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Oxford Online English, Clothes Shopping in English - Spoken English Lesson

Clothes Shopping in English - Spoken English Lesson

Rheedan: Hello my name is Rheedan.

Vicki: Hello, I'm Vicki.

Rheedan: Welcome to Oxford Online English.

In this lesson you can learn about how to shop for clothing.

Vicki: Have you bought clothing in English before?

Rheedan: If not, we hope to change that with this lesson.

And if you have, we want to make the next time even easier.

Vicki: Shopping for clothing will give you a good opportunity to practice your English.

Rheedan: We'll start by showing you a sample dialogue.

Vicki: Then we'll learn a few phrases that will help you when you go shopping.

Rheedan: Hello, can I help you?

Vicki: No, thanks.

I'm just browsing.

Rheedan: Okay.

Let me know if you need any help.

Vicki: Actually do you have any dresses in stock?

Rheedan: Yes.

Let me show you.

Vicki: I like this one.

Do you have it in another color?

Rheedan: Yes, this dress also comes in red, blue, black, and green.

Vicki: I'd like to try the blue one, please.

Rheedan: Sure, the changing rooms are over there.

Vicki: Can I try this in a smaller size?

Rheedan: Sorry, we don't have any in stock left in that color.

Would you like to try another color?

Vicki: I really like the blue one.

Rheedan: We have a special offer, buy one get one free.

Vicki: Really?

That's a bargain.

Rheedan: Yes, we have a lot of special deals on our clothing.

Vicki: In that case, I'll take the red one and the black one.

Rheedan: Would you like anything else?

Vicki: No, thanks.

I'll just get this.

Can I pay by card?

Rheedan: Of course, please enter your pin.

Vicki: What is my pin number?

Oh, yes.

Rheedan: Please wait one moment.

Sign here.

Vicki: Can I get a receipt?

Rheedan: Of course, here you go.

Vicki: Thank you.

Have a nice day.

Rheedan: Thanks for shopping with us.

Now, let's look at some of the words you'll need when going clothing shopping.

Vicki: When you first enter the clothing store, the shop assistant might greet you and ask

if you need any help.

If you are just looking around, you can say that you are browsing.

'Browsing' means looking at many things in a shop to see if there is something you want

to buy.

Rheedan: If you're looking for something in particular, you can ask, "Do you sell jeans?"

"Do you have jeans?"

"I'm looking for jeans."

"Do you have jeans in stock?"

If the shop has the clothing you're looking for, you will want to try it on before you

buy it.

You can try on the clothing in the changing room, a room for trying on clothing.

Vicki: After you've tried on the clothing, you might want to change the size or colour.

You can ask, "Do you have this is another size?"

"Do you have this in a size eight?"

"Do you have this is another colour?"

"Do you have this in green?"

You've tried on the clothing, it's the right size and the right colour, now you want to

know how much it costs.

If you're buying one item, you can ask, "How much is this?"

If you're buying more than one item, you can ask, "How much are these?"

If the clothing costs a lot of money, you can say, "That's really expensive."

If the clothing isn't expensive, you can say, "That's really cheap," or, "That's a bargain."

If you choose to buy the clothing, you can say, "I'll take them," or, "I'll take it."

Rheedan: Once you've finished shopping and are getting ready to pay, the shop assistant

might ask you, "Will there be anything else?"

"Can I help with anything else?"

They will ask if you want to pay with cash or by card.

Usually they'll just say, "Cash or card?"

Vicki: You can answer, "I'll pay by card," or, "I'll pay by cash."

Don't forget to get a receipt.

Say, "Could I have a receipt please?"

I hope these phrases help you the next time you're shopping.

Rheedan: That's the end of the lesson.

Thank you for joining us!

Vicki: You can see more free lessons on our website: oxfordonlineenglish.com.

Rheedan: See you next time!

Vicki: See you next time!

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Clothes Shopping in English - Spoken English Lesson apparel|||||| Clothes Shopping auf Englisch - Gesprochene Englisch-Lektion Clothes Shopping in English - Spoken English Lesson Comprar ropa en inglés - Lección de inglés hablado Acheter des vêtements en anglais - Leçon d'anglais parlé Shopping di vestiti in inglese - Lezione di inglese parlato 英語で洋服のお買い物-英会話レッスン Drabužių pirkimas anglų kalba - šnekamosios anglų kalbos pamoka Kledingwinkel in het Engels - Gesproken Engelse les Zakupy ubrań po angielsku - lekcja mówionego angielskiego Compras de roupa em inglês - Aula de inglês falada Покупки одежды на английском языке - урок разговорного английского İngilizce Kıyafet Alışverişi - İngilizce Konuşma Dersi Шопінг за одягом англійською - урок розмовної англійської 用英语买衣服 - 英语口语课程 英語買衣服 - 英語口說課程

Rheedan: Hello my name is Rheedan. Rheedan||||| Rheedan||||| リーダン:こんにちは、僕の名前はリーダンです。 Rheedan: Olá, o meu nome é Rheedan.

Vicki: Hello, I'm Vicki. Вики||| Vicki||| Vicki|||Vicki ヴィッキー:こんにちは、ヴィッキーです。

Rheedan: Welcome to Oxford Online English. Rheedan: Willkommen bei Oxford Online Englisch. リーダン:オックスフォード・オンライン英会話へようこそ。

In this lesson you can learn about how to shop for clothing. |||||||||||apparel In dieser Lektion erfahren Sie, wie Sie Kleidung einkaufen. En esta lección aprenderás a comprar ropa. このレッスンでは、洋服の買い方について学ぶことができます。 W tej lekcji dowiesz się, jak kupować ubrania.

Vicki: Have you bought clothing in English before? |||||||antes Vicki: Hast du schon einmal Kleidung auf Englisch gekauft? Vicki: Ha mai comprato vestiti in inglese prima d'ora? ヴィッキー:英語で服を買ったことはある? Vicki: Czy kupowałaś już wcześniej ubrania po angielsku? Vicki: Já comprou roupa em inglês? Вики: Ты раньше покупал одежду на английском языке?

Rheedan: If not, we hope to change that with this lesson. ||||||alter|||| リーダン:もしそうでなければ、このレッスンでそれを変えたいと思っています。 Rheedan: Se não, esperamos mudar isso com esta lição. Ридан: Если нет, мы надеемся изменить это с помощью этого урока.

And if you have, we want to make the next time even easier. وإذا كان لديك ، فنحن نريد أن نجعل المرة القادمة أسهل. Y si lo ha hecho, queremos que la próxima vez sea aún más fácil. E se lo avete fatto, vogliamo rendere la prossima volta ancora più facile. A jeśli tak, chcemy, aby następny raz był jeszcze łatwiejszy. E se tiver, queremos tornar a próxima vez ainda mais fácil. И если у вас есть, мы хотим сделать в следующий раз еще проще.

Vicki: Shopping for clothing will give you a good opportunity to practice your English. |||одежда|||||||||| |||||||||Gelegenheit|||| Vicki: Das Einkaufen von Kleidung ist eine gute Gelegenheit, um Ihr Englisch zu üben. ヴィッキー:洋服を買うのは、英語を練習するいい機会だよ。 Vicki: As compras de vestuário dar-lhe-ão uma boa oportunidade para praticar o seu inglês.

Rheedan: We'll start by showing you a sample dialogue. |||||||example| Rheedan: Empezaremos mostrándote un diálogo de muestra. リーダン:まずはダイアログのサンプルをお見せしましょう。 Rheedan: Começaremos por lhe mostrar uma amostra do diálogo. Ридан: Мы начнем с примера диалога.

Vicki: Then we'll learn a few phrases that will help you when you go shopping. 维基说|||||||||||||| ||||||Sätze|||||||| ヴィッキー:じゃあ、買い物に行くときに役立つフレーズを覚えよう。 Vicki: Wtedy nauczymy się kilku zwrotów, które pomogą Ci w zakupach. Vicki: Depois aprenderemos algumas frases que o ajudarão quando for às compras.

Rheedan: Hello, can I help you?

Vicki: No, thanks. ヴィッキー:いえ、結構です。

I'm just browsing. ||stöbern ||그냥 둘러보고 있어요 ||navegando ||looking around انا فقط اتصفح. Ich schaue mich nur um. Sólo estoy echando un vistazo. ただ見ているだけだよ。 Po prostu przeglądam. Estou apenas a navegar. Я просто ищу.

Rheedan: Okay.

Let me know if you need any help. 何か助けが必要なら言ってくれ。 Daj mi znać, jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy.

Vicki: Actually do you have any dresses in stock? ||||||||有库存的 ||||||Kleider||vorrätig ||||||dresses||inventory فيكي: في الواقع ، هل لديك أي فساتين في المخزون؟ Vicki: En realidad, ¿tienes algún vestido en stock? ヴィッキー:実は、ドレスの在庫はあるの? Vicki: Właściwie czy masz w magazynie jakieś sukienki? Vicki: Na verdade, tem alguns vestidos em stock?

Rheedan: Yes.

Let me show you. お見せしましょう。 Pokażę ci. Deixem-me mostrar-vos. Позволь мне показать тебе.

Vicki: I like this one. Vicki: Podoba mi się ten. Вики: Мне нравится этот.

Do you have it in another color? ||||||color Masz go w innym kolorze? Têm-no noutra cor?

Rheedan: Yes, this dress also comes in red, blue, black, and green. ||||||||blue color||| Rheedan: Sim, este vestido também vem em vermelho, azul, preto, e verde. Ридан: Да, это платье бывает красного, синего, черного и зеленого цветов.

Vicki: I'd like to try the blue one, please. Vicki: Chciałbym spróbować niebieskiego, proszę. Vicki: Gostaria de experimentar o azul, por favor. Вики: Я бы хотела попробовать синий, пожалуйста.

Rheedan: Sure, the changing rooms are over there. Rheedan: بالتأكيد ، غرف تغيير الملابس هناك. Rheedan: Claro, los vestuarios están por allí. Rheedan: Certo, gli spogliatoi sono laggiù. Rheedan: Jasne, szatnie są tam. Rheedan: Claro, os balneários estão ali. Ридан: Конечно, раздевалки там. Rheedan: Tabii, soyunma odaları şurada.

Vicki: Can I try this in a smaller size? فيكي: هل يمكنني تجربة هذا بحجم أصغر؟ Vicki: Posso provarlo in una taglia più piccola? Vicki: Czy mogę spróbować tego w mniejszym rozmiarze? Vicki: Posso experimentar isto num tamanho mais pequeno? Вики: Могу я попробовать это в меньшем размере?

Rheedan: Sorry, we don't have any in stock left in that color. |对不起||||任何|||||| |||||||vorrätig|||| |||||||available inventory|||| Rheedan: آسف ، ليس لدينا أي مخزون متبقي بهذا اللون. Rheedan: Lo sentimos, no nos quedan existencias en ese color. リーダン:申し訳ありませんが、その色の在庫は残っていません。 Rheedan: Desculpe, não temos mais nenhum em stock nessa cor. Ридан: Извините, у нас нет на складе такого цвета.

Would you like to try another color? polite request|||||| Gostaria de experimentar outra cor?

Vicki: I really like the blue one. Vicki: Bardzo lubię niebieski. Vicki: Gosto muito do azul.

Rheedan: We have a special offer, buy one get one free. |Мы||||||||| Rheedan: Abbiamo un'offerta speciale: uno lo compri e uno lo prendi gratis. リーダン1つ買うと1つ無料になる特典があります。 Rheedan: Mamy specjalną ofertę, kup jedną, drugą gratis. Rheedan: Temos uma oferta especial, compre um, ganhe um grátis. Ридан: У нас есть специальное предложение: купи один, получи второй бесплатно.

Vicki: Really?

That's a bargain. ||Schnäppchen ||Great deal هذه صفقة. Das ist ein Schnäppchen. Es una ganga. Isso é uma pechincha. Это сделка. Bu bir pazarlık.

Rheedan: Yes, we have a lot of special deals on our clothing. ||||||||Angebote||| ||||||||discounts||| Rheedan: نعم ، لدينا الكثير من العروض الخاصة على ملابسنا. Rheedan: Sí, tenemos muchas ofertas especiales en nuestra ropa. Rheedan: Sì, abbiamo molte offerte speciali sui nostri capi di abbigliamento. Rheedan:ええ、私たちのウェアにはたくさんの特別企画があります。 Rheedan: Tak, mamy wiele specjalnych ofert na nasze ubrania. Rheedan: Sim, temos muitos acordos especiais sobre o nosso vestuário. Rheedan:是的,我們的服裝有很多特價優惠。

Vicki: In that case, I'll take the red one and the black one. ヴィッキー:それなら、赤いのと黒いのをもらうわ。 Vicki: W takim razie wezmę czerwoną i czarną. Vicki: Nesse caso, fico com o vermelho e com o preto.

Rheedan: Would you like anything else? リーダン他に何か欲しいものは? Rheedan: Chcesz coś jeszcze? Rheedan: Deseja mais alguma coisa?

Vicki: No, thanks.

I'll just get this. Ich nehme nur das hier. これだけもらっておくよ。 Po prostu to zdobędę. Vou só buscar isto. Я просто возьму это.

Can I pay by card? Kann ich mit Karte bezahlen? Czy mogę płacić kartą? Posso pagar com cartão?

Rheedan: Of course, please enter your pin. ||||||密码 ||||||PIN (1) ||||||PIN Rheedan: Por supuesto, por favor, introduzca su pin. リーダンもちろんです。 Rheedan: É claro, por favor introduza o seu alfinete.

Vicki: What is my pin number? ヴィッキー:私の暗証番号は? Vicki: Qual é o meu número de pin? Вики: Какой у меня пин-код?

Oh, yes.

Rheedan: Please wait one moment.

Sign here. |在这里签名 signature| Firme aquí. Assine aqui. Подпишите здесь.

Vicki: Can I get a receipt? |||||reçu |||||proof of purchase |||||Quittung فيكي: هل يمكنني الحصول على إيصال؟ Vicki: Kann ich eine Quittung bekommen? ヴィッキー:領収書をもらえますか? Vicki: Posso obter um recibo? Вики: Могу я получить квитанцию?

Rheedan: Of course, here you go. Rheedan: Claro, aqui está. Ридан: Конечно, держи.

Vicki: Thank you.

Have a nice day. Хорошего дня.

Rheedan: Thanks for shopping with us. Ридан: Спасибо за покупки у нас.

Now, let's look at some of the words you'll need when going clothing shopping.

Vicki: When you first enter the clothing store, the shop assistant might greet you and ask |||||||||店员|||问候你||| ||||||||||||begrüßen||| ||||||||||||say hello||| |||||||店|||||||| ||||||||||||saludar||| فيكي: عندما تدخل متجر الملابس لأول مرة ، قد يرحب بك مساعد المتجر ويسألك Vicki: Cuando entras por primera vez en una tienda de ropa, la dependienta te saluda y te pregunta Вики: Когда вы впервые входите в магазин одежды, продавец может поприветствовать вас и спросить:

if you need any help.

If you are just looking around, you can say that you are browsing. ||||||||||||surfen

'Browsing' means looking at many things in a shop to see if there is something you want Stöbern|||||||||||||||| يعني "التصفح" النظر إلى العديد من الأشياء في المتجر لمعرفة ما إذا كان هناك شيء تريده Navegar" significa olhar para muitas coisas numa loja para ver se há algo que se quer «Просмотр» означает просмотр многих вещей в магазине, чтобы увидеть, есть ли что-то, что вам нужно.

to buy.

Rheedan: If you're looking for something in particular, you can ask, "Do you sell jeans?" ||||||||||||||牛仔裤 |||||||||||Do|||denim pants Rheedan: Si buscas algo en concreto, puedes preguntar: "¿Venden vaqueros?". Rheedan: Jeśli szukasz czegoś konkretnego, możesz zapytać: "Sprzedajesz dżinsy?"

"Do you have jeans?" perform||| – Masz dżinsy?

"I'm looking for jeans." I am||| "Szukam dżinsów."

"Do you have jeans in stock?" |||джинсы|| |||||vorrätig Do|||||

If the shop has the clothing you're looking for, you will want to try it on before you Se a loja tem a roupa que procura, vai querer experimentá-la antes de si

buy it.

You can try on the clothing in the changing room, a room for trying on clothing. Pode experimentar a roupa no vestiário, uma sala para experimentar a roupa.

Vicki: After you've tried on the clothing, you might want to change the size or colour.

You can ask, "Do you have this is another size?"

"Do you have this in a size eight?" have|||||||

"Do you have this is another colour?"

"Do you have this in green?" Do|||||

You've tried on the clothing, it's the right size and the right colour, now you want to 試着して、サイズも色もぴったりだった。 Przymierzyłeś ubranie, ma odpowiedni rozmiar i odpowiedni kolor, teraz chcesz

know how much it costs.

If you're buying one item, you can ask, "How much is this?" ||||Artikel||||||| ||||||||in what way|||

If you're buying more than one item, you can ask, "How much are these?" ||||||Artikel||||||| ||||||||||What is the price||| Se state acquistando più di un articolo, potete chiedere: "Quanto costano questi?".

If the clothing costs a lot of money, you can say, "That's really expensive." |||||||||||That is|| Если одежда стоит много денег, вы можете сказать: «Это очень дорого».

If the clothing isn't expensive, you can say, "That's really cheap," or, "That's a bargain." ||||||||||||||Schnäppchen ||||||||that is||||That is||good deal ||||||||||||||ganga Si la ropa no es cara, puedes decir: "Es muy barata" o "Es una ganga". Если одежда не дорогая, вы можете сказать: «Это очень дешево» или «Выгодно».

If you choose to buy the clothing, you can say, "I'll take them," or, "I'll take it." If||||||||||I will||them||I will|| Если вы решите купить одежду, вы можете сказать: «Я возьму ее» или «Я возьму ее».

Rheedan: Once you've finished shopping and are getting ready to pay, the shop assistant Ридан: Когда вы закончите делать покупки и будете готовы заплатить, продавец

might ask you, "Will there be anything else?" |||Will|||| может спросить вас: «Будет ли что-нибудь еще?»

"Can I help with anything else?"

They will ask if you want to pay with cash or by card. |||||||||Bargeld|||

Usually they'll just say, "Cash or card?"

Vicki: You can answer, "I'll pay by card," or, "I'll pay by cash." ||||I will|||||I will||| Vicki: Puedes responder||||||||||||

Don't forget to get a receipt.

Say, "Could I have a receipt please?" |Can||||| Diga: "Pode dar-me um recibo, por favor?" Скажите: «Можно мне квитанцию, пожалуйста?»

I hope these phrases help you the next time you're shopping.

Rheedan: That's the end of the lesson.

Thank you for joining us! |||dabei sein| |||participating|

Vicki: You can see more free lessons on our website: oxfordonlineenglish.com. ||||||||||oxfordonlineenglish| ||||||||||oxford online english|

Rheedan: See you next time! Rheedan: Até à próxima!

Vicki: See you next time! <Vicki>||||