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The Grammar Show, 14- The Past Perfect Tense

14- The Past Perfect Tense

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

The last document that ever matters!

And of course let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello everyone!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about…

The past perfect.

That useful tense using ‘had' and a past participle

for talking about the past that's past the past!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hi, Will. My name's Mark!

And contestant number two?

Hello, everyone. I'm Levington!

Welcome back, Levington.

Win this one,

and you'll be on a par with our last champion,



Where is she now?

Oh, don't worry about her.

She's squirreled away somewhere.

Ok. Let's get going

and don't forget

you can play along at home too.

Our first round is a find the mistake round.

Can you correct the mistake

in each of these sentences?

I didn't eat by the time I had left home.

I hadn't eaten by the time I left home.


When I had arrived home,

my sister already made lunch.

When I arrived home,

my sister had already made lunch.


I had woken up late

because I forgot to set my alarm clock.

I woke up late because

I'd forgotten to set my alarm clock.



Good job everyone!

The past perfect describes actions

that happened before the point in the past

that we are currently speaking about.

Once a time in the past has been set,

it allows us to go back for a moment

to a point before that.

Events in the past perfect

always take place before the past simple

or past continuous.

Well done! Have 23 points between you

to be divided according to the day of the week,

and the strength of your personality.

Let's have a bonus question.

Look at this sentence and tell me how the verb phrase

‘had had' should be pronounced.

I had had a shower.

Do it again.

I had had a shower.

Sorry…I didn't quite catch that.

Try closing one eye and pulling your lips back.

Had had?

One more time.

Maybe hold your arms above your head

Had had...had had?

One for luck!

Just lift your leg.

A little higher…

higher still.

Had had!?!

Totally wrong I'm afraid.

And your attempt to distract us

with your weird body movements

only makes things more embarrassing for you.

What a shame.


I had had a shower.

Well done!


When ‘had' is pronounced as an auxiliary verb,

it takes its weak form!

If the main verb is also ‘had',

we pronounce the first one weak

and the second one strong.

I had had a great time.

15 points for Levington.

On to question two!

The past perfect is formed with ‘had'

and a past participle verb,

but in which other grammatical structure

is the past perfect's form required?

It's got to be the past perfect continuous!

‘Had' plus ‘been' plus verbING

A swing...

and a miss there Levington.

Mark, would you like to give it a try?

No idea.

Are you sure?

If Levington had known the answer,

he would have got the points!

Third conditional!

It's a third conditional.


Well done!

The third conditional is used to talk about the

possible consequences of past events

that didn't happen.

Its formula uses the past perfect

in the conditional clause.

If + had + past participle,

would + have + past participle.

Well done!

If Levington had given me the answer,

I would have given him twenty points.

But for you?



On to our last question.

The past perfect can also be used to talk about

unrealised hopes.

In this case, its pronunciation changes significantly.


Isn't the auxiliary verb usually stressed

instead of unstressed?

Very good!

Can you give me an example?

I had intended to just do my best,

but now I want to beat Mya's record!

Good for you!

Mya was a lot more intelligent

than you are

…but people love an underdog!


Well done!

The past perfect is often used to express

unrealised hopes.

Those are things we wanted,

but didn't happen.

Verbs like ‘wish', ‘hope', ‘intend' and ‘want'

are common in this structure.

We also usually stress the auxiliary verb.

Well done Levington.

Six points for you.

I had hoped that I would be able to sleep

the whole night through by now…

but the dreams…



Don't leave papa!

Well, that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points.

And the winner is…


With fifty-twelve points.

Well done! Here's what you've won!

It's an expired lightbulb!

Very illuminating!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for another prize.

And Levington.

So close, but so far.

Even though you didn't win, did you do well?

Well, I had hoped…

Here come the crocodiles.

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye Leslie.

Auf Wiedersehen, Leslie.

See you next time.

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14- The Past Perfect Tense 14- Das Perfekt der Vergangenheit (Past Perfect Tense) 14- El pretérito perfecto 14- Le passé parfait 14- Il tempo passato perfetto 14- 過去完了形 14- 과거완료 시제 14- De voltooid verleden tijd 14- Czas przeszły doskonały 14- O pretérito perfeito 14- Прошедшее совершенное время 14- Geçmiş Zaman 14- Минулий доконаний час 14-过去完成时 14-過去完成式

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! ||||||juego de gramática 大家好,欢迎收看今天的语法游戏节目!

I'm your host, Will! ||anfitrión|

The last document that ever matters! ||마지막 문서||| ||documento|||importa El último documento que importa Önemli olan son belge! 这是最后一份重要的文件! 最後一份重要的文件!

And of course let's not forget Leslie, 当然,我们不要忘记莱斯利,

our all-knowing voice in the sky. 天空中我们无所不知的声音。

Hello everyone! 大家好!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about… 今晚我们将向您问三个问题……

The past perfect. Geçmiş zaman.

That useful tense using ‘had' and a past participle 'Had' ve geçmiş zaman ortacı kullanan bu kullanışlı zaman 使用“had”和过去分词的有用时态

for talking about the past that's past the past! Geçmişte kalan geçmiş hakkında konuştuğunuz için! 谈论已经过去的事!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hi, Will. My name's Mark!

And contestant number two?

Hello, everyone. I'm Levington!

Welcome back, Levington.

Win this one, Bunu kazan, 赢得这场比赛,

and you'll be on a par with our last champion, |||||||||冠军 |||||au même niveau||||champion |||||동등한 수준|||| |||||al nivel||||campeón y estarás a la altura de nuestro último campeón, ve son şampiyonumuzla aynı seviyede olacaksın, і ти будеш нарівні з нашим останнім чемпіоном, 你将和我们上一任冠军平起平坐, 你將會與我們上一屆冠軍平起平坐



Where is she now? Şimdi nerede o?

Oh, don't worry about her.

She's squirreled away somewhere. |藏起来|| |cachée|| |어딘가 숨었어|| |nascosta|| |escondida||en algún lugar Sie ist irgendwo versteckt. Está escondida en alguna parte. Она где-то спрятана. Bir yerlerde saklanıyor. Вона кудись зникла. 她躲在某个地方了。 她藏在某個地方了。

Ok. Let's get going

and don't forget

you can play along at home too. 你也可以在家玩。

Our first round is a find the mistake round.

Can you correct the mistake

in each of these sentences?

I didn't eat by the time I had left home. Cuando salí de casa no había comido nada. Evden çıkana kadar bir şey yemedim. Я не їв, коли вийшов з дому. 我离开家时还没有吃饭。

I hadn't eaten by the time I left home. |no había|comido|||||| No había comido cuando salí de casa. Evden çıkana kadar bir şey yememiştim. Я не їв, поки вийшов з дому.


When I had arrived home,

my sister already made lunch. Kız kardeşim öğle yemeğini hazırladı bile.

When I arrived home,

my sister had already made lunch. Kız kardeşim çoktan öğle yemeği hazırlamıştı.


I had woken up late ||일어났어요|| ||svegliato|| ||había despertado|| Geç uyanmıştım.

because I forgot to set my alarm clock. Çünkü çalar saatimi kurmayı unuttum.

I woke up late because Geç uyandım çünkü

I'd forgotten to set my alarm clock. |había olvidado||||| Tinha-me esquecido de pôr o despertador. Çalar saatimi kurmayı unutmuşum.



Good job everyone!

The past perfect describes actions

that happened before the point in the past que ocurrió antes del punto en el pasado geçmişte bu noktadan önce gerçekleşen

that we are currently speaking about. |||현재|| |||actualmente|| de la que hablamos actualmente. şu anda konuştuğumuz şey.

Once a time in the past has been set, Se ha fijado una hora en el pasado, Geçmişte bir zaman belirlendi, 一旦过去的某个时间被设定,

it allows us to go back for a moment nos permite volver atrás por un momento bir an için geri dönmemizi sağlar 它让我们回到过去

to a point before that. a un punto anterior. ondan önceki bir noktaya.

Events in the past perfect Mükemmel geçmişteki olaylar 过去完成时发生的事件

always take place before the past simple her zaman geçmiş zamandan önce yer alır

or past continuous. veya geçmiş zaman.

Well done! Have 23 points between you

to be divided according to the day of the week, ||dividido||||||| haftanın günlerine göre bölünecek,

and the strength of your personality. ||fuerza|||personalidad ve kişiliğinizin gücü. 以及你的個性的力量。

Let's have a bonus question. Bonus bir soru soralım.

Look at this sentence and tell me how the verb phrase

‘had had' should be pronounced. 'había tenido' debe pronunciarse. 'had had' şeklinde telaffuz edilmelidir.

I had had a shower. Me había duchado. Duş almıştım.

Do it again. Tekrar yap.

I had had a shower.

Sorry…I didn't quite catch that. ||||entendí eso| Özür dilerim... Tam olarak anlayamadım. 抱歉……我没听清楚。

Try closing one eye and pulling your lips back. |cerrando||||tirando||labios| Bir gözünüzü kapatıp dudaklarınızı geriye çekmeyi deneyin. 嘗試閉上一隻眼睛並將嘴唇向後拉。

Had had?

One more time. 再一次。

Maybe hold your arms above your head |||brazos||| Belki kollarını başının üstünde tutarsın 也许将手臂举过头顶 或許是將手臂舉過頭頂

Had had...had had?

One for luck! ¡Uno para la suerte! 祝你好运!

Just lift your leg. Sadece bacağını kaldır. 只要抬起你的腿。

A little higher… ||más alto Biraz daha yukarı. 高一點…

higher still. más alto| daha da yüksek. 還更高。

Had had!?!

Totally wrong I'm afraid. Korkarım ki tamamen yanlış. 恐怕完全錯誤。

And your attempt to distract us ||尝试||| ||||산만하게 하다| ||intento||distraer| Ve senin dikkatimizi dağıtma çaban 你试图分散我们的注意力 你試圖分散我們的注意力

with your weird body movements ||이상한|| ||strani|| ||extrañas|| garip vücut hareketlerinle 用你奇怪的身體動作

only makes things more embarrassing for you. sadece işleri senin için daha utanç verici hale getirir. 只会让你的事情更加尴尬。 只會讓事情變得更加尷尬。

What a shame. 真丢脸。 真丟臉。

Levington? 莱文顿?

I had had a shower.

Well done!


When ‘had' is pronounced as an auxiliary verb, 'Had' yardımcı fiil olarak telaffuz edildiğinde,

it takes its weak form! |||forma débil| ¡toma su forma débil! zayıf şeklini alır!

If the main verb is also ‘had', Eğer ana fiil de 'had' ise, 如果主动词也是‘had’,

we pronounce the first one weak |pronunciamos|||| ilkini zayıf telaffuz ediyoruz

and the second one strong. ve ikincisi güçlü.

I had had a great time. Harika vakit geçirmiştim. 我度过了一段愉快的时光。

15 points for Levington.

On to question two! Переходим ко второму вопросу!

The past perfect is formed with ‘had'

and a past participle verb, ve bir geçmiş zaman ortacı fiili,

but in which other grammatical structure ||||문법 구조| ||||gramatical| ancak diğer dilbilgisel yapıların 但其他语法结构

is the past perfect's form required? |||完成时|| |||parfait|| |||과거완료형의|| |||perfecto||requerida geçmiş zamanın biçimi gerekli midir? 过去完成时的形式有要求吗?

It's got to be the past perfect continuous! Geçmiş zaman olmalı!

‘Had' plus ‘been' plus verbING

A swing... |balançoire |columpio Bir salıncak. 鞦韆...

and a miss there Levington. ve bir ıska Levington. 还有一位莱文顿小姐。

Mark, would you like to give it a try? Mark, denemek ister misin? 马克,你愿意尝试一下吗?

No idea. 不知道。

Are you sure?

If Levington had known the answer,

he would have got the points! puanları alırdı!

Third conditional! Üçüncü şart! 第三个条件!

It's a third conditional.


Well done!

The third conditional is used to talk about the Üçüncü koşul, aşağıdaki durumlardan bahsetmek için kullanılır

possible consequences of past events geçmiş olayların olası sonuçları

that didn't happen. böyle bir şey olmadı.

Its formula uses the past perfect

in the conditional clause. şart cümlesinde.

If + had + past participle,

would + have + past participle.

Well done!

If Levington had given me the answer, Si Levington me hubiera dado la respuesta,

I would have given him twenty points. Yo le habría dado veinte puntos.

But for you? 但对你来说?



On to our last question.

The past perfect can also be used to talk about

unrealised hopes. 未实现的| non réalisées| 실현되지 않은| no realizadas|esperanzas no realizadas gerçekleşmemiş umutlar. 未實現的希望。

In this case, its pronunciation changes significantly. ||||||de manière significative ||||||de manera significativa Bu durumda telaffuzu önemli ölçüde değişir. 在这种情况下,它的发音会发生很大的变化。 在這種情況下,它的發音會發生很大的變化。


Isn't the auxiliary verb usually stressed |||||강조된다 ||verbo auxiliar|||acentuada Yardımcı fiil genellikle vurgulu değil midir? Чи не допоміжне дієслово зазвичай наголошується 助动词通常不是重读吗 助動詞不是通常重讀嗎

instead of unstressed? ||非重读 ||비강조된 ||no acentuada vurgusuz yerine? 而不是无压力? 而不是無壓力?

Very good!

Can you give me an example?

I had intended to just do my best, ||tenía la intención||||| Elimden gelenin en iyisini yapmaya niyetliydim, 我本想尽力而为,

but now I want to beat Mya's record! ||||||le record de Mya| ||||||미야의| ||||||de Mya|récord ama şimdi Mya'nın rekorunu kırmak istiyorum! 但现在我想打破 Mya 的记录!

Good for you! Молодец!

Mya was a lot more intelligent |||mucho más||inteligente Mya çok daha zekiydi. Mya 聪明多了

than you are

…but people love an underdog! ||||逆袭者 ||||outsider, perdant ||||약자 ||||desvalido ...ama insanlar mazlumları sever! …但人们喜欢弱者! ……但人們喜歡失敗者!


Well done!

The past perfect is often used to express |||||||expresar Past perfect genellikle şunları ifade etmek için kullanılır

unrealised hopes.

Those are things we wanted, Bunlar bizim istediğimiz şeylerdi,

but didn't happen. ama olmadı.

Verbs like ‘wish', ‘hope', ‘intend' and ‘want' ||deseo||||

are common in this structure. bu yapıda yaygındır.

We also usually stress the auxiliary verb. |||enfatizamos||| Ми також зазвичай наголошуємо на допоміжному дієслові.

Well done Levington.

Six points for you.

I had hoped that I would be able to sleep ||había esperado||||||| 我原本希望自己能睡着

the whole night through by now… bütün gece boyunca.. 到现在为止已经一整晚了……

but the dreams… ||sueños 但梦想……

Papa… papa papá 爸爸…

Papa… Папа…

Don't leave papa! Babamı bırakma! Не залишай папу! 别离开爸爸! 不要離開爸爸!

Well, that brings us to the end of today's 好了,今天的内容就到此结束

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points.

And the winner is…


With fifty-twelve points. С пятьюдесятью двенадцатью очками. Elli on iki puanla.

Well done! Here's what you've won!

It's an expired lightbulb! ||过期的| ||éteinte|ampoule électrique ||수명이 다한|수명이 다한 전구입니다! ||quemada|bombilla Son kullanma tarihi geçmiş bir ampul! Це прострочена лампочка! 這是一個過期的燈泡!

Very illuminating! |启发性强 |très éclairant |매우 유익해요! |iluminador Çok aydınlatıcı! 非常有啟發性!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for another prize.

And Levington.

So close, but so far. 如此接近,却又如此遥远。

Even though you didn't win, did you do well? Kazanamamış olsanız da iyi iş çıkardınız mı? 即使你没有获胜,你表现得还好吗?

Well, I had hoped… Şey, ummuştum... 嗯,我曾希望……

Here come the crocodiles. |||鳄鱼 |||les crocodiles |||여기 악어들이 온다. |||los cocodrilos İşte timsahlar geliyor. 鳄鱼来了。 鱷魚來了。

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye Leslie.

Auf Wiedersehen, Leslie. 안녕히|잘 가요| de nuevo|veremos| Auf Wiedersehen,萊斯利。

See you next time.