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Tim's pronounciation workshop, 4- Two different ways to pronounce the English word 'the'

4- Two different ways to pronounce the English word 'the'

Hi. I'm Tim and this is my Pronunciation workshop. Here I'm gonna show you how English is really spoken. Come on, let's go inside. You know, I've been thinking about decorating my workshop - bringing a little bit of colour to it.

But I can't decide between blue or orange. Hmm. Let's ask the people of London.

I prefer the blue one to the orange one. I prefer the blue one to the orange one. I prefer the blue one to the orange one.

That sounds pretty comprehensive. Blue it is. I'll go in and get the paints.

Ooh, but first, let's talk about pronunciation. Now, everybody used the definite article - the - and in each case it wasn't stressed, but the pronunciation was slightly different. I'm gonna go in and get the paints: you listen again and see if you can hear the two different ways the definite article is pronounced. I'll see you inside. I prefer the blue one to the orange one. I prefer the blue one to the orange one. I prefer the blue one to the orange one. If it's not stressed, the pronunciation of the word 'the' will change depending on the word that follows. If the next word begins in a consonant sound, it's pronounced /ðə/. I prefer the blue one. But, if the next word begins in a vowel sound, it's pronounced /ðɪː/. I prefer the orange one.

And you might remember from a previous video that when the sound /ɪː/ is followed by a vowel sound, you might also hear a small linking /j/ in between. I prefer the orange one. Here are some more examples:

In a restaurant, I always order the apple pie. I think the autumn is the best time of year. The earlier I get up, the happier I am. It's the one over there. So you've heard the examples, and now it's your turn. Listen and repeat.

In a restaurant, I always order the apple pie. I think the autumn is the best time of year. The earlier I get up, the happier I am. It's the one over there. Well done. Now remember, if you want to learn more about this subject, then please visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com. And that is about it from the pronunciation workshop for this week. I'll see you soon. Bye bye! Right - let's get cracking on this painting. Now, you know the problem with these paint pots is that the lids aren't always the easiest to open. Ahh! Owww! Eeeshh! Not again!

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4- Two different ways to pronounce the English word 'the' 4- Zwei verschiedene Arten, das englische Wort 'the' auszusprechen 4- Dos formas diferentes de pronunciar la palabra inglesa 'the' 4- Deux façons différentes de prononcer le mot anglais "the". 4- Due modi diversi di pronunciare la parola inglese "the". 4- 英語の「the」の2つの異なる発音方法 4- 영어 단어 'the'를 발음하는 두 가지 방법 4- Dwa różne sposoby wymawiania angielskiego słowa "the 4- Duas maneiras diferentes de pronunciar a palavra inglesa 'the' 4- Два различных способа произношения английского слова "the 4- İngilizce 'the' kelimesini telaffuz etmenin iki farklı yolu 4- 英语单词 "the "的两种不同发音方法

Hi. I'm Tim and this is my Pronunciation workshop. Here I'm gonna show you how English is really spoken. Come on, let's go inside. Hallo, ich bin Tim und dies ist mein Aussprache-Workshop. Hier werde ich euch zeigen, wie Englisch wirklich gesprochen wird. Komm, lass uns reingehen. Merhaba. Ben Tim ve burası benim Telaffuz atölyem. Burada size İngilizcenin gerçekte nasıl konuşulduğunu göstereceğim. Hadi, içeri geçelim. 大家好。我是蒂姆,这是我的发音工作坊。在这里,我将向你们展示英语的真实发音。来吧,我们进去吧。 You know, I've been thinking about decorating my workshop - bringing a little bit of colour to it. ||||||sprucing up|||||||||| ||he estado|||||||||||||| كما تعلمون، لقد كنت أفكر في تزيين ورشة العمل الخاصة بي - وإضفاء القليل من الألوان عليها. Wissen Sie, ich habe darüber nachgedacht, meine Werkstatt zu dekorieren - ein bisschen Farbe hineinzubringen. ご存知のように、私は自分のワークショップを装飾することを考えていました - それに少しの色をもたらします. 你知道,我一直在考虑装饰我的工作室——给它增添一点色彩。

But I can't decide between blue or orange. Hmm. Let's ask the people of London. 但我无法决定是蓝色还是橙色。嗯。我们去问问伦敦人吧。

I prefer the blue one to the orange one. I prefer the blue one to the orange one. I prefer the blue one to the orange one. Ich ziehe die blaue der orangenen vor. Ich ziehe die blaue der orangenen vor. Ich ziehe das blaue dem orangenen vor. 私はオレンジのものより青いものの方が好きです。私はオレンジのものより青いものの方が好きです。私はオレンジのものより青いものの方が好きです。 相比于橙色,我更喜欢蓝色的。相比于橙色,我更喜欢蓝色的。相比于橙色,我更喜欢蓝色的。

That sounds pretty comprehensive. Blue it is. I'll go in and get the paints. |||Thorough and complete||||||||||paint supplies |||completo|||||||||| هذا يبدو شاملا جدا. إنه أزرق. سأدخل وأحضر الدهانات. Das klingt ziemlich umfassend. Blau ist es. Ich gehe rein und hole die Farben. それはかなり包括的なようですね。青ですね。私は中に入って絵の具を取ってきます。 Звучит довольно полно. Так и есть. Я зайду за красками. 听起来很全面。是蓝色的。我进去拿颜料。

Ooh, but first, let's talk about pronunciation. Now, everybody used the definite article - the - and in each case it wasn't stressed, but the pronunciation was slightly different. |||||||||||clear and specific|||||every|||||||||| أوه، ولكن أولاً، دعونا نتحدث عن النطق. الآن، استخدم الجميع أداة التعريف - the - وفي كل حالة لم يتم التشديد عليها، لكن النطق كان مختلفًا قليلاً. Oh, aber lassen Sie uns zuerst über die Aussprache sprechen. Nun, alle haben den bestimmten Artikel - der - verwendet, und in jedem Fall wurde er nicht betont, aber die Aussprache war leicht unterschiedlich. おお、でもその前に、発音について話しましょう。さて、皆が定冠詞「the」を使用しましたが、その場合は強調されず、発音は少し異なっていました。 首先,我们来谈谈发音。现在,每个人都使用了定冠词--the,每个人都没有强调它,但发音略有不同。 I'm gonna go in and get the paints: you listen again and see if you can hear the two different ways the definite article is pronounced. I'll see you inside. ||||||||||||||||||||||定冠詞||||||| Ich gehe rein und hole die Farben: Du hörst noch einmal zu und versuchst herauszufinden, ob du die zwei verschiedenen Arten, den bestimmten Artikel auszusprechen, hörst. Ich sehe dich drinnen. 我要进去拿颜料了:你再听一遍,看看你能不能听出定冠词的两种不同发音方式。我们在里面等你。 I prefer the blue one to the orange one. I prefer the blue one to the orange one. I prefer the blue one to the orange one. オレンジよりブルーの方が好きです。オレンジよりブルーの方が好きです。オレンジよりブルーの方が好きです。 相比于橙色,我更喜欢蓝色的。相比于橙色,我更喜欢蓝色的。相比于橙色,我更喜欢蓝色的。 If it's not stressed, the pronunciation of the word 'the' will change depending on the word that follows. |||emphasized|||||||||||||| Wenn es nicht betont wird, ändert sich die Aussprache des Wortes "das" je nach dem folgenden Wort. If the next word begins in a consonant sound, it's pronounced /ðə/. I prefer the blue one. |||||||辅音||||||||| But, if the next word begins in a vowel sound, it's pronounced /ðɪː/. I prefer the orange one. ||||||||vowel sound||||||||| ただし、次の単語が母音で始まる場合は /ðɪː/ と発音します。私はオレンジ色の方が好きです。

And you might remember from a previous video that when the sound /ɪː/ is followed by a vowel sound, you might also hear a small linking /j/ in between. |||||||||||||||||||||||||连读现象||| ||podrías|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Und vielleicht erinnern Sie sich aus einem früheren Video, dass Sie, wenn auf den Laut /ɪː/ ein Vokal folgt, auch ein kleines verbindendes /j/ dazwischen hören können. I prefer the orange one. Here are some more examples:

In a restaurant, I always order the apple pie. I think the autumn is the best time of year. The earlier I get up, the happier I am. It's the one over there. In einem Restaurant bestelle ich immer den Apfelkuchen. Ich finde, der Herbst ist die beste Zeit des Jahres. Je früher ich aufstehe, desto glücklicher bin ich. Es ist der da drüben. レストランでは、いつもアップルパイを注文します。秋がベストシーズンだと思います。早起きするほど、私は幸せです。そっちの方です。 So you've heard the examples, and now it's your turn. Listen and repeat.

In a restaurant, I always order the apple pie. I think the autumn is the best time of year. The earlier I get up, the happier I am. It's the one over there. ||||||||||||||||||año|||||||||||||| في المطعم، أطلب دائمًا فطيرة التفاح. أعتقد أن الخريف هو أفضل وقت في السنة. كلما استيقظت مبكرًا، أصبحت أكثر سعادة. انها واحدة هناك. レストランでは、いつもアップルパイを注文します。秋がベストシーズンだと思います。早起きするほど、私は幸せです。そっちの方です。 Well done. Now remember, if you want to learn more about this subject, then please visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com. And that is about it from the pronunciation workshop for this week. I'll see you soon. Bye bye! 干得好现在请记住,如果你想了解更多关于这个主题的信息,请访问我们的网站:bbclearningenglish.com。本周的发音培训班到此结束。再见。再见 Right - let's get cracking on this painting. |||get started||| حسنًا - فلنبدأ في العمل على هذه اللوحة. Gut - machen wir uns an dieses Gemälde. そうですね、この絵を見てみましょう。 Итак, давайте приступим к работе над картиной. 好了,我们开始画画吧。 Now, you know the problem with these paint pots is that the lids aren't always the easiest to open. Ahh! Owww! Eeeshh! Not again! ||||||||paint containers||||covers|||||||||Ouch! Not again!|| الآن، أنت تعلم أن مشكلة أواني الطلاء هذه هي أن أغطيةها ليست دائمًا الأسهل في الفتح. اه! واو! إييشه! ليس مجددا! Sie wissen ja, dass das Problem bei diesen Farbtöpfen ist, dass sich die Deckel nicht immer so leicht öffnen lassen. Ahh! Aua! Eeeshh! Nicht schon wieder! さて、これらの塗料ポットの問題は、蓋が常に最も簡単に開くとは限らないことです.ああ!ああ!ええー!二度とない! Теперь вы знаете, что проблема этих баночек с краской в том, что крышки не всегда легко открываются. Ах! Ауууу! Иииии! Только не это!