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The Grammar Show, 6- Be Going To

6- Be Going To

Hello and welcome to the Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

– and where there's a will, there's a way!

And of course let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…

Be going to!

Those three little words that are

followed by a bare infinitive

and let us talk about the future.

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello, everyone. I'm Mya!

Contestant number two?

Hello, everyone. I'm Tom!

Welcome back Mya!

This is a hat-trick for you, isn't it?

Yes. I've won three in a row!

And, do you like hats?

I hate them.

Good! I wonder what our prize could be.

Ok. Let's get going and don't forget

you can play along at home too.

Our first round is a video round.

Watch the video and try to predict what happens next.

Well, Mya, what do you think?

I think he's going to sneeze.

And what about you, Tom?

I think he's going to yawn.

Let's see who was right…

Oh dear. You were both wrong.

But if you can tell me

why we should use ‘be going to' here,

I'll give you a point. Fastest finger first!

It's a prediction based on something

you can see at the time.


Well done, Mya.

‘Be going to' is used to make predictions about the future

based on present evidence.

Well done, Mya.

But that's not fair…

where was the evidence that he was going to sing?

It was right there!

Let's have a look again.


One point for you Mya.

On to our second question.

In what other way can ‘be going to'

be used to talk about the future?

Future plans!

‘Be going to' can be used to talk about future plans.

For example:

I'm going to take a holiday next week.



‘Be going to' can be used to talk about future plans.

Those are things that the speaker has decided

before they talk about them.

An example would be,

‘One day, I'm going to escape from my box in the sky,

and see my family again.'

Not if I can help it, Leslie.

Well done Tom. Three points to you.

Where are you going on holiday by the way?

I'm not going on holiday. It was an example

Oh dear!

Oh no, no, no, no.

Minus three points for lying.

Everything to play for now guys.

On to our final question.

In what way can ‘be going to' be pronounced

in connected or fluent speech?


Oh! Gonna!

People say gonna!

For example,

I'm gonna win this game!


Calm down, Tom.

It's not your fault she's faster than you.

Here's a bonus question.

People say ‘gonna', but what should they never do

except in informal circumstances?

Write it down.

Well done Mya! Two right answers!

Tell them Leslie!


People often say ‘I'm gonna',

‘you're gonna', ‘he's gonna'

in a very informal style,

but we don't recommend that you write it down.

Fifty-twelve points to Mya.

Well, that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points.

And the winner is…

Mya with six.

Well done! Here's what you've won!

It's a hat!

To go with your hat trick!

And you said you love hats!

No I didn't


Bad luck, old friend.

Did you have fun?

You cheated! I want to complain…

Here come the chickens!

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye Leslie

Goodbye, Leslie

See you next time.

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6- Be Going To |namjeravati| 6- Gehst du nach 6- Ir a 6- Aller à 6- Andare a 6- 行く 6- 어디로 갈 것인가 6- Be Going To 6- Estar a ir para 6- Be Going To 6- Gitmek 6- Збираємося до 6- Be Going To 6- 要去

Hello and welcome to the Grammar Gameshow! ||||na||

I'm your host, Will! ¡Soy tu anfitrión, Will! Я твій господар, Вілле!

– and where there's a will, there's a way! ||ima||||a|put |||||il y a|| |||||var|| – ¡y donde hay voluntad, hay un camino! – e onde há vontade, há um caminho! – ve bir iradenin olduğu yerde bir yol da vardır! - а де є бажання, там є шлях!

And of course let's not forget Leslie, ||naravno|ne zaboravimo|ne|zaboravimo|Leslie І, звичайно, не забуваймо про Леслі,

our all-knowing voice in the sky. |tout|||||

Hello everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…

Be going to! Aller|Aller| ¡Estar yendo a! Gideceğim!

Those three little words that are O üç küçük kelime

followed by a bare infinitive |||nguyên thể không có|động từ nguyên thể seguido de un simple infinitivo после которого следует голый инфинитив ardından çıplak bir mastar за яким слідує голий інфінітив

and let us talk about the future. y hablemos del futuro. и давайте поговорим о будущем. ve gelecek hakkında konuşalım.

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants! |||||thí sinh |||||versenyzőinket

Hello, everyone. I'm Mya!

Contestant number two?

Hello, everyone. I'm Tom! |||Tom

Welcome back Mya!

This is a hat-trick for you, isn't it? ||||hat-trick|||| |||triplé||||| |||şapka|üç gol üst ü|||| ||a||tripletta|||| Esto es un hat-trick para ti, ¿no? Bu senin için bir hat-trick, değil mi? Це хет-трик для вас, чи не так? 這對你來說是帽子戲法,不是嗎?

Yes. I've won three in a row! ||||||liên tiếp |J'ai|||||d'affilée ||||||fila Si. ¡He ganado tres seguidas! Да. Я выиграл три подряд! Evet. Üst üste üç kez kazandım! Так. Я виграв три поспіль! 是的。我已經三連勝了!

And, do you like hats? |fais|||les chapeaux ||||cappelli ||||sombreros Y, ¿te gustan los sombreros?

I hate them.

Good! I wonder what our prize could be. |||||giải thưởng|| Bien|||||||être |ben|||||| ¡Bien! Me pregunto cuál podría ser nuestro premio. Хороший! Интересно, какой у нас может быть приз? Güzel! Ödülümüzün ne olabileceğini merak ediyorum.

Ok. Let's get going and don't forget ||||||n'oublie pas Está bien. Vamos y no olvidemos

you can play along at home too. también puedes jugar en casa.

Our first round is a video round. ||ronda|||| Nuestra primera ronda es una ronda de video. İlk turumuz bir video turu.

Watch the video and try to predict what happens next. ||||||dự đoán||| ||||||tahmin et||| ||||||predecir|||

Well, Mya, what do you think?

I think he's going to sneeze. |||||hắt hơi |||||éternuer |||||hapşıracak |||||starnutire |||||Creo que va a estornudar. Creo que va a estornudar. Sanırım hapşıracak. Я думаю, що він зараз чхне. 我想他會打噴嚏。

And what about you, Tom?

I think he's going to yawn. |||||bâiller |||||make a yawn |||||ngáp |||||esnemek |||||sbadigliare |||||bostezar Creo que va a bostezar. Sanırım esneyecek.

Let's see who was right… Veamos quién tenía razón...

Oh dear. You were both wrong.

But if you can tell me

why we should use ‘be going to' here, почему мы должны использовать здесь "be going to", Neden burada 'be going to' kullanmamız gerektiğini,

I'll give you a point. Fastest finger first! |||||Schnellste|| |||||¡El más rápido!|| Te daré un punto. ¡El dedo más rápido primero! Eu vou te dar um ponto. Dedo mais rápido primeiro! Я дам тебе очко. Самый быстрый палец первый! Sana bir puan vereceğim. Önce en hızlı parmak!

It's a prediction based on something ||预测||| Es ist||||| ||Predicción basada en||| É uma previsão baseada em algo Это предсказание, основанное на чем-то Bu bir şeye dayanan bir tahmin.

you can see at the time. você pode ver na hora. вы можете видеть в то время. o anda görebilirsiniz.


Well done, Mya.

‘Be going to' is used to make predictions about the future |||||||predicciones||| 'Be going to' é usado para fazer previsões sobre o futuro

based on present evidence. |||preuves actuelles dayanan|||kanıt |||pruebas actuales com base nas evidências atuais. mevcut kanıtlara dayanarak.

Well done, Mya. Dobra robota, Mya.

But that's not fair… |||juste |bu|| Pero eso no es justo… Ale to nie fair… Mas isso não é justo… Но это нечестно... Ama bu adil değil.

where was the evidence that he was going to sing? ¿Dónde estaba la evidencia de que iba a cantar? onde estava a prova de que ele ia cantar? где доказательства, что он собирался петь? Şarkı söyleyeceğine dair kanıt neredeydi?

It was right there! ¡Estaba justo ahí! Foi bem ali! Он был прямо здесь! Tam oradaydı!

Let's have a look again. Vamos dar uma olhada novamente.


One point for you Mya. Um ponto para você Mya. Sana bir puan Mya.

On to our second question. A nuestra segunda pregunta. İkinci sorumuza geçelim.

In what other way can ‘be going to' De que outra maneira pode 'estar indo para' Каким еще образом можно "собираться". Başka hangi şekilde 'gidiyor olmak'

be used to talk about the future? ser usado para falar sobre o futuro? использоваться, чтобы говорить о будущем? gelecek hakkında konuşmak için kullanılabilir mi?

Future plans! Planos futuros! Gelecek planları!

‘Be going to' can be used to talk about future plans.

For example:

I'm going to take a holiday next week. Vou tirar férias semana que vem. Gelecek hafta tatile çıkacağım. Я збираюся взяти відпустку наступного тижня.



‘Be going to' can be used to talk about future plans. «Збираюся» можна використовувати для розмови про плани на майбутнє.

Those are things that the speaker has decided |||||||decidido Essas são coisas que o orador decidiu Это то, что решил спикер

before they talk about them. antes que eles falem sobre eles. прежде чем они говорят о них.

An example would be, Przykładem może być Um exemplo seria, Bir örnek verelim,

‘One day, I'm going to escape from my box in the sky, |||||escapar|||||| Un día, voy a escapar de mi caja en el cielo, 'Um dia, vou escapar da minha caixa no céu, «Однажды я сбегу из своего ящика в небе, 'Bir gün gökyüzündeki kutumdan kaçacağım,

and see my family again.' e ver minha família novamente.' ve ailemi tekrar göreceğim.'

Not if I can help it, Leslie. No si puedo evitarlo, Leslie. Nie, jeśli mogę coś na to poradzić, Leslie. Não se eu puder evitar, Leslie. Нет, если я могу помочь, Лесли. Eğer yardım edebilirsem, Leslie. 如果我能控制的话就不会,莱斯利。 如果我能控制的話就不會,萊斯利。

Well done Tom. Three points to you.

Where are you going on holiday by the way? Por cierto, ¿dónde vas de vacaciones? A propósito, para onde você vai de férias?

I'm not going on holiday. It was an example

Oh dear!

Oh no, no, no, no.

Minus three points for lying. ||||yalan söyleme Menos tres puntos por mentir. Yalan söylediğin için eksi üç puan.

Everything to play for now guys. Todo para jugar por ahora chicos. これからが勝負だ。 Na razie wszystko do grania, chłopaki. Все, что нужно для игры, ребята. Şimdi her şey için oynayacağız çocuklar.

On to our final question. Переходим к нашему последнему вопросу.

In what way can ‘be going to' be pronounced ||||||||telaffuz edilir ||||||||pronunciado 'Be going to' hangi şekilde telaffuz edilebilir?

in connected or fluent speech? |conectado|||habla fluida en un discurso conectado o fluido? bağlantılı veya akıcı konuşmada?

Gonna! Je vais ¡Voy a! Zamierzać! Gidiyorum!

Oh! Gonna!

People say gonna! ||van a İnsanlar gonna diyor!

For example,

I'm gonna win this game! |Voy a||| Bu oyunu kazanacağım!

Oi! Salut! ¡Hola!

Calm down, Tom. Cálmate, Tom. Calma Tom.

It's not your fault she's faster than you. |||suç|||| |||culpa|||| Não é sua culpa que ela seja mais rápida que você.

Here's a bonus question. Aqui está uma pergunta bônus. İşte bonus bir soru.

People say ‘gonna', but what should they never do Ludzie mówią „zamierzam”, ale czego nigdy nie powinni robić As pessoas dizem 'vou', mas o que eles nunca deveriam fazer Люди говорят «собираюсь», но чего им никогда не делать İnsanlar 'yapacağım' diyor, ama neyi asla yapmamalılar? 人们说“会”,但他们绝对不应该做什么

except in informal circumstances? ||gayri resmi|durumlarda Excepto en||informales|circunstancias informales z wyjątkiem nieformalnych okoliczności? gayri resmi durumlar dışında? 除了非正式场合? 除了非正式場合?

Write it down. Escríbelo. Zapisz to. Anotá-la. Yaz.

Well done Mya! Two right answers! Brawo Mya! Dwie poprawne odpowiedzi!

Tell them Leslie! Diga-lhes Leslie! Скажи им Лесли!


People often say ‘I'm gonna', İnsanlar genellikle 'yapacağım' der,

‘you're gonna', ‘he's gonna'

in a very informal style, ||||estilo informal

but we don't recommend that you write it down. ||||||écrire||le noter |||recomendamos||||| mas não recomendamos que você o escreva. ancak yazmanızı tavsiye etmiyoruz.

Fifty-twelve points to Mya. Cincuenta|||| Cincuenta y doce puntos para Mya. Mya'ya elli iki puan.

Well, that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points. Puanları sayalım.

And the winner is… E o vencedor é…

Mya with six.

Well done! Here's what you've won! Dobrze zrobiony! Oto, co wygrałeś! Bom trabalho! Aqui está o que você ganhou!

It's a hat! É um chapéu! Bu bir şapka!

To go with your hat trick! |||||truco Idź ze swoim hat-trickiem! Para combinar com seu hat-trick! В придачу к твоему хет-трику! Şapka numaran için!

And you said you love hats! E você disse que ama chapéus! Ve şapkaları sevdiğini söylemiştin!

No I didn't


Bad luck, old friend. Pech, stary przyjacielu. Má sorte, velho amigo. Kötü şans, eski dostum.

Did you have fun? Você se divertiu? Eğlendiniz mi?

You cheated! I want to complain… |triché|||| |aldattın||||şikayet etmek |Hiciste trampa|||| ¡Hiciste trampa! quiero quejarme… Oszukiwałeś! Chcę narzekać… Você trapaceou! quero reclamar... Hile yaptın! Şikayet etmek istiyorum...

Here come the chickens! |||Voici les poules! Hier||| |||tavuklar |||¡Aquí vienen las gallinas! Lá vêm as galinhas! А вот и цыплята! İşte tavuklar geliyor!

It looks like we'll need another contestant. Parece que necesitaremos otro concursante. Parece que vamos precisar de outro concorrente.

Thanks for joining us. ||Gracias por acompañarnos.| Obrigado por se juntar a nós.

Say goodbye Leslie

Goodbye, Leslie

See you next time. Vejo você na próxima vez.