sie schon einmal in Argentinien?

No, I've never even been to South America, but I'd love to go! Nein, ich war noch nie in Südamerika, aber ich würde gerne mal hinfahren!

Have you ever been skydiving? Waren Sie schon einmal Fallschirmspringen? ¿Has hecho paracaidismo alguna vez?

Yeah, actually. Ja, tatsächlich.

It was amazing! Es war unglaublich!

Have you tried kangaroo before? |||canguru| Haben Sie schon einmal Känguru probiert?

No, never. Nein, niemals.

What's it like? Wie ist das?

How many times have you seen this film? Wie oft haben Sie diesen Film schon gesehen?

More than once. Mehr als einmal.

So, twice? Also, zweimal?

Three times? Dreimal?

Ok, ok, I've seen it eight times. Ok, ok, ich habe ihn acht Mal gesehen.

Eight? Acht?

You can use the present perfect to talk about life experiences. Sie können das Präsens im Perfekt verwenden, um über Lebenserfahrungen zu sprechen.

You just heard different examples of this. Sie haben gerade verschiedene Beispiele dafür gehört.

Do you remember the questions we asked? Erinnern Sie sich an die Fragen, die wir gestellt haben?

This is common with questions like: Dies ist bei Fragen wie der folgenden üblich:

Have you ever…? Haben Sie jemals...?

Have you … before? Haben Sie schon einmal ...?

How many times have you…? Wie oft haben Sie schon...?

For example: Zum Beispiel:

Have you ever seen a ghost? Haben Sie jemals einen Geist gesehen?

Have you met Amit before? Haben Sie Amit schon einmal getroffen?

How many times have you bought something and never worn it? Wie oft haben Sie schon etwas gekauft und es nie getragen?

In all these questions, you don't say when. In all diesen Fragen sagen Sie nicht, wann.

You don't use a time reference like ‘this year' or ‘recently'. Sie verwenden keinen Zeitbezug wie "dieses Jahr" oder "kürzlich".

That's because all these questions are asking about your whole life. Das liegt daran, dass all diese Fragen Ihr ganzes Leben betreffen.

You don't say it, but the meaning is there. Du sagst es nicht, aber die Bedeutung ist da.

Try something now: pause the video and write down three questions. Versuchen Sie jetzt etwas: Halten Sie das Video an und schreiben Sie drei Fragen auf.

Use your own ideas. Verwenden Sie Ihre eigenen Ideen.

Then, write your own answers! Schreiben Sie dann Ihre eigenen Antworten!

Pause the video and do it now. Halten Sie das Video an und tun Sie es jetzt.

Now, let's look at another way to use the present perfect. Schauen wir uns nun eine andere Art an, das Präsens im Perfekt zu verwenden.

Have you called about the Internet yet? ||ligado|||| Haben Sie schon wegen des Internets angerufen? ¿Has llamado ya por Internet?

I haven't, I'm sorry. Das habe ich nicht, tut mir leid.

I've been so busy all day. Ich hatte den ganzen Tag so viel zu tun.

You said you'd do it today! Sie sagten, Sie würden es heute tun!

I haven't been able to do any work since Monday! Ich habe seit Montag nicht mehr arbeiten können!

I've tried to call several times this week, but they always say that they can only talk Ich habe diese Woche schon mehrmals versucht anzurufen, aber sie sagen immer, dass sie nur mit

to the account holder. |||au titulaire du compte |||titular da conta ||na konto posiadacza| an den Kontoinhaber.

That's you! Das bist du!

I know, I'm sorry. Ich weiß, es tut mir leid.

I just haven't had time all week. Ich hatte einfach die ganze Woche keine Zeit. No he tenido tiempo en toda la semana.

So, what can I help you with? Womit kann ich Ihnen also helfen?

Well, I haven't been feeling well recently. Nun, ich habe mich in letzter Zeit nicht gut gefühlt.

What are your symptoms? Was sind Ihre Symptome?

I've had a really bad cough for a couple of weeks now. Ich habe seit ein paar Wochen einen wirklich schlimmen Husten.

This week, I've started to feel really slow and tired, and I haven't had much appetite. |||||||lento|||||||| In dieser Woche habe ich angefangen, mich wirklich langsam und müde zu fühlen, und ich hatte nicht viel Appetit. Esta semana he empezado a sentirme muy lenta y cansada, y no he tenido mucho apetito.

Have you had any nausea? ||||nevolnost ||||des nausées ||||Czy miałeś nudności? Haben Sie unter Übelkeit gelitten?

Headaches? Kopfschmerzen?

No, not really. Nein, nicht wirklich.

We'll do some tests and see what we can do. Wir werden einige Tests durchführen und sehen, was wir tun können.

You can use the present perfect to talk about a time period which is unfinished. Sie können das Präsens im Perfekt verwenden, um über einen unvollendeten Zeitraum zu sprechen.

Remember that the present perfect connects the present and the past. Denken Sie daran, dass das Präsens Perfekt die Gegenwart und die Vergangenheit miteinander verbindet.

For example, take today. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel den heutigen Tag.

Today is an unfinished time period. Die heutige Zeit ist eine unvollendete Periode.

It's started, but it hasn't finished yet. Es hat begonnen, ist aber noch nicht zu Ende.

You heard several other unfinished time periods in the dialogues. Sie haben in den Dialogen mehrere andere unvollendete Zeiträume gehört.

Can you remember any? Können Sie sich an welche erinnern?

Here are some examples: I've been so busy all day. Hier sind einige Beispiele: Ich war den ganzen Tag so beschäftigt.

I haven't been able to do any work since Monday! Ich habe seit Montag nicht mehr arbeiten können!

I haven't been feeling well recently. Ich habe mich in letzter Zeit nicht gut gefühlt.

This week, I've started to feel really slow and tired. In dieser Woche habe ich angefangen, mich wirklich langsam und müde zu fühlen.

Other unfinished time periods include things like this week, this month, this year, and Andere unfertige Zeiträume sind z. B. diese Woche, dieser Monat, dieses Jahr und

so on. so weiter.

So, if you're talking about an unfinished time period, you can use the present perfect. Wenn Sie also über einen unvollendeten Zeitraum sprechen, können Sie das Präsens im Perfekt verwenden.

To make this clearer, compare unfinished time with finished time: Um dies zu verdeutlichen, vergleichen Sie die unfertige Zeit mit der fertigen Zeit:

I've been so busy all day. Ich hatte den ganzen Tag so viel zu tun.

I was so busy yesterday. Ich war gestern sehr beschäftigt.

I haven't been able to do any work since Monday! Ich habe seit Montag nicht mehr arbeiten können!

I wasn't able to do any work last week. Ich war letzte Woche nicht in der Lage, zu arbeiten.

I haven't felt well recently. Ich habe mich in letzter Zeit nicht gut gefühlt.

I didn't feel well last weekend. Letztes Wochenende habe ich mich nicht gut gefühlt.

I've had a really bad cough for a couple of weeks now. Ich habe seit ein paar Wochen einen wirklich schlimmen Husten.

I had a really bad cough last year. Letztes Jahr hatte ich einen wirklich schlimmen Husten.

When you talk about a finished time period, like last year or yesterday, you need to use Wenn Sie über einen abgeschlossenen Zeitraum sprechen, wie letztes Jahr oder gestern, müssen Sie

the past simple.

You can't use the present perfect to talk about finished time periods. Man kann das Präsens nicht verwenden, um über abgeschlossene Zeiträume zu sprechen.

Sometimes, you can choose to use the present perfect or the past simple with an unfinished Manchmal kann man das Present Perfect oder das Past Simple mit einem unvollendeten

time period. Zeitspanne.

For example: Zum Beispiel:

I've worked hard today. Ich habe heute hart gearbeitet.

I worked hard today. Ich habe heute hart gearbeitet.

These are both possible, but there's a small difference in meaning. Beides ist möglich, aber es gibt einen kleinen Unterschied in der Bedeutung.

Do you know what?

The first sentence, with the present perfect, suggests that today is not finished yet. Der erste Satz mit dem Perfekt der Gegenwart deutet darauf hin, dass der heutige Tag noch nicht zu Ende ist.

Maybe you have more work to do! Vielleicht haben Sie noch mehr Arbeit vor sich!

The second sentence, with the past simple, suggests that today is finished.

It's the evening and you're relaxing after a long day! Es ist Abend und Sie entspannen sich nach einem langen Tag!

Let's practice.

Look at three incomplete sentences: Sehen Sie sich drei unvollständige Sätze an:

I haven't … today. Ich habe nicht ... heute.

I've … a lot this week. Ich habe ... diese Woche viel erlebt.

I haven't … enough recently. Ich habe in letzter Zeit nicht ... genug.

Can you complete the sentences to make them true about you? Kannst du die Sätze so vervollständigen, dass sie auf dich zutreffen?

For example, you could say something like: Sie könnten zum Beispiel etwas sagen wie:

I haven't eaten any fruit today. Ich habe heute noch kein Obst gegessen.

I haven't watched TV today. Ich habe heute kein Fernsehen geschaut.

I haven't had a shower today. Ich habe heute noch nicht geduscht.

Pause the video and write down three sentences. Halten Sie das Video an und schreiben Sie drei Sätze auf.

Ok? Ist das in Ordnung?

How was that? Wie war das?

Let's look at one more way to use the present perfect tense. Schauen wir uns eine weitere Möglichkeit an, das Präsens im Perfekt zu verwenden.

How long have you lived here? Jak||||| Wie lange leben Sie schon hier?

For about a year. Etwa ein Jahr lang.

Have you two known each other long? Kennen Sie beide sich schon lange?

Yeah, since we were at primary school! Ja, seit wir in der Grundschule waren!

How long have they been married? Wie lange sind sie schon verheiratet?

I'm not sure. Ich bin mir nicht sicher.

I think for a couple of years? Ich glaube, seit ein paar Jahren?

Maybe not even that long. Vielleicht nicht einmal so lange.

Nice jacket! Schöne Jacke!

Is it new? Ist sie neu?

This? No, I've had it for years! Das hier? Nein, ich habe es schon seit Jahren!

You can use the present perfect to talk about something which started in the past and is Man kann das Präsens im Perfekt verwenden, um über etwas zu sprechen, das in der Vergangenheit begonnen hat und

still true now. Das gilt auch jetzt noch.

For example: Zum Beispiel:

How long have you lived here? Wie lange leben Sie schon hier?

This means that you still live here now. Das bedeutet, dass Sie jetzt noch hier leben.

Have you two known each other long? Kennen Sie beide sich schon lange?

You still know each other now. Ihr kennt euch jetzt noch.

How long have they been married? Wie lange sind sie schon verheiratet?

They're still married now. Sie sind immer noch verheiratet.

I've had this jacket for years. Ich habe diese Jacke schon seit Jahren.

I still have it now. Ich habe es immer noch.

Be careful: there's a common mistake which English learners make here. Seien Sie vorsichtig: Es gibt einen häufigen Fehler, den Englischlernende hier machen.

It looks like this: Das sieht folgendermaßen aus:

I've bought this jacket for three years. Ich habe diese Jacke seit drei Jahren gekauft.

Can you explain why this is wrong? Können Sie erklären, warum dies falsch ist?

It's wrong because the action of buying the jacket is finished, and in the past. Das ist falsch, weil der Kauf der Jacke abgeschlossen ist und der Vergangenheit angehört.

You could say:

I bought this jacket three years ago. Ich habe diese Jacke vor drei Jahren gekauft.

The action of having the jacket is not finished. Der Vorgang des Tragens der Jacke ist noch nicht abgeschlossen.

It started in the past, when you bought it, and it's still true now, because you still Es begann in der Vergangenheit, als Sie es kauften, und es gilt auch jetzt noch, weil Sie immer noch

have the jacket now.

Again, it's useful to compare the present perfect and the past simple: Auch hier ist es nützlich, das Present Perfect und das Past Simple zu vergleichen:

I've lived here for about a year. Ich wohne hier seit etwa einem Jahr.

I still live here now. Ich wohne jetzt noch hier.

I lived there for about a year. Ich habe dort etwa ein Jahr lang gelebt.

I don't live there now. Ich wohne dort nicht mehr.

How long have they been married? Wie lange sind sie schon verheiratet?

They're still married now. Sie sind immer noch verheiratet.

How long were they married? Wie lange waren sie verheiratet?

They're not married now. Sie sind nicht mehr verheiratet.

Okay, your turn to practice! Okay, du bist mit dem Üben dran!

Look at three incomplete sentences: Sehen Sie sich drei unvollständige Sätze an:

I've had … for … I've lived in … since … Ich habe ... seit ... Ich wohne in ... seit ...

I've been … Ich habe ...

Your job is to complete these sentences so that they're true for you. Deine Aufgabe ist es, diese Sätze so zu vervollständigen, dass sie für dich wahr sind.

Pause the video, think about what you could say, and write down three sentences.

If you aren't sure, review this section and use the examples you've seen to help Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, lesen Sie diesen Abschnitt und verwenden Sie die Beispiele, die Sie gesehen haben, um zu helfen

you. Sie.

How was that? Wie war das?

Hopefully easy! Hoffentlich einfach!

Let's look at one more way you can use the present perfect tense. Schauen wir uns eine weitere Möglichkeit an, wie Sie das Präsens im Perfekt verwenden können.

What's wrong with you? Was ist los mit dir?


I've eaten too many cakes and now I feel terrible. Ich habe zu viele Kuchen gegessen, und jetzt fühle ich mich schrecklich.

How many did you have? Wie viele hatten Sie?

I had six or seven. Ich hatte sechs oder sieben.

That was smart. Das war klug. Eso fue inteligente.

But they were so tasty… Aber sie waren so lecker...

Have you lost something? Haben Sie etwas verloren?

Yeah, I've lost my phone. ||||téléphone Ja, ich habe mein Telefon verloren.

I put it down somewhere and now I can't find it. ||||quelque part|||||| Ich habe sie irgendwo hingelegt und kann sie jetzt nicht mehr finden.

When did you last use it? Wann haben Sie es zuletzt benutzt?

I don't know. Ich weiß es nicht.

I had it last night, for sure. Ich hatte es gestern Abend, ganz sicher.

Can you call me? Können Sie mich anrufen?

Oh no! Oh nein!

The cat's been sick on the couch! |du chat||||| Die Katze hat sich auf der Couch übergeben!

Again? Schon wieder?

That's the third time this week. Das ist das dritte Mal in dieser Woche.

Can you clean it up? Kannst du es sauber machen?

I cleaned it last time! já|||| Ich habe sie das letzte Mal gereinigt!

You can use the present perfect to talk about things in the past if there's still a result Man kann das Präsens im Perfekt verwenden, um über Dinge in der Vergangenheit zu sprechen, wenn es noch ein Ergebnis gibt

in the present. in der Gegenwart.

For example: Zum Beispiel:

I've eaten too many cakes and now I feel terrible. Ich habe zu viele Kuchen gegessen, und jetzt fühle ich mich schrecklich.

I ate the cakes in the past, but the result—feeling terrible—is still true now. Ich habe die Kuchen in der Vergangenheit gegessen, aber das Ergebnis - ich fühle mich schrecklich - ist auch jetzt noch so.

I've lost my phone. Ich habe mein Telefon verloren.

I lost my phone sometime in the past, but the result—I can't find my phone—is Ich habe mein Telefon irgendwann in der Vergangenheit verloren, aber das Ergebnis - ich kann mein Telefon nicht mehr finden - ist

still true now. Das gilt auch jetzt noch.

The cat's been sick on the couch! Die Katze hat sich auf der Couch übergeben!

The cat was sick on the couch in the past, but the result—the sofa needs cleaning—is

still true now. Das gilt auch jetzt noch.

You can also see something useful in these dialogues: often, you start a conversation

using the present perfect, and then switch to the past simple. das Präsens im Perfekt zu verwenden und dann zum Präteritum zu wechseln.

For example: I've eaten too many cakes.

How many did you have? Wie viele hatten Sie?

I've lost my phone. Ich habe mein Telefon verloren.

When did you last use it? Wann haben Sie es zuletzt benutzt?

This is a very common pattern in English conversations. Dies ist ein sehr häufiges Muster in englischen Gesprächen.

Again, let's compare the present perfect to the past simple: Vergleichen wir noch einmal das Present Perfect mit dem Past Simple:

I've lost my phone. Ich habe mein Telefon verloren.

I can't find it now. Ich kann sie nicht mehr finden.

I lost my phone. Ich habe mein Telefon verloren.

Maybe I found it again, or maybe I gave up and had to get a new phone. Vielleicht habe ich es wiedergefunden, vielleicht habe ich es aber auch aufgegeben und musste mir ein neues Telefon besorgen.

This sentence only tells you about the past, so you can't be sure what happened. Dieser Satz erzählt nur von der Vergangenheit, so dass man nicht sicher sein kann, was passiert ist.

The cat's been sick on the couch! Die Katze hat sich auf der Couch übergeben!

The couch needs cleaning, and maybe the cat needs to go to the vet. Die Couch muss gereinigt werden, und vielleicht muss die Katze zum Tierarzt.

The cat was sick on the couch. Die Katze lag krank auf der Couch.

It's safe to sit on the couch again. Sie können sich wieder auf die Couch setzen.

Now, you know the most common ways to use the present perfect tense in English. Jetzt kennen Sie die gängigsten Arten, das Present Perfect Tense im Englischen zu verwenden.

We have a question for you: can you name all the other verb tenses in English?

Which one do you find the most difficult to understand? Welche ist für Sie am schwierigsten zu verstehen?

Let us know in the comments. Lassen Sie es uns in den Kommentaren wissen.

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Check out the quiz on our website: Oxford Online English dot com. Sehen Sie sich das Quiz auf unserer Website an: Oxford Online English dot com.

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Thanks for watching!

See you next time! uvidíme se|||