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The Grammar Show, 19- Prepositions

19- Prepositions

Hello and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

And Will,

I am!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…


Those little but oh-so-important words

for talking about movement, place and time!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello, all.

My name's Sully.

And contestant number two?

It's nice to meet you.

I'm Liz.

Welcome to the Grammar Gameshow both of you.

Enjoy the experience…

it could be your last.


I said, let's get going fast!

And there's nothing suspicious about that!

Our first round is a quick-fire round.

Prepositions are often used to connect sentences

with a time word.

I'm going to tell you a time word,

and I want to know the preposition.

Here goes!

Four o'clock.

At four o'clock.



In 2016.



On Friday.



At night.



In the morning.



At Christmas.



Excellent work!

There are three basic prepositions of time.

‘At' is used for times of the day,

for example, at four a.m.

‘On' is used for days

such as ‘on Sunday', or ‘on Christmas day'.

‘In' is used for periods,

such as months, years and seasons.

But be careful,

some times are irregular,

such as ‘at night'.

There's nothing irregular about

what you do at night, Leslie.

We've all occasionally cried in a ball on the floor…

every night, right Sully?

What are you trying to say?


You just look like the type.


I said, make sure your answers are right!

And there's nothing suspicious about that.

Liz has six points,

but you only have three!

On to round two,

and this round is a picture round.

Look at the picture and tell me where each person is.

One point for every correct preposition.

He's in the pool.


But he's also at the pool.

Also, correct!

His finger's in his nose.


They're walking on the bridge.




Prepositions are used to describe

the positions of things to other things.

Words like ‘in', ‘on', ‘at' , ‘over' and ‘between',

among others,

tell us where things are or where they are moving to.

Unfortunately, English has a lot of prepositions

which need to be learned.

So study hard!

Well done Liz.

You did best there so you can have another

four-and-a-half points.

How are you doing?

To be honest, I'm just really thrilled to be here.

I never thought I'd get to go onto a quiz programme!

Nor did we!

Especially with that face!


I said, no more prepositions of place!

And there's nothing suspicious about that.

On to our third round.

Another group of prepositions is called

‘dependent prepositions'.

They are the ones which must follow a verb,

noun or adjective to connect them to a sentence.

Listen to these sentences

and tell me why each one is wrong.

She's always been good to speaking in public.


Good at speaking in public.


I take a lot of pride to working hard.


Pride in working hard.


You should never rely for other people.


Rely on people.



Good job!

Dependent prepositions are the prepositions which

follow a noun, verb or adjective

in order to connect it to a sentence.

‘Good at', ‘pride in', ‘rely on'.

Be careful though,

some words can have more than one preposition,

and the choice may determine the meaning.

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points…

and the winner is…

Liz with


Well done! Here's what you've won!

It's a

thumbs up!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for another prize.

And Sully, you managed to answer quite a few questions,

which surprised me because when I first saw you,

I thought you were incredibly stupid!


I said, I thought you were incredibly stupid!

Oh! Good!

That's what I thought you said.


Release the octopi!

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Au revoir, Leslie!

See you next time.

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19- Prepositions Präpositionen 19- Präpositionen 19- Prepositions 19- Preposiciones 19- Prépositions 19- Preposizioni 19- 前置詞 19- 전치사 19- Przyimki 19- Preposições 19- Предлоги 19- Edatlar 19- Прийменники 19-介词 19-介詞

Hello and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! Hola y bienvenidos al concurso de gramática de hoy.

I'm your host, Will! Ich bin||Gastgeber| ||presenter| 私がホスト役のウィルだ!

And Will,

I am! Ich bin!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie, ||||||Leslie Und natürlich, vergessen wir nicht Leslie, もちろん、レスリーも忘れてはならない、

our all-knowing voice in the sky. |||Stimme||| unsere allwissende Stimme im Himmel. 空に響く私たちの全知全能の声。

Hello, everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about… 今夜は3つの質問をしよう。

Prepositions. Präpositionen(1) Präpositionen. Edatlar.

Those little but oh-so-important words Diese kleinen, aber so wichtigen Wörter 小さな、でもとても大切な言葉。 O küçük ama çok önemli kelimeler

for talking about movement, place and time! |||Bewegung||| um über Bewegung, Ort und Zeit zu sprechen! 移動、場所、時間について語るために! hareket, yer ve zaman hakkında konuşmak için!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants! |||||Teilnehmer |||||participants オーケー!では、出場者を紹介しよう!

Hello, all.

My name's Sully. ||Sully |Mein Name ist|Sully ||설리입니다. 僕はサリー。 Benim adım Sully.

And contestant number two? |Und Teilnehmer Nummer zwei?|| 2番目の出場者は?

It's nice to meet you. 初めまして。

I'm Liz. |저는 리즈입니다. 私はリズ。

Welcome to the Grammar Gameshow both of you. お二人とも文法ゲームショウへようこそ。

Enjoy the experience… ||Genieße das Erlebnis その経験を楽しもう Aproveite a experiência... Deneyimin tadını çıkarın...

it could be your last. それが最後になるかもしれない。 bu senin sonun olabilir.

Pardon? Entschuldigung (1)

I said, let's get going fast! |||||schnell 早く行こう、と言ったんだ!

And there's nothing suspicious about that! |||verdächtig|| |||questionable|| |||sospetto|| |||疑わしい|| それに、何も不審な点はない! E não há nada de suspeito nisso! Ve bunda şüpheli hiçbir şey yok!

Our first round is a quick-fire round. ||||||schnell| |||||rapid|rapid succession| |||||速い|速攻| Nuestra primera ronda es una ronda rápida. 最初のラウンドは速攻だ。 İlk turumuz hızlı bir atış olacak.

Prepositions are often used to connect sentences |||||verbinden| 前置詞は、しばしば文と文をつなぐために使われる。

with a time word. を時間的な言葉で表現した。 bir zaman kelimesi ile.

I'm going to tell you a time word, これから時候の挨拶をしよう、 Sana bir zaman kelimesi söyleyeceğim,

and I want to know the preposition. ||||||Präposition (1) 前置詞を知りたい。 e eu quero saber a preposição. ve edatı bilmek istiyorum.

Here goes! さあ、始めよう!

Four o'clock. 4時だ。

At four o'clock. 4時だ。



In 2016.


Friday. Freitag

On Friday. |Freitag



At night.



In the morning.


Christmas. Weihnachten

At Christmas. |Weihnachten



Excellent work! Ausgezeichnete| 素晴らしい仕事だ! Mükemmel iş!

There are three basic prepositions of time. |||grundlegenden||| 時間の前置詞には基本的に3つある。 Üç temel zaman edatı vardır.

‘At' is used for times of the day, at」は1日の時間帯に使われる、 'At' günün saatleri için kullanılır,

for example, at four a.m.

‘On' is used for days オン」は日数

such as ‘on Sunday', or ‘on Christmas day'. come||||||| 日曜日に』とか『クリスマスの日に』とか。

‘In' is used for periods, ||||Zeiträumen ||||time intervals ||||期間 In」はピリオドに使われる、

such as months, years and seasons. |||||seasons of the year |||||季節 aylar, yıllar ve mevsimler gibi.

But be careful, ||vorsichtig しかし、気をつけてほしい、

some times are irregular, |||непостоянные |||unregelmäßig |||不規則な 不規則な時間帯もある、 bazı zamanlar düzensizdir,

such as ‘at night'. 'gece' gibi.

There's nothing irregular about イレギュラーなことは何もない Bu konuda düzensiz bir şey yok. 沒有什麼不規則的地方

what you do at night, Leslie. Geceleri ne yaptığını, Leslie. 萊斯利,你晚上做什麼?

We've all occasionally cried in a ball on the floor… ||gelegentlich||zu einer Kugel||zusammengekauert|||auf dem Boden |||wept|||||| ||時々||||||| Todos hemos llorado alguna vez hechos un ovillo en el suelo... 私たちは皆、ときどき床の上でボールになって泣いたことがある......。 Hepimiz zaman zaman yerde bir topun içinde ağlamışızdır. 我們偶爾都會在地板上哭成一團......

every night, right Sully? 毎晩だろ?

What are you trying to say? 何が言いたいんだ? Ne söylemeye çalışıyorsun?

Nothing! 何もない!

You just look like the type. |||||Typ Pareces de ese tipo. あなたはそういうタイプに見える。 Tam o tipe benziyorsun.


I said, make sure your answers are right! 私は、自分の答えが正しいことを確認するように言った! Cevaplarınızın doğru olduğundan emin olun dedim!

And there's nothing suspicious about that. |||verdächtig|| それに、何も不審な点はない。

Liz has six points, |||Punkte リズは6得点、

but you only have three! でも、あなたは3つしか持っていない!

On to round two, 第2ラウンドへ、

and this round is a picture round. |||||Bild| y esta ronda es una ronda de fotos. そしてこのラウンドは写真ラウンドだ。 ve bu tur bir resim turu.

Look at the picture and tell me where each person is. |||Bild(1)||||||| 写真を見て、それぞれの人がどこにいるか教えてください。 Resme bakın ve bana her bir kişinin nerede olduğunu söyleyin.

One point for every correct preposition. 正しい前置詞1つにつき1点。

He's in the pool. |||Er ist im Pool. 彼はプールにいる。


But he's also at the pool. しかし、彼はプールにもいる。

Also, correct! Ayrıca, doğru!

His finger's in his nose. |手指||| |doigt||| |possessive form||| |손가락이||| |Finger||| 指が鼻に入っている。 Parmağı burnunda.


They're walking on the bridge. |gehen||| Köprüde yürüyorlar.




Prepositions are used to describe ||||beschreiben

the positions of things to other things. şeylerin diğer şeylere göre konumları.

Words like ‘in', ‘on', ‘at' , ‘over' and ‘between',

among others, unter anderem|anderen tra cui| diğerleri arasında,

tell us where things are or where they are moving to. şeylerin nerede olduğunu veya nereye doğru hareket ettiklerini bize söyler.

Unfortunately, English has a lot of prepositions Leider|||||| 残念ながら||||||

which need to be learned. öğrenilmesi gerekenler.

So study hard!

Well done Liz.

You did best there so you can have another |hast gemacht|am besten|||||| Orada en iyisini yaptın, bu yüzden bir tane daha alabilirsin.

four-and-a-half points.

How are you doing?

To be honest, I'm just really thrilled to be here. ||||||兴奋||| ||||||ravie||| Um||ehrlich gesagt||||begeistert||| ||||||excited||| Para ser sincero, estoy encantado de estar aquí. Dürüst olmak gerekirse, burada olduğum için çok heyecanlıyım. 說實話,我很高興來到這裡。

I never thought I'd get to go onto a quiz programme! |||ich würde||||auf|||Quizshow |||||||to||| Bir yarışma programına katılacağımı hiç düşünmemiştim! 我從沒想過我會參加問答節目!

Nor did we! Auch wir nicht!|| negative inversion|| Nosotros tampoco. Biz de öyle!

Especially with that face! 특히 그 얼굴로!||| Besonders mit diesem Gesicht! Özellikle de bu yüzle!

What? Was?

I said, no more prepositions of place! Ich sagte, keine weiteren Ortspräpositionen! Eu disse, acabaram-se as preposições de lugar! Dedim ki, artık yer edatları yok! 我說,不要再用地點介係詞了!

And there's nothing suspicious about that. |||verdächtig|| E não há nada de suspeito nisso. Ve bunda şüpheli bir şey yok.

On to our third round.

Another group of prepositions is called

‘dependent prepositions'. 依赖的| abhängige| 前置詞の依存| 'bağımlı edatlar'. 「從屬介詞」。

They are the ones which must follow a verb, |||diejenigen|||||

noun or adjective to connect them to a sentence. ||Adjektiv(1)|||||| 名詞(1)||||||||

Listen to these sentences

and tell me why each one is wrong.

She's always been good to speaking in public.


Good at speaking in public.


I take a lot of pride to working hard. |||||Stolz||| |||||誇り||| Çok çalışmaktan büyük gurur duyuyorum. Я дуже пишаюся наполегливою працею.


Pride in working hard. Çok çalışmaktan gurur duymak. 以努力工作為榮。


You should never rely for other people. |||sich verlassen||| |||depend on||| |||頼る||| Nunca debes confiar en los demás. Asla başkalarına güvenmemelisiniz.

On. An.

Rely on people.



Good job! |gute Arbeit

Dependent prepositions are the prepositions which

follow a noun, verb or adjective

in order to connect it to a sentence. bir cümleye bağlamak için.

‘Good at', ‘pride in', ‘rely on'.

Be careful though, ||Sei aber vorsichtig.

some words can have more than one preposition, |||||||전치사

and the choice may determine the meaning. ||||déterminer|| ||||bestimmen|| ||||determinare|| ||||決定する|| ve seçim anlamı belirleyebilir.

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points… |zähle die|||

and the winner is… ||Gewinner|

Liz with


Well done! Here's what you've won! |||||gewonnen

It's a

thumbs up! Daumen hoch!| pollice su| Başparmaklar yukarı!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for another prize. ||||||Preis Başka bir ödül için oynayabileceğiniz yer.

And Sully, you managed to answer quite a few questions, |||hast es geschafft|||||| |||were able|||||| Ve Sully, pek çok soruya cevap vermeyi başardın, Sully,你成功回答了很多問題,

which surprised me because when I first saw you, |überraschte||||||| というのも、最初にあなたを見たときは驚いたからだ、

I thought you were incredibly stupid! ||||unglaublich| Senin inanılmaz derecede aptal olduğunu düşünmüştüm!


I said, I thought you were incredibly stupid!

Oh! Good!

That's what I thought you said. Ben de öyle dediğini sanmıştım. 我以為你就是這麼說的。


Release the octopi! ||les pieuvres Lass die Kraken frei!||die Kraken ||문어들을 풀어라! 放て||タコ ||Release the octopuses! Ahtapotları serbest bırakın!

It looks like we'll need another contestant. ||||||Teilnehmer

Thanks for joining us. ||dass Sie dabei sind|

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Au revoir, Leslie! |再见| Auf Wiedersehen|Auf Wiedersehen| 오|잘 가요| Au revoir, Leslie!

See you next time. Até à próxima.