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Oxford Online English, How to Improve English Grammar - Tips to Learn English Grammar Faster

How to Improve English Grammar - Tips to Learn English Grammar Faster

Hi, I'm Olivier.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn how to improve your English grammar.

To some people, ‘grammar' is kind of a dirty word.

It probably makes you think of boring textbooks, boring exercises, and boring lessons.

Maybe you think, “Why do I need grammar?

I just want to communicate.”

But, here's the thing: grammar isn't just something in a book.

Grammar is how you connect words into phrases, and phrases into sentences.

Every time you connect two words, you're using grammar.

Even now, you're using grammar to understand what we're saying.

We think there's a better way to learn English grammar than just doing endless exercises.

In this lesson, you'll see a step-by-step, practical plan to improve your English grammar

in any area.

To work on grammar, it's a good idea to have a book for reference.

One of the most popular is English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy.

You can find a link under the video.

So, let's start: you want to improve your English grammar.

What should you do first?

‘English grammar' is not just one topic.

It's tens of major topics, and each of those contains tens of smaller topics.

So, you need to know where to begin.

You need to set goals and establish priorities for your studies.

How can you do that?

Let's start with five things.

Make a list of five errors or grammar problems you have.

Maybe, you already know some errors you make.

Maybe your teacher corrects you or your classmates often, and you have an idea.

A good way to do this is through writing.

Write something for your teacher, and ask them to highlight and correct your grammar


See which mistakes you make most often.

If you aren't studying with a teacher, what can you do?

This can be more difficult.

One suggestion: use a grammar book which has exercises and an answer key.

Choose five topics which you think you will find difficult.

Do the exercises and check your answers.

If you made a lot of mistakes, then you know you need to do more work on these topics.

Here's another suggestion: find a reading text, for example a news article online.

Make sure the text is not too difficult for you.

Read the text two to three times.

Next, try to rewrite the text without looking at it.

Don't worry about getting it perfect; just do your best.

Afterwards, compare your text with the original.

Where did you make mistakes?

Did you make mistakes with verb forms?

With adverbs?

Word order?

This should show you where some of your grammar mistakes are.

Okay, hopefully now you have a list of five grammar errors or weaknesses.

It could look like this:

Using the present perfect Word order in questions

Using commas correctly Mixing up adjectives and adverbs

Prepositions after adjectives

Be as specific as you can with your list.

Writing something like ‘verbs' or ‘prepositions' isn't really helpful.

Now, you have your list.

What's next?

If you have a problem with a grammar topic, there can be two basic reasons: form or function.

The first possibility is that you don't know how to form a structure correctly.

For example, think about the present perfect verb tense: I have done…

To form the present perfect, you need to know several things, such as:

Use ‘have' or ‘has' plus a past participle Make negatives with ‘haven't' or ‘hasn't'

Make questions by moving ‘have' or ‘has' before the subject

If you don't know these rules well, you might make mistakes like these:

She have been to Cambodia.

I don't have finished.

How long they have lived here?

Can you correct these mistakes?

Often, problems with form are habits.

You say and write the wrong sentence hundreds of times, and then it's hard to change it.

The only way to correct these habits is to repeat and review the correct form many, many


The best way to do that?

Use a flashcard app like Quizlet.

We'll talk about this in more detail later.

Or, maybe you don't know the correct form.

If so, use your grammar book to check.

Problems with form are simpler to understand, but sometimes they take a long time to fix,

especially if your mistakes have become deep habits.

You heard before that there are two basic reasons you could have problems with a grammar


What's the other?

The other possibility is that you don't understand the function.

What does that mean?

‘Function' means how a grammar structure is used, and what meaning it has.

For example, think again about the present perfect verb tense.

To use the present perfect correctly, you need to know things like:

Use the present perfect to talk about states which started in the past and are still true


Don't use the present perfect to talk about finished times in the past.

Use the present perfect to talk about life experiences when you don't specify a time.

Of course, there are more!

These are just examples.

If you don't understand these rules, you might make mistakes like these:

I am living here since four years.

We've had lunch three hours ago.

Have you ever been to Japan last year?

Can you correct these mistakes?

Often, problems with function are problems with translation.

Maybe your language doesn't have this grammar structure, or maybe your language expresses

expresses these ideas in a different way.

If you have problems with the function of a grammar structure, what can you do?

First, check the rules in your grammar book and try to find example sentences.

Think about how you would express the same ideas in your language.

Secondly, think about how this grammar works in your language.

Do you have the same structure?

Do you use it in the same way?

The most difficult grammar topics will often be things which don't exist in your language.

For example, many languages don't have an exact equivalent to the present perfect in

English, which is why so many English learners find this verb tense particularly difficult.

However, thinking about the differences between your language and English can help to make

things clearer.

Okay, so now you've found your mistakes and thought about where they come from.

What next?

You're going to see one of the most powerful learning tools you can use.

Even better, it's simple!

Anyone can use it.

It's called templating.

Templating means you take part of a sentence, and finish it in different ways.

Let's stick with the example of the present perfect.

Here's an unfinished sentence:

I have never…

Your job is to finish the sentence in five different ways.

Make them as different as possible.

Here's one example:

I have never eaten snake.

Can you make one or two more?

Think about it now.

You could make sentences like:

I have never been to New Zealand.

I have never seen ‘Titanic'.

Try to make sentences which are true for you.

This way, they'll be more meaningful and easier to remember.

Remember: you need five sentences for each template.

That means you need to think of at least two more!

Think of two more things you've never done, and write them down.

Let's look at some more templates you could use to practice the present perfect:

I have … this week.

I haven't … yet today.

… have/has been living … for … I've been … recently.

My … has … since …

Can you see how you could complete these templates?

Think about it.

Pause the video if you want more time.

Let's see some possibilities:

I've watched this video three times this week.

I haven't had coffee yet today.

My sister has been living in Milan for three years.

I've been reading a lot of Chekhov recently.

My wife has been a doctor since 2005.

Of course, these are just suggestions!

You should write sentences which are true for you.

Also, remember that you should try to write five sentences for each template.

If you can't think of five, write as many as you can.

You can use this to practice any grammar topic.

For example, here are three templates you could use to practice using must, have to

and should:

At work, we mustn't … Tomorrow, I have to …

If you want to learn English quickly, you should …

Here are three templates you could use to practice talking about the future:

Tonight, I'm … For my next vacation, we're going to …

Next year, I hope I'll …

You see,

you can use this to practice anything.

Why should you use this method?

What makes it so powerful?

It's powerful because you're learning grammar through real-life examples.

Also, you're learning grammar in full sentences.

Finally, this lets you practice your vocabulary, too!

You have one more thing to do here.

You need to make sure your templated sentences are correct.

You're going to use these templates to practice and learn.

If you have any mistakes in your sentences, you'll just create bad habits which will

be difficult to change in the future.

So, ask your teacher, ask a friend, or ask on an online forum.

Make sure your sentences are correct.

Now, you're ready for step four.

Flashcard apps like Quizlet or Anki are a great way to review and remember grammar when you're learning English.

Both of these apps are mostly free to use, although the Anki app for IoS costs money.

Our staff and our students have had good results with both these apps.

There are others available, and you should probably try different ones and see which

one you like best!

You can find links underneath the video.

So, why do you need an app like this?

Using a flashcard app will help you to remember more of what you study and practice.

How can you do this?

First, you can make questions using your template sentences.

Put one or two gaps in a sentence and make a question, like this:

Do you remember the answer?

You can also make a question with a mistake which you make frequently.

The answer is the corrected sentence.

For example:

Correct the mistake: I just have had a shower.

Can you correct the mistake?

I've just had a shower.

The word order was wrong.

Put the correct sentence as your answer.

So, there are two kinds of cards you can make: gapped sentences and error correction.

You can make gapped sentence cards easier or harder by leaving out different numbers

of words.

For example:

My sister has in Milan for three years.

Or: My sister three years.

You might be thinking: this sounds like a lot of work!

Do I really have to make my own cards?

Do I have to do this for every grammar topic I study?

No, you don't have to, but you should.

Here's why:

First, you should make your own cards so that you're using your own examples.

Your own examples should mean something to you.

They're real; they're about you and your life.

This makes them easier to remember.

Secondly, you should spend the time to make your own cards because it will save you time


If you review efficiently, you can remember seventy to eighty percent of what you learn.

If you don't, you'll forget most of what you study, and then you'll have to do it

again in the future.

So, spending time now will save you a lot more time in the future.

Not only that: isn't it frustrating when you can't remember something you've studied

tens of times?

It's demotivating, and that's a problem.

You need to be motivated to learn English!

Using flashcards and templating will help you to remember more of what you study.

This will give you motivation, because you'll feel that you're making more progress.

Finally, make sure you review your cards every day, or as often as possible.

Review your cards when you have a spare moment during the day.

For example, do them before you get up in the morning, or on the subway to work,

or during a break.

Now, you have a four-step process to improve your English grammar:

Step one: identify and write down your weaknesses.

Start with five topics maximum.

The topics you write down should be as specific as possible.

Step two: identify the mistakes you make and the problems you have.

Do you have problems with the form, or the function, or both?

Use a grammar book to check, or ask a teacher.

Step three: make templates, and write five full sentences for each template.

The sentences should be real: write true sentences about you and your life.

Check your sentences carefully and make sure they're correct.

Step four: take your sentences and make them into flashcards.

You can make gapped sentences or error correction questions.

Review your cards regularly.

And that's all!

Use these tools, and you can learn anything you want to efficiently.

Tell us: what's the first grammar topic you're going to review?

Let us know in the comments, and we can see if you have similar ideas or not!

You can find more of our free English lessons on our website: Oxford Online English dot


Thanks for watching!

See you next time!

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Hi, I'm Olivier.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn how to improve your English grammar.

To some people, ‘grammar' is kind of a dirty word. ||||||||tabu|gramática Pour certaines personnes, la « grammaire » est une sorte de gros mot.

It probably makes you think of boring textbooks, boring exercises, and boring lessons. |||||||livros didáticos||||| Cela vous fait probablement penser à des manuels ennuyeux, des exercices ennuyeux et des leçons ennuyeuses.

Maybe you think, “Why do I need grammar? Belki de şöyle düşünüyorsunuz: "Dilbilgisine neden ihtiyacım olsun ki?

I just want to communicate.” Ich möchte nur kommunizieren.“

But, here's the thing: grammar isn't just something in a book. Aber hier ist die Sache: Grammatik ist nicht nur etwas in einem Buch.

Grammar is how you connect words into phrases, and phrases into sentences. Grammatik ist, wie Sie Wörter zu Phrasen und Phrasen zu Sätzen verbinden. Dilbilgisi, kelimeleri cümlelere ve cümleleri cümlelere nasıl bağladığınızdır.

Every time you connect two words, you're using grammar. Jedes Mal, wenn Sie zwei Wörter verbinden, verwenden Sie Grammatik.

Even now, you're using grammar to understand what we're saying. Même maintenant, vous utilisez la grammaire pour comprendre ce que nous disons.

We think there's a better way to learn English grammar than just doing endless exercises. |||||||||||||intermináveis| Wir glauben, dass es einen besseren Weg gibt, die englische Grammatik zu lernen, als nur endlose Übungen zu machen.

In this lesson, you'll see a step-by-step, practical plan to improve your English grammar

in any area. in jedem Bereich. dans n'importe quel domaine.

To work on grammar, it's a good idea to have a book for reference. Um an der Grammatik zu arbeiten, ist es eine gute Idee, ein Buch als Referenz zu haben.

One of the most popular is English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy. Eines der beliebtesten ist English Grammar in Use von Raymond Murphy.

You can find a link under the video.

So, let's start: you want to improve your English grammar.

What should you do first? Que||||

‘English grammar' is not just one topic. „Englische Grammatik“ ist nicht nur ein Thema.

It's tens of major topics, and each of those contains tens of smaller topics. ||||||||||dezenas||| Es sind Dutzende von Hauptthemen, und jedes davon enthält Dutzende von kleineren Themen. Il s'agit de dizaines de sujets majeurs, et chacun d'eux contient des dizaines de sujets plus petits.

So, you need to know where to begin. Sie müssen also wissen, wo Sie anfangen sollen.

You need to set goals and establish priorities for your studies. Sie müssen sich Ziele setzen und Prioritäten für Ihr Studium setzen. Vous devez vous fixer des objectifs et établir des priorités pour vos études.

How can you do that? どうやったらそんなことができるのでしょうか?

Let's start with five things.

Make a list of five errors or grammar problems you have.

Maybe, you already know some errors you make. Vielleicht kennen Sie bereits einige Fehler, die Sie machen.

Maybe your teacher corrects you or your classmates often, and you have an idea. Vielleicht korrigiert dein Lehrer dich oder deine Klassenkameraden oft und du hast eine Idee. もしかしたら、先生があなたやクラスメートをよく訂正してくれて、思い当たる節があるかもしれません。

A good way to do this is through writing. |||||uma boa maneira de fazer isso é através da escrita||através| Eine gute Möglichkeit, dies zu tun, ist das Schreiben. そのための良い方法が、書くことです。

Write something for your teacher, and ask them to highlight and correct your grammar |||||||||em|||| Schreiben Sie etwas für Ihren Lehrer und bitten Sie ihn, Ihre Grammatik hervorzuheben und zu korrigieren


See which mistakes you make most often. Voyez quelles erreurs vous faites le plus souvent.

If you aren't studying with a teacher, what can you do? Wenn Sie nicht mit einem Lehrer lernen, was können Sie tun?

This can be more difficult. Cela peut être plus difficile.

One suggestion: use a grammar book which has exercises and an answer key. Ein Vorschlag: Verwenden Sie ein Grammatikbuch mit Übungen und einem Lösungsschlüssel.

Choose five topics which you think you will find difficult. Wählen Sie fünf Themen aus, von denen Sie denken, dass Sie sie schwierig finden werden. 難しいと思われるテーマを5つ選んでください。

Do the exercises and check your answers.

If you made a lot of mistakes, then you know you need to do more work on these topics.

Here's another suggestion: find a reading text, for example a news article online. ||sugestão|||||||||| Hier noch ein Vorschlag: Suchen Sie einen Lesetext, zum Beispiel einen Nachrichtenartikel im Internet.

Make sure the text is not too difficult for you. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Text nicht zu schwierig für Sie ist. Assurez-vous que le texte n'est pas trop difficile pour vous.

Read the text two to three times.

Next, try to rewrite the text without looking at it. |||reescrever|||||| Versuchen Sie als Nächstes, den Text neu zu schreiben, ohne ihn anzusehen.

Don't worry about getting it perfect; just do your best. Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, es perfekt zu machen; Tu einfach dein Bestes. 完璧に仕上げることにこだわらず、ベストを尽くしてください。

Afterwards, compare your text with the original. depois|||||| Vergleichen Sie anschließend Ihren Text mit dem Original.

Where did you make mistakes? Wo hast du Fehler gemacht?

Did you make mistakes with verb forms? Haben Sie Fehler mit Verbformen gemacht?

With adverbs? Mit Adverbien?

Word order?

This should show you where some of your grammar mistakes are.

Okay, hopefully now you have a list of five grammar errors or weaknesses. Okay, hoffentlich haben Sie jetzt eine Liste mit fünf Grammatikfehlern oder -schwächen. Bon, j'espère que vous avez maintenant une liste de cinq erreurs ou faiblesses de grammaire.

It could look like this: Es könnte so aussehen:

Using the present perfect Word order in questions Verwenden der perfekten Wortstellung in Fragen

Using commas correctly Mixing up adjectives and adverbs |||misturando|||| Kommas richtig verwenden Adjektive und Adverbien verwechseln カンマを正しく使う 形容詞と副詞を混同する

Prepositions after adjectives

Be as specific as you can with your list. Seien Sie bei Ihrer Liste so spezifisch wie möglich. リストはできる限り具体的に。

Writing something like ‘verbs' or ‘prepositions' isn't really helpful. Es ist nicht wirklich hilfreich, so etwas wie „Verben“ oder „Präpositionen“ zu schreiben.

Now, you have your list.

What's next?

If you have a problem with a grammar topic, there can be two basic reasons: form or function. ||||||||tópico||||||||| Wenn Sie ein Problem mit einem Grammatikthema haben, kann das zwei grundlegende Gründe haben: Form oder Funktion. 文法のトピックに問題がある場合、基本的には「形」か「機能」の2つの理由が考えられます。

The first possibility is that you don't know how to form a structure correctly. Die erste Möglichkeit ist, dass Sie nicht wissen, wie man eine Struktur richtig bildet. まず考えられるのは、正しい構成の組み方を知らないということです。

For example, think about the present perfect verb tense: I have done… Denken Sie zum Beispiel an die Zeitform des Verbs Present Perfect: I have done… 例えば、現在完了の動詞形について考えてみましょう。

To form the present perfect, you need to know several things, such as: Um das Present Perfect zu bilden, müssen Sie einige Dinge wissen, wie zum Beispiel:

Use ‘have' or ‘has' plus a past participle Make negatives with ‘haven't' or ‘hasn't'

Make questions by moving ‘have' or ‘has' before the subject Stellen Sie Fragen, indem Sie „have“ oder „has“ vor das Thema stellen

If you don't know these rules well, you might make mistakes like these:

She have been to Cambodia. Sie war in Kambodscha.

I don't have finished. Ich bin noch nicht fertig.

How long they have lived here?

Can you correct these mistakes?

Often, problems with form are habits. Formprobleme sind oft Gewohnheiten. フォームの問題は癖であることが多い。

You say and write the wrong sentence hundreds of times, and then it's hard to change it.

The only way to correct these habits is to repeat and review the correct form many, many


The best way to do that?

Use a flashcard app like Quizlet.

We'll talk about this in more detail later. これについては、後で詳しく説明します。

Or, maybe you don't know the correct form.

If so, use your grammar book to check.

Problems with form are simpler to understand, but sometimes they take a long time to fix, ||||mais simples||||||||||| Probleme mit Formularen sind einfacher zu verstehen, aber manchmal dauert es lange, sie zu beheben,

especially if your mistakes have become deep habits.

You heard before that there are two basic reasons you could have problems with a grammar 文法に問題がある場合、基本的に2つの理由があることを以前聞いたことがあります。


What's the other? Was ist das andere?

The other possibility is that you don't understand the function.

What does that mean? というのはどういうことでしょうか?

‘Function' means how a grammar structure is used, and what meaning it has.

For example, think again about the present perfect verb tense.

To use the present perfect correctly, you need to know things like:

Use the present perfect to talk about states which started in the past and are still true |||||||estados|||||||||


Don't use the present perfect to talk about finished times in the past. Verwenden Sie das Present Perfect nicht, um über abgeschlossene Zeiten in der Vergangenheit zu sprechen. 現在完了は、過去の終わった時間について話すのに使わないでください。

Use the present perfect to talk about life experiences when you don't specify a time. 時間を特定しない場合、人生経験について話すには現在完了を使う。

Of course, there are more!

These are just examples. Dies sind nur Beispiele.

If you don't understand these rules, you might make mistakes like these:

I am living here since four years. Ich lebe hier seit vier Jahren. 私は4年前からここに住んでいます。

We've had lunch three hours ago. Wir haben vor drei Stunden zu Mittag gegessen.

Have you ever been to Japan last year? Warst du letztes Jahr schon mal in Japan?

Can you correct these mistakes?

Often, problems with function are problems with translation.

Maybe your language doesn't have this grammar structure, or maybe your language expresses もしかしたら、あなたの言語にはこの文法構造がないのかもしれませんし、あなたの言語が表現する

expresses these ideas in a different way. は、これらの考えを別の方法で表現しています。

If you have problems with the function of a grammar structure, what can you do?

First, check the rules in your grammar book and try to find example sentences.

Think about how you would express the same ideas in your language.

Secondly, think about how this grammar works in your language. Denken Sie zweitens darüber nach, wie diese Grammatik in Ihrer Sprache funktioniert. 次に、この文法があなたの言語でどのように機能するかを考えてください。

Do you have the same structure?

Do you use it in the same way? 同じように使っているのでしょうか?

The most difficult grammar topics will often be things which don't exist in your language.

For example, many languages don't have an exact equivalent to the present perfect in

English, which is why so many English learners find this verb tense particularly difficult.

However, thinking about the differences between your language and English can help to make

things clearer. |mais claras

Okay, so now you've found your mistakes and thought about where they come from. Okay, jetzt hast du deine Fehler gefunden und darüber nachgedacht, woher sie kommen. さて、これで自分のミスを見つけ、その原因がどこにあるのかを考えることができましたね。

What next?

You're going to see one of the most powerful learning tools you can use.

Even better, it's simple!

Anyone can use it.

It's called templating. ||modélisation de gabarits ||templating

Templating means you take part of a sentence, and finish it in different ways.

Let's stick with the example of the present perfect. |vamos ficar com o exemplo do presente perfeito||||||| Bleiben wir beim Beispiel des Present Perfect. 現在完了の例にこだわってみましょう。

Here's an unfinished sentence: Aqui está||| Hier ein unvollendeter Satz:

I have never… Ich habe nie…

Your job is to finish the sentence in five different ways.

Make them as different as possible.

Here's one example:

I have never eaten snake. ||||cobra Ich habe noch nie Schlange gegessen.

Can you make one or two more?

Think about it now. Denken Sie jetzt darüber nach.

You could make sentences like:

I have never been to New Zealand. Ich war noch nie in Neuseeland.

I have never seen ‘Titanic'.

Try to make sentences which are true for you. Versuchen Sie, Sätze zu bilden, die für Sie wahr sind.

This way, they'll be more meaningful and easier to remember. ||elas estarão|||significativos||||

Remember: you need five sentences for each template. Denken Sie daran: Sie benötigen fünf Sätze für jede Vorlage.

That means you need to think of at least two more! Das heißt, Sie müssen an mindestens zwei weitere denken!

Think of two more things you've never done, and write them down.

Let's look at some more templates you could use to practice the present perfect:

I have … this week. 今週は......

I haven't … yet today. Ich habe … heute noch nicht.

… have/has been living … for … I've been … recently. … lebe/lebe … seit … ich lebe … seit kurzem.

My … has … since … Mein … hat … seit …

Can you see how you could complete these templates? ||||||||modelos

Think about it.

Pause the video if you want more time.

Let's see some possibilities:

I've watched this video three times this week. Ich habe mir dieses Video diese Woche dreimal angesehen. 今週はこのビデオを3回見ました。

I haven't had coffee yet today. |||café|| Ich habe heute noch keinen Kaffee getrunken.

My sister has been living in Milan for three years. Meine Schwester lebt seit drei Jahren in Mailand.

I've been reading a lot of Chekhov recently. Ich habe in letzter Zeit viel Tschechow gelesen.

My wife has been a doctor since 2005. Meine Frau ist seit 2005 Ärztin.

Of course, these are just suggestions!

You should write sentences which are true for you.

Also, remember that you should try to write five sentences for each template.

If you can't think of five, write as many as you can.

You can use this to practice any grammar topic. Sie können dies verwenden, um jedes Grammatikthema zu üben.

For example, here are three templates you could use to practice using must, have to ||||três|||||||||| Hier sind zum Beispiel drei Vorlagen, die Sie verwenden könnten, um die Verwendung von must, have to zu üben

and should:

At work, we mustn't … Tomorrow, I have to … Bei der Arbeit dürfen wir nicht … Morgen muss ich …

If you want to learn English quickly, you should … Wer schnell Englisch lernen möchte, sollte …

Here are three templates you could use to practice talking about the future:

Tonight, I'm … For my next vacation, we're going to … Heute Abend bin ich … Für meinen nächsten Urlaub fahren wir …

Next year, I hope I'll … Nächstes Jahr werde ich hoffentlich …

You see,

you can use this to practice anything.

Why should you use this method? Warum sollten Sie diese Methode verwenden?

What makes it so powerful? Was macht es so mächtig?

It's powerful because you're learning grammar through real-life examples. Es ist leistungsstark, weil Sie Grammatik anhand von Beispielen aus dem wirklichen Leben lernen.

Also, you're learning grammar in full sentences.

Finally, this lets you practice your vocabulary, too! Schließlich können Sie damit auch Ihren Wortschatz üben!

You have one more thing to do here. ここでもうひとつ、やることがありますよね。

You need to make sure your templated sentences are correct. ||||||modèles de phrases||| ||||||modeladas||| Sie müssen sicherstellen, dass Ihre vorgefertigten Sätze korrekt sind.

You're going to use these templates to practice and learn. Sie werden diese Vorlagen zum Üben und Lernen verwenden.

If you have any mistakes in your sentences, you'll just create bad habits which will Wenn Sie irgendwelche Fehler in Ihren Sätzen haben, werden Sie nur schlechte Gewohnheiten schaffen, die werden

be difficult to change in the future. in Zukunft schwer zu ändern sein.

So, ask your teacher, ask a friend, or ask on an online forum.

Make sure your sentences are correct.

Now, you're ready for step four.

Flashcard apps like Quizlet or Anki are a great way to review and remember grammar when you're learning English. Flashcard-Apps wie Quizlet oder Anki sind eine großartige Möglichkeit, Grammatik zu wiederholen und sich beim Englischlernen zu merken.

Both of these apps are mostly free to use, although the Anki app for IoS costs money. |||||principalmente||||embora|||||iOS|| Beide Apps sind größtenteils kostenlos zu verwenden, obwohl die Anki-App für IoS Geld kostet.

Our staff and our students have had good results with both these apps. Unsere Mitarbeiter und unsere Schüler haben mit diesen beiden Apps gute Ergebnisse erzielt. この2つのアプリは、私たちスタッフも生徒も良い結果を出しています。

There are others available, and you should probably try different ones and see which

one you like best! einer, der dir am besten gefällt!

You can find links underneath the video. ||||abaixo||

So, why do you need an app like this? Warum brauchen Sie also eine App wie diese?

Using a flashcard app will help you to remember more of what you study and practice. Die Verwendung einer Flashcard-App hilft Ihnen, sich an mehr von dem zu erinnern, was Sie lernen und üben.

How can you do this?

First, you can make questions using your template sentences. Zuerst können Sie Fragen mit Ihren Vorlagensätzen stellen.

Put one or two gaps in a sentence and make a question, like this: ||||espaços||||||||| Setzen Sie ein oder zwei Lücken in einen Satz und stellen Sie eine Frage, etwa so: 文の中に1つか2つの隙間を入れて、こんな風に質問を作る:

Do you remember the answer?

You can also make a question with a mistake which you make frequently. Sie können auch eine Frage mit einem Fehler stellen, den Sie häufig machen. また、よく間違えるようなミスを出題することもできます。

The answer is the corrected sentence. Die Antwort ist der korrigierte Satz.

For example:

Correct the mistake: I just have had a shower.

Can you correct the mistake?

I've just had a shower.

The word order was wrong.

Put the correct sentence as your answer. 正しい文章を答えとして入れてください。

So, there are two kinds of cards you can make: gapped sentences and error correction. ||||||||||missing information|||| ||||||||||frases lacunares|||| Es gibt also zwei Arten von Karten, die Sie erstellen können: Sätze mit Lücken und Fehlerkorrektur. そこで、作れるカードは「隙間文」と「誤り訂正」の2種類です。

You can make gapped sentence cards easier or harder by leaving out different numbers Sie können Satzkarten mit Lücken einfacher oder schwieriger machen, indem Sie verschiedene Zahlen weglassen 異なる数字を残すことで、隙間のある文章カードを簡単にしたり、難しくしたりすることができます

of words.

For example:

My sister has ________ ________ in Milan for three years.

Or: My sister ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ three years. Oder: Meine Schwester drei Jahre.

You might be thinking: this sounds like a lot of work! Sie denken vielleicht: Das klingt nach viel Arbeit!

Do I really have to make my own cards? Muss ich wirklich meine eigenen Karten machen?

Do I have to do this for every grammar topic I study? Muss ich das für jedes Grammatikthema machen, das ich lerne?

No, you don't have to, but you should. Nein, muss man nicht, sollte man aber.

Here's why: Hier ist der Grund:

First, you should make your own cards so that you're using your own examples. Zuerst sollten Sie Ihre eigenen Karten erstellen, damit Sie Ihre eigenen Beispiele verwenden. まず、自分のカードを作って、自分の例を使うようにすることです。

Your own examples should mean something to you. Ihre eigenen Beispiele sollten Ihnen etwas bedeuten. あなた自身の例には、何か意味があるはずです。

They're real; they're about you and your life. Sie sind echt; es geht um dich und dein Leben.

This makes them easier to remember. Dadurch sind sie leichter zu merken.

Secondly, you should spend the time to make your own cards because it will save you time Zweitens sollten Sie sich die Zeit nehmen, Ihre eigenen Karten zu erstellen, da Sie dadurch Zeit sparen 2つ目は、時間をかけて自分のカードを作ることで、時間の節約になることです


If you review efficiently, you can remember seventy to eighty percent of what you learn. |||||||setenta||||||| Wenn Sie effizient wiederholen, können Sie sich an siebzig bis achtzig Prozent dessen erinnern, was Sie lernen.

If you don't, you'll forget most of what you study, and then you'll have to do it

again in the future.

So, spending time now will save you a lot more time in the future. Wenn Sie also jetzt Zeit investieren, sparen Sie in Zukunft viel mehr Zeit. だから、今、時間を使うことで、将来、もっと多くの時間を節約することができるのです。

Not only that: isn't it frustrating when you can't remember something you've studied Nicht nur das: Ist es nicht frustrierend, wenn man sich an etwas Gelerntes nicht mehr erinnern kann?

tens of times?

It's demotivating, and that's a problem. やる気をなくすし、問題です。

You need to be motivated to learn English! Sie müssen motiviert sein, Englisch zu lernen!

Using flashcards and templating will help you to remember more of what you study. Die Verwendung von Karteikarten und Vorlagen hilft Ihnen, sich an mehr von dem zu erinnern, was Sie lernen.

This will give you motivation, because you'll feel that you're making more progress. そうすると、より進歩しているという実感が湧いてくるので、モチベーションが上がります。

Finally, make sure you review your cards every day, or as often as possible.

Review your cards when you have a spare moment during the day. |||||||tempo livre|||| Überprüfen Sie Ihre Karten, wenn Sie tagsüber einen freien Moment haben. 1日のうち、時間があるときにカードを見直す。

For example, do them before you get up in the morning, or on the subway to work, Machen Sie sie beispielsweise morgens vor dem Aufstehen oder in der U-Bahn zur Arbeit. 例えば、朝起きる前にやったり、通勤の地下鉄の中でやったり、

or during a break. oder während einer Pause. または休憩中に

Now, you have a four-step process to improve your English grammar:

Step one: identify and write down your weaknesses. Schritt eins: Identifizieren und notieren Sie Ihre Schwächen.

Start with five topics maximum.

The topics you write down should be as specific as possible.

Step two: identify the mistakes you make and the problems you have. Schritt zwei: Identifizieren Sie die Fehler, die Sie machen, und die Probleme, die Sie haben.

Do you have problems with the form, or the function, or both?

Use a grammar book to check, or ask a teacher.

Step three: make templates, and write five full sentences for each template. Schritt drei: Erstellen Sie Vorlagen und schreiben Sie fünf vollständige Sätze für jede Vorlage.

The sentences should be real: write true sentences about you and your life.

Check your sentences carefully and make sure they're correct.

Step four: take your sentences and make them into flashcards. Schritt vier: Nehmen Sie Ihre Sätze und machen Sie sie zu Karteikarten.

You can make gapped sentences or error correction questions. Sie können Lückensätze oder Fragen zur Fehlerkorrektur stellen.

Review your cards regularly. |||regularmente Überprüfen Sie Ihre Karten regelmäßig.

And that's all!

Use these tools, and you can learn anything you want to efficiently. Verwenden Sie diese Tools, und Sie können alles, was Sie wollen, effizient lernen.

Tell us: what's the first grammar topic you're going to review? Sagen Sie uns: Was ist das erste Grammatikthema, das Sie wiederholen werden? 教えてください:最初に復習する文法のトピックは何ですか?

Let us know in the comments, and we can see if you have similar ideas or not! avise|||||||||||||||| Lass es uns in den Kommentaren wissen und wir können sehen, ob du ähnliche Ideen hast oder nicht! コメントで、同じようなアイデアがあるかどうか、教えてください!

You can find more of our free English lessons on our website: Oxford Online English dot |||||||você pode encontrar mais de nossas lições gratuitas de inglês em nosso site: Oxford Online English ponto|||nossas|||||


Thanks for watching!

See you next time!