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The Grammar Show, 28- Articles

28- Articles

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

To market,

to market, to buy a fat pig!

Then home again, home again,


And of course, let's not forget

Leslie, our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…


The definite, indefinite and the zero

that help us to define our nouns.

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

A married couple!

How do, all. My name's Alfie.

And contestant number two?

It's nice to meet you. I'm Clara.

Really, Leslie?

A married couple?

I mean, we must be getting desperate.

So, how long have you two been married then?

20 years.

It's been 24, dear.

Oh, yes… 24.


Oh, yes. Happy years…

under the thumb, as it were, eh?

Must you?

I don't know Clara, must I?

OK! Well, everything seems hunky-dory here.

So, let's get going, and don't forget,

you can play along at home too.

Our first round is a closest-gets-it round.

How many types of article are there?

I'll say…


What happened to ladies first?

The key is in the word lady.

I'll say two.

And Clara?

There are three.

A or an, the and a zero article.

He would know if he paid attention to something

other than football.


About the answer, I mean,

not the football.

Yeah, well you'd…

Next question!

Which of these articles is used with

singular countable nouns?

After you, my darling.

Oh, Alfie!

Oh, blimey!

A or an is used with singular countable nouns.

The zero article is used with plural and

uncountable nouns,

and the definite article is used with shared knowledge.



Articles appear before nouns.

There are three types:

the indefinite article, which is used with

singular countable nouns.

For example,

I see a tree or I see an apple.

The zero article,

which is used with plural or uncountable nouns.

For example, I've got rice.

And the definite article,

which is used with any noun that is known and

understood by both the speaker and listener.

For example, I opened a cupboard and the door fell off.

Well done.

So, Clara,

what do you like most about Alfie?

Oh, he's just the sweetest man.

You know, when he's not being the silent type.

The silent type!

More like I can't get a word in edgeways, eh?

Yack, yack, yackeddy-yack.

Well, I wouldn't have to if you'd pay me some attention!

We sit together watching TV!

What else do you…


Sorry I asked…

sort of.

Let's move on to round two.

Complete these sentences using the correct article.

I'm afraid, you'll have to confer,

I can only accept one answer.

It's certainly _ lovely painting.

John works as _ engineer.

Do you have _ pen?

* arguing *

OK, time's up!


The indefinite article! A or an.

Alfie, that's not what we agreed!

I'm right sometimes, you know!

A or an.

OK. Leslie?


The indefinite article is either a or an.

It is used in front of a noun when

we inform a listener about it for the first time.

We also use it with a noun being used

in a description,

such as in sentence A

– It's certainly a lovely painting.

It's also used with noun being used in classifying

or defining, particularly in connection with a job,

such as in sentence B

– John works as an engineer.

And finally, we use it when we talk about

a thing but do not wish or need to be specific,

such as in sentence C

– Do you have a pen?

Yes! In your face!

Oh, sorry my love.

Are you, OK?

I'm fine!

I'm fine!

Well, OK! Not to worry.

You've got twenty more points each.

So, tell me Alfie. How did you two meet?

Well, we met at a party at university.

It was nothing special. Except…


our eyes met across a crowded room,

and I was drawn to her like a magnet.

I knew then that she was the one for me.

Oh, Alfie! I remember it well.

He was such an attractive young fellow.

We danced all night.

Of course, he's getting on a bit now.

Doesn't have much stamina like he used to.


Well you're not exactly a size six any more, are you?

Elephant britches.

My mother told me never to marry you!

Yeah? Well, you should have listened to her then!

I should've…

OK! OK! I'm sorry I asked…

in a way.

Let's just put this all behind us and move on to

our last round.

Look at these words and tell me if they take

a zero article or a definite article.




He's always too busy to call me at work.




I'm not coming home!




You won't see me at dinner.



Whose dog?

Your dog.

Definite article.

I'm keeping the dog!




You won't find me in bed tonight.


Superlatives, for example, best.

She's the best thing that's ever happened to me.



He's like the sun in the sky to me.




Life can be hard for some people.

She makes mine better.


Last one.



We met at university.

Hang on.

Definite article.

I'll meet you at the university.

Zero! At university!

Definite. At the university.

OK, OK! Settle down.

Allow us. Leslie?

Excellent work!

Many nouns have specific rules

as to which article to use.

We usually use the zero article when we talk about our

homes, beds and meals, such as dinner.

We also use it when talking about things in general,

such as life.

We use the definite article with unique things,

such as the sun, superlatives,

and nouns which are known to both speakers.

Finally, institutions such as hospitals, prisons,

and universities can often be either.

If we are in the hospital, it describes the place.

But if we are in hospital, we are probably injured.

There you go.

So you're both right in a way!

No, I'm right!

No, I'm right!

OK, OK! Enough!

Just stop for a second and take some advice.

See, I was married once.

They were some of the happiest,

and saddest years of my life…

but that was such a long time ago.

Now, take a deep breath.

And look into each other's eyes.

Your eyes!

I'd forgotten how beautiful they are.

We were fools to argue. Let's never argue again!

Let's never say another word!

Embrace me!

Like a broken record, you are!


For better or for worse, in sickness and in health,

till death do us part.

It looks like we'll need two more contestants.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye Leslie.

Tchauzinho, Leslie.

See you next time.

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28- Articles 28- Artikel 28- Articles 28- Artículos 28- Articles 28- Articoli 28-記事 28- Artykuły 28- Artigos 28- Статьи 28- Makaleler 28- Статті 28- 文章 28- 文章

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

To market, Pazara,

to market, to buy a fat pig! pazarlamak, şişman bir domuz satın almak!

Then home again, home again, Sonra tekrar eve, tekrar eve,

jiggety-jig. enjoué|danse 신나게| jiggety-jig. джиггети-джиг. jiggety-jig。

And of course, let's not forget Ve tabii ki unutmayalım

Leslie, our all-knowing voice in the sky. Leslie, gökyüzündeki her şeyi bilen sesimiz.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about… Bu gece size üç soru soracağız…

Articles! Nesne!

The definite, indefinite and the zero ||不定冠词||| ||부정확한||| Belirli, belirsiz ve sıfır 定值、不定值和零

that help us to define our nouns. |||used for defining||| isimlerimizi tanımlamamıza yardımcı olur.

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants! TAMAM! Şimdi yarışmacılarımızla tanışalım!

A married couple! ¡Un matrimonio! Evli bir çift!

How do, all. My name's Alfie. |||||Alfie |||||알피 Nasılsınız millet? Benim adım Alfie.

And contestant number two?

It's nice to meet you. I'm Clara. ||||||Clara

Really, Leslie?

A married couple?

I mean, we must be getting desperate. Debemos estar desesperados. Я имею в виду, что мы, должно быть, в отчаянии. Yani, umutsuzluğa kapılmış olmalıyız. 我的意思是,我們一定已經絕望了。

So, how long have you two been married then? И как давно вы женаты?

20 years.

It's been 24, dear.

Oh, yes… 24.


Oh, yes. Happy years…

under the thumb, as it were, eh? ||sotto il tallone|||| bajo el pulgar, por así decirlo, ¿eh? под большим пальцем, так сказать, а? başparmak altında, olduğu gibi, ha? під великим пальцем, як би, а? 可以說是在拇指之下,是嗎?

Must you? ¿Debes hacerlo? Должны ли вы? Yapmak zorunda mısın? Ви повинні?

I don't know Clara, must I? Я не знаю Клару, а должен?

OK! Well, everything seems hunky-dory here. |||||一切正常| |||||parfait| ||||좋아 보인다|| ¡Vale! Bueno, aquí todo parece perfecto. Ладно! Кажется, здесь все в порядке. TAMAM! Burada her şey yolunda görünüyor. ГАРАЗД! Ну, тут все здається безглуздим. 好的!嗯,這裡一切看起來都很順利。

So, let's get going, and don't forget, Итак, давайте начнем, и не забудьте,

you can play along at home too. Вы можете играть и дома.

Our first round is a closest-gets-it round. |||||가장 가까운||| İlk turumuz en yakın olan kazanır turu olacak.

How many types of article are there? Сколько существует типов статей? Kaç çeşit makale vardır?

I'll say…


What happened to ladies first? Что случилось с дамами? Önce bayanlara ne oldu?

The key is in the word lady. Ключ к разгадке - в слове "леди". Anahtar bayan kelimesinde.

I'll say two. Я скажу два.

And Clara?

There are three.

A or an, the and a zero article. A veya an, the ve sıfır maddesi.

He would know if he paid attention to something Sabría si prestó atención a algo Он узнает, если обратит на что-то внимание. Eğer bir şeye dikkat etseydi bilirdi.

other than football. futbol dışında.

Correct! Правильно!

About the answer, I mean,

not the football. не футбол.

Yeah, well you'd…

Next question!

Which of these articles is used with Bu maddelerden hangisi ile kullanılır?

singular countable nouns? tekil sayılabilir isimler?

After you, my darling. Önden buyur, sevgilim.

Oh, Alfie!

Oh, blimey! |哎呀 |oh là là |이런 |accidenti ¡Oh, caray! Vay canına! О, чорт!

A or an is used with singular countable nouns. A veya an tekil sayılabilir isimlerle birlikte kullanılır.

The zero article is used with plural and Sıfır artikeli çoğul ve

uncountable nouns,

and the definite article is used with shared knowledge. и определенный артикль используется при обозначении общих знаний. ve kesin makale paylaşılan bilgi ile kullanılır.



Articles appear before nouns. Artikeller isimlerden önce gelir.

There are three types:

the indefinite article, which is used with ile birlikte kullanılan belirsiz artikel

singular countable nouns.

For example,

I see a tree or I see an apple. Bir ağaç görüyorum ya da bir elma görüyorum.

The zero article, Sıfır makale,

which is used with plural or uncountable nouns. который используется с существительными во множественном числе или неисчисляемыми существительными. çoğul veya sayılamayan isimlerle birlikte kullanılır.

For example, I've got rice. Örneğin, pirincim var.

And the definite article, И определенный артикль, Ve kesin madde,

which is used with any noun that is known and bilinen herhangi bir isimle birlikte kullanılır ve

understood by both the speaker and listener. hem konuşmacı hem de dinleyici tarafından anlaşılır.

For example, I opened a cupboard and the door fell off. Por ejemplo, he abierto un armario y la puerta se ha caído. Например, я открыл шкаф, и дверца отвалилась. Örneğin, bir dolabı açtım ve kapağı düştü. Наприклад, я відкрив шафу, а двері відвалилися.

Well done. Отличная работа.

So, Clara,

what do you like most about Alfie? Alfie'nin en çok nesini seviyorsun?

Oh, he's just the sweetest man. ||||le plus doux| Es el hombre más dulce. O çok tatlı bir adam.

You know, when he's not being the silent type. Ya sabes, cuando no está siendo del tipo silencioso. Знаете, когда он не ведет себя как молчаливый тип. Bilirsin, sessiz bir tip olmadığı zaman. 你知道,當他不是沉默寡言的人。

The silent type! Мовчазний тип!

More like I can't get a word in edgeways, eh? ||||||||插嘴| ||||||||dans la conversation| ||||||||말을 끼어들 수| ||||||||in mezzo| Más bien no puedo decir ni una palabra, ¿eh? Скорее, я не могу вымолвить ни слова, да? Daha çok bir kelime bile edemiyorum gibi, değil mi? Скоріше, я не можу вимовити жодного слова, еге ж? 更像是我無法插嘴說一句話,是嗎?

Yack, yack, yackeddy-yack. Bavarder||bavardage| 수다||얘기, 얘기, 얘기| Yack, yack, yackeddy-yack. Як, як, як, як, як, як. Як, ц, цк. 呀呀,呀呀,呀呀。

Well, I wouldn't have to if you'd pay me some attention! ¡Bueno, no tendría que hacerlo si me prestaras un poco de atención! Ну, мне не придется, если вы уделите мне немного внимания! Eğer bana biraz ilgi gösterseydiniz, bunu yapmak zorunda kalmazdım! 好吧,如果你能關注我的話,我就不必這麼做了!

We sit together watching TV!

What else do you… Что еще вы...


Sorry I asked…

sort of. sort of.

Let's move on to round two. Давайте перейдем ко второму раунду.

Complete these sentences using the correct article. Закончите эти предложения, используя правильный артикль.

I'm afraid, you'll have to confer, |||||conférer |||||상의하다 Боюсь, вам придется советоваться, Korkarım, görüşmeniz gerekecek, Боюся, вам доведеться радитися, 恐怕你得商量一下

I can only accept one answer. Я могу принять только один ответ.

It's certainly ___ lovely painting. Это действительно _ прекрасная картина. Kesinlikle çok güzel bir tablo.

John works as ___ engineer. John _ mühendis olarak çalışıyor.

Do you have ___ pen? У вас есть _ ручка?

* arguing * * спорить *

OK, time's up! |le temps est écoulé| |시간이 다 됐어!| Хорошо, время вышло! Tamam, zaman doldu!


The indefinite article! A or an. Belirsiz madde! A veya an.

Alfie, that's not what we agreed! Альфи, это не то, о чем мы договорились! Alfie, anlaştığımız şey bu değildi!

I'm right sometimes, you know! Иногда я прав, знаешь ли!

A or an. А или ан.

OK. Leslie?


The indefinite article is either a or an. Belirsiz artikel ya a ya da an'dır.

It is used in front of a noun when Используется перед существительным, когда Şu durumlarda bir ismin önünde kullanılır Вживається перед іменником, коли

we inform a listener about it for the first time. мы сообщаем слушателю о нем впервые. ilk kez bir dinleyiciyi bu konuda bilgilendiriyoruz.

We also use it with a noun being used Мы также используем его с существительным, которое используется Ayrıca bir isim kullanıldığında da kullanırız

in a description, в описании, bir açıklamada,

such as in sentence A как в предложении A

– It's certainly a lovely painting. - Это действительно прекрасная картина.

It's also used with noun being used in classifying ||||||||分类 ||||||||classifiant ||||||||분류하는 Он также используется с существительным, используемым для классификации

or defining, particularly in connection with a job, или определения, особенно в связи с работой, veya tanımlama, özellikle de bir işle bağlantılı olarak,

such as in sentence B как в предложении B

– John works as an engineer.

And finally, we use it when we talk about

a thing but do not wish or need to be specific, ||||||||||구체적인 вещь, о которой необходимо упомянуть, но не желаете или не нужно быть конкретным, ancak spesifik olmak istemez veya buna ihtiyaç duymaz,

such as in sentence C как в предложении C

– Do you have a pen? – У вас есть ручка?

Yes! In your face! Да! В твоём лице!

Oh, sorry my love. О, извини, моя любовь.

Are you, OK? Ты все в порядке?

I'm fine!

I'm fine!

Well, OK! Not to worry. Peki, tamam! Endişelenme.

You've got twenty more points each. У вас теперь по двадцать дополнительных баллов каждый.

So, tell me Alfie. How did you two meet? Así que, dime Alfie. ¿Cómo os conocisteis? Итак, расскажи мне, Элфи. Как вы познакомились? Anlat bakalım Alfie. Siz ikiniz nasıl tanıştınız?

Well, we met at a party at university. Ну, мы встретились на вечеринке в университете. Üniversitedeki bir partide tanıştık.

It was nothing special. Except… Ничего особенного. За исключением…

well, ну,

our eyes met across a crowded room, наши глаза встретились в переполненной комнате, Gözlerimiz kalabalık bir odada buluştu,

and I was drawn to her like a magnet. ||||||||磁铁 ||||||||자석 y me sentí atraído hacia ella como un imán. и я был притянут к ней, как магнит. ve bir mıknatıs gibi ona doğru çekildim. 我像磁鐵一樣被她吸引了。

I knew then that she was the one for me. Я тогда знал, что она - моя единственная. O zaman onun benim için doğru kişi olduğunu anladım.

Oh, Alfie! I remember it well. О, Элфи! Я хорошо помню это. Oh, Alfie! Çok iyi hatırlıyorum.

He was such an attractive young fellow. Он был таким привлекательным молодым человеком. Çok çekici bir genç adamdı.

We danced all night. Мы танцевали всю ночь. Bütün gece dans ettik.

Of course, he's getting on a bit now. Por supuesto, ahora está un poco mayor. Конечно, ему уже немного лет. Tabii ki, artık biraz yaşlandı.

Doesn't have much stamina like he used to. У него уже не так много выносливости, как раньше. Eskisi kadar dayanıklı değil.

Yeah? Да?

Well you're not exactly a size six any more, are you? Bueno, ya no eres exactamente una talla seis, ¿verdad? Ну, ты уже не рост 40, вот да. Artık tam olarak 6 beden değilsin, değil mi?

Elephant britches. |culottes d'éléphant |pantaloni Слоновьи штаны. Fil pantolonu. Брюки слона. 大象褲。

My mother told me never to marry you! Моя мать говорила мне никогда не выходить за тебя замуж! Annem seninle asla evlenmememi söyledi!

Yeah? Well, you should have listened to her then! А? Ну, тогда тебе стоило выслушать ее! Öyle mi? O zaman onu dinlemeliydin!

I should've… |해야 했어 Мне следовало бы...

OK! OK! I'm sorry I asked… Хорошо! Хорошо! Извини, что спросил...

in a way. Как-то так.

Let's just put this all behind us and move on to Dejemos todo esto atrás y pasemos a Давайте просто оставим это все позади и перейдем к Tüm bunları arkamızda bırakalım ve

our last round. нашему последнему раунду.

Look at these words and tell me if they take Посмотрите на эти слова и скажите мне, если они занимают

a zero article or a definite article.




He's always too busy to call me at work. Он всегда слишком занят, чтобы звонить мне на работе. İşteyken beni aramak için hep çok meşgul oluyor.

Correct! Верно!

Home. Дом.


I'm not coming home! Я не иду домой!

Correct! Верно!

Dinner. Ужин.

Zero. Ноль.

You won't see me at dinner. На обед вы меня не увидите. Beni yemekte göremezsin.

Correct! Верно!


Whose dog? Чья собака? Kimin köpeği?

Your dog. Твоя собака.

Definite article. Определенный артикль. Kesin madde.

I'm keeping the dog! Я оставляю собаку! Köpek bende kalıyor! 我養狗!

Correct! Верно!

Bed. Кровать.


You won't find me in bed tonight. Ты не найдешь меня в постели сегодня ночью. Bu gece beni yatakta bulamayacaksın.

Correct! Верно!

Superlatives, for example, best. Превосходные степени, например, лучший. Örneğin en iyi gibi üstünlükler. Чудові, наприклад, найкращі.

She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. O başıma gelen en iyi şey.


Sun. Вс.

He's like the sun in the sky to me. Он для меня, как солнце на небе. O benim için gökyüzündeki güneş gibi.

Correct! Верно!



Life can be hard for some people. Жизнь может быть трудной для некоторых людей. Hayat bazı insanlar için zor olabilir.

She makes mine better. Она делает мою лучше. Benimkini daha iyi yapıyor.

Correct! Верно!

Last one.



We met at university. Nos conhecemos na universidade.

Hang on. Подожди. Bekle biraz.

Definite article. Определенный артикль.

I'll meet you at the university. Я встречу тебя университете.

Zero! At university!

Definite. At the university. Определённо. В университете. Kesin. Üniversitede.

OK, OK! Settle down. Хорошо, хорошо! Успокойтесь. TAMAM, TAMAM! Sakin ol.

Allow us. Leslie? Позвольте нам. Лесли? Bize izin ver. Leslie mi?

Excellent work! Отличная работа!

Many nouns have specific rules У многих существительных есть конкретные правила

as to which article to use. какой артикль использовать. hangi makalenin kullanılacağı konusunda.

We usually use the zero article when we talk about our Biz genellikle sıfırıncı maddeyi kendi ürünlerimizden bahsederken kullanırız.

homes, beds and meals, such as dinner. дома, кровати и еда, такие как ужин. evler, yataklar ve akşam yemeği gibi yemekler.

We also use it when talking about things in general, Мы также используем это, когда речь идет о вещах в общем,

such as life. например, о жизни.

We use the definite article with unique things, Belirli artikeli benzersiz şeylerle birlikte kullanırız,

such as the sun, superlatives, такие, как солнце, превосходные степени,

and nouns which are known to both speakers. и существительные, которые известны обоим собеседникам.

Finally, institutions such as hospitals, prisons, |||||监狱 |les institutions|||hôpitaux| ||||병원| Наконец, учреждения, такие как больницы, тюрьмы, Son olarak, hastaneler, hapishaneler gibi kurumlar, 最後,醫院、監獄等機構

and universities can often be either. |대학|||| и университеты могут быть и то, и другое.

If we are in the hospital, it describes the place. Если мы находимся в больнице, это описывает место.

But if we are in hospital, we are probably injured. Но если мы находимся в больнице, вероятно, мы травмированы. 但如果我們在醫院,我們可能會受傷。

There you go. Всё верно.

So you're both right in a way! Так что, в какой-то степени вы оба правы!

No, I'm right! Нет, я прав!

No, I'm right!

OK, OK! Enough!

Just stop for a second and take some advice. Просто остановись на секунду и прими некоторые советы.

See, I was married once. Вот, я был женат однажды.

They were some of the happiest, Eran de los más felices, Они были одними из самых счастливых, Onlar en mutlu olanlardan bazılarıydı,

and saddest years of my life… |最悲惨的|||| Самые грустные годы моей жизни... ve hayatımın en hüzünlü yılları.

but that was such a long time ago. но это было так давно. ama bu çok uzun zaman önceydi.

Now, take a deep breath. Теперь делай глубокий вдох. Şimdi derin bir nefes al.

And look into each other's eyes. И глядим друг другу в глаза. Ve birbirinizin gözlerinin içine bakın.

Your eyes! Твои глаза!

I'd forgotten how beautiful they are. Я забыл, насколько они красивы. Ne kadar güzel olduklarını unutmuşum.

We were fools to argue. Let's never argue again! ||imbéciles|||||| Fuimos tontos al discutir. ¡No volvamos a discutir! Мы были глупцами, ссорясь. Давай больше никогда не ссориться! Tartışmakla aptallık ettik. Bir daha asla tartışmayalım! 我們都是傻子才去爭論。我們以後不要再吵架了!

Let's never say another word! Давай больше никогда не произносить других слов! Tek kelime daha etmeyelim!

Embrace me! ¡Abrázame! Обними меня! Sarıl bana!

Like a broken record, you are! Ты как сломанная пластинка! Bozuk plak gibi, öylesin! 就像破紀錄一樣,你就是!

Enough! Хватит!

For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, ||||||maladie||| На добро или на худо, в болезни и в здравии, İyi günde, kötü günde, hastalıkta ve sağlıkta, 無論好壞,無論疾病或健康,

till death do us part. até que a morte nos separe. до смерти нас разлучит. Ölüm bizi ayırana kadar. 直到死亡把我們分開。

It looks like we'll need two more contestants. Похоже, нам понадобятся еще два участника. Görünüşe göre iki yarışmacıya daha ihtiyacımız var.

Thanks for joining us. Спасибо, что присоединились к нам.

Say goodbye Leslie. Скажи до свидания, Лесли.

Tchauzinho, Leslie. Au revoir| 잘 가| Tchauzinho, Лесли.

See you next time. До встречи в следующий раз.