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The Grammar Show, 17- Will

17- Will

Hello and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

Will Will be willing to let you win?

All will be revealed.

And of course let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…


That little modal verb that does so much!

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to!

Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello, all. I'm James.

And contestant number two?

It's nice to meet you. I'm Frank.

James and Frank?

Oh dear. It's my birthday and what I say goes!

Well… more than usual anyway!

So now you're

William, and you can be


Hey! You can't do that!

I love being called James!

Quiet, William!

You know, you remind me a lot of my uncle Wilbert.

Why? Did he stand up for himself too?

Oh no.

He mysteriously disappeared!

How about you Wilfred?

Any problems?

Not here!


Now that we're all ready, let's have our first question.

Like myself,

the modal verb ‘will' is a useful thing to have around.

Have a look at these sentences

and tell me what each use of ‘will' is.

Who wants to go first?

I will!

No, I will!

No, I will!


I will!

Guys, guys, guys!

You've got it all wrong!

I Will.

You William.

You Wilfred!

But if you can't decide, we'll use the buzzers.

Here we go.

It will rain tomorrow.

That's ‘will' as a future auxiliary verb for a prediction.


I'll have orange juice please.

That's ‘will' used for a decision

made at the moment of speaking.


Thanks for your help. I'll pay you back on Friday.

That's ‘will' used for a promise.


Are you hungry? I'll make you a sandwich.

That's ‘will' used as an offer to do something.


I'll kill you for this!

That's ‘will' used for a threat.



Well done.

‘Will' is a modal auxiliary verb,

which means it's always followed by a bare infinitive

and doesn't change to show person or time.

It has many uses including

future predictions,

future intentions,

instant decisions,

promises, threats,

and offers to help, among others.

Good job both of you.

Have forty-seven

-ty-six points.

On to round two.

True or false:

In the same way as the present simple,

‘will' can be used to describe

present habits and routines.


It is true!

Can you give me an example?

I've heard that

people will often not come home from this show.

And if anyone's going to disappear,

I would much rather it be James.

William! William!

Of course! Of course!


Well done,


‘Will' can be used to describe present habits

and typical behaviour,

just like the present simple.

I'll kill you for that!

Excellent use of ‘will' for a threat,

but minus ten points for going to the dark side

on my birthday…

just like Uncle Wilber!

He was a bit of a wet blanket too...

at first.

Wilfred, twelve points for you.

Our final question, then.

In some ways

‘shall' can be used as a substitute for ‘will',

but there are a few rules about its use.

Give me three of them.

We only really use ‘shall' with ‘I' and ‘we'.


That's one.

You can use ‘shall' to

ask someone's opinion when making an offer.

For example:

Shall I open the window?

Well done. One more.

The response to a question with ‘shall we' is

‘let's' or ‘let's not'.


Good stuff.

‘Shall' can be used to ask for advice

and make suggestions and offers.


‘shall' is usually only used with the pronouns ‘I' or ‘we'.

A common response to a suggestion with ‘shall we'

is ‘let's'.

‘Shall' is a little bit formal and a bit old-fashioned,

but it has its place!

Just like you, Leslie!

Trapped for all eternity wherever you are!


Three points to William.

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.


before we go…

let's play a party game!

It's my birthday after all.

How about...

musical podiums?

I'll play some music and you two switch places.

When the music stops,

we'll know who the winner is!

Are you ready?


Oh, I neglected to nominate which podium would lose.

Oh, well!

Release the seagulls.

And the winner is…


Oh, Leslie, what do I win?

It's a

birthday cake.

Oh, Leslie!

I thought you'd forgotten.

You really are a true friend.

Does that mean you'll invite me to your party?

But, that means I'd have to

let you out of your box in the sky.

I've invited your family though!

Say goodbye, Leslie.

An nyeong hee ge se yo, Leslie

See you next time.

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17- Will 17- Wille 17- Will 17- Volonté 17- Volontà 17- ウィル 17- 의지 17- Will 17- Vontade 17- Уилл 17- Will 17 - Вілл 17 - 威尔 17 - 威爾

Hello and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! ||||||¡Hola y bienvenidos al Concurso de Gramática de hoy! Olá e bem-vindos ao "Grammar Gameshow" de hoje!

I'm your host, Will! Sou o vosso anfitrião, Will!

Will Will be willing to let you win? ¿Estará Will dispuesto a dejarte ganar? Será que o Will está disposto a deixar-te ganhar? Will kazanmana izin verecek mi?

All will be revealed. |||rivelato Alles wird offenbart werden. Tudo será revelado. Her şey ortaya çıkacak. 一切都將揭曉。

And of course let's not forget Leslie, E, claro, não nos esqueçamos da Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky. a nossa voz omnisciente no céu.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about… Esta noite vamos fazer-lhe três perguntas sobre...

Will! Will!

That little modal verb that does so much! ||Verbo modal||||| Esse pequeno verbo modal que faz tanto! O küçük modal fiil çok şey yapıyor!

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to! Es ist mein Geburtstag und ich weine, wenn ich will! ¡Es mi cumpleaños y lloraré si quiero! É o meu aniversário e choro se me apetecer! Bugün benim doğum günüm ve istersem ağlarım!

Now, let's meet our contestants! ||||¡Ahora, conozcamos a nuestros concursantes! Agora, vamos conhecer os nossos concorrentes!

Hello, all. I'm James. Olá a todos. Chamo-me James.

And contestant number two? E o concorrente número dois? Peki ya iki numaralı yarışmacı?

It's nice to meet you. I'm Frank. É um prazer conhecer-vos. Chamo-me Frank.

James and Frank? James e Frank?

Oh dear. It's my birthday and what I say goes! Oh je. Es ist mein Geburtstag und was ich sage, gilt! Oh, vaya. Es mi cumpleaños y lo que yo digo se hace. Oh, meu Deus. É o meu aniversário e o que eu digo é válido! Ah canım. Bugün benim doğum günüm ve ben ne dersem o olur! 哦親愛的。今天是我的生日,我說什麼就說什麼!

Well… more than usual anyway! |||habitual| Nun... jedenfalls mehr als sonst! Bem... mais do que o habitual, pelo menos! Yani... her zamankinden daha fazla! 嗯……無論如何比平常更多!

So now you're

William, and you can be William, e tu podes ser William, ve sen de

Wilfred! 威尔弗雷德 Wilfred 윌프레드! Wilfred! 威爾弗雷德!

Hey! You can't do that! ||||eso

I love being called James! Bana James denmesine bayılıyorum!

Quiet, William! Silêncio, William! Sessiz ol, William!

You know, you remind me a lot of my uncle Wilbert. ||||||||||Wilbert ||||||||||윌버트 삼촌 Sabes, fazes-me lembrar muito o meu tio Wilbert. Biliyor musun, bana Wilbert amcamı hatırlatıyorsun. 你知道,你讓我想起了我的叔叔威爾伯特。

Why? Did he stand up for himself too? Und warum? Ist er auch für sich selbst eingetreten? ¿Por qué? ¿También se defendió? Neden? O da kendini savundu mu? 為什麼?他也為自己挺身而出嗎?

Oh no.

He mysteriously disappeared! |神秘地| |de manière mystérieuse| Ele desapareceu misteriosamente! Gizemli bir şekilde ortadan kayboldu! 他竟然神秘失蹤了!

How about you Wilfred? Peki ya sen Wilfred?

Any problems?

Not here! Not here! Burada olmaz!


Now that we're all ready, let's have our first question. Şimdi hepimiz hazır olduğumuza göre, ilk sorumuzu soralım.

Like myself, Benim gibi,

the modal verb ‘will' is a useful thing to have around. ||||||útil||||

Have a look at these sentences

and tell me what each use of ‘will' is. ve bana 'will'in her kullanımının ne olduğunu söyleyin.

Who wants to go first? İlk kim gitmek ister?

I will!

No, I will!

No, I will!


I will!

Guys, guys, guys!

You've got it all wrong! Lo has||||equivocado Her şeyi yanlış anladınız!

I Will.

You William. Sen William.

You Wilfred! Sen Wilfred!

But if you can't decide, we'll use the buzzers. ||||||||zumbadores Mas se não conseguirem decidir, usamos os apitos. Ama karar veremiyorsanız, zil seslerini kullanacağız.

Here we go.

It will rain tomorrow.

That's ‘will' as a future auxiliary verb for a prediction. Bu, bir tahmin için gelecekteki bir yardımcı fiil olarak 'will'.


I'll have orange juice please.

That's ‘will' used for a decision

made at the moment of speaking. konuşma anında yapılmıştır.


Thanks for your help. I'll pay you back on Friday. 感謝您的協助。週五我會還給你。

That's ‘will' used for a promise. Bu 'irade' bir söz için kullanılır.


Are you hungry? I'll make you a sandwich.

That's ‘will' used as an offer to do something. Bu 'will' bir şey yapma teklifi olarak kullanılır.


I'll kill you for this! Bunun için seni öldüreceğim!

That's ‘will' used for a threat. |||||minaccia |||||Amenaza Bu 'irade' bir tehdit için kullanılır. 這是用於威脅的「意志」。



Well done.

‘Will' is a modal auxiliary verb, 'Will' modal bir yardımcı fiildir,

which means it's always followed by a bare infinitive |||||||infinitivo sin conjugar|

and doesn't change to show person or time. ve kişiyi veya zamanı göstermek için değişmez.

It has many uses including ||||incluyendo Aşağıdakiler dahil birçok kullanım alanı vardır

future predictions, gelecek tahminleri,

future intentions, |意图 gelecek niyetleri, 未來的意圖,

instant decisions, Anlık kararlar,

promises, threats, |menaces

and offers to help, among others. ||||entre otros| ve diğerlerinin yanı sıra yardım teklifleri.

Good job both of you. ||ambos||

Have forty-seven

-ty-six points. ty|| 육|| -ty||

On to round two.

True or false:

In the same way as the present simple, Şimdiki zaman ile aynı şekilde,

‘will' can be used to describe

present habits and routines. mevcut alışkanlıklar ve rutinler.


It is true!

Can you give me an example?

I've heard that He oído que||

people will often not come home from this show. insanlar bu gösteriden genellikle evlerine dönemeyecekler.

And if anyone's going to disappear, ||quelqu'un va||| ||누군가가||| Ve eğer biri kaybolacaksa,

I would much rather it be James. |||piuttosto||| James olmasını tercih ederim. 我更希望是詹姆斯。

William! William!

Of course! Of course!


Well done,


‘Will' can be used to describe present habits 'İrade' mevcut alışkanlıkları tanımlamak için kullanılabilir

and typical behaviour, ve tipik davranışlar,

just like the present simple.

I'll kill you for that!

Excellent use of ‘will' for a threat, Tehdit için 'irade'nin mükemmel kullanımı,

but minus ten points for going to the dark side

on my birthday…

just like Uncle Wilber! |||comme l'oncle Wilber |||윌버 아저씨처럼!

He was a bit of a wet blanket too... También era un poco aguafiestas... O da biraz ıslak bir battaniyeydi... 他也有點濕了被子…

at first.

Wilfred, twelve points for you. Wilfred, sana on iki puan.

Our final question, then.

In some ways Bazı açılardan

‘shall' can be used as a substitute for ‘will', ||||||remplaçant||

but there are a few rules about its use. ancak kullanımıyla ilgili birkaç kural vardır.

Give me three of them. Bana üç tane ver.

We only really use ‘shall' with ‘I' and ‘we'.


That's one.

You can use ‘shall' to

ask someone's opinion when making an offer. Teklif verirken birisinin fikrini sorun.

For example:

Shall I open the window?

Well done. One more.

The response to a question with ‘shall we' is 'Yapalım mı' ile başlayan bir soruya verilen yanıt

‘let's' or ‘let's not'.


Good stuff. |cose buone İyi mal.

‘Shall' can be used to ask for advice 'Shall' tavsiye istemek için kullanılabilir

and make suggestions and offers.


‘shall' is usually only used with the pronouns ‘I' or ‘we'.

A common response to a suggestion with ‘shall we' Bir öneriye 'yapalım mı' ile verilen yaygın bir yanıt

is ‘let's'.

‘Shall' is a little bit formal and a bit old-fashioned, ||||||||||구식의

but it has its place! ama onun da yeri var!

Just like you, Leslie!

Trapped for all eternity wherever you are! |||éternité||| |||영원히 갇혀||| Intrappolato|||||| Nerede olursanız olun sonsuza dek kapana kısıldınız! 無論你身在何處,都會被永遠困住!


Three points to William.

And that brings us to the end of today's Ve bu da bizi bugünün sonuna getiriyor.

Grammar Gameshow.


before we go… Gitmeden önce.

let's play a party game! hadi̇ bi̇r parti̇ oyunu oynayalim!

It's my birthday after all. Ne de olsa bugün benim doğum günüm.

How about... 怎麼樣...

musical podiums? |音乐讲台 |scènes musicales |음악 연단 音樂講台?

I'll play some music and you two switch places. Biraz müzik çalacağım ve siz ikiniz yer değiştireceksiniz.

When the music stops,

we'll know who the winner is!

Are you ready?


Oh, I neglected to nominate which podium would lose. ||忘记||提名||讲台|| ||||nommer|||| ||||||연단|| ||trascurato|||||| Oh, me olvidé de nominar qué podio perdería. Hangi podyumun kaybedeceğini belirtmeyi ihmal ettim. 哦,我忘了提名哪個頒獎台會輸掉。

Oh, well!

Release the seagulls. ||海鸥 ||les mouettes ||갈매기를 풀어라. Rilascia||gabbiani Martıları serbest bırakın. 釋放海鷗。

And the winner is…


Oh, Leslie, what do I win? Leslie, ben ne kazandım?

It's a

birthday cake.

Oh, Leslie!

I thought you'd forgotten. Unuttun sanmıştım.

You really are a true friend. Sen gerçekten gerçek bir dostsun.

Does that mean you'll invite me to your party? Bu beni partine davet edeceğin anlamına mı geliyor?

But, that means I'd have to

let you out of your box in the sky. gökyüzündeki kutunuzdan çıkmanıza izin verir.

I've invited your family though! ||||anche se

Say goodbye, Leslie.

An nyeong hee ge se yo, Leslie |hello|s'il vous plaît|s'il te plaît|vous|yo| |안녕||계세요|계세요|안녕히 계세요, 레슬리| |ciao||||| An nyeong hee ge se yo, Leslie.

See you next time.