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Tim's pronounciation workshop, 5- The intrusive /r/

5- The intrusive /r/

Hi, I'm Tim and this is my pronunciation workshop. Here I'm gonna show you how English is really spoken.

It'll help you become a better listener and a more fluent speaker. Come on, let's go inside.

Have you ever seen a ghost? No, of course you haven't, because they don't exist. But have you ever heard a sound that wasn't there? Well, if you've listened to lots of real English, you probably have.

We asked the people of London what they think is the most important thing the government should prioritise. This is what they said: I think law and order is important. Yes, I think law and order is important. Law and order is very important. We all think that law and order is important. I think law and order is very important. Meet my boys. 'Law' and 'order'. Join them together with the word 'and' and you can hear another sound after the word 'law'. Listen out for it. I think law and order is important. Yes, I think law and order is important. Law and order is very important. We all think that law and order is important. I think law and order is very important. In fluent speech, if a word ends in an /ɔː/ sound, like law and the next word begins in an /ə/, you'll often hear a /r/ sound linking them together. Law-r-and order.

Law-r-and order.

'Law-r-and order' is easier to say than 'law and order'. It flows better.

And this is called intrusion. Now this is a little bit controversial. It doesn't happen in all accents and some people do say it's not the proper way to speak.

But it is something that you'll hear. Just remember the /r/ sound is not very strong. Here are some other examples:

Can you draw a circle freehand? My dog hurt its paw on some broken glass. There was a flaw in the argument. I saw a good film last night. Right, so you've heard the examples, now it's your turn. Are you ready to give it a try? Listen and repeat. Can you draw a circle freehand? My dog hurt its paw on some broken glass. There was a flaw in the argument. I saw a good film last night. How did you do? Well done. Now, if you want to read more about this topic, please visit our website bbclearningenglish.com. And that's it from the pronunciation workshop for this week. Bye. Now, do you want a war or what? Ow!

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5- The intrusive /r/ |Unwanted insertion sound| 5- المتطفل /ص/ 5- Das aufdringliche /r/ 5- Το παρεμβατικό /r/ 5- The intrusive /r/ 5- La /r/ intrusiva 5- Le /r/ intrusif 5- La /r/ invadente 5- 押しつけがましい /r/ 5- 방해하는 /알/ 5- De opdringerige /r/ 5- Natrętne /r/ 5- O /r/ intrusivo 5- Навязчивый /r/ 5- Müdahaleci /r/ 5- Нав'язливий /r/ 5-侵入性/r/ 5-侵入性/r/

Hi, I'm Tim and this is my pronunciation workshop. Here I'm gonna show you how English is really  spoken. ||||||||workshop|||||||||| Hi, I'm Tim and this is my pronunciation workshop. Here I'm gonna show you how English is really spoken. Ciao, sono Tim e questo è il mio laboratorio di pronuncia. Qui vi mostrerò come si parla veramente l'inglese. Olá, eu sou o Tim e este é o meu workshop de pronúncia. Aqui vou mostrar-vos como se fala realmente inglês. Привет, я Тим, и это мой мастер-класс по произношению. Здесь я покажу вам, как на самом деле говорят по-английски. Merhaba, ben Tim ve bu benim telaffuz atölyem. Burada size İngilizcenin gerçekte nasıl konuşulduğunu göstereceğim.

It'll help you become a better listener and a more fluent speaker. Come on, let's  go inside. Es wird Ihnen helfen, besser zuzuhören und flüssiger zu sprechen. Kommen Sie, gehen wir hinein. It'll help you become a better listener and a more fluent speaker. Come on, let's go inside. Vi aiuterà a diventare un ascoltatore migliore e un oratore più fluente. Forza, entriamo. Ajudá-lo-á a tornar-se um melhor ouvinte e um orador mais fluente. Venha, vamos entrar. Это поможет вам стать лучшим слушателем и более свободно говорить. Давай, пошли внутрь. Daha iyi bir dinleyici ve daha akıcı bir konuşmacı olmanıza yardımcı olacaktır. Hadi, içeri girelim.

Have you ever seen a ghost? No, of course you haven't, because they don't exist. |||||spirit apparition||||||||| هل سبق لك ان رأيت شبح؟ لا، بالطبع لم تفعلوا ذلك، لأنهم غير موجودين. Haben Sie schon einmal ein Gespenst gesehen? Nein, natürlich nicht, denn die gibt es nicht. Avete mai visto un fantasma? No, certo che no, perché non esistono. Já alguma vez viste um fantasma? Não, claro que não, porque eles não existem. Hiç hayalet gördünüz mü? Hayır, tabii ki görmediniz, çünkü öyle bir şey yok. 你见过鬼吗?当然没有,因为它们根本不存在。 But  have you ever heard a sound that wasn't there? Well, if you've listened to lots of real English,  you probably have. لكن هل سبق لك أن سمعت صوتًا غير موجود؟ حسنًا، إذا كنت قد استمعت إلى الكثير من اللغة الإنجليزية الحقيقية، فمن المحتمل أن تكون قد فعلت ذلك. Aber haben Sie schon einmal einen Klang gehört, der gar nicht da war? Nun, wenn Sie viel echtes Englisch gehört haben, haben Sie das wahrscheinlich. Mas já alguma vez ouviste um som que não estava lá? Bem, se já ouviste muito inglês verdadeiro, provavelmente já ouviste. Але чи чули ви коли-небудь звук, якого не було? Якщо ви слухали багато справжньої англійської мови, то напевно чули.

We asked the people of London what they think is the most important  thing the government should prioritise. This is what they said: |||||||||||||||||prioritize||||| |||||||||||||||||priorizar||||| لقد سألنا سكان لندن عما يعتقدون أنه أهم شيء يجب على الحكومة منحه الأولوية. المهم الدنيا: Wir haben die Londoner gefragt, was ihrer Meinung nach das Wichtigste ist, dem die Regierung Priorität einräumen sollte. Dies ist, was sie sagten: Perguntámos aos londrinos qual era, na sua opinião, a prioridade mais importante que o governo deveria dar. Eis as suas respostas: Londra halkına hükümetin öncelik vermesi gereken en önemli şeyin ne olduğunu düşündüklerini sorduk. İşte söyledikleri bunlar: Ми запитали лондонців, що, на їхню думку, є найважливішим пріоритетом для уряду. Ось що вони відповіли: I think law and order is important. Yes, I think law and order is important. Law and order is very important. We all think that law and order is important. I think law and order is very important. ||legal system|||||||||||||||order|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||orden público|||||||||||||||||||| Ich halte Recht und Ordnung für wichtig. Ja, ich halte Recht und Ordnung für wichtig. Recht und Ordnung sind sehr wichtig. Wir alle denken, dass Recht und Ordnung wichtig sind. Ich denke, Recht und Ordnung sind sehr wichtig. Penso que a lei e a ordem são importantes. Sim, penso que a lei e a ordem são importantes. A lei e a ordem são muito importantes. Todos nós pensamos que a lei e a ordem são importantes. Penso que a lei e a ordem são muito importantes. Meet my boys. 'Law' and 'order'. Join them together with the word 'and' and you can hear  another sound after the word 'law'. Listen out for it. ||||||||||||||||||||||ley|||| قابل أولادي. 'القانون والنظام'. انضم إليهم مع كلمة "و" ويمكنك سماع صوت آخر بعد كلمة "قانون". استمع لها. Das sind meine Jungs. Gesetz" und "Ordnung". Verbinde sie mit dem Wort 'und' und du kannst einen weiteren Laut nach dem Wort 'Gesetz' hören. Achten Sie darauf. Incontra i miei ragazzi. 'Legge e ordine'. Uniscili insieme alla parola 'e' e potrai sentire un altro suono dopo la parola 'legge'. Ascoltalo. 私の男の子に会いましょう。 '法と秩序'。それらを「and」という単語で結合すると、「law」という単語の後に別の音が聞こえます。それを聞いてください。 Apresento-vos os meus rapazes. 'Lei' e 'ordem'. Juntem-nos com a palavra 'e' e podem ouvir outro som a seguir à palavra 'lei'. Prestem atenção. Oğullarımla tanışın. 'Law' ve 'order'. Bunları 've' kelimesiyle birleştirdiğinizde 'law' kelimesinden sonra başka bir ses duyabilirsiniz. Dikkatle dinleyin. Познайомся з моїми хлопцями. "Закон" і "порядок". З'єднайте їх разом за допомогою слова "і", і ви почуєте ще один звук після слова "закон". Прислухайтеся до нього. I think law and order is important. Yes, I think law and order is important. Law and order is very important. We all think that law and order is important. I think law and order is very important. أعتقد أن القانون والنظام مهمان. نعم ، أعتقد أن القانون والنظام مهمان. القانون والنظام مهمان للغاية. نعتقد جميعًا أن القانون والنظام مهمان. أعتقد أن القانون والنظام مهمان للغاية. In fluent speech, if a word ends in an /ɔː/ sound, like law and the next word begins in an /ə/, you'll  often hear a /r/ sound linking them together. Law-r-and order. |||||||||sonido /ɔː/|||||||||||||||||||||||| Na fala fluente, se uma palavra termina com um som /ɔː/, como law, e a palavra seguinte começa com um /ə/, é comum ouvir um som /r/ ligando-as. law-r-e order. У вільній мові, якщо слово закінчується на звук /ɔː/, наприклад, law, а наступне слово починається на /ə/, ви часто чуєте звук /r/, що з'єднує їх між собою. Law-r-and order.

Law-r-and order. |||Orden público القانون ص والنظام. Recht und Ordnung.

'Law-r-and order' is easier to say than 'law and order'. É mais fácil dizer "lei e ordem" do que "lei e ordem". 法律与秩序 "比 "法律与秩序 "更容易说出口。 It  flows better. |flows| يتدفق بشكل أفضل. 流れが良くなります。 Flui melhor. 更流畅。

And this is called intrusion. ||||Unwanted entry وهذا ما يسمى التطفل. Und das nennt man Eindringen. And this is called intrusion. これが侵入というものだ。 E a isto chama-se intrusão. І це називається вторгненням. Now this is a little bit controversial. It doesn't happen  in all accents and some people do say it's not the proper way to speak. ||||||debated|||||||||||||||correct||| الآن هذا مثير للجدل بعض الشيء. لا يحدث هذا في جميع اللهجات، ويقول بعض الأشخاص إنها ليست الطريقة الصحيحة للتحدث. Dies ist ein wenig umstritten. Es kommt nicht in allen Akzenten vor, und einige Leute sagen, es sei nicht die richtige Art zu sprechen. Now this is a little bit controversial. It doesn't happen in all accents and some people do say it's not the proper way to speak. これは少し議論の余地がある。すべてのアクセントでそうなるわけではないし、正しい話し方ではないという人もいる。 Isto é um pouco controverso, não acontece em todos os sotaques e algumas pessoas dizem que não é a forma correcta de falar. Це трохи суперечливе питання. Це трапляється не у всіх акцентах, і деякі люди кажуть, що це неправильний спосіб говорити. 现在这有点争议。并不是所有的口音都会出现这种情况,有些人认为这不是正确的说话方式。

But it is something that  you'll hear. Just remember the /r/ sound is not very strong. Here are some other examples: でも、耳にすることはある。ただ、/r/の音はあまり強くないことを覚えておいてください。以下は他の例です: Mas é algo que vais ouvir. Lembra-te apenas que o som do /r/ não é muito forte. Aqui estão alguns outros exemplos:

Can you draw a circle freehand? My dog hurt its paw on some broken glass. There was a flaw in the argument. I saw a good film last night. |||||without tools|||injured||paw||||||||error|||reasoning||||||| |||||||||||sobre||||||||||||||||| هل تستطيع رسم دائرة بيدك؟ لقد أصيب كلبي بمخلبه على بعض الزجاج المكسور. لقد كان هناك خلل في الحجة. رأيت فيلما جيدا الليلة الماضية. Kannst du einen Kreis freihändig zeichnen? Mein Hund hat sich die Pfote an einer Glasscherbe verletzt. Es gab einen Fehler in der Argumentation. Ich habe gestern Abend einen guten Film gesehen. Can you draw a circle freehand? My dog hurt its paw on some broken glass. There was a flaw in the argument. I saw a good film last night. Consegues desenhar um círculo à mão livre? O meu cão magoou a pata num vidro partido. Havia uma falha no argumento. Vi um bom filme ontem à noite. 你能徒手画圆吗?我的狗被碎玻璃弄伤了爪子。这个论点有漏洞。我昨晚看了一部好电影。 Right, so you've heard the examples, now it's your turn. Are you ready to give it a try? Listen and repeat. So, Sie haben die Beispiele gehört, jetzt sind Sie dran. Sind Sie bereit, es zu versuchen? Hören Sie zu und wiederholen Sie. Já ouviram os exemplos, agora é a vossa vez. Estão prontos para experimentar? Ouçam e repitam. Can you draw a circle freehand? My dog hurt its paw on some broken glass. There was a flaw in the argument. I saw a good film last night. ||||circle|without tools||||||||||||||||||||||| Can you draw a circle freehand? My dog hurt its paw on some broken glass. There was a flaw in the argument. I saw a good film last night. Consegues desenhar um círculo à mão livre? O meu cão magoou a pata num vidro partido. Havia uma falha no argumento. Vi um bom filme ontem à noite. Можете ли вы нарисовать круг от руки? Моя собака поранила лапу о битое стекло. В этом аргументе был изъян. Вчера вечером я посмотрел хороший фильм. How did you do? Well done. Now, if you want to read more about this topic, please visit  our website bbclearningenglish.com. And that's it from the pronunciation workshop for this week. Bye. Wie haben Sie abgeschnitten? Gut gemacht. Wenn Sie mehr über dieses Thema lesen möchten, besuchen Sie bitte unsere Website bbclearningenglish.com. Und das war's mit dem Aussprache-Workshop für diese Woche. Auf Wiedersehen! Now, do you want a war or what? Ow! ||||||||exclamation of pain والآن هل تريدون الحرب أم ماذا؟ آه! Wollt ihr nun einen Krieg oder was? Aua!