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developing tactics for listening, 8- dictation

8- dictation

A: I heard you had a terrible mishap yesterday. What happened?

B: I slipped on the steps. I dropped my phone and my cup of coffee!

A: Wow! Did you break your phone?

B: Yes. but I got a new one.

A: What happened to the coffee? Did you spill-it?

B: Yes. Now I have a stain on my new pants.

A: Did you take them to the dry cleaners?

B: Yes. I hope the stain comes out!

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8- dictation 8- dictado 8- ditado 8 - диктант

A: I heard you had a terrible mishap yesterday. |||||||意外事故| ||was told|the person addressed||||| R: He oído que ayer tuviste un percance terrible. What happened?

B: I slipped on the steps. |||||stairs B: Me resbalé en los escalones. I dropped my phone and my cup of coffee! ¡Se me cayó el teléfono y la taza de café!

A: Wow! Did you break your phone? ¿Has roto tu teléfono?

B: Yes. but I got a new one. pero tengo uno nuevo.

A: What happened to the coffee? ||took place||| R: ¿Qué ha pasado con el café? Did you spill-it? ¿Lo derramaste?

B: Yes. Now I have a stain on my new pants. Ahora tengo una mancha en mis pantalones nuevos.

A: Did you take them to the dry cleaners? R: ¿Los llevaste a la tintorería?

B: Yes. I hope the stain comes out! ¡Espero que la mancha salga!