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Oxford Online English, IELTS Reading Exam - Answer Matching Headings Questions

IELTS Reading Exam - Answer Matching Headings Questions


I'm Martin.

Welcome to Oxford Online English.

Are you taking the IELTS examination?

What do you know about the reading paper?

Are you having problems with any of the question types?

In this lesson, you're going to learn how to complete matching headings questions in

the IELTS reading exam.

Part 1: basic tips for the matching headings section.

Matching headings is often one of the most difficult question types for students.


The main reason is that the headings are usually very similar to each other.

Also, you have more headings than you need for the question.

So, how can we make this a little easier?

Firstly, if there's an example - and there usually is - cross out that answer.

You don't need it; don't let it confuse you.

Also, the example isn't always the first paragraph, so make sure you check carefully.

Secondly, check how many questions you need to answer.

How many extra answers are there?

If you are matching headings, do not use any answer more than once.

Finally, and most importantly, you do not need to read the whole text!

You don't have time.

You get marks for answering the questions, not understanding the whole text.

Your only job is to choose the correct answers.

So, how can we find them?

Part 2: how to answer a matching headings question.

Take a look at these headings:


How wildlife benefits from big trees 2.

How large trees are being destroyed 3.

How to support a functioning ecosystem

Before you read any of the text, one technique is to read the headings first.

Read the headings and think about the topic of the text.

So, what were your ideas?

Something about trees?

The environment?

Now, let's take a look at the first paragraph.

That is a lot of text.

We could read it all, but why would we?

We don't need the details, we just need to work out what the main idea of the paragraph


And, to do that, we only need the first, second and last sentences.

Much better.

Read the first sentence.

Most paragraphs will start with a mini-introduction that will often tell you what the paragraph

is about.

Large trees are an essential part of any successfully functioning ecosystem.

OK, so from our three headings, which one could it be?

Try looking for synonyms and phrases that have a similar meaning to the first sentence.

Can we rule out any answers yet?

Well, it could be number one.

We have a mention of trees, and the words ‘essential part' and ‘successfully'

could connect to the idea of ‘benefits' in heading number one.

What about number two?

We have ‘trees' again.

However, number two contains the word ‘destroyed', and there is nothing which connects to this

in the first sentence.

In number three, we have the phrase ‘functioning ecosystem', which appears in the first sentence.

So, three is another possibility.

Even if you think you know, make sure you read the last sentence of the paragraph to

check your ideas.

Most paragraphs will end with a mini-conclusion.

If this mini-conclusion is on the same topic as the first sentence, that is often enough

to give you the answer.

Let's look at the last sentence:

This allows the trees to support a substantial proportion of the life in the forest.

What is the meaning of the sentence?

Can you see any synonyms or other words which we can connect to words or phrases in the


At this point, we can say that it can't be heading number two.

In both sentences we have nothing about the destruction of trees.

Number one is looking very likely.

We have ‘support' - a similar idea to ‘benefits' - and ‘life' - similar

to ‘wildlife'.

Number 3?

‘How to support a functioning ecosystem' suggests that the text should give people


Are these sentences giving us advice or not?

They aren't, and so we can rule out heading number three.

So you could now choose heading number one and move onto the next question.

However, if you aren't sure, don't worry.

Read the second sentence in the paragraph.

This should help you to find the right answer with more certainty.

Without the trees, innumerable species would be left without habitats and would cease to


OK, even if you weren't sure before, you can see that this is about trees and how they

help wildlife.

The answer must be heading number one: How wildlife benefits from large trees.

Let's do one more example.

We'll use the same technique.

Look at these headings:


Working conditions in the UK 2.

The benefits of being a member of a trade union


Declining membership of trade unions in the UK

Again, read the headings and think about the topic of the text.

So, what were your ideas?

Something about work in the UK?

Membership of trade unions?

Now, let's take a look at our paragraph:

Remember, we don't need the details yet, we just need the main idea of the paragraph.

Again, you just need the first, second and last sentences.

Let's have a look at the first sentence.

How does that help us?

Trade unions provide an essential defence against exploitative working practices.

Okay, exactly the same as before: try looking for synonyms and phrases that have a similar

meaning to the rest of the sentence.

Can we rule any answers out yet?

It could be heading number one.

We have the word ‘working' in both.

The sentence also says ‘exploitative'.

‘Exploitative' describes a relationship where one side is more powerful, and uses

that power to treat the other side unfairly.

This could link to ‘working conditions'.

What about heading number two?

The phrase ‘trade union' is in both.

Also, we have the word ‘defence'.

‘Defence' here connects to the idea of helping people by protecting their rights.

Heading number two talks about ‘benefits', so it could still be number two.

What about the third heading?

‘Trade union' is in both, but there's nothing else to connect the heading to the

first sentence.

So, it looks less likely, but we don't have enough information to rule any headings out


You can see that this example is a little more difficult.

With our first example, we had a good idea of which heading was right after reading one


Here, the first sentence of the paragraph hasn't helped us much yet.

What do you do?

No problem!

Remember: the next step is to look at the final sentence of the paragraph:

A large decrease in the number of members means that trade unions currently have far

less influence compared to the height of their power in the 1980s.

Does this make things any clearer?

The sentence says the number of members has decreased.

So, heading number three is looking more probable, because it talks about ‘declining membership

of trade unions'.

But, what about headings one and two?

There's nothing obvious in the last sentence which connects to one or two.

However, there's also nothing which lets us rule them out.

So, I think we need to do some more work.

What should you do?

Read the second sentence.

Yet, due to a lack of awareness surrounding the benefits of joining a union and an increase

in temporary work, union membership in the UK continues to fall year-on-year.

Can we make a final decision now?

The second sentence mentions ‘benefits', which appears in heading number two, but this

sentence says that people don't know the benefits of joining a trade union, which is

a different context from heading number two.

So, there's nothing to connect this sentence to headings one or two.

What about heading number three?

The sentence tells us that trade union membership continues to fall.

‘Fall' is a synonym for ‘decline'.

Therefore, we can match heading number three to this paragraph.

Is that any clearer?

If you aren't sure why number three is the answer, remember that you can review this

section as many times as you need.

Follow each step and think about the logic you need to use to reach the right answer.

These questions can be challenging, but by practising the technique, you will feel more

confident when matching headings in your IELTS reading exam.

So, that is how you answer matching headings questions in the IELTS reading exam.

Make sure you practise this technique to improve your speed.

Some key points to remember for your IELTS reading exam:


Do not read the whole text.

You only need to read the first, last and maybe the second sentences.


Look for synonyms and similar ideas between the headings and sentences.

Is the paragraph saying the same thing, but in a different way?


Remember that seeing synonyms or even the same words in the paragraph and the heading

DOES NOT mean that this heading is the right one.

Always check that the meaning fits.


If you've used the technique and still aren't sure of an answer, move on to the next question.

When you've answered a few more questions and used more of the headings, you can come

back to questions you haven't answered.


Answer all the questions.

Even if nothing works, make sure you write an answer, even if you have to guess between

2 or 3 options.

Well, that's the end of the lesson.

I hope this helps you answer matching headings questions in the IELTS reading exam.

Good luck if you have an IELTS exam coming up soon!

You can check out our website for more free English lessons, including IELTS preparation

lessons: Oxford Online English dot com.

Thanks for watching.

See you soon!

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IELTS Reading Exam - Answer Matching Headings Questions |||||Başlıklar| IELTS-Leseprüfung - Beantworten Sie Fragen zu übereinstimmenden Überschriften Examen IELTS Reading - Responda a las preguntas de emparejamiento de encabezamientos Examen de lecture de l'IELTS - Répondre aux questions de correspondance des titres Esame di lettura IELTS - Rispondere alle domande di abbinamento dei titoli IELTS リーディング試験 - マッチング見出し問題に答える IELTS 읽기 시험 - 제목 맞추기 문제에 답하기 IELTS leesvaardigheidsexamen - Antwoorden op de vragen over bijpassende kopjes Egzamin IELTS z czytania - Odpowiedz na pytania z dopasowywaniem nagłówków Exame de Leitura IELTS - Responder a perguntas de correspondência de títulos Экзамен IELTS по чтению - ответы на вопросы с соответствующими заголовками IELTS Okuma Sınavı - Başlık Eşleştirme Sorularını Yanıtlayın Іспит з читання IELTS - відповідайте на запитання відповідних заголовків 雅思阅读考试 - 回答匹配标题问题 雅思閱讀考試 - 回答配對標題問題


I'm Martin.

Welcome to Oxford Online English.

Are you taking the IELTS examination? Machen Sie die IELTS-Prüfung?

What do you know about the reading paper? Was weißt du über das Leseblatt? 關於閱讀論文你了解多少?

Are you having problems with any of the question types? Haben Sie Probleme mit einem der Fragetypen?

In this lesson, you're going to learn how to complete matching headings questions in ||||||||||匹配题|标题匹配|| |||||||||||títulos|| В этом уроке вы узнаете, как заполнять вопросы с совпадающими заголовками в

the IELTS reading exam.

Part 1: basic tips for the matching headings section. Teil 1: Grundlegende Tipps für den Abschnitt „Matching Headings“.

Matching headings is often one of the most difficult question types for students. Das Zuordnen von Überschriften ist oft einer der schwierigsten Fragetypen für Schüler.


The main reason is that the headings are usually very similar to each other. Der Hauptgrund ist, dass die Überschriften einander meist sehr ähnlich sind.

Also, you have more headings than you need for the question. Außerdem haben Sie mehr Überschriften, als Sie für die Frage benötigen.

So, how can we make this a little easier?

Firstly, if there's an example - and there usually is - cross out that answer. |||||||||tacha||| Erstens, wenn es ein Beispiel gibt – und das gibt es normalerweise – streichen Sie diese Antwort durch. Во-первых, если есть пример - а он обычно есть, - вычеркните этот ответ.

You don't need it; don't let it confuse you. Sie brauchen es nicht; lass dich nicht verwirren. Вам это не нужно; пусть это вас не смущает.

Also, the example isn't always the first paragraph, so make sure you check carefully. Außerdem ist das Beispiel nicht immer der erste Absatz, also überprüfen Sie es sorgfältig.

Secondly, check how many questions you need to answer. Überprüfen Sie zweitens, wie viele Fragen Sie beantworten müssen.

How many extra answers are there? 多少||||| Wie viele zusätzliche Antworten gibt es? Сколько дополнительных ответов? 還有多少個額外的答案?

If you are matching headings, do not use any answer more than once. |||||||||||超过| |||coincidiendo||||||||| Wenn Sie übereinstimmende Überschriften verwenden, verwenden Sie keine Antwort mehr als einmal.

Finally, and most importantly, you do not need to read the whole text! Schließlich und vor allem müssen Sie nicht den ganzen Text lesen!

You don't have time. Du hast keine Zeit.

You get marks for answering the questions, not understanding the whole text. 你||分数||||||||| Sie erhalten Punkte für die Beantwortung der Fragen, nicht für das Verstehen des gesamten Textes. 您因回答問題而不是理解全文而獲得分數。

Your only job is to choose the correct answers. |||是||||| Ihre einzige Aufgabe ist es, die richtigen Antworten auszuwählen.

So, how can we find them?

Part 2: how to answer a matching headings question. Teil 2: Wie man eine Frage zu übereinstimmenden Überschriften beantwortet.

Take a look at these headings: Schauen Sie sich diese Rubriken an:


How wildlife benefits from big trees 2. Wie Wildtiere von großen Bäumen profitieren 2. 野生動物如何從大樹中受益 2.

How large trees are being destroyed 3. Wie große Bäume zerstört werden 3.

How to support a functioning ecosystem ||||正常运作的|生态系统 Wie man ein funktionierendes Ökosystem unterstützt 如何支援正常運作的生態系統

Before you read any of the text, one technique is to read the headings first. Bevor Sie irgendeinen Text lesen, besteht eine Technik darin, zuerst die Überschriften zu lesen.

Read the headings and think about the topic of the text. Lesen Sie die Überschriften und denken Sie über das Thema des Textes nach.

So, what were your ideas?

Something about trees?

The environment? Die Umgebung?

Now, let's take a look at the first paragraph.

That is a lot of text.

We could read it all, but why would we? 我们|||||||| Wir könnten alles lesen, aber warum sollten wir?

We don't need the details, we just need to work out what the main idea of the paragraph Wir brauchen keine Details, wir müssen nur herausfinden, was die Hauptidee des Absatzes ist


And, to do that, we only need the first, second and last sentences. Und dazu brauchen wir nur den ersten, zweiten und letzten Satz.

Much better. Viel besser.

Read the first sentence.

Most paragraphs will start with a mini-introduction that will often tell you what the paragraph Die meisten Absätze beginnen mit einer kleinen Einführung, die Ihnen oft sagt, was der Absatz bedeutet

is about. es| handelt von.

Large trees are an essential part of any successfully functioning ecosystem. Große Bäume sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil eines erfolgreich funktionierenden Ökosystems.

OK, so from our three headings, which one could it be? Okay, welche von unseren drei Rubriken könnte es sein?

Try looking for synonyms and phrases that have a similar meaning to the first sentence. |||同义词||||||||||| Versuchen Sie, nach Synonymen und Ausdrücken zu suchen, die eine ähnliche Bedeutung wie der erste Satz haben.

Can we rule out any answers yet? Können wir schon Antworten ausschließen?

Well, it could be number one. Nun, es könnte die Nummer eins sein.

We have a mention of trees, and the words ‘essential part' and ‘successfully' Wir haben Bäume erwähnt und die Wörter „wesentlicher Teil“ und „erfolgreich“.

could connect to the idea of ‘benefits' in heading number one. könnte an die Idee der „Vorteile“ in Überschrift Nummer eins anknüpfen.

What about number two?

We have ‘trees' again.

However, number two contains the word ‘destroyed', and there is nothing which connects to this

in the first sentence.

In number three, we have the phrase ‘functioning ecosystem', which appears in the first sentence. ||||||||||aparece||||

So, three is another possibility. 所以|||| Drei ist also eine weitere Möglichkeit.

Even if you think you know, make sure you read the last sentence of the paragraph to

check your ideas.

Most paragraphs will end with a mini-conclusion. Die meisten Absätze enden mit einer Mini-Schlussfolgerung.

If this mini-conclusion is on the same topic as the first sentence, that is often enough

to give you the answer.

Let's look at the last sentence:

This allows the trees to support a substantial proportion of the life in the forest. |||||||相当大|比例|||||| Dadurch können die Bäume einen wesentlichen Teil des Lebens im Wald unterstützen. 這使得樹木能夠支撐森林中很大一部分的生命。

What is the meaning of the sentence?

Can you see any synonyms or other words which we can connect to words or phrases in the


At this point, we can say that it can't be heading number two.

In both sentences we have nothing about the destruction of trees.

Number one is looking very likely.

We have ‘support' - a similar idea to ‘benefits' - and ‘life' - similar

to ‘wildlife'.

Number 3?

‘How to support a functioning ecosystem' suggests that the text should give people


Are these sentences giving us advice or not?

They aren't, and so we can rule out heading number three. Sie sind es nicht, und deshalb können wir Überschrift Nummer drei ausschließen.

So you could now choose heading number one and move onto the next question. Sie könnten jetzt also Überschrift Nummer eins wählen und zur nächsten Frage übergehen.

However, if you aren't sure, don't worry.

Read the second sentence in the paragraph.

This should help you to find the right answer with more certainty. |||||||||||更大的确定性 Dies soll Ihnen helfen, mit größerer Sicherheit die richtige Antwort zu finden.

Without the trees, innumerable species would be left without habitats and would cease to |||无数的||||||栖息地|||停止| ||||||||||||dejarían de| 如果沒有樹木,無數物種將失去棲息地並停止生存


OK, even if you weren't sure before, you can see that this is about trees and how they

help wildlife.

The answer must be heading number one: How wildlife benefits from large trees.

Let's do one more example.

We'll use the same technique.

Look at these headings:


Working conditions in the UK 2. Arbeitsbedingungen in Großbritannien 2.

The benefits of being a member of a trade union ||||||的|||工会 Die Vorteile einer Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft


Declining membership of trade unions in the UK |会员资格|||||| Rückgang der Mitgliedschaft in Gewerkschaften im Vereinigten Königreich 英國工會會員數下降

Again, read the headings and think about the topic of the text.

So, what were your ideas?

Something about work in the UK?

Membership of trade unions? 工會會員資格?

Now, let's take a look at our paragraph:

Remember, we don't need the details yet, we just need the main idea of the paragraph.

Again, you just need the first, second and last sentences. Auch hier brauchen Sie nur den ersten, zweiten und letzten Satz.

Let's have a look at the first sentence.

How does that help us? Wie hilft uns das?

Trade unions provide an essential defence against exploitative working practices. |||||防御||剥削性的||工作方式 Gewerkschaften bieten einen wesentlichen Schutz gegen ausbeuterische Arbeitspraktiken. 工會為防止剝削性工作行為提供了重要的防禦手段。

Okay, exactly the same as before: try looking for synonyms and phrases that have a similar

meaning to the rest of the sentence.

Can we rule any answers out yet? Können wir schon Antworten ausschließen?

It could be heading number one.

We have the word ‘working' in both.

The sentence also says ‘exploitative'.

‘Exploitative' describes a relationship where one side is more powerful, and uses

that power to treat the other side unfairly. diese Macht, die andere Seite unfair zu behandeln.

This could link to ‘working conditions'. Dies könnte mit „Arbeitsbedingungen“ verknüpft sein.

What about heading number two? Was ist mit Überschrift Nummer zwei?

The phrase ‘trade union' is in both.

Also, we have the word ‘defence'. Außerdem haben wir das Wort „Verteidigung“.

‘Defence' here connects to the idea of helping people by protecting their rights. „Verteidigung“ verbindet sich hier mit der Idee, Menschen durch den Schutz ihrer Rechte zu helfen.

Heading number two talks about ‘benefits', so it could still be number two. Überschrift Nummer zwei spricht von „Nutzen“, also könnte es immer noch Nummer zwei sein.

What about the third heading?

‘Trade union' is in both, but there's nothing else to connect the heading to the

first sentence.

So, it looks less likely, but we don't have enough information to rule any headings out ||||可能性较小||||||||||| Es sieht also weniger wahrscheinlich aus, aber wir haben nicht genügend Informationen, um Überschriften auszuschließen Отже, це виглядає менш імовірно, але ми не маємо достатньо інформації, щоб виключити будь-які заголовки


You can see that this example is a little more difficult.

With our first example, we had a good idea of which heading was right after reading one


Here, the first sentence of the paragraph hasn't helped us much yet. aquí|||||||||||

What do you do? Wie geht's?

No problem!

Remember: the next step is to look at the final sentence of the paragraph:

A large decrease in the number of members means that trade unions currently have far ||减少|||||||||||| Ein starker Rückgang der Mitgliederzahlen bedeutet, dass die Gewerkschaften derzeit weit entfernt sind

less influence compared to the height of their power in the 1980s. weniger Einfluss im Vergleich zum Höhepunkt ihrer Macht in den 1980er Jahren.

Does this make things any clearer? |||||更清楚 Macht das die Sache klarer?

The sentence says the number of members has decreased. Der Satz besagt, dass die Zahl der Mitglieder abgenommen hat.

So, heading number three is looking more probable, because it talks about ‘declining membership Überschrift Nummer drei sieht also wahrscheinlicher aus, weil sie von „abnehmender Mitgliedschaft“ spricht 因此,標題三看起來更有可能,因為它談到“會員人數下降”

of trade unions'. der Gewerkschaften“.

But, what about headings one and two?

There's nothing obvious in the last sentence which connects to one or two. Im letzten Satz ist nichts offensichtlich, was mit ein oder zwei in Verbindung steht.

However, there's also nothing which lets us rule them out. Es gibt jedoch auch nichts, was uns sie ausschließen lässt.

So, I think we need to do some more work. Also, ich denke, wir müssen noch etwas arbeiten.

What should you do? qué||| Was tun?

Read the second sentence.

Yet, due to a lack of awareness surrounding the benefits of joining a union and an increase Aufgrund eines Mangels an Bewusstsein für die Vorteile des Beitritts zu einer Gewerkschaft und einer Erhöhung Однако из-за недостаточной осведомленности о преимуществах вступления в профсоюз и увеличения

in temporary work, union membership in the UK continues to fall year-on-year. |||||||||||年|| Bei der Zeitarbeit sinkt die Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft im Vereinigten Königreich weiterhin von Jahr zu Jahr. в сфере временной работы, членство в профсоюзах в Великобритании продолжает снижаться из года в год.

Can we make a final decision now? Können wir jetzt eine endgültige Entscheidung treffen?

The second sentence mentions ‘benefits', which appears in heading number two, but this

sentence says that people don't know the benefits of joining a trade union, which is Satz besagt, dass die Menschen die Vorteile des Beitritts zu einer Gewerkschaft nicht kennen

a different context from heading number two.

So, there's nothing to connect this sentence to headings one or two. Es gibt also nichts, was diesen Satz mit den Überschriften eins oder zwei verbinden könnte.

What about heading number three?

The sentence tells us that trade union membership continues to fall. Der Satz sagt uns, dass die Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft weiter sinkt.

‘Fall' is a synonym for ‘decline'. |||同义词||下降 „Fall“ ist ein Synonym für „Verfall“.

Therefore, we can match heading number three to this paragraph. Daher können wir Überschrift Nummer drei diesem Absatz zuordnen.

Is that any clearer? Ist das klarer?

If you aren't sure why number three is the answer, remember that you can review this Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, warum Nummer drei die Antwort ist, denken Sie daran, dass Sie dies überprüfen können

section as many times as you need.

Follow each step and think about the logic you need to use to reach the right answer. Folgen Sie jedem Schritt und denken Sie über die Logik nach, die Sie verwenden müssen, um die richtige Antwort zu finden.

These questions can be challenging, but by practising the technique, you will feel more

confident when matching headings in your IELTS reading exam.

So, that is how you answer matching headings questions in the IELTS reading exam.

Make sure you practise this technique to improve your speed.

Some key points to remember for your IELTS reading exam:


Do not read the whole text.

You only need to read the first, last and maybe the second sentences.


Look for synonyms and similar ideas between the headings and sentences.

Is the paragraph saying the same thing, but in a different way?


Remember that seeing synonyms or even the same words in the paragraph and the heading Denken Sie daran, Synonyme oder sogar die gleichen Wörter im Absatz und in der Überschrift zu sehen

DOES NOT mean that this heading is the right one. Bedeutet NICHT, dass diese Überschrift die richtige ist.

Always check that the meaning fits. ||||含义|适合 Überprüfen Sie immer, ob die Bedeutung passt.


If you've used the technique and still aren't sure of an answer, move on to the next question. Wenn Sie die Technik angewendet haben und sich der Antwort immer noch nicht sicher sind, fahren Sie mit der nächsten Frage fort.

When you've answered a few more questions and used more of the headings, you can come

back to questions you haven't answered.


Answer all the questions.

Even if nothing works, make sure you write an answer, even if you have to guess between Selbst wenn nichts funktioniert, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine Antwort schreiben, auch wenn Sie zwischendurch raten müssen

2 or 3 options.

Well, that's the end of the lesson.

I hope this helps you answer matching headings questions in the IELTS reading exam. Ich hoffe, dies hilft Ihnen bei der Beantwortung der Fragen zu übereinstimmenden Überschriften in der IELTS-Leseprüfung.

Good luck if you have an IELTS exam coming up soon! Viel Glück, wenn Sie bald eine IELTS-Prüfung haben!

You can check out our website for more free English lessons, including IELTS preparation На нашем сайте вы можете найти больше бесплатных уроков английского языка, включая подготовку к IELTS.

lessons: Oxford Online English dot com.

Thanks for watching.

See you soon!