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The Grammar Show, 18- Adjectives

18- Adjectives

Hello and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

It's all you've got!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…


Those useful words that put some

detail into our dialogue.

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello, all. I'm Stacey.

And contestant number two?

It's nice to meet you. I'm Charlene.

Welcome one and welcome all,

answer me right, or take a fall!

Anyway, let's move on to

round one.

This is a control round.

Answer the first question correctly,

and I'll ask you three more.

You must answer all three correctly to get any points.

True or false:

Adjectives always come before a noun.

Easy! True!

Wow, you seem very confident.

Remember, you must answer all three of the following

questions to get any points.

Bring it on, Willy.


I haven't been called Willy since…


that was such a long time ago.

Where is the adjective in this sentence?

He lives in a blue house.

The adjective is ‘blue'. It comes before the noun ‘house'.

Like I said!

Try this one.

The ferocious shark swam quickly.

'Ferocious' - adjective.

'Shark' - noun.

Adjective before noun,



Last one.

I feel happy.

The adjective is ‘happy'.

It comes before…



Would you like to answer this one?

‘Feel' is a linking verb

so it can connect with an adjective.

But the adjective comes after.


Well done!

Adjectives commonly go in two positions.

They can appear before the noun they are describing

or they can follow a linking verb,

such as: ‘become', ‘feel', or ‘be'.

Well done, Charlene.

You get all of Stacey's points.

Hey! That's not fair!

I answered three out of the four!



Well, when you put it like that.

10 points to Charlene and 20 to Stacey.

Hey! I see you!

Two can play at that game.

Carry on, Willsy!


I haven't been called that since…


that was such a long time ago.

OK, on to our next round,

and this will be quick-fire round.

Everybody knows that adjectives have an order.

Here are some adjectives.

I want to know what order they should go in.

The noun

is ‘suit'.



An old suit,




An old beige suit,




An old beige woollen suit,




An old beige American woollen suit,




A medium old beige American woollen suit,




Good job!

Though it is unlikely that you'll order so many adjectives

for one noun,

the order goes:







Though there are other types of adjectives

which do not feature in this list,

such as:

adjectives of opinion.

Excellent job!

Seriously, how hideous.

Who'd wear a suit like that?

Yeah! For once, I agree.

Just tacky, tacky, tacky

- on most people, but not on you Willsy!

Yeah, you've got the build to pull it off, Willy.

Yes. I thought so too.

Ten points each

and later you can tell me more things about


On to our third round

- and it's time to get extreme, ladies.


show me ‘extreme'!

Yeah, very nice!

Some adjectives are called ‘non-gradable' or ‘extreme'.

I'm going to give you an adjective

and you're going to give me the extreme version.



Willsy looks utterly delicious in his suit.


Oh you!


Everything you say is absolutely fascinating.


Stop, stop!

No, no, no! Don't stop!


The host of this show is totally stunning.


Well, this is unexpected.


Absolutely perfect!

Gradable adjectives can be made more or less

using words like ‘very' or ‘a bit'.

Non-gradable adjectives, however, are too strong.

You cannot be ‘a bit exhausted'.

In order to modify them, we need a stronger adverb

such as ‘absolutely',


or ‘utterly'.

Excellent work.

Here are twenty points each in mixed currency.

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

And the winner is…

Stacey! Well done!

Here's what you've won!


Will's favourite pair of shoes!

When did you get them?

And Charlene...

You did well, but not well enough I'm afraid.

But Willsy…

Here come the owls!

It looks like we'll need another contestant.


where are we going for dinner?


Fun and games aside,

you're a nice person,

but we're not even in the same league!


Hang on Charlene!

Sisters before misters!

Death before dishonour.


Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Do svidanya, Leslie!

See you next time.

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18- Adjectives 18- Adjektive 18- Adjectives 18- Adjetivos 18- Adjectifs 18- 形容詞 18- 형용사 18- Przymiotniki 18- Adjectivos 18 - Прилагательные 18- Sıfatlar 18 - Прикметники 18- 形容词

Hello and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! Salve e benvenuti al gioco grammaticale di oggi! 大家好,欢迎收看今天的语法游戏节目!

I'm your host, Will! Sono il tuo ospite, Will!

It's all you've got! ¡Es todo lo que tienes! È tutto quello che hai! Sahip olduğun tek şey bu!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie, E naturalmente non dimentichiamo Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky. la nostra voce onnisciente nel cielo.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…

Adjectives! Sıfatlar!

Those useful words that put some Quelle parole utili che mettono un po' di Bu yararlı kelimeler bazı

detail into our dialogue. diyaloğumuzda detaylar.

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello, all. I'm Stacey. |||Stacey |||안녕하세요, 여러분. 저는 스테이시입니다. Ciao a tutti. Io sono Stacey.

And contestant number two? E il concorrente numero due?

It's nice to meet you. I'm Charlene. ||||||Charlene ||||||만나서 반가워요. 저는 샬린이에요.

Welcome one and welcome all, Welcome one and welcome all, Benvenuti uno e benvenuti tutti, Biriniz ve hepiniz hoş geldiniz,

answer me right, or take a fall! answer me right, or take a fall! Rispondimi bene, o fai una caduta! Doğru cevap ver yoksa düşersin!

Anyway, let's move on to Comunque, passiamo a

round one. primo round.

This is a control round. Bu bir kontrol turu.

Answer the first question correctly, Rispondere correttamente alla prima domanda,

and I'll ask you three more. e ve ne chiederò altri tre. ve sana üç tane daha soracağım.

You must answer all three correctly to get any points. Per ottenere punti è necessario rispondere correttamente a tutte e tre le domande. Чтобы получить хоть какие-то очки, вы должны правильно ответить на все три вопроса. Herhangi bir puan almak için üçünü de doğru cevaplamalısınız.

True or false:

Adjectives always come before a noun. Sıfatlar her zaman bir isimden önce gelir.

Easy! True! Facile! Vero!

Wow, you seem very confident. Wow, sembri molto sicuro di te. Vay canına, kendinden çok emin görünüyorsun.

Remember, you must answer all three of the following Recuerde que debe responder a las tres preguntas siguientes Aşağıdakilerin üçünü de yanıtlamanız gerektiğini unutmayın

questions to get any points. herhangi bir puan almak için sorular.

Bring it on, Willy. |||Willy |||윌리야, 덤벼. Fatti sotto, Willy. Devam et, Willy.


I haven't been called Willy since… Меня не называли Вилли с тех пор, как... O zamandan beri bana Willy demediler.


that was such a long time ago. è stato tanto tempo fa. Bu çok uzun zaman önceydi.

Where is the adjective in this sentence? Bu cümlede sıfat nerede?

He lives in a blue house. Mavi bir evde yaşıyor.

The adjective is ‘blue'. It comes before the noun ‘house'. L'aggettivo è "blu". Viene prima del sostantivo "casa".

Like I said! Come ho detto! Dediğim gibi!

Try this one. Provate questo. Bunu dene.

The ferocious shark swam quickly. |féroce||| |агрессивная||| |사나운||| Vahşi köpekbalığı hızla yüzdü. Люта акула швидко попливла. 兇猛的鯊魚游得很快。

'Ferocious' - adjective. 凶猛的|

'Shark' - noun.

Adjective before noun, İsimden önce gelen sıfat,

yawn! Yawn!


Last one.

I feel happy. Mi sento felice. Mutlu hissediyorum.

The adjective is ‘happy'.

It comes before… Viene prima...



Would you like to answer this one? Не хотите ли вы ответить на этот вопрос? Buna cevap vermek ister misiniz?

‘Feel' is a linking verb 'Hissetmek' bağlayıcı bir fiildir 「感覺」是連動詞

so it can connect with an adjective. böylece bir sıfatla bağlanabilir.

But the adjective comes after.


Well done!

Adjectives commonly go in two positions. |일반적으로|||| |comunemente|||| Sıfatlar genellikle iki konumda bulunur.

They can appear before the noun they are describing

or they can follow a linking verb, |||||连系动词|

such as: ‘become', ‘feel', or ‘be'. come ad esempio||diventare||| gibi: 'olmak', 'hissetmek' veya 'olmak'.

Well done, Charlene.

You get all of Stacey's points. ||||points de Stacey| ||||스테이시의|

Hey! That's not fair! |||giusto ¡Eh! ¡Eso no es justo! Hey! Bu hiç adil değil!

I answered three out of the four! Dört sorudan üçüne cevap verdim!



Well, when you put it like that. Ну, если так рассуждать. Şey, böyle söyleyince.

10 points to Charlene and 20 to Stacey. 10 очков - Шарлин и 20 - Стейси.

Hey! I see you!

Two can play at that game. Bu oyunda iki kişi oynayabilir.

Carry on, Willsy! ||Willsy ||윌시, 힘내!


I haven't been called that since…


that was such a long time ago.

OK, on to our next round,

and this will be quick-fire round.

Everybody knows that adjectives have an order. Sıfatların bir düzeni olduğunu herkes bilir.

Here are some adjectives.

I want to know what order they should go in. Hangi sırayla gitmeleri gerektiğini bilmek istiyorum.

The noun

is ‘suit'. 'takım elbise'.



An old suit,



Beige. Beige Beige 베이지색.

An old beige suit, Старый бежевый костюм, Eski bir bej takım, 一套米色的舊西裝,



Woollen. Laine Вовняні. 羊毛。

An old beige woollen suit, ||米色|毛呢| |||낡은 베이지색 양모| |||wool| Eski bir bej yün takım, 一套舊的米色羊毛西裝,




An old beige American woollen suit, Eski bir bej Amerikan yünlü takım,




A medium old beige American woollen suit,




Good job!

Though it is unlikely that you'll order so many adjectives Bu kadar çok sıfat sipariş etmeniz pek olası olmasa da

for one noun,

the order goes:

size, boyut,

age, yaş,

shape, Şekil,

colour, Renk,

origin, kökenli, 起源,

material! 재료! Malzeme!

Though there are other types of adjectives

which do not feature in this list, Bu listede yer almayanlar,

such as:

adjectives of opinion. fikir sıfatları.

Excellent job!

Seriously, how hideous. ||hideux Cidden, ne kadar iğrenç. Серйозно, як огидно. 說真的,多麼可怕。

Who'd wear a suit like that? Qui porterait||||| ¿Quién se pondría un traje así? Kim böyle bir takım giyer ki?

Yeah! For once, I agree. ¡Sí! Por una vez, estoy de acuerdo. Evet! Bir kez olsun katılıyorum.

Just tacky, tacky, tacky |俗气|| |tacky|| Sadece yapışkan, yapışkan, yapışkan Просто липкий, липкий, липкий 簡直俗氣、俗氣、俗氣

- on most people, but not on you Willsy! - çoğu insanda, ama sende değil Willsy!

Yeah, you've got the build to pull it off, Willy. Evet, bunu başaracak yapınız var, Willy. 是的,威利,你已經有能力實現它了。

Yes. I thought so too.

Ten points each

and later you can tell me more things about


On to our third round

- and it's time to get extreme, ladies. - ve aşırıya kaçma zamanı, bayanlar.


show me ‘extreme'!

Yeah, very nice!

Some adjectives are called ‘non-gradable' or ‘extreme'. |||||可比较的|| |||||gradables|| |||||등급을 매길 수 있는|| Bazı sıfatlar 'derecelendirilemez' veya 'aşırı' olarak adlandırılır. Деякі прикметники називаються «неградуйованими» або «екстремальними». 有些形容詞被稱為“不可分級”或“極端”。

I'm going to give you an adjective

and you're going to give me the extreme version.



Willsy looks utterly delicious in his suit. ||assolutamente|||| Willsy está delicioso con su traje. Willsy takım elbisesinin içinde çok lezzetli görünüyor.


Oh you!


Everything you say is absolutely fascinating. ||||absolutamente| Söylediğiniz her şey kesinlikle büyüleyici.


Stop, stop!

No, no, no! Don't stop!


The host of this show is totally stunning. |||||||éblouissant |||||||아주 멋져요 |||||||straordinaria Bu programın sunucusu çok etkileyici. 這個節目的主持人真是太驚艷了。


Well, this is unexpected. Bu beklenmedik bir şey.


Absolutely perfect! Kesinlikle mükemmel!

Gradable adjectives can be made more or less Derecelendirilebilir sıfatlar az ya da çok yapılabilir

using words like ‘very' or ‘a bit'. 'çok' veya 'biraz' gibi kelimeler kullanarak.

Non-gradable adjectives, however, are too strong.

You cannot be ‘a bit exhausted'. 'Biraz bitkin' olamazsınız. 你不能「有點疲憊」。

In order to modify them, we need a stronger adverb Bunları değiştirmek için daha güçlü bir zarfa ihtiyacımız var

such as ‘absolutely',


or ‘utterly'. |completamente ya da 'tamamen'.

Excellent work. Mükemmel iş.

Here are twenty points each in mixed currency. İşte karışık para birimi cinsinden yirmişer puan.

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

And the winner is…

Stacey! Well done! Stacey! Aferin sana!

Here's what you've won!


Will's favourite pair of shoes! de Will|||| 윌의|||| Will'in en sevdiği ayakkabı!

When did you get them? Ne zaman aldın onları?

And Charlene...

You did well, but not well enough I'm afraid. İyi iş çıkardınız ama korkarım yeterince iyi değil.

But Willsy…

Here come the owls! |||올빼미들이 온다! |||gufi Baykuşlar geliyor!

It looks like we'll need another contestant. Görünüşe göre bir yarışmacıya daha ihtiyacımız var.


where are we going for dinner?

Whoa! 哇!

Fun and games aside, |||à part Eğlence ve oyunlar bir yana, 除了樂趣和遊戲,

you're a nice person,

but we're not even in the same league! ama biz aynı ligde bile değiliz! 但我們根本不在同一個層次!


Hang on Charlene! ¡Aguanta Charlene! Dayan Charlene! 堅持住夏琳!

Sisters before misters! ||兄弟 ||mecs ||남자들 ||ragazzi Sisters before misters! Сестри перед панами! 姐妹先於先生!

Death before dishonour. ||失去尊严 ||déshonneur ||불명예 Onursuzluktan önce ölüm. Смерть перед безчестям. 死在恥辱之前。


Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Do svidanya, Leslie! |再见| |Au revoir| |다시 만나요, 레슬리!|

See you next time.