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Tim's pronounciation workshop, 24- How to pronounce words beginning with /h/

24- How to pronounce words beginning with /h/

Hi. I'm Tim and this is my Pronunciation workshop. Here I'm gonna show you how English is

really spoken. Come on, let's go inside.

Now, if you've been following my adventures in

this workshop, you will know that I've had a bit of bad luck, now and then. But not half

as much bad luck as this chap. Listen to what these people are saying about him.

He looks like he's had an accident. He looks like he's had an accident.

He looks like he's had an accident. He looks like he's had an accident.

Now, they all used the word 'he' twice. But there were two different pronunciations. Listen

out for them both as you watch again.

He looks like he's had an accident. He looks like he's had an accident.

He looks like he's had an accident. He looks like he's had an accident.

In fluent speech, if the word 'he' comes at the beginning of a sentence or clause, then

the 'h' sound /h/ is pronounced. But if it comes in the middle of a sentence or clause

and after a consonant, then the 'h' sound is not usually pronounced. So /hiː/ becomes

/iː/ and 'he looks like he's had an accident' becomes 'he looks like 'e's had an accident'.

Now this change also happens with certain other words beginning with the 'h' sound,

like him, his or her. Here are some more examples.

I really like his cooking. We think he's left the country.

They let him leave early. They offered her a promotion.

Right, so you've heard the examples, and now it's your turn. You know the drill by now.

Listen and repeat.

I really like his cooking.

We think he's left the country.

They let him leave early.

They offered her a promotion.

Well done. Now remember, if you want to learn more about pronunciation, then please visit

our website, bbclearningenglish.com. And that is about it from the pronunciation workshop

for this week. I'll see you soon. Bye bye! Now, that man in the photograph - his head

looked a bit sore - which reminds me. Saw! I love DIY! Actually, I am a bit accident-prone.

But my twin Tom is very good with his hands. I think I'll give him a ring and ask for his

advice. Ow! Every time!

24- How to pronounce words beginning with /h/ 24- How to pronounce words beginning with /h/ 24- Cómo pronunciar las palabras que empiezan por /h/ 24- Comment prononcer les mots commençant par /h/ ? 24- Come si pronunciano le parole che iniziano con /h/ 24- /h/で始まる単語の発音 24- Woorden uitspreken die beginnen met /h/ 24- Jak wymawiać słowa zaczynające się na /h/? 24- Como pronunciar palavras começadas por /h/ 24- Как произносить слова, начинающиеся с /h/ 24- /h/ ile başlayan kelimeler nasıl telaffuz edilir 24- Як вимовляти слова, що починаються на /h/? 24- 如何发音以/h/开头的单词 24- 如何发音以/h/开头的单词

Hi. I'm Tim and this is my Pronunciation workshop. Here I'm gonna show you how English is ||||||||workshop|||||||| Hola, soy Tim y este es mi taller de Pronunciación. Aquí voy a mostrarte cómo el inglés es

really spoken. Come on, let's go inside. realmente hablado. Vamos, entremos.

Now, if you've been following my adventures in Ahora, si has estado siguiendo mis aventuras en Teraz, jeśli śledziłeś moje przygody w

this workshop, you will know that I've had a bit of bad luck, now and then. But not half tego warsztatu, będziesz wiedział, że od czasu do czasu mam trochę pecha. Ale nie w połowie

as much bad luck as this chap. Listen to what these people are saying about him. ||||||guy||||||||| tyle pecha, co ten facet. Posłuchaj, co ci ludzie o nim mówią.

He looks like he's had an accident. He looks like he's had an accident. Wygląda, jakby miał wypadek. Wygląda, jakby miał wypadek.

He looks like he's had an accident. He looks like he's had an accident.

Now, they all used the word 'he' twice. But there were two different pronunciations. Listen |||||||dos veces||||||| Wszyscy użyli słowa "on" dwa razy. Ale były dwie różne wymowy. Posłuchaj

out for them both as you watch again. dla nich obojga.

He looks like he's had an accident. He looks like he's had an accident. Él||||||||||||| Wygląda, jakby miał wypadek. Wygląda, jakby miał wypadek.

He looks like he's had an accident. He looks like he's had an accident.

In fluent speech, if the word 'he' comes at the beginning of a sentence or clause, then W płynnej mowie, jeśli słowo "on" pojawia się na początku zdania lub klauzuli, wówczas

the 'h' sound /h/ is pronounced. But if it comes in the middle of a sentence or clause dźwięk "h" /h/ jest wymawiany. Ale jeśli pojawia się w środku zdania lub klauzuli

and after a consonant, then the 'h' sound is not usually pronounced. So /hiː/ becomes

/iː/ and 'he looks like he's had an accident' becomes 'he looks like 'e's had an accident'. /iː/, a "wygląda, jakby miał wypadek" staje się "wygląda, jakby miał wypadek".

Now this change also happens with certain other words beginning with the 'h' sound,

like him, his or her. Here are some more examples. como él, su o ella. He aquí algunos ejemplos más. jak on, jego lub jej. Oto kilka przykładów.

I really like his cooking. We think he's left the country. Naprawdę lubię jego gotowanie. Myślimy, że wyjechał z kraju.

They let him leave early. They offered her a promotion. Pozwolili mu odejść wcześniej. Zaoferowali jej awans.

Right, so you've heard the examples, and now it's your turn. You know the drill by now. Dobrze, więc słyszałeś przykłady, a teraz twoja kolej. Znasz już zasady.

Listen and repeat. Posłuchaj i powtórz.

I really like his cooking. Naprawdę lubię jego gotowanie.

We think he's left the country. Sądzimy, że opuścił kraj.

They let him leave early. They|||| Pozwolili mu wyjść wcześniej.

They offered her a promotion. Zaproponowali jej awans.

Well done. Now remember, if you want to learn more about pronunciation, then please visit Well||||||||||||||

our website, bbclearningenglish.com. And that is about it from the pronunciation workshop

for this week. I'll see you soon. Bye bye! Now, that man in the photograph - his head na ten tydzień. Do zobaczenia wkrótce. Pa pa! Teraz, ten człowiek na zdjęciu - jego głowa

looked a bit sore - which reminds me. Saw! I love DIY! Actually, I am a bit accident-prone. ||||||||||||||||mishap| a eu l'air un peu endolori - ce qui me fait penser. Saw ! J'adore le bricolage ! En fait, je suis un peu sujette aux accidents. wyglądał na nieco obolałego - co mi przypomina. Piła! Uwielbiam majsterkowanie! Właściwie to jestem trochę podatny na wypadki.

But my twin Tom is very good with his hands. I think I'll give him a ring and ask for his ||sibling|||||||||||||||||| Pero|||||||||||||||||||| Mais mon jumeau Tom est très habile de ses mains. Je pense que je vais l'appeler et lui demander son aide. Ale mój bliźniak Tom bardzo dobrze radzi sobie z rękami. Myślę, że zadzwonię do niego i poproszę o pomoc.

advice. Ow! Every time! porady. Ow! Za każdym razem!