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The Grammar Show, 26- Should

26- Should

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

Run, run as fast as you can,

you can't catch me,

I'm the Grammar Gameshow man!

And of course let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight, we're going to ask you three questions about…


That handy modal so often used for advice!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello, all. My name's Bill.

And contestant number two?

Hello Will!

And hello, everyone at home.

It's so great to be here tonight!

I'm your contestant Sal!

Here for your viewing pleasure on the one, the only,

the spectacular,

Grammar Gameshow!

Well, goodness, Sal. That was quite an intro.

Isn't he fantastic? Let's give him a hand.

Thanks Will.

I used to host a game show myself

for many years.

And what great times they were.

An old hand, eh?


OK. Let's get going and don't forget,

you can play along at home too.

Like many modal verbs,

should has a variety of meanings.

Explain the use of should in these sentences.

Should I get the cheap one or the expensive one?

Well, that's should to

ask for advice or make a suggestion.


She's out but she shouldn't be much longer.

That's should for something probable or expected.


Everyone should wear a seat belt when driving.

Well, that's should for advice again.


Wow. You got that one spectacularly wrong.

Really nose over toes there!

Isn't he fantastic?

But a good TV host should never tell a guest

they've got something wrong without softening it first.

Just like this.


that was a fair guess, but you got it wrong. Bad luck.

But here's a high-five for trying.


Yes. Thank you Sal. I'll take that one under advisement.


Good job!

Or maybe wrong?

I forget now!

Anyway, should is a modal verb

meaning it doesn't change for person or time,

and is always followed by a bare infinitive.

It can be used to offer advice and make suggestions,

talk about probabilities based on what is expected

or logical

and refer to obligations -

such as, everyone should wear a seat belt when driving –

though it's not as strong as must.

Well done. Two points each.

Now it's time to..

Hold up a sec!

What a champion!

What poise! What precision!

But here's a quick note from someone who's

walked the walk before.

Why not try it like this.

Great play everyone, amazing performance!

Two points each!

OK Sal.

Nice idea.

I'll bear that one in mind.

Let's move on to round two.

Should is a modal verb and so has no past form.

How, then, can we use should in the past?

Don't we use

should + have + a past participle verb?


Well done, Bill. And for a bonus point,

what functional use does it have?

It's used to talk about

past actions that either were or weren't a good idea.


He got the bonus point!

Well done Bill!

You're a star!

Hit it!

You shouldn't have done that!


out of respect for a peer, I am going to let that one slide.

But that is your last warning.


Well done, Bill!

We can combine should with have and a past participle

to talk about actions that either weren't a good idea

or would have been, but didn't happen.

This is useful for criticising someone.

For example, you shouldn't have done that!

Or for talking about regrets. For example,

I should have listened to my mother more.

Well done, Bill.

You get the bonus point.

Hit it!

Oh f...

Well, that one's ruined now!

On to our last round.

The verb phrase had better is similar to should.

But there are some important differences.

Look at these sentences

and correct the ones which are wrong.

Both are followed by a bare infinitive.

Both can be used to give advice.

Both are the same degree of intensity.

Neither includes a sense of consequence.

C) is wrong.

Had better is more immediate and urgent than should.


I think D is also incorrect.

Doesn't had better include a sense of worry or danger

of negative consequence if the advice is not followed?


Tell them Leslie.

Leslie, my best buddy and pal!

My best buddy and pal.

Wow folks!

What a guy!

Should and had better have similar meanings.

Both are followed by a bare infinitive,

and both can be used to give advice.


had better is a little more immediate and intense.

When we use had better, there is an, often unspoken,

sense of a negative consequence

if the advice is not followed.

This also makes had better useful

when delivering threats.

For example, Sal,

you had better stop poking that bear with that stick.

Isn't he great folks?

Let's hear it for your favourite voice in the sky…

it's Leslie!

Alright, that's the conjunction that broke the syntax.

Bill you win.

The prize is a...

a boat or something.

And Sal?

Maybe you should try having a catchphrase.

Something like…



That's a little too long-winded for me!

Release the unsatisfied audience.

And Leslie? Do the...

goodbye bit.

Sawadee ka, Leslie!

There, see you next time!

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26- Should 26- Sollte 26- Should 26- Devrait 26- Dovrebbe 26- べきだ 26- Should 26- Moeten 26- Powinien 26- Deve 26- Должен 26- Olmalı 26- Повинні 26 - 应该 26-應該

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! Olá, bem-vindos ao Grammar Gamesshow de hoje!

I'm your host, Will! ||il tuo ospite| Eu sou seu anfitrião, Will!

Run, run as fast as you can, Corra, corra, o mais rápido que puder, Koş, koşabildiğin kadar hızlı koş,

you can't catch me, ||prendere| Du kannst mich nicht fangen, você não pode me pegar,

I'm the Grammar Gameshow man! Eu sou o cara do Grammar Gameshow!

And of course let's not forget Leslie, y|||||| E, claro, não vamos esquecer Leslie, Ve tabii ki Leslie'yi de unutmayalım,

our all-knowing voice in the sky. ||onnisciente||||cielo unsere allwissende Stimme im Himmel. nossa voz onisciente no céu. Gökyüzündeki her şeyi bilen sesimiz.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight, we're going to ask you three questions about…


That handy modal so often used for advice! ||verb form||||| |utile|||||| Das praktische Modal, das so oft für Ratschläge verwendet wird! That handy modal so often used for advice! Tavsiye için sıklıkla kullanılan şu kullanışlı modal! Цей зручний модал, який так часто використовують для порад!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants! |||||participants |||||concursantes

Hello, all. My name's Bill. Hallo an alle. Mein Name ist Bill. Herkese merhaba. Benim adım Bill.

And contestant number two? |participant|| |concursante||

Hello Will!

And hello, everyone at home.

It's so great to be here tonight!

I'm your contestant Sal! |||Sal |||저는 참가자 살입니다! ||concorrente|Sal

Here for your viewing pleasure on the one, the only, |||visionnage|||||| |||감상하시라고|||||| aquí|||visualización|||||| Hier zu Ihrem Vergnügen auf der einen, der einzigen Seite, Aquí para su disfrute en el único, İşte tek ve biricik izleme zevkiniz için, 在這裡為您帶來唯一、唯一的觀賞樂趣,

the spectacular, |장관의 muhteşem, 壯觀的、

Grammar Gameshow!

Well, goodness, Sal. That was quite an intro. |||||||introduction |surprise or amazement|||||| |||||||소개 |buon Dio|||||| |sorpresa||eso|||| Bem, meu Deus, Sal. Essa foi uma introdução e tanto. Tanrım, Sal. Bu oldukça iyi bir girişti. 好吧,天哪,薩爾。這真是個介紹。

Isn't he fantastic? Let's give him a hand. Ist er nicht fantastisch? Helfen wir ihm auf die Sprünge. Harika değil mi? Ona yardım edelim. Хіба він не фантастичний? Давайте допоможемо йому.

Thanks Will.

I used to host a game show myself yo||||||| Eskiden ben de bir yarışma programı sunardım. Я сам колись вів ігрове шоу

for many years. viele Jahre lang. на протяжении многих лет. uzun yıllar boyunca.

And what great times they were. Und was für tolle Zeiten das waren. И какие это были прекрасные времена. Ve ne harika zamanlardı.

An old hand, eh? Ein alter Hase, was? Старая рука, а? Eski bir el, ha? Стара рука, так?

Great! Большой!

OK. Let's get going and don't forget, ALSO GUT. Los geht's und nicht vergessen, ХОРОШО. Пойдем и не забудем,

you can play along at home too. können Sie auch zu Hause mitspielen. вы можете играть вместе дома тоже.

Like many modal verbs,

should has a variety of meanings. sollte eine Vielzahl von Bedeutungen haben. 'nin çeşitli anlamları vardır.

Explain the use of should in these sentences. Bu cümlelerdeki should kullanımını açıklayınız.

Should I get the cheap one or the expensive one? debería yo||||||||| Soll ich die billige oder die teure Variante nehmen? Powinienem kupić ten tani czy ten drogi? Ucuz olanı mı yoksa pahalı olanı mı almalıyım? Чи варто купувати дешевий або дорогий?

Well, that's should to Nun, das sollte zu Peki, bu olmalı

ask for advice or make a suggestion. um Rat zu fragen oder einen Vorschlag zu machen. tavsiye isteyin veya bir öneride bulunun.


She's out but she shouldn't be much longer. ella está||||||| Sie ist außer Gefecht, aber sie sollte nicht mehr lange brauchen. Está fuera pero no debería estarlo mucho más. Ela está fora, mas não deve demorar muito. Dışarıda ama daha fazla kalmamalı. Вона вийшла, але це ненадовго. 她出去了,但應該不會待太久了。

That's should for something probable or expected. ||||||atteso Bu, olası veya beklenen bir şey için olmalıdır.


Everyone should wear a seat belt when driving. Araç kullanırken herkes emniyet kemeri takmalıdır.

Well, that's should for advice again. Yine tavsiyeye ihtiyacım var.


Wow. You got that one spectacularly wrong. |||||非常错误| |||||엄청나게| Wow! Da hast du dich aber gewaltig geirrt. Vay be. Bunu fevkalade yanlış anladın. Ого. Тут ти вражаюче помилився.

Really nose over toes there! |naso||dita dei piedi| de verdad|||| Da hat man wirklich die Nase vorn! Un naso davvero sopra le dita dei piedi! Gerçekten burnun parmakların üzerinde! Там дійсно ніс над пальцями ніг! 真的是鼻子高於腳趾!

Isn't he fantastic? Harika değil mi?

But a good TV host should never tell a guest ||||presentatore|||||ospite

they've got something wrong without softening it first. |||||adoucir|| |||||부드럽게 하기|| |||||ammorbidire|| |||||suavizándolo|| dass sie etwas falsch gemacht haben, ohne es vorher abzuschwächen. önce yumuşatmadan bir şeyleri yanlış anlıyorlar. вони зробили щось не так, не пом'якшивши це спочатку. 他們出了問題,卻沒有先軟化它。

Just like this.


that was a fair guess, but you got it wrong. Bad luck. |||||||hai indovinato|||| eso||||||||||| Doğru bir tahmindi ama yanlış anladın. Kötü şans. це було справедливе припущення, але ти помилився. Не пощастило. 這是一個合理的猜測,但你猜錯了。厄運。

But here's a high-five for trying. Ama denediğin için çak bir beşlik.


Yes. Thank you Sal. I'll take that one under advisement. |||||||||sous advisement |||||||||고려해볼게요 ||||||||in considerazione|considerazione |||||||||考虑中 |||||||||検討します |||||||||consideración Ja. Danke, Sal. Ich werde das in Erwägung ziehen. Sí. Gracias, Sal. Lo tendré en cuenta. Evet. Teşekkürler Sal. Bunu dikkate alacağım. Так. Дякую Сал. Я візьму це до уваги. 是的。謝謝薩爾。我會接受那個人的建議。


Good job!

Or maybe wrong?

I forget now!

Anyway, should is a modal verb Comunque|||||

meaning it doesn't change for person or time, Це означає, що вона не змінюється для людини або часу,

and is always followed by a bare infinitive. ||||||infinito nudo| ||||||infinitivo sin | і завжди супроводжується голим інфінітивом.

It can be used to offer advice and make suggestions, За допомогою нього можна давати поради та вносити пропозиції,

talk about probabilities based on what is expected ||概率||||| ||probabilités||||| ||확률에 대해||||| ||確率||||| говорити про ймовірності на основі того, що очікується

or logical

and refer to obligations - ve yükümlülüklere atıfta bulunun -

such as, everyone should wear a seat belt when driving – come||||||||| наприклад, кожен повинен пристібатися ременем безпеки під час водіння -

though it's not as strong as must. aunque no es tan fuerte como el mosto. Gerçi must kadar güçlü değil. хоча він не такий сильний, як повинен бути.

Well done. Two points each.

Now it's time to..

Hold up a sec! |||une seconde |||잠깐만! aspetta|||un attimo espera||| ¡Espera un segundo! Bir saniye bekle!

What a champion! ||campione

What poise! What precision! |优雅||精准 |équilibre||précision |eleganza|| ¡Qué elegancia||| |優雅さ|| Ne denge! Ne kadar hassas! Яка врівноваженість! Яка точність! 多麼泰然自若啊!多麼精確啊!

But here's a quick note from someone who's Ama işte size birinden kısa bir not Але ось невелика замітка від того, хто

walked the walk before. daha önce yürüdü. пройшов через це раніше.

Why not try it like this.

Great play everyone, amazing performance!

Two points each!

OK Sal.

Nice idea.

I'll bear that one in mind. |tenere a mente|||| Lo tendré en cuenta. Bunu aklımda tutacağım. Я буду мати це на увазі. 我會記住這一點。

Let's move on to round two.

Should is a modal verb and so has no past form.

How, then, can we use should in the past? O halde, geçmişte nasıl kullanabiliriz?

Don't we use

should + have + a past participle verb?


Well done, Bill. And for a bonus point, Aferin, Bill. Ve bonus puan için,

what functional use does it have? |fonctionnel|||| |기능적인|||| hangi işlevsel kullanıma sahip? яке функціональне призначення вона має? 它有什麼功能用途?

It's used to talk about Hakkında konuşmak için kullanılır Він використовується для того, щоб говорити про

past actions that either were or weren't a good idea. iyi bir fikir olan ya da olmayan geçmiş eylemler. минулі дії, які були або не були гарною ідеєю.


He got the bonus point! Bonus puanı aldı!

Well done Bill!

You're a star!

Hit it! ¡Dale| Vur!

You shouldn't have done that! ¡No deberías haber hecho eso! Bunu yapmamalıydın!


out of respect for a peer, I am going to let that one slide. |||||同事|||||||| |||||동료|||||||| |||||pari||||||||scivolare fuera|||||compañero|||||||| por respeto a un colega, voy a dejarlo pasar. Bir meslektaşıma duyduğum saygıdan dolayı bunu görmezden geleceğim. з поваги до однолітка, я замовчу це. 出於對同行的尊重,我會讓那個人溜走。

But that is your last warning. |||||avviso Pero esa es tu última advertencia.


Well done, Bill!

We can combine should with have and a past participle should ile have ve geçmiş zaman ortacını birleştirebiliriz

to talk about actions that either weren't a good idea ||||que||||| говорити про дії, які або не були гарною ідеєю

or would have been, but didn't happen. або мав би бути, але цього не сталося.

This is useful for criticising someone. ||||批评| ||||critiquer| ||||誰かを批判| Bu, birini eleştirmek için kullanışlıdır. 這對於批評某人很有用。

For example, you shouldn't have done that! |||||した| ||tú|||| Örneğin, bunu yapmamalıydın!

Or for talking about regrets. For example, ||||les regrets|| ||||Bedauern|| ||||rimpianti|| ||||遗憾|| ||||後悔|| ||||arrepentimientos|| Ya da pişmanlıklar hakkında konuşmak için. Örneğin,

I should have listened to my mother more. Annemi daha çok dinlemeliydim.

Well done, Bill.

You get the bonus point.

Hit it! 打它!

Oh f...

Well, that one's ruined now! |||台無しだ| bueno|||| Artık o da mahvoldu! 好吧,那個現在已經毀了!

On to our last round.

The verb phrase had better is similar to should.

But there are some important differences.

Look at these sentences

and correct the ones which are wrong.

Both are followed by a bare infinitive.

Both can be used to give advice.

Both are the same degree of intensity. ||||||intensité ||||정도|| Her ikisi de aynı yoğunluk derecesindedir. Обидва мають однаковий ступінь інтенсивності. 兩者的強度相同。

Neither includes a sense of consequence. |포함하다|||| İkisi de bir sonuç duygusu içermiyor. Жодна з них не включає в себе відчуття наслідків.

C) is wrong.

Had better is more immediate and urgent than should. verbo auxiliar|||||||| Daha iyi olsaydı, olmalıydıdan daha acil ve önemlidir. Had better - це більш негайне і термінове, ніж should.


I think D is also incorrect.

Doesn't had better include a sense of worry or danger Endişe veya tehlike hissi içermese iyi olur Не варто включати почуття тривоги або небезпеки

of negative consequence if the advice is not followed? Tavsiyeye uyulmaması halinde olumsuz sonuçların ortaya çıkma olasılığı nedir? негативних наслідків, якщо не дотримуватися порад?


Tell them Leslie.

Leslie, my best buddy and pal! |||레슬리, 내 절친이자 친구!|| Leslie|||amigo||amigo ¡Leslie, mi mejor amiga y compañera! Leslie, en iyi dostum ve arkadaşım!

My best buddy and pal.

Wow folks! Vay canına millet!

What a guy!

Should and had better have similar meanings.

Both are followed by a bare infinitive,

and both can be used to give advice.


had better is a little more immediate and intense. daha iyisi biraz daha ani ve yoğundur.

When we use had better, there is an, often unspoken, |||||||||non-dit |||||||||암묵적인 |||||||||暗黙の |||||||||no dicho Cuando utilizamos had better, hay un, a menudo tácito, had betterを使うとき、しばしば発言されない

sense of a negative consequence 感覚|||| 否定的な結果の感覚があります

if the advice is not followed. アドバイスに従わなかった場合。

This also makes had better useful これも「had better」を有用にする。 Це також робить їх більш корисними

when delivering threats. |发出| |livrant| |脅迫する際|脅迫 ||amenazas 脅威を伝える時。 tehditleri iletirken. при передачі погроз.

For example, Sal, 例えば、サル、

you had better stop poking that bear with that stick. ||||戳||||| ||||つつく||||| tú||||||||| será mejor que dejes de pinchar a ese oso con ese palo. その棒でそのクマをつつくのはやめた方がいいよ。 тобі краще припинити штовхати ведмедя палицею.

Isn't he great folks? 彼は素晴らしいでしょう、皆さん? Хіба вони не чудові люди?

Let's hear it for your favourite voice in the sky… 空の中のあなたのお気に入りの声に拍手を送りましょう… Давайте послухаємо ваш улюблений голос у небі...

it's Leslie!

Alright, that's the conjunction that broke the syntax. |||连词||||句法 |||||||syntaxe |||Konjunktion|||| |||접속사||||구문 구조 Pekala, sözdizimini bozan bağlaç buydu. Гаразд, це сполучник, який порушив синтаксис. 好吧,這就是破壞語法的連接詞。

Bill you win. Білл, ти виграв.

The prize is a... Приз - це...

a boat or something. човен чи щось таке.

And Sal?

Maybe you should try having a catchphrase. ||||||口号 ||||||phrase accrocheuse ||||||유행어를 가져봐. ||||||frase pegajosa Belki de bir slogan bulmayı denemelisin. Можливо, вам варто спробувати створити крилату фразу.

Something like…

waaah! wow! 와아!

Nope! Ні!

That's a little too long-winded for me! |||||啰嗦|| eso|||||extenso|| Bu benim için biraz fazla uzun oldu! Для мене це надто довго! 這對我來說有點太囉嗦了!

Release the unsatisfied audience. ||不满的| ||le public insatisfait| ||불만족한| Tatmin olmamış izleyicileri serbest bırakın. Відпустіть незадоволену аудиторію. 釋放那些不滿意的觀眾。

And Leslie? Do the...

goodbye bit. на прощання.

Sawadee ka, Leslie! Bonjour|madame| Sawadee ka, Leslie!|| 사와디 카, 레슬리!|카| hola|| Савадека, Леслі!

There, see you next time! There, see you next time!