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The Grammar Show, 9- The Past Continuous Tense

9- The Past Continuous Tense

Hello and welcome to the Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

– but I'll change for person and time!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Welcome, everyone!

Tonight we're going to be asking three questions about…

The past continuous tense!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hi everyone. I'm Helen!

Contestant number 2?

Hi, everyone. I'm Greg!

Welcome back Helen!

Ok. Let's get going, and don't forget

you can play along at home too.

Our first round is a battle round.

Contestants ask each other questions

about the past continuous

until one of them makes a mistake.

Helen, do you want to start?

Yes, please!

That's a shame!

Greg, you can go first…

Oh! Right!

What is the formula for the past continuous?

‘Was' or ‘were' + ‘verbING'.

What do we use the past continuous for?

Actions which are in progress at a past time.

Give me an example.

I was eating dinner at 6pm last night.

Do we use the past continuous with state verbs?

No, not usually.

Do we usually use the past continuous

with repeated actions?


Oh! That was vicious!

Well played, but Helen, you made a mistake there.


Mostly right!

The past continuous is used to describe

actions that were in progress

at a past time.

It is constructed with ‘was' or ‘were' and ‘verbING' - and,

being continuous,

it does not usually use state verbs.

However, it does not usually describe

repeated actions or habits either.

Sorry Helen, that's the past simple.

Sorry Helen. 20 points to Greg.

Let's move on to our next round.

Which of these sentences is incorrect and why?

I was walking when I tripped and fell.

I was walking while I tripped and fell.

When I was walking, I tripped and fell.

While I was walking, I tripped and fell.

Trick question! They are all correct.

No, no. B is wrong

We don't use ‘while' for quick actions.

Wow. You two are really getting into it!


We often use the past continuous

and past simple together

to describe a longer action

that is interrupted by a short one.

These actions are connected with time words like

‘when' and ‘while'.

However, we do not usually use ‘while' in front of the

short action.

So, well done Helen.

Well done Helen. 20 points for you!

This is exciting. It's neck and neck!

It's time for our final question.

True or false:

The past continuous can make you sound more polite.


It is true!

Can you explain how?



Using the past continuous makes things more polite

because it seems temporary and so more casual.



Using the past continuous can make sentences seem

more polite by distancing them from the present

This makes them sound more

tentative and less assertive.

More gentle.

For example

‘I was hoping you could lend me money'

is more polite than

‘I hope you can lend me money'.

Well, this is tricky.

Helen, you said it was true,

and Greg, you explained it.

Who do I give the points to?

You should give it to me!

No, I was the one who answered the question!

No you didn't. I got it right.

You should give it to me!

Oh rubbish!

I know!

Wasn't that easier?

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

And the winner is…


Well done!

Thank you!

What have I won?

Cash in mixed currency!

It looks like we'll need...

two more contestants.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye Leslie

Goodbye Leslie

See you next time.

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9- The Past Continuous Tense |||tiempo verbal 9- Die Vergangenheitsform (Past Continuous Tense) 9- Ο Αόριστος Αόριστος Χρόνος 9- The Past Continuous Tense 9- El pasado continuo 9- Le temps continu du passé 9- Il tempo continuo passato 9- 過去連続時制 9- 과거 계속 시제 9- Czas przeszły ciągły 9- O tempo verbal do passado contínuo 9- Прошедшее продолженное время 9- Sürekli Geçmiş Zaman 9- Минулий безперервний час 9-过去进行时

Hello and welcome to the Grammar Gameshow! Merhaba ve Grammar Gameshow'a hoş geldiniz!

I'm your host, Will! 我是你们的主人,威尔!

– but I'll change for person and time! - но я поменяю на человека и время! - ama kişi ve zaman için değişeceğim! – 但我会因人和时间而改变!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Welcome, everyone!

Tonight we're going to be asking three questions about…

The past continuous tense!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hi everyone. I'm Helen!

Contestant number 2?

Hi, everyone. I'm Greg! |||Greg |||Greg

Welcome back Helen!

Ok. Let's get going, and don't forget

you can play along at home too. ||jugar|junto|||

Our first round is a battle round. |||||batalha| |||||ronda de batalla| İlk raundumuz bir savaş raundu.

Contestants ask each other questions Yarışmacılar birbirlerine sorular soruyor

about the past continuous

until one of them makes a mistake. ||||||error hasta que uno de ellos comete un error. Ta ki içlerinden biri hata yapana kadar.

Helen, do you want to start? Helen, ¿quieres empezar?

Yes, please! ¡Sí, por favor!

That's a shame! ||shame ||qué pena ¡Qué pena! Это позор! Çok yazık! 太可惜了!

Greg, you can go first… Greg, puedes ir primero...

Oh! Right! ¡Oh! ¡Bien!

What is the formula for the past continuous? |||formule|||| ¿Cuál es la fórmula del pasado continuo? Sürekli geçmiş zaman için formül nedir?

‘Was' or ‘were' + ‘verbING'. |||en train de |||verbo no gerúndio |||verbo en gerundio 'Era' o 'eran' + 'verbING'. 'Was' veya 'were' + 'verbING'.

What do we use the past continuous for? ¿Para qué utilizamos el pasado continuo? Geçmiş zaman kipini ne için kullanırız?

Actions which are in progress at a past time. ||- olan||devam eden|||| ||||en progreso|||| Acciones en curso en un momento pasado. Geçmiş bir zamanda devam etmekte olan eylemler.

Give me an example. Dame un ejemplo.

I was eating dinner at 6pm last night. Anoche estaba cenando a las 6 de la tarde. Dün akşam saat 6'da yemek yiyordum.

Do we use the past continuous with state verbs? ¿Usamos el pasado continuo con los verbos de estado? Durum fiilleri ile sürekli geçmiş zaman kullanıyor muyuz?

No, not usually. No, normalmente no. Hayır, genelde olmaz.

Do we usually use the past continuous ¿Utilizamos habitualmente el pasado continuo

with repeated actions? |repetidas| con acciones repetidas? tekrarlanan eylemlerle?

Yes! ¡Sí!

Oh! That was vicious! |||狠毒 |||vicieux |||acımasızca |||malévolo |||malvado ¡Oh! ¡Eso fue vicioso! Oh! Bu çok kötüydü! О! Це було зло!

Well played, but Helen, you made a mistake there. Bien jugado, pero Helen, cometiste un error ahí. İyi oynadın, ama Helen, orada bir hata yaptın.


Mostly right! principalmente| ¡Claro que sí! Çoğunlukla doğru!

The past continuous is used to describe El pasado continuo se utiliza para describir Geçmiş zaman, aşağıdakileri tanımlamak için kullanılır

actions that were in progress acciones en curso devam etmekte olan eylemler

at a past time. en un tiempo pasado.

It is constructed with ‘was' or ‘were' and ‘verbING' - and, ||construit||||||| ||oluşturulmuştur||||||| ||construída||||||| ||construido||||||| Se construye con 'was' o 'were' y 'verbING' - y, 'Was' veya 'were' ve 'verbING' - ve - ile inşa edilir,

being continuous, siendo continua, sürekli olmak,

it does not usually use state verbs. no suele utilizar verbos de estado. genellikle durum fiilleri kullanmaz. 它通常不使用状态动词。

However, it does not usually describe Ancak||||| Sin embargo, no suele describir Bununla birlikte, genellikle

repeated actions or habits either. acciones o hábitos repetidos tampoco. tekrarlanan eylemler veya alışkanlıklar da değildir.

Sorry Helen, that's the past simple. Lo siento Helen, es el pasado simple.

Sorry Helen. 20 points to Greg. Lo siento Helen. 20 puntos para Greg.

Let's move on to our next round. |||||bir sonraki| Pasemos a la siguiente ronda. Bir sonraki tura geçelim.

Which of these sentences is incorrect and why? ¿Cuál de estas frases es incorrecta y por qué? Bu cümlelerden hangisi yanlıştır ve neden?

I was walking when I tripped and fell. |||||I tripped|| Iba caminando cuando tropecé y me caí. Я шел, когда споткнулся и упал. Yürürken ayağım takıldı ve düştüm. Я йшов, коли спіткнувся і впав. 当我绊倒并跌倒时,我正在走路。 當我絆倒並摔倒時,我正在走路。

I was walking while I tripped and fell. |||||tropecei|| Iba caminando cuando tropecé y me caí. Я шел, споткнулся и упал. Yürürken ayağım takıldı ve düştüm.

When I was walking, I tripped and fell. |||||me tropecé|| Mientras caminaba, tropecé y me caí. Yürürken ayağım takıldı ve düştüm.

While I was walking, I tripped and fell. Mientras caminaba, tropecé y me caí. Yürürken ayağım takıldı ve düştüm.

Trick question! They are all correct. trampa||||| ¡Pregunta trampa! Todas son correctas.

No, no. B is wrong No, no. B está mal

We don't use ‘while' for quick actions. No usamos 'while' para acciones rápidas. Hızlı eylemler için 'while' kullanmayız.

Wow. You two are really getting into it! |||||metiendo en ello|| Guau. ¡Ustedes dos sí que se están metiendo! Vay canına. Siz ikiniz gerçekten işin içine giriyorsunuz! 哇。你们两个真是太入戏了! 哇。你們兩個真是太入戲了!

Leslie? ¿Leslie?

We often use the past continuous A menudo utilizamos el pasado continuo

and past simple together y pasado simple juntos

to describe a longer action para describir una acción más larga

that is interrupted by a short one. ||interrompida|||| ||interrumpida|||| que se interrumpe con una corta. kısa bir süre ile kesintiye uğrar.

These actions are connected with time words like Estas acciones están relacionadas con palabras temporales como

‘when' and ‘while'. cuando' y 'mientras'.

However, we do not usually use ‘while' in front of the Sin embargo, no solemos utilizar 'while' delante de la expresión Однак, зазвичай ми не використовуємо "while" перед

short action. acción corta. Kısa bir aksiyon.

So, well done Helen. Así que, bien hecho Helen.

Well done Helen. 20 points for you! Bien hecho Helen. 20 puntos para ti.

This is exciting. It's neck and neck! ||||||neck Esto es emocionante. ¡Estamos cabeza a cabeza! Это захватывающе. Это шея и шея! Bu heyecan verici. Başa baş! 这太令人兴奋了。势均力敌! 這真讓人興奮。是並肩的!

It's time for our final question. Es hora de nuestra última pregunta.

True or false: Verdadero o falso:

The past continuous can make you sound more polite. El pasado continuo puede hacerte parecer más educado. Geçmiş zaman sizi daha kibar gösterebilir. 过去进行时可以让你听起来更加礼貌。


It is true! ¡Es verdad!

Can you explain how? ¿Puede explicar cómo? Nasıl olduğunu açıklayabilir misiniz?

No? ¿No?

Greg? ¿Greg?

Using the past continuous makes things more polite |||||||cortés El uso del pasado continuo hace las cosas más educadas

because it seems temporary and so more casual. |||temporário|||| |||temporal||||informal porque parece temporal y, por tanto, más informal. Çünkü geçici ve daha rahat görünüyor. 因为它看起来是暂时的,所以更随意。 因為它看起來是暫時的,所以更隨意。

Leslie? ¿Leslie?


Using the past continuous can make sentences seem

more polite by distancing them from the present |||保持距离|||| |||distanciation|||| |||distanciamento|||| |||distanciamiento|||| onları şimdiki zamandan uzaklaştırarak daha kibar 让他们远离现在,变得更有礼貌

This makes them sound more

tentative and less assertive. |||自信的 tentative|||affirmatif tentativa||| 試探性的和不太自信的。

More gentle. |más suave Daha nazik. 更溫柔。

For example

‘I was hoping you could lend me money' |||||emprestar|| |||||prestar|| 'Esperaba que pudieras prestarme dinero' 'Bana borç para verebileceğinizi umuyordum' “我希望你能借钱给我”

is more polite than

‘I hope you can lend me money'.

Well, this is tricky. |||complicado Bu biraz zor.

Helen, you said it was true,

and Greg, you explained it. |||explicaste| ve Greg, sen açıkladın.

Who do I give the points to? Кому передать баллы? Puanları kime vereceğim?

You should give it to me! Onu bana vermelisin!

No, I was the one who answered the question! Hayır, soruyu cevaplayan bendim!

No you didn't. I got it right. Неправда. Я все правильно понял. Hayır, yapmadın. Ben doğru anladım.

You should give it to me!

Oh rubbish! |¡tonterías! 噢,垃圾!

I know!

Wasn't that easier? Разве это не проще? Bu daha kolay değil miydi? 这难道不更简单吗?

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

And the winner is…


Well done!

Thank you! Obrigado|

What have I won? qué|he|yo|ganado Ne kazandım?

Cash in mixed currency! ||mixta|moneda Karışık para biriminde nakit! 混合货币兑现! 混合貨幣現金!

It looks like we'll need... Görünüşe göre ihtiyacımız olacak...

two more contestants.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye Leslie

Goodbye Leslie

See you next time.