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Oxford Online English, How to Talk About Your Studies in English - Learn Spoken English

How to Talk About Your Studies in English - Learn Spoken English

Hi, I'm Sam.

Welcome to Oxford Online English.

In this lesson, you can learn to talk about your studies in English.

Are you a student?

Do you study at school or university?

If you've finished your studies, can you describe what you studied, when and where?

Talking about your studies could help you in conversation, in an exam such as IELTS

or in a job interview, so it's good to be able to talk clearly about your studies in


Let's start with the basics.

Look at a simple sentence:

I'm a student.

I study at .

What could you put in the gap?

You could say:

I study at high school.

I study at university.

I study at vocational college.

What's vocational college?

It's a kind of college where you can learn practical skills to get one specific kind

of job.

For example, you can study hairdressing, plumbing, or cookery at vocational college.

You can also put the place before the word student, like this:

I'm a high school student.

I'm a university student.

I'm a vocational college student.

Of course, you can also say:

I'm an English student!

What else could you say here?

You could also add what year you're in.

Look at some incomplete sentences:

I'm in of high school.

I'm a university student.

How could you complete these sentences?

You could say:

I'm in year 11 of high school.

I'm a first-year university student.

For school, we normally talk about year 1, year 2, year 3, etc.

Because different countries have different school systems, different numbers can have

different meanings in different places.

In American English, say grade instead of year.

In the UK, year 1 is for children who are 4-5 years old, and the school system finishes

with year 13, when students are 17-18 years old.

For university, you can say first year, second year, third year and final year.

For example:

I'm in my final year.

I'll graduate in June.

It's my second year.

I've got two more years to go.

What about you?

If you're a student now, can you make a sentence to say where you study, and what

year you're in?

Pause the video.

and practice!

Next, let's see how you can talk about what you study.

Again, let's start with a simple sentence:

I'm studying for .

What could you say here?

Look at some examples:

I'm studying for an International Baccalaureate. I'm studying for a bachelor's in economics.

I'm studying for an MA in English literature.

Instead of I'm studying for…, you can also say I'm doing…, like this:

I'm doing a PhD in cryptography.

I'm doing an FCE course.

If you're taking a professional certification, you can also say I'm studying to become…

For example:

I'm studying to become a cardiology nurse.

I'm studying to become an accountant.

What about you?

What are you studying?

Pause the video and make a sentence!

Okay, you can say a couple of basic things now.

Let's see how you can make your answer more detailed.

Look at some of the sentences we saw in part two:

I'm studying for an International Baccalaureate.

I'm doing an FCE course.

I'm studying to become an accountant.

Our job is to add one more sentence to each example, giving more details.

To help you do this, think about these questions:

What do you have to do for this course?

Why are you doing this course?

What do you hope to get at the end of this course?

Can you think of a way to make our examples more detailed?

Pause if you want to think about it.

Let's do some examples together:

I'm studying for an International Baccalaureate.

That means I'm doing English language and literature, maths, history and philosophy.

I'm doing an FCE course.

I wanted to improve my English because I'd like to work in Australia or New Zealand in

the future.

I'm studying to become an accountant.

I'm hoping to get my CPA qualification so I can start working.

What about you?

Think about our questions again:

Can you answer these questions to make your speaking more detailed?

Pause the video, and try to say as much as you can about your studies, using the three

questions to help you.

Hopefully, now you can talk about where and what you study and give some details.

But what do you think of your studies?

How could you describe your course or whatever you're studying now?

Do you like what you're studying?

Why or why not?

To help you, think about these ideas.

Is what you're studying interesting or boring?


Is it difficult or easy?

Again, try to explain why!

Let's do some examples together:

I'm studying for an International Baccalaureate.

I like it but it's hard work, because we have to do five different subjects and there's

a lot of work for each one, so I don't have much free time.

I'm doing an FCE course.

It's quite interesting because I have to use my English in new ways, and having the

exam to prepare for gives me the motivation to study more than I would otherwise.

I'm studying to become an accountant.

To be honest it's very easy and I find it quite boring.

I can already do everything—I just need the qualification!

Do you think you could make an answer like this?

Here's a basic template you can use:

I'm studying .

I find it , because .

Let's do one more example, so you can see how to use this template:

I'm studying engineering.

I find it quite hard, because there's a lot of maths and things you have to remember.



Now pause the video and make your own answer.

At this point, you should be able to talk about what you study, give details about your

course or subjects, and give your opinion about what you're studying.

Now, let's put everything together and make a longer answer.

Just use the sentences you've practised in the previous sections, like this:

I'm in my last year of high school.

I'm studying for an International Baccalaureate.

That means I'm doing English language and literature, maths, history and philosophy.

I like it but it's hard work, because we have to do five different subjects and there's

a lot of work for each one, so I don't have much free time.

That's an answer only using examples you've already seen in this video.

Let's do another longer answer with original examples:

I'm a second-year university student.

I'm studying psychology, because I've always been interested in how people think,

and I'm hoping to work as a psychologist in the future.

I'm really enjoying it and I find it quite easy, because everything's so interesting

that it doesn't feel like work!

Now, what about you?

Can you make a longer answer like this?

It should be easy: just put together the example sentences you made at the end of each section!

If you want, put your answers in the YouTube comments and we'll give you feedback on

your English.

That's the end of the lesson. I hope you learned something new.

You can see more of our free English lessons at Oxford Online English dot com.

See you next time!

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How to Talk About Your Studies in English - Learn Spoken English Wie man auf Englisch über sein Studium spricht - Sprechen lernen How to Talk About Your Studies in English - Learn Spoken English Cómo hablar de tus estudios en inglés - Aprende inglés hablado Comment parler de vos études en anglais - Apprenez l'anglais parlé Come parlare dei propri studi in inglese - Imparare l'inglese parlato 勉強について英語で話すには? 영어로 공부에 대해 이야기하는 방법 - 구어체 영어 배우기 Over je studie praten in het Engels - Leer Engels spreken Jak rozmawiać o studiach po angielsku - nauka mówionego angielskiego Como falar sobre os seus estudos em inglês - Aprenda Inglês falado Как рассказать о своей учебе на английском языке - Изучение разговорного английского языка Çalışmalarınız Hakkında İngilizce Nasıl Konuşursunuz - Konuşma İngilizcesi Öğrenin Як розповісти про своє навчання англійською - вивчаємо розмовну англійську 如何用英语谈论你的学习 - 学习英语口语 如何用英語談論你的學習 - 學習英語口語

Hi, I'm Sam.

Welcome to Oxford Online English. ||牛津||

In this lesson, you can learn to talk about your studies in English.

Are you a student?

Do you study at school or university?

If you've finished your studies, can you describe what you studied, when and where?

Talking about your studies could help you in conversation, in an exam such as IELTS

or in a job interview, so it's good to be able to talk clearly about your studies in


Let's start with the basics.

Look at a simple sentence:

I'm a student.

I study at __________. Ich studiere an .

What could you put in the gap? ||||||空格(1) Was könntest du in die Lücke stecken?

You could say:

I study at high school. Ich studiere an der High School.

I study at university.

I study at vocational college. |||职业| |||beruflich| |||technical| Ich besuche eine Berufsschule. 我在職業學院學習。

What's vocational college? |职业的| 什麼是職業學院?

It's a kind of college where you can learn practical skills to get one specific kind ||||学院|||||实用的|||||| Es ist eine Art College, in dem Sie praktische Fähigkeiten erlernen können, um eine bestimmte Art zu erhalten

of job.

For example, you can study hairdressing, plumbing, or cookery at vocational college. |||||美发|管道工艺||烹饪||职业| ||||||plumbing||||| An der Berufsschule kannst du zum Beispiel Friseur, Klempner oder Koch studieren. 例如,您可以在職業學院學習美髮、管道工程或烹飪。

You can also put the place before the word student, like this: 你也可以将地点放在单词学生之前,比如这样:

I'm a high school student. 我是一名高中学生。

I'm a university student. 我是一名大学生。

I'm a vocational college student. ||职业||

Of course, you can also say:

I'm an English student!

What else could you say here? Was könnte man hier noch sagen?

You could also add what year you're in.

Look at some incomplete sentences: |||不完整的| Sehen Sie sich einige unvollständige Sätze an: 不完全な文章をいくつか見てみよう:

I'm in __________ of high school. Ich bin in der High School. 高校にいるんだ。

I'm a __________ university student. 私は大学生です。

How could you complete these sentences?

You could say:

I'm in year 11 of high school. Ich bin in der 11. Klasse der High School. 今、高校の11年生なんだ。 我現在讀高中 11 年級。

I'm a first-year university student. Ich bin ein Universitätsstudent im ersten Jahr.

For school, we normally talk about year 1, year 2, year 3, etc. In der Schule sprechen wir normalerweise von Jahr 1, Jahr 2, Jahr 3 usw.

Because different countries have different school systems, different numbers can have

different meanings in different places.

In American English, say grade instead of year. Sagen Sie im amerikanischen Englisch grade anstelle von year.

In the UK, year 1 is for children who are 4-5 years old, and the school system finishes

with year 13, when students are 17-18 years old.

For university, you can say first year, second year, third year and final year. Für die Universität können Sie erstes Jahr, zweites Jahr, drittes Jahr und letztes Jahr sagen.

For example:

I'm in my final year. Ich bin in meinem letzten Jahr.

I'll graduate in June. |毕业|| Ich werde im Juni meinen Abschluss machen.

It's my second year. Es ist mein zweites Jahr.

I've got two more years to go. Ich habe noch zwei Jahre vor mir. 我還有兩年的時間。

What about you? Was ist mit Ihnen?

If you're a student now, can you make a sentence to say where you study, and what

year you're in?

Pause the video.

and practice!

Next, let's see how you can talk about what you study.

Again, let's start with a simple sentence:

I'm studying for __________. Ich studiere für .

What could you say here?

Look at some examples:

I'm studying for an International Baccalaureate. I'm studying for a bachelor's in economics. |||||国际文凭|||||学士学位||经济学 |||||Baccalaureate|||||bachelor's degree|| Ich studiere für ein internationales Abitur. Ich studiere Wirtschaftswissenschaften im Bachelor. 我正在攻讀國際文憑課程。我正在攻讀經濟學學士學位。

I'm studying for an MA in English literature. |||||||文学 Ich studiere für einen MA in englischer Literatur. 我正在攻讀英國文學碩士學位。

Instead of I'm studying for…, you can also say I'm doing…, like this:

I'm doing a PhD in cryptography. |||博士||密码学 Ich promoviere in Kryptographie. 我正在攻讀密碼學博士學位。

I'm doing an FCE course. |||FCE 课程| Ich mache einen FCE-Kurs. 我正在上 FCE 課程。

If you're taking a professional certification, you can also say I'm studying to become… |||||认证|||||||| Wenn Sie eine berufliche Zertifizierung absolvieren, können Sie auch sagen, dass ich studiere, um … 如果您正在獲得專業認證,您也可以說我正在學習成為…

For example:

I'm studying to become a cardiology nurse. |||||心脏病学| Ich studiere, um Kardiologiekrankenschwester zu werden. 我正在學習成為一名心臟病護士。

I'm studying to become an accountant. |||||会计师 |||||an accountant Ich studiere, um Buchhalter zu werden.

What about you? Was ist mit Ihnen?

What are you studying? Was studierst du?

Pause the video and make a sentence!

Okay, you can say a couple of basic things now. Okay, Sie können jetzt ein paar grundlegende Dinge sagen.

Let's see how you can make your answer more detailed. |||||||||specific and thorough Mal sehen, wie Sie Ihre Antwort detaillierter machen können.

Look at some of the sentences we saw in part two:

I'm studying for an International Baccalaureate. |||||国际文凭 Ich studiere für ein internationales Abitur. 我正在攻讀國際文憑課程。

I'm doing an FCE course. |||FCE 课程| Ich mache einen FCE-Kurs.

I'm studying to become an accountant. |||||会计师 Ich studiere, um Buchhalter zu werden.

Our job is to add one more sentence to each example, giving more details. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, jedem Beispiel einen weiteren Satz hinzuzufügen, der mehr Details enthält.

To help you do this, think about these questions: Um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, denken Sie über diese Fragen nach:

What do you have to do for this course? Was müssen Sie für diesen Kurs tun?

Why are you doing this course?

What do you hope to get at the end of this course?

Can you think of a way to make our examples more detailed? Können Sie sich eine Möglichkeit vorstellen, unsere Beispiele detaillierter zu gestalten?

Pause if you want to think about it. Halten Sie inne, wenn Sie darüber nachdenken möchten.

Let's do some examples together:

I'm studying for an International Baccalaureate. |||||国际文凭

That means I'm doing English language and literature, maths, history and philosophy. |||||||||||哲学 Das heißt, ich mache englische Sprache und Literatur, Mathematik, Geschichte und Philosophie.

I'm doing an FCE course.

I wanted to improve my English because I'd like to work in Australia or New Zealand in |||||||||||||||新西兰| Ich wollte mein Englisch verbessern, weil ich gerne in Australien oder Neuseeland arbeiten würde

the future.

I'm studying to become an accountant.

I'm hoping to get my CPA qualification so I can start working. |||||注册会计师|注册会计师资格||||| Ich hoffe, meine CPA-Qualifikation zu bekommen, damit ich anfangen kann zu arbeiten. 我希望獲得註冊會計師資格,這樣我就可以開始工作了。

What about you?

Think about our questions again:

Can you answer these questions to make your speaking more detailed?

Pause the video, and try to say as much as you can about your studies, using the three 暂停(1)||||||||||||||||| Halten Sie das Video an und versuchen Sie, so viel wie möglich über Ihr Studium zu sagen, indem Sie die drei verwenden

questions to help you. Fragen, die Ihnen helfen.

Hopefully, now you can talk about where and what you study and give some details.

But what do you think of your studies? Aber was hältst du von deinem Studium?

How could you describe your course or whatever you're studying now? Wie könntest du deinen Studiengang oder was auch immer du gerade studierst beschreiben?

Do you like what you're studying? Magst du, was du studierst?

Why or why not?

To help you, think about these ideas. Um Ihnen zu helfen, denken Sie über diese Ideen nach.

Is what you're studying interesting or boring?


Is it difficult or easy?

Again, try to explain why! Versuchen Sie noch einmal zu erklären, warum!

Let's do some examples together:

I'm studying for an International Baccalaureate. Ich studiere für ein internationales Abitur.

I like it but it's hard work, because we have to do five different subjects and there's Ich mag es, aber es ist harte Arbeit, denn wir müssen fünf verschiedene Fächer absolvieren und so weiter

a lot of work for each one, so I don't have much free time. viel Arbeit für jeden, also habe ich nicht viel Freizeit.

I'm doing an FCE course. Ich mache einen FCE-Kurs.

It's quite interesting because I have to use my English in new ways, and having the Es ist ziemlich interessant, weil ich mein Englisch auf neue Weise anwenden muss und das habe

exam to prepare for gives me the motivation to study more than I would otherwise. ||||||||||||||in other circumstances Prüfung, auf die ich mich vorbereiten muss, gibt mir die Motivation, mehr zu lernen, als ich es sonst tun würde.

I'm studying to become an accountant. Ich studiere, um Buchhalter zu werden.

To be honest it's very easy and I find it quite boring. Um ehrlich zu sein, ist es sehr einfach und ich finde es ziemlich langweilig.

I can already do everything—I just need the qualification! Ich kann schon alles – ich brauche nur die Qualifikation!

Do you think you could make an answer like this?

Here's a basic template you can use: 这是|||模板||| |||model||| Hier ist eine grundlegende Vorlage, die Sie verwenden können:

I'm studying __________.

I find it __________, because __________.

Let's do one more example, so you can see how to use this template:

I'm studying engineering. Ich studiere Ingenieurwesen.

I find it quite hard, because there's a lot of maths and things you have to remember. Ich finde es ziemlich schwer, weil es eine Menge Mathematik und Dinge gibt, die man sich merken muss.

See? Sehen?

Easy! Einfach!

Now pause the video and make your own answer.

At this point, you should be able to talk about what you study, give details about your

course or subjects, and give your opinion about what you're studying. Studiengang oder Fächer und geben Sie Ihre Meinung zu dem ab, was Sie studieren.

Now, let's put everything together and make a longer answer.

Just use the sentences you've practised in the previous sections, like this: |||||练习过的|||||| Verwenden Sie einfach die Sätze, die Sie in den vorherigen Abschnitten geübt haben, wie diese:

I'm in my last year of high school. |在||||||

I'm studying for an International Baccalaureate.

That means I'm doing English language and literature, maths, history and philosophy. Das heißt, ich mache englische Sprache und Literatur, Mathematik, Geschichte und Philosophie.

I like it but it's hard work, because we have to do five different subjects and there's

a lot of work for each one, so I don't have much free time.

That's an answer only using examples you've already seen in this video.

Let's do another longer answer with original examples: Lassen Sie uns eine weitere längere Antwort mit Originalbeispielen geben:

I'm a second-year university student. I am|||||

I'm studying psychology, because I've always been interested in how people think,

and I'm hoping to work as a psychologist in the future. und ich hoffe, in Zukunft als Psychologin zu arbeiten.

I'm really enjoying it and I find it quite easy, because everything's so interesting Ich genieße es wirklich und finde es ziemlich einfach, weil alles so interessant ist

that it doesn't feel like work! |||感觉|| dass es sich nicht wie Arbeit anfühlt!

Now, what about you? Nun, was ist mit dir?

Can you make a longer answer like this?

It should be easy: just put together the example sentences you made at the end of each section! Es sollte einfach sein: Stellen Sie einfach die Beispielsätze zusammen, die Sie am Ende jedes Abschnitts erstellt haben!

If you want, put your answers in the YouTube comments and we'll give you feedback on

your English.

That's the end of the lesson. I hope you learned something new.

You can see more of our free English lessons at Oxford Online English dot com.

See you next time!