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The Grammar Show, 11- Relative Clauses

11- Relative Clauses

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

But I'm no measure of intention!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight we're going to be asking you

three questions about…

Relative clauses!

That useful grammar

that allows you to modify a noun!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello, all.

My name's Levington!

And contestant number two?

Hi, it's nice to meet you.

I'm Kate!


Nice to see you again, Levington.

Let's get going, and don't forget

you can play along at home too.

Our first round is a quick-fire round.

Look at this picture, and complete the sentence

with the correct relative pronoun.

Here we go!

This is a guy _ spoke to me on the bus.


This is a guy who spoke to me on the bus.


These are the trees I planted last year.


These are the trees which I planted last year.


That is the lady _ I saw eating lunch.

'Who' again.

That is the lady who I saw eating lunch.


Here is the building is in the middle of town.


Here is the building which is in the middle of town.


Well done both of you!

And for a bonus point,

tell me in which of these sentences

can the relative pronoun ‘who'

or ‘which'

be replaced with ‘that'?

All of them!



Good job.

Defining relative clauses such as these

specify which noun we are talking about.

They use the relative pronouns ‘who' and ‘which'.

‘Who' is for people,

and ‘which' is for things.


in this type of relative clause,

both ‘who' and ‘which'

can always be replaced by ‘that'.

Just remember, it's a bit less formal.

Levington, four points for you. And Kate,

it's ladies' night at my favourite club

so eight points for you!

Why is that important?

Oh, Levington.

I see chivalry truly is dead.

I suppose you don't give up your seat to

a lady on the bus either.

Minus two points for you . No, no!

Question two.

In addition to ‘who', ‘that' and ‘which',

the relative pronoun ‘whose'

can also be used.

But why is ‘whose' different to ‘who', ‘which' and ‘that'?

Look at this sentence and tell me.

I have a friend whose car is a Ferrari.

‘Whose' is different because it describes a possession.

Unlike ‘who', ‘which' and ‘that',

it cannot be used without being followed by a noun.


Right again, Levington!

‘Whose' is a determiner, like ‘my' or ‘your'.

Despite being a relative pronoun,

it must be followed by a noun.

We cannot say,

'I have a friend whose is a Ferrari'.

It must be ‘whose car is a Ferrari'.

Well done, Levington.

However, this is a negative points round.

Minus six points to you.


I would graciously like to give my points

for this round to Kate.

That's very gentlemanly of you!

And because it's ladies' night,

all her points are increased,

so Kate,

Levington gives you 100 points!


It's time for our last question.

Look at these four sentences and tell me

in which two the relative pronoun can be left out.

Leslie: I've never seen a man who can dance like him.

He met a friend who he invited to lunch.

Libraries are buildings that lend you books.

It's definitely a job which I wouldn't want to do.

b) He met a friend he invited to lunch.

And, d)

It's definitely a job I wouldn't want to do.


You're dead right, Kate.

When the relative pronoun

represents the object of the relative clause,

such as in sentences b) and d),

it can be left out.


if it represents the subject of the relative clause,

such as in a) and c),

it cannot be left out.

Well done Kate!

Another hundred points to you.

I'd like to give them to Levington.

He's doing so badly.

I think he needs the help.

So generous of you!

Very well!

Levington, Kate gives you the points.

You get

five points!

Well that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points…

and the winner is…


Well, I never!

It's a lockdown!

That means no winner is declared this show

and we have to wait until next time to play again!

Kate and Levington

will both be staying here until the next show.


Oh, don't worry.

It doesn't get that cold in here over the weekend,

or so I'm told anyway.

I'm off home.

Say goodbye, Leslie!

Adios, Leslie!

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11- Relative Clauses संबंधित वाक्यांश| |orações relativas 11- Relativsätze 11- Relative Clauses 11- Cláusulas de relativo 11- بندهای نسبی 11- Clauses relatives 11- Clausole relative 11- 関係詞節 11- 상대 조항 11- Zdania względne 11- Cláusulas relativas 11- Относительные клаузулы 11- Relativa satser 11- Bağıl Cümleler 11- Відносні речення 11- 相关条款 11- 相關條款 11-關係從句

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! |and then||toward||| ||||||ゲームショー 大家好,歡迎收看今天的語法遊戲秀!

I'm your host, Will! 我是你的主人,威爾!

But I'm no measure of intention! |||基準||意図 |||medida||intención ¡Pero no soy una medida de intención! Ama ben niyet ölçüsü değilim! 但我無意衡量!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie, ||||||レスリー Ve tabii ki Leslie'yi de unutmayalım, 當然,我們不要忘記萊斯利,

our all-knowing voice in the sky. 我們在天空中無所不知的聲音。

Hello, everyone! Herkese merhaba! 大家好!

Tonight we're going to be asking you |nós vamos||||| Bu gece size soracağız 今晚我們要問你

three questions about…

Relative clauses! |節 |Cláusulas relativas 關係從句!

That useful grammar Эта полезная грамматика Bu yararlı dilbilgisi 那個有用的語法

that allows you to modify a noun! ||||modificar|| |permite|||modificar|| bir ismi değiştirmenize olanak tanır! 那允許你修飾一個名詞!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants! |||||参加者 好的!現在,讓我們認識一下我們的參賽者吧!

Hello, all. 大家好。

My name's Levington! 我叫萊文頓!

And contestant number two? |o concorrente|| 還有二號選手?

Hi, it's nice to meet you. 你好,很高興認識你。

I'm Kate! |Kate 我是凱特!

Great! 偉大的!

Nice to see you again, Levington. 很高興再次見到你,萊文頓。

Let's get going, and don't forget Hadi gidelim ve unutma 讓我們開始吧,不要忘記

you can play along at home too. evde de oynayabilirsiniz. 你也可以在家裡一起玩。

Our first round is a quick-fire round. |||||速い|火| İlk turumuz hızlı bir atış olacak. 我們的第一輪是速射輪。

Look at this picture, and complete the sentence |||||完成する||この写真を見てこの文を完成させてください |||||completa|| 看這張圖,完成句子

with the correct relative pronoun. ||||que ||||代名詞 ||||que doğru ilgi zamiri ile. 用正確的關係代詞。

Here we go! İşte başlıyoruz! 開始了!

This is a guy _____ spoke to me on the bus. |||tipo|||||| este|é|um||que falou||||| Bu adam otobüste benimle konuştu. 这是一个在公交车上和我说话的家伙。 這是一個人_在公共汽車上對我說話。

Who. Quem WHO。

This is a guy who spoke to me on the bus. |||||habló||||| 這是一個在公共汽車上跟我說話的人。

Correct! 正確的!

These are the trees ______ I planted last year. |||||plantés|| |||||plantei|| Bunlar geçen yıl diktiğim ağaçlar. 這些是我去年種的樹。

Which. 哪個。

These are the trees which I planted last year. ||||||planté||


That is the lady _____ I saw eating lunch. Öğle yemeği yerken gördüğüm bayan bu. 那是我看到吃午飯的那位女士。

'Who' again. 又是‘誰’。

That is the lady who I saw eating lunch. Öğle yemeği yerken gördüğüm bayan bu.


Here is the building ______ is in the middle of town. İşte bina şehrin ortasında. 這是位於市中心的建築物。


Here is the building which is in the middle of town. ||||que|||||| İşte şehrin ortasında yer alan bina.


Well done both of you! İkinize de aferin! 幹得好你們兩個!

And for a bonus point, |||punto extra| 為了獲得獎勵積分,

tell me in which of these sentences 告訴我這些句子中的哪一個

can the relative pronoun ‘who' ||||quem 關係代詞'who'可以嗎

or ‘which' |qual ou que 或“哪個”

be replaced with ‘that'? |reemplazado|| 'şu' ile değiştirilebilir mi? 換成“那個”?

All of them! todos|de|todos eles Hepsi! 他們全部!


Leslie? 萊斯利?

Good job. 好工作。

Defining relative clauses such as these definitorias||||| définissant||||| 定義する||||| definindo||||| Aşağıdaki gibi bağıl tümcelerin tanımlanması 定義諸如此類的關係從句

specify which noun we are talking about. especificar|||||| spécifier|||||| 指定する|||||| especificar|||||| hangi isimden bahsettiğimizi belirtin. 指定我們正在談論的名詞。

They use the relative pronouns ‘who' and ‘which'. ||||zamirler||| ||||ellos||| ||||os pronomes||| 'Kim' ve 'hangi' ilgi zamirlerini kullanırlar.

‘Who' is for people, “誰”是為人,

and ‘which' is for things. ve 'hangi' şeyler içindir. 而“哪個”是指事物。

However, 然而,

in this type of relative clause, ||tipo|||

both ‘who' and ‘which' “誰”和“哪個”

can always be replaced by ‘that'. |||置き換えられる|| her zaman 'o' ile değiştirilebilir. 总是可以被‘that’所取代。 總是可以用'那個'代替。

Just remember, it's a bit less formal. ||||||resmi Sadece biraz daha az resmi olduğunu unutmayın. 請記住,它不太正式。

Levington, four points for you. And Kate, ||||||Kate Levington,給你四分。還有凱特,

it's ladies' night at my favourite club |||||favorito|club nocturno En sevdiğim kulüpte kadınlar gecesi. 這是我最喜歡的俱樂部的女士之夜

so eight points for you! 所以給你八分!

Why is that important? Bu neden önemli? 為什麼這很重要?

Oh, Levington. 哦,萊文頓。

I see chivalry truly is dead. ||chevalerie||| |verbo auxiliar|cavalheirismo||| ben||şövalyelik||| ||cavalleria||| ||骑士精神||| ||騎士道|本当に|| ||la caballerosidad|realmente||muerta Veo que la caballerosidad ha muerto de verdad. Şövalyeliğin gerçekten öldüğünü görüyorum. 我看到騎士精神真的死了。

I suppose you don't give up your seat to |たぶん||||||| |||||||asiento| Supongo que no cederá su asiento a Sanırım koltuğundan vazgeçmiyorsun. 我想你不会让座给 我想你不會讓座

a lady on the bus either. otobüste bir bayan da yok. 公共汽車上的一位女士。

Minus two points for you . No, no! 給你減兩分。不,不!

Question two. 問題二。

In addition to ‘who', ‘that' and ‘which', |adición||||| |addition|to|chi|che||which 'Kim', 'şu' ve 'hangi'ye ek olarak, 除了“誰”、“那個”和“哪個”之外,

the relative pronoun ‘whose' |||di chi 'kimin' ilgi zamiri 關係代詞“誰的”

can also be used. |also|to be|is used de kullanılabilir. 也可以使用。

But why is ‘whose' different to ‘who', ‘which' and ‘that'? |perché||di chi|different|from|who|which||that 但為什麼“whose”與“who”、“which”和“that”不同?

Look at this sentence and tell me. ||questa|||dici|me 看看這句話,告訴我。

I have a friend whose car is a Ferrari. ||||||||Ferrari Arabası Ferrari olan bir arkadaşım var. 我有一個朋友,他的車是法拉利。

‘Whose' is different because it describes a possession. |||||||sahiplik dur |||||||posesión de whose|||||||posse ou propriedade "Kimin" farklıdır çünkü bir mülkiyeti tanımlar. “誰的”是不同的,因為它描述的是財產。

Unlike ‘who', ‘which' and ‘that', a diferencia de|||| in contrast to|who|quale||che 'Kim', 'hangi' ve 'şu'dan farklı olarak, 與“誰”、“哪個”和“那個”不同,

it cannot be used without being followed by a noun. bir isim tarafından takip edilmeden kullanılamaz. 如果後面沒有名詞,則不能使用它。

Leslie? Leslie mi? 萊斯利?

Right again, Levington! Yine haklısın, Levington! 又對了,萊文頓!

‘Whose' is a determiner, like ‘my' or ‘your'. |is|a|un determinante|like = as||| "Kimin" bir belirleyicidir, "benim" veya "senin" gibi. “誰的”是限定詞,如“我的”或“你的”。

Despite being a relative pronoun, - rağmen|||| nonostante|||| İlgi zamiri olmasına rağmen, 儘管是關係代詞,

it must be followed by a noun. ardından bir isim gelmelidir. 它後面必須跟一個名詞。

We cannot say, noi|can not|dire Söyleyemeyiz, 我們不能說,

'I have a friend whose is a Ferrari'. |||un amico|whose|is|| 'Ferrari olan bir arkadaşım var'. “我有一個朋友,他是一輛法拉利”。

It must be ‘whose car is a Ferrari'. |must||di chi|the car||| 一定是“誰的車是法拉利”。

Well done, Levington. 幹得好,萊文頓。

However, this is a negative points round. 然而,這是一個負分回合。

Minus six points to you. 給你減六分。

Oh! 哦!

I would graciously like to give my points ||优雅地||||| ||avec grâce||||| ||nazikçe||||| ||amablemente||||| ||gentilmente||||| Me gustaría amablemente dar mis puntos Puanlarımı nezaketle vermek isterim 我很樂意給出我的觀點

for this round to Kate. para esta ronda a Kate. bu tur için Kate'e. 這一輪給凱特。

That's very gentlemanly of you! ||绅士风度|| ||cavalier|| ||caballeroso|| ||cavalheiresco|| Çok centilmensin! 你很有紳士風度!

And because it's ladies' night, Ve bu gece kadınlar gecesi olduğu için, 因為是女士之夜,

all her points are increased, ||||aumentadas ||||aumentadas tüm puanları artar, 她的所有積分都增加了,

so Kate, 所以凱特,

Levington gives you 100 points! Levington sana 100 puan veriyor! Levington給你100分!

But… 但…

It's time for our last question. 現在是我們最後一個問題的時候了。

Look at these four sentences and tell me Bu dört cümleye bak ve söyle bana 看看這四句話告訴我

in which two the relative pronoun can be left out. hangi ikisinde ilgi zamiri dışarıda bırakılabilir. 其中两个可以省略关系代词。 其中兩個關係代詞可以省略。

Leslie: I've never seen a man who can dance like him. 萊斯利:我從未見過像他這樣會跳舞的人。

He met a friend who he invited to lunch. Öğle yemeğine davet ettiği bir arkadaşıyla tanıştı. 他遇到了一個朋友,他邀請他共進午餐。

Libraries are buildings that lend you books. las bibliotecas|||||| As bibliotecas|||||| Kütüphaneler size kitap ödünç veren binalardır.

It's definitely a job which I wouldn't want to do. Kesinlikle yapmak istemeyeceğim bir iş. 這絕對是我不想做的工作。

b) He met a friend he invited to lunch. ||encontró||||invitó|| b) Öğle yemeğine davet ettiği bir arkadaşıyla buluştu. b) 他遇到了一位他邀請共進午餐的朋友。

And, d)

It's definitely a job I wouldn't want to do. |definitivamente||||no querría||| 這絕對是我不想做的工作。

Leslie? 萊斯利?

You're dead right, Kate. Çok haklısın, Kate. 你說得對,凱特。

When the relative pronoun 當關係代詞

represents the object of the relative clause, ||objeto de la cláusula relativa|||| representa|||||| ilgili cümlenin nesnesini temsil eder, 代表關係從句的賓語,

such as in sentences b) and d), 如句子 b) 和 d),

it can be left out. dışarıda bırakılabilir.

However, 然而,

if it represents the subject of the relative clause, ||representa|||||| eğer ilgili cümlenin öznesini temsil ediyorsa, 如果它代表關係從句的主語,

such as in a) and c), 如 a) 和 c),

it cannot be left out. |||bırakılabilir| dışarıda bırakılamaz.

Well done Kate! ||Kate

Another hundred points to you. Еще сто баллов вам. 再給你一百分。

I'd like to give them to Levington. Onları Levington'a vermek istiyorum. 我想把它們交給 Levington。

He's doing so badly. |||muy mal Lo está haciendo muy mal. 彼はとても調子が悪い。 Çok kötü gidiyor. 他的表現太糟糕了。

I think he needs the help. Bence yardıma ihtiyacı var. 我認為他需要幫助。

So generous of you! |generoso|| Çok cömertsiniz! 你真慷慨!

Very well! Çok iyi! 很好!

Levington, Kate gives you the points. 萊文頓,凱特給你加分。

You get Alırsın

five points! 五分!

Well that brings us to the end of today's Bu da bizi bugünün sonuna getiriyor. 好了,今天的內容到此結束

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points… ||say aloud|| 讓我們算出點數......

and the winner is… 最終獲勝者是…

Lockdown! Confinement Sokağa çıkma isolamento obrigatório ¡Confinamiento! Lockdown! 封鎖!

Well, I never! 嗯,我從來沒有!

It's a lockdown! ||封锁状态 ||confinamiento Bu bir kilitlenme! 是封城!

That means no winner is declared this show |||||declarado|| Yani bu programın kazananı belli değil. 這意味著這個節目沒有宣布獲勝者

and we have to wait until next time to play again! 還要等下次再玩!

Kate and Levington 凱特和萊文頓

will both be staying here until the next show. bir sonraki gösteriye kadar burada kalacaklar. 兩人都將留在這裡直到下一場演出。

What!? 什麼!?

Oh, don't worry. 哦,別擔心。

It doesn't get that cold in here over the weekend, В выходные здесь не бывает так холодно, Hafta sonu burası o kadar soğuk olmaz, 週末這裡沒有那麼冷,

or so I'm told anyway. Ya da bana öyle söylendi. 反正有人告訴我。

I'm off home. Ben eve gidiyorum. 我不在家了

Say goodbye, Leslie! 說再見,萊斯利!

Adios, Leslie! au revoir| अलविदा, लेस्ली!| Tschüss| adiós| 再見,萊斯利!