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Oxford Online English, 5 Techniques to Speak English with Confidence - Speak English Confidently

5 Techniques to Speak English with Confidence - Speak English Confidently

Hi, I'm Gina, welcome to Oxford Online English.

In this lesson you can learn how to sound more confident when you speak English.

When we ask students, “Why do you want to learn English,” often people don't talk

about their language skills.

They talk about their feelings.

They say things like: “I don't feel confident when I'm speaking


“I'm afraid my English sounds bad.”

“I want to feel better about my English.”

Does this sound like you?

In this lesson, you can learn some simple, effective tips to sound more confident speaking


We'll show you ideas that anyone can use.

We have a saying in English: “Fake it till you make it.”

Have you heard it?

If not, can you guess what it means?

It means that confidence starts on the outside.

You need to act confident and sound confident, even if you don't feel confident.

So, if you lack confidence when you speak English, you have to ‘fake it'.

You have to act confident, even though you don't feel confident.

This is important to understand: there isn't some sort of magical switch you can flip and

suddenly feel confident.

Feeling more confident is a journey which will take time and work.

Remember: to improve your English confidence, you need to accept that you might not feel

confident right away.

That's okay!

The first steps towards confidence in your spoken English are on the outside.

So, what can you actually do?

When you're not confident in your English, you'll probably do three things:

One: you'll speak too quietly.

Two: you'll try to speak too fast.

Three: you'll speak in fragments, using single words and phrases instead of full sentences.

For example:

"Martin, did you have a good weekend?"

"Not bad.

Just stayed at home."

Did that sound, or look, confident?

Not really!

Let's try again.

"Hey Martin, did you have a good weekend?"

"It was kind of boring, actually!

I didn't go anywhere or do anything.

What about you?"

See the difference?

Even though I still had a boring weekend and didn't have anything interesting to say,

I was still able to sound confident and comfortable.

There are three things you can do here, but before you start, I'd like you to do something:

record yourself talking in English for one minute.

Introduce yourself and talk a little about your life.

Go on, pause the video and do it now, then come back!

Listen to the recording.

How does it sound?

Do you sound confident?

Next, let's get back to what you can do to sound more confident in English.

First, control the volume of your voice.

Confident people speak at a high, clear volume.

You don't have to shout, but your voice should be loud enough that anyone in the same

room could understand you clearly.

Secondly, control the speed of your voice.

When you're nervous, it's normal to try to speak faster.

If you try to speak too fast, you'll sound less confident, and also make more mistakes.

Slowing down will help you in many ways.

You'll sound more confident, you'll be easier to understand when you speak English,

and you'll make fewer mistakes.

Finally, speak in full sentences.

If you're not confident in your spoken English, you'll try to say as little as possible.

To sound confident, you should show that you're not scared of speaking English.

So, use full sentences.

Now it's time to make another recording.

Even better, make three recordings.

Each should be around one minute.

Talk about yourself and your life, like you did before.

The first time, focus on the volume of your voice.

Try to speak loudly and clearly.

The second time, focus on speed.

Try to slow down and speak at a clear, controlled pace.

The third time, focus on speaking in full sentences.

Listen to the recordings.

Compare them to the first recording you made.

Do they sound better?

Next, try to use these points when you talk English in real life.

Remember, you might not feel confident, but you will sound more confident.

If you sound more confident, people will respond to you differently.

Try it—you might be surprised how much difference these simple points make!

When you see how people respond to you, you'll feel more confident in your English.

Do you ever say things like this?

“Sorry about my English.”


I know my English is really bad.”

Here's a question: why?

No, seriously, why say these things?

What's the point?

When you say things like this, you get two results:

One: you reinforce your negative feelings by expressing them.

Two: you show the person you're talking to that you don't believe in yourself.

And, if you don't believe in yourself, why should anyone else?

Neither of these is a good result.

So, what's the solution?

Very simple: stop apologising for your English!

It's a waste of time.

First of all, if you're talking to me, and your English is really bad, I can see that


I don't need you to tell me.

More importantly, most people won't judge you for your English.

Most people in the world aren't interested in your English at all.

If someone's talking to you, they're talking to you to be friendly, or because they want

something from you, or because they're interested in your ideas.

They're not talking to you to see how good your English is.

And even if the person you're talking to is judging your English, what can you do about

it at that moment?

Nothing at all.

So, why apologise?

Why feel bad?

It doesn't help.

Okay, maybe you can't help feeling bad, though you shouldn't.

But, you can control what you say.

Don't apologise for your English.

Never apologise for your English.

Here's something about me.

I don't speak Tamil, or Slovenian, or Xhosa.

Not one word!

Should I feel bad about that?

Should I apologise, and say, “Hey, I'm really sorry about my bad Tamil, and my bad


Oh, and my terrible Xhosa, sorry about that, too.

And sorry about my Navajo, and my Finnish, and my Korean, and…”

Okay, Martin, okay.

We get it.

Hopefully, you see how unnecessary it is now.

Even if your English is bad, so what?

Don't be sorry; go get better instead.

Never apologise for your English!

I want you to do something for me.

Pause the video and write down three situations where you would feel nervous about speaking


Have you got three situations?

What are they?

Maybe you wrote something like this:

Talking to a native speaker.

Making a speech in front of my class.

Making a presentation at work.

Now, for each of your three situations, I want you to create three different levels:

easy, medium and hard.

What do we mean here?

Let's take the example of talking to a native speaker.

Many English learners have told us that they feel nervous talking to native English speakers.

So, we need three different levels of this situation: easy, medium, and hard.

Here's a suggestion:

Easy: say ‘hello' to a native speaker.

Medium: introduce yourself to a native speaker and ask 1-2 questions.

Hard: have a 5-minute conversation with a native speaker.

Okay, so what now?

Go out and do them, of course!

Start with the easy challenge.

Repeat it several times, if you want.

Then, go to the medium challenge.

Again, you can do it more than once.

Finally, try the hard challenge.

Of course, this isn't something you can just do.

This might take you days or weeks.

Also, the exact challenges you set yourself will depend on your English level and your


The key points: the easy challenge should be really easy—something that's not a

challenge for you at all.

The medium challenge should make you think, “That's difficult, but I can do it.”

The hard challenge should make you think, “Can I really do this?”

Let's do another example.

Let's take the idea of making a presentation at work.

We need three challenges:

Easy challenge: ask a question or make a point in a meeting.

Medium challenge: make a short presentation to a small group.

Hard challenge: volunteer to make a longer presentation to a big group.

Again, these are just examples.

You should think carefully about your challenges, because they should be personal to you.

So, let's review.

You have three situations which make you feel unconfident.

For each situation, you should have three challenges: easy, medium and hard.

Make a list of your challenges and put it somewhere in your home.

When you complete a challenge and you think you did it well, cross it off your list.

Imagine crossing off your first hard challenge.

Think about that feeling.

Wouldn't it feel good?

Wouldn't it feel good to know you did something you thought was too difficult for you?

You're not there yet.

You should start small and build up gradually.

Remember, this isn't a quick fix.

This might take weeks, or even months.

When you finish your first nine challenges, set yourself nine more.

Start again.

You might not be able to do every challenge.

You know what?

It doesn't matter.

You'll be doing something and taking action, which will help you to build confidence in

your spoken English.

Let's look at one more practical tip.

Writing about your thoughts and feelings in a diary or journal can be very helpful.

First, imagine a situation: you have a group of English-speaking colleagues.

They're all friends with each other.

You never talk to them.

You just talk to your other colleagues in your language.

You want to talk to your English-speaking colleagues, but you don't feel confident


At this point, take out your journal and write down all the worst things that could happen.

Take your biggest fears about the situation and put them into a list.

For example:

They'll laugh at me.

They won't be interested in what I have to say.

I won't be able to say one word in English when I speak to them.

I'll feel stupid and useless.

What next?

Go and talk to them, of course!

If you want, you can make a challenge ladder, like we did in part four.

Set yourself easy, medium and hard challenges, and work through them.

After you talk to them, next to your list of fears, write down what actually happened

when you spoke to them.

For example:

Of course, it's not certain that everything will go well.

Maybe sometimes your fears will come true.

But, you'll find that most of the time, the things you're afraid of don't happen.

By writing things down like this, you'll be able to see how your fears are just in

your head.

You'll see that reality is often a lot more optimistic than you are!

Writing down your feelings like this will help you to understand that other people aren't

judging you and your English.

This way, you can feel more free and confident when you speak English!

Do you have any other advice to help people feel more confident speaking English?

Let us know in the comments!

Thanks for watching!

See you next time!

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5 Techniques to Speak English with Confidence - Speak English Confidently |||||자신감 있게||| 5 Techniken, um selbstbewusst Englisch zu sprechen - Sprechen Sie selbstbewusst Englisch 5 técnicas para hablar inglés con confianza - Speak English Confidently 5 techniques pour parler anglais en toute confiance - Speak English Confidently 5 tecniche per parlare inglese con sicurezza - Parlare inglese con sicurezza 自信を持って英語を話すための5つのテクニック - 自信を持って英語を話す 자신감 있게 영어를 구사하는 5가지 기술 - 자신감 있게 영어 말하기 5 technieken om zelfverzekerd Engels te spreken - Speak English Confidently 5 technik mówienia po angielsku z pewnością siebie - Mów po angielsku pewnie 5 técnicas para falar inglês com confiança - Speak English Confidently 5 техник для уверенной речи на английском языке - Говорите по-английски уверенно Güvenle İngilizce Konuşmak için 5 Teknik - Güvenle İngilizce Konuşun 5 прийомів, щоб говорити англійською з упевненістю - Speak English Confidently 自信地说英语的 5 种技巧 - Speak English Confidently 自信地說英語的 5 種技巧 - Speak English Confidently

Hi, I'm Gina, welcome to Oxford Online English. |||||||안녕하세요, 저는 지나입니다.

In this lesson you can learn how to sound more confident when you speak English. ||수업|||||||||||| In questa lezione potrete imparare a parlare in inglese con maggiore sicurezza.

When we ask students, “Why do you want to learn English,” often people don't talk |||||||||||자주||말하지 않아요|말하다 Wenn wir Schüler fragen: „Warum willst du Englisch lernen“, reden die Leute oft nicht

about their language skills. ||언어 능력| über ihre Sprachkenntnisse.

They talk about their feelings. |이야기하다||| Sie sprechen über ihre Gefühle.

They say things like: “I don't feel confident when I'm speaking |||||안 한다고||||| Sie sagen Dinge wie: „Ich fühle mich nicht sicher, wenn ich spreche They say things like: “I don't feel confident when I'm speaking


“I'm afraid my English sounds bad.” |||||서툴게 들려요 „Ich fürchte, mein Englisch klingt schlecht.“

“I want to feel better about my English.” ||||더 나은||| „Ich möchte mein Englisch verbessern.“

Does this sound like you? 动词|||| ||들리다|| Klingt das nach dir?

In this lesson, you can learn some simple, effective tips to sound more confident speaking ||||||||효과적인|||자신 있게 들리다|||


We'll show you ideas that anyone can use. |보여드리겠습니다|||||| Wir zeigen Ihnen Ideen, die jeder verwenden kann.

We have a saying in English: “Fake it till you make it.” Wir haben ein englisches Sprichwort: „Fake it till you make it.“ Tenemos un dicho en inglés: "Fíngelo hasta que lo logres". У нас есть английская поговорка: "Fake it till you make it". İngilizcede bir söz vardır: "Başarana kadar numara yap."

Have you heard it? ¿Lo has oído?

If not, can you guess what it means? Wenn nicht, können Sie erraten, was es bedeutet? Si no, ¿puedes adivinar lo que significa?

It means that confidence starts on the outside. Das bedeutet, dass Vertrauen im Außen beginnt. Significa que la confianza comienza en el exterior. Это значит, что уверенность начинается снаружи.

You need to act confident and sound confident, even if you don't feel confident. Sie müssen selbstbewusst auftreten und selbstbewusst klingen, auch wenn Sie sich nicht selbstsicher fühlen.

So, if you lack confidence when you speak English, you have to ‘fake it'. Wenn es Ihnen also an Selbstvertrauen mangelt, wenn Sie Englisch sprechen, müssen Sie es „vortäuschen“. Entonces, si te falta confianza cuando hablas inglés, tienes que 'fingir'.

You have to act confident, even though you don't feel confident. Tienes que actuar confiado, aunque no te sientas confiado.

This is important to understand: there isn't some sort of magical switch you can flip and |||||||||||interruptor mágico|||virar| Das ist wichtig zu verstehen: Es gibt keinen magischen Schalter, den man umlegen kann Esto es importante de entender: no hay algún tipo de interruptor mágico que puedas accionar y

suddenly feel confident.

Feeling more confident is a journey which will take time and work. |||||||||||努力 Sich selbstbewusster zu fühlen, ist eine Reise, die Zeit und Arbeit erfordert.

Remember: to improve your English confidence, you need to accept that you might not feel Denken Sie daran: Um Ihr Selbstvertrauen in Englisch zu verbessern, müssen Sie akzeptieren, dass Sie sich möglicherweise nicht fühlen

confident right away. sofort zuversichtlich.

That's okay!

The first steps towards confidence in your spoken English are on the outside. Die ersten Schritte zum Selbstvertrauen in Ihrem gesprochenen Englisch liegen im Äußeren.

So, what can you actually do? Also, was kann man eigentlich tun?

When you're not confident in your English, you'll probably do three things: Wenn Sie sich in Ihrem Englisch nicht sicher sind, werden Sie wahrscheinlich drei Dinge tun:

One: you'll speak too quietly. Erstens: Sie sprechen zu leise.

Two: you'll try to speak too fast. Zweitens: Sie werden versuchen, zu schnell zu sprechen.

Three: you'll speak in fragments, using single words and phrases instead of full sentences. ||||片段||||||||| Drittens: Sie sprechen in Fragmenten und verwenden einzelne Wörter und Sätze anstelle von ganzen Sätzen.

For example:

"Martin, did you have a good weekend?" "Martin, hattest du ein schönes Wochenende?"

"Not bad. "Nicht schlecht.

Just stayed at home." Einfach zu Hause geblieben."

Did that sound, or look, confident? Klang oder sah das selbstbewusst aus?

Not really!

Let's try again.

"Hey Martin, did you have a good weekend?"

"It was kind of boring, actually! „Eigentlich war es irgendwie langweilig!

I didn't go anywhere or do anything. Ich bin nirgendwo hingegangen oder habe irgendetwas getan.

What about you?"

See the difference?

Even though I still had a boring weekend and didn't have anything interesting to say, Auch wenn ich noch ein langweiliges Wochenende hatte und nichts Interessantes zu sagen hatte,

I was still able to sound confident and comfortable. Ich war immer noch in der Lage, selbstbewusst und komfortabel zu klingen.

There are three things you can do here, but before you start, I'd like you to do something: Es gibt drei Dinge, die Sie hier tun können, aber bevor Sie beginnen, möchte ich, dass Sie etwas tun:

record yourself talking in English for one minute. Nehmen Sie sich eine Minute lang auf, wenn Sie auf Englisch sprechen.

Introduce yourself and talk a little about your life. Stellen Sie sich vor und erzählen Sie ein wenig über Ihr Leben.

Go on, pause the video and do it now, then come back! Давайте, поставьте видео на паузу и сделайте это сейчас, а потом вернитесь!

Listen to the recording. Höre dir die Aufnahme an.

How does it sound?

Do you sound confident?

Next, let's get back to what you can do to sound more confident in English. Далее вернемся к тому, что вы можете сделать, чтобы говорить на английском языке более уверенно.

First, control the volume of your voice. Regeln Sie zunächst die Lautstärke Ihrer Stimme.

Confident people speak at a high, clear volume. |||||||音量

You don't have to shout, but your voice should be loud enough that anyone in the same

room could understand you clearly.

Secondly, control the speed of your voice. Zweitens kontrollieren Sie die Geschwindigkeit Ihrer Stimme.

When you're nervous, it's normal to try to speak faster.

If you try to speak too fast, you'll sound less confident, and also make more mistakes.

Slowing down will help you in many ways. 减速||||||| Verlangsamen wird Ihnen in vielerlei Hinsicht helfen. Замедление поможет вам во многих отношениях.

You'll sound more confident, you'll be easier to understand when you speak English,

and you'll make fewer mistakes.

Finally, speak in full sentences.

If you're not confident in your spoken English, you'll try to say as little as possible. Wenn Sie sich in Ihrem gesprochenen Englisch nicht sicher sind, werden Sie versuchen, so wenig wie möglich zu sagen. Если вы не уверены в своем разговорном английском, вы будете стараться говорить как можно меньше.

To sound confident, you should show that you're not scared of speaking English.

So, use full sentences.

Now it's time to make another recording. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, eine weitere Aufnahme zu machen.

Even better, make three recordings. Noch besser, machen Sie drei Aufnahmen.

Each should be around one minute. Jeder sollte ungefähr eine Minute dauern.

Talk about yourself and your life, like you did before. Sprechen Sie über sich und Ihr Leben, wie Sie es zuvor getan haben.

The first time, focus on the volume of your voice. ||||||音量|||

Try to speak loudly and clearly. |||大声||

The second time, focus on speed.

Try to slow down and speak at a clear, controlled pace. |||||||||可控的|语速 Versuchen Sie, langsamer zu werden und in einem klaren, kontrollierten Tempo zu sprechen.

The third time, focus on speaking in full sentences. |||||||完整的|

Listen to the recordings.

Compare them to the first recording you made.

Do they sound better?

Next, try to use these points when you talk English in real life. Versuchen Sie als Nächstes, diese Punkte zu verwenden, wenn Sie im wirklichen Leben Englisch sprechen.

Remember, you might not feel confident, but you will sound more confident.

If you sound more confident, people will respond to you differently. |||||||回应||| Wenn Sie selbstbewusster klingen, werden die Leute anders auf Sie reagieren.

Try it—you might be surprised how much difference these simple points make!

When you see how people respond to you, you'll feel more confident in your English.

Do you ever say things like this? ||曾经|||| Sagst du jemals solche Dinge?

“Sorry about my English.”


I know my English is really bad.”

Here's a question: why?

No, seriously, why say these things? |认真地|||| Nein, im Ernst, warum diese Dinge sagen?

What's the point?

When you say things like this, you get two results: |||||||||结果 Wenn Sie solche Dinge sagen, erhalten Sie zwei Ergebnisse:

One: you reinforce your negative feelings by expressing them. ||强化|||||| Erstens: Sie verstärken Ihre negativen Gefühle, indem Sie sie ausdrücken. Первое: вы усиливаете свои негативные чувства, выражая их.

Two: you show the person you're talking to that you don't believe in yourself. Zweitens: Sie zeigen Ihrem Gesprächspartner, dass Sie nicht an sich glauben.

And, if you don't believe in yourself, why should anyone else? Und wenn Sie nicht an sich selbst glauben, warum sollten es dann andere tun? И если вы не верите в себя, то почему кто-то должен верить в вас?

Neither of these is a good result. 这两个都|||||| Beides ist kein gutes Ergebnis.

So, what's the solution?

Very simple: stop apologising for your English! |||道歉||| Ganz einfach: Hör auf, dich für dein Englisch zu entschuldigen!

It's a waste of time. ||浪费|| Es ist Zeitverschwendung.

First of all, if you're talking to me, and your English is really bad, I can see that Erstens, wenn Sie mit mir sprechen und Ihr Englisch wirklich schlecht ist, kann ich das sehen


I don't need you to tell me. Du musst es mir nicht sagen.

More importantly, most people won't judge you for your English. |更重要的是|||||||| Noch wichtiger ist, dass die meisten Leute Sie nicht für Ihr Englisch beurteilen.

Most people in the world aren't interested in your English at all. Die meisten Menschen auf der Welt interessieren sich überhaupt nicht für Ihr Englisch.

If someone's talking to you, they're talking to you to be friendly, or because they want Wenn jemand mit Ihnen spricht, spricht er mit Ihnen, um freundlich zu sein, oder weil er es möchte

something from you, or because they're interested in your ideas. ||||weil||||| etwas von Ihnen oder weil sie an Ihren Ideen interessiert sind.

They're not talking to you to see how good your English is.

And even if the person you're talking to is judging your English, what can you do about

it at that moment?

Nothing at all.

So, why apologise? Warum also entschuldigen?

Why feel bad? Warum schlecht fühlen?

It doesn't help. Es hilft nicht.

Okay, maybe you can't help feeling bad, though you shouldn't. |||||||不过|| Ладно, может быть, вы не можете не чувствовать себя плохо, хотя и не должны. 好吧,也許你情不自禁地感到難過,儘管你不應該這樣做。

But, you can control what you say. Aber Sie können kontrollieren, was Sie sagen.

Don't apologise for your English.

Never apologise for your English.

Here's something about me. Hier ist etwas über mich.

I don't speak Tamil, or Slovenian, or Xhosa. |||泰米尔语||斯洛文尼亚语||科萨语 Ich spreche kein Tamil oder Slowenisch oder Xhosa.

Not one word!

Should I feel bad about that? Sollte ich deswegen ein schlechtes Gewissen haben?

Should I apologise, and say, “Hey, I'm really sorry about my bad Tamil, and my bad ||||||||||||泰米尔语|||

Slovenian. 斯洛文尼亚语

Oh, and my terrible Xhosa, sorry about that, too. ||||科萨语||||

And sorry about my Navajo, and my Finnish, and my Korean, and…” ||||纳瓦霍语|||芬兰语||||

Okay, Martin, okay.

We get it. Wir kapieren es.

Hopefully, you see how unnecessary it is now. Hoffentlich sehen Sie, wie unnötig es jetzt ist. Надеюсь, теперь вы понимаете, насколько это ненужно.

Even if your English is bad, so what?

Don't be sorry; go get better instead. Bedauern Sie nicht; geh stattdessen besser werden.

Never apologise for your English!

I want you to do something for me. Ich möchte, dass du etwas für mich tust.

Pause the video and write down three situations where you would feel nervous about speaking


Have you got three situations?

What are they? Что это такое?

Maybe you wrote something like this: Vielleicht hast du so etwas geschrieben:

Talking to a native speaker. Mit einem Muttersprachler sprechen. Ana dili İngilizce olan biriyle konuşmak.

Making a speech in front of my class. Eine Rede vor meiner Klasse halten. Sınıfımın önünde bir konuşma yapmak.

Making a presentation at work. ||做报告|| Eine Präsentation bei der Arbeit machen.

Now, for each of your three situations, I want you to create three different levels: Jetzt möchte ich, dass Sie für jede Ihrer drei Situationen drei verschiedene Ebenen erstellen:

easy, medium and hard.

What do we mean here? Was meinen wir hier?

Let's take the example of talking to a native speaker.

Many English learners have told us that they feel nervous talking to native English speakers. Viele Englischlerner haben uns gesagt, dass sie nervös sind, wenn sie mit englischen Muttersprachlern sprechen.

So, we need three different levels of this situation: easy, medium, and hard.

Here's a suggestion: Hier ist ein Vorschlag:

Easy: say ‘hello' to a native speaker.

Medium: introduce yourself to a native speaker and ask 1-2 questions. Mittel: Stellen Sie sich einem Muttersprachler vor und stellen Sie 1-2 Fragen.

Hard: have a 5-minute conversation with a native speaker.

Okay, so what now?

Go out and do them, of course! Geh raus und mach sie natürlich! Конечно, выходите и делайте их!

Start with the easy challenge. Beginnen Sie mit der einfachen Herausforderung.

Repeat it several times, if you want. Wiederholen Sie es mehrmals, wenn Sie möchten.

Then, go to the medium challenge.

Again, you can do it more than once. Auch hier können Sie es mehr als einmal tun.

Finally, try the hard challenge.

Of course, this isn't something you can just do. Natürlich ist dies nicht etwas, was Sie einfach tun können. Конечно, это нельзя сделать просто так.

This might take you days or weeks. Dies kann Tage oder Wochen dauern.

Also, the exact challenges you set yourself will depend on your English level and your ||确切的||||||||||||


The key points: the easy challenge should be really easy—something that's not a

challenge for you at all.

The medium challenge should make you think, “That's difficult, but I can do it.”

The hard challenge should make you think, “Can I really do this?” Die schwierige Herausforderung sollte Sie zum Nachdenken bringen: „Kann ich das wirklich?“

Let's do another example.

Let's take the idea of making a presentation at work. Nehmen wir die Idee, bei der Arbeit eine Präsentation zu halten.

We need three challenges:

Easy challenge: ask a question or make a point in a meeting. Einfache Herausforderung: Stellen Sie eine Frage oder machen Sie in einem Meeting einen Punkt. Простая задача: задать вопрос или высказать свою точку зрения на совещании.

Medium challenge: make a short presentation to a small group.

Hard challenge: volunteer to make a longer presentation to a big group. Сложная задача: добровольно выступить с длинной презентацией перед большой группой.

Again, these are just examples. Auch dies sind nur Beispiele.

You should think carefully about your challenges, because they should be personal to you. |||||||||||个人的|| Sie sollten sich Ihre Herausforderungen genau überlegen, denn sie sollten für Sie persönlich sein.

So, let's review. Lassen Sie uns also überprüfen.

You have three situations which make you feel unconfident. ||||||||缺乏自信 Sie haben drei Situationen, in denen Sie sich unsicher fühlen.

For each situation, you should have three challenges: easy, medium and hard.

Make a list of your challenges and put it somewhere in your home. Erstelle eine Liste deiner Herausforderungen und hänge sie irgendwo bei dir zu Hause auf.

When you complete a challenge and you think you did it well, cross it off your list. ||||||||||||划掉|||| Wenn Sie eine Herausforderung abgeschlossen haben und denken, dass Sie sie gut gemacht haben, streichen Sie sie von Ihrer Liste.

Imagine crossing off your first hard challenge. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie streichen Ihre erste schwere Herausforderung. Представьте, что вы преодолели свою первую трудную задачу.

Think about that feeling. Denken Sie an dieses Gefühl.

Wouldn't it feel good? Würde es sich nicht gut anfühlen?

Wouldn't it feel good to know you did something you thought was too difficult for you? Wäre es nicht gut zu wissen, dass Sie etwas getan haben, von dem Sie dachten, dass es zu schwierig für Sie war?

You're not there yet. Du bist noch nicht da. Вы еще не дошли до этого.

You should start small and build up gradually. Man sollte klein anfangen und sich schrittweise steigern.

Remember, this isn't a quick fix. Denken Sie daran, dass dies keine schnelle Lösung ist.

This might take weeks, or even months.

When you finish your first nine challenges, set yourself nine more. Wenn Sie Ihre ersten neun Herausforderungen abgeschlossen haben, stellen Sie sich neun weitere.

Start again.

You might not be able to do every challenge. Möglicherweise können Sie nicht jede Herausforderung meistern.

You know what? Weißt du was?

It doesn't matter.

You'll be doing something and taking action, which will help you to build confidence in Sie werden etwas tun und Maßnahmen ergreifen, die Ihnen helfen, Vertrauen aufzubauen Вы будете что-то делать и предпринимать, что поможет вам обрести уверенность в себе

your spoken English. ваш разговорный английский.

Let's look at one more practical tip. |||||实用的| Schauen wir uns noch einen praktischen Tipp an.

Writing about your thoughts and feelings in a diary or journal can be very helpful. ||||||||日记||日记|||| Es kann sehr hilfreich sein, in einem Tagebuch oder Tagebuch über deine Gedanken und Gefühle zu schreiben.

First, imagine a situation: you have a group of English-speaking colleagues. |||||||||||同事们 Stellen Sie sich zunächst eine Situation vor: Sie haben eine Gruppe englischsprachiger Kollegen.

They're all friends with each other. Sie sind alle miteinander befreundet.

You never talk to them. Du redest nie mit ihnen.

You just talk to your other colleagues in your language. Sie sprechen einfach mit Ihren anderen Kollegen in Ihrer Sprache.

You want to talk to your English-speaking colleagues, but you don't feel confident Sie möchten mit Ihren englischsprachigen Kollegen sprechen, fühlen sich aber unsicher


At this point, take out your journal and write down all the worst things that could happen.

Take your biggest fears about the situation and put them into a list.

For example:

They'll laugh at me. Sie werden mich auslachen.

They won't be interested in what I have to say.

I won't be able to say one word in English when I speak to them.

I'll feel stupid and useless. Ich werde mich dumm und nutzlos fühlen.

What next?

Go and talk to them, of course! Geh und rede natürlich mit ihnen!

If you want, you can make a challenge ladder, like we did in part four. ||||||||挑战阶梯|||||| 如果你願意,你可以製作一個挑戰天梯,就像我們在第四部分所做的那樣。

Set yourself easy, medium and hard challenges, and work through them. Stellen Sie sich leichte, mittlere und schwere Herausforderungen und arbeiten Sie sie ab.

After you talk to them, next to your list of fears, write down what actually happened

when you spoke to them.

For example:

Of course, it's not certain that everything will go well. Natürlich ist es nicht sicher, dass alles gut gehen wird. Конечно, нет уверенности, что все пройдет успешно.

Maybe sometimes your fears will come true. Vielleicht werden deine Befürchtungen manchmal wahr.

But, you'll find that most of the time, the things you're afraid of don't happen. Aber Sie werden feststellen, dass die Dinge, vor denen Sie Angst haben, meistens nicht passieren. Но чаще всего то, чего вы боитесь, не происходит.

By writing things down like this, you'll be able to see how your fears are just in

your head.

You'll see that reality is often a lot more optimistic than you are! Sie werden sehen, dass die Realität oft viel optimistischer ist als Sie!

Writing down your feelings like this will help you to understand that other people aren't

judging you and your English.

This way, you can feel more free and confident when you speak English!

Do you have any other advice to help people feel more confident speaking English?

Let us know in the comments!

Thanks for watching!

See you next time!