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expanding tactics for listening, 7- listening 1

7- listening 1

1. Well, I'm single and I spend a lot of time traveling, so I'm not home very much. So there's really no point in my spending money on a large place with lots of rooms.

2. We've got three small children, and they like to play outside, so I don't think it makes sense for us to live in a high-rise building.

3. I work right in the city and I don't have a car. I'd like a place close to my work so that I don't have to spend a lot of time commuting.

4. I run my own business and I work out of my home. I'm lucky because I don't have to go into town very often, so I'd like a place that's quiet and away from the city.

5. I need a new place. I need a good-sized apartment because I have two teenage sons, and they each need to have their own bedroom. We want to live downtown, too.

6. Both my wife and I work for an airline and we'd like something fairly close to work. We don't mind if it's small, because there's only the two of us. We don't even mind the noise of the planes. In fact, we kind of like it.

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7- listening 1 7- リスニング 1 7- 听力 1

1. Well, I'm single and I spend a lot of time traveling, so I'm not home very much. So there's really no point in my spending money on a large place with lots of rooms. لذلك لا جدوى من إنفاق أموالي على مكان كبير به الكثير من الغرف. Así que realmente no tiene sentido que me gaste dinero en un lugar grande con muchas habitaciones.

2. We've got three small children, and they like to play outside, so I don't think it makes sense for us to live in a high-rise building. لدينا ثلاثة أطفال صغار ، وهم يحبون اللعب في الخارج ، لذلك لا أعتقد أنه من المنطقي لنا أن نعيش في مبنى شاهق.

3. I work right in the city and I don't have a car. I'd like a place close to my work so that I don't have to spend a lot of time commuting.

4. I run my own business and I work out of my home. I'm lucky because I don't have to go into town very often, so I'd like a place that's quiet and away from the city.

5. I need a new place. I need a good-sized apartment because I have two teenage sons, and they each need to have their own bedroom. We want to live downtown, too.

6. Both my wife and I work for an airline and we'd like something fairly close to work. We don't mind if it's small, because there's only the two of us. We don't even mind the noise of the planes. In fact, we kind of like it.