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Oxford Online English, Hotel English - Using Travel English at Hotels

Hotel English - Using Travel English at Hotels

Hi, my name is Olivier.

Welcome to Oxford Online English.

Do you travel abroad, for work or for pleasure?

If so, do you normally stay in hotels?

Are you comfortable using English to reserve a room, check in or out, and deal with any

problems you have during your stay?

In this lesson, you can learn how to use English in common hotel situations.

It can also help you if you work in a hotel.

Imagine you're traveling abroad and you need to arrange a hotel.

What's the first thing you need to do?

Nowadays, you'll often reserve your hotel room online, but sometimes you might need

to make a reservation by phone, or even in person.

Let's see how you can do this:

Hi, I'd like to make a reservation.

Yes, of course.

When would you like to check in?

On the 3rd of November.

And how many nights would that be for?

For three nights.

And what kind of room were you looking for?

A double room.

It's for my husband and me.


We do have one double room available for those dates.

It's $80 a night, so that comes to $240 for the three nights.

Yes, that's fine.


Can I take your name?

Yes, it's Sarah Banks

Thank you, Ms. Banks.

Can I just take a credit card from you to make the booking?

Yes of course, here you are.

Okay Ms. Banks, that's all finished.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

Yes, could I have a confirmation emailed to me?

Yes of course, what's the email?

It's s dot banks at gmail dot com.

Okay, I'll send that over to you now.

Excellent, thank you very much.

You're welcome.

We look forward to seeing you.

Thank you, goodbye


Let's look at some key phrases and useful vocabulary from this section.

You can start the conversation by saying something like:

I'd like to make a reservation for the 3rd of November, for three nights, please.

Of course, you can change this to suit your situation, like this:

I'd like to make a reservation for the 20th of May for one night, please.

The receptionist might ask you:

What kind of room are you looking for?

What could you say here?

You could ask for a single or a double room.

If you're travelling with a friend, you might ask for a twin room, with two separate


You could also ask for a triple room for three people, or maybe a family room, which might

have four or even more beds.

Finally, if you need a lot of space, you can ask for a suite.

A suite is like an apartment, with a living room, possibly a kitchen, and one or more


The dialogue you just heard was easy—there were no problems or surprises—but what if

the hotel is full on the dates you want?

I'd like to make a reservation for the 20th of May for one night, please.

Very well, sir, and what kind of room do you need?

I'd like a triple room, please.

I'm sorry sir, but don't have any triple rooms available on that date.

It's a holiday period and we're almost fully booked.

I could offer you a family room, which has four beds.

Would that work for you?

That could work…

How much is it?

It's $195.

Ah, I see.

That's more expensive than the triple.

Is there any way you could offer a discount?

I'm sorry sir, as I said before, it's a holiday period and we expect to be very

busy at that time.

I see…

Alright, then.

I'll take it.

That's fine.

Can I take your name for the reservation?

This time, the conversation didn't go so smoothly.

The receptionist said:

We don't have any triple rooms available on that date.

The receptionist also gave a reason.

Do you remember what it was?

She said:

It's a holiday period and we're almost fully booked.

Fully booked means that every room has already been reserved.

You might also hear something like:

I'm afraid we don't have anything free on those dates.

Luckily, this time you were able to get a room, even if it was more expensive than you

were hoping for.

What's the next step?

You arrive at your hotel and go to reception to check in.

Do you know what you should say here?

Let's look together!

Hello, welcome to The Palm Hotel

Hello, I have a reservation; the name's Sarah Banks

Yes, I see that here.

I have you in a double room for three nights; is that correct?

Yes, that's right.

How many keys would you like?

Two, please.

Okay, here you are.

Enjoy your stay, Ms. Banks.

Thank you.

OK. That seemed easy.

And usually, it should be.

But perhaps there's a problem.

Let's look at an example that doesn't go so well.

Hello, welcome to The Palm Hotel Hello, I have a reservation.

What name was it under?

Sarah Banks.

I'm sorry, I don't have a reservation under that name.

How did you make the booking?

I did it on the phone.

I actually have a confirmation here with me, would that help?

Yes, please.

OK, yes, now I see the reservation.

I think there was a problem with the spelling.

I do apologize.

It's no problem.

Now, you've checked in and you're ready to enjoy your stay.

What next?

You might need to go back to reception to arrange extra services, or to ask about the

hotel's facilities.

Let's look at our first dialogue:

Is there anything else I can help you with, Ms. Banks?

Yes, I would like a wake-up call tomorrow, if possible.

Yes of course; what time would you like the call?

7.30 please, actually… better make it 7.

Okay, no problem.

I'll make a note of that.

Also I need to go to the airport on Wednesday morning.

Do you offer a shuttle service?

Yes, we do.

What time's your flight?

It's at 10.30am.

Okay, we have shuttles to the airport every hour, so I think you could take the 8am shuttle.

Perfect, thank you.

The guest asked for two different things.

Do you remember what they were?

She asked for a wake-up call, and she asked about the airport shuttle.

A shuttle is a bus which drives between two places.

Many hotels offer airport shuttles, which drive between the airport and the hotel.

Let's look at some of the polite language from this dialogue.

To ask for a wake-up call, I said:

I would like a wake-up call tomorrow, if possible.

Adding if possible on the end of the sentence is not necessary, but it makes it sound more

respectful and polite.

To ask about the airport shuttle, I said:

Do you offer a shuttle service?

You could use this question to ask about other hotel facilities.

For example:

Do you offer 24-hour room service?

Do you offer a dry-cleaning service?

Do you offer conferencing facilities?

Can you think of anything else you could ask about here?

Let's see some more ways to ask about hotel facilities:

Hello, how can I help you?

Yes, hello.

I need some restaurant recommendations.

Okay, no problem.

Our concierge on the other side of the lobby can recommend a good restaurant and help you

to make reservations.

Thank you.

Also, I wanted to ask: what kind of gym facilities do you have?

We have a complete gym and small swimming pool just down this corridor.

The swimming pool also has a sauna and a steam room.


Thanks for your help.

Oh, actually, one last thing: what's the WiFi password for the hotel?

It's Palmbeachhotel.

All one word, with a capital P at the start.

And that works everywhere in the hotel?

Yes, it does.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Let's look at some of the useful language from this dialogue.

A concierge works in a hotel and can help guests to arrange things in the local area.

For example, a good concierge can help you to book theatre tickets, find the best Thai

restaurant in town, or organize a sightseeing tour of the city.

The phrase I wanted to ask is a good way to introduce a question politely.

You can use it in many ways.

For example:

I wanted to ask: is it possible to check out one hour late?

I wanted to ask: what time is breakfast?

Okay, at this point, you've checked in and you're getting comfortable.

But what if something goes wrong?

Hello, do you need any help?

Yes, I have a few problems with my room.

Okay, I'm sorry to hear that, what seems to be the problem?

Well, first of all there's an issue with the heating.

It's very hot, and I can't seem to turn it down.

Okay, I'll send somebody to take a look at that.

Was there anything else?

Yes, actually.

I'm not sure if it's normal, but my key doesn't always work in the door.

Sometimes I have to put it in five or six times before it works.

Am I doing something wrong?

I'm sure you aren't, madam!

Sometimes, older key cards don't work so well.

Let me make you a new key right now.

That's great; thanks so much for your help.

You're very welcome.

Here's a good phrase to use if you have a problem during your hotel stay:

There's an issue with…

For example:

There's an issue with the sink in the bathroom.

Can you think of any other ways you could say this?

You could say something like:

Something's wrong with the sink in the bathroom.

I think there's a problem with the sink.

Next, let's look at one more example where things don't go so well.

Yes, can I help you with something?

I'd like to make a complaint.

My room hasn't been cleaned properly.

I'm very sorry about that, sir.

What exactly is wrong?

There's dust everywhere and I found a hair on the pillow which definitely isn't mine.

I have to say this is unacceptable.

If I'm paying this much money, the least I should be able to expect is clean bedding.

I completely agree sir, and once again, I'm very sorry.

Here's what I can do for you: I can offer you a complimentary upgrade to a deluxe room.

I'll also make sure that housekeeping double-check the room before you use it, so that we can

be sure it's perfectly clean.

Well, that's fine, but still, this sort of thing shouldn't happen.

You're right, of course.

I'll communicate this issue to our management so we can investigate and find out exactly

why this happened.

When can I move rooms?

As soon as you're ready.

Just call reception and we'll send someone to help you with your bags.

This time, the situation was a little tenser.

However, you can see some good phrases here to express anger without being rude.

For example:

I have to say this is unacceptable. This sort of thing shouldn't happen.

The least I should be able to expect is…

These phrases are interesting, because they're quite formal, but they also express quite

strong emotion.

Normally, formal language is cold-sounding and emotionless, but using phrases like these

shows that you're really unhappy with the situation.

Now, your problems have all been solved and it's time to go home again.

What's the last thing you have to do?

Hi, I'd like to check out please.

Yes of course; how was your stay?

Very nice, thank you.

Here is a copy of your bill.

The room and tax are already paid, so these are just the extras.

That seems fine, can you put it on my credit card?

Yes of course, I'll just do that now…

What extras might you have to pay?

You might have to pay for any drinks or snacks you take from the minibar.

You might also be charged for phone calls, room service, or movies.

In the dialogue above, everything was fine.

What if there are things on your bill which you don't agree with?

Hello, can I help you?

Hi, I'd like to check out please.


Here's your bill.

The total seems higher than I expected; what exactly are these additional charges?

Let me have a look. OK, this payment is for the water and snacks

you had from the minibar, and it looks like this is a phone call that was made to the

United States.

Right, I see now.

Yes, that's fine.

I'd like to pay cash, if that's OK?

Yes, no problem.

Thank you for staying with us.

Now, the next time you stay in a hotel and need to use English, you should know what

to say in any situation!

You can find more free English lessons on many different topics on our website.

Check it out: Oxford Online English.com.

Thanks for watching!

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Hi, my name is Olivier. ||||Ahoj, jmenuji se Olivier. ||||Hi, my name is Oliver. مرحبًا ، اسمي أوليفر. こんにちは、私の名前はオリヴィエです。

Welcome to Oxford Online English. مرحبًا بك في Oxford Online English. オックスフォードオンライン英語へようこそ。

Do you travel abroad, for work or for pleasure? |||Do zahraničí|||||potěšení ||||||||enjoyment هل تسافر للخارج للعمل أم للمتعة؟ Cestujete do zahraničí, pracovně nebo za zábavou? Reisen Sie beruflich oder zum Vergnügen ins Ausland? 仕事や娯楽のために海外旅行をしますか?

If so, do you normally stay in hotels? ||||obvykle||| إذا كان الأمر كذلك ، فهل تقيم عادة في الفنادق؟ Wenn ja, übernachten Sie normalerweise in Hotels? もしそうなら、あなたは通常ホテルに滞在しますか? Если да, то вы обычно останавливаетесь в отелях?

Are you comfortable using English to reserve a room, check in or out, and deal with any ||||||book||||||||handle any issues|| هل أنت مرتاح في استخدام اللغة الإنجليزية لحجز غرفة ، وتسجيل الوصول أو المغادرة ، والتعامل مع أي منها Jste ochotni používat angličtinu k rezervaci pokoje, přihlášení nebo odhlášení a vyřízení jakéhokoli? Können Sie sich auf Englisch verständigen, um ein Zimmer zu reservieren, ein- oder auszuchecken und alle Fragen zu klären? Are you comfortable using English to reserve a room, check in or out, and deal with any ¿Se siente cómodo utilizando el inglés para reservar una habitación, hacer el check-in o el check-out, y tratar con cualquier 部屋を予約したり、チェックインまたはチェックアウトしたり、 Чи зручно вам користуватися англійською мовою, щоб забронювати номер, заселитися або виїхати, а також мати справу з будь-яким

problems you have during your stay? |||||time spent here مشاكل لديك اثناء اقامتك؟ problémy, které máte během pobytu? Probleme, die Sie während Ihres Aufenthalts haben? 滞在中に発生した問題に対処するのに英語を使ってスムーズにできますか?抵抗はありますか

In this lesson, you can learn how to use English in common hotel situations. في هذا الدرس ، يمكنك تعلم كيفية استخدام اللغة الإنجليزية في مواقف الفنادق الشائعة. V této lekci se můžete naučit používat angličtinu v běžných hotelových situacích. In dieser Lektion können Sie lernen, wie man Englisch in gewöhnlichen Hotelsituationen verwendet. このレッスンでは、ホテルの一般的な状況で英語を使用する方法を学ぶことができます。

It can also help you if you work in a hotel. يمكن أن يساعدك أيضًا إذا كنت تعمل في فندق. Může vám také pomoci, pokud pracujete v hotelu. ホテルで働く場合にも役立ちます。

Imagine you're traveling abroad and you need to arrange a hotel. ||going on a trip||||||book a hotel|| ||||||devi|||| تخيل أنك تسافر إلى الخارج وتحتاج إلى ترتيب فندق. Představte si, že cestujete do zahraničí a potřebujete zařídit hotel. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie reisen ins Ausland und müssen ein Hotel organisieren. 海外旅行をしていて、ホテルを手配する必要があると想像してみてください。

What's the first thing you need to do? |||||||fare ما هو أول شيء عليك القيام به؟ Co je první věc, kterou musíte udělat? あなたが最初にする必要があることは何ですか? Yapmanız gereken ilk şey nedir?

Nowadays, you'll often reserve your hotel room online, but sometimes you might need These days|||||||||||| Al giorno d'oggi||spesso|||||||||| في الوقت الحاضر ، غالبًا ما ستحجز غرفتك في الفندق عبر الإنترنت ، ولكن في بعض الأحيان قد تحتاج إلى ذلك V dnešní době si často rezervujete svůj hotelový pokoj online, ale někdy to možná budete potřebovat Heutzutage reservieren Sie Ihr Hotelzimmer oft online, aber manchmal brauchen Sie es vielleicht 最近では、ホテルの部屋をオンラインで予約することがよくありますが、時折電話や直接予約が必要になる場合もあります。

to make a reservation by phone, or even in person. |||rezervace|||||| |||booking|||||| لإجراء حجز عبر الهاتف أو حتى شخصيًا. um telefonisch oder sogar persönlich zu reservieren. 電話で、または直接予約することもできます。

Let's see how you can do this: Podívejme se, jak to můžete udělat: これを行う方法を見てみましょう:

Hi, I'd like to make a reservation. مرحبًا ، أود إجراء حجز. Hallo, ich möchte eine Reservierung vornehmen. こんにちは、予約したいのですが。

Yes, of course. نعم بالطبع. Ja, natürlich. はい、もちろん。

When would you like to check in? At what time|||||| متى ترغب في الحجز؟ Kdy se chcete přihlásit? Wann möchten Sie einchecken? いつチェックインしますか?

On the 3rd of November. ||3. listopadu|| ||third||11th month في الثالث من نوفمبر. 11月3日。

And how many nights would that be for? |||nocí|||| |||evenings|||| ||||sarebbero||essere| وكم ليلة ستكون؟ A na kolik nocí by to bylo? Und für wie viele Nächte wäre das? そして、それは何泊ですか?

For three nights. لمدة ثلاث ليال. 3泊します。

And what kind of room were you looking for? |which type of||||||| وما نوع الغرفة التي كنت تبحث عنها؟ A jaký pokoj jste hledali? Und was für ein Zimmer haben Sie gesucht? そして、どんな部屋を探していましたか?

A double room. غرفة مزدوجة. ダブルルーム。

It's for my husband and me. |||||me إنه لزوجي ولي. それは私の夫と私のためです。

Ok. نعم. 分かった。

We do have one double room available for those dates. |||||||||termíny ||||||open for booking||| لدينا غرفة مزدوجة واحدة متاحة لتلك التواريخ. V uvedeném termínu máme volný jeden dvoulůžkový pokoj. Für diese Daten steht ein Doppelzimmer zur Verfügung. これらの日程で利用できるダブルルームは1室あります。 У нас есть один двухместный номер на эти даты.

It's $80 a night, so that comes to $240 for the three nights. 1泊80ドルなので、3泊で240ドルになります。

Yes, that's fine. はい、大丈夫です。

Great. 偉大な。

Can I take your name? Darf ich Ihren Namen annehmen? あなたの名前を教えてもらえますか?

Yes, it's Sarah Banks ||Ano, to je Sarah.| |||Sarah's last name はい、サラ・バンクスです

Thank you, Ms. Banks. ||paní| ありがとう、バンクスさん。

Can I just take a credit card from you to make the booking? ||||||||||||rezervaci Mohu si od vás vzít kreditní kartu k provedení rezervace? Kann ich einfach eine Kreditkarte von Ihnen nehmen, um die Buchung vorzunehmen? ちょっとクレジットカードをお預かりしてもよろしいでしょうか? Чи можу я просто взяти у вас кредитну картку, щоб здійснити бронювання?

Yes of course, here you are. Ja, natürlich, hier sind Sie. もちろん、ここにいるよ。

Okay Ms. Banks, that's all finished. |||||Dobře, paní Banksová, to je všechno hotovo. Dobře, paní Banksová, to je hotovo. Okay, Ms. Banks, das war's dann. バンクスさん、これで終わりです。

Is there anything else I can help you with? Je ještě něco, s čím vám mohu pomoci? Kann ich Ihnen sonst noch mit irgendetwas helfen? 他に何かお手伝いできることはありますか?

Yes, could I have a confirmation emailed to me? ||||||zaslaný e-mailem|| |||||Verification|sent via email|| Ano, mohl bych si nechat zaslat potvrzení e-mailem? Ja, könnte ich eine Bestätigung per E-Mail erhalten? はい、確認メールを送ってもらえますか? Так, чи можу я отримати підтвердження на електронну пошту?

Yes of course, what's the email? |||||Ano, samozřejmě, jaký je email? |||||email address Ano, samozřejmě, jaký je e-mail? ええ、もちろんです。

It's s dot banks at gmail dot com. ||tečka||||| It is|||||email service provider|| |||||gmail punto com|| Je to s dot bank na gmail dot com. Die Adresse lautet s dot banks at gmail dot com. Gmailドットコムのドットバンクです。

Okay, I'll send that over to you now. ||inviare||||| Dobře, teď ti to pošlu. Okay, ich schicke Ihnen das jetzt rüber. D'accord, je vais vous l'envoyer maintenant. さて、それを今あなたに送ります。

Excellent, thank you very much. 素晴らしい、ありがとうございました。

You're welcome. どういたしまして。

We look forward to seeing you. |non vediamo|non vediamo l'||| Těšíme se na Vaši návštěvu. Wir freuen uns darauf, dich zu sehen. お会いできることを楽しみにしております。

Thank you, goodbye ||Děkuji, sbohem. ありがとう、さようなら

Goodbye. See you later. さようなら。

Let's look at some key phrases and useful vocabulary from this section. Podívejme se na některé klíčové fráze a užitečnou slovní zásobu z této sekce. Sehen wir uns einige Schlüsselsätze und nützliche Vokabeln aus diesem Abschnitt an. このセクションのいくつかの重要なフレーズと有用な語彙を見てみましょう。

You can start the conversation by saying something like: Konverzaci můžete zahájit tím, že řeknete něco jako: 次のように言って会話を始めることができます。

I'd like to make a reservation for the 3rd of November, for three nights, please. Chtěl bych provést rezervaci na 3. listopadu, na tři noci, prosím. 11月3日の3泊予約をお願いします。

Of course, you can change this to suit your situation, like this: |||||||adapt to fit|||| Samozřejmě to můžete změnit, aby vyhovovalo vaší situaci, takto: Natürlich können Sie dies an Ihre Situation anpassen, wie folgt: もちろん、次のように、状況に合わせてこれを変更できます。

I'd like to make a reservation for the 20th of May for one night, please. 5月20日の1泊予約をお願いします。

The receptionist might ask you: |Recepční se vás může zeptat:||| |Front desk staff||| Recepční se vás může zeptat: Die Rezeptionistin könnte Sie fragen: 受付係はあなたに尋ねるかもしれません:

What kind of room are you looking for? ||||||searching for| Welche Art von Zimmer suchen Sie? どんな部屋をお探しですか?

What could you say here? Co bys tady mohl říct? ここで何と言えますか? Burada ne söyleyebilirsin ki?

You could ask for a single or a double room. あなたはシングルまたはダブルルームを求めることができます。

If you're travelling with a friend, you might ask for a twin room, with two separate ||cestujete|||||||||dvojlůžkový pokoj|||| |||||||||||two single beds|||| Pokud cestujete s přítelem, můžete požádat o dvoulůžkový pokoj se dvěma samostatnými Wenn Sie mit einem Freund reisen, fragen Sie vielleicht nach einem Zweibettzimmer, von denen zwei getrennt sind 友人と一緒に旅行している場合は、2つの別々の部屋のツインルームを頼むかもしれません

beds. Sleeping furniture items ベッド。

You could also ask for a triple room for three people, or maybe a family room, which might ||||||třílůžkový pokoj||||||||||| ||||||room for three||||||||||| Můžete také požádat o třílůžkový pokoj pro tři osoby nebo možná rodinný pokoj, což by mohlo Sie könnten auch nach einem Dreibettzimmer für drei Personen oder einem Familienzimmer fragen, das vielleicht また、3人用のトリプルルーム、またはファミリールームをリクエストすることもできます。

have four or even more beds. mají čtyři nebo i více lůžek. haben vier oder sogar mehr Betten. 4つ以上のベッドがあります。

Finally, if you need a lot of space, you can ask for a suite. |||||||||||||apartmá |||||||||||||large hotel room Und wenn Sie viel Platz brauchen, können Sie eine Suite buchen. 最後に、多くのスペースが必要な場合は、スイートをリクエストできます。

A suite is like an apartment, with a living room, possibly a kitchen, and one or more ||||||||||možná||kuchyně|||| |||||living space|||||potentially including|||||| Eine Suite ist wie eine Wohnung, mit einem Wohnzimmer, eventuell einer Küche und einem oder mehreren スイートはアパートのようなもので、リビングルーム、場合によってはキッチン、そして1つ以上の部屋があります。

bedrooms. Ložnice. Sleeping rooms ベッドルーム。

The dialogue you just heard was easy—there were no problems or surprises—but what if |dialog|||||||||||překvapení||| The conversation you||||||||||||unexpected events||| 聞いたばかりの会話は簡単で、問題や驚きはありませんでしたが、

the hotel is full on the dates you want? ホテルはあなたが望む日に満員ですか?

I'd like to make a reservation for the 20th of May for one night, please. 5月20日の1泊予約をお願いします。

Very well, sir, and what kind of room do you need? ||pane|||||||| よろしくお願いします。どのような部屋が必要ですか?

I'd like a triple room, please. トリプルルームをお願いします。

I'm sorry sir, but don't have any triple rooms available on that date. ||||||||||||that day 申し訳ありませんが、その日に利用できるトリプルルームはありません。

It's a holiday period and we're almost fully booked. ||vacation time||||||fully reserved

I could offer you a family room, which has four beds. I am able|||||||||| Mohu vám nabídnout rodinný pokoj, který má čtyři postele. Ich könnte Ihnen ein Familienzimmer anbieten, das vier Betten hat. ベッド4台のファミリールームをご用意できます。

Would that work for you? Fungovalo by to pro vás? Würde das für dich funktionieren? それはあなたのために働きますか?

That could work… To by mohlo fungovat… Das könnte funktionieren... それはうまくいくかもしれません…

How much is it? Wie viel kostet das? いくらですか?

It's $195. 195ドルです。

Ah, I see. |I understand now.| Ah, ich verstehe. ああ、なるほど。

That's more expensive than the triple. To je dražší než trojka. Das ist teurer als das Triple. それはトリプルよりも高価です。

Is there any way you could offer a discount? Existuje nějaký způsob, jak můžete nabídnout slevu? Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, einen Rabatt anzubieten? 割引を提供する方法はありますか? İndirim yapabilmenizin bir yolu var mı?

I'm sorry sir, as I said before, it's a holiday period and we expect to be very Es tut mir leid, Sir, wie ich schon sagte, es ist Ferienzeit und wir erwarten, dass wir sehr viel zu tun haben werden. 申し訳ありませんが、前にも言ったように、これは休暇期間であり、非常に

busy at that time. zaneprázdněný v tu dobu||| zu dieser Zeit beschäftigt. その時は忙しい。

I see… そうですか…

Alright, then. Dobře tedy.| Okay, fine.| Na gut, dann eben nicht. では、それでは。

I'll take it. Vezmu to. Ich akzeptiere es. 買います。

That's fine. それはいいです。

Can I take your name for the reservation? お名前をご予約いただけますか?

This time, the conversation didn't go so smoothly. |||||||hladce |||||||гладко |||||||very well Tentokrát rozhovor neprobíhal tak hladce. Diesmal verlief das Gespräch nicht so reibungslos. 今回は会話がスムーズに進みませんでした。

The receptionist said: 受付係は言った:

We don't have any triple rooms available on that date. An diesem Tag stehen keine Dreibettzimmer zur Verfügung. 当日はトリプルルームはご利用いただけません。

The receptionist also gave a reason. Die Rezeptionistin gab auch einen Grund an. 受付係も理由を述べました。

Do you remember what it was? Pamatujete si, co to bylo? Erinnern Sie sich, was es war? それが何だったか覚えていますか?

She said: Sie sagte: 彼女は言いました:

It's a holiday period and we're almost fully booked. 休暇期間で、ほぼ満席です。

Fully booked means that every room has already been reserved. |||||||||rezervován |||||||||already taken Ausgebucht bedeutet, dass bereits alle Zimmer reserviert sind. 満室とは、すべての部屋がすでに予約されていることを意味します。

You might also hear something like: Můžete také slyšet něco jako: Sie könnten auch etwas hören wie: また、次のような音が聞こえる場合があります。

I'm afraid we don't have anything free on those dates. Obávám se, že v těchto termínech nemáme nic volného. Ich fürchte, wir haben an diesen Tagen nichts frei. 恐れ入りますが、これらの日に無料でご利用いただけるものはありません。

Luckily, this time you were able to get a room, even if it was more expensive than you К счастью||||||||||||||||| Fortunately||||||||||||||||| Naštěstí se vám tentokrát podařilo sehnat pokoj, i když byl dražší než vy Zum Glück konntest du dieses Mal ein Zimmer bekommen, auch wenn es teurer war als du 幸いなことに、今回はあなたよりも高額だったとしても、部屋を確保することができました

were hoping for. 期待していた。

What's the next step? 次のステップは何ですか?

You arrive at your hotel and go to reception to check in. ||||||||front desk||| Přijedete do svého hotelu a jdete na recepci, kde se ubytujete. ホテルに到着し、レセプションに行ってチェックインします。

Do you know what you should say here? Víte, co byste zde měli říct? ここで何を言うべきか知っていますか?

Let's look together! Pojďme se společně podívat! 一緒に見てみましょう!

Hello, welcome to The Palm Hotel ||||Palma| ||||The Palm| こんにちは、パームホテルへようこそ

Hello, I have a reservation; the name's Sarah Banks ||||||jméno je|| ||||||name is|| こんにちは、予約があります。名前のサラバンクス

Yes, I see that here. Ano, tady to vidím. はい、ここにあります。

I have you in a double room for three nights; is that correct? Ich habe dich für drei Nächte in einem Doppelzimmer; Ist das korrekt? ダブルルームで3泊します。あれは正しいですか?

Yes, that's right. はい、そうです。

How many keys would you like? ||klíče||| Kolik klíčů byste chtěli? Wie viele Schlüssel möchten Sie? キーはいくつ欲しいですか?

Two, please.

Okay, here you are. Okay, hier sind Sie. さて、ここにいます。

Enjoy your stay, Ms. Banks. Užijte si svůj pobyt, paní Banksová. Genießen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt, Ms. Banks.

Thank you.

OK. That seemed easy. OK. Zdálo se to snadné. GUT. Das schien einfach. わかった。それは簡単に思えました。

And usually, it should be. A obvykle by to tak mělo být. Und normalerweise sollte es so sein. そして通常、そうあるべきです。

But perhaps there's a problem. Ale možná je problém. Aber vielleicht gibt es ein Problem. しかし、おそらく問題があります。

Let's look at an example that doesn't go so well. Podívejme se na příklad, který tak dobře nejde. Schauen wir uns ein Beispiel an, das nicht so gut läuft. うまくいかない例を見てみましょう。

Hello, welcome to The Palm Hotel Hello, I have a reservation.

What name was it under? Unter welchem Namen war es? どんな名前でしたか?

Sarah Banks. サラバンクス。

I'm sorry, I don't have a reservation under that name. 申し訳ありませんが、その名前での予約はありません。

How did you make the booking? Jak jste provedli rezervaci? どのように予約しましたか?

I did it on the phone. 私は電話でそれをしました。

I actually have a confirmation here with me, would that help? ||||||||Does it|| Vlastně tu mám potvrzení, pomohlo by to? Ich habe tatsächlich eine Bestätigung hier bei mir, würde das helfen? 私は実際にここで私と一緒に確認を持っています、それは助けになりますか?

Yes, please.

OK, yes, now I see the reservation. はい、はい、予約が表示されます。

I think there was a problem with the spelling. ||||||||pravopis Ich glaube, es gab ein Problem mit der Rechtschreibung. スペルに問題があったと思います。

I do apologize. ||I'm truly sorry. Ich entschuldige mich. 申し訳ありません。

It's no problem. Это|| 問題ありません。

Now, you've checked in and you're ready to enjoy your stay. ||registered|||||||| Nyní jste se ubytovali a jste připraveni si svůj pobyt užít. Jetzt haben Sie eingecheckt und können Ihren Aufenthalt genießen. これで、チェックインが完了し、滞在を楽しむ準備が整いました。

What next? 次は何?

You might need to go back to reception to arrange extra services, or to ask about the ||||||||||additional|||||| Možná se budete muset vrátit na recepci a domluvit si další služby nebo se na ně zeptat 追加のサービスを手配したり、

hotel's facilities. hotel amenities|amenities zařízení hotelu. ホテルの施設。

Let's look at our first dialogue: 最初の対話を見てみましょう。

Is there anything else I can help you with, Ms. Banks? Je ještě něco, s čím vám mohu pomoci, paní Banksová? Kann ich Ihnen sonst noch bei irgendetwas helfen, Ms. Banks? バンクスさん、他に何かお手伝いできることはありますか?

Yes, I would like a wake-up call tomorrow, if possible. |||||alert from sleep||||| Ano, pokud je to možné, chtěl bych se zítra probudit. Ja, ich möchte, wenn möglich, morgen einen Weckruf. はい、できれば明日モーニングコールをお願いします。

Yes of course; what time would you like the call?

7.30 please, actually… better make it 7. 7.30 bitte, eigentlich… besser mach es 7. 7.30お願いします、実際には…もっと良くしてください7。

Okay, no problem.

I'll make a note of that. Poznamenám si to. そのことをメモしておきます。

Also I need to go to the airport on Wednesday morning. |||||||Také potřebuji ve středu ráno na letiště.||středu ráno| |||||||||Wednesday morning| また、水曜日の朝に空港に行く必要があります。

Do you offer a shuttle service? Bieten Sie einen Shuttleservice an? シャトルサービスはありますか?

Yes, we do. Ano, děláme. はい、そうです。

What time's your flight? |time|| V kolik let letíš?

It's at 10.30am.

Okay, we have shuttles to the airport every hour, so I think you could take the 8am shuttle. |||transportation vehicles|||||||||||||| |||transbordos|||||||||||||| さて、空港へのシャトルは1時間おきにあるので、午前8時のシャトルを利用できると思います。

Perfect, thank you.

The guest asked for two different things. |visitor||||| Host požádal o dvě různé věci. ゲストは2つの異なることを求めました。

Do you remember what they were? Pamatujete si, jaké to byly? 彼らが何だったか覚えていますか?

She asked for a wake-up call, and she asked about the airport shuttle.

A shuttle is a bus which drives between two places. シャトルは2か所を行き来するバスです。

Many hotels offer airport shuttles, which drive between the airport and the hotel. 多くのホテルでは、空港とホテルの間を移動する空港シャトルを提供しています。

Let's look at some of the polite language from this dialogue. Podívejme se na některé zdvořilostní výrazy z tohoto dialogu. この対話からの丁寧な言葉のいくつかを見てみましょう。

To ask for a wake-up call, I said: モーニングコールを求めるために、私は言いました:

I would like a wake-up call tomorrow, if possible. Chtěl bych se zítra probudit, pokud je to možné. できれば明日モーニングコールをお願いします。

Adding if possible on the end of the sentence is not necessary, but it makes it sound more Přidávání, pokud je to možné, na konec věty není nutné, ale zní to více Die Hinzufügung von "if possible" am Ende des Satzes ist nicht notwendig, lässt ihn aber besser klingen 可能であれば文の最後に追加する必要はありませんが、より聞こえるようになります

respectful and polite. respectful|| uctivý a zdvořilý. 礼儀正しく礼儀正しい。

To ask about the airport shuttle, I said: Abych se zeptal na dopravu na letiště, řekl jsem: 空港シャトルについて尋ねるために、私は言いました:

Do you offer a shuttle service? ||provide|||transportation service Nabízíte kyvadlovou dopravu? シャトルサービスはありますか?

You could use this question to ask about other hotel facilities. ||||||||||amenities Tuto otázku můžete použít k dotazu na další hotelová zařízení. Sie können diese Frage verwenden, um nach anderen Hoteleinrichtungen zu fragen. この質問を使用して、他のホテル施設について質問することができます。

For example: 例えば:

Do you offer 24-hour room service? 24時間のルームサービスはありますか?

Do you offer a dry-cleaning service? Nabízíte službu chemického čištění?

Do you offer conferencing facilities? |||meeting rooms| Nabízíte konferenční zařízení? Bieten Sie Konferenzeinrichtungen an?

Can you think of anything else you could ask about here? Napadá vás ještě něco, na co byste se zde mohli zeptat? ここで他に質問できることはありますか?

Let's see some more ways to ask about hotel facilities:

Hello, how can I help you? こんにちは、どうすればお手伝いできますか?

Yes, hello. はい、こんにちは。

I need some restaurant recommendations. ||||suggestions for dining Ich brauche ein paar Restaurantempfehlungen. 私はいくつかのレストランの推奨事項が必要です。

Okay, no problem. オッケー、問題ないよ。

Our concierge on the other side of the lobby can recommend a good restaurant and help you |front desk|||||||lobby|||||||| Náš concierge na druhé straně lobby vám může doporučit dobrou restauraci a pomoci vám Unser Concierge auf der anderen Seite der Lobby kann Ihnen ein gutes Restaurant empfehlen und Ihnen helfen ロビーの反対側にいるコンシェルジュが、おいしいレストランをお勧めし、お手伝いします。

to make reservations. 予約します。

Thank you.

Also, I wanted to ask: what kind of gym facilities do you have? ||||||||fitness center|||| Außerdem wollte ich fragen: Welche Art von Fitnesseinrichtungen haben Sie? また、お聞きしたいのですが、どのような体育施設がありますか?

We have a complete gym and small swimming pool just down this corridor. |||||||swimming pool|pool||||hallway V této chodbě máme kompletní tělocvičnu a malý bazén. Wir haben einen kompletten Fitnessraum und einen kleinen Swimmingpool gleich diesen Korridor hinunter. この廊下のすぐ下に完全なジムと小さなプールがあります。

The swimming pool also has a sauna and a steam room. ||||||sauna room|||steam room| Das Schwimmbad hat auch eine Sauna und ein Dampfbad. スイミングプールにはサウナとスチームルームもあります。

Wonderful! 素晴らしい!

Thanks for your help.

Oh, actually, one last thing: what's the WiFi password for the hotel? |||||||WiFi|||| Ach, vlastně ještě poslední věc: jaké je heslo WiFi pro hotel? ああ、実際、最後にもう1つ、ホテルのWiFiパスワードは何ですか。

It's Palmbeachhotel. |Palm Beach Hotel パームビーチホテルです。

All one word, with a capital P at the start. Všechno jedno slovo, s velkým P na začátku. Alles ein Wort, mit einem großen P am Anfang. すべて1つの単語で、先頭に大文字のPが付いています。

And that works everywhere in the hotel? A funguje to všude v hotelu? そして、それはホテルのどこでも機能しますか?

Yes, it does.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Let's look at some of the useful language from this dialogue. Podívejme se na některé užitečné jazyky z tohoto dialogu. このダイアログから役立つ言語のいくつかを見てみましょう。

A concierge works in a hotel and can help guests to arrange things in the local area. V hotelu pracuje concierge, který hostům pomůže zařídit věci v okolí.

For example, a good concierge can help you to book theatre tickets, find the best Thai |||||||||||||||Thai cuisine たとえば、優れたコンシェルジュが劇場のチケットの予約、最高のタイ語の検索をお手伝いします

restaurant in town, or organize a sightseeing tour of the city. ||||arrange||city tour|tour guide|||

The phrase I wanted to ask is a good way to introduce a question politely. |||||||||||present||| Fráze, na kterou jsem se chtěl zeptat, je dobrý způsob, jak zdvořile uvést otázku. 聞きたかったフレーズは、丁寧に質問を紹介する良い方法です。

You can use it in many ways. Můžete jej využít mnoha způsoby. あなたはそれを多くの方法で使うことができます。

For example:

I wanted to ask: is it possible to check out one hour late? Chtěl jsem se zeptat: je možné se odhlásit o hodinu později? 聞きたかったのですが、1時間遅れてチェックアウトすることはできますか?

I wanted to ask: what time is breakfast? 私は聞きたかった:朝食は何時ですか?

Okay, at this point, you've checked in and you're getting comfortable. ||||||||||settled in Dobře, v tuto chvíli jste se přihlásili a začínáte být v pohodě. さて、この時点で、あなたはチェックインし、快適になっています。

But what if something goes wrong? Ale co když se něco pokazí? しかし、何かがうまくいかない場合はどうなりますか?

Hello, do you need any help? Hi|||||

Yes, I have a few problems with my room. はい、部屋にいくつか問題があります。

Okay, I'm sorry to hear that, what seems to be the problem? Dobře, to mě mrzí, v čem se zdá být problém? さて、それを聞いて申し訳ありませんが、何が問題になっているようですか?

Well, first of all there's an issue with the heating. No, v první řadě je tu problém s topením. Nun, zuerst einmal gibt es ein Problem mit der Heizung. さて、まず第一に、暖房に問題があります。 Öncelikle ısıtmayla ilgili bir sorun var.

It's very hot, and I can't seem to turn it down. Je velmi horko a zdá se, že to nemůžu ztlumit. Es ist sehr heiß, und ich kann nicht scheinen, es leiser zu machen. とても暑くて、断れないようです。

Okay, I'll send somebody to take a look at that. Okay, ich schicke jemanden, der sich das ansieht. さて、私はそれを見るために誰かを送ります。

Was there anything else? 他に何かありましたか?

Yes, actually. はい、実際に。

I'm not sure if it's normal, but my key doesn't always work in the door. Nejsem si jistý, jestli je to normální, ale můj klíč ve dveřích vždy nefunguje. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es normal ist, aber mein Schlüssel in der Tür funktioniert nicht immer. 正常かどうかはわかりませんが、ドアの中で鍵が効くとは限りません。

Sometimes I have to put it in five or six times before it works. Někdy to musím dát pětkrát nebo šestkrát, než to funguje. 時々私はそれが機能する前にそれを5〜6回入れなければなりません。

Am I doing something wrong? Dělám něco špatně? Mache ich etwas falsch? 私は何か間違ったことをしていますか?

I'm sure you aren't, madam! |||are not|ma'am Jsem si jistý, že ne, madam! Ich bin sicher, Sie sind es nicht, Madam! マダム、あなたはそうではないと確信しています!

Sometimes, older key cards don't work so well. |previous generation|||||| 古いキーカードがうまく機能しない場合があります。

Let me make you a new key right now. Lass mich dir gleich einen neuen Schlüssel machen. 今すぐあなたに新しい鍵を作りましょう。

That's great; thanks so much for your help.

You're very welcome. Sehr gerne.

Here's a good phrase to use if you have a problem during your hotel stay:

There's an issue with… There is|||

For example: For the sake of|

There's an issue with the sink in the bathroom. |||||sink|||restroom Es gibt ein Problem mit dem Waschbecken im Badezimmer. Banyodaki lavaboda bir sorun var.

Can you think of any other ways you could say this? Kannst du dir andere Möglichkeiten vorstellen, wie du das sagen könntest? あなたはこれを言うことができる他の方法を考えることができますか?

You could say something like: Du könntest so etwas sagen: あなたは次のようなことを言うことができます:

Something's wrong with the sink in the bathroom. something is||||||| Irgendetwas stimmt nicht mit dem Waschbecken im Badezimmer. バスルームのシンクに問題があります。

I think there's a problem with the sink. 流しに問題があると思います。 Sanırım lavaboda bir sorun var.

Next, let's look at one more example where things don't go so well. 次に、物事がうまくいかないもう1つの例を見てみましょう。

Yes, can I help you with something? はい、何かお手伝いできますか?

I'd like to make a complaint. Ich möchte reklamieren. 苦情を言いたいのですが。

My room hasn't been cleaned properly. My||||tidied up|correctly 私の部屋はきちんと掃除されていません。

I'm very sorry about that, sir. 大変申し訳ございません。

What exactly is wrong? Was genau ist falsch? 正確には何が問題なのですか?

There's dust everywhere and I found a hair on the pillow which definitely isn't mine. |dirt|||||||||the cushion||certainly|| Überall ist Staub und ich habe ein Haar auf dem Kissen gefunden, das definitiv nicht von mir ist. いたるところにほこりがあり、枕に髪の毛がありましたが、これは間違いなく私のものではありません。

I have to say this is unacceptable. ||||||not acceptable Ich muss sagen, das ist inakzeptabel. これは受け入れられないと言わざるを得ません。

If I'm paying this much money, the least I should be able to expect is clean bedding. |||||||minimum|||||||||bed linens Wenn ich so viel Geld bezahle, sollte ich zumindest saubere Bettwäsche erwarten können. 私がこれだけのお金を払っているなら、私が期待できる最低のことはきれいな寝具です。 Eğer bu kadar para ödüyorsam, en azından temiz yatak takımları beklemeliyim.

I completely agree sir, and once again, I'm very sorry. Ich stimme vollkommen zu, Sir, und noch einmal, es tut mir sehr leid. 私は完全に同意します、そしてもう一度、私は非常に申し訳ありません。

Here's what I can do for you: I can offer you a complimentary upgrade to a deluxe room. ||||||||||||free|enhancement|||luxurious| Folgendes kann ich für Sie tun: Ich kann Ihnen ein kostenloses Upgrade auf ein Deluxe-Zimmer anbieten.

I'll also make sure that housekeeping double-check the room before you use it, so that we can |||||cleaning staff|||||||||||| Ich werde auch dafür sorgen, dass die Zimmermädchen das Zimmer noch einmal überprüfen, bevor Sie es benutzen, damit wir das können

be sure it's perfectly clean.

Well, that's fine, but still, this sort of thing shouldn't happen. Nun, das ist in Ordnung, aber trotzdem sollte so etwas nicht passieren.

You're right, of course.

I'll communicate this issue to our management so we can investigate and find out exactly ||||||||||look into|||| Ich werde dieses Problem unserem Management mitteilen, damit wir es genauer untersuchen und herausfinden können

why this happened.

When can I move rooms? When|||| Wann kann ich Zimmer wechseln?

As soon as you're ready. Sobald Sie bereit sind.

Just call reception and we'll send someone to help you with your bags. ||||||||||||luggage Rufen Sie einfach die Rezeption an und wir schicken Ihnen jemanden, der Ihnen mit Ihrem Gepäck hilft.

This time, the situation was a little tenser. |||||||more tense Diesmal war die Situation etwas angespannter.

However, you can see some good phrases here to express anger without being rude. ||||||||||frustration||| Sie können hier jedoch einige gute Sätze sehen, um Ärger auszudrücken, ohne unhöflich zu sein. しかし、ここでは、失礼にならずに怒りを表現するための良いフレーズをいくつか見ることができます。

For example:

I have to say this is unacceptable. This sort of thing shouldn't happen. Ich muss sagen, das ist inakzeptabel. So etwas sollte nicht passieren.

The least I should be able to expect is… Das Mindeste, was ich erwarten kann, ist … 少なくとも私が期待できるはずのことは…

These phrases are interesting, because they're quite formal, but they also express quite Diese Sätze sind interessant, weil sie ziemlich formell sind, aber sie drücken auch ziemlich aus これらのフレーズは非常にフォーマルであるため興味深いですが、非常に表現力もあります

strong emotion. starke Emotionen. 強い感情。

Normally, formal language is cold-sounding and emotionless, but using phrases like these |||||tone or quality||impersonal||||| Normalerweise klingt die formale Sprache kalt und emotionslos, aber mit Sätzen wie diesen 通常、形式言語は冷たくて感情がありませんが、次のようなフレーズを使用します

shows that you're really unhappy with the situation. ||||not happy||| あなたが状況に本当に不満を持っていることを示しています。

Now, your problems have all been solved and it's time to go home again. Jetzt sind alle Ihre Probleme gelöst und es ist Zeit, wieder nach Hause zu gehen. これで、問題はすべて解決され、再び家に帰る時が来ました。

What's the last thing you have to do? Was ist das Letzte, was du tun musst? あなたがしなければならない最後のことは何ですか?

Hi, I'd like to check out please. こんにちは、チェックしてください。

Yes of course; how was your stay? はい、もちろん;滞在はいかがでしたか?

Very nice, thank you.

Here is a copy of your bill. これがあなたの請求書のコピーです。

The room and tax are already paid, so these are just the extras. |||fees|||||||||additional charges Das Zimmer und die Steuer sind bereits bezahlt, also sind dies nur die Extras.

That seems fine, can you put it on my credit card? Das scheint in Ordnung zu sein, können Sie es auf meine Kreditkarte schreiben? それは問題ないようです、私のクレジットカードに入れてもらえますか?

Yes of course, I'll just do that now…

What extras might you have to pay? Welche Extras müssen möglicherweise bezahlt werden? どのような追加料金を支払う必要がありますか?

You might have to pay for any drinks or snacks you take from the minibar.

You might also be charged for phone calls, room service, or movies. ||||billed||||||| Möglicherweise werden Ihnen auch Telefonanrufe, Zimmerservice oder Filme in Rechnung gestellt. また、電話、ルームサービス、または映画の料金が請求される場合があります。

In the dialogue above, everything was fine. Im obigen Dialog war alles in Ordnung. 上記の対話では、すべてが順調でした。

What if there are things on your bill which you don't agree with? 請求書に同意できないものがある場合はどうなりますか?

Hello, can I help you? こんにちはどうされましたか?

Hi, I'd like to check out please. こんにちは、チェックしてください。

Certainly… そうです…

Here's your bill. これがあなたの請求書です。

The total seems higher than I expected; what exactly are these additional charges? ||||||||||||fees 合計は私が予想したよりも高いようです。これらの追加料金は正確には何ですか?

Let me have a look. OK, this payment is for the water and snacks ちょっと見せてみて。 OK、この支払いは水とおやつです

you had from the minibar, and it looks like this is a phone call that was made to the あなたはミニバーから持っていました、そしてこれはにかけられた電話であるように見えます

United States. アメリカ。

Right, I see now. そうですね、わかりました。

Yes, that's fine. はい、大丈夫です。

I'd like to pay cash, if that's OK? I would||||||| よろしければ現金で支払いたいのですが?

Yes, no problem.

Thank you for staying with us. ご滞在いただきありがとうございます。

Now, the next time you stay in a hotel and need to use English, you should know what さて、次にホテルに滞在して英語を使う必要があるときは、何を知っている必要があります

to say in any situation!

You can find more free English lessons on many different topics on our website. あなたは私たちのウェブサイトで多くの異なるトピックに関するより多くの無料の英語レッスンを見つけることができます。

Check it out: Oxford Online English.com. |||||Compruébalo: Oxford Online| それをチェックしてください:OxfordOnlineEnglish.com。

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