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The Grammar Show, 16- Present and Past Passives

16- Present and Past Passives

Hello and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

It's a short ‘I'...

less like 'sheep',

and more like 'ship'.

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…

Present and past passives.

That whodunnit verb form

that's made with ‘be' and a past participle.

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello all.

My name's Selene.

And contestant number two?

Contestant number two? Oh dear, it seems…

Hello, everyone.

My name is Mark.


You came back!

Of course!

What is a herd of stampeding elephants

compared to true love?

Wow! Mark!

This is a first!

Welcome back!

We really need to feed the elephants less.



Thanks, Will.

I'll never let us be separated again, my love.

Nor I, my…

elephant man.

Awww… isn't that cute?

I'll tell you what.

If you can both get through the episode without

making a single mistake,

I'll let you both go together.



Let's do it!

OK. Our first round is a quick-fire round.

Change these sentences into present or past passives.

Someone stole our car.

Our car was stolen.


People use buses every day.

Buses are used every day.


I peeled and sliced the onion.

The onion was peeled and sliced.


Selene loves Mark

Mark is loved by Selene.


Tell them Leslie!

The passive verb form is made using

‘be' and a past participle verb.

The object of the active sentence

is moved to the subject position

and the verb is transformed.

The tense applies to the ‘be' verb:

‘are' or ‘is' for present,

and ‘was' or ‘were' for past!

Good job, lovebirds!

Have 20 points!

On to our next question.

We use the passive form for many reasons.

Here are a few of them,

but one of them is incorrect.

Which one is it?

The action or object is more important than the subject.

We do not know who did the action.

The person who did the action is obvious.

The action or object is hypothetical or unreal.

… mutter... mutter…

I'm going to have to hurry you.

Trust me.

To the end of Earth and back.

The answer is




The passive verb form is only used for specific reasons,

mostly concerning how the speaker

views the object and the subject.

If they consider the object or action

to be more important than the subject,

or if the subject is unknown, or obvious,

they are more likely to use a passive structure.

Well done, lovebirds.


Control yourselves! Three points to both of you.

One more right answer, and you can leave together!

Here we go.

When using the passive,

we may wish to include the person doing the action.

This subject is known as the 'agent',


which preposition do we use to introduce them?

We use ‘by'.

For example:

My heart was captured by Mark.



it's not over yet!

Sometimes we also include the object

that was used to perform the action.

This is known as the 'instrument'.

Which preposition introduces it?

I don't know!

Nor do I.

I'm sorry…

we're not going to make it.

But at least we'll be together!

Will: How touching.

I can't let you drop like that!



The instrument is introduced using ‘with'.

The door was unlocked with a key!


That's right!

In a passive,

if you wish to introduce the person doing the action,

we use ‘by'.

To introduce a tool that they have used,

we use ‘with'

For example:

The elephants were defeated

by Mark

with his bare hands.

What a man.

Indeed, Leslie!

Well done both of you.

That brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

You've passed.

Here's what you've won!

It's an unmatched set of wedding rings!

I know something about love.


in all the cafes,

in all the worlds,

she had to walk into mine…

but that was such a long time ago.

Go on.


with our blessing.

Go on.

Hurry up.

We will drop you.

It looks like we'll need

two more contestants.


we'll see you again next week when…

I made it!

I'm alive!


You too?

We've really got to grease that tube!

How do you feel?

I feel...



We can only help one person a day…

today wasn't yours.

Loose the bats!

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Zàijiàn Leslie

See you next time.

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16- Present and Past Passives |||被动语态 |||passifs |||Passiv |||수동태 16- Gegenwarts- und Vergangenheitspassive 16- Presente y pasado pasivos 16- Passifs présents et passés 16- Presente e passato passivo 16- 現在と過去の受動態 16- 현재 및 과거 패시브 16- Czas teraźniejszy i przeszły 16- Passivo presente e passado 16- Пассивы настоящего и прошедшего времени 16- Şimdiki ve Geçmiş Edilgenler 16- Теперішній і минулий пасивні дієприкметники 16- 现在时和过去时被动语态 16 - 現在和過去的被動語態

Hello and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will! Ich bin dein Gastgeber, Will!

It's a short ‘I'... Kısa bir 'ben'...

less like 'sheep', meno||pecore menos como "ovejas", daha az 'koyun' gibi,

and more like 'ship'. |||coppia y más como "barco". ve daha çok 'gemi' gibi.

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…

Present and past passives. Şimdiki zaman ve geçmiş zaman edilgenleri. 現在和過去的被動語態。

That whodunnit verb form |谁干的|| |meurtrier|| |Krimi-Verbform|| |그 미스터리|| |giallo investigativo|| Esa forma verbal Şu whodunnit fiil formu That whodunnit 動詞形式

that's made with ‘be' and a past participle. 'be' ve geçmiş zaman ortacı ile yapılmış.

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello all.

My name's Selene.

And contestant number two?

Contestant number two? Oh dear, it seems… ||||oh je||

Hello, everyone.

My name is Mark.


You came back!

Of course!

What is a herd of stampeding elephants |||一群||奔跑的| |||||en furie| |||떼||우르르 몰려오는| |||gruppo||in fuga| Qué es una manada de elefantes en estampida İz süren fil sürüsü nedir? Що таке стадо тупітних слонів 什麼是一群狂奔的大象

compared to true love? gerçek aşkla karşılaştırıldığında?

Wow! Mark!

This is a first! Das ist ein Novum! Bu bir ilk!

Welcome back!

We really need to feed the elephants less. Filleri gerçekten daha az beslememiz gerekiyor. 我們確實需要少餵大像一些。



Thanks, Will.

I'll never let us be separated again, my love. Bir daha ayrılmamıza asla izin vermeyeceğim, aşkım.

Nor I, my…

elephant man.

Awww… isn't that cute? 아, 귀여워!||| ¿No es una monada? Awww... çok şirin değil mi?

I'll tell you what.

If you can both get through the episode without Si ambos pueden pasar el episodio sin Eğer bölüm boyunca ikiniz de

making a single mistake,

I'll let you both go together. Os dejaré ir a los dos juntos. İkinizin birlikte gitmesine izin vereceğim.



Let's do it!

OK. Our first round is a quick-fire round.

Change these sentences into present or past passives. Bu cümleleri şimdiki zaman ya da geçmiş zaman olarak değiştirin.

Someone stole our car. |ha rubato||

Our car was stolen.


People use buses every day. ||버스를|| İnsanlar her gün otobüs kullanıyor. Люди щодня користуються автобусами.

Buses are used every day. Otobüsler her gün kullanılmaktadır.


I peeled and sliced the onion. |剥皮||切片|| |épluchée|||| |||썰었어요|| |sbucciata||affettata||cipolla Soğanı soydum ve dilimledim. Я почистила і нарізала цибулю.

The onion was peeled and sliced.


Selene loves Mark

Mark is loved by Selene.


Tell them Leslie!

The passive verb form is made using |수동태||||| Edilgen fiil formu şu şekilde yapılır

‘be' and a past participle verb.

The object of the active sentence

is moved to the subject position

and the verb is transformed. ||||변형된다

The tense applies to the ‘be' verb: ||适用于|||| Zaman kipi 'be' fiili için geçerlidir:

‘are' or ‘is' for present,

and ‘was' or ‘were' for past!

Good job, lovebirds! ||小情侣 ||tourtereaux ||잘했어, 커플들!

Have 20 points!

On to our next question.

We use the passive form for many reasons.

Here are a few of them,

but one of them is incorrect.

Which one is it?

The action or object is more important than the subject. Eylem ya da nesne özneden daha önemlidir.

We do not know who did the action.

The person who did the action is obvious. Eylemi gerçekleştiren kişi bellidir.

The action or object is hypothetical or unreal. |||||假设的|| |||||가상의|| 動作或物體是假設的或不真實的。

… mutter... mutter… |嘟囔 ... mırıldan... mırıldan...

I'm going to have to hurry you. Ich muss Sie zur Eile antreiben. Seni acele ettirmek zorundayım. 我得催你快點。

Trust me.

To the end of Earth and back. Dünyanın sonuna kadar ve geri. 到地球的盡頭並返回。

The answer is




The passive verb form is only used for specific reasons, ||||||||특정한|

mostly concerning how the speaker |concernant|||

views the object and the subject.

If they consider the object or action

to be more important than the subject,

or if the subject is unknown, or obvious, ya da konu bilinmiyorsa veya açıksa,

they are more likely to use a passive structure. pasif bir yapı kullanma olasılıkları daha yüksektir.

Well done, lovebirds. Aferin, muhabbet kuşları.


Control yourselves! Three points to both of you.

One more right answer, and you can leave together!

Here we go.

When using the passive, Pasif kullanırken,

we may wish to include the person doing the action. eylemi gerçekleştiren kişiyi de dahil etmek isteyebiliriz.

This subject is known as the 'agent', Bu özne 'aracı' olarak bilinir,


which preposition do we use to introduce them?

We use ‘by'.

For example:

My heart was captured by Mark. |||завоевано|| Kalbim Mark tarafından ele geçirildi.



it's not over yet! Henüz bitmedi!

Sometimes we also include the object

that was used to perform the action.

This is known as the 'instrument'. 這被稱為“工具”。

Which preposition introduces it? Hangi edat onu tanıtır?

I don't know!

Nor do I. Ben de bilmiyorum.

I'm sorry…

we're not going to make it.

But at least we'll be together!

Will: How touching. Ne kadar dokunaklı. 威爾:多麼感人。

I can't let you drop like that! Böyle düşmene izin veremem!



The instrument is introduced using ‘with'. Enstrüman 'ile' kullanılarak tanıtılır.

The door was unlocked with a key! Kapı anahtarla açılmıştı!


That's right!

In a passive,

if you wish to introduce the person doing the action, eylemi gerçekleştiren kişiyi tanıtmak istiyorsanız,

we use ‘by'.

To introduce a tool that they have used, Kullandıkları bir aracı tanıtmak,

we use ‘with'

For example:

The elephants were defeated Los elefantes fueron derrotados Filler yenildi 大像被打敗了

by Mark

with his bare hands. ||naked| çıplak elleriyle. 徒手。

What a man.

Indeed, Leslie!

Well done both of you.

That brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

You've passed.

Here's what you've won!

It's an unmatched set of wedding rings! ||无与伦比|||| ||inégalé|||| ||unique|||| ||짝이 맞지 않는|||| Eşsiz bir alyans seti! 這是一套無與倫比的結婚戒指!

I know something about love. Aşk hakkında bir şeyler biliyorum.


in all the cafes, |||모든 카페에서 bütün kafelerde,

in all the worlds,

she had to walk into mine… benimkine girmek zorunda kaldı.

but that was such a long time ago. ama bu çok uzun zaman önceydi.

Go on.


with our blessing. ||祝福 ||bénédiction ||approval bizim onayımızla. 帶著我們的祝福。

Go on.

Hurry up.

We will drop you. Seni bırakacağız.

It looks like we'll need

two more contestants. iki yarışmacı daha.


we'll see you again next week when…

I made it!

I'm alive! Yaşıyorum!


You too?

We've really got to grease that tube! ||||润滑||管子 ||||||튜브 O tüpü gerçekten yağlamalıyız! Нам справді треба змастити ту трубку! 我們真的必須在那個管子上塗油脂!

How do you feel?

I feel...

invincibl… 无敌 invincible invincible 무적의… 無敵…


We can only help one person a day… Günde sadece bir kişiye yardım edebiliriz...

today wasn't yours.

Loose the bats! فضفاضة الخفافيش! Yarasaları bırakın!

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Zàijiàn Leslie au revoir| Tschüss Leslie| 잘 가요 레슬리| Goodbye|

See you next time.