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The Grammar Show, 12- Relative Clauses 2

12- Relative Clauses 2

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will.

Could anything be more affirming?

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Good morning, everyone!

Today, we're going to be asking three questions about…

Relative clauses!

That useful grammar that allows you to modify a noun!

OK! Let's see how our contestants are doing!

Good morning!

You spent Saturday and Sunday locked up in our studio

due to last episode's lockdown. Lucky you!

There's nothing quite like a lazy weekend, is there?

I feel so refreshed.

How was yours?

So cold…

so hungry.

And contestant number two?

Please, I need a phone.

I haven't been home for days!

My family's going to be worried about me.

No, I'm afraid we block all mobile phone signals

in the studio

to prevent cheating.

Not to worry!

Nice to see you both again looking so well.

OK. Let's get going,

and don't forget you can play along at home too.

Question one.

We know that ‘who', ‘which', ‘that' and ‘whose'

can be used as relative pronouns.


relative adverbs ‘when' and ‘where' can also be used

for talking about places and times.

They can always be replaced

by a preposition and ‘which'.

Look at these sentences

and tell me how to replace ‘when' or ‘where'.

That was the day when I fell in love.

On which.

That was the day on which I fell in love.


This is the place where I found the money.

At which.

This is the place at which I found the money.


A bank is a place where you can withdraw money.

From which.

A bank is a place from which you can withdraw money.


That was the time when the train departed.

At which.

That was the time at which the train departed.




‘When' and ‘where' are relative adverbs

that describe places or times,

and that can be used in the same way

as ‘who', ‘which', ‘whose' and ‘that'.


'when' and 'where' can always be replaced

by ‘which' and a preposition.

The choice of preposition depends on the context,

so be careful!

Well done both of you!

Three points each.

On to question two.

We've just seen that sometimes

relative clauses have prepositions in them.

How does the position of the preposition

relate to the relative clause's formality?

The preposition can be in two positions

immediately before the relative clause

or at the end of the relative clause.


Well done!

The preposition can appear in two positions.

If it appears before the relative pronoun,

the sentence is more formal.

This is in a more written style.

If it is at the end of the relative clause,

the sentence is less formal.

This is more spoken.

Good job. Two points for you.

Let's have a quick-fire practice round, eh?

Look at these sentences

and tell me if they're formal or informal.

This is the hospital in which I was born.



There's the boy (who) I got the book from.



This is the medicine

(which) your friend can't live without.



She's the business person

from whom I learned everything.



And for a bonus point,

can you tell me why the last sentence was

even more formal?

Not only is the preposition before the relative pronoun,

but the speaker has used ‘whom',

which is an object form of ‘who' and is also formal.


Well done Kate!

‘Whom' is a relative pronoun used for people,

but only when they are the object of the relative clause!

It's quite formal and not spoken much,

but it looks nice in writing!

Well done Kate! 66 points for you.

It's time for our last question and then

you get to go home…

one of you anyway.

Question three.

The last relative pronoun ‘what'

can also be used in relative clauses,

but it is different.

Look at this sentence and tell me why.

A nice long holiday is what I need.

As a relative pronoun, ‘what' means ‘the thing which'.

A nice long holiday is the thing which I need.


Well done Levington.

‘What' can be used as a relative pronoun

to mean ‘the thing which'.

But unlike other relative pronouns,

which need or refer to a noun,

‘what' is the noun and relative pronoun combined,

so be careful!

Good job Levington, have…

a thousand points.

Well, that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points…

accounting for last show's points…

and the ones today…

and a bit of…

and carry the…

And the winner is


Well done!

Here's what you've won!

It's breakfast!

So tasty!


We'll see you next week,

where you can play for another prize.

And Kate,

you've been through quite an ordeal, eh?

Is there anything you want to say before…

Can I please just call my family?

They must be worried sick.

There's no mobile phone service

in the studio, I'm afraid

...to discourage cheating.

You understand.

Yes…I suppose…

Call forth the lightning.

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye, Leslie.

Sayonara, Leslie!

See you next time!

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12- Relative Clauses 2 12- Relativsätze 2 12- Las oraciones de relativo 2 12- بندهای نسبی 2 12- Clauses relatives 2 12- Clausole relative 2 12- 関係節 2 12- 상대 조항 2 12- Zdania względne 2 12- Cláusulas relativas 2 12- Относительные клаузулы 2 12- Bağıl Cümleler 2 12- Відносні речення 2 12-相关条款2 12- 相關條款 2 12- 相对从句 2

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! 大家好,歡迎收看今天的語法遊戲秀!

I'm your host, Will. 我是你的主人,威爾。

Could anything be more affirming? ||||réconfortant ||||to affirm ||||bestätigend ||||più rassicurante ||||肯定的 ||||afirmante Может ли быть что-то более утвердительным? Bundan daha onaylayıcı bir şey olabilir mi? 還有比這更肯定的嗎?

And of course, let's not forget Leslie, 當然,我們不要忘記萊斯利,

our all-knowing voice in the sky. ||knowing|||| 我們在天空中無所不知的聲音。

Good morning, everyone! 大家,早安!

Today, we're going to be asking three questions about… 今天,我們要問三個關於……的問題

Relative clauses! Bağıl tümceler! 关系从句!

That useful grammar that allows you to modify a noun! that|utile|la grammatica|quella|||||| Bir ismi değiştirmenize izin veren o yararlı dilbilgisi!

OK! Let's see how our contestants are doing! |||||Teilnehmer|| TAMAM! Bakalım yarışmacılarımız ne yapıyor! 好!让我们看看参赛者表现如何!

Good morning!

You spent Saturday and Sunday locked up in our studio |pasaste||||encerrado||||estudio You spent Saturday and Sunday locked up in our studio Cumartesi ve Pazar günlerini stüdyomuzda kilitli geçirdin. 你星期六和星期天都被锁在我们工作室里 你周六和周日都被關在我們的工作室裡

due to last episode's lockdown. Lucky you! |||上一集的||| |||dernier épisode||| ||||quarantine|| |||episode||| debido a|||episodio||| Geçen bölümdeki tecrit nedeniyle. Şanslısın! 由于上一集被封锁。你真幸运! 由於上一集的鎖定。幸運的你!

There's nothing quite like a lazy weekend, is there? |||||perezoso||| Нет ничего лучше ленивых выходных, не так ли? Tembel bir hafta sonu gibisi yoktur, değil mi? 没有什么比一个慵懒的周末更惬意了,不是吗? 沒有什麼比得上一個慵懶的周末了,不是嗎?

I feel so refreshed. |||精神焕发 |||refrescado |||rinfrescato 我感觉神清气爽。 我覺得神清氣爽。

How was yours? 你的怎麼樣?

So cold… 好冷…

so hungry. 太餓了。

And contestant number two? 還有二號選手?

Please, I need a phone. 请帮我一下,我需要一部电话。 拜託,我需要一個電話。

I haven't been home for days! Günlerdir eve gitmedim! 我好幾天沒回家了!

My family's going to be worried about me. |||||preoccupata|| |familia|||||| 我的家人會為我擔心的。

No, I'm afraid we block all mobile phone signals ||||||||señales ||||||||signals 不,恐怕我们会屏蔽所有手机信号 不,恐怕我們會屏蔽所有手機信號

in the studio 在工作室 在工作室

to prevent cheating. |prevenir|trampa académica hileyi önlemek için. 以防作弊。

Not to worry! Endişelenmeyin! 不用擔心!

Nice to see you both again looking so well.

OK. Let's get going, 好的。我們走吧,

and don't forget you can play along at home too. 別忘了你也可以在家裡一起玩。

Question one. 問題一。

We know that ‘who', ‘which', ‘that' and ‘whose' |know||who|quale|che||il cui 我們知道“誰”、“哪個”、“那個”和“誰的”

can be used as relative pronouns. can|verbo auxiliar||as|| ilgi zamiri olarak kullanılabilir. 可以用作關係代詞。

However, tuttavia 然而,

relative adverbs ‘when' and ‘where' can also be used ||||||also|| 'when' ve 'where' bağıl zarfları da kullanılabilir 也可以使用關係副詞“when”和“where”

for talking about places and times. |to talk|||| 談論地點和時間。

They can always be replaced verbo auxiliar|||| Her zaman değiştirilebilirler 它們可以隨時更換

by a preposition and ‘which'. bir edat ve 'hangi' ile. 通過介詞和“哪個”。

Look at these sentences 看看這些句子

and tell me how to replace ‘when' or ‘where'. ||||||quando||dove 並告訴我如何替換“何時”或“何處”。

That was the day when I fell in love. quella||il||quando|io|mi sono innamorato|| O gün aşık olduğum gündü. 那是我坠入爱河的那一天。

On which. Hangi konuda. 在哪。

That was the day on which I fell in love. ||||on|which|io|||


This is the place where I found the money. ||||dove|io|trovai|| Parayı bulduğum yer burası.

At which. 在哪。

This is the place at which I found the money. ||||where|at which|||| 这就是我发现钱的地方。


A bank is a place where you can withdraw money. ||||||||retirer| ||||||||abheben| a|una banca||a|un luogo|dove|||prelevare|denaro Banka, para çekebileceğiniz bir yerdir. 银行是可以取款的地方。 銀行是您可以提款的地方。

From which. da|quale

A bank is a place from which you can withdraw money. |||||||||retirar| |||||||||prelevare| ||||luogo|da|||||


That was the time when the train departed. |||||||parti |||||||abfuhr |||||||partì Trenin kalkış saatiydi. 这正是火车出发的时间。 那時正是火車出發的時間。

At which.

That was the time at which the train departed. ||||||||出发 ||||||||salió



Excellent! Mükemmel!

‘When' and ‘where' are relative adverbs 'Ne zaman' ve 'nerede' göreceli zarflardır “何时”和“何地”是关系副词

that describe places or times, yerleri veya zamanları tanımlar,

and that can be used in the same way

as ‘who', ‘which', ‘whose' and ‘that'. |who|which|whose||that 如‘谁’,‘哪个’,‘谁的’和‘那’。


'when' and 'where' can always be replaced

by ‘which' and a preposition. 'which' ve bir edat tarafından.

The choice of preposition depends on the context, |||||||contexto Edat seçimi bağlama göre değişir,

so be careful!

Well done both of you!

Three points each.

On to question two. İkinci soruya geçelim.

We've just seen that sometimes Gördük ki bazen

relative clauses have prepositions in them. В относительных клаузах присутствуют предлоги. İlgi cümleciklerinin içinde edatlar vardır.

How does the position of the preposition Edatın konumu nasıldır? 介詞的位置如何

relate to the relative clause's formality? ||||从句的|正式性 ||||de la clause| ||||Relativsatz| ||||de la cláusula|formalidad ||||of the relative clause|formality ilgili cümlenin resmiyetiyle ilişkili midir? 与关系从句的形式有关吗? 與關係子句的形式有關嗎?

The preposition can be in two positions ||||||位置 介詞可以在兩個位置

immediately before the relative clause ||||clausola ilgili cümlenin hemen öncesinde 紧接在关系从句之前 關係從句之前

or at the end of the relative clause. veya ilgili cümlenin sonunda.

Leslie? 萊斯利?

Well done! 做得好!

The preposition can appear in two positions. |||aparece|||posiciones Edat iki konumda görünebilir. 介詞可以出現在兩個位置。

If it appears before the relative pronoun, 如果它出現在關係代詞之前,

the sentence is more formal.

This is in a more written style. Bu daha yazılı bir tarzda. 這是一種更書面的風格。

If it is at the end of the relative clause, 如果它在關係從句的末尾,

the sentence is less formal. 這句話不太正式。

This is more spoken. |||más hablado Bu daha çok konuşuluyor. 這個說的比較多。

Good job. Two points for you. 好工作。給你兩點。

Let's have a quick-fire practice round, eh? 讓我們進行快速練習,嗯?

Look at these sentences 看看這些句子

and tell me if they're formal or informal. 並告訴我他們是正式的還是非正式的。

This is the hospital in which I was born.

Formal. 正式的。


There's the boy (who) I got the book from. İşte kitabı aldığım çocuk. 我从那个男孩那儿得到了这本书。 我從那個男孩那裡得到了這本書。



This is the medicine 這是藥

(which) your friend can't live without. (Arkadaşınız onsuz yaşayamaz. (which) 你的朋友離不開它。

Informal. 非正式的。


She's the business person lei|||persona O bir iş adamı. 她是商人

from whom I learned everything. |quien||| |da chi||ho imparato|everything Her şeyi ondan öğrendim. 我从他那里学到了一切。 我從他那裡學到了一切。

Formal. 正式的。

Correct! 正確的!

And for a bonus point, 為了獲得獎勵積分,

can you tell me why the last sentence was 你能告訴我為什麼最後一句話是

even more formal? 更加正式? 更正式?

Not only is the preposition before the relative pronoun, 关系代词前的介词不仅是 不僅是關係代詞前的介詞,

but the speaker has used ‘whom', 但演讲者使用了“whom”, 但說話者使用了“誰”,

which is an object form of ‘who' and is also formal. |||objeto||||||| 它是‘谁’的宾语形式,并且也是正式的。 這是'who'的賓語形式,也是正式的。


Well done Kate! 幹得好,凱特!

‘Whom' is a relative pronoun used for people, chi||||||| “誰”是用於人的關係代詞,

but only when they are the object of the relative clause! ||||||objeto||||

It's quite formal and not spoken much, 很正式,話不多,

but it looks nice in writing! 但它看起來很好寫!

Well done Kate! 66 points for you. ||Kate||| 幹得好,凱特! 66分給你。

It's time for our last question and then 現在是我們最後一個問題的時間

you get to go home… eve gideceksin. 你可以回家了…… 你要回家了……

one of you anyway. 无论如何,你们其中一个人。 反正你們中的一個。

Question three. 問題三。

The last relative pronoun ‘what' 最後一個關係代詞“什麼”

can also be used in relative clauses, 也可以用在關係從句中,

but it is different. 但它是不同的。

Look at this sentence and tell me why. 看看這句話,告訴我為什麼。

A nice long holiday is what I need. 我需要一个愉快的长假。 我需要一個愉快的長假。

As a relative pronoun, ‘what' means ‘the thing which'. 作为关系代词,“what”的意思是“那个东西”。 作為關係代詞,“what”表示“thing which”。

A nice long holiday is the thing which I need. 我需要的是一个愉快的长假。 一個愉快的長假是我需要的東西。

Leslie? 萊斯利?

Well done Levington. 幹得好萊文頓。

‘What' can be used as a relative pronoun '什麼'可以用作關係代詞

to mean ‘the thing which'. 'olan şey' anlamına gelir. 意思是“那個東西”。

But unlike other relative pronouns, ||||otros pronombres relativos Ancak diğer ilgi zamirlerinden farklı olarak, 但與其他關係代詞不同的是,

which need or refer to a noun, bir isme ihtiyaç duyan veya ona atıfta bulunan, 需要或指代名词, 需要或指稱名詞,

‘what' is the noun and relative pronoun combined, |||||||combinados 'what' isim ve ilgi zamirinin birleşimidir, '什麼'是名詞和關係代詞的組合,

so be careful! 所以要小心!

Good job Levington, have… 萊文頓幹得好,有……

a thousand points. 一千點。

Well, that brings us to the end of today's 好了,今天的內容到此結束

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points… 讓我們算出點數......

accounting for last show's points… 对上场比赛的|||| |||de la dernière émission| contabilidad|||del espectáculo| la contabilizzazione|||show| son şovun puanlarının muhasebesi.. 考慮到最後一場演出的分數……

and the ones today… ||los de hoy| 还有今天的…… 還有今天的那些……

and a bit of… ve biraz da... 还有一点…… 還有一點……

and carry the… |llevar| 並攜帶……

And the winner is 最終獲勝者是

Levington! 萊文頓!

Well done! 做得好!

Here's what you've won! 這就是您所贏得的!

It's breakfast! Kahvaltı! 是早餐!

So tasty! |délicieux |sabroso 很好吃!

Food! 食物!

We'll see you next week,

where you can play for another prize. dove|||||| 在那裡你可以玩另一個獎品。

And Kate, 還有凱特,

you've been through quite an ordeal, eh? |||||磨难| |||||épreuve difficile| |||||prueba difícil| |||||una dura prueba| Çok çetin bir sınavdan geçtin, değil mi? ти пройшов через важке випробування, еге ж? 你经历了相当艰难的时期吧? 你經歷了相當多的磨難,嗯?

Is there anything you want to say before… 在…之前你还有什么想说的吗? 之前有什麼想說的嗎……

Can I please just call my family? 我可以给我家人打电话吗? 我可以打電話給我的家人嗎?

They must be worried sick. Они, наверное, очень волнуются. 他们一定担心极了。 他們一定是擔心得要死。

There's no mobile phone service there is|||| 沒有手機服務

in the studio, I'm afraid 在工作室裡,我害怕

...to discourage cheating. |阻止| |décourager| |desalentar| |a disincentivare| ...hile yapmayı caydırmak için. ...防止作弊。

You understand. 你明白。

Yes…I suppose… 是的……我想…… 是的……我想……

Call forth the lightning. |||relámpago Вызовите молнию. Şimşeği çağır. 召唤闪电。 召喚閃電。

It looks like we'll need another contestant. 看來我們需要另一位參賽者了。

Thanks for joining us. Teşekkürler||| 感謝您加入我們。

Say goodbye, Leslie. 說再見,萊斯利。

Sayonara, Leslie! Auf Wiedersehen| adiós|

See you next time! 下次見!