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developing tactics for listening, 19- listening 2

19- listening 2

1. Good afternoon, and welcome to Hollywood, California. I hope you all enjoy today's tour of the houses of the stars. Here we go! Now remember, you can buy photos of all the stars' houses when the tour is over, so please don't take any pictures during the tour, okay? Up on the left is the gorgeous mansion where Marilyn Monroe lived. After she got married,she left this house and moved to New York to live with her husband, a famous American baseball player named Joe Di Maggio. Now. just around the corner you'll see a bright yellow house. Can you see it? Up on the hill? This is where James Dean lived. Finally, do you see that big iron gate on the right? Well, this is the entrance to Arnold Schwarzenegger's house. Unfortunately, you can'r see the house from here, and we're not allowed to go inside the gate.

2. We're starting our tour by going up the tallest building in New York City: the Empire State Building. You can see the whole city from the top of this building. While you're up there, don't forget to look at the Statue of liberty through the telescope, since we don't visit it on this tour. Next, we'll take the bus uptown to beautiful Central Park. I know the bus doesn't sound very glamorous, but I promise you, it's just as fast as taking a taxi. When we get to Central Park, we'll visit the petting zoo and have a picnic lunch. Finally, we'll walk to another famous place: Rockefeller Center. In the winter, people go there to ice skate on the famous outdoor rink. Of course, there won't be any ice on a hot summer day like today, but there's a very nice photograph of the rink for sale at the gift shop.

3. Welcome to Kathmandu, Nepal! As you all know, the country of Nepal has some really tail mountains, including the world's tallest mountain, Mt. Everest. But here in the capital city, Kathmandu, the mountains are almost always covered by clouds. So I'm afraid we probably won't be seeing Mt. Everest today. However, we are going to visit an exciting market in the center of town where you can buy all kinds of souvenirs, including beautiful wool sweaters at really great prices. As we go through the market. though, please don't eat any of the food offered to you on the street. It looks delicious, but it might not be healthy. After visiting the market, we'll take a taxi to Pashupati Temple. This is one of the most important temples for the people of India and Nepal. Unfortunately, because we do not belong to their religion, we won't be able to go inside the temple. We can still look and touch the beautiful statues outside it, though!

4. Welcome to Buenos Aires. Argentina! This morning, I am going to introduce to you many of Buenos Aires' famous sites. And after our tour. you will be free to explore the city on your own. First, we are going to visit the parks and gardens of the Recoleta neighborhood. Here. we will get off the bus and walk around to enjoy this beautiful area close up. We will also stop at the Recoleta Cemetery, where many of Argentina's famous people are buried. We'll visit the grave of Eva Peron, Argentina's first lady from 1946 to 1952. Feel free to take photos of the famous graves. Next, we'll make a stop at the Latin American Art Museum in the Palermo neighborhood. Here, you will see many excellent examples of Latin American art from the 19th and 20th centuries. We won't have time to visit the museum gift shop, though, but we will be visiting an open- air market, where you will be able to find many locally made items.

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19- listening 2

1. Good afternoon, and welcome to Hollywood, California. I hope you all enjoy today's tour of the houses of the stars. |||||今天的|参观|||||| ||||||recorrido|||||| Here we go! Now remember, you can buy photos of all the stars' houses when the tour is over, so please don't take any pictures during the tour, okay? |||||照片|||||||||||||||||||| 现在请记住,当旅行结束时您可以购买所有明星住宅的照片,所以请在旅行期间不要拍照,好吗? Up on the left is the gorgeous mansion where Marilyn Monroe lived. ||||||华丽的|豪华别墅||玛丽莲·梦露|| Yukarı|||||||malikane|||| |||||||mansión||Marilyn Monroe|Monroe| 左边是玛丽莲·梦露居住的华丽大厦。 After she got married,she left this house and moved to New York to live with her husband, a famous American baseball player named Joe Di Maggio. ||||||||||||||||||||||||乔·迪马吉奥|| ||||||||||||Nueva York||||||||||||Joe Di Maggio|Di Maggio|Di Maggio 结婚后,她离开了这座房子,搬到纽约和她的丈夫一起生活,他是一位著名的美国棒球运动员乔·迪马吉奥。 Now. just around the corner you'll see a bright yellow house. Can you see it? Up on the hill? Yukarı||| This is where James Dean lived. |||詹姆斯·迪恩|| ||donde|James Dean|Dean| Finally, do you see that big iron gate on the right? |||||grande|de hierro|puerta|en|| Well, this is the entrance to Arnold Schwarzenegger's house. ||||||阿诺德|| ||||entrada||Arnold Schwarzenegger|Schwarzenegger| Unfortunately, you can'r see the house from here, and we're not allowed to go inside the gate. ||no puedes|||||||no podemos|||||||

2. We're starting our tour by going up the tallest building in New York City: the Empire State Building. |||||||||||||||帝国大厦|| |||||gitmek||||||||||İmparatorluk|| ||||||hacia arriba||más alta|||||||Estado|| 我们将从纽约市最高的建筑物: 帝国大厦开始我们的旅行。 You can see the whole city from the top of this building. 你可以从这座建筑物的顶部看到整个城市。 While you're up there, don't forget to look at the Statue of liberty through the telescope, since we don't visit it on this tour. ||||||||||||自由女神像||||||||||| ||||||||||||freedom||||||||||| ||||||||||Estatua de la Libertad||libertad|||telescopio|||||||| 在你到达那里时,不要忘记通过望远镜看自由女神像,因为我们在这次旅行中不会参观它。 Next, we'll take the bus uptown to beautiful Central Park. |||||上城方向|到||| |||||to the north|||| |||||şehre yukarı|||| |||||hacia el norte|||| 接下来,我们将乘坐公共汽车到美丽的中央公园。 I know the bus doesn't sound very glamorous, but I promise you, it's just as fast as taking a taxi. |||||||有吸引力的|||||||||||| |||||||stylish|||||||||||| |||||||göz alıcı|||||||||||| |||||||glamoroso|||||||||||| 我知道公共汽车听起来不太迷人,但我向你保证,它和乘坐出租车一样快。 When we get to Central Park, we'll visit the petting zoo and have a picnic lunch. ||||||||这个|抚摸动物|||||| |||||||||hayvanat bahçesi|||||| |||||||||zoológico de contacto|||||almuerzo de picnic| 到达中央公园后,我们将参观小动物园,然后享用野餐午餐。 Finally, we'll walk to another famous place: Rockefeller Center. |||||||洛克菲勒中心| |||||||Rockefeller Center| In the winter, people go there to ice skate on the famous outdoor rink. ||||||||||||户外|溜冰场 |||||||||||||rink ||||||||patinan|||||pista de hielo Of course, there won't be any ice on a hot summer day like today, but there's a very nice photograph of the rink for sale at the gift shop. ||||||||||||||||||||||溜冰场|||||| |||||||||||||||||||fotografía||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||каток|||||| 当然,像今天这样的炎炎夏日不会有冰,但礼品店有一张非常漂亮的溜冰场照片出售。

3. 3. Welcome to Kathmandu, Nepal! ||欢迎来到加德满都,尼泊尔!| ||Katmandú|Nepal 欢迎来到尼泊尔加德满都! As you all know, the country of Nepal has some really tail mountains, including the world's tallest mountain, Mt. 正如|||||||||||高的||||||山脉|珠穆朗玛峰 |||||||||||yüksek||||||| |||||||||||||incluyendo||del mundo||montañas|Monte 众所周知,尼泊尔国家有一些非常高的山脉,包括世界上最高的山峰,珠穆朗玛峰。 Everest. 珠穆朗玛峰 Everest But here in the capital city, Kathmandu, the mountains are almost always covered by clouds. ||||capital ciudad||||||||cubiertas||nubes So I'm afraid we probably won't be seeing Mt. ||||||||山 ||||||||Dağı Everest today. However, we are going to visit an exciting market in the center of town where you can buy all kinds of souvenirs, including beautiful wool sweaters at really great prices. |||||||||||||||||||||纪念品|||羊毛制品||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||sweaters|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||yün|kazaklar|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||lana|suéteres de lana|||| As we go through the market. olarak||||| though, please don't eat any of the food offered to you on the street. ||||||||提供的||||| It looks delicious, but it might not be healthy. After visiting the market, we'll take a taxi to Pashupati Temple. |||||||||帕苏帕提寺| |||||||||Templo Pashupati|templo Pashupati This is one of the most important temples for the people of India and Nepal. |||||||templos|||||India|| Unfortunately, because we do not belong to their religion, we won't be able to go inside the temple. ||||||||religión||||||||| We can still look and touch the beautiful statues outside it, though! ||||||||heykeller||| ||||||||estatuas|||

4. Welcome to Buenos Aires. ||布宜诺斯| ||buenos|Aires 欢迎来到布宜诺斯艾利斯。 Argentina! 阿根廷! Argentina 阿根廷! This morning, I am going to introduce to you many of Buenos Aires' famous sites. ||||||||||||||景点 ||||||||||||||landmarks ||||||presentar||||||||sitios 今天早晨,我将向你介绍许多布宜诺斯艾利斯著名的景点。 And after our tour. you will be free to explore the city on your own. |||||explorar||||| First, we are going to visit the parks and gardens of the Recoleta neighborhood. ||||||||||||雷科莱塔|社区 |||||||||jardines|||Recoleta| 首先,我们将参观雷科莱塔社区的公园和花园。 Here. 在这里。 we will get off the bus and walk around to enjoy this beautiful area close up. ||||||||||||||近距离| 我们将下车,四处走动,近距离欣赏这个美丽的地区。 We will also stop at the Recoleta Cemetery, where many of Argentina's famous people are buried. |||||||公墓|||||||| |||||||cementerio Recoleta||||Argentina||||están enterrados 我们还将停留在瑞科莱塔公墓,那里安葬着许多阿根廷著名人物。 We'll visit the grave of Eva Peron, Argentina's first lady from 1946 to 1952. |||坟墓|||||||| |||mezar|||||||| |||tumba||Eva Perón|Perón|||primera dama|| 我们将参观埃娃·佩隆的坟墓,她是阿根廷第一夫人,任职时间为1946年至1952年。 Feel free to take photos of the famous graves. Rahatça||||||||mezarlar ||||||||tumbas famosas 请随意拍摄著名坟墓的照片。 Next, we'll make a stop at the Latin American Art Museum in the Palermo neighborhood. |||||||||||||巴勒莫| |||||||latinoamericana||||||Palermo| Here, you will see many excellent examples of Latin American art from the 19th and 20th centuries. ||||||||||||||||世纪 ||||||ejemplos excelentes||||||||||siglos We won't have time to visit the museum gift shop, though, but we will be visiting an open- air market, where you will be able to find many locally made items. ||||||||||||||||一个||||||||||||本地制作|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||hechos localmente||