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Oxford Online English, English Sounds and Spelling - English Pronunciation Lesson

English Sounds and Spelling - English Pronunciation Lesson

Hello, I'm Oli.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this pronunciation lesson, you can learn about sounds and spelling in English.

If you just look at a word in English, do you know how to pronounce it?

Not always.

It can be difficult because, in English, the way we write a word and the way we say it

are not always the same.

In this lesson, you can learn more about the differences between how we write a word and

how we say a word in English.

Part one: the same letter can have different sounds.

Look at three words: phone, clock, for.

All of these words contain the letter O.

Is the letter O pronounced the same way in each word?


In "phone," the letter O has an /əʊ/ sound.

In "clock," O has an /ɒ/ sound.

In "for," O has an /ɔː/ sound.

So here, we have three different words, all with the same letter, but with three different


Part two: different letters can have the same sound.

Let's look at three more words: big, England, busy.

OK, some questions: what sound does the I in "big" make?

What sound does the E in "England" make?

And what sound does the U in "busy" make?

Listen again: big, England, busy.

These three letters all have the same sound: /ɪ/.

So here, we have three different letters, I, E, and U, but they all make one sound,


OK, at this point, it should be clear that letters and sounds are not the same thing

in English.

So let's look at this in more detail.

Part three: how to count letters and sounds.

OK, look at three more words: fast, seven, red.

I want you to think about two questions: how many letters do these words have, and how

many sounds do these words have?

OK, well, the first question is easy.

"Fast" has four letters.

"Seven" has five letters, and "red" has three letters.

What about the second question?

How many sounds do the words have?

Well, actually, "fast" has four sounds.


"Seven" has five sounds: /s/-/e/-/v/- -/n/.

"Red" has three sounds: /r/-/e/-/d/.

So all of these words have the same number of letters and sounds.

"Fast" has four letters and four sounds.

"Seven" has five letters and five sounds.

"Red" has three letters and three sounds.

That makes these words easy to pronounce because you see the word, one letter equals one sound.

It's easy.

But are all English words like this?

No, most English words are not like this.

This is what makes English pronunciation difficult.

So let's look at this again.

Part four: letters and sounds are not always the same thing.

OK, listen to three more words: coffee, teacher, shopping.

Think about the same questions we asked before: how many letters does each word have, and

how many sounds does each word have?

So, "coffee" has six letters, but how many sounds?

Just four.

The two Fs together make one /f/ sound, and the two Es together make one /i/ sound.

So there are four sounds.


Teacher has seven letters.

How many sounds?

Four, again.

So the two letters EA make one /iː/ sound.

The two letters CH make one /tʃ/ sound, and the two letters, ER, make one /ə/ sound.

So there are four sounds in the word: /t/-/iː/-/tʃ/-/ə/.

"Shopping" has eight letters.

How many sounds?


S and H together make one /ʃ/ sound.

The two Ps together make one /p/ sound.

The letters NG make one /ŋ/ sound.

So that leaves five sounds: /ʃ/-/ɒ/-/p/-/ɪ/-/ŋ/.

Often, a word has more letters than sounds because two or more letters together can make

one sound.

Sometimes three or four letters together can make one sound.

For example, look at the word "four," F-O-U-R.

In this word, the three letters, 'OUR', make one sound: /ɔː/.

Let's look at three more words: one, use, Europe.

Same questions: How many letters?

How many sounds?

Well, let's look at "one."

"One" has three letters and three sounds, so that's easy, right?

But what are the three sounds?


Where does that /w/ sound come from?

What about the other words?

Well, "use" has three sounds, again, /j/-/ʊː/-/z/.

Again, you can see a /j/ sound, which is pronounced, but which isn't obviously in the written word.

"Europe" has five sounds: /j/-/ʊə/-/r/-/ə/-/p/.

Once again, you can see there's a /j/ sound in the pronunciation, which isn't written

clearly in the word.

So to review: very often, words have more letters than sounds because, very often, two

or more letters together can produce one sound.

Sometimes there are extra sounds which are not obviously written, but which are pronounced

when you say the word.


Let's do some practice together.

I'm going to give you five words: apple, because, student, cheap, Wednesday.

Think about the same questions: how many letters do these words have, and how many sounds do

these words have?

If you want, pause the video and think about your answer.

We can start again when you're ready and look at the answers together.

OK, ready?

Let's check.

"Apple" has five letters and three sounds: /æ/-/p/-/l/.

"Because" has seven letters and five sounds: /b/-/ɪ/-/k/-/ɒ/-/z/.

"Student" has seven letters and eight sounds.

How's this possible?

Let's look: /s/-/t/-/j/-/ʊː/-/d/-/e/-/n/-/t/.


There's an extra /j/ before the /ʊː/, which again is not obvious from the spelling, but

it's in the pronunciation.

"Cheap" has five letters and three sounds.


Wednesday, nine letters, six sounds: /w/-/e/-/n/-/z/-/d/-/eɪ/.

OK, that's the end of the lesson.

Thank you very much for watching.

You can see more of our free lessons on our website, www.oxfordonlineenglish.com.

In the video description, you can see a link to the full version of this lesson.

The full version includes a quiz and the full text, so you can review and practice this

topic some more.

But that's all.

Thanks again for watching.

I'll see you next time.

Bye bye!

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English Sounds and Spelling - English Pronunciation Lesson Englische Laute und Rechtschreibung - Lektion zur englischen Aussprache Sonidos y ortografía en inglés - Lección de pronunciación en inglés Les sons et l'orthographe en anglais - Leçon de prononciation anglaise Suoni e ortografia in inglese - Lezione di pronuncia inglese 英語の音とスペル - 英語の発音レッスン 영어 소리와 철자 - 영어 발음 수업 Anglų kalbos garsai ir rašyba - anglų kalbos tarimo pamoka Engelse klanken en spelling - Uitspraakles Engels Angielskie dźwięki i pisownia - Lekcja wymowy angielskiej Sons e ortografia em inglês - Lição de pronúncia em inglês Английские звуки и правописание - Урок английского произношения İngilizce Sesler ve Yazım - İngilizce Telaffuz Dersi Англійські звуки та правопис - Урок вимови англійської мови 英语发音和拼写 - 英语发音课程 英語發音和拼寫 - 英語發音課程

Hello, I'm Oli.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this pronunciation lesson, you can learn about sounds and spelling in English. En esta lección de pronunciación aprenderás los sonidos y la ortografía del inglés. この発音レッスンでは、英語の音とスペルについて学ぶことができます。

If you just look at a word in English, do you know how to pronounce it? ||||||||||||||发音| 英語の単語を見ただけで、どう発音するかわかりますか? Если вы просто посмотрите на слово на английском языке, знаете ли вы, как его произнести?

Not always. いつもというわけではない。

It can be difficult because, in English, the way we write a word and the way we say it 英語では、単語の書き方と言い方が違うので、難しいかもしれません。 Это может быть сложно, потому что в английском языке то, как мы пишем слово и как мы его произносим, 这可能很困难,因为在英语中,我们写单词的方式和说它的方式

are not always the same. は必ずしも同じではない。 не всегда одинаковы.

In this lesson, you can learn more about the differences between how we write a word and このレッスンでは、単語の書き方の違いについて詳しく学びます。

how we say a word in English. 英語で単語をどのように言うのか。

Part one: the same letter can have different sounds. その1:同じ文字でも異なる音がある。 Часть первая: одна и та же буква может иметь разное звучание.

Look at three words: phone, clock, for. |||||时钟| |||||clock| 3つの単語を見てみよう:電話、時計、for。 Посмотрите на три слова: телефон, часы, для.

All of these words contain the letter O. ||||have||| ||||含む||| これらの単語にはすべてOの文字が含まれている。

Is the letter O pronounced the same way in each word? Oの発音はそれぞれの単語で同じですか? Буква О произносится одинаково во всех словах?


In "phone," the letter O has an /əʊ/ sound. |||||||long O sound| phone」のOの音は/əʊ/である。 В слове «телефон» буква О имеет звук /əʊ/.

In "clock," O has an /ɒ/ sound. |||||short "o" sound| clock」のOには/ɒ/の音がある。

In "for," O has an /ɔː/ sound. |||||aw sound| for」のOは/ɔː/の音を持つ。

So here, we have three different words, all with the same letter, but with three different |||||||||||文字|||| つまり、ここでは3つの異なる単語がある。

pronunciations. 发音 pronunciation guides 発音。

Part two: different letters can have the same sound. パート2:異なる文字が同じ音を持つことがある。 Segunda parte: letras diferentes podem ter o mesmo som.

Let's look at three more words: big, England, busy. さらに3つの単語を見てみよう:ビッグ、イングランド、ビジー。

OK, some questions: what sound does the I in "big" make? "big "の "I "はどんな音? OK, algumas perguntas: que som faz o I em "grande"?

What sound does the E in "England" make? イングランド」の「E」はどんな音?

And what sound does the U in "busy" make? А какой звук издает буква У в слове «занято»?

Listen again: big, England, busy. もう一度聞いてほしい。

These three letters all have the same sound: /ɪ/. ||||||||short "i" sound この3文字はすべて同じ音:/↪Ll_26A/ を持つ。

So here, we have three different letters, I, E, and U, but they all make one sound, ここでは、I、E、Uという3つの異なる文字があるが、これらはすべて1つの音を出す、


OK, at this point, it should be clear that letters and sounds are not the same thing |在||||||||||||||| OK、この時点で、文字と音が同じものではないことは明らかだろう。 Хорошо, на этом этапе должно быть ясно, что буквы и звуки — это не одно и то же. Гаразд, на цьому етапі повинно бути зрозуміло, що букви і звуки - це не одне і те ж саме

in English.

So let's look at this in more detail. では、もう少し詳しく見てみよう。

Part three: how to count letters and sounds. 部分||||||| パート3:文字と音の数え方。 Terceira parte: como contar letras e sons. Часть третья: как считать буквы и звуки. 第三部分:如何数字母和声音。

OK, look at three more words: fast, seven, red. Vale, mira tres palabras más: rápido, siete, ted. よし、あと3つの単語を見てみよう:fast、seven、red。

I want you to think about two questions: how many letters do these words have, and how これらの単語は何文字あるか、そして何文字あるか。 Я хочу, чтобы вы подумали над двумя вопросами: сколько букв в этих словах и как

many sounds do these words have? これらの単語にはいくつの音がある? quantos sons têm estas palavras? сколько звуков у этих слов?

OK, well, the first question is easy. 最初の質問は簡単だ。

"Fast" has four letters. "Fast "は4文字。

"Seven" has five letters, and "red" has three letters. 「セブン」は5文字、「レッド」は3文字である。

What about the second question? 2つ目の質問は?

How many sounds do the words have? 単語にはいくつの音がありますか? Quantos sons têm as palavras?

Well, actually, "fast" has four sounds. 実は、"fast "には4つの音がある。

/f/-/ɑː/-/s/-/t/. |"ah" sound|| /f/-/ɑː/-/s/-/t/.

"Seven" has five sounds: /s/-/e/-/v/- -/n/. 「セブン」には、/s/-/e/-/v/-/n/の5つの音がある。

"Red" has three sounds: /r/-/e/-/d/. 「赤」には3つの音がある:/r/-/e/-/d//。

So all of these words have the same number of letters and sounds. Así que todas estas palabras tienen el mismo número de letras y sonidos. つまり、これらの単語はすべて同じ数の文字と音を持っている。 Portanto, todas estas palavras têm o mesmo número de letras e sons. Таким образом, во всех этих словах одинаковое количество букв и звуков.

"Fast" has four letters and four sounds. "Fast "には4つの文字と4つの音がある。 "Fast" tem quatro letras e quatro sons.

"Seven" has five letters and five sounds. 「セブン」には5つの文字と5つの音がある。

"Red" has three letters and three sounds. "Red "には3つの文字と3つの音がある。

That makes these words easy to pronounce because you see the word, one letter equals one sound. ||||||||||||||entspricht|| Eso hace que estas palabras sean fáciles de pronunciar, porque al ver la palabra, una letra equivale a un sonido. つまり、これらの単語は発音しやすいのだ。 Isto faz com que estas palavras sejam fáceis de pronunciar, porque se vê a palavra, uma letra é igual a um som. Это облегчает произношение этих слов, потому что вы видите слово, одна буква равна одному звуку.

It's easy.

But are all English words like this? しかし、すべての英単語がこうなのだろうか? Mas será que todas as palavras inglesas são assim?

No, most English words are not like this. いや、ほとんどの英単語はこうではない。

This is what makes English pronunciation difficult. これが英語の発音を難しくしている。 Это то, что затрудняет английское произношение.

So let's look at this again. では、もう一度見てみよう。

Part four: letters and sounds are not always the same thing. パート4:文字と音は必ずしも同じものではない。 Часть четвертая: буквы и звуки не всегда одно и то же.

OK, listen to three more words: coffee, teacher, shopping. コーヒー、先生、買い物。 Хорошо, послушай еще три слова: кофе, учитель, шоппинг.

Think about the same questions we asked before: how many letters does each word have, and 各単語は何文字か、そして何文字か。

how many sounds does each word have? それぞれの単語にはいくつの音がある?

So, "coffee" has six letters, but how many sounds? では、"coffee "は6文字だが、音はいくつあるのだろう?

Just four. たった4人だ。

The two Fs together make one /f/ sound, and the two Es together make one /i/ sound. ||Double F|||||||||is||||| 2つのFを合わせると1つの/f/の音になり、2つのEを合わせると1つの/i/の音になる。 两个 F 一起发出一个 /f/ 声音,两个 E 一起发出一个 /i/ 声音。

So there are four sounds. つまり、4つの音がある。

/k/-/ɒ/-/f/-/i/. /k/-/ɒ/-/f/-/i/.

Teacher has seven letters. 先生は7文字。

How many sounds?

Four, again. また4人だ。

So the two letters EA make one /iː/ sound. ||||letter combination|||ee| つまり、EAという2つの文字で1つの/iː/の音を作る。

The two letters CH make one /tʃ/ sound, and the two letters, ER, make one /ə/ sound. |||CH|||ch||||||ER sound|||schwa sound| CHの2文字は/tʃ/の音を1つ、ERの2文字は/ə/の音を1つ作る。

So there are four sounds in the word: /t/-/iː/-/tʃ/-/ə/. |||||||||Long "ee"|"ch" sound| つまり、単語には4つの音がある:/t/-/iʃ/-/tʃ/-/ə/。

"Shopping" has eight letters. 「ショッピング」は8文字である。

How many sounds? In what way|| 何音ですか?


S and H together make one /ʃ/ sound. SとHを合わせて一つの/ʃ/の音を作る。

The two Ps together make one /p/ sound. ||Letter P's||||| 2つのPを合わせると1つの/p/音になる。

The letters NG make one /ŋ/ sound. ||One sound unit|||ng|

So that leaves five sounds: /ʃ/-/ɒ/-/p/-/ɪ/-/ŋ/. |||||||||ng sound つまり、/ʃ/-/ɒ/-/p/-/ŋ/の5つの音が残る。

Often, a word has more letters than sounds because two or more letters together can make 多くの場合、単語は音よりも文字数が多い。

one sound. 一つの音。

Sometimes three or four letters together can make one sound. |||||||former|| 3文字や4文字が一緒になって1つの音になることもある。

For example, look at the word "four," F-O-U-R. 例えば、"four "という単語、F-O-U-Rを見てみよう。

In this word, the three letters, 'OUR', make one sound: /ɔː/. En esta palabra, las tres letras "OUR" forman un sonido: /ɔː/. この単語では、「OUR」という3つの文字が「/ɔː/」という1つの音を作っている。

Let's look at three more words: one, use, Europe. さらに3つの単語を見てみよう:one、use、Europe。

Same questions: How many letters? 同じ質問:何文字?

How many sounds? 何音ですか?

Well, let's look at "one." では、"1 "を見てみよう。

"One" has three letters and three sounds, so that's easy, right? "One "には3つの文字と3つの音がある。

But what are the three sounds? しかし、3つの音とは何だろう?

/w/-/ʌ/-/n/. |Short "u"| /w/-/ʌ/-/n/。

Where does that /w/ sound come from? ¿De dónde viene ese sonido /w/? その/w/の音はどこから来るのですか? Откуда этот звук /w/?

What about the other words? 他の言葉はどうだろう? А как насчет других слов?

Well, "use" has three sounds, again, /j/-/ʊː/-/z/. |||||||long "oo"| さて、"use "には3つの音があり、やはり/j/-/ʊː/-/z/である。

Again, you can see a /j/ sound, which is pronounced, but which isn't obviously in the written word. ||||||||||||||||书写的| ここでも/j/の発音が見られるが、書き言葉では明らかに発音されない。 Ponownie, możesz zobaczyć dźwięk /j/, który jest wymawiany, ale który oczywiście nie występuje w słowie pisanym. Опять же, вы можете увидеть звук /j/, который произносится, но явно не присутствует в написанном слове.

"Europe" has five sounds: /j/-/ʊə/-/r/-/ə/-/p/. |||||pure vowel sound||| "Europe "には/j/-/ʊə/-/r/-/ə/-/p/の5つの音がある。

Once again, you can see there's a /j/ sound in the pronunciation, which isn't written もう一度言いますが、発音に/j/の音があるのがわかります。

clearly in the word. 明確に||| claramente en la palabra. 言葉の中にはっきりと。

So to review: very often, words have more letters than sounds because, very often, two Así que, para repasar: muy a menudo, las palabras tienen más letras que sonidos porque, muy a menudo, dos 復習しておくと、単語には音よりも文字が多いことがよくある。

or more letters together can produce one sound. 以上の文字が組み合わさって1つの音を出す。

Sometimes there are extra sounds which are not obviously written, but which are pronounced |||余分な音|||||||||| A veces hay sonidos adicionales que no se escriben de forma evidente, pero que se pronuncian 時には、明らかに書かれていないが、発音される余分な音がある。 Иногда появляются лишние звуки, которые явно не пишутся, но произносятся

when you say the word. その言葉を口にするとき

Okay. オーケー。

Let's do some practice together. 一緒に練習しよう

I'm going to give you five words: apple, because, student, cheap, Wednesday. リンゴ、なぜなら、学生、安い、水曜日。

Think about the same questions: how many letters do these words have, and how many sounds do 同じ質問について考えてみよう:これらの単語にはいくつの文字があり、いくつの音があるのか?

these words have?

If you want, pause the video and think about your answer. もしよければ、ビデオを一時停止して答えを考えてみてください。

We can start again when you're ready and look at the answers together. 準備ができたらまた始めて、一緒に答えを見ましょう。

OK, ready?

Let's check. Comprobémoslo. 確認しよう。

"Apple" has five letters and three sounds: /æ/-/p/-/l/. |||||||short "a" sound|| "Apple "は5文字で3つの音がある:/æ/-/p/-/l/。

"Because" has seven letters and five sounds: /b/-/ɪ/-/k/-/ɒ/-/z/. 「Because」は7文字で、/b/-/ɪ/k/-/ɒ/-/z/の5つの音がある。

"Student" has seven letters and eight sounds.

How's this possible? こんなことが可能なのか? Как это возможно?

Let's look: /s/-/t/-/j/-/ʊː/-/d/-/e/-/n/-/t/.


There's an extra /j/ before the /ʊː/, which again is not obvious from the spelling, but ʊː/の前に余計な/j/があるが、これもスペルからはわからない。

it's in the pronunciation. está en la pronunciación. それは発音にある。

"Cheap" has five letters and three sounds. "Cheap "には5つの文字と3つの音がある。


Wednesday, nine letters, six sounds: /w/-/e/-/n/-/z/-/d/-/eɪ/. ||||||||||Long A sound

OK, that's the end of the lesson.

Thank you very much for watching. Muchas gracias por vernos. ご視聴ありがとうございました。

You can see more of our free lessons on our website, www.oxfordonlineenglish.com. その他の無料レッスンはウェブサイト(www.oxfordonlineenglish.com)でご覧いただけます。

In the video description, you can see a link to the full version of this lesson. ビデオの説明に、このレッスンの完全版へのリンクがあります。

The full version includes a quiz and the full text, so you can review and practice this フルバージョンには、クイズと全文が含まれています。

topic some more. tema un poco más. の話題をもう少し。

But that's all. だが、それだけだ。

Thanks again for watching.

I'll see you next time.

Bye bye! ¡Adiós, adiós!