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Oxford Online English, 8 Essential English Phrases for Conversation - Improve Conversation Skills

8 Essential English Phrases for Conversation - Improve Conversation Skills

Hi I'm Martin.

Welcome to Oxford Online English.

In this lesson, you can learn some essential phrases to help you understand native speakers

and sound more natural when you speak English.

When you're talking to a native English speaker, do you sometimes find they use phrases

and questions which you haven't heard before?

If you've learned English in classrooms, there are probably many simple but important

phrases that you aren't familiar with.

We'll show you a few of these useful phrases to help you understand and speak to native

English speakers.

Let's start with a question.

What have you been up to?

Have you heard this question before?

What does it mean?

How would you answer it?

I ask students this question all the time, and they never know what it means.

So how should you answer it?

What have you been up to? is like asking What have you been doing recently?

It's a common question after you say hello to someone, especially if you haven't seen

that person in some time.

For example:


Hi, Martin!

Long time no see.

How's life?


What about you, what have you been up to?

Oh, not much, just busy with work and the usual things.

Here are some other answers you could give.

Someone asks you What have you been up to? and you could say:

I've just got back from my holiday.

I've been pretty lazy recently, to be honest.

I've been working so hard I haven't had much time for anything.

What about you; what have you been up to?

Hey Martin, what common phrases do your students need?

Actually, I dunno.

I'd have to think about it.

Have you heard or seen the word dunno before?

It's a short form of don't know.

I dunno means I don't know.

But actually, English has lots of these, like gonna for going to, wanna for want to, and

so on.

However, words like gonna are generally used in a sentence.

That makes it easier to work out the meaning.

Dunno can be used as a one-word answer.

In my experience, this can be confusing for many non-native speakers!

For example:

Is he coming to the wedding?


What time is it?


What does hold on mean?



Okay, well Martin can't help me.

What about you?

What does hold on mean?

Have you heard this before?

Actually, I do know!

Hold on means wait.

You might hear it on the phone.

You call a company to ask a question, and you might hear:

Can you hold on for a moment, please?

This is like saying can you wait for a moment?

It's also common during conversation.

If the person you're talking to says something you don't understand, or that you don't

agree with, you can say hold on to show this.

For example:

So, you start by multiplying the matrices together to get your vectors…

Hold on, what does any of that mean?

Anyway, I told them that we'd be there on Saturday morning…

Hold on, I thought we said we were going on Sunday!

You can see that you can use hold on to interrupt someone else if they say something you don't

understand, or that you don't agree with.

It's a very useful and common phrase!

All this teaching's making me thirsty.

Want a cup of tea?

Yeah, might as well.

If you ask someone a question, and they answer might as well, what are they saying to you?

Might as well means there's no reason to say no.

So, it's like saying yes, or why not?

It can also be used to say yes to something when you don't feel enthusiastic.

For example, imagine you miss a train.

You have to wait five hours for the next one.

Your friend asks if you want to go to the cinema.

You don't like the film which your friend suggested, and you don't want to watch it.

But, you have five hours until your train, and there's nothing else to do, so you say,

yeah, might as well.

Might as well isn't always negative like this, though.

It can be used to say yes to something you actually want to do.

For example, imagine you're waiting for a bus.

Your friend says, Why don't we walk?

You think about it.

It's not far.

You don't know when the bus will come, and it's a beautiful, sunny day.

So, why not?

You say, Yeah, might as well!

I'm getting kind of tired.

We should take a five-minute break.

What do you reckon?

We're only halfway!

We can take a break later.

What do you reckon? can have more than one meaning.

Like all of these phrases, it's very common in spoken English!

First, it can mean do you agree?

For example:

Our plane's at six.

We need to be at the airport at 4.30, so we should leave here at two.

What do you reckon?

Here, I make a suggestion—we need to leave at two—and I'm asking you if you agree

with my suggestion or not.

You can also use what do you reckon to ask what's your opinion?

For example:

Maybe I should quit and look for a new job, but I'm not sure.

What do you reckon?

Here, I'm asking what you think: should I quit and look for a new job, or should I

stay where I am?

I want to know what you think.

What do you reckon is almost always used as a fixed phrase.

Generally, you don't add anything after it.

Can we have that break now?

In a bit!

You're at work.

You ask your colleague to send you something.

She says, Yeah, I'll get it to you in a bit.

What does she mean?

In a bit means a short time later.

In our example, your colleague is saying she'll send you what you need a short time later.

So, she's saying that she'll do it, but not right now.

You might also hear in a little bit.

Where else could you use this phrase?

Let's see some more examples:

When will my computer be fixed?

We're working on it now.

It should be done in a bit.

Can you come back in half an hour?

Want to go for dinner?

I'm not hungry right now, but we can go in a bit.

So, that's fixed, we'll meet at six?

Yup, see you in a bit!

You can also use the phrase see you in a bit to say goodbye to someone if you know you're

going to see them in the near future.

Bad news, Martin.

Oh, what's that?

I don't think we'll have time for that break.

How come?

Martin just asked me a question.

Do you remember what he said?

He asked how come?

What is this, and how can you answer it?

Asking how come is like asking why?

The meaning is the same.

However, you can't use it in every situation.

You can use how come to ask why if someone tells you something surprising, disappointing

or annoying.

Did you hear?

They cancelled the wedding.

No way!

How come?

He didn't get me anything for my birthday.


How come?

I have to leave three hours early today.

That's not easy.

How come?

Well, we have one more useful phrase to look at.

You've finished most of the lesson.

How did you find it?

This is another very common question which is often misunderstood!

How did you find it means what did you think?

It's like asking did you like it?

You can use this question to ask about many different things.

For example:

How did you find the film?

I heard you've started aikido lessons.

How are you finding it?

How have you found the course so far?

You can see that you can use this question in different times and verb tenses.

So, how can you answer?

How did you find the film?

It was kind of boring, actually.

I heard you've started aikido lessons.

How are you finding it?

Really interesting!

I was never interested in martial arts, but it's actually very fun.

How have you found the course so far?

It's challenging, but very useful.

So, how did you find this lesson?

If you want more practice with these phrases make sure you check out the full version of

this lesson on our website: Oxford Online English.com.

You can find a quiz to help you practice these phrases as well as many other free English


Thanks for watching!

See you next time!

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8 Essential English Phrases for Conversation - Improve Conversation Skills 基本的|||||提高对话|| 8 جمل إنجليزية أساسية للمحادثة - تحسين مهارات المحادثة 8 wichtige englische Redewendungen für Konversation - Konversationsfähigkeiten verbessern 8 Frases esenciales en inglés para conversar - Mejorar las habilidades de conversación 8 expressions anglaises essentielles pour la conversation - Améliorez vos compétences en matière de conversation 8 frasi inglesi essenziali per la conversazione - Migliorare le capacità di conversazione 英会話に欠かせない8つのフレーズ - 会話力アップ 회화를 위한 8가지 필수 영어 구문 - 회화 실력 향상하기 8 esminės angliškos frazės pokalbiui - pokalbio įgūdžių tobulinimas 8 essentiële Engelse zinnen voor conversatie - Verbeter uw conversatievaardigheden 8 Niezbędnych angielskich zwrotów do konwersacji - Popraw umiejętności konwersacyjne 8 frases essenciais em inglês para conversação - Melhorar a capacidade de conversação 8 основных английских фраз для разговора - Улучшение разговорных навыков 8 Temel İngilizce Konuşma İfadesi - Konuşma Becerilerini Geliştirin 8 основних англійських фраз для розмови - покращуємо розмовні навички 8 个基本英语会话短语 - 提高会话技巧 8 個基本英語會話短語 - 提高會話技巧

Hi I'm Martin. Hallo, ich bin Martin. Hi I'm Martin. Cześć, jestem Martin.

Welcome to Oxford Online English. Bem-vindo ao Oxford Online English.

In this lesson, you can learn some essential phrases to help you understand native speakers Nesta lição, pode aprender algumas frases essenciais para o ajudar a compreender os falantes nativos

and sound more natural when you speak English.

When you're talking to a native English speaker, do you sometimes find they use phrases Wenn Sie mit einem englischen Muttersprachler sprechen, stellen Sie manchmal fest, dass er Phrasen verwendet Quando se fala com um falante nativo de inglês, por vezes verifica-se que eles usam frases

and questions which you haven't heard before? und Fragen, die Sie noch nicht gehört haben? e perguntas que nunca ouviu antes?

If you've learned English in classrooms, there are probably many simple but important ||||||||||简单的|| Wenn Sie Englisch in Klassenzimmern gelernt haben, gibt es wahrscheinlich viele einfache, aber wichtige Se aprendeu inglês nas salas de aula, há provavelmente muitos simples mas importantes

phrases that you aren't familiar with. عبارات لا تعرفها. Sätze, die Sie nicht kennen. frazy, które nie są ci znane. frases com as quais não está familiarizado.

We'll show you a few of these useful phrases to help you understand and speak to native Vamos mostrar-lhe algumas destas frases úteis para o ajudar a compreender e falar com nativos

English speakers.

Let's start with a question.

What have you been up to? ما كنت قد تصل إلى؟ Was hast du so gemacht? ¿Qué has estado haciendo? Qu'avez-vous fait ? O que tem andado a fazer?

Have you heard this question before? هل سمعت هذا السؤال من قبل؟ Haben Sie diese Frage schon einmal gehört? Avez-vous déjà entendu cette question ? Já ouviu esta pergunta antes?

What does it mean? Was bedeutet es? O que significa isto?

How would you answer it?

I ask students this question all the time, and they never know what it means. Ich stelle diese Frage ständig Studenten, und sie wissen nie, was es bedeutet. Estou sempre a fazer esta pergunta aos estudantes, e eles nunca sabem o que significa.

So how should you answer it? Also wie soll man darauf antworten? Então, como deve responder?

What have you been up to? is like asking What have you been doing recently? ما كنت قد تصل إلى؟ يشبه السؤال ماذا كنت تفعل مؤخرا؟ Was hast du so gemacht? ist wie die Frage Was hast du in letzter Zeit gemacht? ¿Qué has estado haciendo? es como preguntar ¿Qué has estado haciendo recientemente? Qu'est-ce que tu as fait ? revient à demander Qu'est-ce que tu as fait récemment ? O que tem andado a fazer? é como perguntar: O que tem feito recentemente?

It's a common question after you say hello to someone, especially if you haven't seen Es ist eine häufige Frage, nachdem Sie jemanden begrüßt haben, besonders wenn Sie ihn noch nicht gesehen haben Es una pregunta común después de saludar a alguien, especialmente si no has visto É uma pergunta comum depois de dizer olá a alguém, especialmente se não tiver visto

that person in some time. diese Person in einiger Zeit. cette personne depuis un certain temps. essa pessoa dentro de algum tempo.

For example:


Hi, Martin!

Long time no see. Lange nicht gesehen. Mucho tiempo sin verlo. Cela fait longtemps qu'on ne s'est pas vus. Há muito tempo que não se vê.

How's life? Wie ist das Leben? ¿Como es la vida? Comment va la vie ? Como é a vida?


What about you, what have you been up to? Was ist mit dir, was hast du so gemacht? / was hast du in letzter Zeit gemacht ¿Y tú, qué has estado haciendo? Et vous, qu'avez-vous fait ? E você, o que tem andado a fazer?

Oh, not much, just busy with work and the usual things. Oh, nicht viel, nur beschäftigt mit der Arbeit und den üblichen Dingen. Oh, no mucho, solo ocupado con el trabajo y las cosas habituales. Oh, não muito, apenas ocupado com o trabalho e as coisas habituais.

Here are some other answers you could give. Aqui estão algumas outras respostas que poderia dar.

Someone asks you What have you been up to? and you could say:

I've just got back from my holiday. Ich komme gerade aus meinem Urlaub zurück. Acabo de volver de mis vacaciones. Acabo de regressar das minhas férias.

I've been pretty lazy recently, to be honest. Ich war in letzter Zeit ziemlich faul, um ehrlich zu sein. He sido bastante perezoso últimamente, para ser honesto. Pour être honnête, j'ai été assez paresseux ces derniers temps. Tenho sido bastante preguiçoso recentemente, para ser honesto.

I've been working so hard I haven't had much time for anything. Ich habe so hart gearbeitet, dass ich für nichts viel Zeit hatte. He estado trabajando tan duro que no he tenido mucho tiempo para nada. J'ai travaillé si dur que je n'ai pas eu le temps de faire quoi que ce soit. Tenho trabalhado tanto que não tenho tido muito tempo para nada.

What about you; what have you been up to? Was ist mit Ihnen; was hast du so gemacht? Tú que tal; ¿qué has estado haciendo?

Hey Martin, what common phrases do your students need? Hey Martin, welche gebräuchlichen Redewendungen brauchen deine Schüler? Hey Martin, de que frases comuns necessitam os seus alunos?

Actually, I dunno. Eigentlich weiß ich nicht. En realidad, no sé. En fait, je ne sais pas. Na verdade, não sei.

I'd have to think about it. Ich müsste darüber nachdenken. Teria de pensar no assunto.

Have you heard or seen the word dunno before? Haben Sie das Wort „weiß nicht“ schon einmal gehört oder gesehen? Avez-vous déjà entendu ou vu le mot dunno ? Já ouviu ou viu a palavra dunno antes?

It's a short form of don't know. É uma forma curta de não saber.

I dunno means I don't know.

But actually, English has lots of these, like gonna for going to, wanna for want to, and Aber eigentlich hat Englisch viele davon, wie gonna for going to, wanna for want to und Mas, na verdade, o inglês tem muitos destes, como vai por ir, quer por querer, e

so on. bald. e por aí adiante.

However, words like gonna are generally used in a sentence. Wörter wie gonna werden jedoch im Allgemeinen in einem Satz verwendet.

That makes it easier to work out the meaning. Das macht es einfacher, die Bedeutung herauszuarbeiten. Isso facilita a definição do significado.

Dunno can be used as a one-word answer. O não sei pode ser usado como resposta de uma só palavra.

In my experience, this can be confusing for many non-native speakers! Meiner Erfahrung nach kann dies für viele Nicht-Muttersprachler verwirrend sein! Na minha experiência, isto pode ser confuso para muitos oradores não nativos!

For example:

Is he coming to the wedding? Kommt er zur Hochzeit? Ele vem ao casamento?

Dunno. Keine Ahnung. Je ne sais pas.

What time is it?


What does hold on mean? Was bedeutet festhalten? ¿Qué significa aguantar? O que significa "espera"?



Okay, well Martin can't help me. Okay, Martin kann mir nicht helfen.

What about you?

What does hold on mean? Was bedeutet festhalten? Що означає "триматися"?

Have you heard this before?

Actually, I do know! Eigentlich weiß ich es!

Hold on means wait. Durchhalten heißt abwarten.

You might hear it on the phone. Vielleicht hörst du es am Telefon. Poderá ouvi-lo ao telefone.

You call a company to ask a question, and you might hear:

Can you hold on for a moment, please? Kannst du bitte einen Moment warten?

This is like saying can you wait for a moment?

It's also common during conversation. Це також часто трапляється під час розмови.

If the person you're talking to says something you don't understand, or that you don't Wenn Ihr Gesprächspartner etwas sagt, das Sie nicht verstehen oder das Sie nicht verstehen Se a pessoa com quem está a falar diz algo que não compreende, ou que não compreende

agree with, you can say hold on to show this. zustimmen, können Sie sagen, halten Sie dies fest, um dies zu zeigen. concordar com, pode dizer aguarde para mostrar isto.

For example:

So, you start by multiplying the matrices together to get your vectors… ||||相乘||矩阵|||||向量 Sie beginnen also damit, die Matrizen miteinander zu multiplizieren, um Ihre Vektoren zu erhalten … Por isso, começa-se por multiplicar as matrizes para obter os seus vectores.

Hold on, what does any of that mean? |||表示|||| Moment mal, was hat das zu bedeuten?

Anyway, I told them that we'd be there on Saturday morning… Wie auch immer, ich sagte ihnen, dass wir am Samstagmorgen dort sein würden… Seja como for, disse-lhes que estaríamos lá no sábado de manhã.

Hold on, I thought we said we were going on Sunday! Warte, ich dachte, wir sagten, wir fahren am Sonntag! Attendez, je croyais qu'on avait dit qu'on partait dimanche ! Esperem, pensei que tínhamos dito que íamos no domingo!

You can see that you can use hold on to interrupt someone else if they say something you don't Vous voyez que vous pouvez utiliser l'expression "attendre" pour interrompre quelqu'un d'autre s'il dit quelque chose que vous n'aimez pas. Vê-se que se pode usar o hold on para interromper outra pessoa se ela disser algo que não se diz

understand, or that you don't agree with. comprendre, ou que vous n'êtes pas d'accord. compreender, ou com o qual não concorda.

It's a very useful and common phrase! C'est une phrase très utile et courante ! É uma frase muito útil e comum!

All this teaching's making me thirsty. ||教学|||口渴 All diese Lehren machen mich durstig. Tout cet enseignement me donne soif. Todo este ensino está a dar-me sede.

Want a cup of tea? Willst du eine Tasse Tee? Envie d'une tasse de thé ?

Yeah, might as well. Ja, warum (eigentlich) nicht Oui, c'est possible. Sim, também poderia.

If you ask someone a question, and they answer might as well, what are they saying to you?

Might as well means there's no reason to say no. Könnte auch bedeuten, dass es keinen Grund gibt, nein zu sagen. Mais vale dizer que não há razão para dizer não. Це також означає, що немає причин відмовлятися.

So, it's like saying yes, or why not? Es ist also so, als würde man ja sagen, oder warum nicht?

It can also be used to say yes to something when you don't feel enthusiastic. ||||||||||||||热情 Es kann auch verwendet werden, um Ja zu etwas zu sagen, wenn Sie nicht begeistert sind.

For example, imagine you miss a train. Stellen Sie sich zum Beispiel vor, Sie verpassen einen Zug. Por exemplo, imagine-se a perder um comboio.

You have to wait five hours for the next one. Auf den nächsten muss man fünf Stunden warten. Tem de esperar cinco horas pela próxima.

Your friend asks if you want to go to the cinema. Dein Freund fragt, ob du ins Kino gehen möchtest.

You don't like the film which your friend suggested, and you don't want to watch it. Der Film, den Ihr Freund vorgeschlagen hat, gefällt Ihnen nicht und Sie möchten ihn nicht ansehen.

But, you have five hours until your train, and there's nothing else to do, so you say, Aber du hast fünf Stunden bis zu deinem Zug, und es gibt nichts anderes zu tun, also sagst du,

yeah, might as well. |可能|| ja, warum nicht Oui, c'est possible.

Might as well isn't always negative like this, though. „Warum nicht“ ist aber nicht immer so negativ wie hier Il n'est pas toujours négatif de la sorte.

It can be used to say yes to something you actually want to do. Es kann verwendet werden, um Ja zu etwas zu sagen, das Sie wirklich tun möchten. Il peut être utilisé pour dire oui à quelque chose que vous voulez vraiment faire.

For example, imagine you're waiting for a bus. Stellen Sie sich zum Beispiel vor, Sie warten auf einen Bus.

Your friend says, Why don't we walk? Dein Freund sagt, warum gehen wir nicht?

You think about it. Du denkst darüber nach.

It's not far. Não é longe.

You don't know when the bus will come, and it's a beautiful, sunny day. Não se sabe quando virá o autocarro, e está um dia bonito e ensolarado.

So, why not? Also warum nicht?

You say, Yeah, might as well! Du sagst: Ja, warum nicht!

I'm getting kind of tired. Ich werde langsam müde. Estou a ficar um pouco cansado.

We should take a five-minute break. Wir sollten eine fünfminütige Pause machen. Deveríamos fazer um intervalo de cinco minutos.

What do you reckon? |||你觉得呢? |||acha Was glaubst du? O que acha?

We're only halfway! ||na metade Wir sind erst auf halbem Weg! Estamos apenas a meio caminho! 我們才走了一半!

We can take a break later. Podemos fazer uma pausa mais tarde.

What do you reckon? can have more than one meaning. |||认为|||||| Was glaubst du? kann mehr als eine Bedeutung haben.

Like all of these phrases, it's very common in spoken English! Wie alle diese Sätze ist es im gesprochenen Englisch sehr verbreitet!

First, it can mean do you agree? Erstens kann es bedeuten, stimmst du zu? Primeiro, pode significar que concorda?

For example:

Our plane's at six. Unser Flugzeug geht um sechs. O nosso avião está às seis.

We need to be at the airport at 4.30, so we should leave here at two. Wir müssen um 4.30 Uhr am Flughafen sein, also sollten wir hier um zwei losfahren.

What do you reckon? |||认为 Was glaubst du? O que acha?

Here, I make a suggestion—we need to leave at two—and I'm asking you if you agree Hier mache ich einen Vorschlag – wir müssen um zwei aufbrechen – und ich frage Sie, ob Sie damit einverstanden sind

with my suggestion or not.

You can also use what do you reckon to ask what's your opinion? |||||||认为||||| Sie können auch was denken Sie verwenden, um zu fragen, was Ihre Meinung ist?

For example:

Maybe I should quit and look for a new job, but I'm not sure. |||辞职|||||||||| Vielleicht sollte ich kündigen und mir einen neuen Job suchen, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher. Talvez devesse desistir e procurar um novo emprego, mas não tenho a certeza.

What do you reckon? |||认为 Was glaubst du?

Here, I'm asking what you think: should I quit and look for a new job, or should I

stay where I am? bleiben wo ich bin?

I want to know what you think.

What do you reckon is almost always used as a fixed phrase. |||认为|||||||固定短语| What do you reckon wird fast immer als feste Phrase verwendet. O que se considera ser quase sempre usado como uma frase fixa.

Generally, you don't add anything after it.

Can we have that break now? Können wir jetzt diese Pause machen? Podemos fazer essa pausa agora?

In a bit! Bald! Daqui a pouco!

You're at work. Está a trabalhar.

You ask your colleague to send you something. |||同事|||| Sie bitten Ihren Kollegen, Ihnen etwas zu schicken. Pede ao seu colega para lhe enviar algo.

She says, Yeah, I'll get it to you in a bit. Sie sagt: Ja, ich bringe es dir gleich. Ela diz: "Sim, já lho direi dentro de instantes.

What does she mean?

In a bit means a short time later. Dentro de pouco tempo significa pouco tempo depois.

In our example, your colleague is saying she'll send you what you need a short time later. ||||同事||||||||||||

So, she's saying that she'll do it, but not right now. Por isso, ela diz que o fará, mas não neste momento.

You might also hear in a little bit. Também poderá ouvir daqui a pouco.

Where else could you use this phrase? Wo könntest du diesen Satz sonst verwenden? Onde mais poderia usar esta frase?

Let's see some more examples:

When will my computer be fixed? Wann wird mein Computer repariert? Quando é que o meu computador será arranjado?

We're working on it now. Wir arbeiten jetzt daran. Estamos a trabalhar nisso agora.

It should be done in a bit. Es sollte in Kürze erledigt sein.

Can you come back in half an hour? Pode voltar dentro de meia hora?

Want to go for dinner? Willst du zum Abendessen gehen?

I'm not hungry right now, but we can go in a bit. Ich habe gerade keinen Hunger, aber wir können ein bisschen reingehen. Não tenho fome neste momento, mas podemos ir dentro de pouco tempo.

So, that's fixed, we'll meet at six? Also, das steht fest, wir treffen uns um sechs? Então, isso é fixo, encontramo-nos às seis?

Yup, see you in a bit! Ja, wir sehen uns gleich! Sim, vemo-nos daqui a pouco!

You can also use the phrase see you in a bit to say goodbye to someone if you know you're Du kannst auch den Ausdruck bis bald verwenden, um dich von jemandem zu verabschieden, wenn du weißt, dass du es bist Também pode usar a frase ver-te daqui a pouco para dizer adeus a alguém se souberes que estás

going to see them in the near future. vai vê-los num futuro próximo.

Bad news, Martin. Schlechte Nachrichten, Martin.

Oh, what's that? Oh, was ist das? Oh, o que é isso?

I don't think we'll have time for that break. |||我们会||||| Acho que não teremos tempo para essa pausa.

How come? Woher? Como assim?

Martin just asked me a question. Martin hat mir gerade eine Frage gestellt. Martin acabou de me fazer uma pergunta.

Do you remember what he said?

He asked how come? Er fragte, wieso?

What is this, and how can you answer it?

Asking how come is like asking why?

The meaning is the same.

However, you can't use it in every situation. No entanto, não se pode utilizá-lo em todas as situações.

You can use how come to ask why if someone tells you something surprising, disappointing Du kannst how come verwenden, um nach dem Warum zu fragen, wenn dir jemand etwas Überraschendes oder Enttäuschendes erzählt

or annoying. oder nervig.

Did you hear? Hast du gehört?

They cancelled the wedding. Sie haben die Hochzeit abgesagt. Eles cancelaram o casamento.

No way! Auf keinen Fall! Nem pensar!

How come?

He didn't get me anything for my birthday. Er hat mir nichts zum Geburtstag geschenkt. Ele não me deu nada para o meu aniversário.


How come?

I have to leave three hours early today. Ich muss heute drei Stunden früher los. Hoje tenho de sair três horas mais cedo. Сьогодні я маю виїхати на три години раніше.

That's not easy. Das ist nicht einfach. Isso não é fácil.

How come?

Well, we have one more useful phrase to look at. Nun, wir haben noch einen weiteren nützlichen Satz, den wir uns ansehen sollten. Bem, temos mais uma frase útil para ver.

You've finished most of the lesson. Já terminou a maior parte da lição.

How did you find it? Wie hast du das gefunden? Como o encontrou?

This is another very common question which is often misunderstood! |||||||||误解 Esta é outra questão muito comum que é muitas vezes mal compreendida!

How did you find it means what did you think? Wie haben Sie festgestellt, dass es bedeutet, was haben Sie gedacht?

It's like asking did you like it? Es ist wie zu fragen, ob es dir gefallen hat?

You can use this question to ask about many different things.

For example:

How did you find the film? Wie fanden Sie den Film?

I heard you've started aikido lessons. ||你已经|开始|合气道| Ich habe gehört, dass du Aikido-Unterricht genommen hast. Ouvi dizer que começou as aulas de aikido.

How are you finding it? Wie findest du es? Como o está a encontrar?

How have you found the course so far? Wie fanden Sie den Studiengang bisher? Como encontrou o curso até agora?

You can see that you can use this question in different times and verb tenses. Pode ver que pode usar esta pergunta em tempos e tempos verbais diferentes.

So, how can you answer?

How did you find the film? |||||电影

It was kind of boring, actually. Eigentlich war es irgendwie langweilig. Na verdade, foi um pouco aborrecido.

I heard you've started aikido lessons.

How are you finding it?

Really interesting!

I was never interested in martial arts, but it's actually very fun. |||||武术|||||| Ich habe mich nie für Kampfsport interessiert, aber es macht eigentlich sehr viel Spaß. 我對武術一向不感興趣,但其實它很有趣。

How have you found the course so far? |||||||到目前为止 ||||le||jusqu'à présent| Wie fanden Sie den Studiengang bisher?

It's challenging, but very useful. Es ist herausfordernd, aber sehr nützlich.

So, how did you find this lesson?

If you want more practice with these phrases make sure you check out the full version of ||||||||||||||完整版本|| Wenn Sie mehr Übung mit diesen Sätzen wünschen, sollten Sie sich unbedingt die Vollversion von ansehen

this lesson on our website: Oxford Online English.com.

You can find a quiz to help you practice these phrases as well as many other free English ||||测验||||||||也||||| You can find a quiz to help you practice these phrases as well as many other free English

lessons. lessons.

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