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The Grammar Show, 5- Modal Verbs: Have to and Must

5- Modal Verbs: Have to and Must

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will,

but I'm no has been!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…

Have to and must.

Those two little expressions that are to do with

obligation and make all the rules!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hi, everyone. I'm Simone!

And contestant number two?

Hello, everyone. I'm Mya!

Welcome back, Mya!

OK! Let's get going.

And don't forget you can play along at home too

Our first question is multiple choice.

Which of these uses of ‘have to' and ‘must'

is different from the others?

a) You must wear your seatbelt.

b) You have to wear your seatbelt.

c) You mustn't wear your seatbelt.

d) You don't have to wear your seatbelt.

D is different because it describes a voluntary action


You're not wrong there, Simone.

‘Must', ‘mustn't' and ‘have to' all talk

about obligations - for example, rules that

you need to follow.

But ‘don't have to' is the opposite –

the actions it describes are voluntary.

Such as, Will doesn't have to give anyone any points!

He's the boss!

True! But, since I'm nice!

Simone, you can have two points.

And Mya, I liked your ‘thinking face' there,

two points to you!

Hang on! That's not fair. Why does…

Fingers on the buzzers.

Here comes question two! True or false:

There is no difference between

‘have to' and ‘must' for obligations.



It is false!

Although many use them interchangeably,

in fact,

we use ‘have to' for external obligations,

and ‘must' for internal obligations.

OK. One point for that.

Now for the quick fire part.

Based on what Leslie has just told us,

tell me if these obligations would take

‘have to' or ‘must'.

You decide not to smoke.

I mustn't smoke.


The government wants you to pay your taxes.

We have to pay taxes.


You don't want to exercise, but the doctor tells you to.

I have to exercise.


You want to brush your teeth more.

I must brush my teeth more.


You try to resist eating chocolate.

I mustn't eat chocolate.


Your parents tell you to do homework.

I have to do homework.


Well done both of you.

Have 13 points between you.

It's time for our final question:

‘Must' and ‘have to' are modal verbs.

But why is ‘have to' different from other modal verbs?

Trick question!

All modal verbs are followed by a bare infinitive verb

so there is no difference.


It's true that all modals, including ‘must' and ‘have to',

are followed by a bare infinitive

But that's not our answer.

Ouch, Simone. You crashed and burned there.

Mya, I can offer it to you.

Is it because modal verbs don't change their form,

but ‘have to' does?


Absolutely right!

Unlike other modal verbs,

‘have to' changes to show person

– for example, ‘have to', ‘has to' -

and time

– for example, ‘had to', ‘didn't have to'.

Its meaning doesn't change though.

Good job Mya.

You know, I'm taking 20 points away from Simone

for stupidity,

and giving them to you.


Well that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points.

And the winner is…


with 37 and a half.

Well done!

Here's what you've won!

It's a cuddly toy!

You've finally got a friend!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for an even bigger prize.

And, Simone,

what happened? You were doing so well!

Well, to be honest I…

Unleash the sheep.

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Goodbye, Leslie.

See you next time!

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5- Modal Verbs: Have to and Must modalni glagoli|glagoli|morati|morati|i|morati 情态动词||||| Modalverben||||| Modal Fiiller||||| Modalidad||||| 5- Modalverben: Müssen und müssen 5- Modal Verbs: Have to and Must 5- Verbos modales: Have to y Must 5- Les verbes modaux : Doit et Doivent 5- Verbi modali: Have to e Must 5- 様態動詞:Have toとMust 5- 조동사: Have to와 Must 5 - Modaliniai veiksmažodžiai: Turi ir privalo 5- Czasowniki modalne: Have to i Must 5- Modal Verbs: Have to e Must 5- Модальные глаголы: Должен и обязан 5- Modal Fiiller: Have to ve Must 5- Модальні дієслова: Have to і Must 5-情态动词:必须和必须 5-情態動詞:必須和必須

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! Pozdrav||dobrodošli||današnje|gramatika|kviz o gramatic ||||||Spielshow Ciao|||||| Olá, bem-vindo ao Grammar Gameshow de hoje!

I'm your host, Will, ja sam|vaš|domaćin|Will Eu sou seu anfitrião, Will,

but I'm no has been! ||||eski şöhret aber ich bin nicht von gestern! pero no soy ha sido! mas eu não tenho sido! ama ben eski değilim! але я не був! 但我从来没有过!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie, |||n'oublions pas|n'oublions pas|n'oublions pas| ||||||Leslie E claro, não vamos esquecer Leslie, 当然,我们不要忘记莱斯利,

our all-knowing voice in the sky. наш всезнаючий голос у небі. 我们在天空中无所不知的声音。

Hello, everyone! Olá pessoal! Herkese merhaba!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…

Have to and must. Yapmak zorundayım ve yapmalıyım.

Those two little expressions that are to do with |||expresiones pequeñas||||| Diese beiden kleinen Ausdrücke, die sich auf die Essas duas pequenas expressões que têm a ver com Эти два маленьких выражения, которые имеют отношение к Bu iki küçük ifade Ці два маленькі вирази, які мають відношення до 这两个小表达与

obligation and make all the rules! 义务||||| obligation||||| |||||Regeln zorunluluk||||| obligación||||| Verpflichtung und machen alle Regeln! obrigação e faça todas as regras! обязанности и устанавливать все правила! yükümlülük ve tüm kuralları koy! зобов'язаний і створюйте всі правила! 义务并制定所有规则!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants! |||||Teilnehmer |||||yarışmacılar OK! Agora, vamos conhecer nossos concorrentes! 好的!现在,让我们来认识一下我们的参赛者吧!

Hi, everyone. I'm Simone! |||Simone |||Simone |||Hola, a todos. Soy Simone. Herkese merhaba. Ben Simone!

And contestant number two? |Teilnehmer|| Peki ya iki numaralı yarışmacı? 那么二号选手呢?

Hello, everyone. I'm Mya! |||Mya Hello, everyone. I'm Mya! Olá pessoal. Eu sou a Mya!

Welcome back, Mya! ||Mya Welcome back, Mya! Bem vinda de volta, Mya!

OK! Let's get going. |||hadi gidelim ||andiamo| ALSO GUT! Dann wollen wir mal loslegen. OK! Let's get going. ¡OK! Vámonos. OK! Vamos indo. ХОРОШО! Давайте начнем.

And don't forget you can play along at home too Und vergessen Sie nicht, dass Sie auch zu Hause mitspielen können And don't forget you can play along at home too E não se esqueça que você pode jogar junto em casa também И не забудьте, что вы можете играть и дома. 别忘了在家也可以一起玩 別忘了在家也可以一起玩

Our first question is multiple choice. ||||mehrfach| Unsere erste Frage ist eine Multiple-Choice-Frage. Our first question is multiple choice. Nuestra primera pregunta es de opción múltiple. 最初の質問は多肢選択式だ。 Наш первый вопрос - с множественным выбором. İlk sorumuz çoktan seçmeli. 我们的第一个问题是多项选择题。

Which of these uses of ‘have to' and ‘must' Which of these uses of ‘have to' and ‘must' Qual destes usos de 'have to' e 'must' Bu 'have to' ve 'must' kullanımlarından hangisi “必须”和“必须”的用法中哪一个

is different from the others? is different from the others? 和其他的有什么不同吗?

a) You must wear your seatbelt. |||||ceinture de sécurité |||||Sicherheitsgurt |||||Cinturón de seguridad a) Você deve usar o cinto de segurança. a) Вы должны быть пристегнуты ремнем безопасности. a) Emniyet kemerinizi takmalısınız. а) Ви повинні пристебнути ремінь безпеки. a) 您必须系好安全带。

b) You have to wear your seatbelt. ||||||Sicherheitsgurt b) Você tem que usar o cinto de segurança. б) Вы должны пристегиваться ремнем безопасности. b) 您必须系好安全带。

c) You mustn't wear your seatbelt. |||||Sicherheitsgurt c) Você não deve usar o cinto de segurança. в) Вы не должны пристегиваться ремнем безопасности. c) Emniyet kemerinizi takmamalısınız. c) 您不能系安全带。

d) You don't have to wear your seatbelt. |||||||Sicherheitsgurt d) Você não precisa usar o cinto de segurança. г) Вы не обязаны пристегиваться ремнем безопасности. d) Emniyet kemerinizi takmak zorunda değilsiniz. г) Вам не потрібно пристебнути ремінь безпеки. d) 您不必系安全带。

D is different because it describes a voluntary action |||||||volontaire| |||||||freiwillige| |||||||gönüllü| |||||describe||voluntaria| D ist anders, weil es eine freiwillige Handlung beschreibt D відрізняється тим, що описує довільну дію D 不同,因为它描述的是自愿行为

Leslie? Leslie 莱斯利?

You're not wrong there, Simone. ||||Simone ||||Simone No te equivocas ahí, Simone. Você não está errado aí, Simone. Haksız değilsin, Simone. 你说得没错,西蒙娜。

‘Must', ‘mustn't' and ‘have to' all talk 'Deve', 'não deve' e 'tem que' todos falam “必须”、“不可以”和“必须”都在说话

about obligations - for example, rules that |义务|||| ||||Regeln| |yükümlülükler|||| |obligaciones|||| über Verpflichtungen - zum Beispiel Regeln, die yükümlülükler hakkında - örneğin, aşağıdaki kurallar 关于义务 - 例如,规则

you need to follow. você precisa seguir. takip etmeniz gerekiyor. 你需要跟随。

But ‘don't have to' is the opposite – Pero "no tienen que" es lo contrario - Mas 'não precisa' é o oposto - А "не надо" наоборот - Ama 'yapmak zorunda değilsiniz' tam tersidir - Але "не треба" - це навпаки - 但“不必”恰恰相反——

the actions it describes are voluntary. |||||freiwillig |||||voluntarias las acciones que describe son voluntarias. as ações que descreve são voluntárias. действия, которые он описывает, являются добровольными. tanımladığı eylemler gönüllülük esasına dayanmaktadır. 它所描述的行动是自愿的。

Such as, Will doesn't have to give anyone any points! Tel|comme|||||donner||| |||||||||Punkte Zum Beispiel: Will muss niemandem Punkte geben! ¡Por ejemplo, Will no tiene que darle puntos a nadie! Por exemplo, Will não precisa dar pontos a ninguém! Например, Уиллу не нужно давать никому никаких очков! Mesela, Will kimseye puan vermek zorunda değil! 比如,威尔不需要给任何人任何分数!

He's the boss! 他是老大!

True! But, since I'm nice! Stimmt! Aber, da ich nett bin! ¡Cierto! Pero, ya que soy agradable! Verdadeiro! Mas, desde que eu sou legal! Doğru! Ama ben iyi biri olduğum için! Правда! Але, оскільки я гарний! 真的!但是,因为我很好!

Simone, you can have two points. Simone|||||Punkte Simone||||| 西蒙娜,你可以有两点。

And Mya, I liked your ‘thinking face' there, |Mya|||||| ||||||cara pensativa| Y Mya, me gustó tu 'cara pensante' allí, И Майя, мне понравилось твое "мыслящее лицо", Ve Mya, oradaki 'düşünen yüzünü' sevdim, Mya,我喜欢你那张“思考的脸”,

two points to you! |Punkte|| 给你两点!

Hang on! That's not fair. Why does… ||||adil|| ||||ingiusto|| ¡Espera!|||||| Halt dich fest! Das ist nicht fair. Warum muss... ¡Aférrate! No es justo. Por que… ちょっと待て!フェアじゃない。なぜ... Espere! Isso não é justo. Porque… Dur bakalım! Bu hiç adil değil. Neden... Тримайся! Це не чесно. Чому… 不挂断!这不公平。为什么… 不掛!這不公平。為什麼…

Fingers on the buzzers. |||Buzzern |||pulsanti |||timbres Die Finger auf den Buzzern. Dedos en los timbres. Dedos nas campainhas. Пальцы на гудках. 手指放在蜂鸣器上。

Here comes question two! True or false: ||||||falsch 第二个问题来了!对或错:

There is no difference between arasında hiçbir fark yoktur.

‘have to' and ‘must' for obligations. |||||obligaciones zorunluluklar için 'zorunda' ve 'gerekir'. “必须”和“必须”表示义务。

False! Falsch

Leslie? Leslie

It is false! ||falsch Isto é falso! 这是假的!

Although many use them interchangeably, Bien que|||| ||||austauschbar ||||birbirinin yerine ||||intercambiabilmente ||||de manera intercambiable Obwohl viele sie austauschbar verwenden, Aunque muchos los usan indistintamente, Embora muitos os usem de forma intercambiável, Birçok kişi bunları birbirinin yerine kullansa da, 尽管许多人可以互换使用它们,

in fact, na verdade, Aslında, 实际上,

we use ‘have to' for external obligations, |||||äußeren| |||||externas| 'zorunda' kelimesini dış yükümlülükler için kullanırız, ми використовуємо 'мусити' для зовнішніх зобов'язань, 我们用“必须”来表示外部义务,

and ‘must' for internal obligations. |||interne| |||internen| |||internas| і "обов'язково" для внутрішніх зобов'язань. 以及内部义务的“必须”。

OK. One point for that. OK. Um ponto para isso. TAMAM. Bunun için bir puan. 好的。对此有一点。

Now for the quick fire part. Nun zum Schnellfeuerteil. Ahora para la parte de fuego rápido. Şimdi hızlı ateş kısmına gelelim. 现在是速射部分。

Based on what Leslie has just told us, |||Leslie|||| Ausgehend von dem, was Leslie uns gerade erzählt hat, Basado en lo que Leslie acaba de decirnos, Leslie'nin bize söylediklerine dayanarak, 根据 Leslie 刚刚告诉我们的情况,

tell me if these obligations would take ||||yükümlülükler|| mir sagen, ob diese Verpflichtungen bu yükümlülüklerin

‘have to' or ‘must'.

You decide not to smoke. ||||fumar Decides no fumar. Sigara içmemeye karar veriyorsun. Ви вирішили не палити.

I mustn't smoke. Eu não devo fumar. Sigara içmemeliyim. 我绝对不能抽烟


The government wants you to pay your taxes. |||||||impuestos Уряд хоче, щоб ви сплачували податки.

We have to pay taxes. Vergi ödemek zorundayız. Ми повинні платити податки. 我们必须纳税。


You don't want to exercise, but the doctor tells you to. Egzersiz yapmak istemiyorsunuz ama doktorunuz yapmanızı söylüyor. 你不想运动,但医生告诉你要运动。

I have to exercise. |||Hacer ejercicio Egzersiz yapmalıyım. 我必须锻炼身体。


You want to brush your teeth more. Você quer escovar mais os dentes. Dişlerinizi daha fazla fırçalamak istiyorsunuz.

I must brush my teeth more. Devo escovar mais os dentes. Я должен чистить зубы чаще. Dişlerimi daha çok fırçalamalıyım. 我必须多刷牙。


You try to resist eating chocolate. |||karşı koymak|| Você tenta resistir a comer chocolate. Çikolata yememek için direnmeye çalışıyorsunuz. Ви намагаєтеся не їсти шоколад. 你试图抗拒吃巧克力。

I mustn't eat chocolate. Je ne dois pas|||


Your parents tell you to do homework.

I have to do homework. Ev ödevimi yapmalıyım.


Well done both of you. Muito bem, vocês dois. İkinize de aferin. 你们俩都做得很好。

Have 13 points between you. |Punkte|| Aranızda 13 puan var. 你们之间有13分。

It's time for our final question: 现在是我们最后一个问题的时候了:

‘Must' and ‘have to' are modal verbs. |||||Modalverben| 'Must' ve 'have to' modal fiillerdir. “必须”和“必须”是情态动词。

But why is ‘have to' different from other modal verbs? ||||||||Modalverben| Peki 'have to' neden diğer modal fiillerden farklıdır? 但为什么“have to”与其他情态动词不同呢?

Trick question! Domanda trabocchetto!| ¡Pregunta capciosa! Pergunta capciosa! Підступне питання! 诡计问题!

All modal verbs are followed by a bare infinitive verb ||||suivis||||| |Modalverben|||||||| |||||||yalın|| |||||||nudo|| ||||seguido por|||infinitivo sin "to"|| Todos los verbos modales van seguidos de un verbo en infinitivo simple. Todos os verbos modais são seguidos por um verbo infinitivo nu 所有情态动词后面都跟一个不定式动词

so there is no difference. 所以没有区别。

Leslie? Leslie

It's true that all modals, including ‘must' and ‘have to', ||||modaux||||| ||||Modalverben||||| |||||dahil olmak üzere|||| ||||modales||||| 'Must' ve 'have to' da dahil olmak üzere tüm kipler doğrudur, 确实,所有情态动词,包括“必须”和“必须”,

are followed by a bare infinitive ||||unveränderten| |||||yalın mastar são seguidos por um infinitivo simples çıplak bir mastar tarafından takip edilir 后面跟着一个简单的不定式

But that's not our answer. Ama bizim cevabımız bu değil. 但这不是我们的答案。

Ouch, Simone. You crashed and burned there. ||Tu|t'es plantée||brûlé|là-bas |Simone||||| |||çuvalladın||yandın| Ahi|||||| Ay|||te estrellaste||| Autsch, Simone. Du bist abgestürzt und verbrannt. Ay, Simone. Chocaste y te quemaste allí. 痛いよ、シモーネ。あなたはそこで墜落し、燃えた。 Oi, Simone. Você caiu e queimou lá. Ай, Симона. Ты разбилась и сгорела. Ah, Simone. Kaza yaptın ve orada yandın. Ой, Сімоне. Ти там розбився і згорів. 哎呀,西蒙娜。你在那里失败了。 哎呀,西蒙娜。你在那裡墜毀並燒毀。

Mya, I can offer it to you. |je|peux|||| Mya|||||| |ben||teklif etmek||| Mya, sana teklif edebilirim. Мія, я можу запропонувати це тобі. Mya,我可以把它给你。

Is it because modal verbs don't change their form, |||Modalverben||||| Modal fiiller biçim değiştirmediği için mi? Чи тому, що модальні дієслова не змінюють своєї форми, 是因为情态动词不改变形式吗

but ‘have to' does? ama 'zorunda olmak' öyle mi? 但‘必须’呢?

Leslie? Leslie

Absolutely right!

Unlike other modal verbs, ||Modalverben| Ao contrário de outros verbos modais, Diğer modal fiillerin aksine, 与其他情态动词不同的是,

‘have to' changes to show person muss" ändert sich, um Person zu zeigen kişiyi göstermek için 'zorunda' değişiklikleri “必须”改变以显示人

– for example, ‘have to', ‘has to' - – 例如,“必须”、“必须”-

and time 和时间

– for example, ‘had to', ‘didn't have to'. – 例如,“必须”、“不必”。

Its meaning doesn't change though. ||||però Seine Bedeutung ändert sich jedoch nicht. Sin embargo, su significado no cambia. Yine de anlamı değişmez. 但其含义并没有改变。

Good job Mya. ||Mya

You know, I'm taking 20 points away from Simone Tu||||||| ||||Punkte|||Simone Sabes, le quito 20 puntos a Simone シモーネから20点奪う Biliyor musun, Simone'dan 20 puan alıyorum. 你知道,我比西蒙娜少了 20 分

for stupidity, |Dummheit |aptallık için |por estupidez 愚かさのために、 aptallık için, 为了愚蠢,

and giving them to you. ve onları sana veriyorum.

No! 不!

Well that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow. |Spielshow

Let's count out the points. ||||Punkte

And the winner is…

Mya... Mya

with 37 and a half. 37個半。

Well done!

Here's what you've won!

It's a cuddly toy! ||C'est un jouet câlin !|C'est un doudou ! It is||soft and huggable| ||kuschelig|Spielzeug ||sevimli| ||È un peluche!| ||¡Es un peluche!| Sevimli bir oyuncak! Це м’яка іграшка! 這是一個可愛的玩具!

You've finally got a friend! Tu as|||| Наконец-то у тебя появился друг! Sonunda bir arkadaşın oldu! 你终于有朋友了!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for an even bigger prize. où|||||||| donde puedes jugar por un premio aún mayor. 在这里您可以赢得更大的奖金。

And, Simone,

what happened? You were doing so well! Ne oldu? Çok iyi gidiyordun!

Well, to be honest I…

Unleash the sheep. Libère les moutons.|le|Libérez les moutons. Release|| Lass die Schafe|| Sahip ol|| Scatena le pecore.||Scatenate le pecore. Suelta a las ovejas.||Desata las ovejas. Lasst die Schafe frei. Dé rienda suelta a las ovejas. Отпустите овец. Koyunları serbest bırakın. Відпустіть овець. 放开羊吧 放開羊吧

It looks like we'll need another contestant. ||||||Teilnehmer 看来我们需要另一位参赛者了。

Thanks for joining us. 感谢您的加入。

Say goodbye, Leslie. ||Leslie

Goodbye, Leslie. |Leslie

See you next time!