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The Grammar Show, 25- Reported Speech

25- Reported Speech

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

And If it ain't broke,

don't fix it!

You know, I can't stand bad grammar.

And of course, let's not forget

Leslie, our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight, we're going to ask you three questions about…

Reported speech!

That he-said, she-said grammar

that's useful for gossip, rumour, hearsay and conjecture!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello, all. My name is Bill!

And contestant number two?

Hello, schnookums! I'm Nana Will!

Nana Will!

What are you doing here?

I haven't seen you since…

but that was such a long t…

I came to see how you're getting on, poppet.

Your mum tells me you're doing so well.

Are you wearing clean underwear?


Not cool!


Answer your nana right now!

Yes, Nana!

Clean-ish underwear, Nana.

Very good.

Aren't you going to introduce me to your little friend?

Nana Will this is Bill.

Bill this is Nana Will.

Leslie, Nana Will.

Nana Will, Leslie.

Hello, Nana Will.

Hello, Nana Will.

Can I get on now?

Yes, of course dear.

Who's stopping you?

OK. Let's get going and don't forget

you can play along at home too.

Our first round is a straight-up questions round.

What are the three most commonly used verbs

in reported speech grammar?



and ask.


Tell me one verb pattern for say, tell and ask.

Say something to someone.

Tell someone something.

Ask someone if or whether or question word.


Final question in this round.

Give me an example of say and tell.

No. I'll take this one, if you don't mind, dearie.

I remember when you were just a little sprite,

and we went to the zoo,

and we saw an ostrich for the first time.

And do you know what he said?

He said it was a big chicken!

He told me it was a big chicken!

Nana! Really?

Just answering the question, pumpkin.


Well done!

Reported speech is used to inform the listener

what was said by someone on a different occasion.

The three most common reported speech verbs are

say, tell and ask.

Say is commonly used without a personal pronoun

- Will said it was a big chicken -

while tell must be followed by one.

Will told Nana Will it was a big chicken.

Finally, ask is used in reported questions.

Ask can be followed by a pronoun and then if or whether

for a yes/no question,

or a question word for a question word question.

Good work, Bill. Have Fifteen points for you.

And, er, twenty points for Nana Will.

On to round two. Answer this.

What usually happens when to the tense of a sentence

when it changes from direct speech

to reported speech?

It usually gets rolled back one tense!


Well done. Let's have a practice, shall we?

I'll tell you the sentence,

and you give me the reported speech version.


I love my Nana.

He said he loved his Nana.


Who's been playing with my question cards?

It's a mystery dear.

Keep reading.

I wanted to be an elephant when I was a child.

He told me he had wanted to be an elephant

when he was a child.


I will always listen to Nana Will.

He said he would always listen to Nana Will.


Well, answer this one then!

One of those sentences does not need to have its

tense changed in reported speech.

Which one is it, and why?

It's the first one.

He said he loves his Nana.

This is because the situation hasn't changed

from when it was said.

It is still true.


Now, don't test me young man,

or I'll give you a smack on the botty bot-bot.


That's absolutely right.

When changing speech from direct to reported,

remember that the tense of the direct speech

should be rolled back one step towards the past.

For example, present becomes past,

and past becomes past perfect.

However, there are one or two exceptions.

Firstly, some tenses and verb types don't change,

such as the past perfect,

and verbs like would and could.

Secondly, if something which was said

is still true at the time of reporting,

no tense change is necessary.

This is also true if the reporting verb say or tell

is in the present tense.

Well done, you get 11.2 poi…

Oh, Will!

Before I forget, I brought you some milk.

Nana Will! You're not supposed to come ou…

Drink up, dear! Nana knows best!

Well done!

Let's move on to our final round.

Along with these tense changes…


she's gone to sleep!

OK, everyone let's…right.

Along with these tense changes,

certain subjective words

must also change when converted to reported speech.

Have a look at these sentences,

and tell me which words need to change.

He said “I'm here now.”

Yes, Bill?

He said he was there then.



I said “I got this last Tuesday.”

Yes, Bill?

You said you had got that the Tuesday before.



They said “We'll be there next year.”

Yes, Bill?

They said they would be there the year after.



Great stuff!

In speech, certain words such as pronouns,

place and time words

will be relative to that context.

Later, when these are transferred into reported speech,

they may need to change,

so be careful!

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points…

And the winner is…




Well done! Here's what you won!

Young man.

Blood is thicker than water.

I've combed your hair.

I've taken you to school.

I've even changed your nappy.

So, don't tell me I lost.

Nana! You're awake.

How wonderful.

And the winner is Nana!

Well done!

Here's what she's won!


a nice cup of tea!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for another prize.

And Bill...

sorry old pal. I can't play anymore.

Nana's orders.


I must have pushed the wrong button!

Unleash the ravages of time.


Did you just…

to your Nana!

Oh, don't worry.

She's tough as old boots, that one.

She'll be fine.

It's the animals that I feel sorry for.

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Nagaatti, Leslie

See you next time.

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25- Reported Speech 25- Berichtetes Referat 25- Discurso comunicado 25- Discours rapporté 25- Discorso riferito 25- 報告スピーチ 25- Mowa zależna 25- Discurso relatado 25- Докладная речь 25- Raporlanan Konuşma 25 - Звітна доповідь 25-报告演讲 25-報告演講

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! こんにちは、本日のGrammar Gameshowへようこそ!

I'm your host, Will! 私がホスト役のウィルだ!

And If it ain't broke, Y si no está roto, 壊れていないなら、 Ve eğer kırılmadıysa, 如果它沒有壞的話

don't fix it! Reparieren Sie es nicht! ¡no lo arregles! 直さないでくれ! Tamir etme!

You know, I can't stand bad grammar. Wissen Sie, ich kann schlechte Grammatik nicht ausstehen. No soporto la mala gramática. あのね、私は悪い文法に耐えられないんだ。 Знаете, я не переношу плохую грамматику. Biliyorsun, kötü dilbilgisine dayanamam. 你知道,我無法忍受糟糕的文法。

And of course, let's not forget Und natürlich dürfen wir nicht vergessen Y, por supuesto, no olvidemos そしてもちろん、忘れてはならないのが

Leslie, our all-knowing voice in the sky. Leslie, unsere allwissende Stimme im Himmel. Leslie, nuestra voz omnisciente en el cielo. レスリー、空からの全知全能の声。

Hello, everyone! Hola a todos. 皆さん、こんにちは!

Tonight, we're going to ask you three questions about… Esta noche, vamos a hacerle tres preguntas sobre... 今夜は、3つの質問をしてみよう。

Reported speech! ¡Habla! スピーチを報告した! Bildirilen konuşma!

That he-said, she-said grammar Esa gramática de él dijo, ella dijo... あの「言った」「言われた」の文法 O dedi, bu dedi grameri

that's useful for gossip, rumour, hearsay and conjecture! ||||谣言|||推测 ||||rumeur|rumeurs||conjecture |||||풍문||추측 |||||sentito dire||congettura que sirve para chismes, rumores, habladurías y conjeturas. ゴシップ、噂、伝聞、憶測に役立つ! dedikodu, söylenti, kulaktan dolma bilgiler ve varsayımlar için faydalıdır! це корисно для пліток, чуток, чуток і припущень! 這對於八卦、謠言、道聽途說和猜測很有用!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants! ¡VALE! ¡Ahora, conozcamos a nuestros concursantes! では、出場者を紹介しよう!

Hello, all. My name is Bill! こんにちは、僕はビルだ!

And contestant number two? 2番目の出場者は?

Hello, schnookums! I'm Nana Will! |亲爱的||| |mon petit||| |안녕, 자기야! 나는 나나 윌이야!||나나 윌| |tesoro||| ¡Hola, schnookums! ¡Soy Nana Will! シュヌーカムの皆さん、こんにちは! ナナ・ウィルです! Merhaba, schnookums! Ben Nana Will! 你好,史努庫姆!我是娜娜威爾!

Nana Will!

What are you doing here? ¿Qué haces aquí? ここで何をしているんだ? Ne yapıyorsun burada?

I haven't seen you since… No te he visto desde... あれから会っていない...。

but that was such a long t… |||così||| pero eso fue tan largo... しかし、それはとても長い時間だった。 ama bu çok uzun bir süreydi...

I came to see how you're getting on, poppet. ||||||||小宝贝 ||||||||petit(e) ||||||||귀여운 아이 ||||||||tesoro Ich bin gekommen, um zu sehen, wie du zurechtkommst, Süße. He venido a ver cómo te va, muñeca. 元気にしているか見に来たんだ。 Nasıl olduğunu görmeye geldim, tatlım. Я прийшов подивитись, як у тебе справи, лялько. 我是來看看你過得怎麼樣,寶貝。

Your mum tells me you're doing so well. Tu madre me ha dicho que lo estás haciendo muy bien. お母さんから、あなたはとても元気だと聞いている。 Твоя мама каже мені, що у тебе все добре. 你媽媽告訴我你做得很好。

Are you wearing clean underwear? ||||속옷 ¿Llevas ropa interior limpia? 清潔な下着をつけているか? Temiz iç çamaşırı giyiyor musun?

Nana! ナナ

Not cool! ¡No mola! クールじゃない! Hiç hoş değil!

Willikins! Willikins 윌리킨스! ウィリキンス Willikins!

Answer your nana right now! Antworte deiner Oma sofort!

Yes, Nana!

Clean-ish underwear, Nana. |à peu près|| |정도|| Saubere Unterwäsche, Nana. Ropa interior limpia, Nana. Temiz iç çamaşırı, Nana.

Very good.

Aren't you going to introduce me to your little friend? Willst du mich nicht deinem kleinen Freund vorstellen? ¿No vas a presentarme a tu amiguito? Beni küçük arkadaşınla tanıştırmayacak mısın?

Nana Will this is Bill.

Bill this is Nana Will. ビル......ナナ・ウィルです。

Leslie, Nana Will. レスリー、ナナ・ウィル

Nana Will, Leslie. ナナ・ウィル、レスリー

Hello, Nana Will.

Hello, Nana Will.

Can I get on now? 今すぐ乗れますか? Şimdi binebilir miyim? 我現在可以上嗎?

Yes, of course dear. ええ、もちろんよ。

Who's stopping you? Wer hindert Sie daran? ¿Quién te lo impide? 誰が止めるんだ? Seni kim durduruyor?

OK. Let's get going and don't forget DE ACUERDO. Pongámonos en marcha y no olvides

you can play along at home too. können Sie auch zu Hause mitspielen. también puedes jugar en casa. 家でも一緒に遊べるよ。

Our first round is a straight-up questions round. Unsere erste Runde besteht aus einer reinen Fragerunde. Nuestra primera ronda es una ronda de preguntas directas. 最初のラウンドは、ストレートに質問するラウンドだ。 İlk turumuz doğrudan soruların sorulduğu bir tur olacak. 我們的第一輪是直接提問。

What are the three most commonly used verbs ¿Cuáles son los tres verbos más utilizados? En sık kullanılan üç fiil nedir?

in reported speech grammar? ¿en la gramática del discurso reportado?

Say, Di,

tell dile a

and ask.

Correct! ¡Correcto!

Tell me one verb pattern for say, tell and ask. Nennen Sie mir ein Verbmuster für say, tell und ask. Dime un patrón verbal para decir, contar y preguntar. Bana söyle, anlat ve sor için bir fiil kalıbı söyle.

Say something to someone. Sagen Sie etwas zu jemandem. Dile algo a alguien. Birine bir şey söyle.

Tell someone something. Dile algo a alguien. Birine bir şey söyle.

Ask someone if or whether or question word. Jemanden fragen, ob oder ob oder Fragewort. Pregúntale a alguien si o si o pregunta palabra. Birine soru kelimesi olup olmadığını sorun.


Final question in this round. Última pregunta de esta ronda.

Give me an example of say and tell. Dame un ejemplo de decir y contar.

No. I'll take this one, if you don't mind, dearie. |||||||||亲爱的 |||||||||ma chérie |||||||||cara mia No. Me llevaré éste, si no te importa, querida. いや、もしよければ、これにするよ。 Hayır. Sakıncası yoksa bunu alacağım, tatlım.

I remember when you were just a little sprite, ||||||||petit esprit Ich erinnere mich, als du noch ein kleiner Kobold warst, Recuerdo cuando eras sólo un pequeño duendecillo, 君がまだ小さかった頃を覚えているよ、 Я помню, как ты был совсем маленьким, Küçük bir çocuk olduğun zamanları hatırlıyorum, Я пам'ятаю, коли ти був маленьким духом, 我記得當你還是個小精靈的時候

and we went to the zoo, |||||동물원에 갔어요 y fuimos al zoo,

and we saw an ostrich for the first time. ||||鸵鸟|||| ||||autruche|||| ||||그리고 우리는 처음으로 타조를 보았다.|||| und wir haben zum ersten Mal einen Strauß gesehen. ve ilk kez bir devekuşu gördük. 我們第一次看到鴕鳥。

And do you know what he said? ¿Y sabes lo que dijo?

He said it was a big chicken! ¡Dijo que era un pollo grande!

He told me it was a big chicken! ¡Me dijo que era un pollo grande!

Nana! Really?

Just answering the question, pumpkin. Ich beantworte nur die Frage, Kürbis. Sólo respondiendo a la pregunta, calabaza. 質問に答えただけだよ、パンプキン。


Well done!

Reported speech is used to inform the listener El discurso relatado se utiliza para informar al oyente 報告スピーチは聞き手に情報を伝えるために使われる Bildirilen konuşma dinleyiciyi bilgilendirmek için kullanılır

what was said by someone on a different occasion. was von jemandem bei einer anderen Gelegenheit gesagt wurde. lo que dijo alguien en otra ocasión. 別の機会に誰かが言ったことだ。 Birisi tarafından farklı bir vesileyle söylenen şey.

The three most common reported speech verbs are Los tres verbos más comunes son 最も一般的な3つの報告されたスピーチの動詞は次の通りである。

say, tell and ask. decir, contar y preguntar. 言う、伝える、尋ねる。

Say is commonly used without a personal pronoun Say se utiliza habitualmente sin pronombre personal Say は人称代名詞なしでよく使われる。 Say genellikle şahıs zamiri olmadan kullanılır say 通常不帶人稱代名詞使用

- Will said it was a big chicken - - Will dijo que era un gran pollo - - ウィルは大きなチキンだと言っていた。

while tell must be followed by one. während auf tell eine Eins folgen muss. mientras que tell debe ir seguido de uno. 一方、tellは1つ続かなければならない。 tell'in ardından bir tane gelmelidir.

Will told Nana Will it was a big chicken. Will sagte Nana Will, dass es ein großes Huhn sei. Will le dijo a Nana Will que era un pollo grande. ウィルはナナ・ウィルに大きな鶏だと言った。

Finally, ask is used in reported questions. Schließlich wird ask in Berichtsfragen verwendet. 最後に、askは報告された質問で使われる。 Son olarak, ask bildirilen sorularda kullanılır.

Ask can be followed by a pronoun and then if or whether Auf "Ask" kann ein Pronomen folgen und dann "if" oder "whether". Ask puede ir seguido de un pronombre y de if o whether askの後に代名詞を続け、ifやwhetherを続けることもできる。 За запитом може стояти займенник, а потім якщо чи чи

for a yes/no question, para una pregunta sí/no, на питання так/ні,

or a question word for a question word question. o una palabra interrogativa para una pregunta interrogativa.

Good work, Bill. Have Fifteen points for you. Buen trabajo, Bill. Tengo quince puntos para ti.

And, er, twenty points for Nana Will. Y veinte puntos para Nana Will.

On to round two. Answer this. A la segunda ronda. Contesta esto.

What usually happens when to the tense of a sentence Was passiert normalerweise, wenn die Zeitform eines Satzes Qué suele ocurrir cuando al tiempo de una frase 通常、文の時制が変わると何が起こるか? Bir cümlenin zamanına genellikle ne olur?

when it changes from direct speech wenn sie von der direkten Rede in die cuando pasa del discurso directo 直接話法から doğrudan konuşmadan değiştiğinde

to reported speech? a la comunicación? スピーチの報告に対して?

It usually gets rolled back one tense! Normalerweise wird sie um eine Stufe zurückgedreht! Suele retroceder un tiempo. 通常は1時制に戻される! Genellikle bir gerginlikte geri alınır!


Well done. Let's have a practice, shall we? Bien hecho. Hagamos una práctica, ¿sí?

I'll tell you the sentence, Te diré la frase,

and you give me the reported speech version. y tú me das la versión del discurso informado.


I love my Nana.

He said he loved his Nana. Dijo que quería a su Nana. 彼はナナが大好きだと言っていた。


Who's been playing with my question cards? ¿Quién ha estado jugando con mis tarjetas de preguntas? 私の質問カードで遊んでいたのは誰? Soru kartlarımla kim oynuyordu?

It's a mystery dear. Das ist ein Rätsel, meine Liebe.

Keep reading. Lesen Sie weiter.

I wanted to be an elephant when I was a child. De pequeña quería ser un elefante. 子供の頃は象になりたかった。

He told me he had wanted to be an elephant Me dijo que había querido ser un elefante 彼は象になりたかったと言っていた。

when he was a child. cuando era niño.


I will always listen to Nana Will. Siempre escucharé a Nana Will.

He said he would always listen to Nana Will. Dijo que siempre escucharía a Nana Will.


Well, answer this one then! Bueno, ¡contesta a esta entonces! O zaman buna cevap ver!

One of those sentences does not need to have its Einer dieser Sätze muss nicht mit seinem Una de esas frases no necesita tener su これらの文のうちの1つは、その文が持つ必要はない。 Одно из этих предложений не обязательно должно иметь свой

tense changed in reported speech. die Zeitform in der gesprochenen Sprache geändert. время изменилось в разговорной речи.

Which one is it, and why? ¿Cuál es y por qué? Hangisi ve neden?

It's the first one. Es la primera.

He said he loves his Nana.

This is because the situation hasn't changed Esto se debe a que la situación no ha cambiado なぜなら、状況は変わっていないからだ

from when it was said. de cuando se dijo. と言われたときから。

It is still true. Sigue siendo cierto.


Now, don't test me young man, No me pongas a prueba, jovencito,

or I'll give you a smack on the botty bot-bot. ||||||||屁股|| |||||coup|||fesses|fesses| ||||||||엉덩이|엉덩이| o te daré una bofetada en el bot-bot. さもないと、ボットボットを叩くぞ。 или я дам тебе по ботфорту. yoksa kıçına bir şaplak atarım. 不然我就給你一巴掌。


That's absolutely right. Así es.

When changing speech from direct to reported, Al cambiar el discurso de directo a reportado, 直接話法から報告話法に変更する場合、 Konuşmayı doğrudan rapor edilene değiştirirken,

remember that the tense of the direct speech 語句の語句の語句 doğrudan konuşma zamanını hatırlayın

should be rolled back one step towards the past. debe retroceder un paso hacia el pasado. 過去に向かって一歩後退すべきである。

For example, present becomes past, Por ejemplo, el presente se convierte en pasado,

and past becomes past perfect.

However, there are one or two exceptions. Sin embargo, hay una o dos excepciones.

Firstly, some tenses and verb types don't change,

such as the past perfect,

and verbs like would and could.

Secondly, if something which was said

is still true at the time of reporting, |||||||보고 시점에

no tense change is necessary.

This is also true if the reporting verb say or tell Esto también es cierto si el verbo informador decir o decir これは、報告動詞がsayやtellの場合にも当てはまります。

is in the present tense.

Well done, you get 11.2 poi… ||||points ||||포인트 よくやった。

Oh, Will!

Before I forget, I brought you some milk. Unutmadan, sana biraz süt getirdim.

Nana Will! You're not supposed to come ou… ¡Nana Will! No se supone que salgas... ナナ・ウィル出てはいけない... Nana Will! Dışarı çıkmaman gerekiyordu. 娜娜威爾!你不該來...

Drink up, dear! Nana knows best! 親愛的,喝吧!娜娜最清楚!

Well done!

Let's move on to our final round. Pasemos a la ronda final.

Along with these tense changes… Bu gergin değişimlerle birlikte...


she's gone to sleep! ¡se ha ido a dormir!

OK, everyone let's…right.

Along with these tense changes,

certain subjective words |主观| |subjectif| ある主観的な言葉 belirli öznel kelimeler 某些主觀詞語

must also change when converted to reported speech.

Have a look at these sentences, Echa un vistazo a estas frases,

and tell me which words need to change.

He said “I'm here now.” Dijo: "Ya estoy aquí".

Yes, Bill?

He said he was there then. Dijo que estaba allí entonces. 彼はその時そこにいたと言った。

Cor... Corps 코르


I said “I got this last Tuesday.” 私は「これは先週の火曜日に買ったんだ」と言った。 "Bunu geçen salı aldım." dedim.

Yes, Bill?

You said you had got that the Tuesday before. その前の火曜日、あなたはそれを手に入れたと言った。



They said “We'll be there next year.”

Yes, Bill?

They said they would be there the year after.



Great stuff! ¡Estupendo! Harika bir şey!

In speech, certain words such as pronouns, スピーチでは、代名詞のような特定の単語が使われる、

place and time words 場所と時間の言葉

will be relative to that context.

Later, when these are transferred into reported speech, ||||转述||| ||||transférés||| Daha sonra bunlar rapor edilen konuşmaya aktarıldığında,

they may need to change,

so be careful!

And that brings us to the end of today's ということで、本日はここまで。

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points…

And the winner is…


Yay! 야호!


Well done! Here's what you won!

Young man.

Blood is thicker than water. La sangre es más espesa que el agua. 血は水よりも濃い。 Кровь гуще воды. Kan sudan daha kalındır. 血濃於水。

I've combed your hair. |peigné|| |빗질했어요|| 髪をとかしたよ。 Saçını taradım. Я розчесав твоє волосся. 我已經幫你梳好了頭髮。

I've taken you to school.

I've even changed your nappy. ||||尿布 ||||couche ||||기저귀 Я навіть поміняв тобі підгузок. 我甚至給你換了尿布。

So, don't tell me I lost.

Nana! You're awake. 娜娜!你醒了。

How wonderful.

And the winner is Nana!

Well done!

Here's what she's won! 彼女が勝ち取ったものは以下の通りだ!


a nice cup of tea! güzel bir fincan çay!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for another prize.

And Bill...

sorry old pal. I can't play anymore. ||pote|||| すまなかった。もうプレーできないんだ。

Nana's orders. Les ordres de Nana| 나나의|


I must have pushed the wrong button!

Unleash the ravages of time. ||时间的摧残|| ||ravages du temps|| ||시간의 파괴|| 時の猛威を解き放つ。 Освободитесь от разрушительного действия времени. Zamanın tahribatını serbest bırakın. 釋放時間的破壞。


Did you just…

to your Nana!

Oh, don't worry.

She's tough as old boots, that one. 彼女は古いブーツのようにタフだ。 Она крепкая, как старые сапоги. O eski çizmeler kadar sert. 她就像那雙舊靴子一樣堅韌。

She'll be fine.

It's the animals that I feel sorry for. Мне жалко животных. 我為這些動物感到難過。

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Nagaatti, Leslie Nagaatti| 나가티, 레슬리|

See you next time.