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The Grammar Show, 8- Some and Any

8- Some and Any

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

– but,

I don't offer to help!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello everyone!

Tonight we're going to be asking

three questions about…

Some and any!

Those two confusing words that

belong to a group called quantifiers.

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hi, everyone. I'm Nick!

And contestant number two.

Hello, everyone. I'm Helen!

Welcome back Helen!

Ok, let's get going and don't forget

you can play along at home too.

Our first round is a quick-fire round.

Listen to these sentences,

and tell me if the missing word is ‘some'

or ‘any'.

I need to buy … milk.



Did you have … trouble?



There isn't … time.



I want … peace and quiet.



Would you like … coffee?



Oh dear, Nick.

That last one should have been ‘some'.

If you can tell me why,

I'll give you a point.

It should be ‘any'. It's a question.

We use ‘any' in a question

Well observed, but not right I'm afraid.

Helen, would you like to have a go?

Something about requests, right?

Can you give me any more?

Of course!

Will £50 do?



Well done, Helen!

We usually use ‘some' in affirmative sentences,

and ‘any' in questions and negatives.


if the question is a request,

or an offer to help,

we also use ‘some'.

Well done Helen!

I'll expect the money in my account

later today.

30 points for you!

Ok - on to our second round.

In question one,

we established that ‘some' was used in

affirmative sentences,

and ‘any' in questions and negatives.

Look at these three affirmative sentences

and tell me why we can use ‘any'.

a) There's hardly any food left.

b) He never has any money.

c) They split up without any argument.

It's because…

I don't know. I'm so stupid!

Come on, Nick.

Don't be so...



I said…

don't be so

Will: negative! Nick: Negative, yes!

The structure of the sentence is positive,

but the meanings are negative because of the words.


Very good Nick.

As you said,

the structures of the sentences are affirmative,

but they all contain words that have a negative

or limiting meaning.

In this case: hardly, never and without.

This makes the sentences negative,

so we can use ‘any'.

Ten points for you. See?

Try to have a little more confidence in yourself, eh?

I mean, it's no fun undermining you

if you're already feeling useless.

On to our third, and final question.

Why is it necessary to use ‘some of' and ‘any of'

in these two sentences?

I didn't know any of the people there.

I think some of your friends are here.

This one's easy!

It's because they contain the words ‘here' and ‘there'.


Totally wrong.

Wow, you really messed that one up.


Well…maybe it's because

‘some' and ‘any' have another word after them

before the noun?

Now, you're cooking Helen!


Well done again.

When ‘some' or ‘any' are followed by a determiner,

such as an article or possessive,

we use ‘some of' or ‘any of'.

Good thinking Helen!

Six and a half points for you.

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points.

And the winner is…


Well done Nick!

Just kidding!

Helen won!

Well done Helen!

Here's what you've won!

It's a flip-flop!

Well, Nick,

it looks like this is the end.

Try to have a little more confidence, eh?

Do you have anything to say?

Please don't drop me in the pit!

I have a wife and two kids!

I'll think about it…

No deal.

Set loose the crickets!

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Goodbye Leslie

See you next time.

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8- Some and Any 8- Einige und Beliebige 8- Algunos y Cualquiera 8- Certains et Tous 8- Alcuni e Qualsiasi 8- 一部とすべて 8- 일부 및 모든 8- Niektóre i dowolne 8- Algum e Qualquer 8 - Некоторые и любые 8- Bazı ve Herhangi 8 - Деякий і будь-який 8- 一些和任何 8- 一些和任何

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! Bună ziua|||||| ||bem-vindos|||| Merhaba ve bugünün Dilbilgisi Oyun Gösterisine hoş geldiniz!

I'm your host, Will! |你的|| ||apresentador| Je suis votre hôte, Will ! Я ваш хозяин, Уилл!

– but, - Ancak,

I don't offer to help! não|não||| Я не предлагаю помощь! Yardım teklif etmiyorum!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie, |||vamos|||

our all-knowing voice in the sky. ||全知的|||| nossa|nossa voz onisciente no céu||na <nossa voz onisciente no céu.>|||

Hello everyone!

Tonight we're going to be asking |vamos|||| Сегодня мы будем спрашивать Bu gece soracağız

three questions about… três|| três perguntas sobre...

Some and any! Некоторые и любые! Bazıları ve herhangi biri!

Those two confusing words that ||Esas dos palabras confusas.|| Эти два путаных слова, которые Bu iki kafa karıştırıcı kelime

belong to a group called quantifiers. |||||量词 appartenir à|||||quantificateurs |||||quantificadores to belong||||| pertenecer|||||Cuantificadores pertenecen a un grupo denominado cuantificadores. принадлежат к группе, называемой квантификаторами. niceleyiciler olarak adlandırılan bir gruba aittir. належать до групи, яка називається кванторами.

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants! |||||concursantes

Hi, everyone. I'm Nick! |||Hola a todos. Soy Nick.

And contestant number two. 和|||

Hello, everyone. I'm Helen!

Welcome back Helen!

Ok, let's get going and don't forget |vamos|||||

you can play along at home too. você||jogar||||

Our first round is a quick-fire round. |||||rápido|| |primeira|rodada|||rápida|| Наш первый раунд - это раунд быстрой стрельбы. İlk turumuz hızlı bir atış olacak.

Listen to these sentences, 听这些句子||| Ouve estas frases,

and tell me if the missing word is ‘some' |||||Please provide the full sentence or context where the word "missing" appears, so I can accurately translate and determine if the missing word is "some."||| e|||||algum||| ve bana eksik kelimenin 'some' olup olmadığını söyleyin

or ‘any'.

I need to buy … milk. |需要||| Süt almam lazım.



Did you have … trouble? Você teve... problemas? У вас были... проблемы?



There isn't … time. Não há... tempo. Zaman yok.



I want … peace and quiet. ||paz|| Eu quero... paz e sossego. Ben... huzur ve sessizlik istiyorum.



Would you like … coffee? Você gostaria de... café?

Any! Qualquer!


Oh dear, Nick.

That last one should have been ‘some'. aquele|||deveria||| Sonuncusu "bazı" olmalıydı.

If you can tell me why, Eğer bana nedenini söyleyebilirsen,

I'll give you a point.

It should be ‘any'. It's a question.

We use ‘any' in a question |||||疑问句 Bir soruda 'herhangi' kelimesini kullanırız

Well observed, but not right I'm afraid. |观察得很好||不||| |Bien observado||||| |bem observado||||| Bem observado, mas não certo, receio. Хорошо подмечено, но, боюсь, не верно. İyi gözlemlenmiş ama korkarım ki doğru değil.

Helen, would you like to have a go? |gostaria|||||Helen, você gostaria de tentar?|tentativa Helen, ¿te gustaría probar? Helen, gostaria de tentar? Хелен, не хотите ли попробовать? Helen, sen de denemek ister misin? Хелен, хочеш спробувати?

Something about requests, right? ||请求| ||Solicitudes, ¿verdad?| ||solicitações| ||requests| İsteklerle ilgili bir şey, değil mi?

Can you give me any more? ¿Puedes darme más? Вы можете дать мне еще что-нибудь? Bana biraz daha verebilir misin?

Of course!

Will £50 do? irá| 50 sterlin yeter mi? 50英镑可以吗?

Nicely! gentilmente Güzel!

Leslie? Leslie

Well done, Helen!

We usually use ‘some' in affirmative sentences, 'Some' kelimesini genellikle olumlu cümlelerde kullanırız, 我們通常在肯定句中使用“some”,

and ‘any' in questions and negatives.

However, No entanto,

if the question is a request, |||||demande |||||Solicitud |||||se a pergunta for um pedido, eğer soru bir istek ise,

or an offer to help, ||offre|| |ou uma oferta de ajuda,||| ya da bir yardım teklifi,

we also use ‘some'.

Well done Helen!

I'll expect the money in my account |esperaré||||| vou|||||| Я буду ждать деньги на своем счету. Paranın hesabıma geçmesini bekleyeceğim.

later today. Bugün daha sonra.

30 points for you!

Ok - on to our second round. |para||||rodada Tamam, ikinci turumuza geçiyoruz.

In question one, В первом вопросе, Birinci soruda,

we established that ‘some' was used in |确定||||| |établi||||| |belirledik||||| |estabelecemos que||||| |establecimos que||||| establecimos que "algunos" se utilizaba en 'some' kelimesinin 'bazı' anlamında kullanıldığını tespit ettik.

affirmative sentences, 肯定的|

and ‘any' in questions and negatives. e "qualquer" nas perguntas e negativas.

Look at these three affirmative sentences

and tell me why we can use ‘any'.

a) There's hardly any food left. |Il y a|||| ||apenas||| a) Apenas queda comida. a) Quase não sobrou comida. a) Еды почти не осталось. a) Neredeyse hiç yiyecek kalmadı. a) 幾乎沒有剩下任何食物了。

b) He never has any money. б) У него никогда нет денег.

c) They split up without any argument. |Ils||||| ||se separaron||||discusión c) Eles se separaram sem qualquer discussão. в) Они расстались без споров. c) Herhangi bir tartışma olmadan ayrıldılar. c) 他们没有任何争执就分手了。 c) 他們沒有任何爭執就分手了。

It's because…

I don't know. I'm so stupid! Não sei. Eu sou tão estúpido! Bilmiyorum. Çok aptalım!

Come on, Nick.

Don't be so... Não seja tão...



I said… Eu disse...

don't be so

Will: negative! Nick: Negative, yes!

The structure of the sentence is positive, |estructura||||| Cümlenin yapısı olumludur,

but the meanings are negative because of the words. ||significados negativos|||||| ancak kelimeler nedeniyle anlamları olumsuzdur.


Very good Nick.

As you said,

the structures of the sentences are affirmative, |as estruturas||||| |estructuras|||||

but they all contain words that have a negative |||contêm||||| ama hepsi de olumsuz anlam taşıyan kelimeler içeriyor.

or limiting meaning. |limitando| |limitante| ou significado limitativo. veya sınırlayıcı anlam.

In this case: hardly, never and without. |||apenas||| Neste caso: dificilmente, nunca e sem. В данном случае: едва ли, никогда и без.

This makes the sentences negative, Bu da cümleleri olumsuz hale getirir,

so we can use ‘any'. bu yüzden 'any' kullanabiliriz.

Ten points for you. See?

Try to have a little more confidence in yourself, eh? ||||||özgüven||| |||||||||¿vale? Kendinize biraz daha güvenmeye çalışın, olur mu?

I mean, it's no fun undermining you |||||破坏| |||||saper| |||||sabotaging| |||||minar| |||||socavando| Я имею в виду, что не очень приятно подрывать тебя Yani, seni baltalamak hiç eğlenceli değil. 我的意思是,破坏你一点也不好玩 我的意思是,破壞你一點也不好玩

if you're already feeling useless. ||||inutile ||||inútil ||||inútil ||||useless si ya te sientes inútil. если вы уже чувствуете себя бесполезным. Eğer zaten işe yaramaz hissediyorsanız.

On to our third, and final question. Переходим к третьему и последнему вопросу.

Why is it necessary to use ‘some of' and ‘any of' Neden 'some of' ve 'any of' kullanmak gerekiyor?

in these two sentences? nestas duas frases?

I didn't know any of the people there. Je ne connaissais aucune des personnes présentes. Oradaki insanların hiçbirini tanımıyordum.

I think some of your friends are here. Sanırım arkadaşlarından bazıları burada.

This one's easy! |Este| Bu çok kolay!

It's because they contain the words ‘here' and ‘there'. |||contienen|||||

Nope! Hayır! Hayır!

Totally wrong. Tamamen yanlış.

Wow, you really messed that one up. |||berbat ettin||| |||la embarraste||| Вау, ты действительно все испортил. Vay canına, bunu gerçekten berbat ettin. 哇,你真的把那件事搞砸了。


Well…maybe it's because

‘some' and ‘any' have another word after them "some" e "any" têm outra palavra a seguir 'some' ve 'any' sözcüklerinden sonra başka bir sözcük gelir “some” 和 “any” 后面还有另一个词

before the noun? ||sustantivo İsimden önce mi?

Now, you're cooking Helen! Теперь ты готовишь Хелен! Şimdi, Helen'i pişiriyorsun! 现在,你正在烹饪海伦!


Well done again.

When ‘some' or ‘any' are followed by a determiner, ||||||||un déterminant ||||||||belirteç ||||||||um determinante Quando 'some' ou 'any' são seguidos de um determinante, Когда за "some" или "any" следует определитель, 'some' veya 'any' sözcüklerinin ardından bir belirleyici geldiğinde, Коли після «деяких» або «будь-яких» стоїть визначник, 當「some」或「any」後面跟著限定詞時,

such as an article or possessive, |||||sahiplik sı |||||possessivo |||artículo||posesivo например, артикль или притяжательный падеж, örneğin bir artikel veya iyelik eki gibi, наприклад артикль або присвійний, 例如冠詞或所有格,

we use ‘some of' or ‘any of'. 我们使用‘某些’或‘任何’。

Good thinking Helen! İyi düşündün Helen! 海伦想得很好!

Six and a half points for you. Шесть с половиной баллов для вас.

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow. Jogos gramaticais.

Let's count out the points.

And the winner is…


Well done Nick!

Just kidding! |bromeando ¡Es broma! Estou brincando! 只是在开玩笑!

Helen won!

Well done Helen!

Here's what you've won!

It's a flip-flop! |||拖鞋 |||tongs ||chinelo de dedo|chinelo de dedo ||cambio|cambio Bu bir flip-flop! Це шльопанець! 這是一個觸發器!

Well, Nick,

it looks like this is the end. Görünüşe göre bu son. 看起来这就是结局了。

Try to have a little more confidence, eh? Biraz daha kendine güvenmeye çalış, olur mu? 试着更自信一点,嗯?

Do you have anything to say? Você tem algo a dizer? Söyleyeceğin bir şey var mı?

Please don't drop me in the pit! ||||||fossé ||||||buraco ||deja caer||||foso S'il vous plaît, ne me laissez pas tomber dans la fosse ! Por favor, não me deixe cair no poço! Пожалуйста, не бросайте меня в яму! Lütfen beni çukura düşürmeyin! 請不要把我丟進坑裡!

I have a wife and two kids!

I'll think about it… Vou pensar sobre isso… Bunu düşüneceğim. 我会考虑一下…

No deal. |Pas d'accord. Sem acordo. Никакой сделки. Anlaşma yok. 没有成交。

Set loose the crickets! Libérez|libérer||grillons |release||cricket sounds |||cır cır bö |solta||os grilos |sueltos||los grillos Lâchez les grillons ! Solte os grilos! Отпустите сверчков! Cırcır böceklerini serbest bırakın! Відпустіть цвіркунів! 放開蟋蟀!

It looks like we'll need another contestant. Parece que vamos precisar de outro competidor.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Goodbye Leslie

See you next time.