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Oxford Online English, How to Use Sarcasm in English - Learn Spoken English

How to Use Sarcasm in English - Learn Spoken English

Hello, I'm Mia.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn about how to be sarcastic in English.

Imagine your friend has an exam.

Your friend is really lazy, doesn't study at all, and fails the exam.

Someone says to your friend:

It's surprising that you failed, after all the hard work you did.

This is an example of sarcasm.

In this lesson, we'll look at how you can be sarcastic in English, along with some key

words and phrases you can learn to practice your new humour!

Let's get started.

Part One: What is Sarcasm?

Sarcasm means saying the opposite of what you mean in order to make fun of someone.

It's very common in the UK and often leads to confusion when you're learning English!

British humour is famous for using a lot of sarcasm with a very straight face, so many

people find it hard to tell when British people are joking or being serious.

Now, you don't need to be confused anymore, let's take a look at some examples of sarcasm

so that you can see what it looks like!

For example, imagine you see your co-worker sitting at his desk with his feet up, reading

a magazine.

You could say:

You look busy!


I see you're working hard!

Now, your co-worker is not really busy or working hard.

By saying the opposite of what he's doing, you are using sarcasm to create humour in

the situation and make fun of your co-worker.

Ready to learn how to be sarcastic?

Part Two: When to be Sarcastic:

Okay, now that we've looked at what sarcasm is, let's take a look at when to be sarcastic.

As sarcasm is a type of humour that responds to a situation, firstly it's important to

know which situations work well with sarcasm.

The first situation is when something bad happens to you.

Imagine that you've just made yourself a slice of toast.

You put butter on it—and then you drop it onto the carpet!

The butter is all over your new carpet.

In this situation you might say something like:




Of course, this is not great, fantastic or brilliant at all!

You are being sarcastic.

In the UK, this response is common when something goes wrong.

Remember that we only use it with small things that are annoying, not something really serious

or dangerous.

The next situation is very similar.

You can use sarcasm when somebody else does something wrong.

Imagine that your friend is making a drink.

When he goes to sit down, he spills it all over himself.

You could use this opportunity to be sarcastic by saying something like:

Well done.

Or: Great job.

As you can see, you are saying the opposite of what you think.

Another time we might use sarcasm is when somebody says something that's so obvious

that it sounds a little stupid.

Imagine that your friend says:

Did you know that Madrid is the capital of Spain?

You might say:



I did not know that.

Of course, you did know that and by using a sarcastic response, you can make the situation


You can also use sarcasm when something unsurprising happens.

Imagine that your friend is writing an essay for a history class.

He's not very good at history, he doesn't study and he writes the essay very quickly,

an hour before the he has to hand it in.

Unsurprisingly, he gets an ‘F' on his essay.

When your friend tells you:

I got an ‘F' on my history essay.

Of course, you're not surprised at all.

You might say something like:

I'm shocked!


No one saw that coming!

Of course, there are many other situations where you could be sarcastic, but these are

the main ones to remember.

It's important to remember that sarcasm should be used in light situations where you

want to make a joke.

Be careful not to use it if the situation is more serious or if someone's upset—you

don't want to offend them!

Part Three: How to be Sarcastic:

Now that you have a good idea of when to use sarcasm, let's look at some key phrases

and expressions you might use when you're being sarcastic.

A lot of sarcastic responses tend to be short phrases or interjections.

Like all humour, sarcasm depends partly on responding quickly, so it works well with

short responses.

Imagine that your friend offers to help you paint your new apartment.

You're working hard.

You've almost finished two walls already, and then you look over and see that your friend

hasn't even painted half of one wall yet!

You might say:

Great job.

Thanks for the help.

Take your time.

These phrases make the situation humorous through sarcasm.

Be careful you don't sound too annoyed when you say them!

These phrases are useful in other situations, too.

For example, if your friend is helping you cook dinner and he burns it, you could also


Good job!

Or: Thanks for the help.

As you can see, these phrases would work well in a lot of different situations.

Later, the same friend tells you he has to cook for twenty people at a dinner party this


Having seen his lack of cooking skills, you say:

Good luck with that.

That'll be fun.

If one of your friends tells a bad joke that isn't very funny, you could say:

That's so funny.


Can you see how saying the opposite of what you mean makes something sarcastic?

When you remember that, it's very easy to be sarcastic in these situations!

Now imagine that you and another friend are both applying for the same job.

By learning and using short phrases like these, you can be sarcastic in a range of situations

very easily.

Why don't you give it a go?

Part Four: What happens if you're Misunderstood?

Hopefully by now you're feeling confident enough to try being sarcastic!

It's important to go out and practice your new language skills so that you improve them.

Don't worry about making mistakes—this is natural and it happens.

Now, let's see how you can make it clear that you're being sarcastic.

It's important that people can understand that your sarcasm is a joke and that you aren't

just being mean.

Listen to this:

Thanks for the help.

Good luck with that.

I did not know that.

That'll be fun.

Can you see the problem?

It's not obvious if I'm being sarcastic or not, which can make things very confusing!

Sometimes you can use intonation to show that you're being sarcastic.

Some people make sarcastic phrases flatter or more emotionless like this:

Thanks for the help.

Good luck with that.

Other people might use a stronger intonation, drawing out the words to emphasise them, like


I did not know that.

That'll be fun.

Can you tell the difference now?

Thanks for the help!

Thanks for the help.

The first was genuine and the second was sarcastic, of course!

It's important to remember that English is a very wide language with a lot of accents

and personality, so sarcasm can sound different.

Most people will know you're being sarcastic from the context of the conversation.

Facial expressions also help to show people that you're not being serious, so it's

important to use these too!

If you are misunderstood by someone, don't worry!

It's easy to make it clear that you weren't being serious.

You could say something like:

I'm only joking.

Or: Just kidding!

This makes it clear that what you said was a joke.

You could also tell them that you're being sarcastic, by saying something like:

I was being sarcastic.

That was sarcasm.

I didn't mean that, it was sarcastic.

That's the end of our lesson.

You made it all the way to the end of a short video!

Well done!

What an achievement!

I'm just kidding, of course!

You can see more of our free lessons on our website: oxfordonlineenglish.com.

Thanks for watching!

See you next time.

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How to Use Sarcasm in English - Learn Spoken English |||讽刺||||| Wie man Sarkasmus auf Englisch benutzt - Sprechen lernen Cómo usar el sarcasmo en inglés - Aprende inglés hablado Comment utiliser le sarcasme en anglais - Apprenez l'anglais parlé Come usare il sarcasmo in inglese - Imparare l'inglese parlato 英語で皮肉を使うには? Kaip vartoti sarkazmą angliškai - mokykitės šnekamosios anglų kalbos Sarcasme gebruiken in het Engels - Leer Gesproken Engels Jak używać sarkazmu w języku angielskim - Ucz się mówionego angielskiego Como usar o sarcasmo em inglês - Aprenda Inglês falado Как использовать сарказм в английском языке - Изучение разговорного английского языка İngilizcede İğneleme Nasıl Kullanılır - Konuşma İngilizcesi Öğrenin Як вживати сарказм в англійській мові - вивчаємо розмовну англійську 如何用英语讽刺他人 - 学习英语口语 如何使用英語諷刺 - 學習英語口語

Hello, I'm Mia. ||米娅

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn about how to be sarcastic in English. ||||||||||讽刺的|| 在本课中,您可以学习如何用英语表达讽刺。

Imagine your friend has an exam. |你的|||| Представьте, что у вашего друга экзамен.

Your friend is really lazy, doesn't study at all, and fails the exam. あなたの友人は本当に怠け者で、まったく勉強せず、試験に落ちた。

Someone says to your friend:

It's surprising that you failed, after all the hard work you did. あれだけ頑張ったのに、失敗したのは驚きだ。

This is an example of sarcasm. Este é um exemplo de sarcasmo.

In this lesson, we'll look at how you can be sarcastic in English, along with some key |||||||||||||junto con||| In dieser Lektion sehen wir uns an, wie Sie auf Englisch sarkastisch sein können, zusammen mit einigen Schlüsseln В этом уроке мы рассмотрим, как вы можете быть саркастичным в английском языке, а также некоторые ключевые

words and phrases you can learn to practice your new humour!

Let's get started.

Part One: What is Sarcasm?

Sarcasm means saying the opposite of what you mean in order to make fun of someone. Sarkasmus bedeutet, das Gegenteil von dem zu sagen, was man meint, um sich über jemanden lustig zu machen. Сарказм означает высказывание противоположного тому, что вы имеете в виду, чтобы высмеять кого-то.

It's very common in the UK and often leads to confusion when you're learning English! Es ist in Großbritannien sehr verbreitet und führt oft zu Verwirrung, wenn Sie Englisch lernen! Это очень распространено в Великобритании и часто приводит к путанице при изучении английского языка!

British humour is famous for using a lot of sarcasm with a very straight face, so many Britischer Humor ist berühmt dafür, viel Sarkasmus mit einem sehr ernsten Gesicht zu verwenden, so viele Британский юмор известен тем, что использует много сарказма с очень невозмутимым выражением лица. 英式幽默以使用大量諷刺而板著臉而聞名,所以很多

people find it hard to tell when British people are joking or being serious. людям трудно сказать, когда британцы шутят, а когда говорят серьезно.

Now, you don't need to be confused anymore, let's take a look at some examples of sarcasm Jetzt brauchen Sie nicht mehr verwirrt zu sein, werfen wir einen Blick auf einige Beispiele für Sarkasmus Теперь вам больше не нужно путать, давайте рассмотрим несколько примеров сарказма.

so that you can see what it looks like! damit ihr seht wie es aussieht! чтобы вы могли видеть, как это выглядит!

For example, imagine you see your co-worker sitting at his desk with his feet up, reading Stellen Sie sich zum Beispiel vor, Sie sehen Ihren Kollegen mit erhobenen Füßen an seinem Schreibtisch sitzen und lesen Например, представьте, что вы видите, как ваш коллега сидит за столом, высоко подняв ноги, и читает.

a magazine.

You could say:

You look busy! Du siehst beschäftigt aus! Ты выглядишь занятым!


I see you're working hard! Ich sehe, Sie arbeiten hart!

Now, your co-worker is not really busy or working hard.

By saying the opposite of what he's doing, you are using sarcasm to create humour in Indem Sie das Gegenteil von dem sagen, was er tut, verwenden Sie Sarkasmus, um Humor zu erzeugen

the situation and make fun of your co-worker. |||||||同事| die Situation und machen Sie sich über Ihren Kollegen lustig. ситуации и высмеивать своего коллегу. 情況並取笑你的同事。

Ready to learn how to be sarcastic?

Part Two: When to be Sarcastic: ||当||| Teil Zwei: Wann man sarkastisch sein sollte: 第2部:皮肉を言うべき時: Часть вторая: Когда быть саркастичным:

Okay, now that we've looked at what sarcasm is, let's take a look at when to be sarcastic. Okay, jetzt, wo wir uns angesehen haben, was Sarkasmus ist, schauen wir uns an, wann man sarkastisch sein sollte. Хорошо, теперь, когда мы рассмотрели, что такое сарказм, давайте посмотрим, когда следует быть саркастичным.

As sarcasm is a type of humour that responds to a situation, firstly it's important to ||||||||回应||||首先||| Da Sarkasmus eine Art Humor ist, der auf eine Situation reagiert, ist es zunächst einmal wichtig Поскольку сарказм — это тип юмора, который отвечает на ситуацию, во-первых, важно

know which situations work well with sarcasm. 知道|||有效||| wissen, in welchen Situationen Sarkasmus gut funktioniert.

The first situation is when something bad happens to you. Die erste Situation ist, wenn dir etwas Schlimmes passiert. Первая ситуация, когда с вами случается что-то плохое.

Imagine that you've just made yourself a slice of toast. ||||||一片||| ||has||preparaste||||| Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie hätten sich gerade eine Scheibe Toast gemacht. 自分でトーストを焼いたところを想像してみてほしい。 Представьте, что вы только что приготовили себе кусочек тоста.

You put butter on it—and then you drop it onto the carpet! Sie geben Butter darauf – und dann lassen Sie es auf den Teppich fallen! Вы намазываете его маслом, а потом роняете на ковер! Üzerine tereyağı sürüyorsun ve sonra halının üzerine bırakıyorsun!

The butter is all over your new carpet. La mantequilla está por toda tu alfombra nueva. 新しいカーペットにバターがべったり。 Масло на вашем новом ковре.

In this situation you might say something like: En esta situación podrías decir algo como




Of course, this is not great, fantastic or brilliant at all!

You are being sarcastic. Du bist sarkastisch.

In the UK, this response is common when something goes wrong. ||||||||某事|| In Großbritannien ist diese Reaktion üblich, wenn etwas schief geht. В Великобритании такая реакция распространена, когда что-то идет не так.

Remember that we only use it with small things that are annoying, not something really serious |||||||小的|||||||| Denken Sie daran, dass wir es nur bei kleinen Dingen verwenden, die ärgerlich sind, nicht bei etwas wirklich Ernstem Помните, что мы используем его только с мелкими раздражающими вещами, а не с чем-то действительно серьезным.

or dangerous.

The next situation is very similar.

You can use sarcasm when somebody else does something wrong.

Imagine that your friend is making a drink. Представьте, что ваш друг готовит напиток. 想像一下你的朋友正在喝酒。

When he goes to sit down, he spills it all over himself. |||||||洒了|||| Als er sich hinsetzt, verschüttet er alles über sich. Когда он собирается сесть, он проливает его на себя. 當他坐下來時,他把它灑了一身。

You could use this opportunity to be sarcastic by saying something like: ||||机会|||||||

Well done.

Or: Great job.

As you can see, you are saying the opposite of what you think.

Another time we might use sarcasm is when somebody says something that's so obvious Ein anderes Mal könnten wir Sarkasmus verwenden, wenn jemand etwas so Offensichtliches sagt В другой раз мы могли бы использовать сарказм, когда кто-то говорит что-то настолько очевидное.

that it sounds a little stupid. dass es ein bisschen dumm klingt.

Imagine that your friend says: Stellen Sie sich vor, Ihr Freund sagt:

Did you know that Madrid is the capital of Spain?

You might say: Man könnte sagen:



I did not know that.

Of course, you did know that and by using a sarcastic response, you can make the situation Natürlich wusstest du das und mit einer sarkastischen Antwort kannst du die Situation verändern


You can also use sarcasm when something unsurprising happens. ||||||某事|不意外| Вы также можете использовать сарказм, когда происходит что-то неудивительное. Ви також можете використовувати сарказм, коли трапляється щось несподіване.

Imagine that your friend is writing an essay for a history class. Stellen Sie sich vor, Ihr Freund schreibt einen Aufsatz für den Geschichtsunterricht.

He's not very good at history, he doesn't study and he writes the essay very quickly, Er ist nicht sehr gut in Geschichte, er lernt nicht und er schreibt den Aufsatz sehr schnell, Он не очень силен в истории, не учится и очень быстро пишет сочинение,

an hour before the he has to hand it in. 一个|||||||交|| eine Stunde vorher muss er es abgeben. за час до того, как он должен сдать его.

Unsurprisingly, he gets an ‘F' on his essay. 不出所料||||||| Wenig überraschend bekommt er ein „F“ für seinen Aufsatz. Неудивительно, что он получает «F» за свое эссе. Не дивно, що він отримує «F» за своє есе.

When your friend tells you:

I got an ‘F' on my history essay.

Of course, you're not surprised at all. Sie sind natürlich überhaupt nicht überrascht.

You might say something like:

I'm shocked! ¡Estoy sorprendido!


No one saw that coming! 没想到|||| Das hat keiner kommen sehen! Никто этого не предвидел!

Of course, there are many other situations where you could be sarcastic, but these are |||||||||||||这些|

the main ones to remember. ||||记住 die wichtigsten, an die man sich erinnern sollte. главное запомнить.

It's important to remember that sarcasm should be used in light situations where you Es ist wichtig, sich daran zu erinnern, dass Sarkasmus in leichten Situationen verwendet werden sollte, in denen Sie

want to make a joke. ||||开个玩笑

Be careful not to use it if the situation is more serious or if someone's upset—you |||||||||||严重||||| Achten Sie darauf, es nicht zu verwenden, wenn die Situation ernster ist oder wenn jemand verärgert ist – Sie Будьте осторожны, не используйте его, если ситуация более серьезная или если кто-то расстроен — вы 如果情況比較嚴重或有人不高興的話,請小心不要使用它——你

don't want to offend them! |||冒犯| will sie nicht beleidigen!

Part Three: How to be Sarcastic:

Now that you have a good idea of when to use sarcasm, let's look at some key phrases

and expressions you might use when you're being sarcastic.

A lot of sarcastic responses tend to be short phrases or interjections. |||||||||||感叹词 |||||tienden a ser|||||| Viele sarkastische Antworten bestehen in der Regel aus kurzen Sätzen oder Zwischenrufen. Многие саркастические ответы, как правило, представляют собой короткие фразы или междометия.

Like all humour, sarcasm depends partly on responding quickly, so it works well with Wie jeder Humor hängt Sarkasmus zum Teil davon ab, schnell zu reagieren, also funktioniert es gut damit Как и любой юмор, сарказм частично зависит от быстрой реакции, поэтому он хорошо работает с

short responses.

Imagine that your friend offers to help you paint your new apartment. ||||主动提出||||||| Stellen Sie sich vor, Ihr Freund bietet an, Ihnen beim Streichen Ihrer neuen Wohnung zu helfen. Представьте, что ваш друг предлагает помочь вам покрасить вашу новую квартиру.

You're working hard. Du arbeitest hart.

You've almost finished two walls already, and then you look over and see that your friend ||||墙||||||||||| Ты уже почти закончил две стены, а потом оглядываешься и видишь, что твой друг

hasn't even painted half of one wall yet! hat noch nicht einmal die Hälfte einer Wand gestrichen!

You might say:

Great job.

Thanks for the help.

Take your time. Не торопись.

These phrases make the situation humorous through sarcasm. |||||幽默的|| Diese Sätze machen die Situation durch Sarkasmus humorvoll. Эти фразы делают ситуацию юмористической за счет сарказма.

Be careful you don't sound too annoyed when you say them! ||||||molesto||||

These phrases are useful in other situations, too.

For example, if your friend is helping you cook dinner and he burns it, you could also ||||||||||||把它烧焦|||| Wenn dein Freund dir zum Beispiel beim Kochen hilft und es verbrennt, könntest du das auch tun Por ejemplo, si tu amigo te está ayudando a preparar la cena y la quema, también podrías Например, если ваш друг помогает вам готовить ужин, а сам его сжигает, вы также можете


Good job!

Or: Thanks for the help.

As you can see, these phrases would work well in a lot of different situations. Wie Sie sehen können, würden diese Sätze in vielen verschiedenen Situationen gut funktionieren.

Later, the same friend tells you he has to cook for twenty people at a dinner party this |||||||||||二十|||||| Позже тот же друг говорит вам, что в этот раз ему нужно приготовить званый обед на двадцать человек.


Having seen his lack of cooking skills, you say: 鉴于|||||||| |||falta||||| Nachdem Sie seine mangelnden Kochkünste gesehen haben, sagen Sie: Увидев его отсутствие кулинарных навыков, вы говорите:

Good luck with that. Viel Glück damit. Удачи с этим.

That'll be fun. Das wird lustig. Это будет весело.

If one of your friends tells a bad joke that isn't very funny, you could say:

That's so funny. Это так забавно.

Hilarious. 搞笑 Urkomisch. 笑える。

Can you see how saying the opposite of what you mean makes something sarcastic? 自分の言いたいことと反対のことを言うと、皮肉になるのがわかる? Вы видите, как высказывание противоположного тому, что вы имеете в виду, делает что-то саркастическим?

When you remember that, it's very easy to be sarcastic in these situations!

Now imagine that you and another friend are both applying for the same job. Stellen Sie sich nun vor, Sie und ein anderer Freund bewerben sich beide um dieselbe Stelle. 今度は、あなたと別の友人が同じ仕事に応募しているとしよう。 Теперь представьте, что вы и еще один друг претендуете на одну и ту же работу.

By learning and using short phrases like these, you can be sarcastic in a range of situations ||||||||||||||diversas situaciones|| Indem Sie kurze Sätze wie diese lernen und verwenden, können Sie in einer Reihe von Situationen sarkastisch sein 以下のような短いフレーズを覚えて使えば、さまざまな場面で皮肉を言うことができる。 Выучив и используя такие короткие фразы, вы сможете проявлять сарказм в самых разных ситуациях.

very easily.

Why don't you give it a go? 为什么|||||| Warum probierst du es nicht aus? やってみたらどうだ? Почему бы тебе не попробовать?

Part Four: What happens if you're Misunderstood? ||||||误解 Teil 4: Was passiert, wenn Sie missverstanden werden? パート4:誤解されたらどうする? Часть четвертая: Что делать, если вас неправильно поняли?

Hopefully by now you're feeling confident enough to try being sarcastic! |||||||||acting as| Hoffentlich fühlst du dich jetzt selbstbewusst genug, um zu versuchen, sarkastisch zu sein! 皮肉を言ってみるだけの自信がついていることを祈るよ!

It's important to go out and practice your new language skills so that you improve them. 新しい語学力を向上させるためには、外に出て練習することが大切だ。 Важно выходить и практиковать свои новые языковые навыки, чтобы улучшить их.

Don't worry about making mistakes—this is natural and it happens. Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, Fehler zu machen – das ist natürlich und passiert.

Now, let's see how you can make it clear that you're being sarcastic. Lass uns nun sehen, wie du deutlich machen kannst, dass du sarkastisch bist. では、皮肉であることをはっきりさせる方法を見てみよう。 Теперь давайте посмотрим, как вы можете дать понять, что вы саркастичны.

It's important that people can understand that your sarcasm is a joke and that you aren't ||||||||||||||你| Es ist wichtig, dass die Leute verstehen können, dass dein Sarkasmus ein Witz ist und dass du es nicht bist Важно, чтобы люди могли понять, что ваш сарказм — это шутка, а вы — не шутка.

just being mean. 只是|| nur gemein sein. 只是很刻薄。

Listen to this:

Thanks for the help.

Good luck with that.

I did not know that. Das wusste ich nicht. Я не знал этого.

That'll be fun.

Can you see the problem? Вы видите проблему?

It's not obvious if I'm being sarcastic or not, which can make things very confusing! 皮肉なのかそうでないのかがはっきりしないので、物事を非常に混乱させてしまう! Не очевидно, саркастичен я или нет, что может сильно запутать!

Sometimes you can use intonation to show that you're being sarcastic. Manchmal kannst du deine Intonation verwenden, um zu zeigen, dass du sarkastisch bist. Иногда вы можете использовать интонацию, чтобы показать, что вы саркастичны.

Some people make sarcastic phrases flatter or more emotionless like this: |||||更谄媚|||无情|| このように皮肉なフレーズを平坦に、あるいは無感情にする人もいる: Некоторые люди делают саркастические фразы более лестными или менее эмоциональными, например:

Thanks for the help.

Good luck with that.

Other people might use a stronger intonation, drawing out the words to emphasise them, like Andere Leute könnten eine stärkere Intonation verwenden und die Wörter ausdehnen, um sie zu betonen, wie Другие люди могут использовать более сильную интонацию, растягивая слова, чтобы подчеркнуть их, например:


I did not know that. Das wusste ich nicht. それは知らなかった。 Я не знал этого.

That'll be fun. Это будет весело.

Can you tell the difference now? Можете ли вы сказать разницу сейчас?

Thanks for the help! Danke für die Hilfe!

Thanks for the help. Danke für die Hilfe.

The first was genuine and the second was sarcastic, of course! |||真诚的||||||| Das erste war echt und das zweite natürlich sarkastisch! もちろん、1つ目は本心で、2つ目は皮肉だった!

It's important to remember that English is a very wide language with a lot of accents |||||||一种|||||||| Es ist wichtig, sich daran zu erinnern, dass Englisch eine sehr breite Sprache mit vielen Akzenten ist Важно помнить, что английский — очень широкий язык с большим количеством акцентов.

and personality, so sarcasm can sound different. ||因此|||| und Persönlichkeit, also kann Sarkasmus anders klingen. и личности, поэтому сарказм может звучать по-разному.

Most people will know you're being sarcastic from the context of the conversation. Die meisten Leute werden aus dem Kontext des Gesprächs wissen, dass du sarkastisch bist.

Facial expressions also help to show people that you're not being serious, so it's

important to use these too! wichtig, diese auch zu verwenden!

If you are misunderstood by someone, don't worry! |||malinterpretado|||| Если вас кто-то неправильно понял, не волнуйтесь!

It's easy to make it clear that you weren't being serious. Es ist leicht, deutlich zu machen, dass Sie es nicht ernst gemeint haben. Легко дать понять, что ты не всерьез.

You could say something like:

I'm only joking. ||开玩笑 Ich mach nur Spaß. Я всего лишь шучу.

Or: Just kidding! Oder: Nur ein Scherz! Или: Шучу!

This makes it clear that what you said was a joke. Das macht deutlich, dass das, was Sie gesagt haben, ein Witz war.

You could also tell them that you're being sarcastic, by saying something like: また、皮肉であることを伝えるために、次のように言うこともできる:

I was being sarcastic. I||| Ich war sarkastisch. Это был сарказм.

That was sarcasm. Это был сарказм.

I didn't mean that, it was sarcastic. Das meinte ich nicht, das war sarkastisch. Я не это имел в виду, это был сарказм.

That's the end of our lesson.

You made it all the way to the end of a short video! 你||||||||||||视频

Well done! Gut erledigt!

What an achievement! 多么|| ||Great success ||logro Was für eine Leistung!

I'm just kidding, of course!

You can see more of our free lessons on our website: oxfordonlineenglish.com.

Thanks for watching!

See you next time.