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developing tactics for listening, 2- listening 2

2- listening 2

1. A: City Cabs.

B: Yes, I'd like a taxi to the airport, please. I'm at 421 Evergreen Street.

A: Certainly. For how many passengers?

B: Just one. About how much will it cost?

A: It's $40. Your taxi number is 6889.

B: 6889. Thanks.

And will the taxi be here soon? I'm in a hurry because my flight leaves in two hours.

A: It'll be in front of your hotel in five minutes.

B: Thanks.

2. A: City Cabs.

B: Could I have a taxi to the National Museum, please?

A: Sure. How many passengers are there?

B: There are three of us.

A: Okay.

B: And about how much is it to the museum from my hotel-the American Inn, on Fourth Street?

A: It'll be about $20.

B: That's fine. And will it take long to get there? I'm in a hurry because the museum closes in two hours.

A: No problem.

We'll have you There by 3:30.

B: Great.

A: And let me give you your taxi number: 3556.

B: Thanks.

3. A: City Cabs.

B: Yes. I need a taxi to the train station, please. I'm at 817 Iowa Avenue.

A: For how many passengers?

B: Just me.

A: Sure. And do you want it right now?

B: Yes. As soon as you can, please. I'm in a hurry. I have to catch a train.

A: What time Is your train?

B: It's at three o'clock.

A: No problem.

B: Oh. And how much is it from here by taxi?

A: It will be about $15.

B: Thanks.

A: And your taxi number will be 49178.

4. A: City Cabs.

B: Yes I'd like a cab to the hospital, please.

A: Sure Do you have an emergency'?

B: No, but I need to get there in a hurry. My friend has just had a baby. I want to take her some flowers.

A: It won't take long to get there. Is there just one passenger?

B: Yes, that's right. Oh, and I'm at 120 First Avenue.

A: Okay.

There'll be a taxi at your door in three minutes. The taxi number is 5399.

B: Thanks.

And about how much is the fare?

A: It'll cost you about $18.

B: Thanks.

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2- listening 2 2- escucha 2 2- ascolto 2 2- słuchanie 2 2- audição 2 2- Dinleme 2 2-听力2 2-聽力2

1. A: City Cabs. |город| ||سيارات الأجرة ||City Cabs 1. A: City Cabs. 1. A : City Cabs.

B: Yes, I'd like a taxi to the airport, please. B: Sí, quisiera un taxi al aeropuerto, por favor. B : Oui, je voudrais un taxi pour l'aéroport, s'il vous plaît. I'm at 421 Evergreen Street. Estoy en el 421 de la calle Evergreen. Je suis au 421 Evergreen Street.

A: Certainly. R: Desde luego. R : Certainement. For how many passengers? ¿Para cuántos pasajeros? Pour combien de passagers ?

B: Just one. B: Sólo uno. B : Un seul. About how much will it cost? ¿Cuánto costará aproximadamente? Combien cela coûtera-t-il ?

A: It's $40. R: Son 40 dólares. Your taxi number is 6889. Su número de taxi es el 6889.

B: 6889. Thanks.

And will the taxi be here soon? ¿Y llegará pronto el taxi? Le taxi sera-t-il bientôt là ? А таксі скоро приїде? I'm in a hurry because my flight leaves in two hours. |||rush||||||| Tengo prisa porque mi vuelo sale dentro de dos horas. Je suis pressé car mon vol part dans deux heures. Я поспішаю, бо мій літак вилітає за дві години.

A: It'll be in front of your hotel in five minutes. R: Estará frente a su hotel en cinco minutos. R : Il sera devant votre hôtel dans cinq minutes.

B: Thanks.

2. A: City Cabs. R: City Cabs.

B: Could I have a taxi to the National Museum, please?

A: Sure. R: Claro. How many passengers are there? ¿Cuántos pasajeros hay? Combien y a-t-il de passagers ?

B: There are three of us. B: Somos tres. B : Nous sommes trois.

A: Okay.

B: And about how much is it to the museum from my hotel-the American Inn, on Fourth Street? B: ¿Y cuánto hay hasta el museo desde mi hotel, el American Inn, en la calle Cuarta? B : Et à combien se situe le musée depuis mon hôtel, l'American Inn, sur la quatrième rue ?

A: It'll be about $20. R: Serán unos 20 dólares. R : Il faut compter environ 20 dollars.

B: That's fine. B: Está bien. B : C'est très bien. And will it take long to get there? ¿Y tardará mucho en llegar? Et cela prendra-t-il beaucoup de temps pour y arriver ? I'm in a hurry because the museum closes in two hours. Ich bin|||||||||| Tengo prisa porque el museo cierra en dos horas. Je suis pressé car le musée ferme dans deux heures.

A: No problem. R : Pas de problème.

We'll have you There by 3:30. Te tendremos allí a las 3:30. Vous serez là à 15h30. 我们会在3:30之前把你送到那里。

B: Great. B: Genial. B:太好了。

A: And let me give you your taxi number: 3556. R: Y déjeme darle su número de taxi: 3556. R : Je vais vous donner votre numéro de taxi : 3556. A: 让我告诉你出租车的号码:3556。

B: Thanks.

3. A: City Cabs.

B: Yes. I need a taxi to the train station, please. I'm at 817 Iowa Avenue.

A: For how many passengers?

B: Just me.

A: Sure. And do you want it right now? Et le voulez-vous tout de suite ?

B: Yes. As soon as you can, please. Dès que possible, s'il vous plaît. I'm in a hurry. Je suis pressé. I have to catch a train. Je dois prendre un train.

A: What time Is your train? A : A quelle heure est votre train ?

B: It's at three o'clock.

A: No problem.

B: Oh. And how much is it from here by taxi? Et combien coûte le trajet en taxi ?

A: It will be about $15.

B: Thanks.

A: And your taxi number will be 49178. R : Votre numéro de taxi sera le 49178.

4. A: City Cabs.

B: Yes I'd like a cab to the hospital, please. |||||taxi||||

A: Sure Do you have an emergency'? A : Vous avez une urgence ? A: 当然,请问你有紧急情况吗?

B: No, but I need to get there in a hurry. B : Non, mais je dois m'y rendre rapidement. B: 没有,但我需要赶到那里。 My friend has just had a baby. ||hat|||| Mein Freund hat gerade ein Baby bekommen. Mon amie vient d'avoir un bébé. 我的朋友刚生了一个孩子。 I want to take her some flowers. Ich möchte ihr einige Blumen mitbringen. Je veux lui apporter des fleurs.

A: It won't take long to get there. |Это|||||| A: Es wird nicht lange dauern, dort hinzukommen. R : Il ne faudra pas longtemps pour y arriver. Is there just one passenger? N'y a-t-il qu'un seul passager ?

B: Yes, that's right. Oh, and I'm at 120 First Avenue.

A: Okay.

There'll be a taxi at your door in three minutes. There will||||||||| Un taxi sera à votre porte dans trois minutes. The taxi number is 5399.

B: Thanks.

And about how much is the fare? И||||||

A: It'll cost you about $18.

B: Thanks.